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GABRIEL network Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health (2012), http://doi:10.1016/j.cegh.2012.11.002 GABRIEL is an international network of research laboratories in low income countries: health and research professionals academic institutions Non Governmental Organizations Initiated by Fondation Mérieux in January 2008 Coordinated by the Fondation Mérieux Scientific Department and the GABRIEL steering committee GABRIEL mission: to strengthen research capacities of local laboratories in developing countries GABRIEL mission To develop and evaluate new laboratory tests To provide training and support To transfer technologies through training To conduct collaborative studies Members of GABRIEL in 2014 UKRAINE MONGOLIA GEORGIA CHINA FRANCE HAITI LAOS LEBANON BANGLADESH MALI BRAZIL CAMEROON PARAGUAY CAMBODIA MADAGASCAR GABRIEL activities Collaborative research Technology transfer Pneumonia Tuberculosis Influenza surveillance Foodborne disease Training and Knowlegde sharing Human Resource Strengthening Communication Quality Assurance External Quality Assessment Good practices & guidelines Protocols, SOP, audits Pilot Multicentric Case Control on Pneumonia ASUNCION - PARAGUAY Instituciones y colaboradores del proyecto Investigador Coordinador Dra. Graciela Russomando, Jefe Dpto. de Biología Molecular y Genética- Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud- Universidad Nacional de Asunción. Email: Tel: 595 21 424520 Fax: 595 21 480185 Investigador Coordinador Clínico Dra. Wilma Basualdo, Médico Pediatra-Infectólogo. Jefe del Dpto. de Epidemiología - Hospital General Pediátrico Niños de Acosta Ñu (HGP Niños Acosta Ñu)- Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social (MSPyBS) Email:, Tel: 595 971 252748 Co-investigadores de Biología Molecular Lic. Emilio Espínola, MSc. Biólogo. Area Virología Molecular-Dpto. Biología Molecular y Genética-IICS-UNA Dra Rosa Guillen, PhD. Bioquímica. Area Bacteriología Molecular- Dpto. Biología Molecular y Genética-IICS-UNA Sra Graciela Meza, Técnico de laboratorio. Dpto. Biología Molecular y Genética-IICS-UNA Co-investigadores Médicos del Hospital General Pediátrico Niños de Acosta Ñu (MSPyBS) Dra Viviana Pavlicich, Médico Pediatra. Jefe de Servicio de Urgencias. Dra Gloria Martínez, Médico Pediatra. Jefe de Sala. Dr Carlos Caballero, Médico Pediatra. Jefe de Sala y de Terapia Intermedia. Dra Amalia Duarte, Médico Pediatra. Jefe de Terapia Intensiva. Dr Hector Castro, Médico Pediatra-Infectólogo. Dra Carolina Aquino, Bioquímica. Jefe de Laboratorio. Lic. Laura Maldonado, Enfermera. HGP Niños Acosta Ñu-MSPyBS Pilot Multicentric Case Control on Pneumonia National Surveillance in Hospitals Epidem. week 1 to 47, 2011 PARAGUAY n=362/ 2.137 (16.9%) Ep. week 1 to 47, 2011 AdV 10% FluA/H 3 24% RSV 59% Respiratory Viruses Detected in the National Surveillance, years 2010 and 2011 n=298/ 1.807 (16.5%) Ep. Week 1 to 47, year 2010 RSV 36% FluA /H3 25% Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) VIMENE- Paraguay. Years 2007-2011 5% N=4.500 NAC CAP CAPC/with / positive NAC aislamiento hemoculture bacteriano 68% S.pneumoniae 95% Arza- Fernández S. ISPPD-8 POSTER . MARCH 11-15. 2012 CASES PATHOGENS IDENTIFICATION ACCORDING TO THE AGE GROUP Number of cases Age group Pathogens At least one bacteria in NA: 81% Co-infection bacteria and virus: 69% At least one virus in NA: 85% Viral co-infection: 26% CONTROLS PATHOGENS IDENTIFICATION ACCORDING TO THE AGE GROUP Number of cases Age group Pathogens At least one bacteria in NS: 52 % Co-infection bacteria and virus: 23% At least one virus in NS: 37% Viral co-infection: 9% Nasal Swaps Preliminary Results 74 Respiratory Pathogens Detected in 44 CONTROLS CONTROLS 44 positives/ 75 (59%) Nº Pathogens Conclusion The impact of this study in Paraguay: • We standarized a new test for laboratory surveillance of respiratory pathogens in the largest Public Health Children Hospital. • The introduction of the Pneumococcal vaccine, PCV10 (Sinflorix), was in March 2012 and the implication of this study results prior and post this vaccine introduction. • It was described for the first time the circulation of non-common respiratory viruses either alone or in co-infections with other respiratory viruses such as CoVs, BoV, hMPV and EV. • There is a demand of the Pediatricians Society to increase the number of samples • We aware about 71% severe bronchiolitis cases with viral/bacterial pathogens detected. Could be considered as increased risk for bacterial pneumonia. Conclusion • Interpreting co-pathogen data is problematic due to the difficulty in differentiating acute disease from long-term shedding. • We need a biomarker for clinicians to answer in less than 24 hours: VIRUS or BACTERIA? Quality initiative 13 MALI Rodolphe Mérieux Laboratory in Bamako RESAOLAB Laboratories BANGLADESH ICDDR,B LAOS Rodolphe Mérieux Laboratory in Vientiane HAITI Rodolphe Mérieux Laboratory in Port au Prince PARAGUAY Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud - Universidad Nacional de Asunción Quality initiative • Expected outcomes o An assessment of the 4 selected laboratories and identification of necessary improvements o An action plan to assist laboratories in meeting international quality standards o A “self-assessment” questionnaire for all GABRIEL members Developed with Fiocruz, Brazil Gathering information on their current Quality Assurance Management Audit LQSI checklist adapted by IQLS • MS Excel spreadsheet • Modular structure • Drop down list with open questions (only Yes or No) • Automated indicator calculations • Includes summary and export pages • Includes tables with module and phase scoring Indicators • Phase questions have been split by topics within the same module • Examples: Modules Indicators Results example Results example – LQSI Phase based GRACIAS!!! “Life is not measured by the breaks that we take but by the moments that take your breath”.