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Aula IBB, 12:30 h Seminari CRAG: 25/10/2013, 12:00 h Magnus Nordborg 8/11/2013 Rosa Ana SánchezGuillén Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology Studying the genotype phenotype map in Arabidopsis Hybridization in a warmer world: odonates as model organisms Inst. Biot. Biom. (IBB), UAB 15/11/2013 Oscar Conchillo Inst. Biot. Biom. (IBB), UAB Relaciones filogenéticas entre cepas bacterianas a partir de la identificación del proteoma compartido Sala d’Actes: 4/12/2013, 13:00 Antonio Fontdevila Dept. Genètica i Microb., UAB Des de Darwin fins el genoma: Un viatge evolutiu Sala d’Actes: 13/12/2013, 12:00 Luís Serrano Perspectives of systems biology 10/01/2014 Miguel Pérez-Enciso Centre de Regulació Genòmica 24/01/2014 ICREA i Cent. Rec. Agrigenò. (CRAG), UAB Comparación del parentesco molecular calculado con genotipado de alta densidad o secuencia Francisco RodríguezTrelles Respuesta evolutiva genómica a una ola de calor en Drosophila Dept. Genètica i Microb., UAB Sala de Graus II: 21/02/2014, 12:00 Andrej Bugrim 28/02/2014 Andrea Acurio VP Informatics Strategy and Analytics, Thomson Reuters Dept. Genètica i Microb., UAB 14/3/2014 Marta Puig Inst. Biot. Biom. (IBB), UAB 28/3/2014 Tõnu Esko Broad Institute, USA Sala de Graus II: 3/04/2014, 12:30 Bart Deplancke 11/4/2014 Joan Garcia-Porta École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switz. Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (CSIC-UPF) 25/4/2014 Magda Gayà-Vidal Inst. Biot. Biom. (IBB), UAB 9/5/2014 Marcel Amills Cent. Rec. Agrigenò. (CRAG), UAB 16/5/2014 Daniel Yero Inst. Biot. Biom. (IBB), UAB 23/5/2014 David Castellano Inst. Biot. Biom. (IBB), UAB 6/6/2014 Yolanda Espinosa Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (CSIC-UPF) 20/6/2014 Antonio Barbadilla Inst. Biot. Biom. (IBB) and Dept Genèt. i Microb., UAB 4/7/2014 Sebastián Ramos-Onsins Cent. Rec. Agrigenò. (CRAG), UAB 18/7/2014 Emanuele Raineri Cent. Nac. Anàl. Genòm. (CNAG) Systems biology tools for disease research Dinámica y evolución del elemento transponible Galileo en el género Drosophila Evolutionary and functional analysis of a human inversion polymorphic in Asian populations that disrupts a transcription factor gene Genetic architecture of complex human phenotypes – insight from large scale studies on adult stature and gene expression profiles Investigating the relationship between geno- and phenotypic variation using regulatory genomics: a human and a Drosophila tale Exploring the link between ecological opportunity and diversification: What do we learn from the Australasian geckos? Worldwide distribution, evolutionary history and recurrence patterns of human polymorphic inversions Análisis genético de la difusión del pastoralismo caprino en Africa Genome-wide scan for positive selection into bacterial pathogen populations Population genomics and detection of evidences of selection in human polymorphic inversions Dissecting microRNA genetic variation in human disease and great apes evolution Genomic structural variation in Drosophila Distribución de la variabilidad nucleotídica y de los transposones a lo largo del genoma del melón Statistics for calling DNA methylation differences in pair of samples or groups Participa: Institut de Biotecnologia i de Biomedicina (IBB) Centre de Recerca en Agrigenòmica (CRAG) Departament de Genètica i de Microbiologia Organitza: Mario Cáceres (ICREA i IBB), Sebastián Ramos (CRAG)