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OCTOBER 2015 | VOLUME IV | ISSUE 2 ART CLUB ENCOURAGES PEACE So, what’s inside? On September 21, Art club "planted" 800 pinwheels for International Day of Peace. Students, families, and community groups worked together to create the pinwheels that Art Club assembled and installed on Perry Cate from Timberland to South Middle School. This project is meant to be a public statement and art installation for the spinning pinwheels to spread thoughts and feelings about peace throughout our school and community. Today, society is bombarded with images and stories that give importance to conflict and war. Violence has become commonplace and accepted as part of our society and, for some of us, it is a way of life. It is Art Club’s hope that through the Pinwheels for Peace project, they can help make a public visual statement about their feelings about war, peace, tolerance, cooperation, harmony, unity and, in some way, awaken the public and let them know what the next generation is thinking. This is not political. Peace isn’t just conflict of war, it can be related to violence and intolerance in our daily lives, to peace of mind. To each of us, peace can take on a different meaning, but, in the end, it all comes down to a simple definition: a state of calm and serenity, with no anxiety, the absence of violence, freedom from conflict or disagreement among people or groups of people. Hopefully, this project helped everyone that participated and drove by find peace and have a chance to share it with others. Upcoming Events ................ 02 Next year, they have a goal of planting 1,400 pinwheels to travel from Timberland all the way to Highway N. If you would like to participate, click here to get the template for the pinwheel. Cut out the pinwheel square. On the back, write thoughts about war and peace, tolerance, and living in harmony with others. The writing can be poetry, prose, haiku, or essay. On the front, draw something that represents peace. You don’t have to be a great artist to try this—just be free and expressive with colors or lines by doodling. Mail or deliver to Timberland High School Art Club, and they’ll assemble them and install them next year on September 21, International Day of Peace. “First keep peace with yourself, then you can also bring peace to others.” Thomas Kempis Timberland Times Newsletter designed by Megan Spotila Early Graduation ................. 02 ACT Dates ................................ 02 After-School Tutoring ........ 02 Principal’s Note .................... 03 PSAT/NQMST ........................... 03 A+ Training ............................... 04 Lewis and Clark .................... 04 Sophomore Meeting ......... 04 Parent Teacher Conf. ....... 04 College Fair............................. 05 Greenhouse ............................ 05 Driving Lessons ...................... 05 Free Dental Care ................ 06 STL Teen Idea Dash ............ 07 Senior Ad .................................. 07 Yearbook .................................. 07 Design Field Trip ................... 08 DECA Den ................................ 08 Glow Run/Walk..................... 09 Oktoberfest ............................. 09 THS T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S • T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S • T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S UPCOMING EVENTS SENIORS: EARLY GRADUATION Seniors interested in graduating at semester must fill out a notification form. Students may stop by the Guidance Office before or after school or during lunch to pick up the form. Completed forms with parent signature must be returned no later than Friday, November 6 to the Guidance Office. OCTOBER 05 Late Start, Grades 6-12 05 Fall Choir Showcase 08 A+ Training 10 NHS Glow Run @6pm 14 First Quarter Ends 15 NHS Meeting @6:30am 16 Early Release 19 Late Start, Grades 6-12 24 ACT Testing 28 Parent Teacher Conferences AFTER-SCHOOL TUTORING @3:30-7pm 30 NO SCHOOL NOVEMBER 02 PD Day– No School 06 Early Graduation Forms Due Timberland offers tutoring sessions for all students Monday through Thursday from 2:25 to 3:25 in the library. Teachers supervise students until they are ready to leave the building. If your student is riding home on the Activity Bus, he or she must remain with the teacher until 3:20. To ride the Activity Bus, your student must sign up the day he or she plans to stay after. Activity bus sign-ups are in the main office with Mrs. Swofford. Your student is allowed to sign up before school, between classes, and during lunch. There is NO ACTIVITY BUS ON FRIDAYS. Please check the school webpage for the official after school tutoring schedule. ACT TEST DATES 2015 | October 24 December 12 2016 | February 6 April 9 June 11 To sign up for the ACT, click here. ACT WORKSHOPS Science | 10.1 & 10.8 Math | 10.13 & 10.15 English | 10.20 & 10.22 All workshops are 7:00-9:00 pm. Students are asked to sign up in the guidance office. Timberland Times Newsletter designed by Advanced Business Technology Class PAGE 2 T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S • T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S • T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S FROM MR. LINDQUIST’S DESK... Another fall is upon us, and the first quarter is quickly drawing to a close. If you have not yet had a chance to do so, please access the parent portal to check on your son or daughter’s grades so there are no surprises when the quarter ends. In addition, many of our teachers have their assignments and other materials on Moodle or Google classroom. Your son or daughter can log on to show you what is going on in their classes. With one quarter almost in the books, I want to take a moment to talk about attendance and a change for this year. In the past, only students with attendance concerns were notified by the school. This year we will be communicating with all students about their attendance after the first quarter ends. While it is important to communicate with students who are developing concerns, we also feel it is important to acknowledge those students who are meeting or exceeding expectations. Once you receive that information we ask that you talk with your child to either congratulate him or her on good attendance or to discuss how things can improve if needed. Many research studies have shown attendance to be one of the top indicators for success in school. In addition we want students to build good habits that will serve them well after high school and throughout their lives. We will not ask anyone to send a sick child to school, but do ask that your child make every effort to be here otherwise. Thank you for your support on this. On another note, we have lots of opportunities for parents and families to join us this fall. We will have parent/ teacher conferences on October 28th from 3:30-7, a fall choir showcase on October 5th, the Bands of America St. Louis Super Regional at the Edward Jones Dome on October 16-17, and the fall production of Three One Acts on November 12-14, just to name a few. That doesn’t even include all of our sports and other competitions. We love to see involved parents. We hope we will see you at one of our events. Thanks for all you do. Go Wolves! PSAT/NMSQT TESTING Your sophomore or junior student will have the option to take the PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) on Wednesday, October 14. Juniors who wish to prepare for a future SAT test and/or wish to participate in nationwide scholarship competitions administered by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation are good candidates. Sophomores are also allowed to take the test, especially if they intend to take it again as juniors as only juniors may compete for scholarships. The fee to take the test is $15.00 per student, due at registration. Please make checks payable to Timberland High School—NO CASH WILL BE ACCEPTED. Register in the Guidance Office until October 10, seating is limited. Timberland Times Newsletter designed by Advanced Business Technology Class PAGE 3 T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S • T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S • T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S A+ TRAINING INFO The next A+ training session is Thursday, October 8 in room 163 from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm. This training is open to juniors and seniors. Students must pre-register in the Guidance office. Students must attend one training session before they begin tutoring. All seniors must complete training by December in order to ensure time to complete the tutoring by May 1st. For more information, refer to the Career Center Website. 2015-2016 Training Dates October 8 | Grades 11-12 November 5 | Grades 10-12 December 3 | Grades 10-12 January 7 | Grades 10-11 February 4 | Grades 10-11 LEWIS & CLARK CAREER CENTER Representatives from Lewis and Clark visited with interested Timberland sophomores on September 30 to share details about the programs offered and the application process. The application process is competitive and applications are due by Tuesday, November 24. On November 12, Lewis & Clark will be hosting a Prospective Student Night at the facility, which is located at 2400 Zumbehl Rd in Saint Charles, MO. March 3 | Grades 10-11 April 7 | Grades 10-11 May 12 | Grades 10-11 ATTENTION SOPHOMORE PARENTS: The Guidance counselors visited your child's classroom recently sharing events pertinent to the 10th grade year. Highlights of this presentation were emailed to you in late September. In brief, the counselors presented information about the PSAT exam, and the Lewis and Clark Career Center, details of which you will also find in this newsletter. Students were encouraged to visit the College / Career / A+ website from the Timberland home page; and they were reminded of the process to request an appointment with their counselor. PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES Timberland High School Gym and Cafeteria October 28 3:30 to 7:00 pm Timberland Times Newsletter designed by Advanced Business Technology Class PAGE 4 T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S • T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S • T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S Art club and Ecology club are in the process of building a greenhouse out of recycled materials and material purchased using a mini grant that was awarded last year. Recycling collected from around the school and many recycled slushy flavoring bottles, supplied by DECA, have been used for the structure. It has yet to be finished, but the walls are nearly complete. When it is complete, the goal is to use it for growing plants for different classes in the science department, as well as growing produce that FACS could utilize in cooking classes. Art classes could also utilize the space for growing flowers that could be used as subjects in drawing, painting, or photography classes. If you would like to help out with the project contact David Spak or Crystal Wing. Thinking College? St. Louis National College Fair Sunday, October 18 1pm-4pm DID YOU KNOW THS OFFERS DRIVING LESSONS? Any THS student who is between the ages of 15 and 18 can sign up for 6 hours of instruction in driving for $200. Students do not have to be enrolled in the Driver’s Education course to sign up for the lessons. Check with your insurance company as you may be eligible for a discount on your insurance rates. Students can sign up anytime before May 15 in Room 219. If you have questions, please contact Bill Located at St. Louis University in the Simon Recreation Center Register online by following these steps: 1. Go to the website 2. Click on the “Student Register Now” button 3. Select the state (MO), choose the fairs you will attend. (2015 Fall MOACAC Fair Listings) 4. Complete the registration form once 5. Submit the form. The barcode is displayed. 6. Print and take to fair. Schoonover. For the most up-to-date news at Timberland check out our website! Timberland Times Newsletter designed by Advanced Business Technology Class PAGE 5 T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S • T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S • T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S From the Nurse’s Office: Dental Care Your child can receive state-of-the-art dental services from a Missouri licensed dentist while at school! Timberland is proudly hosting the "SMILES PROGRAM" dental clinic on Wednesday, October 28th, 2015 for Medicaid or privately insured students. The Smiles Program, started over 17 years ago, features local, caring, Missouri licensed dentists and hygienists who come into the schools and provide exams, cleanings, x-rays, flouride, sealants and even fillings. Also, the students will be taught how to care for their teeth and the dangers of tobacco products. For those students without Medicaid or private insurance and lacking sufficient funds, the mobile dentists provide generous grant-assistance. NO CHILD IS EVER TURNED AWAY for lack of resources. For your child to participate, please print and fill out the parent permission form on page 12, or permission slips can be picked up in the THS school nurse's office anytime Monday-Friday between 6:45am-3:15pm. PERMISSION SLIPS NEED TO BE RETURNED TO THE SCHOOL NURSE BY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2015. Timberland Times Newsletter designed by Advanced Business Technology Class PAGE 6 T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S • T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S • T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S Congratulations to Lexie Maitland who was chosen to represent Prosper Youth & Collegiate at Saint Louis University's STL Teen Idea Dash. This is a very selective event where various schools and community organizations are asked to send their "best of the best”! The Teen Idea Dash is a scavenger hunt style competition in which teens must tackle various innovation challenges, generate unique solutions to designated problems, and decipher clues as they race throughout the City Museum on October 3. Competitors will present their ideas to judges at various points along the course. Once all teams have arrived at the final destination, teams will receive a final score based on their finish line placing as well as the quality of their ideas. The winners of this event will join members of Independent Youth's Teen Network (who will be flying in from all around the country) AND the finalists for SLU's College-Level Pure Idea Generator Challenge (nationwide) for a great evening of activities including a Gateway Riverboat Cruise, a VIP tour of Busch stadium, and dinner by some of St. Louis favorites. This is a fantastic opportunity for aspiring young entrepreneurs to meet and network with these rock star teens and college students who have had great success at a young age. ATTENTION SENIOR PARENTS: Would you like to honor all your child has accomplished during their years at THS? Would you like to capture the memories of a lifetime in a keepsake that can be kept forever? Buy a SENIOR AD for the yearbook. Please see page 10 for a 2015-16 Senior Ad order form. YEARBOOKS Order ONLINE or CALL 1.866.287.3096, the school code is 8123 Credit, Debit, and Checks only! Before Dec. 22, yearbooks are $55. After Dec. 22, yearbooks are $60. Nameplates are available for an additional $5. Also, seniors need to get their pictures taken and chosen- by Trotter by Dec. 11. This means they need to take them by Dec. 1 if they want to choose the pose online. Questions? Contact Ida Hoffman at: Timberland Times Newsletter designed by Advanced Business Technology Class PAGE 7 T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S • T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S • T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S Wolves in the Community... The Housing and Interior Design class recently went on a field trip to the Campbell House and the Hanley House, two very historic homes in the St. Louis area. Students were able to see how people lived in the 1880's in St. Louis. After touring the Campbell House, students and teachers did some service work around the gardens. The DECA Den at Timberland High School is open for business. The new layout as well as the new blue and green paint colors help to give the store a more welcoming vibe for all customers. The DECA Den sells slushies, popcorn, fruit snacks, granola bars, Gatorade, t-shirts, and Smoothie King every Friday. The store has developed a new system of designing, creating, and delivering specially designed t-shirts to those who order them as well. The DECA Den has also started a new slushies reward system. Each customer is given a punch card and after they buy nine slushies, they get the tenth one free. DECA has been working hard and is excited for to see how the store does this year! Timberland Times Newsletter designed by Advanced Business Technology Class PAGE 8 T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S • T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S • T I M B E R LAN D T I M E S Click here or visit the THS website for registration information! St. Charles Oktoberfest Timberland High School Art Club was excited to be a part of the St. Charles County Oktoberfest again this year. Through the last eight years, Art Club and the Timberland Art Department has painted all of the decorations in the Children's area, the grand entrance to the festival along with numerous cutouts for festival goers to take pictures, and sculpted the massive pumpkin sculptures every year. We've constructed a serpent, alien ship, Mr. Potato Head, weiner dog, giraffe and a lion, tiger and bear. This year we made a life-size horse sculpture based on the Clydesdale. Current students, alumni and parents help in this sculpting event, which is led by art teacher, Crystal Wing. We had alumni from the first year Timberland opened through last year's graduates. Special recognition should go to Tristin Davis, and his Uncle Ron Ormsby for welding the frame. This project was the idea of Dan Foust with the Lion's Club, and he is responsible for allowing us this great opportunity! Timberland Times Newsletter designed by Advanced Business Technology Class PAGE 9 • *• * Congratulate your senior and express your pride and love with an ad in the 2015 yearbook! YEARBOOK YEARBOOK YEARBOOK YEARBOOK 1/8 page: $ 75 1/4 page:Details: $100 Message Congratulations Sara! You have had such an amazing year! We are so proud of all of your accomplishments. You really have turned out to be such an amazing young woman and we couldn’t be happier for you. We know you have a wonderful future ahead of you and can’t wait to see what you accomplish! Love, Mom, Dad, Johnny and Fluffy 1/4 page ad: approximately 4”x 5 1/2” 1/2page: page: $ $175 1/8 75 50 1/8 page ad: Congratulations Sara! 1/4 page ad: Fullpage: page: $100 $325 1/4 approximately 4” x 2.5” 75 approximately 4”x 5 1/2” Due: October 17th, 2014* 1/2 page: $175 150 1/8 page ad: Payment: Full page: $325 250 approximately 4” x 2.5” Create and October pay for 2014* your ad online at: Due: October 17th, Friday, 31, 2014 Payment: Create and pay for your ad online at: How to Submit Online: Log on to and enter ordertonumber 12547. How Submit Online: Log on to and enter Click Create a Yearbook Ad (see Ex. 1 below). order number 12547. 8215 Photos for the yearbook via Do not click “Upload Full page ad: approximately 8.33" x 10.67” 1/2 page ad: approximately 8.33” x 5.25” eShare (see Ex. 2 below). Click Create a Yearbook Ad (see Ex. 1 below). Do not click “Upload Photos for the yearbook via Follow(see the Ex. prompts to design your ad, add it to your Full page ad: approximately 8.33" x 10.67” 1/2 pageto ad: Valerie approximately 8.33” x 5.25” eShare 2 below). Direct any questions or concerns Kriger at cart and purchase it. Your ad is not complete until you add it your cart and complete the checkout process! Follow the prompts to design your ad, add it to your 1/8 page: $ 75 Direct or adviser Directany anyquestions questions orconcerns concernsto toyearbook Valerie Kriger at Congratulations Sara! cart and purchase it. Your ad is not complete until you pagead ad:creator, For Tech while using the1/4 online To make the ad creation process easier, click the 1/4 page: $100 Carrie RappSupport at 1/2 add it your cart and complete the checkout process! approximately 4”x 5 ” 1/8 page: 75 contact Herff Jones Technical Support at: 877.362.7750 Watch Video or Online Ad Creation Guide links. 1/2page: page: $ $ $175 1/8 75 50 Congratulations Sara! (See Ex. 3 below) 1/4 page ad: For Tech Support while using the online 1/8 ad creator, To make the ad creation process easier, click the 1/4 page: $100 Congratulations Sara! 1/2 1/4 page ad: Fullpage: page: $325 approximately 4”x ” 1/4 $100 4” x52.5” 75 contact Herffads Jones Support at: 877.362.7750 Watch Video or Online Ad Creation Guide links. Senior areTechnical accepted on a space-available approximately 4”x 5 1/2” 1/2 page: $175 1/8 page: $ 75 50 We love you Steph! (See Ex. 3 below) Due: October 17th, 2014* basis. When space runs out, or we 1/2 page: $175 1/8 page ad: reach our 150 Message Guidelines: Congratulations Sara! 1/4 page ad: accept 1/8 Full page: $100 $325 1/4 page: approximately 4” x1/22.5” 75 plant ads deadline, we can no longer ads. Create the message exactly as you want it to appear Senior are accepted on a space-available Payment: Full page: $325 approximately 4”x ” 250 4” x52.5” We love you Steph! in the yearbook. You will have final approval before Due: October 17th, 2014* basis. When space runs out, or we reach our Submit your ad early to guarantee your space! 1/2 page: $175 150 Message Guidelines: We love you Steph! Create and October pay for 2014* your ad online you at: Due: October 17th, Friday, 31, 2014 page ad: your ad.exactly We reserve the rightit to plant deadline, we can no1/8 longer accept ads. Createsubmit the message as you want to refuse appear Payment: Full page: $325 250 approximately 4” x 2.5” edit any portion your message or photo that is Payment: NO ADS OCTOBER 17th. inor the yearbook. You of will have final approval before Submit yourACCEPTED ad early toAFTER guarantee your space! We love you Steph! Create and October pay for 2014* your ad onlineyou at: Full Spread: unacceptable for publication. Due: 17th, Friday, 31, ad 2014 CreateOctober and pay for your online at: submit your ad. We reserve the right to refuse or edit any portion of your message or photo that is 31st Payment: NO ADS ACCEPTED AFTER OCTOBER 17th. unacceptable for publication. You have had such an amazing year! We are so proud of all of your accomplishments. You really have turned out to be such an amazing young woman and we couldn’t be happier for you. We know you have a wonderful future ahead of you and can’t wait to see what you accomplish! Love, Mom, Dad, Johnny and Fluffy We love you Steph! We Stephanie, you’re such an inspiration to your father and me. We are so proud of everything you’ve accomplished in your life next. Love you! loveLove, youMom Steph! & Dad LINDBERGH HIGH SCHOOL 5000 Lindbergh Blvd. St Louis, MO 63126 Stephanie, you’re such an inspiration to your father and me. We are so proud of everything you’ve accomplished in your life next. Love you! Love, Mom & Dad Now and Forever owand andForever Forever NNADS ow ATTENTIONSSENIOR FAMILIES ENIOR GRAD Congratulate your senior and express your pride and love with an N adow in theand 2015Forever yearbook! ATTENTION SENIOR FAMILIES ATTENTION SENIOR FAMILIES ATTENTION SENIOR FAMILIES Congratulate yoursenior seniorand andexpress expressyour yourpride prideand andlove lovewith withananadadininthe the2015 2015yearbook! yearbook! Message Details: Congratulate your MessageDetails: Details: Congratulate your senior and express your pride and love with an ad in the 2016 2015 yearbook! Message Message Details: $ 60 $ 90 $ 160 $ 260 $ 500 How to Submit Online: Due: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11 You have had such an amazing year! We are so proud of all of your accomplishments. You really have turned out to be such an amazing young woman and we couldn’t be happier for you. We know you have a wonderful future ahead of you and can’t wait to see what you accomplish! Love, Mom, Dad, Johnny and Fluffy You have had such an amazing year! We are so proud of all of your accomplishments. You really have turned out to be such an amazing woman andWe weare couldn’t be happier You have had such young an amazing year! so proud of all offor you. We know you have wonderful and can’t your accomplishments. Youa really havefuture turnedahead out toofbeyou such wait to you accomplish! an amazing young woman andsee wewhat couldn’t be happier for you. Mom, future Dad, Johnny and Fluffy We know you have Love, a wonderful ahead of you and can’t wait to see what you accomplish! Love, Mom, Dad, Johnny and Fluffy ALL ADS WILL BE CREATED ONLINE THIS YEAR GIVING YOU FULL CONTROL OF THE FINAL AD! You have had such an amazing year! We are so proud of all of your accomplishments. You really have turned out to be such an amazing young woman and we couldn’t be happier for you. We know you have a wonderful future ahead of you and can’t wait to see what you accomplish! Love, Mom, Dad, Johnny and Fluffy Create and for online at at: Log on topay and enter Create and pay foryour youradad online How to Submit Online: order number 12547. How to Submit Online: Log on to and enter Log on to and enter order number Clickto Create a12547. Yearbook Ad (see Ex. 1 below). How Submit order number 12547. 8215Online: Do not click “Upload Photos for the yearbook via Log on to and enter Click Create a Yearbook Ad (see Ex. 1here below). eShare (see Ex. 2 below). 1. Click to purchase order numbera8123 12547. Click Create Yearbook Ad (see Ex. 1 your below). 8215 yearbook via ad. Do not click “Upload Photos for the yearbook Do not click “Upload Photos for the yearbook via eShare (see Ex. 2 below). 1. Click here to purchase Follow the Ex. prompts to design your add it ad. toayour Click Create a Yearbook Ad (see, 1 below). Click to watch eShare (see 2 below). yourhere yearbook or download a PDF cart purchase Your ad notvideo complete until you Do notand click “Uploadit.Photos foristhe yearbook via guide with instructions Follow the Ex. prompts to design your ad, add itprocess! to on how totocreate your 3.checkout Click here watch a your add it your cart and complete the eShare (see 2 below). Follow the prompts to design yourvideo ad,oradd itonline your download ato PDFad. cart and purchase it. Your ad is notguide complete until you with instructions cart and purchase it. Your ad is not complete until you on how to create your add itthe your cart complete theeasier, checkout process! To make the ad and creation process the online ad. Follow prompts design your ad, addclick itprocess! to your add it your cart and to complete the checkout Watch Video or Online Creation Guide until cart and purchase it. Your Ad ad is not complete To make the ad creation process easier, click the (See Ex. 3 below) add it your complete theeasier, checkout To make thecart ad and creation process clickprocess! the Watch Video or Online Ad Creation Guide links. Watch Video or Online Ad Creation Guide links. (See Ex. 3 below) To make ad creation process easier, click the (See Ex. 3the below) Message Watch VideoGuidelines: or Online Ad Creation Guide links. Create the message exactly as you want it to appear (See Ex. 3 below) Message Guidelines: in the yearbook. You will have final approval before Message Guidelines: Create the message exactly as you want it to appear you submit your ad.exactly We reserve the rightit to Create the message as you want to refuse appear in the yearbook. You will have final approval before or edit any portion of your message or photo that Message Guidelines: in the yearbook. You will have final approval before is you submit your ad. We reserve the rightit to refuse unacceptable Create the message exactly as you appear you submit yourfor ad.publication. We reserve the want right toto refuse or edit any portion of your message or photo that is in the yearbook. You will have final approval before or edit any portion of your message or photo that is unacceptable for publication. you submit your We reserve the right to refuse unacceptable forad. publication. or edit any portion of your message or photo that is unacceptable for publication. Full page ad: approximately 8.33" x 10.67” Stephanie, you’re such an inspiration to your father and me. We are so proud of everything you’ve accomplished in your life next. Love you! Love, Mom & such Dad an Stephanie, you’re inspiration to your father Stephanie, you’re anproud and me. Wesuch are so inspiration to your father of everything you’ve and me. We are so proud accomplished in your life of everything next. you’ve Love you! accomplished your & lifeDad Love,inMom next. Love you! Love, Mom & such Dad an Stephanie, you’re inspiration to your father and me. We are so proud of everything you’ve accomplished in your life next. Love you! Love, Mom & Dad 2. Do not click this button to upload 1/2 page ad: approximately 8.33” xthe 5.25” photos for your will upload 2. ad. Do You not click this your ad photos button to upload instructed Full page ad: approximately 8.33" x 10.67” 1/2 page ad: approximately 8.33”thexwhen 5.25” photos for yourto doYou so will during the ad Full page ad: approximately 8.33" x 10.67” 1/2 page ad: approximately 8.33” xad. 5.25” upload Direct any questions or concerns to Valerie Krigeryour at creation process. ad photos when instructed to the ad Full page ad: approximately 8.33" x 10.67” 1/2 pageto ad: Valerie approximately 8.33” xdo 5.25” Direct any questions concerns Kriger atso during process. Direct any questions or concerns to adviser Direct any questions oror concerns toyearbook Valerie Kriger atcreation For Tech Support while using the online ad creator, Carrie Rapp at Direct any questions concernsSupport yearbook adviser any questions concerns to adviser Direct anyHerff orTechnical concerns totoyearbook Valerie at contact Jonesor at:Kriger 877.362.7750 For Tech Support while using the online ad creator, Carrie Rapp at IDA at For HOFFMANN Tech Support while using the online ad creator, contact Herff Jones TechnicalSupport Supportat:at:877.362.7750 877.362.7750 contact Herffads Jones Senior areTechnical accepted on a space-available For Tech Support while using the online ad creator, basis. When space runs out, or we reach our contact Herffads Jones Support at: 877.362.7750 Senior areTechnical accepted on a space-available plant ads deadline, we can no accept ads. Senior are accepted on longer a space-available basis. When space runs out, or we reach our basis. When runs out, or we your reachspace! our Submit your space ad early to guarantee plant ads deadline, we can no longer accept ads. Senior are accepted a space-available plant deadline, we can noonlonger accept ads. basis. runs out, or we your reach our Submit your space ad early to guarantee space! NO When ADS OCTOBER 17th. Submit yourACCEPTED ad early toAFTER guarantee your space! plant deadline, we can no longer accept ads. NOADS ADS ACCEPTED AFTER OCTOBER 17th. Submit your ad early to guarantee your17th. space! 31st NO ACCEPTED AFTER OCTOBER 31st NO ADS ACCEPTED AFTER OCTOBER 17th. $50 LATE FEE APPLIES TO ALL ADS FINISHED AFTER DECEMBER 11 1. Click here to purchase your yearbook ad. 1. Click here to purchase 1. Click here purchasead. yourtoyearbook 3. Click to watch yourhere yearbook ad. a video or download a PDF 1. Click here to instructions purchase guide with 3.on Click here to watch a your yearbook ad. how totocreate your 3. Clickor here watch a video download a PDF online videoguide or download a PDFad. with instructions guide instructions on with how to your 3.on Click here tocreate watch a how to create your online ad. video or download a PDF online ad. guide with instructions on how to create your online ad. 2. Do not click this button to upload the photos for your 2. Do not click this ad. will upload 2. button Do You notto click this upload your ad photos button to upload the photos for your when instructed thead. photos forupload yourto You will do so during the ad 2. Do not click this ad.your Youad will upload photos creation process. button upload your adtophotos when instructed to the photos for your when instructed to ad doYou so during the ad. will upload docreation so during the ad process. your ad photos creation process. when instructed to do so during the ad creation process. • *• * YEARBOOK RD EARLY IBNIG PRIC !! NOW ORDER NOW! Buy your 2016 TIMBERLAND yearbook! ORDER by AUGUST 31 to save $10! OPTION 1 - ORDER ONLINE OR BY PHONE To order your yearbook using a CREDIT CARD (NO transaction fees will apply): 1. Go to 2. Enter Order Number 8123. 3. Follow the on-screen instructions. Yearbook If you do not have Internet Access, to use a credit card to order your yearbook, call 1.866.287.3096 and use order number 8123. OPTION 2 - ORDER AT SCHOOL BOOK STORE To order your yearbook at school, please complete the following information and return to the OFFICE Nameplate _______________________________________________________________ NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ____________________ GRADE Return this order form with a check for the amount shown below to THE OFFICE DURING REGISTRATION. Please make your check payable to HERFF JONES YEARBOOKS. I want to order: (check all that apply) Autograph Supplement ALL COLOR YEARBOOK* ($50.00) WORLD YEARBOOK ($5.00) *16 page world news magazine *After Aug. 31, price increases to $55 One Line Nameplate ($5.00) Two Line Nameplate AUTOGRAPH SUPPLEMENT ($3.00) *Will deliver in May for signing. ($7.00) HOME SHIPPING ($8.00) *Book will be shipped to home - great for Seniors! Address for Shipping: _____________________ _________________ I have included a check for: ______ PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO HERFF JONES YEARBOOKS. If you chose to personalize your yearbook with a Name Plate, please print your name as you would like it to appear on the line below. The maximum number of characters you may use is 30 per line, including spaces. LINE 1 LINE 2 **Yearbook prices will increase incrementally throughout the school year. Order NOW to receive the best price.** THE DENTIST IS COMING TO SCHOOL AT NO COST * TO YOU! Taking care of your child’s teeth is important to keep them healthy. Please complete, sign & return to your teacher in 2 days Includes initial dental care & follow-up visits! 1. ABOUT YOUR CHILD If your child already sees a dentist regularly, continue to go to that dentist. School or Program Name___________________________________________________________County___________________ Teacher_________________________________________________________ Room #__________Grade___________ AM/PM Child’s Legal Name____________________________________________ Child’s Date of Birth________________ Male/Female Child’s Social Security Number ______ ______ ______ - ______ ______ - ______ ______ ______ ______ (circle one) Parent/Guardian Name_____________________________________________________________________________________ (PRINT CLEARLY & SIGN BELOW) Address____________________________________________________City/Zip______________________________________ Email______________________________________ Phone ( ) __________________ MEDICAID & CHIP COVER 100% OF TREATMENT 2. INSURANCE INFORMATION CHILD HAS MEDICAID/CHIP Enter Child’s 8-digit ID Number HERE: )_______________ Alt. Phone ( Circle one of the following: Missouri Medicaid (MO HealthNet), HealthCare USA, Missouri Care, Home State Health Plan *If your child is insured by Medicaid or CHIP. Ins. Company name (other than Medicaid)________________________________________________ Ins. Phone________________________ Group #_________________________________Employer name________________________________Co. phone_________________________ Name of Insured Adult________________________________________________________ BIRTH DATE of Insured Adult _________________ Member ID/Policy #______________________________________________ Social Security # of insured adult_____________________________ If paying for services, please make check or money order payable to Nevin Waters, DDS, PA & staple to this form. II am a dental for cleaning, screening fluoride per visit. per visit. am able able to to pay pay the the full full fee fee for of $133.00 a dental cleaning,&screening & fluoride CHILD CHILD HAS HAS NO NO DENTAL DENTAL INSURANCE INSURANCE IIcertify I need to pay for a$60.00 subsidized because I am unable to pay theunable full It will dental screening & cleaning, fluoride per visit. certifythat that I need to pay for aservice subsidized service because I am paycover the full, It will cover dental screening & fluoride per visit. II certify nancial assistance, uoride certify that that II am am unable unable to to pay pay the the full full or or subsidized subsidized fee fee and and request request full full fifinancial assistance, which which will will cover cover dental dental cleaning, cleaning, screening screening && flfluoride (charity (charity care care unavailable unavailable for for restorative restorative treatment). treatment). We We will will send send you you aa charity charity care care application. application. Charity Charity care care available available only only once once per per school school year. year. 3. CHILD’S MEDICAL HISTORY CHECK EACH CONDITION THAT APPLIES TO YOUR CHILD Notify us of any medical history changes. List allergies (including allergies to medications) __________________________ Name/phone # of child’s physician______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Use space below to provide additional details on your child’s health, including current medical treatment, other significant past illnesses, alcohol & tobacco use (including smokeless). List current medications. Attach another page as needed.__________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Recent Dental Problems Sickle Cell Anemia Asthma or Wheezing Fainting /Epilepsy/Seizures Behavioral Problems Liver Problems/Hepatitis Communicable Diseases/TB Kidney Problems Rheumatic Fever HIV/AIDS Diabetes Cancer Hemophilia/Bleeding Problems Heart Problems - Describe ___________________________________ Approx. date of last dental visit. _________ CHECK IF ANTIBIOTIC PRE-MEDICATION REQUIRED FOR DENTAL TREATMENT 4. READ AND SIGN BELOW I request that the dentist perform a dental check-up on my child at school which includes exam, cleaning, fluoride, sealants and x-rays as needed, as well as other dental work as needed, including fillings, extractions of infected baby teeth, numbing the mouth and teeth and other procedures as described more fully on the back of this page. This permission includes future dental visits. I have read the IMPORTANT NOTICE AND CONSENT ON THE BACK OF THIS PAGE and understand and agree to its terms. SIGN & DATE HERE ___________________________________________________________ ____________ DATE QUESTIONS:1-888-833-8441 Fax:1-888-330-4331 Nevin Waters, DDS, PA 435 Nichols Road, Suite 200, Kansas City, MO 64112 ©Nevin Waters, DDS, PA, 2013 MO-COMPR-008-PDF For your privacy, please fold & secure. FOLD FOLD CHILD HAS PRIVATE DENTAL INSURANCE IMPORTANT NOTICE & CONSENT / AVISO IMPORTANTE Y CONSENTIMIENTO I understand and authorize Nevin Waters, DDS, PA (Provider) and its affiliated dentists to provide the following services for the named child for whom I am the custodial parent or legal guardian: dental exam & oral hygiene instruction, teeth cleaning, fluoride treatment, x-rays & dental sealants. I authorize the dentist to fill any cavities or to place a crown over the tooth if needed. I authorize Provider to extract any problem baby teeth or perform a pulpotomy (treatment of the nerves inside the tooth) as needed. I understand that there are risks to dental treatment including swelling or pain that may occur from the injection of a local anesthetic or allergic reaction. (For additional information regarding the risks of treatment and treatment alternatives, please call the number below.) I authorize & direct Provider to bill & collect payment from any Medicaid, insurance, or other payer. If I have private dental insurance, I will be billed for & agree to pay any deductibles and/or co pays. Treatment by the in-school dentist may affect future benefits that your child may receive under private insurance, Medicaid or CHIP. Unless I have made pre-arrangements to attend, and am there at the time of service, services will be provided without my presence. We may send you text messages about the school dental program. Message and/or data fees may be charged by your wireless service provider; to discontinue, reply “STOP” to any message received from us. I have received the Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) attached to this form and consent to the release of my child’s medical record information, including records obtained from other providers, and any HIV/AIDS, communicable disease, sexually transmitted disease, drug and alcohol, and anemia information. I authorize release of such information by Provider to any responsible payor and/or administrative service provider and their subcontractors for use and disclosure relating to my child’s treatment, payment for services and health care operation purposes. This signed consent authorizes my child’s initial dental visit & follow-up visits. I may withdraw this consent at any time in writing to the address below. Entiendo y autorizo a Nevin Waters, DDS, PA (Proveedor) y a sus dentistas afiliados a proveer los siguientes servicios al niño(a) mencionado del cual soy el padre custodio o tutor legal: examen dental, limpieza de los dientes, tratamiento de fluoruro, rayos-x y sellantes. Autorizo al dentista a que atienda cualquier carie o coloque una corona sobre el diente si es necesario. Autorizo al Proveedor a extraer cualquier diente de leche con problema o realizar una endodoncia (tratamiento de los nervios dentro del diente), como sea necesario. Entiendo que existen riesgos al recibir tratamientos dentales incluyendo inflamación o dolor que puede ocurrir de la inyección de la anestesia o una reacción alérgica. (Para información adicional sobre los riesgos del tratamiento dental y tratamientos alternos por favor llame al número de abajo.) Autorizo y dirijo al Proveedor a facturar y recolectar pago de Medicaid, seguro privado o tercera persona. Si tengo seguro dental privado, seré facturado y acuerdo a pagar cualquier deducible y/o co-pago. El tratamiento realizado por el dentista escolar pudiera afectar los beneficios de su niño en en un futuro bajo su cobertura privada, Medicaid o CHIP. Al menos de que allá hecho algún arreglo previamente para atender y estoy ahí al momento de los servicios, el servicio será proveído sin mi presencia. En ocasiones podremos mandarle un texto sobre el programa dental escolar. Cobros de mensaje o/y de datos pueden ser aplicados por su proveedor de servicios inalámbrico; para descontinuar, responda “STOP” a cualquier mensaje que reciba de nosotros. He recibido el Aviso de Prácticas Privadas (NPP) adjuntas a este formulario y el consentimiento para la divulgación de la información y/o expediente médico de mi hijo(a), incluyendo los registros obtenidos de otros proveedores, y cualquier otra enfermedad como: VIH/SIDA, enfermedades contagiosas, enfermedades de transmisión sexual, drogas, alcohol, y anemia. Yo autorizo la divulgación de dicha información por parte de proveedores para cualquier pagador responsable y/o proveedor de servicios administrativos y de sus subcontratistas para el uso y divulgación de información relacionada con el tratamiento de mi hijo(a), pago para el mantenimiento y operación de cuidado dental. Esta forma de consentimiento firmada autoriza la visita dental inicial y visitas de seguimiento. Puedo retirar mi consentimiento en cualquier momento por escrito a la dirección abajo. KEEP FOR YOUR RECORDS DR. NEVIN WATERS, DDS, PA William Dillon, DDS, Perdita J Fisher, DMD, Andrea Gordon, DDS, Joseph Hughey, DDS, Adrienne Jennings, DDS, Maria Wong Kim, DMD, Eric Klumb, DDS, Joel Luedeke, DMD, Ronald Parkin, DMD, Cory Scanlon, DDS, Ronald Shrum, DDS, Deedra Truschinger, DDS, Hillard Ullman, DDS, Jennifer Waller-Smith, DDS, Dewain Whitmore, DDS NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICES THIS NOTICE DESCRIBES HOW MEDICAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU MAY BE USED AND DISCLOSED AND HOW YOU CAN GET ACCESS TO THIS INFORMATION. PLEASE REVIEW IT CAREFULLY. KEEP FOR YOUR RECORDS OUR LEGAL DUTY The privacy of your medical information is important to us. We are required by applicable federal and state law to maintain the privacy of your health information. We are also required to give you this Notice about our privacy practices, our legal duties, and your rights concern¬ing your health information. We must follow the privacy practices that are described in this Notice while it is in effect. We will notify you if your unsecured medical information is breached. We reserve the right to change our privacy practices and the terms of this Notice at any time, provided such changes are permitted by applicable law. We reserve the right to make the changes in our privacy practices and the new terms of our Notice effective for all health information that we maintain, including health information we created or received before we made the changes. Before we make a significant change in our privacy practices, we will change this Notice and make the new Notice available upon request. You may request a copy of our Notice at any time. For more information about our privacy practices, or for additional copies of this Notice, please contact us using the information listed at the end of this Notice. USES AND DISCLOSURES OF HEALTH INFORMATION We use and disclose health information about you for treatment, payment, and healthcare operations. For example: Treatment: We may use or disclose your health information to a physician, school nurse, or other healthcare provider providing treatment to you. Payment: We may use and disclose your health information to obtain payment for services we provide to you. S D R Appointment Reminders: We may use or disclose your health information to provide you with appointment reminders (such as voicemail messages, postcards, letters, emails or text messages). Health Oversight Activities: We may disclose health information to a health oversight agency for activities authorized by law. These oversight activities include, for example, audits, investigations, inspections and licensure surveys. These activities are necessary for the government to monitor the health care system, the outbreak of disease, government programs, compliance with civil rights laws and to improve patient outcomes. O C Lawsuits and Disputes: We may disclose health information about you in response to a court or administrative order. We may also disclose health information about you in response to a subpoena, discovery request or other lawful process. RE Other Uses and Disclosures. As permitted or required by law, we may use or disclose your medical information for research purposes; to organizations that handle and monitor organ donation and transplantation; for workers’ compensation or similar programs to comply with laws related to workers’ compensation or similar programs that provide benefits for work-related injuries or illness; for public health activities such as to prevent or control disease, injury or disability; to report reactions to medications or problems with products; to notify people of recalls of products they may be using; to notify a person who may have been exposed to, or is at risk for contracting or spreading, a disease; to medical examiners to identify a deceased person or determine cause of death; or to funeral directors to carry out their duties. R U PATIENT RIGHTS Access: You have the right to look at or get copies of your health information, with limited exceptions. You must make a request in writing to obtain access to your health information and fax your request to the number at the end of this Notice. YO Healthcare Operations: We may use and disclose your health information in connection with our business operations such as reviewing the competence or qualifications of healthcare professionals and evaluating practitioner and provider performance. Disclosure Accounting: You have the right to receive a list of some disclosures we or our business associates have made of your health information. If you request this accounting more than once in a 12-month period, we may charge you a reasonable, costbased fee for responding to these additional requests. Your Authorization: Uses or disclosures not otherwise described in this Notice may be made only with your written authorization. In addition, we must obtain your written authorization to sell your medical information or to use or disclose your information for marketing goods or services to you where we are paid to make the communication. If you give us an authorization, you may revoke it in writing at any time. Your revocation will not affect any use or disclosures permitted by your authorization while it was in effect. Unless you give us a written authorization, we cannot use or disclose your health information for any reason except those described in this Notice. Restriction: You have the right to request that we restrict our use or disclosure of your health information. We are not required to agree to your request except when disclosure would be to your health plan, you (or someone on your behalf other than your health plan) has paid in full for your health care, the disclosure relates to payment or health care operations, and the disclosure is not otherwise required by law. If we agree to the restriction, however, we will abide by that agreement (except in an emergency). To Your Family and Friends and Persons Involved in Your Care: We may disclose your health information to a family member, friend or other person involved in your care to the extent necessary to help with your healthcare or with payment for your healthcare. We may also disclose your medical information to disaster relief organizations to help locate individuals during a disaster. We may also use or disclose your medical information to notify, or assist in the notification, of a family member, a personal representative or a person responsible for your care of your location, general condition or death. If you do not want us to disclose your medical information to family members or others in these circumstances, please notify our HIPAA Officer at 623-434-9343 x1152. Amendment: You have the right to request that we amend your health information. Your request must be in writing and must explain why the information should be amended. We may deny your request under certain circumstances. P E R O F KE Required by Law: We may use or disclose your health information when we are required to do so by law. Public Safety: We may need to disclose medical information to law enforcement officials, such as in response to a search warrant or a grand jury subpoena, or to assist law enforcement officials in identifying or locating an individual, to report deaths that may have resulted from criminal conduct, and to report criminal conduct on our premises. Abuse or Neglect: We may disclose your health information to appropriate authorities if we reasonably believe that you are a possible victim of abuse, neglect, or domestic violence or the possible victim of other crimes. We may disclose your health information to the extent necessary to avert a serious threat to your health or safety or the health or safety of others. National Security: We may disclose your medical information to military authorities of Armed Forces or foreign military personnel under certain circumstances; to authorized federal officials for lawful intelligence, counterintelligence, or other national security activities, and to protect the president; and to a correctional institution or law enforcement official having lawful custody of an inmate or patient under certain circumstances. Alternative Communication: You have the right to request in writing that we communicate with you about your health information by alternative means or to alternative locations specified in your written request. Electronic Notice: If you receive this Notice on our Web site or by electronic mail (e-mail), you are entitled to receive this Notice in written form upon request. QUESTIONS AND COMPLAINTS If you want more information about our privacy practices or have questions or concerns, please contact us. If you are con-cerned that we may have violated your privacy rights, you may complain to us using the contact information listed at the end of this Notice. You also may submit a written complaint to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. We will not retaliate in any way if you choose to file a complaint with us or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Phone: 623-434-9343 x1152 email: Effective Date: August 1, 2013 ¡EL DENTISTA VIENE A LA ESCUELA SIN NINGÚN COSTO* PARA USTED! Cuidar de los dientes de su niño(a) es importante para mantenerlos sanos Por favor llene, firme y regrese a su maestro(a) en 2 días ¡Incluye atención dental inicial y visitas de seguimiento! 1. DIGANOS ACERCA DE SU NIÑO(A) Si su hijo(a) ya visita un dentista regularmente, continúe con ese dentista. Escuela o Nombre del Programa___________________________________________________ Condado___________________ Profesor_____________________________________________________________ # de Salón_______Grado_______ AM/PM Nombre Legal del Niño(a)____________________________________________ Fecha de Nacimiento_________ Hombre/Mujer (circule uno) Seguro Social ______ ______ ______ - ______ ______ - ______ ______ ______ ______ Padre/Tutor Legal_________________________________________________________________________________________ ESCRIBA CLARO Y FIRME ABAJO) Dirección_________________________________________________Ciudad/Código Postal_____________________________ Email___________________________________ Teléfono ( )_______________ Teléfono Alt. ( ) __________________ 2. INFORMACION DEL SEGURO MEDICAID Y CHIP CUBREN 100% DEL TRATAMIENTO NIÑO(A) TIENE MEDICAID/CHIP Escriba los 8-digitos # de identificación del niño(a) AQUI Circule uno de los siguientes: Missouri Medicaid (MO HealthNet), HealthCare USA, Missouri Care, Home State Health Plan *Si su hijo(a) está asegurado por Medicaid o CHIP. Nombre de la Comp. de Seguro (aparte de Medicaid)______________________________________ Tel. del Seg.________________________ # Grupo_________________________________Empleador________________________________Tel. del Empleador______________________ Nombre del Adulto Asegurado___________________________________________ FECHA DE NACIMIENTO del adulto Asegurado _________ # Póliza/ID__________________________________________ Seguro Social del Adulto Asegurado_____________________________________ DOBLE DOBLE NIÑO(A) TIENE SEGURO DENTAL PRIVADO NIÑO(A) NO NO TIENE TIENE SEGURO SEGURO DENTAL DENTAL Si va a pagar por los servicios, por favor haga su cheque o giro postal a Nevin Waters, DDS, PA y engrápelo a esta forma. NIÑO(A) Puedo pagar pagar el el costo costo completo completo de por$133.00 la limpieza, revisión y fluoruro visita. por visita. Puedo por la limpieza, revisiónpor y fluoruro Certifico que pagar por$60.00 servicios subsidiados que no puedo el puedo costo completo. la limpieza, Cubrirá revisión ylafluoruro por revisita. Certifico quenecesito necesito pagar por servicios por subsidiados por pagar que no pagar el Cubrirá costo completo. limpieza, visión y fluoruro por visita. Certifico que que no no puedo puedo pagar pagar por por el el costo costo completo completo oo subsidiado subsidiado yy pido pido asistencia asistencia financiera financiera completa completa la la cual cual cubrirá cubrirá la la limpieza, limpieza, revisión revisión yy fluoruro fluoruro Certifico (ayuda donada donada esta esta disponible disponible para para tratamiento tratamiento de de restoracion). restoracion). Le Le enviaremos enviaremos una una aplicación aplicación por por correo. correo.Ayuda Ayuda disponible disponible una una vez vez por por año año escolar. escolar. (ayuda 3. HISTORIA MEDICA DEL NIÑO(A) Notifíquenos de cualquier cambio en el historial medico. Liste alergias (incluya alergias a algún medicamento)__________________________ Nombre y # de Teléfono del Doctor______________________________________ Celula de la Hoz Anemia/Ataques epilépticos /Desmayos ___________________________________________________________ Use el espacio de abajo para darnos información adicional sobre la salud de su niño(a), incluyendo cualquier Problemas del Riñon Problemas del Hígado/Hepatitis tratamiento que este recibiendo, alguna otra enfermedad de significado, uso de alcohol o tabaco (incluyendo el que no se fuma). Liste todos los medicamentos que esta tomando. Adhiera otra página si es necesario. VIH/SIDA ____________________________________________________________ UNICAMENTE SELECCIONE LA CONDICION(ES) QUE APLIQUE(N). Problemas dentales recientes Asma o problemas de respiración Problemas de comportamiento Enfermedades Transmisibles/TB Fiebre Reumática Cáncer Diabetes Hemofilia o problemas de sangrado Problemas del Corazón. Describa ___________________________________ Fecha aprox. de la ultima visita dental _________ MARQUE SI REQUIERE ANTIBIOTICO ANTES DE OBTENER TRATAMIENTO DENTAL 4. LEA Y FIRME ABAJO Solicito que el dentista realice una revisión dental a mi hijo(a) en la escuela la cual cubrirá el examen dental, limpieza, fluoruro, sellantes, y rayos-x como sean necesarios, así como otros trabajos dentales según la necesidad, incluyendo rellenos, extracciones de dientes de leche infectados, adormecimiento de la boca y dientes y otros procedimientos como se describe con más detalles en la parte posterior de esta página. Este permiso incluye visitas al dentista en el futuro. He leído la ADVERTENCIA IMPORTANTE Y CONSENTIMIENTO EN LA PARTE POSTERIOR DE ESTA PAGINA, entiendo y estoy de acuerdo con sus términos. FIRME Y FECHA AQUI ___________________________________________________________ ____________ FECHA Preguntas: 1-888-833-8441 Fax:1-888-330-4331 Nevin Waters, DDS, PA 435 Nichols Road, Suite 200, Kansas City, MO 64112 ©Nevin Waters, DDS, PA, 2013 MO-COMPR-008-PDF Para su privacidad doble y asegure. IMPORTANT NOTICE & CONSENT / AVISO IMPORTANTE Y CONSENTIMIENTO I understand and authorize Nevin Waters, DDS, PA (Provider) and its affiliated dentists to provide the following services for the named child for whom I am the custodial parent or legal guardian: dental exam & oral hygiene instruction, teeth cleaning, fluoride treatment, x-rays & dental sealants. I authorize the dentist to fill any cavities or to place a crown over the tooth if needed. I authorize Provider to extract any problem baby teeth or perform a pulpotomy (treatment of the nerves inside the tooth) as needed. I understand that there are risks to dental treatment including swelling or pain that may occur from the injection of a local anesthetic or allergic reaction. (For additional information regarding the risks of treatment and treatment alternatives, please call the number below.) I authorize & direct Provider to bill & collect payment from any Medicaid, insurance, or other payer. If I have private dental insurance, I will be billed for & agree to pay any deductibles and/or co pays. Treatment by the in-school dentist may affect future benefits that your child may receive under private insurance, Medicaid or CHIP. Unless I have made pre-arrangements to attend, and am there at the time of service, services will be provided without my presence. We may send you text messages about the school dental program. Message and/or data fees may be charged by your wireless service provider; to discontinue, reply “STOP” to any message received from us. I have received the Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) attached to this form and consent to the release of my child’s medical record information, including records obtained from other providers, and any HIV/AIDS, communicable disease, sexually transmitted disease, drug and alcohol, and anemia information. I authorize release of such information by Provider to any responsible payor and/or administrative service provider and their subcontractors for use and disclosure relating to my child’s treatment, payment for services and health care operation purposes. This signed consent authorizes my child’s initial dental visit & follow-up visits. I may withdraw this consent at any time in writing to the address below. Entiendo y autorizo a Nevin Waters, DDS, PA (Proveedor) y a sus dentistas afiliados a proveer los siguientes servicios al niño(a) mencionado del cual soy el padre custodio o tutor legal: examen dental, limpieza de los dientes, tratamiento de fluoruro, rayos-x y sellantes. Autorizo al dentista a que atienda cualquier carie o coloque una corona sobre el diente si es necesario. Autorizo al Proveedor a extraer cualquier diente de leche con problema o realizar una endodoncia (tratamiento de los nervios dentro del diente), como sea necesario. Entiendo que existen riesgos al recibir tratamientos dentales incluyendo inflamación o dolor que puede ocurrir de la inyección de la anestesia o una reacción alérgica. (Para información adicional sobre los riesgos del tratamiento dental y tratamientos alternos por favor llame al número de abajo.) Autorizo y dirijo al Proveedor a facturar y recolectar pago de Medicaid, seguro privado o tercera persona. Si tengo seguro dental privado, seré facturado y acuerdo a pagar cualquier deducible y/o co-pago. El tratamiento realizado por el dentista escolar pudiera afectar los beneficios de su niño en en un futuro bajo su cobertura privada, Medicaid o CHIP. Al menos de que allá hecho algún arreglo previamente para atender y estoy ahí al momento de los servicios, el servicio será proveído sin mi presencia. En ocasiones podremos mandarle un texto sobre el programa dental escolar. Cobros de mensaje o/y de datos pueden ser aplicados por su proveedor de servicios inalámbrico; para descontinuar, responda “STOP” a cualquier mensaje que reciba de nosotros. He recibido el Aviso de Prácticas Privadas (NPP) adjuntas a este formulario y el consentimiento para la divulgación de la información y/o expediente médico de mi hijo(a), incluyendo los registros obtenidos de otros proveedores, y cualquier otra enfermedad como: VIH/SIDA, enfermedades contagiosas, enfermedades de transmisión sexual, drogas, alcohol, y anemia. Yo autorizo la divulgación de dicha información por parte de proveedores para cualquier pagador responsable y/o proveedor de servicios administrativos y de sus subcontratistas para el uso y divulgación de información relacionada con el tratamiento de mi hijo(a), pago para el mantenimiento y operación de cuidado dental. Esta forma de consentimiento firmada autoriza la visita dental inicial y visitas de seguimiento. Puedo retirar mi consentimiento en cualquier momento por escrito a la dirección abajo. MANTENGA PARA SUS ARCHIVOS DR. NEVIN WATERS, DDS, PA William Dillon, DDS, Perdita J Fisher, DMD, Andrea Gordon, DDS, Joseph Hughey, DDS, Adrienne Jennings, DDS, Maria Wong Kim, DMD, Eric Klumb, DDS, Joel Luedeke, DMD, Ronald Parkin, DMD, Cory Scanlon, DDS, Ronald Shrum, DDS, Deedra Truschinger, DDS, Hillard Ullman, DDS, Jennifer Waller-Smith, DDS, Dewain Whitmore, DDS AVISO SOBRE PRACTICAS DE PRIVACIDAD ESTE AVISO DESCRIBE CÓMO SU INFORMACIÓN MÉDICA PUEDE SER USADA Y DIVULGADA, Y COMO USTED PUEDE OBTENER ACCESO A DICHA INFORMACIÓN. POR FAVOR LEA ATENTAMENTE. MANTENGA PARA SUS ARCHIVOS NUESTRO DEBER LEGAL La privacidad de su información médica es importante para nosotros. Somos requeridos por leyes federales y estatales aplicables a mantener la privacidad de su información de salud. También somos requeridos a darle este Aviso acerca de nuestras prácticas de privacidad, nuestros deberes legales y sus derechos respecto a su información de salud. Debemos seguir las prácticas de privacidad descritas en este Aviso mientras se mantenga en efecto. Le notificaremos si es violada su información médica. Reservamos el derecho de cambiar en cualquier momento los términos y prácticas de privacidad de este Aviso mientras tales cambios sean permitidos por las leyes aplicables. Reservamos el derecho de hacer cambios eficazmente en nuestras prácticas de privacidad y los nuevos términos de nuestro Aviso para toda la información médica que mantenemos, incluyendo información de salud creada o recibida antes de hacer los cambios. Antes de efectuar algún cambio significante a nuestras prácticas de privacidad, cambiaremos este Aviso y lo haremos disponible a su pedido. Puede solicitar una copia de nuestro Aviso en cualquier momento. Para más información de nuestras prácticas de privacidad, o para copias adicionales de este Aviso, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros usando la información que aparece al final de este Aviso. USO Y DIVULGACION DE INFORMACION DE SALUD Usamos y damos su información de salud para fines de tratamiento, facturación y operaciones de salud. Por ejemplo: Tratamiento: Podemos usar o dar su información de salud a su médico, enfermera de la escuela o otro proveedor de salud que le esté proveyendo tratamiento. Pagos: Podemos usar y dar su información de salud con fines de obtener pago por los servicios proveídos por nosotros a usted. Operaciones de Atención Médica: Podemos usar y dar su información médica con respecto a nuestras operaciones de negocio tales como revisión de competencia o calificación de los profesionales de salud y evaluación del rendimiento profesional y proveedor. Su Autorización: Usos o divulgaciones no descritas en esta notificación pueden hacerse solo con su autorización por escrito. Además, debemos obtener su autorización por escrito para vender su información médica o para usar o dar su información para la comercialización de bienes o servicios a usted donde nos pagan para hacer la comunicación. Si usted nos da una autorización, usted puede anularla por escrito en cualquier momento. Su anulación no afectara cualquier uso o divulgación permitida por su autorización, mientras este en efecto. A menos que usted nos dé una autorización por escrito, no podemos usar o divulgar su información médica por cualquier motivo excepto los descritos en este Aviso. A Su Familia y Amigos y Personas Involucradas en su Cuidado: Podemos dar su información médica a un familiar, amigo o otra persona involucrada en su cuidado en la medida necesaria para ayudar con su salud o con el pago de su atención médica. También podemos dar su información médica a organizaciones de ayuda de desastre para ayudar a localizar a individuos durante un desastre. También podemos utilizar o divulgar su información médica para notificar, o asistir en la notificación, de un miembro de la familia, un representante personal o una persona responsable de la localización de su cuidado, condición general o muerte. Si no desea que demos su información médica a miembros de la familia o otras personas en estas circunstancias, por favor notifique a nuestro oficial de HIPAA al 623-434-9343 x1152. Requerido por La Ley: podemos utilizar o dar su información médica cuando estemos obligados a hacerlo por ley. Seguridad Pública: Podremos dar información médica a oficiales la ley, para responder a una orden de allanamiento o una citación del gran jurado, o para ayudar a los oficiales de ley a identificar o localizar a un individuo, o para reporte de una muerte que pudo haber resultado por conducta criminal e informar una conducta criminal en nuestras instalaciones. Abuso o Negligencia: Podemos dar su información médica a autoridades apropiadas si razonablemente creemos que usted es una víctima de abuso, negligencia o violencia doméstica o la posible víctima de otros delitos. Podemos dar su información de salud en la medida necesaria para evitar una amenaza grave para su salud o seguridad o la salud o la seguridad de los demás. Seguridad Nacional: Podemos dar su información médica a las autoridades militares de las fuerzas armadas o de personal militar extranjero bajo ciertas circunstancias; a funcionarios federales de la ley de inteligencia legal, contrainteligencia y otras actividades de seguridad nacional y para proteger al Presidente; y a un oficial de la ley o institución correccional que tiene la tutela legal de un preso o paciente bajo ciertas circunstancias. Recordatorios de citas: Podemos utilizar o dar su información médica para proporcionarle recordatorios de citas (por ejemplo, mensajes de voz, tarjetas postales, cartas, correos electrónicos o mensajes de texto). Actividades de Supervisión de Salud: Podemos dar información médica a una agencia de supervisión de salud para actividades autorizadas por la ley. Estas actividades de supervisión por ejemplo incluyen, auditorías, investigaciones, inspecciones y encuesta de licencia. Estas actividades son necesarias para el gobierno para controlar el sistema de salud, el brote de enfermedades, programas de gobierno, el cumplimiento de las leyes de derechos civiles y para mejorar los resultados del paciente. Demandas y Disputas: Podemos dar información médica sobre usted para responder a una orden judicial o administrativa. También podemos dar información médica sobre usted en respuesta a una citación, solicitud de descubrimiento o otro proceso legal. Otros Usos y Revelaciones: Podemos utilizar o dar su información médica para fines de investigación; a las organizaciones que manejan y monitorear la donación de órganos y trasplante, como sea permitido o requerido por la ley; para la compensación de trabajadores o programas similares a cumplir con las leyes relacionadas con la compensación de trabajadores o programas similares que proporcionan beneficios para lesiones relacionadas con el trabajo o la enfermedad; para actividades de salud pública tales como para prevenir o controlar enfermedades, lesiones o incapacidades; para reportar reacciones a medicamentos o problemas con productos; notificar a las personas de revocaciones de productos que pueden estar usando; para notificar a una persona que pudo haber sido expuesta a, o corre el riesgo de contraer o esparcir una enfermedad; a médicos forenses para identificar a una persona fallecida o determinar causa de muerte; o a directores de funerarias para llevar a cabo sus funciones. A G N A M N E T S O DERECHOS DEL PACIENTE Acceso: Usted tiene el derecho a ver o obtener copias de su información médica, con excepciones limitadas. Usted debe hacer una petición por escrito para obtener acceso a su información de salud y enviar su solicitud por fax al número al final de este Aviso. Contabilidad de Divulgación: Usted tiene el derecho a recibir una lista de algunas revelaciones que hemos hecho nosotros o nuestros asociados de negocios de su información médica. Si usted ha solicitado esta información más de una vez en un período de 12 meses, podríamos cobrarle una cuota razonable, basado en los costos para responder a estas solicitudes adicionales. Restricciones: Usted tiene el derecho a solicitar que restrinjamos el uso o divulgación de su información de salud. No estamos obligados a aceptar su solicitud, excepto cuando la divulgación sería a su plan de salud, usted (o alguien en su nombre que no sea su plan de salud) ha pagado total para el cuidado de su salud, la divulgación se refiere al pago o operaciones de cuidado de la salud, y la divulgación de lo contrario no es requerida por ley. Sin embargo, si estamos de acuerdo a la restricción, nos regiremos por ese acuerdo (excepto en caso de emergencia). Comunicación Alternativa: Usted tiene el derecho de solicitar por escrito que nos comuniquemos con usted acerca de su información médica por medios alternativos o a lugares alternativos especificados en su petición. Enmienda: Usted tiene el derecho de solicitar que nosotros enmendemos su información de salud. Su petición debe ser por escrito y debe explicar por qué se enmiende la información. Podemos negar su petición bajo ciertas circunstancias. Aviso Electrónico: A su petición, usted tiene derecho a recibir esta notificación por escrito, si usted recibe este Aviso en nuestro sitio Web o por correo electrónico (e-mail). A R A P S U S V I H A C R PREGUNTAS Y QUEJAS Si desea más información sobre nuestras prácticas de privacidad o tiene preguntas o inquietudes, por favor comuníquese con nosotros. Si usted está preocupado que podemos haber violado sus derechos de privacidad, puede quejarse con nosotros por medio la información que aparece al final de este Aviso. Usted también puede presentar una queja por escrito al Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los Estados Unidos. No tomaremos represalias de ninguna manera si usted decide presentar una queja con nosotros o con el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los Estados Unidos. Contacto oficial: Oficial de HIPAA Teléfono: 623-434-9343 email: Fecha efectiva: August 1, 2013