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Edgar Cano-Europa
Investigador Titular A
SNI: Nivel I (2012-2014)
Departamento de Fisiología
Laboratorio de Metabolismo I
Teléfono: 57296000
Extensión: 52351 y 62481
Formación académica
Químico Bacteriólogo Parasitólogo
Maestría en Ciencias Quimicobiológicas
Doctorado en Ciencias Quimicobiológicas
Línea o líneas de investigación del Programa de CQB
Biología celular y molecular de enfermedades crónicas.
Total de artículos JCR: 15
Ultimas 8 Publicaciones en Revistas Indizadas
1. Phycobiliproteins or C-phycocyanin of Arthrospira (Spirulina) maxima protect
against HgCl2-caused oxidative stress and renal damage. R. RodríguezSánchez, R. Ortiz-Butrón, V. Blas-Valdivia, A. Hernández-García, E. CanoEuropa. Food Chemistry. 2012;135, 2359-2365.
2. Hypothyroidism maintained reactive oxygen species-steady state in kidney of
rats intoxicated with ethylene-glycol: effect related with an increase of the
glutathione REDOX environment. M. M. Estévez-Carmona, M. E. MeléndezCamargo, R. Ortiz-Butron, M. Pineda-Reynoso y E. Cano-Europa. Toxicology
and Industrial Health. En prensa, 2012.
3. Chlorella vulgaris administration prevents HgCl2-caused oxidative stress and
cellular damage in the kidney. V. Blas-Valdivia, R. Ortiz-Butrón, M. PinedaReynoso, A. Hernández-Garcia y E. Cano-Europa. Journal of Applied
Phycology. 2011;23:53-58.
4. An increase of oxidative stress markers and the alteration of the antioxidant
enzymatic system are associated with spleen damage caused by
methimazole-induced hypothyroidism. R. Ortiz-Butrón, V. Blas-Valdivia, M.
Franco-Colín, M. Pineda-Reynoso y E. Cano-Europa. Drug and Chemical
Toxicology. 2011;34(2);180-188.
5. Hypothyroidism during neonatal and perinatal period induced by
thyroidectomy of the mother causes depressive-like behavior in prepubertal
rats. M. Pineda-Reynoso, E. Cano-Europa, V. Blas-Valdivia, A. HernándezGarcía, M. Franco-Colín, R Ortiz-Butrón. Neuropsychiatric Disease and
Treatment. 2010;6:137-43.
6. Methimazole-induced hypothyroidism causes alteration of the REDOX
environment, oxidative stress, and hepatic damage; events not caused by
hypothyroidism itself. E Cano-Europa, V. Blas-Valdivia, M. Franco-Colín, M.
Pineda-Reynoso, A. Hernández-García y R. Ortiz-Butrón. Annals of
Hepatology. 2010, 9(1):80-88.
7. Palmitone prevents pentylenetetrazole-caused neuronal damage in the CA3
hippocampal region of prepubertal rats. E Cano-Europa, M. E. GonzálezTrujano, A. Reyes-Ramírez, A. Hernández-García, V. Blas-Valdivia y R
Ortiz-Butrón. Neurosciences letters 2010, 470(2):111-4.
8. Phycobiliproteins, from Pseudanabaena tenuis, rich in c-phycoerythrin
protect against HgCl2-caused oxidative stress and cellular damage in the
kidney. E Cano-Europa, R. Ortiz-Butrón, C. Gallardo-Casas, V. BlasValdivia, M. Pineda-Reynoso, R. Olvera-Ramírez, M. Franco-Colin. Journal
of Applied Phycology 2010, 22:495-50
Capítulos en libros
1. Cano-Europa Edgar, Blas-Valdivia Vanessa, Franco-Colin Margarita and
Ortiz-Butron Rocio (2012). The Relationship Between Thyroid States,
Oxidative Stress and Cellular Damage, Oxidative Stress and Diseases,
Volodymyr I. Lushchak and Dmytro V. Gospodaryov (Ed.), ISBN: 978-95351-0552-7
2. Blas-Valdivia Vanessa, Ortiz-Butron Rocio, Rodriguez-Sanchez Ruth, TorresManzo Paola, Hernandez-Garcia Adelaida and Cano-Europa Edgar (2012).
Microalgae of the Chlorophyceae Class: Potential Nutraceuticals Reducing
Oxidative Stress Intensity and Cellular Damage, Oxidative Stress and
Diseases, Volodymyr I. Lushchak and Dmytro V. Gospodaryov (Ed.), ISBN:
978-953-51-0552-7, InTech,
Proyectos financiados actuales
1. Estudio de los mecanismos de protección del hipotiroidismo ante la
encefalopatía hepática. SIP-IPN 20120589