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WWW.LOREAL-PARIS.COM.MX PARA SU INFORMACIÓN. LA PRENSA ESENCIAL DE L’ORÉAL PARIS. RENOVACIÓN CELULAR RENOVACIÓN CELULAR UN NUEVO COMIENZO PARA TU PIEL HOY EN DÍA, UNA NUEVA GENERACIÓN DE MUJERES DE 50 AÑOS ESTÁ SURGIENDO. EMPRENDEDORAS, SEXYS, RADIANTES Y POSITIVAS QUE SABEN EXACTAMENTE LO QUE QUIEREN, CUANTOS AÑOS TIENEN Y ESTÁN FELICES DE SABERLO. ESTOS NUEVOS 50’S NO SON LOS NUEVOS S, SON MEJORES. With women40’ having their first child later, fifty is no longer the age at which they become a grandmother. SE PODRÍA DECIR QUE SEÑALAN EL COMIENZO DE UNA NUEVA VIDA. These days, a new generation of fifty year-olds is emerging. Fulfilled, sexy, working women … A LOS LAShow MUJERES NO SEare PREOCUPAN POR They50, know old theyYA are and happy about DEJARLO it. TODO NUEVOS PROYECTOS. MorePARA than EMPRENDER simply accepting their age, it could be DEMOSTRAR said that it signals beginning NO TIENEN QUE NADAthe A NADIE Y ESA ES ofAa ELLAS new life. SU FORTALEZA. SE DAN MISMAS PERMISO PARA HACER LO MEJOR DE SUS VIDAS Y PONERSE EN PRIMER At fifty, women no longer worry about LUGAR. LISTASeverything PARA VIVIR MÁXIMO CONelse. TODA LA dropping toAL start something EXPERIENCIA PUEDEN VER FUTURO In a way,ADQUIRIDA, they have nothing more toAL prove and CON this is their strength. They give themselves UNA NUEVA ACTITUD. SABEN QUE SON ATRACTIVAS permission to make the most of COSMÉTICOS their lives Y BUSCAN LOS MEJORES PRODUCTOS PARA and SE putSIENTEN themselves first. ASEGURARSE QUE BIEN CON Y EN SU PIEL. Ready to live a full life over the coming years LAS SE CUIDANof A life, CUALQUIER withMUJERES all their experience they canEDAD, look forwards in a positive of mind. TheyMIMAR seek PERO A PARTIR DE LOSframe 50’S TIENEN QUE quality and please themselves—and that MÁShigh LA PIEL, TONIFICÁNDOLA Y RECONSTITUYENDO is expressed in their daily lives.ESTÁ EN LAS CÉLULAS. EL FUTURO DE LA PIEL AGE PERFECT RENOVACIÓN CELULAR. UNA NUEVA They take care of themselves. They know that MANERA DEattractive PROTEGER LAS CÉLULAS they are and look for the MADRE best cosmetic products toLA make sure that they feel DE PIEL. good with their age and in “their skin”. UN VERDADERO RENACIMIENTO INSPIRADO LAS MUJERES DEre-thinking MÁS DE 50 AÑOS. For them,EN L’Oréal Paris is anti-ageing… PARA ESTE TIPO DE MUJERES L’ORÉAL PARIS REINVENTA EL CONCEPTO ANTI-EDAD. D o you feel like being a new person in your fifties? I feel that at the beginning of every decade of our life we reassess a little an important birthday gives us a chance to think about ourselves and what we want to accomplish in our personal and professional lives. The fifties are particularly important because we have lived so much of our lives already, and realize how precious our time is. JULIANNE MOORE LOS NUEVOS 50’s “an important birthday gives us a chance to think about ourselves and what we want to accomplish” A ccording to you, why being 50 today is different from being 50 twenty years ago? I think we are all living longer than we used to - we are having our children later, so many of us still have children at home, and rather than facing retirement are facing vibrant professional lives. W hat does ageing gracefully mean to you? We are lucky to age; it is a privilege to grow old. Our life experience brings us so much richness and knowledge. And I find that I am much more comfortable with myself as I grow older. W “We realize how precious our time is” hat is your understanding of L’Oréal Paris tagline “Because you’re worth it”? That every woman is worth time and care - that we must take the time to invest in ourselves because every human being counts. “We are lucky to age” Y ou are a committed woman. What cause matters most to you? I am very concerned about poverty in the United States. Currently, one in four children here lives in poverty - which is absurd in a country as developed as ours. I am also committed to health care, and education causes - environmental causes and reproductive rights. “TENGO 50 Y ME SIENTO TOTALMENTE RENOVADA.“ JULIANNE MOORE “So many of us are facing vibrant professional lives” W hat is the most daring thing you did in your fifties? Probably to model for L’Oréal Paris! It is quite an honor and I feel I have a high standard to hold up! LAS CLAVES DE LA ACTIVIDAD CELULAR LA Cells renewal (1) ACTIVIDAD CELULAR A LOS 50 Cells the basic units which life processes LAS are CÉLULAS SON LASinUNIDADES BÁSICAS EN occur. L’Oréal Paris studied the particular LAS QUE SE PRODUCEN LOS PROCESOS VITALES. functioning of cutaneous cells to better identify the keys forCONTINUO cellular vitality, andPOR it is LA a promising NUESTRO INTERÉS BIOLOGÍA way to develop more performing anti-ageing cosmetic CELULAR PERMITE UNA ACTUALIZACIÓN products. CONSTANTE DEL CONOCIMIENTO Y LA COMPRENSIÓN DE LA FORMA EN QUE VIVIMOS, The 50’s drop ENVEJECEMOS Y MORIMOS. ESTO INCLUYE EL It is strongly established that epidermal turnover is a function of age ESTUDIO DEL FUNCIONAMIENTO PARTICULAR DE which remains relatively constant in the younger years and then begins ` to CÉLULAS drop dramatically after 50. CUTÁNEAS PARA IDENTIFICAR MEJOR LAS CLAVES DE LA VITALIDAD CELULAR, Y ES UNA The renewal process slows down: the division capacity of keratinocytes DE LAS MÁS PROMETEDORAS MANERAS PARA is reduced; corneocytes accumulate, thinner than keratinocytes, they lead to a thinning of the epidermis and a thickening of the stratum COSMÉTICOS DESARROLLAR MÁS PRODUCTOS corneum which becomes brittle. The transit time of keratinocytes in the ANTI-ENVEJECIMIENTO. epidermis may be lengthened by more than 10 days. Cells are the basic units in which life processes (1) Cellular renewal rate decreases by studied 40% between the ageparticular of 50 and 70. occur. L’Oréal Paris LA PIEL HUMANA CONTINUAMENTE ESTÁthe RENOVÁNDOSE. functioning of cutaneous cells to better identify (2) In keys parallel, ATP production by cells,vitality, in other words and energy,it decreases. the for cellular is a relacionada promising La renovación de more la estábecomes directamente This cellular fuel produced andepidermis stored in the body less way to develop performing anti-ageing cosmetic available, decreases the rate at which cells function. con la and capacidad celular de laskin capa fundamental para dividir products. activamente diferenciar. La rate aparición de nuevas células The slowdown of y skin cellular renewal and the decrease in aTp synthesis by cells are involved in cellular vitallity decreasing The 50’s drop de queratinocitos en profundidad, naturalmente, debe ser process after 50 years old. compensada por descamación las ofcélulas en la superficie It is strongly established thatla epidermal turnover is ade function age which remains relatively constant in the younger yearsdel andproceso then begins de ` de la piel. Este es el resultado final queratinización to drop dramatically after 50. The renewal process slows down: the division capacity of keratinocytes is reduced; corneocytes accumulate, thinner than keratinocytes, they lead to a thinning of the epidermis and a thickening of the stratum number of cell layers/day 0,9 y marca la etapa final de un viaje de 4 semanas llevada a cabo por los queratinocitos. 0,8 CON LA EDAD, LA VITALIDAD DE LA PIEL DISMINUYE. 0,7 El proceso de renovación se ralentiza: la capacidad de la división de los queratinocitos se reduce; los corneocitos se 0,5 acumulan más delgados que los queratinocitos, lo que conduce a un adelgazamiento de la epidermis y un engrosamiento de la 0,4 capa córnea que se vuelve frágil. El tiempo de tránsito de los 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 queratinocitos en la epidermis puede por más de 10 días. Published data by Grove GL, Kligman AM. Age-associated changes in human epidermal alargarse cell renewal. 0,6 age J Gerontol.;38(2):137-42. (1983) Energy (2) Cells renewal (1) RENOVACIÓN CELULAR (1) ATP (pg) number of NÚMERO DE 0,6 cell 0,9 cell layers/day CAPAS CELULARES / in DÍA 0,5 0,8 0,4 0,7 0,3 0,6 0,2 0,1 0,5 0 0,4 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 20 50 60 March 2002, 70London 80 Published data in30 Proceedings of40 the SMI “Cosmeceuticals Conference”, âge age EDAD Published data by Grove GL, Kligman AM. Age-associated changes in human epidermal cell renewal. J Gerontol.;38(2):137-42. (1983) Mother Cells, the key to skin renewal Energy (2)(2) ENERGÍA Around 50 years old, because cellular turnover decreases, an interesting strategy is to focus on epidermal mother cells, at (ATP) ATP (pg) 0,6 EN CÉLULA in cell theLA source of skin renewal, to fight against skin ageing. Corneocytes 0,5 Keratinocytes Situated at the bottom 0,4 of the epidermis, nestled in the depths of the epidermis, epidermal mother cells count for less than 1% of total living0,3 epidermal cells, and are anchored on the dermo-epidermal junction. Mother cells are responsible for 0,2 potential. epidermal cell renewal 0,1 Upon receiving certain environmental signals, mother cells are capable of expressing a unique regeneration potential 0 permitting the maintenance of normal epidermal turnover and 20 These 30 70 the repair of skin lesions. cells also 40 have the 50 ability to 60 data their in Proceedings of the SMI “Cosmeceuticals March 2002, London self-renew, in order toPublished maintain steady state numbers. Conference”, To do so, they have to be protected from free radicals. Mother Cells, the key to skin renewal Around 50 years old, because cellular turnover decreases, an Fibroblasts Mother Cell 80 âge EDAD 0,7 (1) Está claramente establecido que el volumen de la epidermis va en función de la edad, se mantiene relativamente constante en los años más jóvenes y después comienza a disminuir drásticamente después de los 50 años. La tasa de renovación celular disminuye en un 50% entre los 30 y 70 años. 0,6 Cells renewal (1) ¿QUÉ SON LAS CÉLULAS MADRE Y DÓNDE LAS number of 0,9 cell layers/day 0,5ENCONTRAMOS? Las células madre son células indiferenciadas que se encuentran en gran medida en reposo, pero siguen siendo responsables 20 30 0,7 40 50 60 70 80 age por el potencial de rejuvenecimiento de las células epidérmicas. Published data by Grove GL, Kligman AM. Age-associated changes in human epidermal cell renewal. J Gerontol.;38(2):137-42. (1983) 0,6 Situadas en la parte inferior de la epidermis, enclavadas en lo más En paralelo, la producción de ATP por célula disminuye. Este profundo de la piel, las células madre epidérmicas equivalen a 0,5 Energy (2) combustible celular producido y almacenado en el cuerpo se menos del 1% del total de células epidérmicas, y están ancladas 0,4 ATP (pg) 0,6 vuelve menos disponible y disminuye la velocidad a la cual en la unión dermo-epidérmica. in cell 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 funcionan las células cutáneas. 0,5 s are the basic units in which life processes Published data by Grove GL, Kligman AM. Age-associated changes in human epidermal cell renewal. 0,8 0,4 (2) age ur. L’Oréal Paris studied the particular ctioning of cutaneous cells to better identify keys for cellular vitality, and it is a promising LA DESACELERACIÓN DE LA VELOCIDAD to develop more performing anti-ageing cosmetic DE RENOVACIÓN CELULAR DE LA PIEL Y LA ducts. DISMINUCIÓN DE LA SÍNTESIS POR LAS Cells are the basic units in which DE lifeATP processes CÉLULAS, SON LASstudied PRINCIPALES CAUSAS PARA occur. L’Oréal Paris the particular functioning to better identify DISMINUIR of LAcutaneous VITALIDADcells CELULAR DESPUÉS DE the keys for cellular vitality, and it is a promising LOS 50’ s. anti-ageing cosmetic way to develop more performing ngly established that epidermal turnover is a function of age products. emains relatively constant in the younger years and then begins ` dramatically after 50. The 50’s drop (1983) EL PROCESOJ Gerontol.;38(2):137-42. DE DIVISIÓN: CREANDO NUEVAS CÉLULAS 0,4 Energy Cuando la (2) división se produce, la célula puede someterse a divisiones asimétricas o simétricas, lo0,6que resulta en la producción de dos tipos de células: células madre 0,2idénticas y/o células progenitoras, que se multiplican activamente y eventualmente 0,5 se diferencian en un tipo especializado de célula como los queratinocitos en la 0,1 0,4 epidermis. Tras la recepción de ciertas señales ambientales, las células madre 0,3 0 son capaces de expresar un potencial de70regeneración único que permite el âge 20 30 40 50 60 80 0,2 mantenimiento del normal deMarch la2002, epidermis y la reparación de lesiones de Published data in Proceedings of thevolumen SMI “Cosmeceuticals Conference”, London 0,1 la piel. Estas células también tienen la capacidad de auto-renovación, con el fin de Mother Cells, the key to skinderenewal mantener sus 0números estado estacionario. 0,3 ATP (pg) in cell ewal process slows down: the division capacity of keratinocytes ItMADRE, is strongly that epidermal is a function of ageDE LA PIEL. ed; corneocytes accumulate, thinner thanestablished keratinocytes, they LAS CÉLULAS FUENTE DE turnover RENOVACIÓN 20 30 40 50 60 70 remains relatively constant in the younger years and then begins ` a thinning of the epidermis andwhich a thickening of the stratum Around 50 years old, because cellular turnover decreases, an Published data in Proceedings of the SMI “Cosmeceuticals Conference”, March 2002, London to drop dramatically after 50. interesting strategy is to focus on epidermal mother cells, at m which becomes brittle. The transit time of de keratinocytes in the la renovación celular se ve disminuida, Alrededor los 50 años, the source of skin renewal, to fight against skin ageing. is may be lengthened by more than 10 days. 80 âge The process slowsinteresante down: the division capacity of keratinocytes Mother Cells, the key to skin renewal porrenewal lo que es una estrategia centrarse en las células EL NÚMERO DE LAS is reduced; corneocytes accumulate, thinner than keratinocytes, they madre de lathe epidermis, justo en la fuente de la renovación de la lar renewal rate decreases by 40% between age of 50 andand 70.a thickening CÉLULAS MADRE lead to a thinning of the epidermis of the stratum Around 50 years old, because cellular turnover decreases, an Situated at the bottomEPIDÉRMICAS of the epidermis, nestled in on theepidermal depths mother cells, at corneum whichluchar becomes brittle. The time of keratinocytes in the interesting strategy is to focus piel, para contra el transit envejecimiento cutáneo. CON be energy, lengthened by more than 10 days. the source of skin renewal, fight against rallel, ATP production by cells,epidermis in other may words decreases. of the epidermis, epidermal mother cells counttofor less thanskin ageing. Corneocytes han (2) In parallel, ATP production by cells, in other words energy, decreases.externos con of the epidermis, epidermal mother cells count for less than estado trabajando con los equipos internacionales wdown of skin cellular renewal and decrease in This rate cellular fuelthe produced and stored in the body becomes less 1% of total livingPERO epidermalSUS cells, and are anchored on the LA EDAD, el fin deandobtener una mejor comprensión del papel de las células nthesis by cells are involved available, in cellular vitallity decreasing Upon receiving certaindermo-epidermal environmental junction. signals, Mother mothercells cells decreases the rate at which skin cells function. are responsible for PROPIEDADES PUEDEN s after 50 years old. are capable of expressing a unique regeneration potential epidermal cell renewal potential. madre epidérmicas de la piel y su regeneración a través del tiempo. The slowdown of skin cellular renewal rate and the decrease in permitting the maintenance normal epidermalCUANDO turnover and SERofINHIBIDAS Estesynthesis nuevobyconocimiento se havitallity utilizado como base para más aTp cells are involvedya in cellular decreasing Upon receiving certain environmental signals, mother cells the repair of skin lesions. These cells also have the ability to ESTÁN RODEADAS DEregeneration process after 50 years old. are capable expressing unique potential maintain theirofsteady state anumbers. To estrategias de protección mundial encaminadas a preservar laself-renew, in order to UN permitting the maintenance of normal epidermal turnover and AMBIENTE DAÑINO do so, they have to be protected from free radicals. the repair of skin lesions. These cells also have the ability to integridad de la piel y para el desarrollo de soluciones de alto OXIDANTE. self-renew, in order to maintain their steady state numbers. To rendimiento destinadas a prevenir el envejecimiento cutáneo. do so, they have to be protected from free radicals. FibroblastsKeratinocytes ular fuel produced and stored in the body becomes less (1) Cellular renewal rate decreases by 40% between the age of 50 and 70. e, and decreases the rate at which skin hace cells function. Desde muchos años, los investigadores de L’Oréal ALTOcells, POTENCIAL 1% of total living epidermal and are anchored on the REGENERATIVO NO dermo-epidermal junction. Mother cells are responsible for Situated at the bottom of the epidermis, nestled in the depths epidermal cell renewal DISMINUYEN potential. CON Keratinocytes Corneocytes Célula madre Mother CellFibroblasts Mother Cell Why is the renewal of mother cells so capital for skin? MILLONES DE NUEVAS CÉLULAS CADA DÍA Skin is a dynamic organ which cells constantly renew from the bottom of the epidermis to the top, to maintain the good quality of the skin barrier, with a constant amount of cells. Elisabeth ELISABETH Bouhadana, BOUHADANA, L’Oréal ParisdeScientific Directora Communication ComunicaciónDirector Científica de L’Oréal Paris Only a few undifferentiated cells are capable of mitotic divisions, giving birth to new identical “mother” cells or differentiated keratinocytes. Mother cells renewal guarantee skin quality maintenance, to promote a good level of vital functions : protection between inside and outside the organism, keeping the moisture in, and protecting the body from microbial invasion, toxins, dehydration... The renewal capacity of skin is also vitally important for repairing the skin after an injury and to enable wound healing. LOS INVESTIGADORES DE L’ORÉAL HAN ESTADO TRABAJANDO How many mother cells do we have in the skin? PARA DESARROLLO In the epidermis, less than 1%EL of cells are mother cells. Epidermal mother cells have a huge regeneration potential. One single cell is able to generate more than 100 billion keratinocytes, enough to reconstitute the DE SOLUCIONES DE skin surface of the total wordwide population. ALTO RENDIMIENTO How many cells are located on the outer skin layerDESTINADAS of our face? A PREVENIR The number of cells on a face is a function of area, which varies among EL ENVEJECIMIENTO individuals. If we consider a mean surface of a face (540 cm² - 9% of the total body surface) and the maximum surface of a corneocyte, we CUTÁNEO. can estimate 45 million cells minimum on the skin outer layer. The total amount of epidermal cells on the face is about a billion. Are there any dermatological procedures to help accelerate cellular renewal rate? High concentrations of retinoids or chemical peels can accelerate cellular renewal, but it can be very irritating for the delicate ageing skin. In presence of antioxidants and ATP cellular boosters, it could be possible to protect mother cells activity, and to provide them with energy so that cell renewal wouldn’t decrease when agressed by the harmful environment. LAS CLAVES DE LA ACTIVIDAD CELULAR ¿CÓMO PROTEGER LA CAPACIDAD REGENERATIVA DE LAS CÉLULAS MADRE? Protecting mother cells from oxidation: a new approach PROTEGER LAS CÉLULAS MADRE DE LA OXIDACIÓN: UN DESCUBRIMIENTO PIONERO In vitro tests demonstrate that oxidative stress is able to block the regenerative potential of mother cells, Un nuevo de éxito para proteger preventing themenfoque to forming colony clones. la capacidad de regeneración de las células madre de la piel sería utilizar ingredientes tópicos capaces de proteger a las células Effect of oxidative stress on activos skin mother cells madre0contra el estrés oxidativo y los 20 daños UVA. J 5J J 40 J REFUERZO DE LAS CÉLULAS DE COMUNICACIÓN Y ESTIMULAR LA ENERGÍA CELULAR La papila dérmica desaparece progresivamente con la edad, lo que conduce a la reducción de la superficie de intercambio entre la dermis y la epidermis, impactando importantes vías de In blue = clone colonies formed by mother cells after UVA exposure señalización implicadas en la regeneración de la piel. Human keratinocytes and mother cells were cultured in vitro. When submitted to oxidative stress the petri dish occupation by cells undergo a decrease, showing the decrease of clonogenic potential of mother cells. MEJORA LA COMUNICACIÓN INTERCELULAR A new approach to protect the regenerative capacity of skin mother cells E INCREMENTA EL ATP DE ADENOSINA) would be to use topical active(TRIFOSFATO ingredients able to protect them against oxidative stress. LA SÍNTESIS PODRÍA SER UNA ESTRATEGIA INTERESANTE PARA OPTIMIZAR LA POTENCIA REGENERATIVA DE LAS CÉLULAS MADRE, RESTAURANDO LAS FUNCIONES VITALES DE LAS CÉLULAS. RENOVACIÓN CELULAR, UN NUEVO COMIENZO PARA TU PIEL Age Perfect Renovación Celular, fue concebido basado en dos principales factores del envejecimiento cutáneo; alrededor de los 50 años, la renovación epidérmica se ralentiza y disminuye la energía. Para crear la fórmula de Age Perfect Renovación Celular, una exclusiva y específica asociación de 3 poderosos ingredientes activos fueron seleccionados, con el objetivo de impulsar la renovación de la célula epidérmica y las principales funciones de las células. • Natecium DHC®, ofrece un alto poder antioxidante y preserva las “células madre”. • SMS-Recharge [Cicer Arietinum], estimula la síntesis de ATP para revitalizar las células. • Vitalline [Extracto de semillas de Vigna] favorece la comunicación celular y estimula los fibroblastos para producir colágeno I. NATECIUM DHC® TIENE UN AMPLIO ESPECTRO DE CAPACIDAD NATECIUM®DHC, a very powerful and global ANTIOXIDANTE RENOVACIÓN antioxidant to protect mother cells CELULAR HO HO HO H3C H3C O HO O HO C O H3O 1 OH O O OH O O OH HO O OH O OH OH OH O O natecium®dhc molecule OH OH O O OH O CH3 ® O ® OH PROTECTOR DE LAS CÉLULAS ® Natecium DHC (Dihydrochalcone) is an hesperidin derivative, MADRE glycosidic flavonoid extracted from orange peel of bitter oranges. OH Its mother cells protecting capacity was inspired by its very complete antioxidant profile, to protect cells membrane, cytoplasm and nuclei. ® ® ®DHC composition NATECIUM composition properties NATECIUM and properties Natecium DHC es un derivadoDHC de la hesperidina extraído and de la cáscara de ® Natecium (Dihydrochalcone) is an glycosidic hesperidin derivative,de glycosidic naranja. Natecium dihidrochalcona esDHC un flavonoide glicosídico extraído Natecium DHC (Dihydrochalcone) is an hesperidin derivative, flavonoid fromoranges. orange peel of bitter oranges. flavonoid extracted from orangeextracted peel of bitter las naranjas amargas. decells proteger sus células fueron Its mother protecting capacity was inspired madre, by its very complete Its motherLa cellscapacidad protecting capacity was inspiredde by its very complete antioxidant profile, to protect cells membrane, and nuclei. antioxidant profile, to protect cellsantioxidante, membrane, cytoplasm and nuclei.cytoplasm inspiración por su muy completo perfil para proteger la membrana de las células, el citoplasma y el núcleo. Por otra parte se confirmó su interesante capacidad para favorecer la intensa regeneración celular incluso después de la exposición a rayos UVA. ® 1 CH3 OH ¿QUÉ ES NATECIUM DHC®? ® 0 2 0 0 ® natecium and dhc molecule NATECIUM NATECIUM DHC composition properties natecium dhcDHC®, molecule HO OH 0 2 1 O ® HO Las principales( especies reactivo particularmente 0 , ROO , de OHoxígeno ) Ageing results from an accumulation changes by reactions in Ageing results from accumulation of changes caused byofreactions incaused implicados enanAntioxidants el envejecimiento de la piel son: OH°, ROO° yof1O2. ofmolecules reference are usually efficient against only the body initiated by highly reactive molecules known as one «freekind radicals» the body initiated by highly reactive known as «free radicals» reactive oxygen species O When , intensively ROOmother or OH . Los radicales libres pueden ser relacionados los to or reactive oxygen species. cells aretointensivelyaexposed or reactive oxygen species. When mother cells: exógenos, are exposed Natecium DHC isspecies, efficient their against the 3capacity major types of reactive oxygen reactive oxygen renewal decreases. reactive oxygen species, their renewal capacity decreases. rayos UV, la contaminación, medio DHC ambiente, así tocomo species. Moreover, Natecium has the ability protect endógena cytoplasm, cell nuclei andde membranes of cells from oxidative stress. (dentro del cuerpo) a (DNA) través metabólica normal y los procesos Several in vitro tests wereagainst performed to show anti-oxidant protection Global antioxidant protection against free radicals Global antioxidant protection free radicals de levels:, OH ) 0 , normales. ROO ( 0 desintoxicación , ROO , OHat() various ® HOHO HO NATECIUM a very powerful NATECIUM®DHC, a very DHC, powerful and global and global to protect mother cells against free radicals antioxidant antioxidant to protect mother cells Global antioxidant protection O OH HO El envejecimiento es el resultado de una acumulación de cambios results from an accumulation of changes caused by reactions in causados por Ageing reacciones en el cuerpo, iniciados por moléculas the body initiated by highly reactive molecules known as «free radicals» or reactive oxygen species. When“radicales mother cells are intensively exposed to altamente reactivas conocidas como libres” o especies reactive oxygen species, their renewal capacity decreases. de oxígeno®reactivo. CH3 2 0 01 2 0 0 • cell’s nuclei protection DNA. •Antioxidants against global oxidative stress in the cytoplasm. ofefficient reference are usually efficient only one kind of Antioxidants of reference are usually against only one kind against of 0 1 0 species •reactive against cell membrane Los mecanismos defensa cuerpo contra los : 1O2, ROO0del or OH . reactive oxygen species : de O2, oxygen ROO or OH0naturales . lipoperoxidation. ® Natecium DHC against the 3 major types of reactive oxygen Natecium®DHC is efficient the is 3 efficient majorcomo types of antioxidantes. reactive oxygen radicales libres se against les conocen Cuando la ® Moreover, Natecium®DHC has the ability to protect cytoplasm, species. species. Moreover, Natecium DHC has the ability to protect cytoplasm, cell nuclei (DNA) andfrom membranes cellsson from suficientes oxidative stress. para cell nuclei (DNA) membranes of cells oxidative of stress. cantidad deand antioxidantes en el cuerpo no Cellular complete AOX protection Several in vitro tests were performed to show anti-oxidant protection Several in vitro tests were performed to show anti-oxidant protection luchar radicales of protection at%various levels: libres, estas moléculas muy reactivas at variouscontra levels: los • cell’s protection DNA. • cell’s nuclei protection DNA.nuclei reaccionan fácilmente con las moléculas vitales en el cuerpo. Para 39% • against stress in the cytoplasm. • against global oxidative stressglobal in the oxidative cytoplasm. 36% evitar se• against pueden utilizar antioxidantes cell membrane lipoperoxidation. tópicos. • againstdaños, cell membrane lipoperoxidation. 31% dna* cytoplasm** cellular PROTECCIÓN AOXAOX COMPLETA CELULAR*** membrane Cellular complete protection Cellular complete AOX protection protection Los antioxidantes de% of protection %%DEofPROTECCIÓN 39% referencia son generalmente 39% 36% 36% eficaces contra sólo un tipo de 31% 31% especies reactivas de oxígeno. * ** cellular dna cytoplasm DNA* CITOPLASMA** MEMBRANA cellular ** dna* cytoplasm El Natecium DHC® es eficaz CELULAR*** *** membrane membrane*** contra los tres principales tipos de especies reactivas del * DNA comete test after UVA exposure ** DCFH-DA cellular test after UVA exposure *** LPO cellular test after UVA exposure oxígeno. Además, Natecium DHC® tiene la capacidad de proteger citoplasma, núcleos y las membranas de las células madre del estrés oxidativo. * DNA**comete testcellular after UVA DCFH-DA test after *** LPO cellular test after UVA exposure * DNA comete test after UVA exposure DCFH-DA testexposure after UVA ** exposure ***cellular LPO cellular testUVA afterexposure UVA exposure 1 RENOVACIÓN CELULAR UN NUEVO PARA COMIENZO ENERGÍA CON SMS-RECHARGE SMS-Recharge [Cicer Arietinum] actúa en 3 niveles para impulsar la energía celular: SMS Recharge, Increase of intracellular 1) Aumenta significativamente energy within the mitochondria TU PIEL el ATP intracelular en la mitocondria por 74% en los fibroblastos y 53% en queratinocitos. In presence of SMS recharge, intracellular ATP significantly increases in the mitonchondria, regeneration of ATP reserves 2) Aumenta la regeneración de las improves in the epidermis and cellular metabolic activity in the dermis is boosted. los queratinocitos humanos. % of improvement at 1% of SMS recharge fibroblasts keranocytes 3) la actividad metabólica de las células cutáneas en un ATPEstimula regeneration Metabolic activity 57% sobre los fibroblastos humanos. Intracellular ATP 2 reservas del ATP un 20% en +74% +57% +20% +53% LA COMUNICACIÓN CON VITALLINE Vitalline (Vigna aconitifolia o haba mariposa) provienen de la India. Las semillas y vainas se utilizan en la medicina tradicional. tivate energy & Cells communication Vitalline COMBINACIÓN DE SMS-RECHARGE & VITALLINE Increases inter cellular communication between dermis & epidermis Las semillas, en particular, se dice que dan tonicidad. Todas las células necesitan energía para sobrevivir y mantener Para la piel, el Vitalline estimula la liberación de mensajeros SMS-Recharge + Vitalline, sus funciones vitales: crecimiento, desarrollo y renovación de la An interesting association to boost cellular Vitalline (Vigna aconitifolia), comes from India. Seeds and pods celulares por tonicity. el fibroblasto para activar el crecimiento de los energy and reactivate cellular vitality. Maintain are used in traditional medicine to boost célula. Las mitocondrias son pequeños organismos dentro de las vital functions. queratinocitos, que a cambio producen otro mensajero para On the skin, Vitalline stimulates the liberation of cell messengers células que convierten y almacenan energía. estimular el of metabolismo dereturn, los fibroblastos y en particular la by the fibroblast to activate the growth keratinocytes. In keratinocytes produces síntesis another cell messenger to stimulate de colágeno I. All cells need energy to stay alive and maintain their vital fibroblast metabolism, and particularly collagen synthesis. FOSFATO ADENOSINA FUENTE DIRECTA functions: cell growth, development, TR1, and renewal. Essential roles of ATP can be linked to key function in the skin: DE ENERGIA CELULAR QUERATINOCITOS keranocytes • Epidermal renewal, epidermal cells differentiation ATP (siglas en inglés), and es la desquamation. fuente más directa de energía más común encontrada para la célula. Esta energía se obtiene • Skin cell communication, especially between del metabolismo dedifferent los alimentos (azúcar, ácidos grasos, layers to maintain a good homeostasis of skin. aminoácidos...) y se almacena como energía potencial química en • Essential molecules synthesis (proteins by fibroblasts la célula. ofLas funciones esenciales del ATP pueden ser vinculadas of dermis, lipids by keratinocytes epidermis…). a la función dominante en la piel: MENSAJEROS cellular CELULARES messengers MENSAJEROS cellular CELULARES messengers FIBROBLASTOS fibroblasts COLÁGENO TIPO 1 Type I Collagen Thanks to Vitalline, a good intercellular communication UNA BUENA COMUNICACIÓN INTERCELULAR ENTRE LAS CÉLULAS DE LA DERMIS Y EPIDERMIS ES RESTAURADA PARA IMITAR EL ENTORNO DE UNA PIEL JOVEN. RENOVACIÓN CELULAR por primera vez, L’ORÉAL PARIS CREA LA REGENERACIÓN CELULAR EN UN TARRO Dansyl chloride test is one of the few validated and published methods which allows the in vivo evaluation of cutaneous renewal rate. Easy to implement and non invasiveness encouraged L’Oreal Research to go further. The dansyl chloride quantification is a method which has been specifically adapted by the evaluation teams of L’Oréal. A dansyl chloride patch (dye without any particular activity but which emits fluorescence under UV light) is applied on the skin for 48 hours to impregnate the total stratum corneum. The cosmetic product is applied daily. Fluorescence disappears at the same rate as cells renew. The faster cellular renewal is, the faster the fluorescence deasappears compared to a control site. UNA CREMA RECONSTRUCTORA ALTAMENTE REGENERATIVA The influence of the cosmetic product on cellular renewal is studied until the complete disappearance of fluorescence. UNA SATISFACTORIA TEXTURA CREMOSA Finally, the data processing by a software of analysis of image allows to quantify the cellular renewal. La estructura de esta emulsión suave y untuosa se basa en derivados de azúcar que hacen que su aplicación sea una The biological luminescent quantification of cells experiencia sensorial agradable. Gracias a una asociación bien equilibrada de agentes emolientes, la textura se funde para envolver Measure of the performance of cell regeneration la piel en una sedosa capa protectora de nutrición y confort. The study was carried out in double blind on 33 female volunteers, to demonstrate the stimulation of epidermal Enriquecida con tountheamplio espectro de sistema de filtrado de cellular turnover thanks CELLULaR RENaISSaNCE day formula, versus control non treated site. 15] para proteger las células rayos UVA-UVB [PPD + / SPF madre del medio ambiente. MEASURE OF THE PERFORMANCE OF CELL REGENERATION MEASURE OF THE PERFORMANCE OF QUANTIFICATION CELL REGENERATION VIA THE BIOLOGICAL LUMINESCENT OF CELLS VIA THE BIOLOGICAL LUMINESCENT QUANTIFICATION OF CELLS The study was carried out in double blind on 33 female volunteers, aged 37 to 65 years, to TestThe principle study wasthe carried out in double blind on 33 female volunteers, aged to 65 years, to demonstrate stimulation of epidermal cellular turnover thanks to the37 complete CELLULAR demonstrate the stimulation of epidermal cellular turnover thanks to the complete CELLULAR * DE LAS MUJERES RENAISSANCE formula, versus control non treated site. The skin is first artificially colored using dansyl chloride, a molecule able RENAISSANCE formula, control treated site. to plug a versus fluorescent lightnon onQUE skin thanks to its biological affinityDE with skin REPORTARON LA TEXTURA LA TEST PRINCIPLE cell proteins envelopes. CREMA TEST PRINCIPLE measurements of theChloride, fluorescence intensity able wereto done The skin is first Comparative artificially colored using Dansyl a molecule plug a fluorescent light on AGE PERFECT overtime on aaffinity daily basis. The is first artificially colored using molecule ableCELULAR to plug a fluorescent light on skin skin thanks to itsbiological with Dansyl skinRENOVACIÓN cellChloride, proteinsaenvelopes. As epidermal cells regenerate inDE depth, corneocyte desquamate at on thea daily basis. skin thanks tomeasurements itsbiological affinity with skin cell proteins envelopes. Comparative of the fluorescence intensity were done overtime ES AGRADABLE USAR. skin surface and skinfluorescence fluorescence intensity progressively decrease at the same Comparative ofinthe were done overtime on a and dailyskin basis. As epidermal measurements cells regenerate depth, corneocyte desquamate at the skin surface rate as new cells appear. As epidermalprogressively cells regenerate in depth, corneocyte desquamate atappear. the skin surface and skin fluorescence decrease at the same rate as new cells * DE ELLAS, ESTA Y PARA EL fluorescence progressively decrease at the same rate as new cells appear. 93% 92% FÓRMULA LES DIO UNA SENSACIÓN Treated zone - 15 days INMEDIATA DE BIENESTAR Y CONFORT. Non-treated zone - 15 days UNA NUEVA FRAGANCIA DISTINTIVA Una fragancia verde y floral, con acento de Musc para crear una identidad fuerte y distintiva para Age Perfect Renovación Celular. The faster the signal decreases, the faster dead skin cells are removed from the skin surface, the The faster the signal the faster deadthe skin cells areskin removed the skin surface, the faster the skin renewal occurs. Thedecreases, faster the signal decreases, faster dead cells arefrom removed from the skin surface, by the2,7 faster thein skin renewal occurs. faster skin renewal The cellthe renewal cycle isoccurs. accelerated days comparison with the non-treated area. The18,6% cell renewal cycleby is accelerated 2,7 days in comparison with the The renewal cycle is accelerated 2,7 days inby comparison with the non-treated area. Thiscell corresponds to acceleration of cell turnover. non-treated area. This corresponds to 18,6% acceleration of cell turnover. 86% * DE LAS MUJERES ENCONTRARON AGRADABLE LA FRAGANCIA DE This corresponds to 15,7% acceleration of cell turnover, equivalent to 4 million new cells* reaching the skin surface faster. cells renewal estimated number of cells renewed per day in millions AGE PERFECT RENOVACIÓN CELULAR 45 40 +4 million • Notas altas - 1ª hoja verde Accord, Osmanthus, Sorbete de manzana. with renaissance cellulaire 35 30 25 • Notas medias - Esencia de magnolia de selva, Seringa salvaje, Fresia azul. • Notas bajas - Leche de Musc, Cedro blanco, Madera de cachemira. 11 11 20 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 test versus–nude skin on 33 women. Calculation * CORTE Francia - 111 mujeres*In–vivo Monadique Noviembre/Diciembre 2011 of the average number of faster renewed cells each day for a face. age RENOVACIÓN CELULAR give cells a new start the ultimate solution to accelerate cellular renewal and skin regeneration AGE PERFECT RENAISSANCE CELLULAIRE skin is plumper Cómo dar a tu piel * uncells nuevo Give a new start comienzo? 1. Grading by DENSISCORE® & DERMOTRACE® Clinical tests on 39 women during 2 months with the following skin characteristics: • Degree of fold >3 at T0 • with skin tonicity problems PERFECT RENOVACIÓN CELULAR Why using Dermotrace®? It measures the capacity of skin to rebounce after leaving a standardized pressure mark on the skin. CREMA DE NOCHE AGE Inmediatamente la piel está más sedosa, bien-nutrida y Results: confortable. After 1 month, skin marks +19,3% +21,4% Noche tras la piel se ve fortalecida y redensificada. less visibly and noche, after 2 months, +9% skin bounce continues to improve Cómo masajear para ayudar a que la crema de noche penetre [+21.4%]. en la piel: bounciness T2 months density Like a true renaissance for mature skin, L’Oréal Paris has created the Cellular Reniassance range. Between the potent Serum, the Reconstitutive Day Cream and the Regenerative Night Cream, the Cellular Renaissance routine protects mother cells and stimulates their regeneration. CREMA DE DÍA AGE PERFECT RENOVACIÓN CELULAR Inmediatamente la piel está más sedosa y confortable. Día tras día, como un verdadero renacimiento, la piel está redensificada, regenerada, resplandeciente. Los secretos sobre cómo aplicar la crema para maximizar la regeneración celular: 1. Aplica el producto sobre las mejillas, la frente, el cuello y el escote. Restoring Cream 2. Con movimientos circulares, Day masajea el producto sobreDay la after, «Esto ayuda a que a day cream to accelerate cellular renewal. Thanks to Renaissance new cells are created, faster, every day. la aplicación deCellular la textura sea skincare, homogénea» This highly regenerative skincare contains also a UVB FPS 15/UVA 3. PPD++ protection to prevent the skin from solar radiations. A silky cream, thin yet nurrishing for a sensorial experience Frota el rostro con and agenerosos visible result. y ligeros Immediately, the desde skin is softer, suppler and comfortable. movimientos, empezando el centro Day after day, like a real rebirth, the skin is regenerated, del rostro hastareplumped, el exterior. «Esto estimula resplendent. T1 month T1 month 10% 0% 25% 2. Wrinkle grading on morphings Clinical tests on 50 women aged from 50 y.o and up with the following skin characteristics: • Degree of ptose >2 at T0 producto sobrefoldlas • Nasogenian >3 mejillas, at T0 • with wrinkles, spots and lack of tonicity 1. Aplica el la frente, el cuello y el escote. 2. Results: After 1 month, nasogenian wrinkle Con movimientos circulares, and ptose decrease, masajea and continue to improve after «Esto 2 months of usage. el producto sobre la piel. ayuda a T1 month T2 months nasogenian -17,8% -21,8% ptosis -16,1% -18,2% que la aplicación de la textura sea homogénea.» skin is fresher, resplendent** During 2 months, 46 women, age below 65 y.o, evaluate the tolerance, 3. Facilita la penetración del producto efficacy and cosmeticity of RENAISSANCE CELLULAIRE Day Cream. They have the following characteristics: presionando ligeramente el rostro usando • Menauposal for at least 3 years without SHT la yema de los dedos y laincluding palma desensitive la skin • All skin types, 50% • Skin tonicity problems mano para estimular la circulación. 4. Results at T1 week For 80% of women, skin is Acaba con movimientos amplios y fresher and smoother. For 96% of them, skin feels alisadores utilizando el borde de la comfortable. desde adentro hasta el exterior. la penetración de la crema» *tests on the day cream formula **Self-Evaluations Results at T1 month For 85% of women, skin feels more resistant and revitalized. For 89% of them, skin feels mano suppler. Results at T2 months Complexion has improved. 80% of women observed a more radiant complexion. And for 83% of them, complexion is more uniform. Regenerative Night Cream Cellular activity is at its highest level at night, the best moment for dermis and epidermis regeneration. Night after night, the skin is like reborn. This highly regenerative night cream has a firm, consistant, nourishing and melting texture for a comfortable and intense action. Immediately, the skin is softer, nourished and comfortable. Night after night, like a real rebirth, the skin is stronger and thicker. Golden Serum sublime radiance An exclusive serum into which the L’Oréal Research Division has incorporated the Cell Vitality Stimulator System to regenerate the skin and induce cellular metabolism*. This regenerative concentrate helps to create new cells every day and the skin is regenerated. The formulation is supplemented with gold Micro-Reflectors which instantly sublimate the skin to counter dullness. With the first drops, the skin feels silky and looks fresher. With every day, cells are revitalised and the skin is regenerated to make it firmer and visibly sublimated. Clinical tests AGE PERFECT RENAISSANCE CELLULAIRE Test performed on the serum alone Dansyl Chloride performed on 27 women Cell renewal is accelerated 4 Weeks clinical study performed under dermatological control on 40 women showed, twice a day. -21,9% on roughness ; +19,2% in eveness ; -19.2% skin texture irrigularities Usage study T4 weeks - on 72 women volunteers, twice a day. 87% declare a more velvety skin 77% notice a fresher skin 75% witness untired skin, like after a good night * test in vitro Para su información. ForYourInformation. At 50,50, everything starts again… A los todo comienza de nuevo…Give Dale Cells your skinun a new start. a tu piel nuevo comienzo. Laactivity actividad drops at 50. Millions of new cells de las células disminuye a los 50. Millones everyday. A new approach to protect de nuevas célulasNatecium todos los®DHC, días. the Un nuevo mother cells. ultimate forlas cellular protection. enfoque antioxidant para proteger células madre. Regeneration & último reboostantioxidante for renaissance. Natecium DHC®, el Cellular regeneration visualized para la protección Regeneración in vivo. 4 millioncelular. new cells every day. y estimulación de renacimiento. A unique texture signature.Regeneración The most precious design. in vivo. 4 millones de celular visualizada células nuevas cada día. Una textura única. El diseño más precioso. RENOVACIÓN #31 CELULAR The Skin Rebirth Issue AGE PERFECT RENAISSANCE CELLULAIRE Director of PARIS International Communication Marie Gulin L’ORÉAL MÉXICO Editor Camille Le Gall 01 47 56 35 67 FÉLIX NO.Amélie 6 COL. TLACOQUEMÉCATL DEL VALLE, C.P. 03200, MÉXICO, D.F. EditorialCUEVAS Project Leader Challeat 01 47 56 43 12 Communications Assistant Johanna Geus 01 47 56 77 20 ARACELI BECERRIL MARTÍN. GERENTE DE RELACIONES PÚBLICAS. TEL: 52 (55) 5999 6054. CEL: 04455 2858 1850 CORREO: ABECERRIL2@MX.LOREAL.COM