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IEEE-ICIT 2010 International Conference on Industrial Technology 14-17 March 2010, Viña del Mar, Chile ( Special Session on Electromagnetic Compatibility for Industrial, Medical and Informatics Technology Applications Organized by Jorge A. Pontt1 and Dr. Walter G. Fano2 1 Electronics Department Federico Santa María Technological University Av. España 1680, Valparaiso, Chile 2 Engineering Faculty National University of Patagonia, San Juan Bosco Ruta prov. Nº1 km4, ciudad universitaria (9000) Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina Email for contact:; Call for papers Electromagnetic compatibly (EMC) has become an important field in industrial applications. The reduction of electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electromagnetic susceptibility (i.e. how much EMI a device can withstand without alters its correct operation) are key aspects in industrial communications, energy management, medical equipment, data transmission and storing. On the other hand, power quality concepts are very important when clean energy is required, as critical loads, renewable energy systems and lighting. The use of EMC constrains in every step of system development like: design, modeling, simulation, testing, measurements and mitigation, allows us to effectively reduce both its interference and susceptibility. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: • • • • • • • • • • EMI modeling and simulation. Numerical methods for EMC analysis. Measurement method and testing procedures. Instrumentation dedicated to EMC. EMI / EMC Standards. EMI filters and shielding techniques. Side effects of electromagnetic interference. System design considering EMC constrains. Applications: Power converters, PCB and on chip design, Medical equipment applications, Power generators, Wind Generators, Industrial environment, Electrical Motors, etc. The deadline and notification dates are published in the conference webpage. Accepted papers will be published in an IEEE proceedings volume and will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by EI Compendex. In addition, selected papers will be invited for publication in the IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics.