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MARY CAROLINA GARCIA LINO email: 1) Herbario Nacional de Bolivia, Cota Cota, calle 27 s/n ,La Paz, Bolivia 2) Departamento de Botánica, Concepción University, Casilla 160-C; Concepción, Chile Interest areas: Ecology of Plants and Conservation. Studies: She is currently a PhD candidate in Botany, working on facilitation consequences for the high alpine cushion plant Laretia acaulis (Cav.) Gillies & Hook. in the high Andes of Central Chile. She obtained her undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences from the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia. Her B.Sc. thesis focused on the conservation status of Puya raimondii Harms in the Araca Valley, La Paz - Bolivia. Professional experience: Since 2006, she is an Associate Researcher at the Herbario Nacional de Bolivia. She recently, contributed to the BIO-THAW project via developing a protocol in order to evaluate plant interactions in andine wetlands (bofedales) affected by herbivores. She has been participating at GLORIA (Global observation research in alpine environments), focusing on monitoring vegetation for climatic changes studies and conservation. Before starting her PhD studies she worked for 5 years as coordinator of the Polylepis Conservation Program with local communities in the Bolivian Andes. Practical training: Research internship in charge of Dr. Maaike Bader, Functional Ecology Group, Oldenburg University, Germany (2012, 2013, 2014). Taxonomic scientific names validation from GLORIA sites, Herbario Nacional de Bolivia, Instituto de Ecología-UMSA (2012). Associate research and assistant: Establishment of long-term research observation sites for ecology studies and assessment of climatic change”. Peru: Vilcanota (2008), Argentina: Cumbres Calchaquíes (2008), Bolivia: Apolobamba (2008, 2007) and Sajama (2006, 2007). Research assistant in the projects: Hypsometric change in Climate, vegetation and soil, inside the Cotapata National Park (2004). Distribution in altitudinal and latitudinal of the fauna diversity in three protected areas of Bolivia, and the effect of human activities (2002). Teaching activities: Teaching assistant (2010) “General Ecology”, Biology, Concepción University. Teaching assistant (2003): “Laboratory of biochemistry II”, Biology, UMSA, La Paz. Rural Teachers trainer (2006) “Ideas prácticas para elaborar un Diseño curricular con enfoque en medio ambiente”, SEDUCA, Distrital III La Paz, Distrito Pelechuco, Asociación Civil Armonía, La Paz. Memberships: Society for Conservation Biology (since 2006), Association for Conservation Biology, Chapter Bolivia (ACB – Bolivia) (Since 1999). Scholarships: DAAD (2014) for a short internship at the University of Oldenburg. The Postgraduate University of Concepción (2013), MECESUP (2009 – 2013) scholarships for doctoral studies. Biodiversity Conservation Organization (Idea Wild) (2004) for field equipment support. Instituto de Ecología (2004) thesis support. Other activities: Chapter Director of the Latin America and Caribbean Section (LACA - Society for Conservation biology. President ACB-Bolivia (2006- 2008). Organizer committee member of the I Ecology Bolivian meeting (2006). Tribunal evaluator member of general genetic. Biology Department UMSA, La Paz (2003). Commission referee to evaluate titular teachers. Biology Department – UMSA (2003), Commission referee to evaluate teaching assistant for “Laboratory of Biochemistry I” (2004). Publications: Schöb, C., Michalet, R., Cavieres, L., Pugnaire, F., Brooker, R., Bradley, B., Bradley, B., Cook, J., Kikvidze, Z., Lortie, C., Xiao, S., Al Hayek, P., Cranston, B., García, M.C., Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Y., le Roux, P., Lingua, E., Nyakatya, M., Touzard, B., Zhao, L. & R. M. Callaway (2013). A global analysis of bi-directional interactions in alpine communities shows facilitators experiencing strong reciprocal fitness costs, New Phytologist (online) Pfanzelt, S., García, C. & A. Marticorena (2013). Notes on the geographic distribution of several Chilean vascular plant species, Check List 9(4): 832–837. Pfanzelt, S. & C. García (2011). Notes on Gentianella tarapacana (Gilg) T.N. Ho & S.W. Liu (Gentianaceae), endemic to the Chilean Altiplano”, Gayana Botaníca 68( 2): 182-187 Halloy, S., Yager, K., Beck, S. & C. García. (2010). El cambio del clima en el contexto de los cambios en la biosfera y noosfera – ¿Cuáles son los riesgos y que podemos hacer? Pages 602-612. In: S. G. Beck, N. Paniagua-Zambrana, R. P. López, and N. Nagashiro, editors. Biodiversidad y Ecología en Bolivia, Memorias del Simposio del XXX Aniversario del Instituto de Ecología. Instituto de Ecología, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA), La Paz. García, C. & A. Palabral (2006). Aplicación de Técnicas cartográficas y de teledetección en la Investigación y Conservación de los Yungas Bolivianos Proceedings of the 8th International symposium on high mountain remote sensing cartography, La Paz. 49 pp. BOOK CHAPTERS (1) Meneses, R.I., Domic, A., Beck S., García C., Thompson, N. & S. Halloy (2012). Pp 96-101. (2) Beck, S., García, C., Meneses, R.I., Domic, A., Halloy. S. & N. Thompson (2012). Parque Nacional Sajama (BOSAJ). Pp 102-107. (3) Meneses, R.I., Beck, S., García, C., Domic, A., Halloy S. & N. Thompson (2012). Pp 108 113. In: Cuesta F., P. Muriel, S. Beck, R. I. Meneses, S. Halloy, S. Salgado, E. Ortiz y M.T. Becerra (Eds.) (2012). Biodiversidad y Cambio Climático en los Andes Tropicales - Conformación de una red de investigación para monitorear sus impactos y delinear acciones de adaptación. Red Gloria Andes. Lima-Quito. Pp 180. Halloy S., Yager, K., García, C., Beck, S., Carilla, J., Tupayachi, A., Jácome, J., Meneses, R. I., Farfán, J., Seimon, A., Seimon, T., Rodriguez, P., Cuello, S. & A. Grau (2010). Chapter 3: South America: Climate Monitoring and Adaptation Integrated Across Regions and Disciplines. Pp. 8691. In J. Settele, L. Penev, T. Georgiev, R. Grabaum, V. Grobelnik, V. Hammen, S. Klotz, M. Kotarac & I. Kuehn (Eds). Atlas of Biodiversity risk. Pensoft Publisher ( Field guides: Beck, S., Domic, A., Garcia C., Meneses R., Yager, K., & S. Halloy (2010). Guía de Plantas: El Parque Nacional Sajama y sus plantas. Herbario Nacional de Bolivia, Bolivia. García C., Palabral A. & I. Gómez (2007). “Manual para conocer y cuidar nuestros bosques de Queñua (Polylepis)” Asociación Civil Armonía, Birdlife Internacional, Museo de Historia Natural y Colección Boliviana de Fauna, La Paz. 30 pp. Languages: Spanish native language, English (high level), German (basic level)