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J U LY 2 0 1 4 Fundado el 2 de junio de 1938. Entidad cultural no lucrativa que fomenta un mayor entendimiento entre el Perú y los Estados Unidos. Registro de Entidades Exoneradas del Impuesto a la Renta N° 00023 Registro de Entidades Perceptoras de Donaciones N° 05571 RUC 20122667660 Hecho el depósito legal en la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú Nº 2005-6187 La pena máxima / Santiago Roncagliolo. M o l i n a Cáncer, una llamada de alerta The author, David Luján, discovers a method that will change forever the perception of this sickness by providing a new vision of this devastating pathology. L a Cáncer, una llamada de alerta / David Lujan. N o r t e ¿Sabes con quien estás hablando? In this research, the author approaches subjects such as power and influencing capacity, in a coercive or persuasive manner, regarding behavior, feelings or perception of others. L i m a T. (511) 706-7000 ¿Sabes con quien estás hablando?: psicoanálisis, poder y subjetividad / Jorge Bruce. Biblioteca Luis E. Valcárcel - Sede Lima Centro Jr. Cuzco 446. Anexo 1272 Biblioteca Estuardo Núñez - Sede Miraflores Av. Angamos Oeste 160. Anexo 2272 Biblioteca Anna Clack de Díaz - Sede San Miguel Av. La Marina 2469. Anexo 3272 Biblioteca Jorge Basadre Grohmann - Sede La Molina Av. Javier Prado Este 4625. Anexo 4272 Biblioteca ICPNA Lima Norte - Sede Lima Norte Av. El Pacífico 477, Independencia. Anexo 5272 HORARIO DE ATENCIÓN Lunes a viernes de 8:00 a.m. a 9:00 p.m. Sábados de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. Sede Lima Norte Sábados de 8:00 a.m. a 6:30 p.m. Dirección de Biblioteca Av. Angamos Oeste 120, Miraflores. Anexo 9107 / bibliotecasicpna BIBLIOTECA La pena máxima An absorbing thriller in which politics, soccer, the struggle to survive and death combine to show the reader how far some people are willing to go to defend their ideals. Historia de la ópera / Gabriel Menéndez. b o l e t í n C e n t r o Historia de la ópera Along the text, the reader will find the general features of this literary genre or school in its historic and cultural context including comments on the most outstanding composers and trends. S a n M i r a f l o r e s De la política indígena: Perú y Bolivia / Georges Lomné. M i g u e l De la política indígena: Perú y Bolivia This book looks closely at the current politicization processes of indigenous communities that go beyond a cultural recovery project. They mainly follow guidelines to incorporate those communities into the modern public space. L i m a libros destacados LIBROS DESTACADOS PROGRAMA programa de actividades Thursday 10 Book presentation LA VICUÑA Y SU MAGIA = The Vicuña and its Magic = SUNQU SUWAH WIK’UÑITÁY Author: Blanca Viacava Commentators: Amauta Demetrio Túpac Yupanqui, Alessandra Canessa y Vicky Canales. Lugar: Miraflores Branch, Conference Hall (tenth floor), 6:30 p.m. a l e r t a HISTORIA 940.53/E24 The monuments men: La fascinante aventura de los guerreros del arte que impidieron el expolio cultural Nazi / Robert M. Edsel.-- Barcelona: Destino, 2012. 565 p.:il. WORLD WAR II, 1939–1945 / PERSONAL STORIES Miraflores Friday 18 Award ceremony ICPNA 6th BIENNIAL OF CHILDREN’S STORIES 2014 Lugar: Sede Miraflores, Conference Hall (décimo piso), 6:30 p.m. Saturday 19 Artistic presentation of the winning books of ICPNA 4th Biennial of Children’s Poetry Singing Street and Rambling, Rambling I Stroll Fabling Authors: César De María y Martha Calle Guest artist: José Antonio Núñez UKUMARI Venue: Lima International Book Fair (FIL). Parque Los Próceres (Jesús María), 5:00 p.m. 973.9/A83 Los Estados Unidos desde el final de la Guerra Civil hasta la Primera Guerra Mundial / Isaac Asimov.-3a ed.-- Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2012. 361 p. UNITED STATES–SOCIAL ASPECTS / UNITED STATES–HISTORY Lima Centro JÓVENES C I C LO D E C O N F E R E N C I A S D E LA Y/813.54/R58/2 El mar de los monstruos / Rick Riordan.-- Barcelona: Ediciones Salamandra, 2013. 253 p. U.S. STORIES–ADVENTURES San Miguel Sociedad Geográfica de Lima Tuesday 1 ESTRATEGIAS REGIONALES DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO Y GRUPOS TÉCNICOS REGIONALES DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO Speaker: Giovanna Egas Tapia - Ministerio del Ambiente Venue: Sede Lima Centro, Study Hall, 6:30 p.m. Y/813.54/R58/4 La batalla del laberinto / Rick Riordan.-- Barcelona: Ediciones Salamandra, 2013. 313 p. U.S. STORIES–ADVENTURES San Miguel Tuesday 8 CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO Y LA BIODIVERSIDAD MARINA Speaker: Dr. Ulises Munaylla Alarcón - Sociedad Nacional de Pesquería (SNP) Venue: Sede Lima Centro, Study Hall, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday 15 CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO Y EL ROL DE LA GEOGRAFÍA Expositor: Dr. Miguel Ibañez Venue: Sede Lima Centro, Study Hall, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday 22 GESTIÓN DE RIESGOS Y ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO EN LOS RECURSOS HÍDRICOS Speaker: Ing. Ricardo Rosas Luján - Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú (Senamhi) Venue: Sede Lima Centro, Study Hall, 6:30 p.m. cine CICLO DE D O C U M E N TA L ALERTA BIBLIOGRÁFICA b i b l i o g r á f i c a Y/863.85/R76g El gran escape / Santiago Roncagliolo.-- Lima: Ediciones SM, 2013. 181 p.:il. PERUVIAN NOVELS–21ST CENTURY Lima Norte LITERATURA 813.52/F55Z6W El crack-up / Scott Fitzgerald.-- Madrid: Capitán Swing, 2012. 374 p. FITZGERALD, F. SCOTT (FRANCIS SCOTT) / ESSAYS, CONFERENCES, ETC. San Miguel P E R U A N O N O R T E A M E R I C A N O 813.52/S819g/Sp/2012 Las uvas de la ira / John Steinbekck.-- 4a ed.-Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2012. 686 p. U.S. NOVELS–DRAMA Miraflores ICPNA Library network will screen a selection of documentary films simultaneously in all its video rooms. These films depict stories of real people together with cultural and social aspects of the United States and Peru. Screening will be held during two weeks according to the following schedule: July 7-11: Rebirth: New Orleans (John Merrow); Charles Bradley: Soul of America (Poull Brien), We’re Not Broke (Victoria Bruce), Street Fight (Marshall Curry) and American Promise (Joe Brewster). July 14-18: Metal y melancolía (Heddy Honigmann); Un día, todos los días: migrantes peruanos en Córdoba (Ana Apontes), Música afroperuana: tras la larga noche (Patricia Ferreira), Los tarapaqueños peruanos: testimonios de su historia (Rosa Troncoso) and Las Lenguas del Perú (Virginia Zavala). MÚSICA 782.1092/H49 En propia voz: memorias / Barbara Hendricks.-Barcelona: RBA Libros, 2013. 475 p.:il. SINGERS–BIOGRAPHIES / HENDRICKS, BARBARA– BIOGRAPHY Miraflores The latest news about politics, business, culture and opinion regarding current events in the United States and the world. DISCOVER Informational magazine about environment, geographic exploration, science and technology This issue investigates the consequences of a rapid and contagious cancer epidemic that threatens to extinguish one of the most iconic species of the island of Tasmania. Available at Lima Centro Library. THE NEW YORKER Publication famous for a good deal of literary fiction, quality journalism, cultural recommendations about movies, dance, music, theater plays, museums, art galleries and news about New York City. In this edition, Lizzie Widdicombe explores the future of Solyent, a dietary supplement which would replace daily feed. Available at Miraflores library. TIME It analyzes the most relevant topics in the field of culture, economics and world politics. This issue presents Vladimir Putin as the tsar of Russia in its cover; it also looks closely at the tax reform package promoted by Italian Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, to reactivate the fourth largest European economy. Available at Miraflores Library. VIRTUAL LIBRARY SERVICE ICPNA, through its Library Network, puts at your disposal this important informative resource that will give you access to thousands of publications, specialized articles, audios, videos and more. 813.54/C51e El escándalo de los Wapshot / John Cheever.-Barcelona: RBA Libros, 2013. 298 p. U.S. NOVELS–20TH CENTURY Lima Centro EBSCOHOST Multidisciplinary database which provides access to academic and scientific journals. It contains information on administration, education, information sciences, philosophy, history, English, literature, psychology and health. 813.54/K38 Los subterráneos / Jack Kerouac.-- Barcelona: Anagrama, 2013. 186 p. AMERICAN NOVELS San Miguel FILMAKERS LIBRARY ONLINE A selection of educational resources addressed to children and young persons who want to know about art, nature, science and world culture in an enjoyable manner. It offers over 1000 documentary and independent films, a great variety of topics such as gender studies, human rights, climate change, literature, etc.