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Each school year is a new beginning –– and this year, in Illinois, to start the year healthy, your students need to know about important
new immunization requirements.
That’s why Young Minds Inspired has teamed with Walgreens to produce Go Back Healthy, a free health education program that is
designed to help you remind your students and their parents about the new Illinois State Board of Education requirement that
all students in grades 6-12 receive one Tdap vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis by October 15, 2013.
Go Back Healthy includes a colorful wall poster, a fun activity that will help you make immunization top-of-mind for students, and
take-home handouts (in English and Spanish) that inform parents about the October 15 deadline for meeting the new state Tdap
vaccination requirement, and remind them that this vaccination is available at all Walgreens pharmacies and Healthcare Clinics,
with no appointment necessary. Should you need more handouts, please visit for a
downloadable PDF take-home letter that you can photocopy or distribute to parents by email.
In a few weeks, we will be sending you a second health education program, designed to help you reinforce the
importance of keeping immunizations up to date and motivate your students to stay healthy all year long by setting goals
for an active, self-confident lifestyle. Look for this program in your mailbox, or visit to download the
program in PDF.
We hope that you will share Go Back Healthy with every health educator at your school. Although this program is copyrighted,
you may make as many copies as needed for educational purposes.
Please let us know your opinion of this program by returning the enclosed reply card or by commenting online at We value your feedback and depend on your input to continue providing free educational
programs that make a real difference in students’ lives.
Dr. Dominic Kinsley
Editor in Chief, Young Minds Inspired
This program is designed for use with students
in grades 6-9.
• To alert students and parents to the Illinois
State Board of Education requirement that all
students in grades 6-12 must receive one
Tdap vaccination by October 15, 2013 in
order to attend school this fall.
• To encourage parents to have their child
immunized against other vaccine-preventable
diseases (VPDs) like meningococcal disease,
HPV infection, and influenza.
• To remind students and parents that Tdap and
other immunizations are available without an
appointment at all Walgreens pharmacies and
Healthcare Clinics.
• This health educator’s guide.
• A reproducible classroom activity for
• A wall poster for display in your school.
• A tear-pad of parent handouts (in English and
Spanish) that explain the Illinois state
requirement that all students in grades 6-12
receive one Tdap vaccination before October
15, 2013, in order to attend school this fall.
• A downloadable parent letter (in English and
Spanish) that carries the same message, at
• A reply card for your comments — or
comment online at
is the only company developing free, creative and
innovative classroom materials that is owned and
directed by award-winning former teachers. View our
© 2013 YMI, Inc.
website at to send feedback
and download more free programs. For questions, contact us toll-free at
1-800-859-8005 or by email at
1. Display the poster in your classroom, health
office, or school lobby to alert students and
others in your school community until the
October 15, 2013, vaccination deadline.
2. Plan to distribute the parent handouts at
registration, back-to-school night, and parent
night. You can also have every student in
grades 6-12 take one of the handouts home to
their parent or guardian.
3. If you need more handouts, you can make
photocopies of the downloadable parent letter
available at
You can also post this downloadable parent
letter on your school website or distribute it to
parents as an email attachment.
4. Make photocopies of the reproducible student
activity sheet for use in all grade 6-12 health
classes and schedule this activity for the first
weeks of the school year.
To review this program's alignment with national
health standards, please visit
Student Health Activity
Back-to-School Immunizations
Use this activity to alert students to the new Illinois
state Tdap vaccination requirement and the October
15, 2013 deadline. The activity informs students
about the diseases prevented by the Tdap vaccine
and other vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs) that
pose a special risk for teens and pre-teens. The
activity also mobilizes students to help ensure
compliance with the new Illinois state requirement by
challenging them to organize an “I got Tdapped!”
public awareness campaign at your school.
1. True: For example, Illinois saw more than twice
as many reported cases of pertussis in 2012
than in the preceding year (
2. False: Each year, new flu vaccines are
produced to meet the most highly anticipated strain of flu predicted by the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention. The flu vaccine
is effective only in the year in which it is given.
3. False: HPV (human papillomavirus) is the
most common sexually transmitted virus in the
U.S. Although its effects predominate in
females between ages 15 and 24, it can affect
both males and females, and everyone between
ages 11 and 26 should be vaccinated.
4. False: Meningitis, or meningococcal disease, can
be spread anywhere by coughing and sneezing. It
is a potentially fatal bacterial infection that can
cause as many as 20 percent of those who survive
to have serious long-term medical complications.
5. True: Vaccinations can be administered by
specially trained health professionals such as
your Walgreens pharmacist.
6. True: Whooping cough is an infection of the
respiratory system that causes uncontrollable
7. False: If a wound gets infected, there is still a
30 percent chance of serious health
complications. That’s part of why getting the
Tdap shot is important.
8. True: The thick, congestive coating caused by
diphtheria can block airway passages and lead
to paralysis, heart failure, coma, or death.
For more information, visit the following websites:
• Illinois Immunization Program:
• Illinois State Board of Education School Health
• Walgreens:
• Program microsite:
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Reproducible Activity Master
At your age, you might think that you’re done getting shots to protect you from diseases — that’s baby stuff!
But the truth is, kids your age still need protection. And in Illinois, it’s now required that all kids your age get a
Tdap shot before October 15, 2013, in order to stay in school.
What’s a Tdap shot? It’s a vaccine that protects you against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis — just look at
the first letters of those last four words and you’ll get it.
PART 1 Want to learn more? Take this true/false quiz. You’ll find out why it’s wise to
get immunized so you can go back to school healthy!
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 1. Illinois now requires middle school and high school students to get the Tdap vaccine
because there has been an increase in cases of pertussis over the past 6 years.
2. A flu shot helps protect you from getting the flu for up to five years.
3. HPV immunizations are only for females.
4. Meningitis only occurs in tropical countries.
5. You don’t have to go to the doctor to get a vaccination.
6. Pertussis is another name for whooping cough.
7. Complications from tetanus can be eliminated if you put some anti-bacterial
ointment on an open wound.
_____ 8. Diphtheria can result if a nasty cold is left untreated.
PART2 Make sure all your friends and classmates get the Tdap vaccine before this year’s October 15
deadline. Start an “I got Tdapped!” campaign. Create posters and fliers, send texts and tweets, or
hand out “I got Tdapped!” stickers or wristbands to students who have met the
requirement. You could even set up a class vs. class competition in each
grade to get everyone Tdapped before the deadline. Remember — kids
who don’t get Tdapped in time will be subject to exclusion from school.
Keep your school community strong by helping every student start the
year healthy.
Are all your immunizations up to date?
Be wise and talk with a parent or guardian about getting the
immunizations you need. Check your medical records against this
Recommended Immunizations chart available at the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention website, downloads/parent-version-schedule-7-18yrs.pdf.
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© 2013 YMI, Inc.
Answers: 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. False 5. True 6. True 7. False 8. True
Information does not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Vaccine subject to availability. Restrictions may apply. See pharmacy or clinic for details.
October 15 is the deadline for having your child receive the Tdap vaccine.
Dear Parent or Guardian,
You know that keeping up with immunizations is just as important for your child as it was when he or she was little. But you may not know that
this year your child must be immunized to remain in school.
The Illinois State Board of Education has recently mandated that all students in grades 6-12 receive one Tdap vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria, and
pertussis. All students must show proof of having received this vaccination, must have an appointment to get the vaccine, or have an approved medical or
religious exemption on file by October 15, 2013, or they will be subject to exclusion from school until they meet the requirement. Even 6th and 9th grade
students who received the Tdap vaccine last year or earlier need to show proof of having received the vaccine previously.
To help you meet this requirement, Walgreens pharmacies and Healthcare Clinics at select Walgreens offer the Tdap vaccine with no appointment
necessary, making it easier than ever for you to get your child immunized before the October 15 deadline. Walgreens immunization-trained
pharmacists and Healthcare Clinic board-certified family nurse practitioners will administer the Tdap vaccine anytime the pharmacy or clinic is open,
and most health insurance is accepted. In addition, your Walgreens pharmacist can conduct an immunization assessment to help assure that your
child’s immunizations are all up-to-date, and your child can receive all recommended vaccines that same day.
What vaccines are recommended for adolescents? In addition to the Tdap vaccine, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also
recommends immunization against meningococcal disease, HPV infection, and influenza.
• Meningococcal disease, or meningitis, is a bacterial infection that, while rare, can lead to death in as little as 24 hours from the start of
symptoms. It can also cause hearing loss, brain damage, and learning disabilities –– and it spreads fast.
• HPV (human papillomavirus) is the most common sexually transmitted virus in the U.S. Although its effects predominate in females between ages
15 and 24, it can affect both males and females, and the CDC recommends that everyone between ages 11 and 26 should be vaccinated.
• Influenza, or "the flu," can cause serious respiratory symptoms, taking students out of school for a week or more. New strains of flu virus appear
every year, which means that flu vaccinations should occur annually. In addition to the standard flu vaccine, all Walgreens locations also have the
needle-free nasal-spray flu vaccine available.
Your child has been learning about the importance of these immunizations in school. If you need more information about Walgreens immunization
services, please visit, or talk to your local pharmacist or Healthcare Clinic nurse practitioner.
Information does not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Vaccine subject to availability. Restrictions may apply. See pharmacy or clinic for details.
El 15 de octubre es la fecha límite para que su hijo reciba la vacuna Tdap.
Estimado padre, madre o tutor:
Usted sabe que mantenerse al día con la vacunación de su hijo es tan importante ahora como cuando era pequeño. Pero tal vez no sepa que este año su hijo debe
recibir una vacuna para continuar en la escuela.
Recientemente, el Consejo de Educación del Estado de Illinois determinó que todos los alumnos de 6.° a 12.° grado deben recibir la vacuna Tdap
contra el tétanos, la difteria y la tos ferina. Todos los alumnos deben presentar el certificado de vacunación, deben tener programada una cita para
la aplicación de la vacuna o deben presentar y obtener la aprobación de exención por motivos religiosos o médicos antes del 15 de octubre de
2013. De lo contrario, estarán sujetos a la exclusión de la escuela hasta tanto cumplan con el requisito. Incluso los alumnos de 6.° y 9.° grado que hayan
recibido la vacuna Tdap el año pasado o antes deben presentar una constancia de que han recibido la vacuna con anterioridad.
A fin de ayudarle a cumplir con este requisito, las farmacias Walgreens y las clínicas médicas ofrecen en Walgreens seleccionados la vacuna Tdap sin necesidad de cita
previa, de manera que le sea más sencillo que nunca vacunar a su hijo antes de la fecha límite del 15 de octubre. Los farmacéuticos de Walgreens capacitados en
vacunación y los enfermeros practicantes matriculados de las clínicas médicas aplicarán la vacuna Tdap en cualquier momento durante el horario de atención de la
farmacia o clínica, y se aceptan la mayoría de los seguros de salud. Además, su farmacéutico de Walgreens puede realizar una evaluación del calendario de vacunación de
su hijo para garantizar que esté al día y pueda recibir todas las vacunas recomendadas en ese mismo momento.
¿Cuáles son las vacunas recomendadas para adolescentes? Además de la vacuna Tdap, los Centros para la Prevención y el Control de Enfermedades (Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, CDC) también recomiendan vacunar contra la enfermedad meningocócica, infección por VPH y gripe.
• La enfermedad meningocócica (o meningitis) es una infección bacteriana que, si bien no es común, puede causar la muerte en un lapso de tan solo 24 horas
desde la aparición de los síntomas. También puede ocasionar pérdida de la audición, daño cerebral y discapacidades en el aprendizaje –– y se propaga rápidamente.
• El VPH (virus del papiloma humano) es el virus de transmisión sexual más común en los EE. UU. Si bien sus efectos predominan en mujeres de 15 a 24 años, puede
afectar tanto a hombres como mujeres, y los CDC recomiendan que todas las personas de entre 11 y 26 años reciban la vacuna.
• La gripe puede causar síntomas respiratorios graves e impedir que los alumnos asistan a la escuela durante una semana o más. Cada año aparecen nuevas
cepas del virus de la gripe, razón por la cual la vacunación contra la gripe debe ser anual. Además de la vacuna contra la gripe estándar, todos los centros
Walgreens también cuentan con la vacuna contra la gripe en aerosol nasal de aplicación sin inyección.
Su hijo ha aprendido sobre la importancia de estas vacunas en la escuela. Si necesita más información sobre los servicios de vacunación de Walgreens, visite o hable con la enfermera de la clínica de cuidados médcos o con su farmacéutico local.
La información no representa ningún tipo de asesoramiento, diagnóstico ni tratamiento médico. Las vacunas están sujetas a disponibilidad. Es posible que se apliquen restricciones. Consulte en la farmacia o clínica para más detalles.
© 2013 YMI, Inc.
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Dear Parent or Guardian,
You know that keeping up with immunizations is just as important for your child as it was
when he or she was little. But you may not know that this year your child must be
immunized to remain in school.
You know that keeping up with immunizations is just as important for your child as it was
when he or she was little. But you may not know that this year your child must be
immunized to remain in school.
The Illinois State Board of Education has recently mandated that all students in grades
6-12 receive one Tdap vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis. All
students must show proof of having received this vaccination, must have an
appointment to get the vaccine, or have an approved medical or religious exemption
on file by October 15, 2013, or they will be subject to exclusion from school until they
meet the requirement. Even 6th and 9th grade students who received the Tdap vaccine
last year or earlier need to show proof of having received the vaccine previously.
The Illinois State Board of Education has recently mandated that all students in grades
6-12 receive one Tdap vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis. All
students must show proof of having received this vaccination, must have an
appointment to get the vaccine, or have an approved medical or religious exemption
on file by October 15, 2013, or they will be subject to exclusion from school until they
meet the requirement. Even 6th and 9th grade students who received the Tdap vaccine
last year or earlier need to show proof of having received the vaccine previously.
To help you meet this requirement, Walgreens pharmacies and Healthcare Clinics at select
Walgreens offer the Tdap vaccine with no appointment necessary, making it easier than
ever for you to get your child immunized before the October 15 deadline. Walgreens
immunization-trained pharmacists and Healthcare Clinic board-certified family nurse
practitioners will administer the Tdap vaccine anytime the pharmacy or clinic is open, and
most health insurance is accepted. In addition, your Walgreens pharmacist can conduct an
immunization assessment to help assure that your child’s immunizations are all up-todate, and your child can receive all recommended vaccines that same day.
To help you meet this requirement, Walgreens pharmacies and Healthcare Clinics at select
Walgreens offer the Tdap vaccine with no appointment necessary, making it easier than
ever for you to get your child immunized before the October 15 deadline. Walgreens
immunization-trained pharmacists and Healthcare Clinic board-certified family nurse
practitioners will administer the Tdap vaccine anytime the pharmacy or clinic is open, and
most health insurance is accepted. In addition, your Walgreens pharmacist can conduct an
immunization assessment to help assure that your child’s immunizations are all up-todate, and your child can receive all recommended vaccines that same day.
What vaccines are recommended for adolescents? In addition to the Tdap vaccine, the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also recommends immunization against
meningococcal disease, HPV infection, and influenza.
What vaccines are recommended for adolescents? In addition to the Tdap vaccine, the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also recommends immunization against
meningococcal disease, HPV infection, and influenza.
• Meningococcal disease, or meningitis, is a bacterial infection that, while rare, can lead
to death in as little as 24 hours from the start of symptoms. It can also cause hearing
loss, brain damage, and learning disabilities –– and it spreads fast.
• Meningococcal disease, or meningitis, is a bacterial infection that, while rare, can lead
to death in as little as 24 hours from the start of symptoms. It can also cause hearing
loss, brain damage, and learning disabilities –– and it spreads fast.
• HPV (human papillomavirus) is the most common sexually transmitted virus in the U.S.
Although its effects predominate in females between ages 15 and 24, it can affect both
males and females, and the CDC recommends that everyone between ages 11 and 26
should be vaccinated.
• HPV (human papillomavirus) is the most common sexually transmitted virus in the U.S.
Although its effects predominate in females between ages 15 and 24, it can affect both
males and females, and the CDC recommends that everyone between ages 11 and 26
should be vaccinated.
• Influenza, or "the flu," can cause serious respiratory symptoms, taking students out of
school for a week or more. New strains of flu virus appear every year, which means that
flu vaccinations should occur annually. In addition to the standard flu vaccine, all
Walgreens locations also have the needle-free nasal-spray flu vaccine available.
• Influenza, or "the flu," can cause serious respiratory symptoms, taking students out of
school for a week or more. New strains of flu virus appear every year, which means that
flu vaccinations should occur annually. In addition to the standard flu vaccine, all
Walgreens locations also have the needle-free nasal-spray flu vaccine available.
Your child has been learning about the importance of these immunizations in school. If you need
more information about Walgreens immunization services, please visit
gobackhealthy, or talk to your local pharmacist or Healthcare Clinic nurse practitioner.
Your child has been learning about the importance of these immunizations in school. If you need
more information about Walgreens immunization services, please visit
gobackhealthy, or talk to your local pharmacist or Healthcare Clinic nurse practitioner.
Information does not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Vaccine subject to availability. Restrictions may apply. See
pharmacy or clinic for details.
Information does not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Vaccine subject to availability. Restrictions may apply. See
pharmacy or clinic for details.
Made possible by
© 2013 YMI, Inc.
Made possible by
© 2013 YMI, Inc.
Estimado padre, madre o tutor:
Estimado padre, madre o tutor:
Usted sabe que mantenerse al día con la vacunación de su hijo es tan importante ahora como cuando
era pequeño. Pero tal vez no sepa que este año su hijo debe recibir una vacuna para continuar en la
Usted sabe que mantenerse al día con la vacunación de su hijo es tan importante ahora como cuando
era pequeño. Pero tal vez no sepa que este año su hijo debe recibir una vacuna para continuar en la
Recientemente, el Consejo de Educación del Estado de Illinois determinó que todos los
alumnos de 6.° a 12.° grado deben recibir la vacuna Tdap contra el tétanos, la difteria y la
tos ferina. Todos los alumnos deben presentar el certificado de vacunación, deben tener
programada una cita para la aplicación de la vacuna o deben presentar y obtener la
aprobación de exención por motivos religiosos o médicos antes del 15 de octubre de 2013.
De lo contrario, estarán sujetos a la exclusión de la escuela hasta tanto cumplan con el
requisito. Incluso los alumnos de 6.° y 9.° grado que hayan recibido la vacuna Tdap el año pasado o
antes deben presentar una constancia de que han recibido la vacuna con anterioridad.
Recientemente, el Consejo de Educación del Estado de Illinois determinó que todos los
alumnos de 6.° a 12.° grado deben recibir la vacuna Tdap contra el tétanos, la difteria y la
tos ferina. Todos los alumnos deben presentar el certificado de vacunación, deben tener
programada una cita para la aplicación de la vacuna o deben presentar y obtener la
aprobación de exención por motivos religiosos o médicos antes del 15 de octubre de 2013.
De lo contrario, estarán sujetos a la exclusión de la escuela hasta tanto cumplan con el
requisito. Incluso los alumnos de 6.° y 9.° grado que hayan recibido la vacuna Tdap el año pasado o
antes deben presentar una constancia de que han recibido la vacuna con anterioridad.
A fin de ayudarle a cumplir con este requisito, las farmacias Walgreens y las clínicas médicas ofrecen en
Walgreens seleccionados la vacuna Tdap sin necesidad de cita previa, de manera que le sea más sencillo
que nunca vacunar a su hijo antes de la fecha límite del 15 de octubre. Los farmacéuticos de Walgreens
capacitados en vacunación y los enfermeros practicantes matriculados de las clínicas médicas aplicarán
la vacuna Tdap en cualquier momento durante el horario de atención de la farmacia o clínica, y se
aceptan la mayoría de los seguros de salud. Además, su farmacéutico de Walgreens puede realizar una
evaluación del calendario de vacunación de su hijo para garantizar que esté al día y pueda recibir todas
las vacunas recomendadas en ese mismo momento.
A fin de ayudarle a cumplir con este requisito, las farmacias Walgreens y las clínicas médicas ofrecen en
Walgreens seleccionados la vacuna Tdap sin necesidad de cita previa, de manera que le sea más sencillo
que nunca vacunar a su hijo antes de la fecha límite del 15 de octubre. Los farmacéuticos de Walgreens
capacitados en vacunación y los enfermeros practicantes matriculados de las clínicas médicas aplicarán
la vacuna Tdap en cualquier momento durante el horario de atención de la farmacia o clínica, y se
aceptan la mayoría de los seguros de salud. Además, su farmacéutico de Walgreens puede realizar una
evaluación del calendario de vacunación de su hijo para garantizar que esté al día y pueda recibir todas
las vacunas recomendadas en ese mismo momento.
¿Cuáles son las vacunas recomendadas para adolescentes? Además de la vacuna Tdap, los Centros
para la Prevención y el Control de Enfermedades (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC)
también recomiendan vacunar contra la enfermedad meningocócica, infección por VPH y gripe.
• La enfermedad meningocócica (o meningitis) es una infección bacteriana que, si bien no es
común, puede causar la muerte en un lapso de tan solo 24 horas desde la aparición de los
síntomas. También puede ocasionar pérdida de la audición, daño cerebral y discapacidades en el
aprendizaje –– y se propaga rápidamente.
• El VPH (virus del papiloma humano) es el virus de transmisión sexual más común en los EE. UU.
Si bien sus efectos predominan en mujeres de 15 a 24 años, puede afectar tanto a hombres como
mujeres, y los CDC recomiendan que todas las personas de entre 11 y 26 años reciban la vacuna.
• La gripe puede causar síntomas respiratorios graves e impedir que los alumnos asistan a la
escuela durante una semana o más. Cada año aparecen nuevas cepas del virus de la gripe, razón
por la cual la vacunación contra la gripe debe ser anual. Además de la vacuna contra la gripe
estándar, todos los centros Walgreens también cuentan con la vacuna contra la gripe en aerosol
nasal de aplicación sin inyección.
¿Cuáles son las vacunas recomendadas para adolescentes? Además de la vacuna Tdap, los Centros
para la Prevención y el Control de Enfermedades (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC)
también recomiendan vacunar contra la enfermedad meningocócica, infección por VPH y gripe.
• La enfermedad meningocócica (o meningitis) es una infección bacteriana que, si bien no es
común, puede causar la muerte en un lapso de tan solo 24 horas desde la aparición de los
síntomas. También puede ocasionar pérdida de la audición, daño cerebral y discapacidades en el
aprendizaje –– y se propaga rápidamente.
• El VPH (virus del papiloma humano) es el virus de transmisión sexual más común en los EE. UU.
Si bien sus efectos predominan en mujeres de 15 a 24 años, puede afectar tanto a hombres como
mujeres, y los CDC recomiendan que todas las personas de entre 11 y 26 años reciban la vacuna.
• La gripe puede causar síntomas respiratorios graves e impedir que los alumnos asistan a la
escuela durante una semana o más. Cada año aparecen nuevas cepas del virus de la gripe, razón
por la cual la vacunación contra la gripe debe ser anual. Además de la vacuna contra la gripe
estándar, todos los centros Walgreens también cuentan con la vacuna contra la gripe en aerosol
nasal de aplicación sin inyección.
Su hijo ha aprendido sobre la importancia de estas vacunas en la escuela. Si necesita más información
sobre los servicios de vacunación de Walgreens, visite o hable con
la enfermera de la clínica de cuidados médcos o con su farmacéutico local.
Su hijo ha aprendido sobre la importancia de estas vacunas en la escuela. Si necesita más información
sobre los servicios de vacunación de Walgreens, visite o hable con
la enfermera de la clínica de cuidados médcos o con su farmacéutico local.
La información no representa ningún tipo de asesoramiento, diagnóstico ni tratamiento médico. Las vacunas están sujetas a disponibilidad. Es
posible que se apliquen restricciones. Consulte en la farmacia o clínica para más detalles.
La información no representa ningún tipo de asesoramiento, diagnóstico ni tratamiento médico. Las vacunas están sujetas a disponibilidad. Es
posible que se apliquen restricciones. Consulte en la farmacia o clínica para más detalles.
Made possible by
© 2013 YMI, Inc.
Made possible by
© 2013 YMI, Inc.
This year, the Illinois State Board of Education requires that all students in grades
6-12 be immunized for Tdap — tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (or whooping
cough) — by October 15, 2013, or you will be subject to exclusion from school.
Don’t miss out on the new school year. Go Back Healthy. Get your immunization now!
Health officials also recommend that middle and high school students be
immunized against the flu, HPV infection, and meningococcal disease. Why?
Staying healthy helps you stay happy, with the
go-power you need to enjoy friends, fitness,
family, fun — and learning, too.
VPDs like meningococcal
disease and HPV infection
can be really dangerous,
and who needs that?
Made possible by
© 2013 YMI, Inc.
Childhood shots wear off — you need to boost
your immunity to stay strong through your
teenage years.
All VPDs (vaccine-preventable diseases)
can spread fast and interrupt everyone’s
education — including yours.
VPDs like the flu can knock you out
for a week or more — no matter
what’s on your schedule!
Information does not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Vaccine subject to availability. Restrictions may apply. See pharmacy or clinic for details.