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New computer virus sends prank messages to mobile phones
Submitted by: Context PR
Tuesday, 6 June 2000
VBS/Timofonica spreads via e-mail, activates via GSM phones
ESPOO, Finland, June 6th, 2000 - F-Secure Corporation [HEX: FSC], a leading
provider of security for mobile, distributed enterprises, is warning e-mail
users of a new e-mail chain letter: the VBS/Timofonica worm.
This worm is similar to the LoveLetter worm that went around the world in
early May. However, this new worm activates by sending SMS short messages to
random GSM phones. F-Secure Anti-Virus detects and disinfects the virus,
with the latest update available from
VBS/Timofonica operates under the Windows operating system and needs
Microsoft Outlook to spread itself further via e-mail, much like LoveLetter.
The e-mail messages sent by Timofonica are as follows:
From: name-of-infected-user
Es de todos ya conocido el monopolio de Telefónica pero no tan conocido los
métodos que utilizó para llegar hasta este punto. En el documento adjunto
existen opiniones, pruebas y direcciones web con más información que
demuestran irregularidades en compras de materiales, facturas sin
proveedores, stock irreal, etc. También habla de las extorsiones y
favoritismos a empresarios tanto nacionales como internacionales. Explica
también el por qué del fracaso en Holanda y qué hizo para adquirir el portal
Lycos. En las direcciones web del documento existen temas relacionados para
que echéis un vistazo a los comentarios, informes, documentos, etc. Como
comprenderéis, esto es muy importante, y os ruego que reenviéis este correo
a vuestros amigos y conocidos.
Attachment: TIMOFONICA.TXT.vbs
The Spanish text speaks critically about the monopoly of the Spanish telecom
operator Telefonica, and urges users to open the attachment to see more
information on the subject. It also asks users to forward this e-mail to all
their friends. The word "Timofonica" itself is a joke on Telefonica word
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"Timo" means trick in Spanish.
What makes Timofonica special is that it also sends e-mail messages to an
E-mail-to-GSM gateway in Spain. As a result, the virus might send this SMS
message to thousands of random GSM numbers: informa que: Telefónica te está
engañando. This text means "Note: Telefonica is cheating you".
"This seems to be a political virus", comments Mikko Hypponen, Manager of
Anti-Virus Research at F-Secure Corporation. "apparently the virus is trying
to protest against the Telefonica company - and it attempts to do this by
sending the message directly to people's mobile phones."
Currently, there's no information on where the virus may have originated
from. There are no obvious clues in the source code of the virus other than
that it's obviously written in Spain.
So far, F-Secure has received reports of this new virus only from Spain.
Apparently the SMS gateway will only send messages to GSM phones using the
Telefonica Movistar network, most likely limiting the exposure to Spanish
users only.
"This is the first ever virus to do anything with mobile phones," continues
Hypponen. "However, this is not a mobile phone virus - it does not spread
through phones, it just sends annoying message to them."
F-Secure Corporation launched F-Secure Anti-Virus for WAP Gateways in
Febuary 2000 to protect WAP mobile phone systems against virus attacks.A
technical description of this virus is available in the F-Secure virus
description database at:
About F-Secure Corporation
F-Secure Corporation is a leading developer of centrally managed security
solutions for the mobile, distributed enterprise. The company offers a full
range of award-winning integrated anti-virus, file encryption, distributed
firewall and VPN solutions. F-Secure products and the underlying policy
management framework enable corporate IT departments as well as service
providers to deliver Security as a Service(tm). For the end-user, Security
as a Service is invisible, automatic, reliable, always-on, and up-to-date.
For the administrator, Security as a Service means policy-based management,
instant alerts, and centralized management of a widely-distributed user
Founded in 1988, F-Secure is listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange [HEX:
FSC]. The company is headquartered in Espoo, Finland with North American
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headquarters in San Jose, California, as well as offices in Canada, China
(Hong Kong and Beijing), France, Germany, Japan, Sweden and the United
Kingdom. F-Secure is supported by a network of VARs and Distributors in over
90 countries around the globe.
For further information contact Jason Holloway UK Managing Director of
F-Secure on 07887 943 600.
The Edge Partnership
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01625 511966 / 511967 (fax)
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