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Ficha de investigador Daniel Camiletti Moirón Grupo de Investigación: FISIOLOGÍA DIGESTIVA Y NUTRICIÓN (Cod.: AGR145) Departamento: Universidad de Cádiz. Didáctica Código ORCID: Correo electronico: Código: 55740 Ficha del Directorio Producción 36 Artículos (34) Libros (0) Capítulos de Libros (2) Tesis dirigidas (0) Evolución producción 16 Tesis Capítu… 12 Libros Artículos 8 4 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 Año Proyectos dirigidos 0 Proyectos (0) Contratos (0) Convenios (0) Actividades 0 2015 2016 Titulo publicación Fuente Tipo Fecha Association of dietary habits with psychosocial outcomes in women with fibromyalgia: the al-ándalus project Journal of the academy of nutrition and dietetics Articulo 2016 Interval aerobic training combined with strength-endurance exercise improves metabolic markers beyond caloric restriction in zucker rats Nutrition, metabolism & cardiovascular diseases Articulo 2016 Stanozolol decreases bone turnover markers, increases mineralization, and alters femoral geometry in male rats Calcified tissue international Articulo 2016 The associations between physical fitness and cardiometabolic risk and body-size phenotypes in perimenopausal women Maturitas Articulo 2016 The associations between physical fitness and cardiometabolic risk and body-size phenotypes in perimenopausal women Maturitas Articulo 2016 Aerobic interval exercise improves parameters of non alcoholic fatty liver Applied physiology, disease (nafld) and other alterations of metabolic syndrome in obese zucker nutrition, and rats. metabolism Articulo 2015 Agreement between self-reported sleep patterns and actigraphy in fibromyalgia and healthy women Clinical and experimental rheumatology Articulo 2015 Cost-effectiveness of an exercise intervention program in perimenopausal women: the fitness league against menopause cost (flamenco) randomized controlled trial Bmc public health Articulo 2015 Criterios diagnósticos, composición corporal, condición física, actividad Fm, sfc y ssqm un auténtico reto para la ciencia Capítulo 2015 de libro Criterios diagnósticos, composición corporal, condición física, actividad física y ejercicio físico en fibromialgia: el proyecto al-ándalus Fm, sfc y ssqm. un Capítulo auténtico reto para 2015 de libro la ciencia Effects of interval aerobic training combined with strength exercise on body composition, glycaemic and lipid profile and aerobic capacity of obese rats Journal of sports sciences Articulo 2015 High-intensity exercise modifies the effects of stanozolol on brain oxidative stress in rats International journal of sports medicine Articulo 2015 High-protein diet induces oxidative stress in rat brain: protective action of high-intensity exercise against lipid peroxidation Articulo 2015 Inter-accelerometer comparison to measure physical activity and sedentary time in female fibromyalgia patients: the al-ándalus project Clinical and experimental rheumatology Articulo 2015 Metabolic effects of aerobic interval exercise combined with resistance training in obese rats. Revista andaluza de medicina del deporte Articulo 2015 Validity and reliability of self-reported flexibility with the international fitness scale in women with fibromyalgia: the al-ándalus project. Revista andaluza de medicina del deporte Articulo 2015 Are there differences in quality of life, symptomatology and functional capacity among different obesity classes in women with fibromyalgia? the al-ándalus project Rheumatology international Articulo 2014 Comparison of physical activity using questionnaires (leisure time physical activity instrument and physical activity at home and work instrument) and accelerometry in fibromyalgia patients: the al-ándalus project. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation Articulo 2014 Comparison of physical activity using questionnaires (leisure time physical activity instrument and physical activity at home and work instrument) and accelerometry in fibromyalgia patients: the al-ándalus project. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation (print) Articulo 2014 accelerometry in fibromyalgia patients: the al-ándalus project. (print) Effects of the amount and source of dietary protein on bone status in rats Food & function Articulo 2014 High-intensity exercise may compromise renal morphology in rats International journal of sports medicine Articulo 2014 High-protein diet induces oxidative stress in rat brain: protective action of high-intensity exercise against lipid peroxidation Nutrición hospitalaria Articulo 2014 Physiological effects of the stress induced by a high-intensity exercise protocol in rats Revista internacional de Articulo 2014 ciencias del deporte Quercetin effects on weight gain and caloric intake in exercised rats Biology of sport Articulo 2014 Quercetin effects on weight gain and caloric intake in exercised rats Biology of sport Articulo 2014 Reliability of the alpha environmental questionnaire and its association with physical activity in female fibromyalgia patients: the al-ándalus project Journal of sports sciences Articulo 2014 The combination of oral quercetin supplementation and exercise prevents brain mitochondrial biogenesis Genes & nutrition Articulo 2014 Usefulness of fitness testing to establish metabolic syndrome in perimenopausal moroccan women European journal of cardiovascular nursing Articulo 2014 Whey versus soy protein diets and renal status in rats Journal of medicinal Articulo 2014 food Comparison of the international physical activity questionnaire (ipaq) with a multi-sensor armband accelerometer in women with fibromyalgia: the alándalus project. Articulo 2013 Ergogenic effects of quercetin supplementation in trained rats Journal of the international society Articulo 2013 of sports nutrition Objectively measured sedentary time and physical activity in women with fibromyalgia: a cross-sectional study. Bmj open Articulo 2013 International journal Plasmatic nitric oxide correlates with weight and red cell distribution width in of food sciences exercised rats supplemented with quercetin and nutrition Articulo 2013 Bmc Land- and water-based exercise intervention in women with fibromyalgia: the musculoskeletal al-andalus physical activity randomised control trial disorders Articulo 2012 Multidimensional fatigue inventory: spanish adaptation and psychometric properties for fibromyalgia patients. the al-andalus study Clinical and experimental rheumatology Articulo 2012 Relationship of weight status with mental and physical health in female fibromyalgia patients Obesity facts Articulo 2011 Titulo proyecto Tipo Inicio Fin Actividades 0 Titulo actividad Fuente Colaboradores PILAR ARANDA RAMÍREZ (16) Innmaculada Concepción Álvarez Gallardo (14) Víctor Segura Jiménez (14) Manuel Delgado-Fernández (13) ELENA NEBOT VALENZUELA (12) JESUS MARIA PORRES FOULQUIE (11) MARIA LÓPEZ-JURADO ROMERO (11) Fernando Estévez López (9) Jonatan Ruiz Ruiz (9) Francisco B. Ortega Porcel (7) Alejandro Romero Zurita (4) ROSARIO MARTÍNEZ MARTÍNEZ (4) Rafael Antonio Casuso Pérez (4) Manuel Herrador Colmenero (3) Milkana Borges Cosic (3) PEDRO JESUS FEMIA MARZO (3) CRISTINA SÁNCHEZ GONZÁLEZ (2) MOHAMED TASSI Mzamzi (2) Palma Chillón Garzón (2) CARLOS DE TERESA GALVAN (1) EDUARDO FERNÁNDEZ SEGURA (1) FRANCISCO JESÚS ARREBOLA VARGAS (1) Isaac José Pérez López (1) JOSÉ JESÚS MARTÍN MARTÍN (1) JUAN LLOPIS GONZÁLEZ (1) MARIA JOSE GIRELA REJON (1) MILAGROS GALISTEO MOYA (1) Mª ESPERANZA ORTEGA SÁNCHEZ (1) Pablo Tercedor Sánchez Tercedor Sánchez (1) Tipo Fecha