Download You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart

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“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart”
Mk 12:30
Dear Lord Jesus, You call me to love you and to love others with all my heart, with all
my soul, with all my mind, and with all my strength. By your Holy Spirit and relying on
the prayer of your Mother Mary, I commit myself to grow in your grace and to carry your
Presence to a world that is often hurting, lonely, and separated from you. Be strength in
my weakness. Place in me a humble heart to pray, to serve, to share and to witness. Use
me as an instrument to draw others to come to know you, to love you and to serve you.
Bless your Church with a great passion for living the mission you have given to us.
Together, we give you all praise and glory as our mighty Savior and our loving God.
“Amarás al Señor, tu Dios, con todo el corazón”
Marco 12:30
Jesús Querido, Tú me llamas para amarte y amar a los demás con todo mi corazón, con
toda mi alma, con toda mi mente y con toda mi fuerza. A través del Espíritu Santo y
contando con la intercesión de nuestra Madre María, me comprometo a crecer en tu
gracia y llevar tu presencia a un mundo que frecuentemente sufre solo y está separado de
ti. Seas mi fuerza en mi debilidad. Dame un corazón humilde para orar, servir, compartir
y dar testimonio. Úsame como tu instrumento para atraer a otros a conocerte, amarte y
servirte. Bendice a tu Iglesia, dándonos la pasión para vivir la misión que nos has
encomendado. Juntos, te alabamos y te glorificamos como nuestro Salvador y nuestro
Dios amoroso. Amén.