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CURRICULUM VITAE Adrián Javier, Sambade Zumoffen PERSONAL INFORMATION • Nationality: Spanish • Birth place: Buenos Aires, Argentina • Birth date: September 20, 1970 • Address: C/Burjasot num 6 pta 8, Godella, Valencia, Spain(CP 46110) • Mobile phone: (0034) 638087977 • e-mail: CAREER SUMMARY Education Graduate April 1997, graduate in Biological Sciences “Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales”, Buenos Aires University (UBA). Buenos Aires, Argentina. Accredited to the Spanish graduate in September 1999 by “Ministerio de Educación y Cultura de Madrid, Secretaría General y Técnica” Madrid, Spain. PhD July 2004. Dr. in Biology by “Universidad de Valencia” (UV), Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department, program 30 A (Molecular Biology). Valencia, Spain. Last employment October 2008 to July 2011, employed by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) at the John Innes Centre (JIC), UK. Department of Cell and Developmental Biology. Laboratory of Clive Lloyd. April 2008 to September 2008. Contract at IBMP (CNRS), Strasburg (France) as Postdoc. HFSPO project (RGB 22/2006) Entitled: Plants and environment: Systemic signals and target gene networks in response to pathogen attack. Laboratory of Manfred Heinlein. 2006-2008 Postdoctoral position at IBMP (CNRS), Strasburg, France. Excellence postdoctoral remunerated grant (Oficina de Ciencia y Tecnología - Presid. de la Generalidad Valenciana, Valencia, Spain.) Aim: Research on RNA movement and interacting factors. Laboratory of Manfred Heinlein 2004-2006 Postdoctoral position at IBMP (CNRS), Strasburg, France, FPI remunerated postdoctoral grant from: Oficina de Ciencia y Tecnología – Presid. de la Generalidad Valenciana. Valencia Spain. Research on RNA movement and interacting factors. 2000-2004 PhD at the “Instituto Valenciano de Invetigaciones Agrarias” (IVIA), Valencia, Spain. Predoctoral FPI remunerated grant from “Consejería de educación de la comunidad Valenciana, Oficina de Ciencia y Tecnología”. Valencia, Spain. Aim: Molecular Characterization of CTV. Laboratory of Pedro Moreno. 1 May 1997- September 1999 Contract at the IVIA (Valencia, Spain) (subsided by INCO-DC project ERBIC18CT960044). Laboratory of Pedro Moreno. May 1996- March 1997 Work training at the “Universidad Nacional de La Plata”(ULP), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Laboratory of Antonio Lagares. Teaching and PhD supervision • • • PhD studies co-supervision of Inmaculada Ferriol from Universidad de Valencia (at IVIA institute) Valencia, Spain. Internship supervision of de Amélie Cairey-Remonnay (from Ecole Supérieure de Biotechnologie du Strasbourg) at IBMP, Strasbourg, France. June and July 2008. Internship supervision of the PhD student Rosa Mar Ferrer Gual (from Universidad Politécnica de Valencia) at IBMP, Strasburg, France. May-August 2006. Participation in research projects • • • • • • • • • "Función Salud" Project of the National University of La Plata (UNLP). Buenos Aires, Argentina. IBBM/FCEN Institute. Period 1995-1996. INCO-DC program (EU) (Nº: ERBIC18CT960044). Control of citrus virus diseases important in the Mediterranean area and South America: development of molecular probes for quick detection of severe strains of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) and psorosis-ringspot. IVIA institute, Valencia, Spain. Period 1997-1998. INIA: Code: SC97-098 (Spain). Prevention and control of diseases caused by Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) in Spain. At IVIA institute Valencia, Spain. Period: 1997-2000. CICYT code: AGL2001-1973 (IVIA number: 2204). Pathogenic determinants and control measurements of the Citrus tristeza virus (CTV). Valencia, Spain. Period 2002-2004. I+D+I grants code number: GRUPOS03/221 (Spain). Characterization, epidemiology and control of phytopathogenic agents. At IVIA institute. Valencia, Spain. Period: 2003-2004. BCMS: Le ministère délégué à la recherche et aux nouvelles technologies (BCMS187) (France). Analysis of RNA transport complexes in plants. Strasbourg, France. 2004-2007. HFSPO project (RGP 22/2006). Entitled: Plants and environment: Systemic signals and target gene networks in response to pathogen attack. BBSRC, The role of the microtubules in regulating cell wall organization and the shape of plant cells. Period: 2008-2011. FONCYT, Argentina. Psorosis de los cítricos y Big-vein en lechuga: enfermedades causadas por Ophiovirus. Estudio y caracterización de los genes virales involucrados en la supresión del mecanismo de defensa de la planta, y en su movimiento en el huésped. Supervised by MaLaura Garcia and Adrian Sambade. 2011-2012. Invited lectures Comparison of viral RNA populations of pathogenically distinct isolates of Citrus tristeza virus: application to monitoring cross-protection. Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Fitosanitarie, Sez. Patologia Vegetale, Università di Catania. Catania, Italy. September 27, 2002. Biochemical characterization and symptom-induction association of Citrus Tristeza Virus (CTV) p23 protein. Istituto sperimentale per l’agrumicoltura, dipartimento di miglioramento genetico. Acireale, 2 Italy. September 30, 2002. “Movement” of the TMV movement protein Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA). Plant protection and biotechnology department. Valencia, Spain. February 19 2008. The movement protein of TMV interacts with microtubule-nucleation factors. Institute of Plant Molecular Biology (IBMCP). Virology department. Valencia, Spain. February 20, 2008. The movement of TMV as a tool to research RNA traffic in plants. Cavanilles Institute, Evolutionary Genetics. Valencia, Spain. February 26, 2008 Publications REFEREED PUBLICATIONS A fast one-step reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) amplification procedure providing highly specific complementary DNA from plant virus RNA. Sambade A., Martín S., Olmos A., García ML., Cambra M., Grau O., Guerri J. and Moreno P. Journal of Virological Methods, (2000) 87, 25-28. Contribution of Uneven distribution of genomic RNA variants of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) within the plant to changes in the viral populations following aphid transmission. D`Urso F., Ayllón MA., Rubio L., Sambade A., Hermoso de Mendoza A., Guerri J. and Moreno P. Plant Pathology, (2000) 49, 288-294. Biological and Molecular Variability of Citrus Tristeza Virus: Implications for its Control. Moreno P., Rubio L., Navas-Castillo J, Vives MC., Ayllón MA., Albiach-Martí MR., Sambade A., Narváez G., Guerri J., López C. and Flores R. Proceedings of the International Society of Citriculture. IX Congress (2000) 966-968. Differential expression of the members of the Asr gene family in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Maskin L., Gudesblat GE., Moreno JE,. Carrari FO. Frankel N., Sambade A., Rossi M. and Iusem ND. Plant Science, (2001) 161 (4), 739-746. Comparison of the viral RNA populations of pathogenically distinct isolates of citrus tristeza virus. Application to monitor cross protection. Sambade A., Rubio L., Garnsey S.M., Costa N., Müller G.W., Peyrou M., Guerri J. and Moreno P. Plant Pathology, (2002) 51, 257–265. Variation of haplotype distributions of two genomic regions of Citrus tristeza virus populations from eastern Spain. d’Urso F., Sambade A., Moya A., Guerri J., Moreno P. Molecular Ecology (2003) 12, 517-526. The first Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) outbreak found in a relevant citrus producing area of Sicily, Italy. Davino S., Davino M., Sambade A., Guardo M., Caruso A. Plant Disease (2003) 87 (3), 314. Polymorphism of a specific region in gene p23 of Citrus tristeza virus allows discrimination between mild and severe isolates. Sambade A., López C., Rubio L., Flores R., Guerri J. and Moreno P. Archives of Virology (2003) 148: 2325-2340. Virus de la tristeza de los cítricos: diferenciación molecular de aislados (Citrus Tristeza Virus: molecular differentiation of isolates). Sambade A. Ph.D thesis, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Depth, Valencia University. (2004) Valencia, Spain. Evidence of multiple recombination events between two RNA sequences variants within a Citrus tristeza virus isolate. Vives MC, Rubio L. Sambade A., Mirkov T.E., Moreno P. and Guerri J. Virology 3 (2005) 331:232-237. Tobacco mosaic virus movement protein functions as a structural microtubule-associated protein. Ashby J, Boutant E, Seemanpillai M, Groner A, Sambade A, Ritzenthaler C, Heinlein M. J. Virol. 2006 80:8329-44. Erratum in: J Virol. (2006) 80(24):12433. Groner, Anna (added). Plasmodesmata and intercellular transport of viral RNA. Hofmann C, Sambade A, Heinlein M. Biochem Soc Trans. (2007) 35:142-5. Preferential accumulation of severe variants of Citrus tristeza virus in plants co-inoculated with mild and severe variant. Sambade A.; Ambrós S.; López C.; Ruiz-Ruiz S.; Hermoso de Mendoza A.; Flores R.; Guerri J.; Moreno P. Arch.Virol. (2007) 152:1115-1126. Transport of TMV Movement Protein Particles Associated with the Targeting of RNA to Plasmodesmata. Sambade A., Brandner K., Hofmann C., Seemanpillai M., Mutterer J. and Heinlein M. Traffic. (2008) 9(12):2073-88. Tobacco mosaic virus movement protein interacts with green fluorescent protein-tagged microtubule end-binding protein 1. Brandner K., Sambade A., Boutant E., Didier P., Mély Y., Ritzenthaler C. and Heinlein M. Plant Physiol. (2008) 147(2):611-23. Co-first author The Tobacco mosaic virus movement protein enhances the spread of RNA silencing. Vogler H., Kwon MO., Dang Vy, Sambade A., Fasler M., Ashby J. and Heinlein M. PLoS Pathog. (2008) 4:e1000038. Approaching the cellular mechanism that supports the intercellular spread of Tobacco mosaic virus. Sambade A and Heinlein M. Plant Signal Behav. (2009) 4(1):35-38. Inhibition of tobacco mosaic virus movement by expression of an actin-binding protein. C., Niehl A., Sambade A., Steinmetz A. and Heinlein M. Plant Physiology (2009) 149(4):1810-23. Arabidopsis Cortical Microtubules Are Initiated along, as Well as Branching from, Existing Microtubules. Chan J., Sambade A., Calder G., Lloyd C. Plant Cell (2009) 21:2298-2306. Contribution of recombination and selection to molecular evolution of Citrus tristeza virus. Martin S., Sambade A., Rubio L., Vives MC., Moya P., Guerri J., Elena S.F. and Moreno P. Journal of General Virology (2009) 90:1527-38. Co-first author Tobacco mutants with reduced microtubule dynamics are less susceptible to TMV. Ouko M.O., Sambade A., Brandner K., Niehl A., Peña E., Ahad A., Heinlein M. and Nick P. Plant Journal (2010) 62(5):829-39. Microtubule dynamics in plant cells. Buschmann, H; Sambade A.; Pesquet E.; Calder G. and Lloyd C. Methods in Cell Biology (eds. Lynne Cassimeris and Phong Tran) (2010) 97:373-400. Cofirst author Cytoskeletal dynamics in interphase, mitosis and cytokinesis analysed through Agrobacteriummediated transient transformation of tobacco BY-2 cells. Buschmann H., Green P., Sambade A., Doonan J.H. and Lloyd C.W. New Phytologist (2010). doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2010.03587. The influence of light on microtubule dynamics and alignment. Sambade A., Pratap A., Buschmann H., Morris R. and Lloyd C.W. Plant Cell (2012). In press. Actin-dependent and -independent functions for cortical microtubules in Arabidopsis cell differentiation. Buschmann H., Sambade A., Findlay K., Schäffner A.R. and Lloyd C.W. Submitted. 4 ABSTRACTS Serotypes characterization of Salmonella resistant to third generation cephalosporins. Sambade A., Hozbor, D. Lozano M., Lopardo H. y Lagares A. XXX National meeting of the Argentinean Society of Biochemical Research. Iguazú, Argentina. November 26-29 1994. Abstract book: communication 399. Epidemiological relationships between hospital isolates of Salmonella enterica with resistance to third generation cephalosporins. Sambade, A., Lopardo, H., y Lagares, A. XXXIII XXX National meeting of the Argentinean Society of Biochemical Research, Villa Giardino, Argentina. November 11 to 14 1997. Abstract book: communication M85. Comparison of biologically different Citrus trsiteza virus (CTV) isolates by single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. A. Sambade, S. Gago-Zachert, L. Semorile, O. Grau, N. Costa, M Peyrou, M. Francis, M. Machado, G. W. Müller, S. M. Garnsey, J. Guerri and P. Moreno. XIV Conference of IOCV (International Organization of Citrus Virologists), Campinas SP, Brasil. September 13-18, 1998. Abstract book, page: 28. Improved conditions for fast detection or typing of Citurs tristeza virus and psorosis-rinspot by one step RT-PCR. A. Sambade, A. Olmos, G. Legarreta, O. Grau,M. Cambra, J. Guerri and P. Moreno. XIV Conference of IOCV (International Organization of Citrus Virologists), Campinas SP, Brasil. September 13 to 18, 1998. Abstract book, page: 142. Sequences from p23 gene of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) grouped according the pathogenicity of its isolates. Sambade A., López C., Flores R., Guerri J. and Moreno P. X Congress of the Spanish Society of Phytopatology, Valencia, Spain. October 3- 6, 2000. Abstract book page: 270. Importance of recombination in citrus tristeza virus evolution. Sambade A., Rubio L., Vives MC, Guerri J. and Moreno P. VIII National Virology Congress. Barcelona, Spain. October, 2003. Biological and molecular variability of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV): a continuous threat for the citrus industry. Moreno P., Guerri J., Rubio L., Sambade A., Moya P., Ruiz-Ruiz S. y Ambrós S. XLVI Annual Meeting American Phytopathology Society Caribbean División. Cartagena, Colombia. 2006. Microtubules are involved in intracellular transport of TMV MP. Sambade A., Hofmann C., Seemanpillai M., Brandner K., Ritzenthaler C. y Heinlein M. VI International Conference of Plasmodesmata. Pitlochry, Scotland 2006. Abstracts book, 104. The MP of TMV delivers nucleus-encoded RNA to plasmodesmata. Sambade A., Seemanpillai M., Ritzenthaler C. y Heinlein M. VI International Conference of Plasmodesmata. Pitlochry, Scotland 2006. Abstracts book, 106. Role of microtubules and other host cell components in TMV movement. Ashby J., Seemanpillai M., Boutant E., Sambade A., Hofmann C., Brandner K., Vogler H., Dang V., Boyko V., Ritzenthaler C. y Heinlein M. VI International Conference of Plasmodesmata. Pitlochry, Scotland 2006. Abstracts book, 40. The movement protein of TMV use the ER network for intracellular transport of RNA involving microtubules. Sambade A., Hofmann C., Seemanpillai M., Brandner K., Boutant E., Ritzenthaler C. y Heinlein M. XI Rencontres de Virolgie Végétale. Aussois, France. 2007. Abstracts book, 4. EB1, a conserved microtubule-binding protein, interacts with the movement protein of Tobacco Mosaic Virus supporting the involvement of microtubules during viral spread. Brandner K., Sambade A., Boutant E., Rubio L. y Heinlein M. XI Rencontres de Virolgie Végétale. Aussois, France. 2007. Abstracts book, 5. Tobacco mosaic virus movement – Interactions with microtubules, ER, and small RNAs. Ashby 5 J., Vogler H., Seemanpillai M., Sambade A., Brandner K., Groner A., Boutant E., Hofmann C., Ritzenthaler C., Dang V., Kwon M., Ferralli J., Fasler M., Boyko V., Akbergenov R., Hohn T. y Heinlein. XI Rencontres de Virolgie Végétale. Aussois, France. 2007. Abstracts book, 4 Variabilidad del agente causal de la tristeza de los cítricos: Avances y perspectivas. Moreno P., Guerri J., Rubio L., Vives C., Sambade A., Moya P., Ruiz-Ruiz S., Ambrós S. XL Congreso Brasileiro de Fitopatología. Maringá, Paraná, Brasil. 2007. Plants and Enviroment:systemic signals andtarget gene networks in response to phatogen attack. A. Niehl,A. Sambade, S. Peck, M. Kuiper, I. Kovalchuk and M. Heinlein. (Poster) 11 Rencontres de virologie végétale (RVV) (book of abstracts, p. 74) Aussois, January 28-February 1, 2007 Cell-to-cell movement of TMV. A.Sambade, C. Hofmann, M.Seemanpillai,V. Boiko, J. Ashby, Q. Hu, E. Boutant, C. Ritzenthaler and M.Heinlein. Symposium régional de Virologie. Strasbourg, May 15, 2008. TMV movement protein interacts with GFP-tagged microtubule end-binding protein 1 (EB1) K.Brandner, A.Sambade, E. Boutant, P. Didier, Y. Mély, C. Ritzenthaler and M.Heinlein (poster 23) Symposium régional de Virologie. Strasbourg, France. May 15, 2008. Model for TMV-MP intracellular movement. A.Sambade, K.Brandner, C. Hofmann, M.Seemanpillai, J. Mutterer and M.Heinlein (poster 24) Symposium régional de Virologie Strasbourg, France. May 15, 2008. Targeting of TMV RNA to plasmodesmata, role of TMV movement protein (MP). Peña E., Sambade A. and Heinlein M. VII Intern. Conference of Plasmodesmata. Sydney, Australia. March 21-26, 2010 Microtubule behaviour in rapidly elongating cells. Sambade A. and Lloyd C. Plant & Microbial Cytoskeleton. The Machinery Driving Motion and Structure in Cells. Gordon Research Conferences. Andover, EEUU August 8-13, 2010. 6