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TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. This is Forware: 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Forware historical perfomance Mission statement Board and team Our company : Key factors Organization chart 2. Business Opportunity 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Security Market: Some facts Competitive advantage Market and costumers Our competitors Some examples of business opportunities 3. Products 3.1 Products and services 3.2 Current products, services and approach 3.3 Research and development (R&D): Forware pipeline 4. Social corporate responsibility 5. Forware Financial Figures 6. Additional facts of Forware 1. This is Forware 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Forware historical performance Mission statement Board and team Our company: Key factors Organization Chart 1.1 Forware historical performance • Started point:year 2005 Jose Luis Castillo Our vision: How to improve engineers productivity in the future exploration challenges • September 2005 : First Engineers team • August 2007 : First circuit prototype • November 2007 : Iliberix Technologies S.L. was born • February 2008 : Ftoken as a product is ready for launching • March 2009 : Forware products are ready for marketing 1.2 Mission Statement “Our mission is to enhance the productivity and the security of companies with HW and SW solutions built on top of the most advanced semiconductor technology” 1.3 Board and team ¾ Jose Luis Castillo Computer Engineer. 5 years working with NASA & ESA. Since 2005 in Forware. Expertise in Computing and Digital Electronics ¾ Francisco Baena ¾Helio Huete López Computer Engineer. 3 years working in R+D at Bank Santander. Since 2007 in Forware. Expertise in Interpreters and Compilers Computer Engineer. 4 years in Telefónica R+D. Since 2005 in Forware. Expertise in Software Interfaces 1.4 Our Company:Key factors ¾BIC-Granada, Parque Tecnológico de la Salud ¾Limited liability company ¾Financial Capital: 85.500€ ¾Startup period : 2 years (2005-2007) ¾Activity period: 2 (2007-2009) ¾Patents: 1 ¾Current company products: 3 ¾New patents and products in development: >10 ¾3rd party company products: 1 1.5 Organization Chart Chief Executive Officer Jose Luis Castillo Quality Control and Assurance Francisco Baena Administration Marketing Engineering Carlos González Antonio Puertas Luca de Tena Rocío Manzano Services Finances Francisco Baena Innovation R+D Jose Luis Castillo Brand Development Rocío Manzano Human Resources Purchasing Sales Archive Investors Hardware Software Jose Luis Castillo Santiago García David Garcia Javier Ruano Daniel Caparros Francisco Baena Valerio Manuell Sevilla Jose Manuel Pulido Helio López Marketing Research Elvira Carmona Lañanet Rojas 2. Business Opportunity 2.1 Security Market: Some facts 2.2 Competitive advantage 2.3 Market and customers 2.4 Our competitors 2.5 Some examples of business opportunities 2.2 Competitive Advantage Patent about Security, Intellectual Property and Licenses’ Management * Occultation of Data Cryptographic Engine * Occultation of Data + Functionality CryptoProcessor * Occultation of Data + Functionality + Architecture Competitors Competitors Forware CryptoArchitecture * Security always relies on a secret (password, cryptographic key, algorithm) * State‐of‐the‐art technology efficiently protects communication channels but not the secret * Professional Hackers often gain access to the secret via invasive attacks (i.e. physical access) * CryptoArchitecture prevents invasive attacks, by hiding the secret near the physical semiconductor level * It is not 100% physical protection, thus allowing flexible deployment and reconfiguration •Complex solutions are securely built on top of a simple CryptoArchitecture 2.2 Competitive Advantage A BUSINESS OPORTUNITY Piracy via invasive attacks * is really extended => Immediate need for Security! EXAMPLE OF PIRATED MOTHERBOARD INTEL 4004 at Reverse-Engineering Custom Logic * Professional Hacker scans the chip, identifies the secret, probes the wires and defeats security * Professional Hacker scans the chip, identifies the secret, probes the wires and defeats security 2.5 Some examples of business opportunities Videogame consoles ‐ Sales summary 2.5 Business oportunity examples Games/ console WORLD Units WORLD PS3 20.980.000 PS3 5,30 1 X360 29.100.000 X360 6,60 1,25 Wii 47.960.000 Wii 5,50 1,04 Price/ Units Sales NORMALIZADO Rate Units/Console Rate Sales/Console Sales Units PS3 1.722.14 7 60,00 € 103.328.820,00 € 0,0821 4,9251 X360 1.196.24 2 60,00 € 71.774.520,00 € 0,0411 2,4665 Wii 785.150 42,00 € 32.976.300,00 € 0,0164 0,6876 2.5 Ejemplos de oportunidades de negocio World Losses Units Turnover X360 1.484.921 71.546.197,92 € Wii 3.270.585 203.232.003,49 € Profits World Protection Sales with Ftoken Extra Sales with Ftoken Percentage improvement sales 56.304.424,87 € 104.565.360,47 € 32.790.840,47 € 45,69% 40.557.354,38 € 129.783.534,01 € 96.807.234,01 € 293,57% Cost-Unit Ftoken Total- Cost Ftoken X360 21,00 € Wii 10,00 € 2.5 Some examples of business opportunities SOFTWARE PROTECTION Example of company SAGE SP 1.219,00 € IN SPAIN COMPANIES WITH SOFTWARE > 1000 € = ARE AT LEAST 1000 COMPANIES 10% OF THESE 1.000 CUSTOMERS=100 POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS SAGE IS SELLING 130.000 SOFTWARE UNITS SOFTWARE 2.600.000€ 899,00 € 899,00 € 899,00 € 899,00 € ENTERTAINMENT SOFTWARE BUSINESS OPORTUNITY The piracy economic impact in Spain is about 14% Videogames designer sells 1M of units 60€/units Revenues: 60M€ To cancel piracy effects: Investment in Ftoken: 3´5M€(1´14X3€) Extra revenues without piracy effects: 8´4M€ (14% de 60M€) Extra revenues deducted Ftoken: 4´2M€ (8´4M €– 3´5M€) 2.5 Some examples of business opportunities POTENTIAL MARKET : 54,2% of adult population expose a high risk of cholesterol 1.686.177 DONATIONS WHERE THE TEST COULD BE APPLIED, (AT 8€ FTOCKEN) = 13.489.416€ 20.000.000 potential customers 8.000 FTOKEN AT 16€/UNIT = 128.000€ (FTOKEN CAN 8.000 ARE THE CURRENT COMPANY CUSTOMERS PROTECT CRITICAL INFORMATION AND IMPROVE DATA SCORING) (SELLING 4% 20.000.000) 800.000 UNITS = 12.800.000 € WARNING: 10% OUT OF 13.489.416 THIS IS ABOUT 1.348.942 € 3. Products 3.1 Products and services 3.2 Current products, services and approach 3.3 Research and development ( R&D): Forware pipeline. 3.1 Products and services. PRESENTACIÓN DE LA EMPRESA 3.1 Productos y servicios 3.1ofertados Productspor andFORWARE services. ∙ F-TOKEN: Tecnología patentada de protección inteligencia, datos, información, F-TOKEN: Patented technology, productsde and tools that enable the flujo de comunicación. development of secure IT solutions on top of the nearly physical protection of secrets (passwords, criptographic keys, algorithms, etc). ¾Ventajas: Proporciona: un mayortonivel de seguridad que losprovides productos que ofrece ¾ Advantages inmune current invasive attacks, a reliable la competencia. Es un producto patentado. and flexible base for a wide range of complex security solutions, being a patented technology. ¾Aplicaciones en: ¾Seguridad ¾Applications in: ¾Gestión¾Information y Refuerzo de Licencias Comerciales Security ¾Protección de laRights Propiedad Intelectual ¾Digital Management ¾Licensing ¾Piracy Prevention 3.1 Productos y servicios 3.1ofertados Productspor andFORWARE services. PCORESTUDIO: CAD tool. Reduces the effort needed to engineer integrated ∙ PCORESTUDIO: Es una herramienta CAD que disminuye los costes y facilita el circuits, shortening the design-test-redesign path thanks to fast prototyping tools diseño de circuitos basados en FPGA´s y su programación. used to take early architectural decisions and fix early bugs. ¾Ventajas: más productivo y mejor compatibilidad que los competidores ¾Advantages: more productive and compatible than immediate competitors. ¾Aplicaciones en: ¾Procesamiento masivo de datos ¾Applications in: ¾Prototipos Electrónicos ¾Massive Data Processing ¾Sistemas Empotrados para Electrical Equipment e Instrumentación ¾Electronic Prototypes ¾Embedded Systems for Electrical Equipment and Automation 3.1 Productos servicios and ofertados por 3.1y Products services. FORWARE ∙ PORTABLECORES.COM: Portal Webcommunity para intercambio y comercialización PORTABLECORES.COM: Online for developers of CORES*de and diseños electrónicos. Se focussed trata de una comunidad de diseñadores de CORES* y hardware systems*, on early and portable prototypes. sistemas de hardware*. Proporciona diseños portables a todas las tecnologías disponibles FPGA´s. *CORES:deUnit that can be used again in a hardware system. All kind of electronic Esto*Hardware permite laSystems: obtención de ingresos pordevices. interAVERAGEción de FORWARE con los diseñadores de cores y empresas interesadas en that esteoffers tipo de productos tecnológicos. ¾ Advantages: It is the only community both tools and designs for Hace posible difusión de CORES portablesThose compatibles con todos losthat proveedores. rapidlaprototyping and portability. two features ensure community contributors share designs with more potential users and less effort. *CORES: Unidad reutilizable dentro de un sistema hardware. *HARDWARE: Cualquier tipo de dispositivo electrónico. ¾ Applications in: Electronic Design market ¾ Ventajas: Ofrece diseños compatibles con herramientas de desarrollo ¾Aplicaciones en: Comercialización de diseños electrónicos 3.1 Products and services SECTORS PRODUCTS 1.Corporate security Ftoken corporate 2. Entertainment Ftoken gaming 3. Software Ftoken soft 4. Electronic equipament and automations Ftoken hardware 5. Bio & Nano tecnology Ftoken diagnosis 6. Banking Ftoken banking 7. Tourism Ftoken tourism 8. Automomotive Ftoken automotive 9. Military Ftoken military 10. Semiconductors Pcore studio 4. Social corporate responsibility 4. Corporate Social Responsibility “Our company is actively working to improve the enviroment making lives better for consumers, employees and the whole community. We try to do our daily work following ethical standards and international rules”. • We try to Improve stockholders company value. • Leadership in Customer Satisfaction. • Environmental protection. • We encourage our personal for developing their professionals carrers. • Employees are actively engaged in future development of the company. PROJECT TIMING Marketing Plan 2010 Sales kick-off for international trade and domestic distribution Project kick-off Business Organization Business Plan 2009/2013 Ene Feb Mar Green light for Financial plan Abr May Financial plan Jul Ago Sep Oct Nov Dec Foreign Market Research Relevant documentation delivered Planned meeting Jun Marketing Campaign USA/UK Contact : Our office is based in the city of Granada: Bic Granada. PTS, Avda de la Innovación, Ofic. 411 18100 Armilla (Granada) ‐ Spain Tel: +34 958 750 977 Fax: +34 958 750 978 email: