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Amer J of Potato Res (2004) 81:347-357 347 Tuber Yield, Storability, and Quality of Michigan Cultivars in Response to Nitrogen Management and Seedpiece Spacing C h r i s M. Long, Sieg S. S n a p p * , D a v e S. D o u c h e s , a n d R i c h a r d W. C h a s e Depm'tmentof Crop and Soil Sciences, MichiganState University,East Lansing,Michigan,48824 *Correspondingauthor: Tel: 517-355-5187;Fax: 517432-2242;Email: ABSTRACT e x c e l l e n t s t o r a g e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s for different N f e r t i l i t y levels a n d seedpiece spacing c o m b i n a t i o n s . Overall, the I n f o r m a t i o n is r e q u i r e d o n n i t r o g e n (N) fertih'ty r e c o m m e n d e d N fertilizer level for m o d e r a t e l y long- a n d s e e d p i e c e m a n a g e m e n t for n e w c u l t i v a r s a n d d u r a t i o n p o t a t o cultivars i n Michigan (200 kg N ha -~) a d v a n c e d b r e e d i n g lines. I n t e r a c t i o n s a m o n g s t N fertil- a n d a n a r r o w seedpiece spacing optimized yield a n d izer rate, genotype, a n d seedpiece spacing are complex, t u b e r q u a l i t y p e r f o r m a n c e while c o n s e r v i n g N fertilizer. a n d can affect t u b e r yield, quality, a n d s t o r a b i l i t y as well as N fertilizer efficiency. A field s t u d y was c a r r i e d o u t in 2001 a n d 2002 a t MSU M o n t c a l m Research F a r m i n cent r a l Michigan. T u b e r yields a n d p o s t - h a r v e s t q u a l i t y RESUMEN Se r e q u i e r e de i n f o r m a c i 6 n s o b r e fertilizaci6n con c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s were e v a l u a t e d for five p o t a t o g e n o t y p e s n i t r 6 g e n o (N) y m a n e j o de s e m i l l a c o r t a d a p a r a culti- (MSG227-2, MSEI92-8Rus, J a c q u e l i n e Lee, Liberator, vares n u e v o s y lineas a v a n z a d a s de m e j o r a m i e n t o . Las a n d S n o w d e n ) i n r e s p o n s e t o a factorial c o m b i n a t i o n o f i n t e r a c c i o n e s e n t r e la dosis de f e r t i l i z a n t e n i t r o g e n a d o , t h r e e N levels (200 kg N h a -~, 300 kg N ha -1, a n d 400 kg g e n o t i p o y e s p a c i a m i e n t o de la semilla c o r t a d a s o n com- N ha -~) and two seedpiece spacings, n a r r o w (0.20 m or plejas y p u e d e n t e n e t impacto s o b r e el r e n d i m i e n t o , cal- 0.25 m ) a n d wide (0.33 m o r 0.38 m). N a r r o w seedpiece idad y a l m a c e n a m i e n t o del tub~rculo, lo mismo que spacing c o n s i s t e n t l y p r o d u c e d the highest U.S. No. 1 s o b r e la eficiencia del f e r t i l i z a n t e n i t r o g e n a d o . E n la yields i n all g e n o t y p e s t e s t e d (37 a n d 34 t ha -t, n a r r o w vs g r a n j a e x p e r i m e n t a l MSU Montcalm, Michigan c e n t r a l wide spacing, respectively). There was a t r a d e o f f b e t w e e n se hizo u n e s t u d i o de campo e n los afios 2001 y 2002. Se seedpiece spacing a n d N level i n 2001 as t u b e r yields evalu6 el r e n d i m i e n t o y la calidad de post-cosecha de los were e n h a n c e d by higher N levels a t wide seedpiece t u b ~ r c n i o s de cinco g e n o t i p o s de p a p a (MSG227-2, spacing, b u t n o t a t n a r r o w spacing. I n 2002, t u b e r yield MSE192-8Rus, J a c q u e l i n e Lee, L i b e r a t o r y S n o w d e n ) , was n o t enhanced, b u t p e t i o l e n i t r a t e - N a n d tuber-N e n r e s p u e s t a a u n a c o m b i n a c i 6 n factorial de t r e s niveles i n c r e a s e d as N f e r t i l i z a t i o n increased. G e n o t y p e was the de N (200 kg N h a -1, 300 kg N h a -1 y 400 kg N ha -1) y dos m a j o r factor t h a t i n f l u e n c e d t u b e r quality characteristics e s p a c i a m i e n t o s p a r a semilla cortada, reducido (0.20m o a t h a r v e s t a n d for stored t u b e r s (e.g., specific gravity, 0.25m) y largo (0.33m o 0.38m). E1 e s p a c i a m i e n t o i n t e r n a l defects, bruising, chip color rating, sucrose, a n d reducido de la semilla p r o d u j o c o n s i s t e n t e m e n t e los glucose). Spacing had m i n i m a l effects, w h e r e a s higher r e n d i m i e n t o s m~s altos de la US No. 1 con todos los levels of N slightly r e d u c e d specific gravity b o t h years, g e n o t i p o s p r o b a d o s (37 y 34 t h -~ con e s p a c i a m i e n t o r e d u c e d i n t e r n a l defects i n 2001 a n d e n h a n c e d s u c r o s e reducido v e r s u s largo r e s p e c t i v a m e n t e ) . Hubo diferen- a t h a r v e s t in 2002. The cultivars t e s t e d d e m o n s t r a t e d cias e n t r e el d i s t a n c i a m i e n t o de la semilla y el nivel de Accepted for publication 25 May 2004. ADDITIONAL KEY WORDS: Solanum tuberosum L., petiole nitrate, Snowden, Jacquelme Lee, Liberator, MSG227-2,MSE192-8Rus ABBREVIATIONS:MSU, Michigan State University; N, nitrogen; SFA, Snack Food Association 348 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF POTATO RESEARCH Vol. 81 N e n el 2001 a m e d i d a de que los r e n d i m i e n t o s se incre- Tuber quality and storability over time are characteristics m e n t a r o n debido a n i v e l e s altos de N e n los espaci- that are becoming more important and must be considered for a m i e n t o s largos de la s e m i l l a pero no en los de m e n o r a wide range of cultivars, from tablestock to chip-processing e s p a c i a m i e n t o . En el 2002, el r e n d i m i e n t o no se incre- types. Quality traits common across genotypes include inter- m e n t 6 pero el N-nitrato e n el p e c i o l o y el N e n el tub~r- nal defects and bruising susceptibility (Baritelle et al. 2000). In culo addition, specific traits must be considered for different mar- aumentaron a medida que se i n c r e m e n t 6 la f e r t i l i z a c i 6 n nitrogenada. E1 g e n o t i p o f u e el factor m ~ i m p o r t a n t e que i n f l u y 6 sobre las caracteristicas ket classes include after-cooking darkening in tablestock and del sugar profile, chip color, and other defects in processing culti- t u b ~ r c u l o c o s e c h a d o y a l m a c e n a d o ( e s t o es, gravedad vars (Sowokinos 2001). Genotype in large part determines especlfica, c o l o r de tuber quality (Herman et al. 1996). Quality has been an impor- hojuelas, c o n t e n i d o de sacarosa y glucosa). E1 distanci- defectos internos, abolladuras, tant selection criteria used by the Michigan potato-breeding a m i e n t o t u v o e f e c t o s m l n i m o s , m i e n t r a s q u e los n i v e l e s program in development of new cultivars (Douches et al. a l t o s de N redujeron l i g e r a m e n t e la gravedad e s p e c i f i c a 2001a, 2001b). e n a m b o s afios, asi c o m o los d e f e c t o s i n t e r n o s e n el 2001 Management can also influence tuber quality and interact e i n c r e m e n t a r o n el n i v e l de sacarosa a la c o s e c h a e n el with genotype. Nitrogen application rate did not have a con- 2002. Los cultivares p r o b a d o s m o s t r a r o n caracterlsticas sistent effect on chip quality traits in a comparison of three e x c e l e n t e s de a l m a c e n a m i e n t o con los d l f e r e n t e s n i v e l e s processing cultivars (Herman et al. 1996). In the same study de f e r t i l i z a c i 6 n n i t r o g e n a d a y las c o m b i n a c i o n e s de dis- higher N rates were associated with tuber nitrate accumula- t a n c i a m i e n t o de la s e m i l l a cortada. E1 n i v e l r e c o m e n - tion and reduced specific gravity (Herman et al. 1996). A simi- d a d o de f e r t i l i z a c i 6 n n i t r o g e n a d a ( 2 0 0 kg N ha -i) para lar pattern of N rate and tuber nitrate accumulation was cultivares de duraci6n m o d e r a d a m e n t e larga en Michigan observed in a recent experiment (Belanger et al. 2002). Apply- y un e s p a c i a m i e n t o r e d u c i d o de la semilla, f a v o r e c i e r o n ing a larger portion of N fertilizer early in the growing season el r e n d i m i e n t o y la calidad del tub~rculo m i e n t r a s se was associated with higher bruising susceptibility in Russet m a n t u v o la f e r t i l i z a c i 6 n con N. Burbank tubers (BariteUe et al. 2000), and potato tuber starch accumulation was reduced with increasing N and potassium INTRODUCTION inputs in another Russet Burbank study (Westermann et al. 1994). Interestingly, an increase in nitrate-N in tubers was Optimizing nitrogen (N) management for each cultivar associated with high sucrose levels and reduced chip color and cropping system is critically important to tuber yield and quality in a 6-month storage study (Kolbe et al. 1995). There is quality (Joern and Vitosh 1995). Understanding interactions lhnited data on direct links between excess N application and amongst N fertilizer rate, genotype, and seed spacing allows altered sugar profiles that compromise chip quality late in stor- the development of appropriate N management strategies. age. In-depth study of quality parameters and tuber ability to Inadequate N can limit tuber size and marketable yield, allow maintain color in response to N is required in long-term stor- weeds to compete with the crop, and enhance plant suscepti- age (Salazar and Busch 2001). bility to the early die complex. Excess late summer N can delay Potato genotypes vary markedly in response to N fertility. tuber maturity, reduce effectiveness of vine-dessicants, and Longer-season cultivars tend to require higher rates of N for may adversely affect tuber quality and storability (Belanger et maximum yields, but this does not hold in all cases (Arsenault al. 2002). This last is critically important for chip-processing et al. 2001; Lewis and Love 1994). Two tablestock cultivars and cultivars, yet there is very little information on the interaction two chip processing cultivars have recently been released of N management, plant population density, and tuber quality. from the Michigan program. The new cultivars Liberator Seedpiece spacing and N fertilizer level frequently influence (MSA091-1), a 10 C storage chipper with tolerance to common both tuber set and size. For example, the ratio of Canada No. 1 scab (Streptomyces scabies Thaxter) (Douches et al. 2001a); yields to total yield was increased by either enhanced N appli- MSG227-2, a cold storage (7.2 C) chipper with common scab cation or increasing spacing, for five out of eight cultivars tolerance; MSE192-8Rus, a russet tablestock line with excel- investigated in Prince Edward Island (Arsenault et al. 2001). lent tuber internal quality; and Jacqueline Lee (MSG274-3), a 2004 LONG et al.: MICHIGAN CULTIVAR N RESPONSE 349 European-type tablestock line tolerant to the US 8 genotype of The five lines evaluated were recently released cultivars or are Phytophthora infestans (Douches et al. 2001b). cultivars about to be released from the Michigan potato-breed- The objectives of this study were (1) to determine the ing program (D. Douches, pers comm 2001). Two of the lines yield, quality and petiole nitrate-N response of four potato are in the chip-processing market class, MSG227-2 and Libera- genotypes (MSG227-2, MSE192-8Rus, Jacqueline Lee, Libera- tor (Douches et al. 2001a), whereas the other two lines are tor) and one standard cultivar (Snowden) to N fertility at mod- tablestock, MSE192-8Rus and Jacqueline Lee (Douches et al. erate, high and supra-optimum levels; (2) to evaluate the 2001b). Snowden is a widely grown chip-processing cultivar interaction of line, seedpiece spacing and N fertility; and (3) to that was included as a check (Love 1999). determine if N status or cultivar influenced quality character- Crop Management istics during storage. The research site is maintained in a bean-corn-potato MATERIALS AND METHODS rotation; field corn (Zea mays) and a rye (Secale cereale) winter cover crop was grown the year prior to initiating the exper- Site description iment in 2001 and in 2002. Fertilizer management followed The study was carried out in 2001 and 2002 at the MSU Michigan State University recommendations, including potas- Montcalm Research Farm near Entrican, in central Michigan sium at 217 kg ha -~ applied pre-plant, and phosphorus at 41 kg The soil type at the research field h ~ 1 applied at planting (Vitosh 1990). Before planting in late site is an Alfic Fragiorthod Montcalm/McBride loamy sand to April each year soils were sampled in 0.25-m increments to a sandy loam with 77% to 84% sand, 11% to 19% silt and 4% to 8% 0.75-m depth using a 3-cm-diameter corer. A composite of clay content, and 0.8% to 1.3% organic carbon in the top 20 cm eight sub-smnples was randomly taken across each replicate (lat. 43~ long. 85~ of soil (Snapp et al. 2003). The trial was conducted at adjacent for the four replicate areas of the experimental site. Thus, a sites in 2001 and 2002. total of four composite samples per depth were collected and stored in plastic bags at 4 C. Soil inorganic nitrate was extracted Experimental Design Five potato genotypes were evaluated for response to with 1N KC1 and shaken at 180 rpm for 30 min before being sieved through #1 Whatman filter paper (moistened frost with three levels of nitrogen fertilizer (200, 300, and 400 kg N ha -1) 1N KC1 to remove possible nitrate contamination). Inorganic and a narrow and a wide seedpiece spacing within row. Pre- nitrate-N was determined in extracts by colormetric methods liminary research indicated that spacing of 0.20 m (narrow) using an autoanalyzer (Lachat Instrunmnts Inc., Milwaukee, and 0.33 m (wide) was appropriate to test all of the lines WI). In the top 25-cm depth, the soil nitrate-N was 6.3 ppm in except Jacqueline Lee, which was expected to produce higher 2001 and 7.5 ppm, and less than 2.0 ppm in soil deeper in the yields at a moderately wider seedpiece spacing (Douches et al. profile. This is less than the 20 ppm nitrate soil threshold indi- 2001b). Thus a 0.25 m (narrow) was compared to 0.38 (wide) cated in Michigan State University potato fertility recommen- seedpiece spacing for Jacqueline Lee. Nitrogen levels were dations, thus fertilizer nitrogen applied was not adjusted for chosen to represent the moderate level (200 kg N ha -~) cur- initial soil nitrogen (Snapp et al. 2002). Nitrogen fertilizer was rently recommend for medium duration cultivars in Michigan applied in four equal parts, at planting and as three split-appli- (Vitosh 1990), a higher level (300 kg N h ~ 1) to test N yield cations to achieve three rates (200, 300, and 400 kg N ha-l). The response, and a supra-optimum level of 400 kg N h ~ ~ that is three split-applications were applied at hilling (mid-June), in applied by some growers in years, depending on the precipita- early July, and in mid-July. tion pattern (Snapp et al. 2001). Seedpieces were cut as close to 57 g as possible and The study was conducted using a randomized split-split selected for uniformity before planting. Rows were opened plot design with four replications. The main plot was nitrogen using potato-planting equipment, and planted by hand to fertilizer level, the sub-plot was potato line, and the sub-sub achieve uniformity and precision in spacing seedpieces. Pest plot was seedpiece spacing. Each plot was bordered on both control followed recommended practices, applying imidaclo- sides by a guard row for a total of three rows (0.86 m between- prid, metribuzin, and metolachlor as required. On average, 845 row spacing) each 7.7 m long; total plot size was 2.6 m x 7.7 m. base 10 C growing degree days (GDD) were recorded at the 350 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF POTATO RESEARCH Vol. 81 experiment site for the two growing seasons. Conditions were a check and 25 tubers for a tumbled sample to simulate bruise slightly warmer in 2002 than 2001, but both seasons were close potential in normal harvesting and storage operations. The to the long-term average for the site. Total precipitation during tumbled samples were placed in a cooler for 12 h at 10 C and the growing season was 0.64 m in 2001 and 0.55 m in 2002, with then placed in a hexagon plywood drum for 10 rotations to an additional 0.14 m applied through the irrigation system in simulate bruise. The check sample remained at room temper- 2001 and 0.18 m applied in 2002. Potatoes were planted on ature. Blackspot bruise was allowed to develop 14 days before 2 May 2001 and vines desiccated with one application of diquat both samples were abrasively peeled and assessed for the at labeled rate on 30 August 2001; harvest was conducted 138 number of blackspot bruises on each potato (Douches et al. days after planting on 17 September 2001. In 2002, planting 2001a). Average blackspot number per check tuber was sub- was conducted on 29 April 2002, vine~ll on 11 September 2002 tracted from average blackspot per tumbled tuber, to deter- with one application of diquat at labeled rate, and harvest 155 mine a blackspot bruise score. days after planting on 30 September 2002. Post-harvest Monitoring Plant Monitoring Post-harvest evaluations for after-cooking darkening Stand counts per plot were measured 7 wk after planting (ACD) were conducted for the two tablestock cultivars, and to determine plant population density. An evaluation of plant chip color was measured for the three chip-processing culti- vigor was conducted using a visual rating on a 1-5 scale where vars. Post-harvest evaluations were performed on a composite 1 = least vigorous and 5 = most vigorous (R. Chase, pets sample of potatoes for each cultivar and N treatment across comm). Petiole sampling for nitrate-N monitoring were col- spacing treatments to monitor N-level by cultivar interactions. lected 66, 79, 90, 99, and 111 days after planting in 2001 and 64, As tubers harvested were insufficient to allow all interactions 78, 92, and 107 days after planting in 2002. Thirty randomly col- to be monitored, four replicates for each N-level by cultivar lected petioles were collected per plot, selecting among fourth combination were monitored. Chip-processing quality was fully expanded petioles per plant to improve uniformity (Lang assessed on 25-tuber samples, taldng two longitudinal slices et al. 1999). Petioles were immediately dried and ground to from each tuber. Chips were fried at 185 C, and the color was pass a 2-mm sieve. Nitrate-N in leaves was determined color- evaluated visually and scored, using the snack food associa- metrically by Techmark, Inc. (Lansing, MI). tion 1-5 color chart (Douches et al. 2001a). Tuber Yield a n d Quality Characteristics samples of 40 tubers were assessed for chip quality character- For each of the three chip-processing lines, three subThe central row of each plot was harvested and tubers istics. Evaluation was conducted at harvest, after 3 months of were sized and evaluated using a potato-grading line. Total storage (in late January), and after 6 months of storage (in late yield fresh weight was determined, as well as size distribution, April). The tuber samples went into a commercial-type storage as follows: oversize > 8.3 cm, U.S. No. 1 > 5.1 cm, B < 5.1 cm, (Dr. B. F. Cargill Potato Demonstration Storage located adja- and external defect tubers with external physiological defects. cent to the MSU Montcalm Research Farm, Entrican, MI) at 14 Internal defects were evaluated by cutting 40 oversize tubers C. After approximately 1 month the samples where cooled to (-> 8.3 cm) per treatment longitudinallyand evaluating internal 12 C and maintained at this temperature with a relative humid- quality. This involved monitoring for presence of stem end dis- ity of 95% for the remainder of the storage season. coloration, hollow heart, and internal necrosis from brown Sucrose and glucose analysis, chip color and defects were spot or brown center. Tubers were counted for each size class analyzed at a commercial potato tuber analytical laboratory, using a sub-sample that consisted of a random selection of Techmark, Inc. (Lansing, MI). Sucrose and D-glucose were about half the tubers harvested per plot. Specific gravity was measured from fresh tuber core samples using the indnstry determined using the weight-in-air/weight-in-watermethod for a standard methodology directly in a macerated potato matrix sub-sample of U.S. No. 1 tubers, weighing approximately 2000 g. solution by an automatic analyzer based on enzyme technol- To evaluate blackspot bruise potential, two 25-tuber sub- ogy, a YSI2700 Select Biochemistry Analyzer (Yellow Springs samples were collected from each plot harvested, 25 tubers for Instrument, Inc., Yellow Springs, OH). In 2002 we dried half of 2004 LONG et al.: MICHIGAN CULTIVAR N RESPONSE each of the tubers used above for chip quality analysis, ground 351 tubers were removed from the cooler cut in haft and one half tissue to pass a 2-mm sieve, and analyzed for nitrate-N deter- of each tuber was placed in a steaming tray. The ten halves mined colormetrically by Techmark, Inc. (Lansing, MI). were steamed until cooked, about 45 min. Once cooked the The primary evaluation of tablestock quality was based steamed tubers were allowed to cool 1 h on the countertop at on the ability of a cultivar to not darken after cooking. The room temperature, stored for 24 h at 4.4 C, and then evaluated. after-cooking darkening (ACD) evaluation was preformed at Russet Norkotah and Russet Burbank were used as controls. three times, out of the field, late January, and late March on the Russet Norkotah typically has an undesirable ACD dark color, tablestock cultivars. The ACD samples consisted of 10 ran- whereas Russet Burbank is white and serves as a positive con- domly selected tubers from each line and nitrogen treatment trol. The tubers were rated on a subjective 1-5 scale where 1 was replication. These tubers were stored at 40 F after harvest. Ten a white flesh color after cooking and 5 was a dark gray color. F I G U R E 1. Total tuber yield p r e s e n t e d for five cultivars - - including a d v a n c e d b r e e d i n g l i n e s - - at Montcalm R e s e a r c h F a r m (Entrican, M I ) in 2001. S e e d p i e c e s p a c i n g w a s 0.20 m ( n a r r o w ) and 0.33 In ( w i d e ) , e x c e p t for t h e cultivar J a c q u e l i n e L e e w h i c h w a s e v a l u a t e d at 0.25 m ( n a r r o w ) a n d 0.38 ( w i d e ) , b a s e d o n preliminary data. N-fertilizer r a t e s c o m p a r e d w e r e 2 0 0 kg N ha -a, 3 0 0 kg N ha -1, and 4 0 0 kg N ha-L F I G U R E 2. Total t u b e r yield p r e s e n t e d for five cultivars at the Montcalm R e s e a r c h F a r m in 2002. Cultivars, s e e d p i e c e spacing and N-fertilizer r a t e s u s e d a r e as d e s c r i b e d in Figure 1 legend. 352 A M E R I C A N J O U R N A L O F POTATO R E S E A R C H Statistical Analysis Vol. 81 a d v a n c e d b r e e d i n g lines about to b e r e l e a s e d and r e l e a s e d cul- Crop data w e r e analyzed using the MIXED p r o c e d u r e of tivars. Markedly similar t r e n d s w e r e o b s e r v e d for total t u b e r SAS after testing for h o m o g e n e i t y o f variance (SAS v. 8, SAS yield in 2001 and 2002 (Figures 1 and 2). Ttle chip-processing Inst., 2001). Yield of different sized class t u b e r s a n d t u b e r char- cultivars (Snowden, Liberator, and MSG277-2) consistently acteristics w e r e s u b j e c t e d to analysis o f variance (ANOVA) for p r o d u c e d m o r e U.S. No. 1 t u b e r s and higher yields t h a n the a r a n d o m i z e d c o m p l e t e b l o c k split-split-plot design with N t a b l e s t o c k cultivars included in this s t u d y (Jacqueline Lee a n d t r e a t m e n t as the main-plot factor, cultivar as t h e split-plot fac- MSE192-8Rus). Overall, Liberator h a d t h e m o s t vigorous vine tor, and spacing o f s e e d p i e c e as the split-split p l o t factor. Qual- (data n o t s h o w n ) and was a c o n s i s t e n t l y high yielder (Tables 1 ity and biochemical characteristics of s t o r e d t u b e r s w e r e and 2). This s u p p o r t s the r e c e n t r e l e a s e o f this cultivar, w h i c h s u b j e c t e d to a t w o w a y ANOVA, with nitrogen fertilizer as the also h a s significant resistance to c o m m o n scab ( D o u c h e s et al. m a i n factor and cultivar as t h e split-plot factor. 2001a). A t r e n d t o w a r d s i n c o n s i s t e n t yield r e s p o n s e w a s o b s e r v e d in line MSG227-2, as U.S. No. 1 t u b e r weight w a s 51.2 t h ~ 1 a n d 37.2 t h ~ ~in 2001 and 2002, respectively. RESULTS A N D D I S C U S S I O N The t a b l e s t o c k cultivar Jacqueline Lee w a s not low yield- Cultivar Response ing p e r se, b u t the p r o p o r t i o n o f B-sized (small) t u b e r s w a s Caltivar w a s t h e p r i m a r y d e t e r m i n a n t o f t u b e r yield for high a c r o s s all agronomic t r e a t m e n t s (14% c o m p a r e d to culti- U.S. No. 1, B's, and t u b e r quality characteristics (Tables 1-3). v a t average o f 5% in 2001; 7% c o m p a r e d to cultivar average o f Note that w h e n r e f e r e n c e is m a d e to "cultivar," this includes 2% in 2002). The s a m e t r e n d s w e r e o b s e r v e d w h e t h e r t u b e r n u m b e r (data not s h o w n ) or t u b e r weight (Tables 1 TABLE 1--Effect of nitrogen fertilizer rate applied, cultivar and spacing on yield and tuber characteristics in 2001 at Montcalm Research Farm, Entrican, MI. Seedpiece spacing was 0.20 m (narrow) and 0.33 m (wide), except f o r cultivar Jacqueline Lee, which was evaluated at 0.25 m (narrow) and 0.38 m (wide). U.S. No. 1~ (t hw') N Fertilizer (kg ha 1) 200 300 400 Cultivar Snowden MSG227-2 Liberator Jacqueline Lee MSE192-8Rus Spacing Narrow Wide Source of Variation N Fertilizer Ctdtivar N Fertilizer x Cultivar Spacing N Fertilizer x Spacing Cultivar x Spacing N x Cultivar x Spacing B (t ha-') External Defects (t hw ~) Specific Gravity Internal Defects2 % a n d 2) w e r e c o n s i d e r e d . This t e n d e n c y to p r o d u c e smaller tubers led t o low U.S. No. 1 yields c o m p a r e d to o t h e r genotypes tested, although total t u b e r yield w a s maintained in Jacque- 34.9b 37.6a 34.5b 1.8~ 1.7h 1.9~ 0.1b 0.1b 0.2~ 1.072~ 1.072~ 1.071 b 16~ 14~ 9b 39.8b 51.2~ 40. i b 25.0~ 22.1r 1.4~ 0.8b 0.8~ 3.6~ 2.3~ 0.0b 0.1~ 0.2~ 0.2~ 0.29 1.074 ~ 1.0749 1.076~ 1.072~ 1.063b 25~ l0 b 23~ 4~ 4r 34.3~ 32.5b 2.@ 1.4b 0. i 0.1 1.072~ 1.071b 13 13 ***~ *** NS ** *** ** NS * *** NS *** NS ** NS ** *** NS NS NS NS NS line Lee (Figure 1). A relatively high t u b e r s e t and limited tuber bulking m a y explain t h e large n u m b e r o f B-sized tubers p r o d u c e d by Jacqueline Lee ( D o u c h e s et al. 2001b). For this cultivar, w i d e p l a n i n g s p a c e at high N fertilizer levels m o d e r ately r e d u c e d the p r o p o r - *** *** tion o f B-sized t u b e r s in * * NS * NS NS NS NS NS NS 2001 f r o m 14.5% t o 11.3%, ~Size distribution: B < 5.1 cm, U.S.#1 _>5.1 cm, external defects = tubers with external defects. 2Internal defects, % of 40 oversize tubers > 8.3 cm that had internal defects (hollow heart, internal necrosis, stem end discoloration). 3NS = not significant; * = p value < 0.05; ** = p value < 0.01; *** = p value < 0.001. a n d in 2002 from 4.4% to 2.9%. It d o e s not a p p e a r that it will be straight f o r w a r d to use N m a n a g e m e n t or s e e d spacing to e n h a n c e t u b e r size in Jacqueline Lee. 2004 LONG e t al.: MICHIGAN CULTIVAR N R E S P O N S E 353 The p r o p o r t i o n o f externally defective t u b e r s w a s very g e n o t y p e i n f l u e n c e d bruise rating in b o t h years. In 2001, bruise low in S n o w d e n (Tables 1 and 2). This may b e one o f t h e fac- ratings w e r e in the d e s c e n d i n g order: Jacqueline Lee < Snow- t o r s that contribute to the continuing popularity of this chip- d e n < Liberator < MSG227-2 < MSE192-8Rus (1.47, 0.68, 0.48, p r o c e s s i n g cultivar. Tuber specific gravity in t h e t w o y e a r s the 0.27, and 0.12, respectively). The s a m e t w o lines had low sus- e x p e r i m e n t w a s carried out w a s m o d e r a t e l y low, w h i c h is ceptibility to bruising in 2002, in t h e following order: Liberator reflected in the values r e p o r t e d h e r e (Tables 1 and 2). This is < Jacqueline Lee < S n o w d e n < MSG227-2 < MSE192-8Rus c o n s i s t e n t with o t h e r r e s e a r c h carried out at this site (Snapp (1.28, 0.96, 0.59, 0.26, and 0.22, respectively). Liberator has et al. 2003). Level o f internal defects varied with cnitivar b e e n o b s e r v e d previously to have bruising susceptibility simi- (Tables 1 and 2). They w e r e consistently low in Jacqueline Lee lar to S n o w d e n ( D o u c h e s et al. 2001b). (average = 4.6% in 2001 and 2.1% in 2002) and high in Liberator Overall, the cultivars evaluated in this study d e m o n - (average = 24.6% in 2001 a n d 24.6% in 2002) a n d S n o w d e n s t r a t e d excellent storage c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a c r o s s a range o f N (average = 24.2% in 2001 a n d 14.2% in 2002). Internal d e f e c t s fertility levels, and for wide vs n a r r o w s e e d p i e c e spacing. In c o n s i s t e d primarily o f s t e m e n d discoloration in this study, tablestock, g e n o t y p e altered t u b e r color r e s p o n s e to cooking. a l t h o u g h h o l l o w h e a r t a n d i n t e r n a l n e c r o s i s w e r e also Stored t u b e r s r e m a i n e d white after cooking in MSE192-8RUS (ACD s c o r e o f 1.0), but t u r n e d dark after cooldng in Jacqueline o b s e r v e d at very low incidence. Tuber factors influencing p r o c e s s i n g quality w e r e moni- Lee (ACD s c o r e o f 3.0). In c h i p - p r o c e s s i n g lines t h e r e w a s also t o r e d at harvest for all cultivars (Table 3) and in post-harvest, a significant cultivar effect on the quality, as indicated b y the s t o r e d t u b e r s for c h i p - p r o c e s s i n g cultivars (Table 4). P o t a t o sugar profile. Sucrose and glucose w e r e m o n i t o r e d o v e r time in s t o r e d t u b e r s o f c h i p p r o c e s s i n g lines (Table 4). TABLE 2--Effect of nitrogen fertilizer rate applied, cultivar and spacing on yield and tuber characteristics in 2002 at Montcalm Researqh Farm, Entrican, MI. Snowden Seedpiece spacing was 0.20 m (narrow) and 0.33 m (wide), except for cultivar Jacqueline Lee which was evaluated at 0.25 m (narrow) and 0.38 m (wide). U.S. No. 11 (t ha-') B (t ha-') External Defects (t ha-') Specific Gravity sucrose values w e r e low after 3 m o n t h s stor- Internal Defects2 % age, but w e r e highest after 6 m o n t h s o f storage (Table 4). The o p p o s i t e p a t t e r n w a s o b s e r v e d in Liberator, w h e r e m o d e r a t e l y elevated s u c r o s e N Fertilizer (kg ha-l) 200 300 400 Cultivar Snowden 37.9a 36.1a 32.2b 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.4~' 0.5~b 0.6~ 1.069a 1.068a~ 1.06F~ 10b 9b 13~ levels w e r e o b s e r v e d initially 37.8a 0.8b 0.1 1.070a 14~ Maintaining low sugar levels MSG227-2 37.2 ~ 0.3 ~ 0.9 1.068 ~ 8~ is n e c e s s a r y t o obtain desir- Liberator 35.5 b 0.3" 0.4 1.073 ~ 25 ~ 35.2b 31.2c 1.3~ 0.9~ 0.7 0.5 1.070a 1.061b 2c 4c 34.3a 32.5b 2.@ 1.4b 0.1 0.1 1.072 1.071 13 13 ***3 ** *** ** NS *** *** *** *** *** after 6 m o n t h s of storage for * NS NS * NS the *** NS *** NS ** NS ** NS Jacqueline Lee MSE 192-8Rus Spacing Narrow Wide Source of Variation N Fertilizer Cultivar N Fertilizer x Cultivar Spacing N Fertilizer x Spacing Cultivar x Spacing N x Cultivar x Spacing *** NS ** NS NS NS * NS NS NS NS NS ~Size distribution: B < 5.1 cm, U.S. #1 _>5.1 cm, external defects = tubers with external defects. ~Internal defects, % of 40 oversize tubers > 8.3 cm that had internal defects (hollow heart, internal necrosis, stem end discoloration). ~NS = not significant; * = p value < 0.05; ** = p value < 0.01; *** = p value < 0.001. and final levels w e r e the lowest overall at 0.6 Bg m g -1- able chipping quality. Chip c o l o r as rated using a visual SFA s c o r e w a s not influenced b y cultivar. It r e m a i n e d n e a r the optimal SFA rating of 1.0 three chip-processing lines t e s t e d (Table 4). This was consistent with the e m p h a s i s o f t h e Michigan potato-breeding p r o g r a m on chip quality parameters ( D o u c h e s et al. 2001a). 354 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF POTATO RESEARCH Vol. 81 TABLE 3---Effect of N fertilizer level applied and cultivar on tuber quality characteristics at harvest f r o m field experiments in 2001 and 2002 conducted at Montcalm Research Farm, Entrican, MI. 2001 N Fertilizer ( k g h x ~) 200 300 400 Cultivar Snowden MSG227-2 Liberator Jacqueline Lee MSE192-8Rus Source of Variation N Fertilizer Cultivar N Fertilizer x C u l t i v a r 2002 Bruise Rating ~ (Spot/tuber) Chip Color2 (SFA) Bruise Rating (Spot/tuber) Chip Color (SFA) Sucrose 2002 (pg/mg) Glucose 2002 (~g/mg) 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.6 1.0 1.1 1.1 0.75 h 0.80 ~ 0.81 ~ 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.7 ~b 0.3 ~ 0.5 b 1.5~ 0.1 b~ 1.0 1.0 1.0 NA NA 0.6 b 0.3 b 1.3~ 1.0 ~ 0.2 ~ 1.0 1.2 1.0 NA NA 0.72 h 0.83 ~ 0.8 ~ NA NA 0.02 0.03 0.02 NA NA NS ~ ** NS NS NS NS NS ** NS NS NS NS ** ** NS NS NS NS ~Bruise r a t i n g = a v e r a g e n u m b e r o f b r u i s e d s p o t p e r t u b e r o n t t w a b l e d t u b e r s , s u b t r a c t i n g a v e r a g e s p o t p e r t u b e r in n o n - t u m b l e d c h e c k t u b e m . 2SFA = S n a c k F o o d A s s o c i a t i o n v i s u a l rating, s c a l e 1-5. 3NS = n o t significant; * = p v a l u e < 0.05; ** = p v a l u e < 0.01; *** = p v a l u e < 0.001 TABLE 4---Effect of N fertilizer applied and eultivar (or advanced breeding line) on post harvest quality characteristics of stored tubers collected at two sampling dates (28-1-03 and 1 7 - 4 - 0 3 ) f i r m 2002field experiment at Montcalm Research Farm, Entrican, MI. N F e r t i l i z e r ( k g h a -~) 200 300 400 Cultivar Snowden MSG227-2 Liberator Source of Variation N Fertilizer Cultivar N Fertilizer x C u l t i v a r Chip Color SFA 1 -28-1-03 Sucrose 2002 pg mg ~ Glucose 2002 pg mg i Chip Color SFA 1.1 1.2 1.3 0.54 0.55 0.57 0.03 0.02 0.02 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.3 1.2 0.50 b 0.56 ab 0.01 0.02 1.3 1.0 0.60 a 0.03 1.0 NS * NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 2 NS NS ~SFA = S n a c k F o o d A s s o c i a t i o n v i s u a l rating, s c a l e 1-5. 2NS = N o t Significant; * = p v a l u e < 0.05; ** = p v a l u e < 0.01; *** = p v a l u e < 0.001. -17-4-03 Glucose 2002 p g m g -~ Tuber Nitrate m g g-~ Total Tuber N m g g-~ 1.12 1.19 1.10 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.003 b 0.006 a 0.006 a 15.8 b 17.1" 17.8 ~ 1.62 a 1.14 h 0.65" 0.2@ 0.1 lb 0.04 r 0.005 ab 0.008 a 0.002 b 15.9 b 18.8 ~ 16.0 b Sucrose 2002 pg mg l NS NS * ** 9 *$ ** * ** NS NS NS NS 2004 LONG et al.: MICHIGAN CULTIVAR N RESPONSE Nitrogen Response A positive tuber yield response from 200 to 300 kg N h ~ ~ 355 200 and 300 kg N ha -1rates. This supports the supposition that excess N was applied with the 400 kg N ha 1 treatment. Tuber was observed overall in 2001, whereas no further yield N was influenced by genotype as well as by N fertility level, as increase occurred from 300 to 400 kg N h ~ 1 (Table 1). Inter- MSG227-2 tubers were consistently high in nitrate and total N estingly, in 2001 there was a spacing-by-N interaction. The nar- concentration, and Liberator tubers were generally low in row spacing was associated with almost no yield response nitrate-N (Table 4). Characterizing tuber nitrate-N content is with enhanced N level, whereas at the wider row spacing all important, as this may influence tuber processing quality and lines responded to 300 kg N ha I by an increase in yield of about nutrition characteristics (Amrein et al. 2003; Kolbe et al. 1995). 5 t ha -~, compared to 200 kg N ha-1 yield levels (Figure 1). In Simulation modeling predicted that 360 kg N ha -1 is the 2002 there was no yield benefit associated with increasing N theoretical maximum N fertilizer level associated with a yield fertility from 200 to 300 kg N ha-l, and a slight but significant response at ttus Michigan site for the cultivar Atlantic (Snapp yield decrease occurred from 300 to 400 kg N ha 1(Table 2; Fig- and Fortuna 2003). Earlier field studies in Michigan have indi- ure 2). Size distribution was not markedly influenced by N fer- cated that maximum potato yields and N conservation can be tilizer rate, as indicated by the limited effect on weight of obtained with good agronomic practices that include low to B-sized tubers (Tables 1 and 2), and on oversize tubers (data moderate N fertilizer levels, from 150 to 200 kg N ha (Joern not shown). and Vitosh 1995). Michigan potato producers have generally Higher levels of N fertilizer were associated with slightly reduced N fertilizer doses and adopted the use of petiole-N reduced tuber specific gravity and enhanced external defects monitoring to improve N fertilizer management (Snapp et al. in both years (Tables 1 and 2). This is similar to observations 2001), but fltrther research is required to free-tune N fertilizer of Belanger and colleagues (2002) investigating N response in recommendations for specific cultivars, management prac- Russet Burbank and Shepody. Other tuber quality characteris- tices and environmental conditions. The study reported here is tics influenced by N fertilizer were reduced internal defects in one step in that process, indicating that new chip-processing and 2001 (Table 1) and elevated sucrose at harvest in 2002 (Table 3). tablestock lines have moderately high N fertilizer requirements In the current study N fertilizer levels did not influence similar to earlier-released medium-to-long-durationcultivars. sucrose or glucose in stored tubers (Table 4). The N yield response observed was consistent with Michi- Spacing Response gan N recommendations for potato production. That is, opti- Narrow seedpiece spacing tended to produce the highest mal response of U.S. No. 1 tuber yield was observed from potato tuber yields for all lines and N fertility levels. This was application of 200 to 300 kg N ha -i, depending on yield poten- shown in both years, as total tuber yields and U.S. No. 1 tuber tial of the site and year, and taking into account N demand of yields were increased 10 to 20% in narrow- vs wide-spaced the cultivar grown (Snapp et al. 2002; Vitosh 1990). The supra- seedpiece treatments (Figures 1 and 2; Tables 1 and 2). Plant opthnum N fertility levels of approximately 400 kg N ha-: used population density is higher with narrow seedpiece spacing on occasion by potato growers (Lang et al. 1999; Snapp et al. than with wide, and this is frequently associated with a rapid 2001) did not enhance yields in the study reported here. Peti- rate of canopy closure and high yield potential (Creamer et al. ole nitrate-N concentration varied over the growing season 1999; Waterer 1997). In the current study, rapid plant canopy from 34,000 ppm (dry weight basis) early in the season to coverage and high plant vigor ratings were consistently found 12,000 ppm late in the season in 2001, and from 28,000 to in the narrow seedpiece spacing treatment (data not shown). 10,000 ppm in 2002. For all N fertilizer rates and cultivars Earlier research indicated that a large tuber set and gen- tested, petiole nitrate-N was consistently above the MSU rec- erally small tubers were associated with the tablestock culti- ommended critical value of 14,000 ppm at tuber initiation and var Jacqueline Lee (Douches et al. 2001b). Large-sized tubers 10,000 ppm at tuber maturation (Snapp et al. 2002). greater than B-sized (< 5.1 cm) are required for most markets. An apparent "luxury" uptake of N occurred that did not It is frequently possible to enhance average tuber size in pota- contribute to tuber yield gain. Petiole nitrate-N (data not toes through wider plant spacing (Arsenault et al. 2001). Thus, shown), tuber N, and tuber nitrate-N levels (Table 4) were sig- the widest seedpiece spacing evaluated in our study was for nificantly higher with the 400 kg N h ~ 1 rate compared to the the tablestock cultivar Jacqueline Lee. The concern was to 356 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF POTATO RESEARCH deternfine ff tuber size could be increased through cultural Vol. 81 Taken together, the data were consistent with the use of management of this new cultivar. However, in the study narrow seedpiece spacing to minimize N fertilizer require- reported here minimal shifts in tuber size were found for ments and to optimize yield response. These findh~gs have Jacqueline Lee at widely varying seedpiece spacing. environmental and crop management implications. Lower doses of N fertilizer are associated with more efficient N nutri- Interactions Recent studies have shown that genotype often interacts tion and are a reconunended management strategy for potato production in Michigan (Snapp and Fortuna 2003; Vitosh with management to influence the proportion of U.S. No. 1 1990). At the same time seed tubers are one of the most expen- tubers to B-sized tubers. At Prince Edward Island wide seed- sive costs of production for potato farmers (Darttand Schwab piece spacing was associated with reduced weight of B-sized 2001). The expense associated with a narrow seedpiece spac- tubers in five out of eight cultivars investigated (Arsenault et ing (higher numbers of seedpieces) must be considered and al. 2001). Seedpiece spacing altered tuber size distribution in evaluated in relationship to advantages such as rapid canopy other research as well (Creamer et al. 1999; Love and Thomp- coverage and reduced N fertilizer requirements. A contrasting son 1999). In the study reported on here, MSE192-8 tuber size N response and seedpiece spacing interaction has been distribution was altered by seedpiece spacing: the proportion observed in seed potatoes, where yield response to increasing of B-sized tubers in 2001 was 12.1% for narrow seed spacing levels of N fertilizer increased with narrow seedpiece spacing and 7.6% for wide seedpiece spacing. In 2002, the shift in pro- (Waterer 1997). portion of B-sized tubers in MSE192-8 was much smaller, from 3.2% to 2.1%. Overall, the effect of seedpiece spacing on tuber Conclusion size profile was marked in 2001 for MES192-8 and Jacqueline The cultivars tested here demonstrated excellent storage Lee, but in other cultivars there was minimal influence of nar- characteristics across moderate to supra-optimum N fertility. row versus wide seedpiece spacing. A relatively short potato The consistency and high quality of tuber characteristics growing season in Michigan may, in some cultivars and sea- observed reflects a long-term commitment to selecting for sons, limit tuber bulking and help explain the moderate shifts tuber quality characteristics in the Michigan potato program. observed in tuber size profile. Overall, the recommended N fertilizer level for moderately There was a trade-off between plant population density long-duration potato cultivars in Michigan (200 kg N ha -1) and and N fertility management during 2001 (Table 1). Narrow a narrow seedpiece spacing (0.20 to 0.25 m) optimized yield seedpiece spacing was associated with early plant vigor (data and tuber quality performance in the five cultivars evaluated. not shown) and maximum yield potential at 200 kg N ha -l, the This combination of agronomic practices was associated with recommended N level. At a wider seedpiece spacing a positive the highest N fertilizer efficiency, as indicated by tuber yield yield response was observed to a higher N fertilizer input level per N fertilizer applied and by plant N status. Narrow seed of 300 kg N h ~ 1, compared to yield at 200 kg N hw 1(Figure 1). spacing and 200 kg N ha 1 was also consistently associated In 2001 there was no total tuber yield response to the highest with the highest quality tuber characteristics. As potato seed- N fertilizer level of 400 kg N ha -l, regardless of seedpiece spac- pieces are a significant production costs, there are economic ing (Figure 1). Tuber nitrate-N and total N concentration was consequences of using narrow spacing. Farmers must evaluate substantially increased at the highest N fertilizer level, partic- the trade-offs between increased costs at high seedpiece den- ularly for the line MSG227-2 (Table 4). Conversely, petiole sities and the potential for higher yields and more efficient N nitrate-N was lowest for MSG227-2 at the final measurement fertilizer use. 107 days after planting (data not shown). This is consistent with efficient remobilization of N from leaves to tubers in line MSG227-2, although further study is needed to confirm this observation. Earher studies have found that genotype can influence petiole nitrate-N concentration (Belanger et al. 2003; Waterer 1997). 2004 LONG e t al.: MICHIGAN CULTIVAR N R E S P O N S E 357 LITERATURE CITED Lewis RJ, and SL Love. 1994. Potato genotypes differ in petiole nitratenitrogen concentrations over time. HortScience 29:175-179. Amrein TM, S Bachmann, A Noti, M Biedermmm, MF Barbosa, S Biedermann-Brem, K Grob, A Keiser, P Realini, F Escher, and R Amado. 2003. Potential of acrylamide formation. J Agric Food Chemistry 51:5556-5560. Love SL. 1999. 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