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Cesar Neyit Galindo Martínez has submitted an application for conference support.
Application data
Contact 1:
Last name: Galindo Martínez
First name: Cesar Neyit
Phone: +5713394999
Institution: Universidad de Los Andes
Department: Departamento de Matemáticas
Country: Colombia
State: Cundinamarca
City: Bogota
Postal code: 11001
Full mailing address:
Carrera 1 #18A-12
Contact 2:
Last name: Plavnik
First name: Julia Yael
Phone: +543514334051
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Department: Centro de Investigación y Estudios Matemáticos- CONICET
Country: Colombia
State: Córdoba
City: Córdoba
Postal code: 5000
Full mailing address:
Av. Medina Allende s/n , Ciudad Universitaria
Conference name: Encuentro Colombiano de Computación CuánticaDuration: 2015-05-11 - 2015-0515
Amount of support requested: 2,500
Computing and quantum information is a relatively new interdisciplinary field, which makes use of
nontrivial results of mathematics, physics and computer science. This is one reason why the issue
has allowed an interaction between some physicists and mathematicians in our region. Our main
objective to hold the event is to promote the creation of new areas of research in latin america,
collaboration between internationally recognized researchers and present the latest developments
of the subject and highlight the excellence of research that have been carried out in our region.
We provide below a title for each of the three series of lectures.
Eric Rowell (Texas A&M) and Zhenghan Wang (Microsoft Q station and University of California, Santa
Barbara), Topological Quantum Computation.
David Meyer (University of California, San Diego), An introduction to quantum computing.
Jeongwan Haah (Massachusetts Institute of technology) Introduction to quantum stabilizer codes.
In addition to the three lecturers mentioned above, we have invited some mathematicians and
physicists, recognized for their work in quantum computation and related fields, speakers to give
talks in the afternoon. They have been selected by the scientific committee and the organizers..
This list of speakers includes experienced researchers as well as young promising participants. In our
lists, people working in Latin America are marked with an ^{LA} sign. Female mathematicians are
marked with an ^{f} sign.
Alonso Botero^{LA}, Universidad de los Andes (Colombia).
Tristram Bogart^{LA}, Universidad de los Andes (Colombia).
Elham Kashefi (*)^{f}, University of Edinburgh (Scotland).
Carlos Viviescas^{LA}, Universidad Nacional - Sede Bogotá (Colombia).
Leonardo Augusto Pachon Contreras^{LA}, Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia).
Paul Bruillard, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA).
Julia Plavnik ^{LA,f}, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina)..
César Galindo ^{LA}, Universidad de los Andes (Colombia).
(*) tentatively confirmed
The Encuentro Colombiano de Computación Cuántica will take place on one week (5 working days).
The meeting will consist of a series of morning lectures (three mini-courses, one hour every day)
given by the invited speakers. The participants will have the possibility to give talks or present
posters in the afternoon sessions. The morning lectures will be held in English, afternoon lectures
can be held in English or Spanish, including a free wednesday afternoon, in order to have a lot of
time for interactions.
-Organizing committee:
1. Rafael Díaz^{LA} (Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Colombia).
2. César Galindo^{LA} (Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia).
3. Julia Plavnik ^{LA, f} (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina).
4. Eric Rowell (Texas A&M, USA).
5. Zhenghan Wang (Microsoft Station Q and University of California, Santa Barbara).
-Scientific committee:
1. Eric Rowell (Texas A&M, USA).
2. Zhenghan Wang (Microsoft Station Q and University of California, Santa Barbara).
Letter of request:
We write to apply for financial support for the Encuentro Colombiano de Computación Cuántica, to
be held in Bogotá, Colombia, during May 11th-16th 2015.
The goal of this meeting is to bring together graduate students from Latin America and world
experts in quantum computing and related topics (quantum information theory, complexity theory,
category theory, mathematical physics, low dimensional topology, among others), in order to:
1. Consolidate the development of these fields in the region,
2. Promote scientific exchanges and interactions among participants.
We would like to ask IMU for financial support in the amount of 3,00 dollars. We include below the
program of the meeting as well as a tentative budget and the repartition of the funds we are hoping
to gather.
List of supporting organizations:
-Banco de la República de Colombia: 1,000 dollars, pending approval.
-Faculty of Science, Universidad de Los Andes: 5,000 dollars, pending approval.
-Department of Mathematics, Universidad de Los Andes: 2,500 dollars, approved.
-ICETEX: 2,500 dollars, pending approved.
-Grant FAPA Universidad de Los Andes, main researcher César Galindo: 6,000 dollars, approved.
-IMU: 3,000 dollars, pending approval..
With our tentative budget, we can partially support the participation of 25 graduate students, 18
from Colombia and 7 from outside Colombia in Latin America. Any extra funding we may obtain will
be entirely devoted to partially support the participation to the conference of more students,
postdocs and researchers from the region. We will not ask for registration fees.
Number of participants ....:
With our tentative budget, we can partially support the participation of 25 graduate students, 18
from Colombia and 7 from outside Colombia in Latin America. Any extra funding we may obtain will
be entirely devoted to partially support the participation to the conference of more students,
postdocs and researchers from the region. We will not ask for registration fees.
Total conference budget (in EUR): 17,676
Amount requested from the CDC (in EUR): 2,500
Statement on the intended use of this amount:
We plan to use the IMU grant to pay for the some expenses of students and speakers from Latin
American countries. Priority will be give to students and speakers coming from outside of Colombia.
Received IMU Support:
Yes, our math department received support for the conference CIMPA Research School and
Workshop on Real Algebraic Geometry
Knowledge of program:
We received an email of the call for application of the grant.
CV organizer 1:
CV organizer 2:
César Neyit Galindo Martínez
Universidad de los Andes
Departamento de Matemáticas
Carrera 1 N.18 A -10,
Bogotá, Colombia.
(571) 339-4949, extensión 3081
Personal information
Name: César Neyit Galindo Martínez
Birthdate: 18 de Noviembre de 1982; Tunja, Colombia.
Marital Status: Married.
Children: 1 daughter.
Web page:
Research interest
Quantum group
Quantum computation
Representation theory
04/2005–07/2009 Doctor en Matemáticas. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
02/2000–12/2004 Matemático. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá.
Work experience
08/2014– presente Associated professor. Universidad de los Andes.
08/2012– 08/2014 Assistant professor. Universidad de los Andes.
01/2011– 07/2012 Postdoc. Universidad de los Andes.
08/2009– 12/2010 Assistant professor. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
César Neyit Galindo Martínez
Teaching experience
Universidad de los Andes
2015-01: Álgebra linea, introducción a la computación cuántica.
2014-02: Álgebra lineal, álgebra conmutativa.
2014-01: Álgebra lineal, álgebra abstracta 1.
2013-02: Cálculo integral con ecuaciones diferencial (magistral); Cálculo integral con ecuaciones
diferencial (honores).
2013-01: Cálculo diferencial.
2012-02: Cálculo vectorial; álgebras de Lie y sus representaciones.
2012-01: Álgebra Lineal 1; álgebra lineal 1.
2011-02: Representaciones de grupos; álgebra lineal 1.
2011-01: Álgebra abstracta 2; álgebra lineal 1.
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana,
2010-02: Teoría de cuerpos; álgebra lineal.
2010-01: Teoría de anillos; álgebra lineal avanzada.
2009-02: Cálculo diferencial; teoría de grupos.
1. On the Classification of Weakly Integral Modular Categories, (con Paul Bruillard, Siu-Hung Ng,
Julia Plavnik, Eric C. Rowell y Zhenghan Wang) preprint arXiv:1411.2313.
2. Isocategorical groups and their Weil representations, preprint arXiv:1407.7014. .
3. Tensor functors between Morita duals of fusion categories (con Julia Plavnik), preprint arXiv:1407.2783.
4. Braid representations from unitary braided vector spaces. (con Eric Rowell) Journal of Mathematical Physics 55, 2014.
5. Multiplicative structures on the twisted K-theory over finite groups. (con Bernardo Uribe e Ismael
Gutíerrez) Aceptado en Journal of Noncommutative Geometry.
6. Classification of integral modular categories of Frobenius-Perron dimension pq4 and p2 q2 . (con
Paul Bruillard, Seung-Moon Hong, Yevgenia Kashina, Deepak Naidu, Sonia Natale, Julia Yael Plavnik
y Eric Rowell) Canadian Mathematical Bulletin,
7. On braided and ribbon unitary fusion categories. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin,
8. De-equivariantization of Hopf algebras. (con Iván Angino y Mariana Pereira) Algebras and Representation Theory, 2014, Volume 17, Issue 1, pp 161-180.
9. Generalized and quasi-localization of braid group representations. (con Eric Rowell y Seung-Moon
Hong) International Mathematics Research Notices, 3 (2013), 693–731.
10. Module categories over finite pointed tensor categories. (con Martín Mombelli) Selecta Mathematica NS, 18 (2012), 357-389.
César Neyit Galindo Martínez
11. Clifford theory for graded fusion categories. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 192 (2012), 841–867.
12. Galois objects over the algebra of function over a finite group. (con Manuel Medina) Communications in Algebra, 40 (2012), 2577–2595.
13. Crossed product tensor categories. Journal of Algebra, 337 (2011), 233–252.
14. Clifford theory for tensor categories. J. London Math. Soc. (2011), 83 (1): 57-78.
15. Normal Hopf subalgebras in cocycle deformation of finite groups (con Sonia Natale), Manuscripta
Math. 125, 501-514 (2008).
16. Simple Hopf algebras and deformations of finite groups (con Sonia Natale), Mathematical Research
Letters 14 (2007), no. 6, 943–954.
Other Works
Introducción a la teoría de representaciones de grupos matriciales de Lie. Notas de un curso dictado
en el congreso Altencoa-5 (Álgebra, Teoría de Números, Combinatoria y Aplicaciones), Diciembre de
Categorías tensoriales y grupos finitos. Tesis de doctorado en matemáticas, Universidad Nacional de
El grupo cuántico Uq (sl (2, C)) y la teoría de nudos. Trabajo final del pregrado en Matemáticas,
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá.
Cálculo gráfico para categorías ribbon y álgebras de Hopf trenzadas. Notas de Seminario.
Aplicaciones de las categorías de fusión y las álgebras de Hopf.
Grant del la vicerectoria de investigaciones de la Universidad de los Andes, UNIANDES.
Investigador principal: César Galindo.
SQuAREs groups: Classification of modular categories.
Grant del American Institute of Mathematics.
Investigadores principales: Eric Rowell, Texas A& M University,
Zhenghan Wang, Microsoft Station Q y UCSB.
Manuel Medina Luna, Tesis de maestría, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Título: Deformaciones
de grupos finitos (Febrero de 2010).
Lina Fajardo, Trabajo de grado. Título: Fusion algebras and planar algebra. Universidad de los Andes
(Diciembre de 2011).
Andrés Rincón, Trabajo de grado. Título: Códigos de Corrección de Errores en Computación
Cuántica. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Mayo de 2012).
Yiby Karolina Morales Pinto, Tesis de Maestría, Universidad de los Andes. Título: Grupos
isocategoricos de orden pequeño y sus formas reales (Mayo de 2013)
César Neyit Galindo Martínez
Diana Carolina Castañeda, estudiante de Maestría, Universidad de los Andes. Título: Obstrucciones
cohomol ógicas a los productos cruzados álgebras de Hopf (Noviembre de 2013)
Yiby Carolina Morales. Doctorado, Universidad de los Andes (en curso).
Fernando Venegas. Doctorado, Universidad de los Andes (en curso).
Nicolas Jaramillo. Pregrado, Universidad de los Andes (en curso).
Jesús David Cifuente. Pregrado, Universidad de los Andes (en curso).
Short research stays
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Cambridge, USA, de Marzo a Julio de 2013.
Microsoft station Q; Santa Barbara, USA, April de 2013.
Texas A& M University; Collage station, USA, March de 2013.
Université Montpellier II; Montpellier, Francia, July de 2011.
Universidad de la Republica; Montevideo, Uruguay, April de 2010.
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina, April de 2010 y September de 2009.
Beca de doctorado del CONICET para paises latinoamericanas.
Beca de UMALCA para participar en Coloquio latinoamericano de Algebra, Chile 2011.
Beca de la academia nacional de Ciencias, 2004.
Organization of scientific meetings
School and Conference on Real Algebraic Geometry, Cimpa School, Villa de Leyva, July 2014.
Jairo Charis Seminar, Category, Geometry and Physics. Santa Marta, August 2011.
Encuentros Bogotanos de Álgebra, Uniandes Marzo de 2011, Sergio Arboleda June 2011.
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Hopf algebra seminar and Seminar of Lie theory, Cordoba, Argentina.
Universidad de la republica, Coloquio del departamento matemáticas, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Seminario de lógica y geometría, Bogotá, Colombia.
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Coloquio del departamento de matemáticas, Bogotá, Colombia.
Universidad de Los andes, Coloquio del departamento de matemáticas, Bogotá, Colombia.
Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Coloquio del departamento de matemáticas, Bogotá, Colombia.
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. Coloquio de Matemáticas.
César Neyit Galindo Martínez
Talks in scientific meeting by invitation
20/03/2014 Colóquio de Álgebra e Representações - Quantum 2014. Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul,
Title: Finite groups with same representation theory.
28/01/2014 Meeting on Discrete Geometry, Representations and Categories. Cali, Universidad del Valle.
Title: Representaciones del grupo de trenzas provenientes de espacios vectoriales trenzados unitarios.
10/10/2013 Coloquio Internacional de Representaciones de Algrebras; Alexander Zavadskij. Universidad Nacional; Bogotá, Colombia.
Title: Finite groups with same rational representation theory
05/08/2013 Congreso de las Américas, Sesión especial de álgebra no conmutativa. CIMAT; Guanajuato,
Título: De-equivariantization of Hopf algebras.
03/12/2012 Altencoa-5 (Álgebra, Teoría de Números, Combinatoria y Aplicaciones). Universidad Distrital; Bogotá, Colombia.
Cursillo: Introducción a la teoría de representaciones.
25/05/2012 Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI). CIMAT; Gaunajuato, Mexico.
Title: Noncommutative Galois extensions and representations of finite groups.
01/08/2011 Category, Geometry and Physics. Universidad Sergio Arboleda; Santa Marta, Colombia.
Title: Graded fusion categories.
04/07/2011 Hopf algebras and tensor categories. University of Almería; Almería, España
Title: Clifford theory for fusion categories.
01/09/2010 Conference on quantum groups. Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand, Francia.
Title: Classification of Galois objects for finite groups.
02/09/2009 Colloquium on Hopf Algebras, Quantum Groups and Tensor Categories. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, La falda, Argentina.
Title: Clifford theory for tensor categories.
Others talks in scientific meeting
26/09/2008 Reunión Anual de la Unión Matemática Argentina- Sesión Álgebra y Teoría de Números.
Universidad Nacional del Cuyo, Mendoza Argentina.
Title: Teoría de Clifford para categorías tensoriales.
César Neyit Galindo Martínez
09/05/2008 Colloquium on Hopf Algebra and their applications. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba Argentina.
Title: Normal Hopf subalgebras in cocycle deformations of finite groups.
21/09/2007 Reunión Anual de la Unión Matemática Argentina- Sesión Álgebra y Teoría de Números.
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba Argentina.
Title: Subálgebras de Hopf normales en deformaciones de grupos finitos.
25/07/2007 XVII Coloquio Latinoamericano de álgebra.
Medellín, Colombia.
Title: Deformaciones simples de grupos finitos.
21/09/2006 Reunión Anual de la Unión Matemática Argentina- Sesión Álgebras de Hopf.
Universidad Nacional del Sur. Bahía Blanca, Argentina.
Title: Álgebras de Hopf simples y deformaciones de grupos finitos.
15/12/2005 XIV Encuentro de álgebra y geometría algebraica.
Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Title: Sobre las R-matrices Mejoradas.
21/07/2004 ALTENCOA Álgebra, Teoría de Números, Combinatoria y Aplicaciones.
Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia.
Title: Cálculo gráfico para categorías ribbon.
24/12/2004 XVI Encuentro de geometría y sus aplicaciones y IV encuentro de aritmética.
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Bogotá, Colombia.
Title: Cálculo gráfico para categorías ribbon y álgebras de Hopf.
Academic reference
Prof. Dr. Nicolás Andruskiewitsch, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina,
Prof. Dr. Pavel Etingof, Massachusetts institute of technology, EEUU,
Prof. Dr. Zhenghan Wang, Microsoft Q station, University of California Santa Barbara, EEUU,
Prof. Dr. Bernardo Uribe, Universidad del Norte, Colombia,
Prof. Dr. Eric Rowell, Texas A& M University, EEUU,
Prof. Dr. Paul Bressler, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia,
Prof. Dr. Richard Ng, Iowa State University, EEUU,
Curriculum Vitae
Julia Yael Plavnik
Personal information
Full name: Julia Yael Plavnik.
Gender: Female.
Date and place of birth: January 25th, 1985. Córdoba, Argentina.
Age: 30.
Work address: Faculty of Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics(FaMAF)
Medina Allende s/n - Ciudad Universitaria
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba – (5000) Córdoba, Argentina.
Phone number: 54 351 433 40 51.
Personal address: Gobernador Ferreyra 86, Bo Mi Refugio. Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba,
Argentina. PC: 5152.
Telephone: +54-11-1526510988.
Current position
Graduate Student Instructor (in Argentina it is called Assistant Professor or
JTP). Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (FaMAF). From 2013.
Mathematics postdoctoral fellow CONICET (National Research Council), Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (CIEM-CONICET). Postdoctoral supervisor: Prof.
Marı́a Julia Redondo and Prof. Martı́n Mombelli. From 2013.
1. Ph.D. in Mathematics
August 2008 – March (15th) 2013.
FaMAF, National University of Córdoba (UNC), Argentina.
Advisor: Prof. Sonia Natale.
Thesis title: On the structure of fusion categories with few irreducible degrees.
2. Master Class “Quantum Groups, affine Lie algebras and their applications.”
September 2007 – June 2008.
MRI (Mathematical Research Institute), Utrecht University, The Netherlands.
Advisor: Prof. Michael Mueger.
3. Licenciada en Matemática (M.Sc. in Math. equivalent)
March 2003 – September (3rd) 2007.
FaMAF, National University of Córdoba (UNC), Argentina.
Grade: 9.16/10.
1. “Classification of integral modular categories of Frobenius-Perron dimension pq 4 and p2 q 2 ”
with P. Bruillard, C. Galindo, S.-M. Hong, Y. Kashina, D. Naidu, S. Natale and E. C.
Rowell. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 57, no. 4 (2014), 721-734.
2. “Solvability of a class of braided fusion categories”
with S. Natale. Applied Categorical Structures 22 (2014), 229-240.
3. “On fusion categories with few irreducible degrees”
with S. Natale. Algebra Number Theory 6, no. 6 (2012), 1171-1197.
Submitted articles
1. “On the Classification of Weakly Integral Modular Categories”
with P. Bruillard, C. Galindo, S-H. Ng, E. C. Rowell and Z. Wang.
Preprint arXiv:1411.2313.
2. “Tensor functor between Morita duals of fusion categories”
with C. Galindo. Preprint arXiv:1407.2783.
Short research stays
• Louisiana State University, May 09th-13th, 2014. Host researcher Prof. Siu-Hung (Richard) Ng.
• Microsoft Station Q - University of California, Santa Bárbara, April 19th-30th, 2014. Host
researcher Prof. Zhenghan Wang.
• Universität Hamburg, June 12th-15th, 2013. Host researcher Prof. Christoph Schweigert.
• Philipps-Universität Marburg, June 3rd-11th, 2013. Host researcher István Heckenberger.
• Texas A & M University, March 16th-24th, 2012; May 13th-18th, 2014, January 13th17th, 2015. Host researcher Prof. Eric Rowell.
Talks in conferences
1. VII Encuentro Nacional de Álgebra (7th National Algebra Meeting). La Falda, Argentina.
August 2014. “On the classification of certain integral modular categories”.
2. Mathematical Research Communities: Mathematics of Quantum Phases of Matter and
Quantum Information (MRC). Snowbird, United States. June 2014. “Some results and
techniques on the classification of certain weakly-integral modular categories (of small
rank or small dimension)”.
3. Colloquium on Algebra and Representations - Quantum 2014. Santa Maria, Rio grande
do Sul, Brasil. March 2014. “Tensor functors between Morita duals of fusion categories”.
4. Joint Int. Meeting of the AMS and the Romanian Math. Society (Invited talk). Alba Iulia,
Rumania. June 2013. “On the structure of fusion categories with few irreducible degrees”.
5. Workshop on Fusion Categories (Invited talk). Dijon, Francia. May 2013. “On the structure of fusion categories with few irreducible degrees”.
6. Coloquio de Álgebras y Representaciones - Quantum 2013. Tafı́ del Valle, Tucumán, Argentina. March 2013. “On tensor categories and Hopf algebras”.
7. XIX Coloquio Latinoamericano de Álgebra (CLA). Pucón, Chile. December 2012. “Solvability of a class of braided fusion categories”.
8. Primeras Jornadas de Doctorandos de FaMAF. Córdoba, Argentina. November 2012.
“Fusion categories II”.
9. IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Matemáticos (CLAM). Córdoba, Argentina August
2012. “Solvability of a class of braided fusion categories”.
10. Coloquio de Álgebras y Teorı́a de Representaciones - Quantum 2012. Mendoza, Argentina.
March 2012. “On fusion categories with few irreducible degrees”.
11. Reunión Anual de la UMA. Tucumán, Argentina. September 2011. “On fusion categories
with few irreducible degrees”.
12. Snoop Update’05 (Invited talk). Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 2012. “Singular value
decomposition and an application to images transmission”
13. 34 JAIIO(Plenary conferenca and poster). Rosario, Argentina. September 2005. “Singular
value decomposition and an application to images transmission”.
14. 2015 Joint Mathematical Meetings (JMM)(Invited talk at AMS Special Session on Quantum Information and Fusion Categories) San Antonio, Texas, United States. January
2015. “On strictly weakly integral modular categories of rank 8 and 9”.
Talk in seminars
• Homological Algebra Seminar. Buenos Aires University, Argentina. July 10th, 2013; August
28th, 2013.
• Seminar Quantum physics and geometry. Universität Hamburg, Germany. June 14th,
• Oberseminar “Kombinatorik und Algebra”. Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany. June
5th, 2013.
• Algebra seminar. Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands. May 29th, 2013.
• Q.A. seminar. Buenos Aires University, Argentina. April 22nd, 2013.
• Lie theory seminar. FaMAF, National University of Córdoba, Argentina. June 09th, 2011;
May 31st, 2012.
• Seminar “Algebra and Combinatorics”. Texas A & M University, United States. March
23rd, 2012.
• Seminar “GRASP” (Geometry, Representation and Some Physics). UC Berkeley, United
States. March 09th, 2012.
• “Rutgers Algebra Seminar”. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, United States.
February 29th, 2012.
• Seminar “Knots and geometrizations”. Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
October 29th, 2007.
Conference and Seminar Co-Organization:
1. First Encuentro Colombiano de Computación Cuántica (EC 3 2015), May 11th-15th, 2015.
Bogotá, Colombia. Website:
2. Colloquium on Algebra and Representations - Quantum 2014, March 20th-24th, 2014. Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Website: plavnik/quantum2014en/index-en.html
3. Colloquium on Algebra and Representations - Quantum 2013, March 22nd-25th, 2013.
Tafı́ del Valle, Tucumán, Argentina. Website: plavnik/quantum2013en/index-en.html
4. Graduate seminar of FaMAF, National University of Córdoba (UNC), 2010. (with R. M.
5. Colloquium on Hopf Algebras, Quantum Groups and Tensor Categories (Part of the Local
Comittee), August 31st to September 4th, 2009. La Falda, Sierras de Córdoba, Argentina.
Website: ggarcia/quantum2009/quantum09-eng.html
Fellowships and awards
Travel fellowship, MRC (Mathematics Research Communities), United States.
To attend to the MRC “Mathematics of Quantum Phases of Matter and Quantum Information”. Snowbird, Utah, United States. June 2014.
Travel fellowship, AIM (American Institute of Mathematics), United States.
To attend to the AIM SQuAREs “Classification of modular categories”. Palo Alto, California,
United States. May 2014.
Travel fellowship, University of Talca, Clay Mathematics Institute and Conicyt
To attend to “Representation theory days in Patagonia”. Punta Arenas, Chile. January 2014.
PostDoctoral fellowship, CONICET, Argentina. Advisor: Prof. Marı́a Julia Redondo.
April 2013 – March 2015 (Current position).
Ph.D. fellowship Type II, CONICET, Argentina. Advisor: Prof. Sonia Natale. Coadvisor: Prof. Nicolás Andruskiewitsch. April 2011 – March 2013.
Ph.D. fellowship Type I, CONICET, Argentina. Advisor: Prof. Sonia Natale. Coadvisor: Prof. Nicolás Andruskiewitsch. April 2008 – March 2011.
Travel fellowship, AIM (American Institute of Mathematics), United States.
To attend to the AIM Workshop “Classifying fusion categories”. Palo Alto, California, United
States. March 2012.
Premio Talentos 2008. Best undergraduate student of FaMAF. Journal “Punto a Punto”.
September 2008.
Master Class fellowship, MRI (American Institute of Mathematics), United States. For the realization of the Master Class “Quantum Groups, Affine Lie Algebras and their
applications” (Universiteit Utrecht). September 2007 – June 2008.
Primer premio en el Concurso de Trabajos Estudiantiles, with R.M.Arroyo. Best
undergraduate thesis. 34 JAIIO. September 2005.
Premio estudiantil cordobés. Best high school student. Córdoba province government.
December 2000.
Teaching experience
Graduate Student Instructor
Aug 2013 – Now (Current position)
FaMAF – Universidad Nacional de Córdoba – Argentina.
Graduate teaching assistant
Aug 2009 – Jul 2013
FaMAF – Universidad Nacional de Córdoba – Argentina.
Graduate teaching assistant
May 2009 – Apr 2010
Facultad Regional Córdoba – Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Argentina.
Undergraduate teaching assistant
Mar 2005 – Aug 2007
FaMAF – Universidad Nacional de Córdoba – Argentina.
Spanish (mother tongue), English, French (DELF B1 level), Portuguese.