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Tuesday, 14 June 2016 09:20 (0:20) In the radiation environment envisaged for the interplanetary mission to Jupiter named Juice, the electronic equipment will require to withstand up to 300krad of Total Ionization Dose. The availability of high performance components that can cope with that requirement is low or nonexistent and for that reason ESA funded an activity to create radiation tolerant high-performance mixed-signal IPs. In A rad-hard programmable P the frame of the project two different ASICs where implemented: P ∆ modulator (CVB-001) which contains four separate ∆ modulator and a Rad-hard analogue front-end chip (CVC-001) which contains a Bessel Filter, a Digital to Analogue Converter, a Low Noise Amplifier and a Power amplifier. Simulation and validation results of those chips and in particular the detailed behavior of each of the IPs will be presented. [label=,itemjoin=;] Dr. SERRA-GRAELLS, Francesc (IMB CSIC) Dr. GARCÍA, Mario (UC3M) Mr. PUN, Ernesto (Arquimea Ingeniería S.L.U) Dr. MADRENAS, Jordi (UPC) [label=,itemjoin=;] Mr. GONZALEZ, Daniel (Arquimea Ingenieria S.L.U) Dr. JANSEN, Richard (ESA) Dr. ENTRENA, Luis (UC3M) Dr. MUÑOZ, Fernando (University of Seville) Dr. FERNÁNDEZ, Daniel (UPC) Dr. DEI, Michele (IMB CSIC) [label=,itemjoin=;] Mr. GONZALEZ, Daniel (Arquimea Ingenieria S.L.U) Full custom digital, analogue, or mixed-signal AMICSA: Radiation tests of analogue and mixed-signal ICs