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Paulina Aldunce, M.Sc., Ph.D. Department of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources, University of Chile PRIMARY EXPERTISE: SOCIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL DIMENSIONS OF DISASTER RISK MANAGENMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION SUMMARY Paulina Aldunce is a social scientist with a background in environmental planning and management. Dr. Aldunce works at the Department of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources, University of Chile, and she is Associated Researcher of Human Dimension at the Centre for Climate and Resilience Research, CR2. Her research interests include the social and institutional dimensions of Disaster Risk Management and Adaptation to Climate Change. Her most salient nominations and awards include: - Lead author of the IPCC Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX); and Review Editor of Chapter 12 of Human Security, Technical Summary of the Working Group II contribution to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) and Synthesis Report. - Prominent researcher, awarded by Professor Ennio Vivaldi, President of the University of Chile, 2015. - Member of the Expert Committee in charge of elaborating the Chilean National Action Plan on Climate Change. - Best Professor of the Renewable Natural Resources Engineering Undergraduate Degree Program in 2004, awarded by Professor Luis A. Riveros, President of the University of Chile. EDUCATION - 2013. Ph.D. in Social Sciences and Natural Resource Management. Thesis: Framing resilience: practitioners’ views of its meaning and usefulness in disaster risk management practice. The University of Melbourne, Melbourne. - 2005. Master of Science in Environmental Management and Planning, University of Chile, Santiago de Chile. - 1995. Agricultural Engineer, Faculty of Agricultural and Forestry Science, University of Chile, Santiago de Chile. SPECIAL REMARKS - 2015. Prominent researcher, awarded by Professor Ennio Vivaldi, President of the University of Chile. - 2015. Highly Commended Paper Award in Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal. - 2015. Keynote speaker of Latin America Session. Climate Smart Agriculture 2015: Global Science Conference, Montpellier, France, 16-18 March, 2015. - 2014. Keynote speaker of plenary session. Third International Climate Change Adaptation Conference 2014, Adaptation Futures 2014, Fortaleza, Brazil, 12-16 May, 2014. - 2014. Member of the International Scientific Committee and the International Executive Organizing Committee of the Third International Climate Change Adaptation Conference 2014, Adaptation Futures 2014, Fortaleza, Brazil, 12-16 May, 2014. - 2014 Member of the Scientific Committee and Executive Organizing Committee of the Multi-Hazards Universidad de Chile Symposium 2014, APRU, Santiago, Chile, 18-20 November, 2014. - 2013 to present. Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Extreme Events. - 2010-2014. Review Editor of Chapter 12, Human Security, Summary Report for Policy Makers and Synthesis Report of the Working Group II contribution to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5). - 2009-2012. Lead Author of the IPCC Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX). - 2009. Selected to represent Melbourne University Ph.D. students in the meeting Climate: Sciences and Humanities, Harvard University, 3-4 March, 2010. This prize was given to only 2 students selected from all Ph.D. candidates at The University of Melbourne. - 2009. Member of the Expert Group for the Scoping Meeting for a possible IPCC Special Report on Extreme Events and Disasters: Managing the Risks, 23-26 March 2009, Oslo. - 2009. Keynote speaker Plenary Discussion: Human Security and Policy Implications. Conference on Global Environmental Change and Human Security (GECHS). Oslo, 22-24 June, 2009. - 2009. Invited to the Guest Round Table: An Inter-Organizational Collaboration Effort to Link Global Change Science with Policy and Governance in the Americas. 7th International Science Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change. Bonn, 26-30 April, 2009. - 2009. Member of the Expert Working Group: Vulnerability, Resilience and Adaptation: Concepts and Assessment Challenges. United Nations University. 7th International Science Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change. Bonn, 26-30 April, 2009. - 2008. Keynote speaker, Closure Plenary. In: IHDP International Human Dimensions Workshop. New Delhi, India, 12-16 October, 2008. - 2006-2007. Member of the Expert Committee in charge of elaborating a National Action Plan on Climate Change, Chile, National Commission of the Environment (CONAMA). - 2007. Panel member on the Round Table Human Dimensions of Environmental Change in Latin America. In: Human Dimension, Building an Environmental Scientific Agenda Workshop: 1st Workshop of Environmental Change Human Dimensions in Argentina. Lujan, Argentina, 8-10 December, 2007. - 2006. Panel member on the Round Table Sciences and Stakeholders Dialogue: Which characteristics should have researchers, decision-makers and community interphase? In: Institutional Adaptation to Climate Change Workshop: Opportunities and Challenges. Santiago, Chile, 29-30 May, 2006. - 2005. Best Professor of the Renewable Natural Resources Engineering Undergraduate Degree Program in 2004, awarded by Professor Luis A. Riveros, President of the University of Chile. - 2006. First Prize, Poster Competition. Institutional Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Synthesis Conference Institutional for Sustainable Development in the Face of Global Environmental Change Conference. Bali, Indonesia, December 2006. - 2000-2004. Member of the group in charge of developing new curriculum for the Engineering in Renewable Natural Resources Engineering Undergraduate Degree Program at the University of Chile, and for creating the Department of Environmental Sciences and Renewable Natural Resources, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. - 2001-2002. Responsible for the creation of new subject areas within the Renewable Natural Resources Engineering Undergraduate Degree Program at the University of Chile, including Human Dimension of Global Change, Environmental Management and Cleaner Production. WORK EXPERIENCE - 2007 to present. Assistant Professor at the Department of Environmental Sciences and Renewable Natural Resources Engineering Undergraduate Degree Program, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Chile. - 1998-2007. Instructor at the Department of Environmental Sciences and Renewable Natural Resources Engineering Undergraduate Degree Program, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Chile. - 2001-2008. Technical Advisor, Instituto Nacional de Normalización, INN, Chile. - 2000-2005. Consultant at The Chilean Economic Development Agency (CORFO). 1999 Researcher in Landscape Planning at the Planungsgruppe Ökologie+Umwelt Consultants, Hannover, Germany. - 1997-1998. Co-investigator in the Centro de Agricultura y Medio Ambiente, AGRIMED. - 1997-1998. International Relations Office Coordinator. Faculty of Agricultural Science, University of Chile. - 1991-1997. Research Manager for Chiquita Brand International Inc., Chile. Universidad de Chile RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS - Aldunce P. Beilin R. Handmer J. Howden M. 2016. Stakeholder participation in building resilience to disasters in a changing Climate. Environmental Hazards, 15(1):58-73. - Aldunce P, Beilin R, Handmer J, Howden M. 2015 (2016). Is climate change framed as ‘business as usual’ or as a challenging issue? The practitioners’dilema. Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy, E-pub ahead of print January 6, 2016 as doi: 10.1177/0263774X15614734. 00:1-21. - Adler CE, Aldunce P, Indvik K, Alegría D, Bórquez R, Galaz V. 2015. Chapter 43: Climate resilience: taking stock, moving forward, pp. 491-502. In: K. Bäckstrand & E. Lövbrand (Eds.) Research Handbook on Climate Governance. Edward Elgar. 640p. - Aldunce P, Beilin R, Handmer J, Howden M. 2015. Resilience for disaster risk management in a changing climate: practitioners’ frames and practices. Global Environmental Change, 30(2015):1-11. - Aldunce P, Beilin R, Handmer J, Howden M. 2014. Framing disaster resilience: the implications of the diverse conceptualisations of ‘bouncing back’. Disaster Prevention and Management, 23(3):252-270. -Aldunce P, Levin V, León A. 2013. Disaster risk reduction informing climate change adaptation: social capital en Aguita de la Perdiz, pp. 336-351. In: L. Sygna, K. O’Brien and J. Wolf (Eds). A Changing Environment for Human Security: Transformative Approaches for Research, Policy and Action, Earthscan, London. 469p. - Aldunce P, Quinteros-Angel M, Carvajal Y. 2012. Evaluación de prácticas de adaptación y reducción del riesgo de desastres asociados a la variabilidad y al cambio climático. In: Briones, F. (Ed). Perspectivas de Investigación y Acción Frente al Cambio Climático en Latinoamérica: Número Especial de Desastres y Sociedad en el Marco del XX Aniversario de La Red. La Red, Cuidad de Panamá. - Quinteros-Angel M. Carvajal Y, Aldunce P. 2012. Adaptación a la variabilidad y el cambio climático: intersecciones con la gestión de riesgo. Luna Azul, 34:257-71. - Lal PN, Mitchell T, Aldunce P, Auld H, Mechler R, Miyan A, Romano L.E, Zakaria S. 2012: National systems for managing the risks from climate extremes and disasters. In: Field CB, Barros V, Stocker TF, Qin D, Dokken DJ, Ebi KL, Mastrandrea MD, Mach KJ, Plattner GK, Allen SK, Tignor M, Midgley PM (eds.). Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation A Special Report of Working Groups I and II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, and New York, NY, USA. - Eriksen S, Aldunce P, Bahinipati C, D’Almeida R, Molefe J, Nhemachena C, O’Brien K., Olorunfemi F, Park J, Sygna L, Ulsrud K. 2011. When not every response to climate change is a good one: Identifying principles for sustainable adaptation. Climate Change and Development, 3(1):7-20. - Aldunce P, González M. 2009. Desastres Asociados al Clima en la Agricultura y Medio Rural de Chile. University of Chile, Santiago de Chile. 117p. - Debels P, Szlafsztein C, Aldunce P, Neri C, Carvajal Y, Celis A, Bezanilla A, Martínez D. 2009. IUPA: proposal of an index for the evaluation of the general usefulness of practices for adaptation to climate change and variability. Natural Hazards, 50(2): 211-233. - Aldunce P, Neri C, Szlafsztein C (Eds), 2008. Hacia la Evaluación de Prácticas de Adaptación ante la Variabilidad y el Cambio Climático. Belem, Brazil. 105p. - Neri C. y Aldunce P. 2008. Capítulo 1: Métodos y conceptos para el estudio de la variabilidad y cambio climático, pp. 11-20. En: Aldunce, P., Neri, C. y Szlafsztein, C. (Ed), Hacia la Evaluación de Prácticas de Adaptación ante la Variabilidad y el Cambio Climático. Editorial NUMA/UFPA, Belém, Brasil. 105p. - Aldunce P. Debels P. 2008. Capítulo 7: Diseño y descripción del índice de Utilidad de Prácticas de Adaptación, pp. 73-86. En: Aldunce P. Neri C. Szlafsztein C. (Ed). Hacia la Evaluación de Prácticas de Adaptación ante la Variabilidad y el Cambio Climático. Editorial NUMA/UFPA, Belém, Brasil. 105p. - Aldunce P. Neri C. Szlafsztein, C, 2008. Capítulo 8: Aplicación de índice de Utilidad de Prácticas de Adaptación en la evaluación de dos casos de estudio en América Latina, pp. 87-105. En: Aldunce, P., Neri, C. y Szlafsztein, C. (Ed), Hacia la Evaluación de Prácticas de Adaptación ante la Variabilidad y el Cambio Climático. Editorial NUMA/UFPA, Belém, Brasil. 105p. - Aldunce P, León A. 2007. Opportunities for improving disaster management in Chile: a case study. Disaster Prevention and Management, 16(1):33-41. - Teutsch C, Aldunce P, León A. 2006. Desastres naturales: metodologías para la evaluación de la vulnerabilidad a los desastres de la variabilidad y el cambio climático, pp. 69-77. En: Ponvert-Delisles DR, Universidad de Chile Aldunce P (Eds), Tecnologías Espaciales, Desastres y Agricultura en Iberoamérica. La Habana, Cuba. 166p. - Levin V, Aldunce P, León A. 2006. Desastres naturales: gestión de desastres socio-naturales causados por lluvias extremas en Chile, estudio de caso: comuna de Concepción junio 2005, pp. 101-107. In: PonvertDelisles DR, Aldunce P (Eds), Tecnologías Espaciales, Desastres y Agricultura en Iberoamérica. La Habana, Cuba. 166p. - Aldunce P, de la Maza CL. 2006. Disposición a pagar por los beneficios de las Áreas Silvestres Protegidas en Chile: un enfoque meta-analítico. Revista Gestión Ambiental, 12: 25-40. - Zoffoli JP, Latorre B, Rodríguez EJ, Aldunce P. 1999. Modified atmosphere packaging using chlorine gas generators to prevent Botrytis Cinerea on table grapes. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 15(2): 135-142. CONFERENCES - Aldunce P. Lillo G. Are we adapting to climate change? The case of Chilean agricultural sector. Climate Smart Agriculture 2015: Global Science Conference, Montpellier, France, 16-18 March, 2015. - Member of the International Scientific Committee and Executive Organizing Committee, X Multi-hazards International Symposium-APRU, Santiago, Chile, 18-19 November, 2014. - Member of the International Scientific Committee and Executive Organizing Committee, Adaptation Futures 2014: Third International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Fortaleza Ceará, Brazil, 12-16 May, 2014. - Organization of Session: Climate extremes and disaster management. Adaptation Futures 2014: Third International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Fortaleza Ceará, Brazil, 12-16 May, 2014. - Keynote speaker of plenary session, Aldunce P. Is climate change framed as ‘business as usual’ or as a challenging issue? The practitioners’ dilemma. Adaptation Futures 2014: Third International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Fortaleza Ceará, Brazil, 12-16 May, 2014. - Aldunce P. Beilin R, Howden M, Handmer J. Framing resilience: practitioners view of its meaning and usefulness in disaster risk management practice in a changing climate. Adaptation Futures 2014: Third International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Fortaleza Ceará, Brazil, 12-16 May, 2014. - Aldunce P. Beilin R, Handmer J, Howden M. Stakeholder participation key for building resilience: positive and dangerous implications of divergent frames. Adaptation Futures 2014: Third International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Fortaleza Ceará, Brazil, 12-16 May, 2014. - Indvik K, Aldunce P, Borquez R, Adler C, Galaz V. What resilience means in the context of a changing climate: a systematic review of the literature. Adaptation Futures 2014: Third International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Fortaleza Ceará, Brazil, 12-16 May, 2014. - Alegría D, Aldunce P, Bórquez R, Moraga P, Indvik K. Bibliometric analysis of the concept of resilience in scientific climate change literature and its related application within public policies. Adaptation Futures 2014: Third International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Fortaleza Ceará, Brazil, 12-16 May, 2014. - Hasbun J, Aldunce P, Blanco G, Bórquez R, Browne R. Who says what about climate change? An analysis of the media in Chile. Adaptation Futures 2014: Third International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Fortaleza Ceará, Brazil, 12-16 May, 2014. - Keynote speaker of parallel session, Aldunce P. Policy/Science interface for adaptation. Adaptation Futures 2014: Third International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Fortaleza Ceará, Brazil, 12-16 May, 2014. - Aldunce P, Handmer J, Beilin R, Howden M. Framing resilience: practitioners view of its meaning and usefulness in disaster risk management practice. Resilience 2014, Resilience and Development: Mobilizing for Transformation, Montpellier, France, 4-8 May, 2014. - Aldunce P, Beilin R, Handmer J, Howden M. Stakeholder participation key for building resilience: positive and dangerous implications of divergent frames. Resilience 2014, Resilience and Development: Mobilizing for Transformation, Montpellier, France, 4-8 May, 2014. - Aldunce P, Indvik K, Borquez R, Adler C, Galaz V. What resilience means in the context of a changing climate: a systematic review of climate change literature. Resilience 2014, Resilience and Development: Mobilizing for Transformation, Montpellier, France, 4-8 May, 2014. - Alegría D, Aldunce P, Bórquez R, Moraga P, Indvik K. Bibliometric analysis of the concept of resilience in scientific climate change literature and its related application within public policies. WCRP Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean: Developing, Linking and Applying Climate Knowledge, Montevideo, Uruguay, March 17-21, 2014. - Hasbun J, Aldunce P, Blanco G, Borquez R, Browne R. Who says what about climate change? An analysis of the media in Chile. WCRP Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean: Developing, Linking and Universidad de Chile Applying Climate Knowledge, Montevideo, Uruguay, March 17-21, 2014. - Aldunce P, Beilin R, Howden M, Handmer J. Stakeholder participation key for building resilience: positive and dangerous implications of divergent frames. National Adaptation Conference: Climate Adaptation Knowledge and Partnership, Sydney, Australia 27 July, 2013. - Aldunce P, Beilin R, Handmer J, Howden M. Framing resilience: practitioners view of its meaning and usefulness in disaster risk management practice. National Adaptation Conference: Climate adaptation knowledge and partnership, Sydney, Australia, 25 July, 2013. - Aldunce P, Dodman D, Gitay H, Noble I. Stafford M. Panel Discussion: Climate adaptation challenges. National Adaptation Conference: Climate Adaptation Knowledge and Partnership, Sydney, Australia 24 June, 2013. - Aldunce P, Eriksen S, Bahinipati C, D’Almeida R, Molefe J, Nhemachena C, O’Brien K., Olorunfemi F, Park J, Sygna L, Ulsrud K. When not every response to climate change is a good one: identifying principles for sustainable adaptation. Climate Adaptation in Action 2012 Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 26-28 June, 2012. - Aldunce P, Beilin R, Howden M, Handmer J. Disaster resilience: how different stakeholders frame resilience and how useful is the concept for policy and practice. Climate Adaptation in Action 2012 Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 26-28 June, 2012. - Aldunce P. IUPA: Index to evaluate the usefulness of adaptation practices to climate variability and change. Climate Adaptation in Action 2012 Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 26-28 June, 2012. - Chair: Aldunce P, Sysak T. Panel: From disasters to adaptation: learning from fire, drought and floods in Australia. Panel members: O’Neill, S., Howden, M., Reid, K., Adler, C., Sysak, T., and Aldunce, P. Conference: 2012 International Conference on Climate Change, Tucson, USA, 29-31 May, 2012. - Aldunce P, Eriksen S, Bahinipati C, D’Almeida R, Molefe J, Nhemachena C, O’Brien K., Olorunfemi F, Park J, Sygna L. Ulsrud K. When not every response to climate change is a good one: identifying principles for sustainable adaptation. Conference: 2012 International Conference on Climate Change, Tucson, USA, 29-31 May 2012. - Beilin R, Aldunce P, Kruger T, Paschen J-A, Reid K. Countering the diads: reasserting a landscape continuum in Australian disaster narratives. Institute of Australian Geographers 2012 Conference, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 2-4 July, 2012. - Aldunce P, Beilin R, Howden M, Handmer J. Disaster resilience: how different stakeholders frame resilience and how useful is the concept for policy and practice. Conference: 2012 International Conference on Climate Change, Tucson, USA, 29-31 May, 2012. - Aldunce P. IUPA: Index to evaluate the usefulness of adaptation practices to climate variability and change. Conference: 2012 International Conference on Climate Change, Tucson, USA, 29-31 May, 2012. - Aldunce P. Chair of the panel Making resilience useful for disaster risk management: multiple uses of the concept and its integration in policy. Panel members: Moser S, Nelson D, Handmer J and Adger N. Conference Resilience 2011 - Resilience, Innovation and Sustainability: Navigating the Complexities of Global Change, Arizona State University, Arizona, USA. March 11-16, 2011. - Aldunce P, Beilin R, Howden M, Handmer J. Disaster resilience: how different stakeholders frame resilience and how useful is the concept for policy and practice. Conference Resilience 2011- Resilience, Innovation and Sustainability: Navigating the Complexities of Global Change, Arizona State University, Arizona, USA, March 11-16, 2011. - Aldunce P. Index to evaluate the usefulness of adaptation practices to climate variability and change. Climate: Science + Humanities, Harvard University, Boston, USA, 2-4 March, 2010. - Aldunce P, Levín V, León A. Barriers and bridges in disaster risk management for adaptation to climate change. Global Environmental Change and Human Security (GECHS), Oslo, Norway 22-24 June, 2009. - Aldunce P, Levín V, León A. Barriers and bridges in disaster risk management for adaptation to climate change. 7th International Science Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Bonn, Germany, 26-30 April, 2009. - Aldunce P, de la Fuente A, Soza S. IUPA: Utilization of an index to evaluate the usefulness of adaptation practices to climate variability and change. 7th International Science Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Bonn, Germany, 26-30 April, 2009. - Aldunce P, Levín V, León A. Barriers and bridges in disaster risk management for adaptation to climate change. Resilience, Adaptation and Transformation in Turbulent Times Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 14- Universidad de Chile 17 April, 2008. - Aldunce P, Soza S, de la Fuente A. Utilization of an index for the evaluation of usefulness of practices for adaptation to climate change and variability. Food Security and Environmental Change Conference, Oxford, England, 2-4 April, 2008. - Aldunce P, León A. Barriers and bridges for adaptation to climate change. Long-Term Policies: Governing Social-Ecological Change: 2008 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, International Conference of the Social-Ecological Research Program, Berlin, Germany, 22-23 February, 2008. - Aldunce P, León A, Soza S. Extremos climáticos en la historia de los desastres de la agricultura chilena: lluvias y sequías. Seminario Internacional: Cambio Climático y sus Efectos en la Producción Silvoagropecuaria de Zonas Áridas y Semiáridas, La Serena, Chile, 2-3 October, 2007. - León A, Aldunce P. Desastres, consecuencias de la variabilidad climática: el caso de las cuencas de los ríos Limarí y Biobío. Seminario Internacional del Cambio Climático y sus Efectos en la Producción Silvoagropecuaria de Zonas Áridas y Semiáridas, La Serena, Chile, 2-3 October, 2007. - Aldunce P, León A. Institutions and community participation in disaster management: a case study of the Limarí River Basin. Institutional Dimension of Global Environmental Change, Synthesis Conference Institutional for Sustainable Development in the Face of Global Environmental Change, Bali, Indonesia, 6-9 December, 2006. - Aldunce P, León A. Opportunities for improving disaster management associated to global change and variability in Chile. Open Science Conference, Earth System Science Partnership, Beijing, China, 9-12 November, 2006. - Aldunce P, León A. Opportunities for improving disaster management in Chile: a case study. Living with Climate Variability and Change: Understanding the Uncertainties and Managing the Risk. Espoo, Finland, 1721 July, 2006. - Aldunce P, León A. Institutions and community participation in the disaster management: a case study of the Limarí River Basin. The 6th Open Meeting Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community, Bonn, Germany, 9-13 October, 2005. - Aldunce P, de la Maza C. Disposición a pagar por los beneficios de las Áreas Silvestres Protegidas en Chile: un enfoque meta-analítico. Segundo Congreso Latinoamericano IUFRO, Talca, Chile, 5-7 October, 2005. - Aldunce P, León A. Prevención y mitigación de daños debido a eventos hidrometeorológicos causante de desastres en la cuenca del Río Limarí, Chile. Cambio Climático, Desastres y Adaptación, Universidad ARCIS, Santiago, Chile, 1 December, 2004. - León A, Aldunce P. Descentralización, un desafío para la prevención de desastres causados por El Niño. Reunión Bianual de la Red Universitaria del Pacífico Sur (RUPSUR), Piura, Peru, 30-31 January, 2003. - León A, Aldunce P. Civil participation and disaster prevention in Chile. The 2003 Open Meeting Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community, Montreal, Canada, 16-18 October, 2003 - Finan T, Lemos MC, Nelson D, León A, Castro M, Bahamondes M, Aldunce P. Institutional adaptations to climate variability and climate change: a Latin American comparison. The 2003 Open Meeting Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community, Montreal, Canada, 16-18 October, 2003 - León A, Aldunce P. Civil participation and disaster prevention in Chile. Natural Resources Conference 2003, Boulder University, Colorado, USA, 1-4 October, 2003. - Aldunce P, León A. La participación comunitaria como una herramienta para mejorar la gestión de desastres naturales. III Congreso Latinoamericano de Cuencas Hidrográficas, Arequipa, Peru, 9-13 June, 2003. - Aldunce P, León A. Mapa de puntos críticos: una herramienta para mejorar la gestión de desastres asociados a exceso de precipitaciones en la zona semiárida de Chile. III Congreso Latinoamericano de Cuencas Hidrográficas, Arequipa, Peru, 9-13 June, 2003. WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS - Member of the Executive Organizing Committee, Southern Hemisphere Climate and Adaptation Workshop. International Research and Training Fund (IRRTF), University of Melbourne. Piracicaba, Brazil, 19-20 May, 2014. - Aldunce P. Impactos y desafíos en materia de mitigación y adaptación en Chile. III Seminario de Derecho Ambiental, Santiago, Chile, 21 November 2014. - Organizer of the Seminario Internacional: Participación, Transdisciplina y Co-construcción para Fortalecer la Universidad de Chile Resiliencia al Cambio Climático y la Sequía, Chile, 4 September, 2014. - Aldunce P, Indvick K, Bórquez R, Adler C, Galaz V. Resiliencia al cambio climático: bases para la cocontrucción en Chile. Seminario Internacional: Participación, Transdisciplina y Co-construcción para Fortalecer la Resiliencia al Cambio Climático y la Sequía, Chile, 4 September, 2014. - Bórquez R, Aldunce P. Sociabilización de resultados: uso de metodologías participativas en la coconstrucción de la conceptualización y aplicación de la resiliencia al cambio climático y la sequía en el contexto chileno. Seminario Internacional: Participación, Transdisciplina y Co-construcción para Fortalecer la Resiliencia al Cambio Climático y la Sequía, Chile, 4 September, 2014. - Aldunce P. El quehacer del CR2, resiliencia y el rol de los municipios. Seminario 20 años de Gestión Ambiental Local en LA Pintana: Historia, logros y proyecciones, Chile, 3 September, 2014. - Organizer of the Seminario Internacional Adaptación al Cambio Climático: Una Urgencia Pendiente, Santiago, Chile, 22 May 2014. - Aldunce P. Human security. IPCC Outreach Event on the 5AR, Santiago, Chile, 29 April 2014. - Aldunce P, Indvik K. Thinking outside the box. AFULO LAB, Santiago, Chile, 26 March, 2014. - Aldunce P. Orígenes del concepto de Resiliencia y su aplicación práctica en desastres naturales y el cambio climático: el caso de Australia. Taller: Perspectivas Actuales de la Resiliencia en el Contexto de la Restauración Ecológica y la Adaptación al Cambio Climático, Valdivia, Chile, 7 January, 2014. - Keynote speaker, Aldunce P. Avanzando hacia la construcción de resiliencia al cambio climático. Desarrollo de Redes Multidisciplinarias ante el Cambio Climático, Santiago, Chile, 20 December, 2013. - Aldunce P. Cambi climático y adaptación. Sagrados Corazones Manquehue Primary School, Santiago, Chile, 9 December, 2013. - Aldunce P. Desafíos para la adaptación al cambio climático. Taller: Ecosistemas para la Protección de Infraestructura y Comunidades (EPIC), Santiago, Chile, 3 December, 2013. - Aldunce P. Resilience theory and disaster risk management. Seminar: The Disaster Resilient City, Melbourne, Australia, 19 August, 2013. - Aldunce P. Social capital and recovery. Seminar: The Disaster Resilient City, Melbourne, Australia, 19 August, 2013 - Aldunce P. Resilience in disaster policies and programs: Natural Disaster Resilience Program (NDRP), Queensland. Seminar: The Disaster Resilient City, Melbourne, Australia, 19 August, 2013. - Aldunce P. Framing resilience: practitioners' views of its meaning and usefulness in disaster risk management practice. The Natural Disaster Management Research Initiative (NDMRI), Melbourne, Australia, 7 June, 2013. - Aldunce P. Resiliencia? Origenes, evolución y conceptualización en la gestión de desastresnaturales. Seminario Departamento Geofísica, Santiago, Chile, 9 April, 2013. - Aldunce, P. Disaster resilience: how different stakeholders frame resilience and how useful is the concept for policy and practice. Climate Change Adaptation Borrel, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, 6 April 2011. - Aldunce, P., Beilin, R. Handmer, J., Howden M. The disaster resilience spiral: a model for continuous improvement in disaster risk management. Climate Adaptation Flagship Science Symposium, Melbourne, Australia, 27 July, 2011. - Aldunce P. Disasters risk management and adaptation: case study Concepción. Training Seminar Sustainable Adaptation to Climate Change, New Delhi, India 12-15 October 2008. MEDIA INTERVIEWS AND NOTES Newspaper - Latercera. Petorca y La Ligua, las comunas con mayor riesgo de sufrir desastres por el cambio climático. Interview. 25 May 2015. - El Mercurio. Medidas para los próximos 5 años: Chile ya tiene un plan de adaptación al cambio climático. Interview. 2 Decembre 2014. - La Tercera. Chile lanza plan para adaptarse al cambio climático. Interview. 2 December, 2014. - El Desconcierto digital newspaper. Centro de Ciencia del Clima: el comportamiento del clima actual no tiene precedentes. Interview. 27 Octubre, 2014. - La Tercera. Remplazo del Protocolo de Kioto. Interview. 22 September, 2014. - La Tercera.¿Qué ha hecho Chile contra el cambio climático?. Interview. 22 September, 2014. - La Tercera. Los chilenos tras el informe de cambio climático de la ONU. Interview. 7 April, 2014. Universidad de Chile - El Mercurio. El cambio climático aumenta los riesgos de conflictos y hambrunas en el mundo. Interview. 1 April, 2014. - La Tercera. Menor disponibilidad de agua, principal impacto del cambio climático en Chile: Informe del IPCC de la ONU advierte alza de temperatura, retroceso de glaciares y baja en lluvias. Interview. 1 April, 2014. - El Dinamo (digital newspaper). Cambio climático en Chile: expertas apuntan disminución del agua y cambios en temperaturas. Interview. 31 March, 2014. - La Tercera. Cambio Climático: informe de la ONU alerta que afectará economía mundial Interview. 20 March, 2014. - El Dinamo (digital newspaper). Mujeres y cambio climático. Author Paulina Aldunce. 7 March, 2014. - El Dinamo (digital newspaper). Resiliencia: un paradigma emergente para enfrentar los desafíos del cambio climático. Author Paulina Aldunce. 2 December, 2013. Radio - Radio Telar: De vuelta a la Tierra program. Paulina Aldunce talked about Climate change, reilience and mitigationy mitigación. 3 November 2015. - Agricultura.: El Agro. Dr. Aldunce was interviewed about climate change impacts and responses for the agricultural sector. 15-16 August 2015. - UChile. Paulina Aldunce project director for preparing the new National Action Plan for Climate Change 2015-2020. 17 December 2014. - Uchile. Dr. Aldunce was interviewed about the National Adaptation Plan and COP 20 Lima. 9 December, 2014. - Futuro: Palabras sacan palabras program. Dr. Aldunce was interviewed about the National Adaptation Plan and COP 20 Lima. 1 December, 2014. - Concierto: Mañana será otro día program. Paulina Aldunce’s interview about Climate Change. 23 September, 2014. - UChile. Interview about climate change and poverty. 2 April 2014. - UChile: El Semáforo program. Paulina Aldunce is author of the IPCC Fifth Report. April 2014. - UChile: Iniciativa Milenio, en sintonía con la ciencia program. Paulina Aldunce’s interview about resilience and climate change. 27 January, 2014. Television - Canal 13: Noticiero Nocturno program. Paulina Aldunce’s interview about National Adaptation Plan for Biodiversity. 20 August 2014. GRANTED RESEARCH FUNDINGS AND SCHOLARSHIPS 2014-2015. Definición de elementos PANCC 2015-2020, Licitación N° 608897-101-LE14 del Ministerio del Medio Ambiente. Proyect Director. 2014-2017. Moving towards adaptation to climate change: current practices developed in Chile, their usefulness, barriers to implementation, and opportunities for improvement. FONDECYT de Iniciación Proyecto Nº 11140394. Principal Investigator. - 2014-2015. Diseño sistema certificación adaptación climática. Licitación N° 633-43-LP14. Co-investigator. - 2014-2015. Whose Data, Whose Stories?: Re-orienting Social Transformation Processes for adapting to climate change in the Southern Hemisphere. MSSI Special Seed Funding CALL 2014, Melbourne University. Co-Investigator. - 2014 Southern hemisphere climate and adaptation workshop. International Research and Training Fund (IRRTF), University of Melbourne. Co-Investigator. - 2012-2017. Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2, Center of Excellence FONDAP/CONICYT N°1511009. Associated Investigator. - 2009-2013. PhD four years scholarship, Becas Bicentenario, Government of Chile. - 2009-2012. Postgraduate Studentship, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Sustainable Ecosystems. - 2008. Systematization of climate change adaptation policies and strategies in agricultural sector, and water and soil resources. National Commission of the Environment (CONAMA), Office of Agricultural Policies and Universidad de Chile Studies, and Foundation for Agriculture Innovation (FIA), Agricultural Ministry. - 2006-2007. Adaptation practices to climate change and variability for Latin America and the Caribbean. Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) and US National Science Foundation (NSF). - 2007-2009. Adaptation to the health impacts of air pollution and climate extremes in Latin American cities. Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) and US National Science Foundation (NSF). - 2006-2010. Use of spatial technologies for the evaluation, monitoring and disaster management in agriculture. Iberoamerican Program for Science and Technology (CYTED) and National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT). - 2002-2003. Hydrometeorological disaster prevention in Chile: a case study of the Limarí River Basin. United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). - 1999-2003. Use and usefulness: a comparative study of seasonal climate forecasting systems in droughtaffected regions of Latin America. National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration (NOAA). - 1998. Vulnerability analysis and adaptation to agriculture, water resources and forestry. Project for Reaching the Commitments of Climate Change Compromise Signed at the United Nations. National Commission of the Environment (CONAMA). TEACHING EXPERIENCE - 2015 to present. Subject leader and principal instructor of Human Dimension of Global Change for Engineering in Renewable Natural Resources Undergraduate Degree Program, Faculty of Agricultural Science, University of Chile. - 2014 to present. Guest lecturer in different subjects, including Diplomado Derecho Ambiental postgraduate, University of Chile; Diplomado Internacional de Verano: Comunicación para la Sostenibilidad y la Cultura del cambio postgraduate, Universidad Académica de Humanismo Cristiano; Diplomado de Estudios Socioambientales postgraduate, Universidad de Chile; Manejo de Recursos Naturales undergarduate, University of Chile; Sistemas Silvoagropecuarios undergraduate, University of Chile; Práctica 1 undergraduate, University of Chile. - 2000-2008. Subject leader and principal instructor of Environmental Management for Engineering in Renewable Natural Resources Undergraduate Degree Program, Faculty of Agricultural Science, University of Chile. - 1995-2007. Guest lecturer in different subjects, including Environmental Economy, Design of Sustainable Indicators, Research Design, Renewable Natural Resources and Advances in Fruitculture for both Renewable Natural Resources Engineering and Agricultural Engineering Undergraduate Degree Programs, Faculty of Agricultural Science, University of Chile. - 2006 to present. Lecturer of Environmental Management in Postgraduate Diploma in Olive Oil Production, Faculty of Agricultural Science, University of Chile. - 2005. Lecturer of Environmental Management in Postgraduate Diploma in Wine Production, Faculty of Agricultural Science, University of Chile. - 2002. Teaching Assistant in Integrated Environmental Management. Master of Sciences in Environmental Management and Planning, Interfaculty Program, University of Chile. - 2001-2002. Subject leader of Environmental Audit, for Engineering in Renewable Natural Resources Undergraduate Degree Program, Faculty of Agricultural Science, University of Chile. - 2001-2003. Subject leader and instructor of Cleaner Production for Renewable Natural Resources Engineering Undergraduate Degree Program, Department of Agricultural Science, University of Chile. - 1987-1993. Teaching Assistant in Botanic and Genetics, Department of Agricultural Science, University of Chile. RELEVANT SPECIALIZATION COURSES AND TRAINNING - 2009, April 23-July 24. Integrated Management of Risk and Disasters (e-learning). Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Manizales. - 2008. Training Seminar Sustainable Adaptation to Climate Change, IHDP International Human Dimensions and Global Environmental Change and Human Security (GECHS), New Delhi, India. - 2005, October 17-28. IAI Training Institute on Vulnerability Associated with Climate Variability and Universidad de Chile Climate Change in the Americas, Asunción, Paraguay. LANGUAGE ABILITY Spanish (Native language) English (Spoken and written: advanced) German (Spoken and written: intermediate) Santiago, January 2015 For more information visit: Universidad de Chile