Download Reunión en la Plaza Federal

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Por el 7o aniversario de la invasión de Irak por
Hace ya siete años los Estados Unidos invadieron a Irak ― una guerra que
continua sin final. Los Estados Unidos están expandiendo la guerra en
Afganistán, extendiéndose a Pakistán y más aya. El encarcelamiento a Gaza,
apoyado por los Estados Unidos, de parte de Israel continúa.
Ahora, la administración de Obama ha presentado un presupuesto que
contiene la cantidad más grande que se haya presentado alguna vez para
"defensa", mientras que ha congelado los gastos domésticos para solventar las
necesidades humanas mínimas. No hay Reforma de Salud, no hay acción en
el cambio climático. En lo único que se ponen de acuerdo los de Washington
es en usar nuestros impuestos para alimentar los grandes bancos y la
maquinaria guerrera.
Seven years ago the US invaded Iraq -a war that continues with no end in sight.
The US is expanding the war in
Afghanistan, spreading it to Pakistan and
beyond. The US-backed Israeli siege of G
Now, the Obama administration has
introduced a budget that includes the
largest amount for “defense” spending
ever -- while freezing domestic spending
for human needs. There is no health care
bill, no action on climate change. All
Washington can agree on is to feed our
tax money to big banks and the war
Unámonos a protestar para que se acaben las guerras y
empezar a financiar las necesidades humanas:
5:30 PM
Jueves, 18 de Marzo
Reunión en la Plaza Federal
(esquina de las calles Adams & Dearborn)
Seguido por una marcha sobre la Avenida Michigan.
Acompáñenos a una movilización por una marcha unida en Washington, DC el sábado 20 de Marzo.
Abran buses disponibles desde Chicago. Para mayor información acerca de este evento: /
Aprobado por: 8th Day Center for Justice ▪ Albany Park, North Park, Mayfair Neighbors for Peace and Justice ▪ American Friends Service Committee ▪ American Muslims for Palestine ▪ ANSWER Chicago ▪ Aurora Peace & Justice ▪ Brother Joe ▪
Chicago 911 Truth ▪ Chicago Area CodePINK ▪ Chicago Chapter of the Fellowship of Reconciliation ▪ Chicago Chapter, World Can't Wait ▪ Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism ▪ Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights ▪ Chicago
Democratic Socialists of America ▪ Chicago Labor Against the War ▪ Chicago Media Action ▪ Chicago Solidarity ▪ Chicagoans Against Apartheid in Palestine (CAAP) ▪ Chicagoans Against War & Injustice (CAWI) ▪ Christian Peacemaker Teams Chicago ▪ Comité Anti-Militarización (CAMI) ▪ Committee on Philippine Issues ▪ Cook County Green Party ▪ DeKalb Interfaith Network for Peace and Justice ▪ Demilitarized U ▪ DePaul Students for Justice in Palestine ▪ DuPage County Green Party
▪ Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice ▪ Freedom Road Socialist Party ▪ Friends of Leon Berger ▪ Gay Liberation Network ▪ Hyde Parkers for Peace and Justice (HPPJ) ▪ Illinois Green Party ▪ Industrial Workers of the World Chicago GMB ▪
International Socialist Organization ▪ International Solidarity Movement - Chicago ▪ Iraq Veterans Against the War ▪ James Thindwa, former Executive Director of Chicago Jobs with Justice ▪ Join the Impact Chicago ▪ La Voz de los de Abajo ▪ Labor
Beat / Labor Express ▪ Logan Square Neighbors for Justice and Peace ▪ Near West Citizens for Peace & Justice ▪ Neighbors for Peace ▪ News & Letters ▪ Nicaragua Solidarity Alliance for Global Justice ▪ North Shore Coalition for Peace Justice
and the Environment ▪ North Suburban Peace Initiative ▪ Northern Illinois End the Occupation ▪ Northwest Suburban Peace & Education Project ▪ Oak Park Coalition for Peace and Justice ▪ Palestine Solidarity Group - Chicago ▪ Pax Christi Seed
Planters ▪ Peace Pledge ▪ Progressive Democrats of America - Chicago ▪ Public Workers Unite! ▪ ReaCH-Refugee Center for Hope ▪ Sangat Chicago ▪ Students for Justice in Palestine IIT ▪ Students for Peace and Justice at Wilbur Wright College
▪ Third Unitarian Church Social Action Committee ▪ UIC Political Discussion and Action Group ▪ UIC Students for Justice in Palestine ▪ United States Palestinian Community Network (USPCN)-Chicago Chapter ▪ Veterans for Peace ▪ Vietnam
Veterans Against the War ▪ Voices for Creative Nonviolence ▪ We Are Change Chicago ▪ Wellington Avenue United Church of Christ ▪ West Side Greens ▪ West Suburban Faith-based PEACE Coalition ▪ Witness for Peace - Great Lakes Region