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2. Campanillas
/ Technical facts
Municipality of San Ignacio, Sinaloa, México.
12,929 hectares.
Located in southern-central Sinaloa state, 123 km SE of Culiacan, the capital, with 858,638 inhabitants; 90 km NW
of Mazatlan with 404,000 inhabitants, one of the most important touristic and freight port of the country. Both cities
count with an international airport and all basic services.
Cu-Au porphyry plus high sulphidation epithermal related to hydrothermal phreatomagmatic breccias and low
sulphidation epithermal veins.
Copper-gold, silver.
Rhyolite-dacite domes complex related to the edge of a 10 km circular lineament, where the hydrothermal
breccia was emplaced.
Phyllic (quarz-sericite) with tourmaline in La Macedonia area. Propylitic, related to tourmaline, in the Piedra
Imán area. Intermediate argillic in La Vainilla, El Azafrán and El Bernal breccias, and in La Mesa-Cerillo vein.
Maximum grades returned the next values: La Mesa-El Cerillo, 3.2 g/t Au and 413 g/t Ag.
La Macedonia, 9.8 g/t Au, 1.421% Cu and 80.4 g/t Ag. Piedra Imán, 0.135 g/t Au, 1.68 % Cu, and 53 g/t
Ag. La Vainilla Breccia: 0.49 g/t Au.
La Mesa-El Cerillo: 10 Mt grading 1.5 g/t Au, 140 g/t Ag. La Macedonia, 50 Mt at 1.524 g/t Au, 80.35 g/t
Ag, 0.333% Cu. Piedra Imán: 35 Mt of 0.3046% Cu. Brecha La Vainilla: 100 Mt grading 0.15 g/t Au.
Early stage. 1,351 diamond drilling holes; 677 in Piedra Imán, and 684 over La Vainilla.
Geological mapping, surface chip and geochemistry sampling. Soil geochemistry, ground spectral signatures of
altered minerals. Trenches and diamond drilling.
Mineralization occurs disseminated, in stockwork and in quartz veins. Oxides related to phreatomagmatic
hydrothermal breccias.
One of the most famous mining districts in Sinaloa, El Tambor, lies only 15 km north of Campanillas.
A number of gold placers and rich gold veins are common at El Tambor.
Away 30 km East of the Cu-Au project El Pulpo, in exploration by Ross River Minerals Inc.
2. Campanillas Project
It is located in the South-central portion of the
Sinaloa State, in the San Ignacio municipality;
approximately 123 km southeast of Culiacán
city, capital state, and 90 km northwest of
Mazatlán Port.
Sinaloa state - 12,929 hectares
The geological context is characterized by multiple
intrusions ranging from granodiorite and granite
porphyry to subvolcanic (rhyolitic porphyry). The
subvolcanic rocks are; porphyry rhyolitic, daciticrhyolitic flows, which can be inferred, form a
complex of domes.
The mineralized area is located in the metallogeny
Cu-Mo-Au belt, these deposits are located in:
“El Pilar”, “Cananea”, “María”, “Cumobabi”, “El
Creston”, “Luz del Cobre”, “Potreritos”, “Los Verdes”, “Piedras Verdes”, “Santo Tomás Tameapa”, “La
Soledad” and “Malpica”.
The minerals with economic interest are: free gold,
galena, sphalerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, quartz and
limonite. The values in the collected samples are;
0.37, 5.5, 7.5 and 16 g/t Au; 72-381 g/t Ag; 1.48 %,
Cu and 1.43% of Pb.
The mineralized structures are associated with
regional faults, with strike NW-SE. Alterations
consist of oxidation, silicified and argitilization.
Geophysics shows magnetometric anomaly elongated NE-SW orientation, where veins of Au-Ag in
the projection to the anomaly heading are reported.
Geochemistry sheds average contents of: 19 to 57 ppm
of Cu, 17 to 59 ppm of Pb and 40 to 144 ppm Zn.
Geologic map
Taking account the regional geological context (“El Tambor” gold
deposit) and the reported values, this area is considered of interest
to contain possible porphyry Cu-Mo-Au deposit with Ag-Pb - Zn
epithermal mineralization.