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Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering UPCT Agricultural Marketing CERTIFICATION: Degree in Agri-food engineering and biological system Course 2015/2016 1. Subject Information Name Agricultural Marketing Matter* Agricultural Marketing Module* Code Degree Study Plan Centre Type Teaching period Language ECTS 4,5 Common to the Agricultural Branch 518103010 Degree in Agri-food engineering and biological system 2013 Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering (ETSIA) Compulsory Four-month period Four-month period 2nd Course 3rd Spanish Hours / ECTS 30 Total workload (hours) 135 * All terms marked with an asterisk are defined in References for teaching at the UPCT and Glossary of terms: / bitstream / 10317/3330/1 / isbn8469531360.pdf 2. Teacher information Lecturer in charge Department Knowledge area Location of the office Narciso Arcas Lario Business Economics Economics, Sociology and Politics Office 0.8. Ground floor of ETSIA building Phone 968 325785 E-mail arcas.lario@ URL / WEB Location during the tutorials Teaching experience Research Lines 968 32 5433 Timetable available/ Tutorials Teaching and research profile Fax By determining the face. After-mail address and telephone assistance Office teacher or by e-mail Agronomist and Doctor in Economics and Business Titular Professor at University 20 years as a Professor at the Universities of Murcia and Cartagena Polytechnic 4 teachings quinquenniums Agro-food marketing Agro-food cooperative Two six-year period recognized Professional experience 7 years hired and providing consulting services to various food companies Other topics of interest Distinguished by the Polytechnic University of Cartagena in the 2009/2010 year with the "Award to Reference Professor of Education Superior European Space " 3. Contents 3.1 Contents according to study plan of the subject 1. Marketing and agricultural subsystem 2. The market and the environment of farms 3. Research of agricultural markets 4. Decisions about product 5. Pricing decisions 6. Decisions on communication 7. Decisions on distribution 8. Strategy and Marketing Plan 9. Collective action and agricultural marketing 3.2 English program theory (Teaching units and topics) TEACHING UNIT 1. Introduction to marketing and marketing management in agricultural firms 1. Marketing and agricultural subsystem TEACHING UNIT. 2- Analysis of the marketing system in agricultural firms 2. The market and the environment of agricultural firms 3. Agricultural markets' research TEACHING UNIT. 3- Marketing planning in agricultural firms 4. Product decisions 5. Price decisions 6. Communication decisions 7. Distribution decisions 8. Strategy and marketing plan TEACHING UNIT. 4- Collective action and agricultural marketing 9. Collective action and agricultural marketing 4. Bibliography and resources 4.1 Basic bibliography* Literature can be found in the documentation service (Recommended for DU 1, 2 and 3) Santesmases Mestre, M. (2012). Marketing: Conceptos y Estrategias. Ed. Pirámide. Madrid. 1117p. ISBN: 9788436826135. Disponible en el Servicio de Documentación de la UPCT: Sierra, M.; Namesny, A. y Papasseit, P. (2002). Marketing aplicado a frutas y hortalizas. Junta de Andalucía. 195p. ISBN: 8487729428. Disponible en el Servicio de Documentación de la UPCT: (Recommended for DU 3) Sainz de Vicuña Ancín, J.M. (2003). El plan de marketing en la práctica. Ed. ESIC. Madrid. 439p. ISBN: 8473562984. Disponible en el Servicio de Documentación de la UPCT: (Recommended for DU 1, 2 and 3) Arcas Lario, N. (1999). El Marketing de las Cooperativas Agrarias. Claves para la Competitividad de la Empresa Agraria. Ed. Ciriec. Valencia. 300p. ISBN: 8495003066. Disponible en el Servicio de Documentación de la UPCT: 4.2 Complementary bibliography* • Minetti, A.C. (2002). Marketing de los alimentos ecológicos. Ed. ESIC. Madrid. 271p. ISBN: 8436816641. Disponible en el Servicio de Documentación de la UPCT: • Rouzet, E. (2005). El marketing del vino. Saber vender el vino. Ed. MundiPrensa. Madrid. 231p. ISNN: 8484762343. Disponible en el Servicio de Documentación de la UPCT: • Ruiz de Maya, S. (2001). Experiencias y casos de comportamiento del consumidor. Ed. ESIC. Madrid. 379p. ISBN: 8473562658. Disponible en el Servicio de Documentación de la UPCT: • Sánchez Pérez. M. (Coord.) (2006). Casos de marketing y estrategia. Ed. UOC. Barcelona. 369p. ISBN: 8497884183. Disponible en el Servicio de Documentación de la UPCT: • Arcas Lario, N. (Dir.). El gobierno de las cooperativas agroalimentarias. Factores de Éxito. Ed. Fundación Cajamar. Almería. 101p. ISBN: 9788493775971. Disponible en el Servicio de Documentación de la UPCT: • Arcas Lario, N. y Hernández Espallardo, M. (Dirs.)(2013). Tamaño y competitividad. Experiencias de crecimiento en las cooperativas agroalimentarias españolas. Ed. Cajamar Caja Rural. 331p. ISBN: 9788495531582. Disponible en el Servicio de Documentación de la UPCT: 4.3 Network resources and other resources Web of representative organizations, professional agricultural organizations and food companies Virtual classroom UPCT