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Catálogo de Grupos de Investigación Centro de Innovación e Transferencia de Tecnoloxía Profolio of Researchers and Research Teams FIRE ECOLOGY (Last update 30/11/2005) Code: GI-1257 Department: Bioloxía Celular e Ecoloxía Contact: Casal Jiménez, Mercedes Telf. 981-563100 ext.13320 Center of Innovation and Thecnology Transfer Telf.: 981-547000 Research field - Forest vegetation structure - Forest vegetation dynamics - Vegetation response to forest fires - Forest communities post-fire restoration Technology services - Forest vegetation studies - Forest fires impact assessment - Natural regeneration of burned areas - Burned areas restoration - Forest species seed management Key words Páxina 1/3 Catálogo de Grupos de Investigación Centro de Innovación e Transferencia de Tecnoloxía Forest ecology; shrubland ecology; fire ecology; vegetation recover; restauration. Researchers Name Casal Jiménez,M. Basanta Alves,M. Reyes Ferreira,O. Position Coordinator Member Member RTD PROJECTS ( period: 2006 - 2010 ) Title: Cambios estructurais na vexetación de áreas incendiadas de Galicia: Análise da variabilidade espacial e estratexias rexenerativas implicadas (PHOENIX) Tipology: Proxectos Xunta Duration: 30/10/2007 - 31/10/2010 Main investigator: Reyes Ferreira, Otilia Title: Patróns de rexeneración vexetal tralo incendio en Galiza: modificacións polo cambio climático Tipology: Proxectos Xunta Duration: 31/10/2006 - 31/10/2009 Main investigator: Casal Jiménez, Mercedes Title: Efectos del cambio del uso del suelo y cambio climático sobre la biodiversidad y el funcionamiento en los brezales de Calluna vulgaris. Relación de los incendios forestales.(Subproyecto) Tipology: Plan Nacional Duration: 01/10/2006 - 30/09/2009 Main investigator: Casal Jiménez, Mercedes SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION ( period: 2005 - 2009 ) Articles in the Journal Citation Reports Article: Seed germinationof Quercus robur, Q. pyrenaica and Q. ilex and the effects of smoke, heat, ash and charcoal Journal: ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE, ISSN: 1286-4560 2006 Article: Spatial and temporal patterns in structure and diversity of Mediterranean forest of Quercus pyrenaica in relation to fire Journal: FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, ISSN: 0378-1127 2009 Article: Resprouting Ability of six Atlantic Shrub Species Journal: FOLIA GEOBOTANICA, ISSN: 1211-9520 2009 Páxina 2/3 Catálogo de Grupos de Investigación Centro de Innovación e Transferencia de Tecnoloxía Article: Influence of heat and smoke treatments on the germination of six leguminous shrubby species Journal: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WILDLAND FIRE, ISSN: 1049-8001 2006 Article: Regeneration models and plant regenerative types related to the intensity of fire in Atlantic shrubland and woodland species Journal: JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE, ISSN: 1100-9233 2008 Article: Germination behaviour of 14 Mediterranean species in relation to fire factors: smoke and heat Journal: PLANT ECOLOGY, ISSN: 1385-0237 2009 Doctoral theses: Title: Estructura e dinámica de comunidades de Erica ciliaris e Erica tetralix no marco da xestión sostible. Date of dissertation: 19/01/2009 Director: Mercedes Casal Jiménez, Otilia Reyes Ferreira Author: Ana Muñoz Espasandín Title: Caracterización ecológica y dinámica de comunidades leñosas en un área con alta recurrencia de incendios: El caso de la Sierra de Ancares Date of dissertation: 30/06/2008 Director: Mercedes Casal Jiménez, Otilia Reyes Ferreira Author: Rebeca Álvarez Fernández Páxina 3/3