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Back to School 2009
The 100% Campaign
A community partnership to link every uninsured child with affordable
health coverage through Texas schools
For information about how to bring the 100% Campaign to your school district contact
Kelli King-Jackson at Hkkingjackson@childrensdefense.orgH or 713-664-4080.
Toolkit created by Amanda Aguirre
About Us
The Children's Defense Fund (CDF) is a non-profit child advocacy organization that has worked
relentlessly for 35 years to ensure a level playing field for all children. We champion policies and
programs that lift children out of poverty; protect them from abuse and neglect; and ensure their
access to health care, quality education and a moral and spiritual foundation. Supported by
foundation and corporate grants and individual donations, CDF advocates nationwide on behalf of
children to ensure children are always a priority.
The Children's Defense Fund Leave No Child Behind® mission is to ensure every child a Healthy
Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start and a Moral Start in life and successful passage to
adulthood with the help of caring families and communities.
With offices in Houston and the Rio Grande Valley, CDF-Texas represents the interests of Texas
children who cannot vote or speak for themselves.
CDF-Texas raises awareness about the condition of Texas children, connects children and families to
programs and services that help meet their needs, and works with community partners statewide, to
formulate policy solutions and broad-based support for legislative action on behalf of children.
About the 100% Campaign
The 100% Campaign is a district-wide comprehensive outreach and training initiative to link every
child to health coverage or an alternative health resource. A health insurance question is added to
the school enrollment form to identify every uninsured child by campus. Project staff in local school
districts, access the data and then contact families to educate them about available programs and
offer them application assistance. Students ineligible for CHIP or Children’s Medicaid are connected
with alternative health resources including Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and other
local clinics.
What type of medical insurance do
you carry for this child?
†CHIP †Medicaid †Private ;None
CDF partners with local stakeholders, including hospitals, foundations and corporations to adopt
school districts with high numbers of uninsured students.
Back-to-School Campaign
Outreach • Awareness • Enrollment
An intensive outreach and awareness campaign with the local and statewide coalitions, school
districts and business partners, the Back-to-School Campaign is an initiative to promote enrollment
and renewal in healthcare coverage through CHIP and Children’s Medicaid before children go back to
Key steps to hosting your own enrollment drive
1. Give yourself at least 4 weeks to plan an event. Check with local social service agencies to
identify potential scheduling conflicts that would deter families from participating.
2. Determine where and when you want to conduct your event and discuss it with your co-organizers
or any community partners involved. Look for existing events that you can partner with such as
health fairs, school registration events, etc. Make sure that it is at an appropriate time and
location for families.
3. Identify how many staff/volunteers you will need and schedule them for the event. Make sure your
volunteers are trained so they are able to answer basic questions. Contact you’re the state agency
that administrates your programs or local community organizations for assistance with training.
Also, be sure to know where to refer families with difficult questions. Have lists of local clinics,
county programs that can help families who aren't eligible for CHIP or Children’s Medicaid.
4. Make a list of supplies: table & chairs, sign-in sheets, applications, income guidelines chart, pens,
copy machine, fax machine, give-aways, other information families may find useful. Often the
state agencies responsible for enrollment can provide applications, brochures and promotional
5. Promote the outreach activity prior to your event. Have heavy media or publicity up front -- Tell
families exactly when, where and exactly what to bring. Ask everyone to distribute flyers.
6. Reconfirm your scheduled event with your contact two weeks prior to the event. Contact them the
week before to make sure the event is still on their schedule. Also ask the location to distribute
7. One person should get at least 45 minutes early to set up and be prepared to assist families who
arrive early. Ideally set up your materials in a prominent area at the location. Keep a sign in
sheet to track your progress of the number of families and children assisted.
8. Place volunteers in key locations around the venue in order to engage families at many different
points. This may require coordinating teams and having team leaders.
9. It is important to track the success of your efforts. Provide an evaluation form to volunteers at the
end of the day.
10. Leave the site as it was. Take unused materials and completed family encounter forms.
11. Talk with your community and media partners and your contact at the outreach site. Let them
know how the event went and thank them.
12. Two weeks after the event, use the sign-in sheets to follow-up with families after the event.
Your child may qualify for affordable health insurance through Children’s Medicaid or
the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). If you are pregnant, you may also
qualify for the CHIP Perinatal program.
CHIP can cover all of your children for a full year for $50 or less!
A family of 4 can qualify if they earn up to $44,100/year or
Benefits Include:
Regular checkups, doctor’s visits, vision, dental, prescriptions, shots/immunizations, labs, xrays, hospitalization, mental health and medical specialist care, hospice, basic prenatal care
and more!
How to Apply or Renew:
Visit or
call 713-664-4080 FOR A FREE APPLICATION
What to Bring:
D Copy of a recent paycheck stub OR income tax form
D CHILD’s social security number
D Copy of CHILD’s birth certificate or permanent resident card
D Copy of child support income (if applicable)
D Copy of child care expenses (if applicable)
D For cash income – a dated, signed letter from your employer may be used.
Letters must include employee name, amount earned, length of employment, and a phone
number for the company.
To qualify, children must be age 18 or under and either U.S. Citizens or Legal Permanent Residents
Children’s Defense Fund Texas ● (713) 664 4080 ●
Su niño podría calificar para seguro médico a BAJO o NINGÚN COSTO por medio de
Medicaid de Niños o el Programa CHIP. Si estas embarazada, tambien podría
calificar para el programa CHIP Perinatal.
¡CHIP puede asegurar a todos sus hijos por $50 o menos por un año!
¡Una familia de 4 podrÍa calificar si gana hasta $ $44,100/año o
Beneficios Incluidos:
Exámenes regulares, visitas al doctor, exámenes de la vista, dental, recetas médicas,
vacunas, servicios de laboratorio, rayos x, hospitalización, atención de especialistas, cuidado
de la salud mental, hospicio, cuidado prenatal básico.
Cómo Solicitar o Renovar:
Visite al o
llame al 713-664-4080 para una solicitud gratuita
Que Debe Traer:
9 Copia de talón de cheque reciente o formulario de impuestos
9 Número de seguro social del niño
9 Copia del acta de nacimiento o tarjeta de residencia permanente del niño
Copia de recibos de costos de cuidado infantil (si se aplica)
Si le pagan en efectivo: puede usar una carta de su empleador incluyendo la fecha, cuánto gana, con que
frecuencia le pagan, cuanto lleva en el trabajo, la firma, fecha y numero de teléfono del empleador.
Niños deben tener de 0 – 18 años de edad y ser residentes legales o ciudadanos de los E.E.U.U.
El Fondo para la Defensa de los Niños de Texas ● (713) 664 4080 ●
The 100% Campaign
A community partnership to link every uninsured child with affordable
health coverage through Texas schools
Enrollment Drive Sign-in Sheet
Person Responsible:
Parent Name/
Child’s Name/
Nombre del Niño
Zip Code/
The 100% Campaign
A community partnership to link every uninsured child with affordable
health coverage through Texas schools
Yes, I would like to receive an application for CHIP or Children’s Medicaid for my child/ren.
Yes, I would like the 100% Campaign to contact me so that I can receive help filling out the application.
Name of adult: _______________________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________
Email: ________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________
State: _______
Zip Code: _________
School: ________________________________________ Number of Children: Boys ______ Girls _______
For more information, call 713-664-4080. Hablo Espanol.
The 100% Campaign
A community partnership to link every uninsured child with affordable
health coverage through Texas schools
Yes, I would like to receive an application for CHIP or Children’s Medicaid for my child/ren.
Yes, I would like the 100% Campaign to contact me so that I can receive help filling out the application.
Name of adult: _______________________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________
Email: ________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________
State: _______
Zip Code: _________
School: ________________________________________ Number of Children: Boys ______ Girls _______
For more information, call 713-664-4080. Hablo Espanol.
Children’s Defense Fund 100% Campaign
Sample Automated Phone System/Email Messages
1. Dear Parent- As a result of the changing economy, you may have recently lost healthcare
coverage for yourself and your family. XXX school cares about the health and well-being of its
students. Did you know that your child may qualify for the Children's Health Insurance Program
or Children's Medicaid? This Saturday, March 28th, outreach workers will be available to help
families apply for these programs and to answer questions about other healthcare resources.
For more information, please check the school website/front office, or call (877) 664-4080.
2. Dear Families – Emerson Elementary School wants every eligible child to have health
insurance! Did you know that your child may qualify for the Children’s Health Insurance
Program or Children’s Medicaid? A family of 4 making up to $44,100 may qualify. For more
information on ways to apply please check the school website or front office (877) 664-4080.
3. Good afternoon staff – Did you know that your child may be eligible for health coverage
through the Children’s Health Insurance Program or Children’s Medicaid? A family of 4 can
make up to $41,100 to qualify. The programs offer comprehensive benefits including wellchild, immunizations and specialty care all for $50 or less per year. Would you like help
applying for coverage or do you want to learn more about the eligibility requirements? If so,
please join us at the employee benefits information meeting where staff will be on hand to
answer questions about these two programs. You can also visit the Employee Benefits
Sample Back to School – PSA MESSAGES
1. Attention families in HISD: Did you know there is a QUESTION on school enrollment forms that can
help uninsured children get the healthcare they need? Check it! When your school knows if your
child is uninsured, they can help you to apply for CHIP or Children's Medicaid – 2 affordable
programs that are helping millions of kids to succeed in school and grow up healthy. Start the school
year right by answering the medical insurance question and providing updated contact information on
your student’s school enrollment form. This message brought to you by Children’s Defense Fund’s
100% Campaign and HISD, who want your children to get the healthy start they need.
2. Thanks to HISD and the 100% Campaign, getting healthcare for your uninsured children is easier
than ever. You can apply for CHIP and Children’s Medicaid through your child’s school based on
information you provide on his or her school enrollment form. Just make sure to complete a new form
when school starts this year and answer the “Medical insurance question”. Provide Current Phone
and Address Information so your school can contact you. You can get affordable coverage for your
children through CHIP and Children’s Medicaid that lets them get the care they need to stay healthy
and see the doctor when they get sick. Put covering your uninsured children at the top of your “Back
to School” checklist. This message brought to you by Children’s Defense Fund’s 100% Campaign
and HISD, who want your children to get the healthy start they need.
3. You know, you don't have to go to the emergency room every time your child is sick. Thanks to the
Texas Legislature, CHIP and Children’s Medicaid are helping millions of kids to see the doctor so
they can grow up healthy and succeed in school. You can get help enrolling your uninsured child,
simply by marking “None” for the health insurance question on your HISD school enrollment form.
When your school knows that your child is uninsured, they can help you to apply for CHIP or
Children's Medicaid. Even if your child does not qualify because of citizenship requirements, the
100% Campaign can help you locate a free/low cost community clinic nearby. This message
brought to you by Children’s Defense Fund’s 100% Campaign and HISD, who want your children to
get the healthy start they need.
4. Attention parents in HISD – If your children are uninsured, their school can help you provide the
healthcare they need. But, your school needs to be able to reach you. The enrollment form you
completed last year won’t work for this year, complete and return the 2009-2010 enrollment form this
fall. And if you move during the school year, remember to let your children’s school know. With
current contact information, your children’s school can help you apply for CHIP and Children’s
Medicaid – 2 affordable programs that are helping millions of kids to succeed in school and grow up
healthy. This message brought to you by Children’s Defense Fund’s 100% Campaign and HISD, who
want your children to get the healthy start they need.
5. If your child is uninsured, you've probably spent hours in the emergency room for non-emergency
care. You can change that in just 3 easy steps. Step 1: Apply for CHIP or Children’s Medicaid. Step
2: Choose a health plan that’s right for your child. Step 3: Schedule an appointment to see a doctor.
With CHIP or Children’s Medicaid your child can get regular check-ups to stay healthy and won’t have
to wait at the emergency room when they get sick. Enrolling your children in CHIP or Children’s
Medicaid is easy and affordable and Children’s Defense Fund can answer questions to help you
through the process. Call 713 664 4080 to put covering your uninsured children at the top of your
“Back to School” checklist. This message brought to you by Children’s Defense Fund’s 100%
Campaign and HISD, who want your children to get the healthcare they need.
1. Atención familias de estudiantes en HISD: ¿Sabía usted que hay una PREGUNTA en los formularios
de matriculación de la escuela que pueden ayudar a niños sin seguro médico conseguir la asistencia
médica que necesitan? ¡Verifiquelo! Cuándo su escuela sabe si su niño no tiene seguro médico, ellos lo
pueden ayudar a aplicar para CHIP o Medicaid de Niños – son 2 programas económicos que ayudan
millones de niños a tener exito en la escuela y crecer sanos. Empiece el año escolar bien, contesté la
pregunta de seguro médico y provea su teléfono y dirección en la forma. Este mensaje viene por la
Campaña Cien por Ciento del Fondo para la Defensa de los Niños y el distrito escolar de HISD, que
desean que sus niños tengan el seguro médico que ellos necesitan.
2. Gracias a la Campaña Cien por Ciento, consiguiendo cuidado médico para sus niños sin seguranza es
más fácil que nunca. Usted puede solicitar CHIP y Medicaid de Niños por la escuela de su niño basada
en la información que usted ponga en su formulario de matriculación de la escuela. Nada más aségurese
completar una nueva forma cuando empiece el ano escolar y contesta la pregunta de seguro médico.
Proporcione Información Actual de Teléfono y Dirección para que su escuela los pueden contactar.
Usted puede conseguir cobertura económico para sus niños por media del CHIP o Medicaid de Niños,
dos programas que proveen que ellos consigan el cuidado que ellos necesitan para permanecer sano y
ver al médico cuando se enferman. Haga lo un prioridad la cobertura de sus niños durante este "Regresa
a La Escuela". Este mensaje viene por la Campaña 100% del Fondo para la Defensa de los Niños y el
distrito escolar de HISD, que desean que sus niños tengan el seguro médico que ellos necesitan.
3. Sabía usted, que no tiene que ir a la sala de emergencia cada vez que su niño esté enfermo. Gracias a
la Legislatura de Texas, CHIP y Medicaid de Niños ayudan millones de niños a ver al médico para que
pueden crecer saludables y tener éxito en la escuela. Usted puede conseguir ayuda a inscribir a su niño,
simplemente marcando "Ninguno" para la pregunta de seguro médico en su formulario de matriculación
de la escuela de HISD. Cuándo su escuela sabe que su niño no tiene seguro médico, ellos lo pueden
ayudar a aplicar para CHIP o Medicaid de Niños. Aunque su niño no califique, la Campaña Cien por
Ciento los puede ayudar a escoger una clínica cerca de bajo costo o gratis. Este mensaje viene por la
Campaña Cien por Ciento del Fondo para la Defensa de los Niños y el distrito escolar de HISD, que
desean que sus niños tengan el seguro médico que ellos necesitan.
4. Atención padres de estudiantes en HISD: Si sus niños no tienen seguro médico, su escuela lo puede
ayudar a conseguir la asistencia de salud médica que ellos necesitan. Pero, su escuela necesita poder
comunicarse. El formulario de matriculación que usted completó el año pasado no es válida para este
año. Favor de completará y volverá la forma nueva del 2009-2010. Y si usted se mueve durante el año
escolar, recuerde de informar la escuela de sus niños. Con información actual de contacto, la escuela lo
puede ayudar a aplicar para CHIP y Medicaid de Niños – son dos programas económicos que ayudan
millones de niños a crecer sano y tener éxito en la escuela. Este mensaje viene por la Campaña Cien
por Ciento del Fondo para la Defensa de los Niños y el distrito escolar de HISD, que desean que sus
niños tengan el seguro médico que ellos necesitan.
5. Si su niño no tiene seguro médico, usted probablemente ha pasado horas en el cuarto de la emergencia
para el cuidado básico. Usted puede cambiar eso en 3 pasos fáciles. Paso 1: Solicite CHIP o Medicaid
de Niños. Paso 2: Si se acepta en CHIP o Medicaid, escoja el mejor plan de salud para su niño. Paso 3:
Planifique una cita para ver al médico. Con CHIP o Medicaid de Niños, su niño puede obtener los
exámenes regulares para permanecer sano y no tener que esperar en el cuarto de emergencia cuando
ellos se enferman. Inscribiendo a sus niños en CHIP o Medicaid, es fácil, y económico, y La Campaña
Cien por Ciento puede contestar a cualquier pregunta para ayudarle con el proceso. Llame a 713 664
4080 y hágalo un prioridad que sus niños tengan seguro médico durante este "Regresa a la Escuela".
Este mensaje viene por la Campaña Cien por Ciento del Fondo para la Defensa de los Niños y el distrito
escolar de HISD, que desean que sus niños tengan el seguro médico que ellos necesitan.