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Port Of Lázaro Cárdenas HANDLING TARIFF CONTAINER TERMINAL Lázaro Cárdenas Terminal Portuaria de Contenedores, S.A de C.V. Promotional Tariff LCTPC Special tariff for the users of Lázaro Cárdenas Terminal Portuaria de Contenedores . A) B) C) D) E) F) Container transfer from quay side to storage yard or vice versa. Per container Delivery / Reception from container yard to inland transportation, or vice versa Per container Delivery / Reception from container yard to railway cars Per container Container ocular inspection (container delivery not included) Per container Inspection with Loading / Unloading containers (container delivery not included) Per container transfer Per container transfer or fraction of cargo Container storage of import loaded container, per day or fraction after the free storage time period. Per 20’ and 40’ container From day 1 to 7 including From day 8 to 10 including From day 11 and above 933,82 MN (plus IVA) 568,76 M.N. (plus IVA) 986,42 M.N. (plus IVA) 1,138.17 M.N.(plus IVA 475,13 M.N. (plus IVA) 181,57. (plus IVA) 616,17 M.N. (plus IVA) 770,21 M.N. (plus IVA) 935,26 M.N. (plus IVA) Free storage time Import container 5 natural days Export container 15 natural days G) Power for refrigerated containers per unit (per day or fraction) 20’container 40´ container 626,34 M.N (plus IVA) 714,92 M.N. (plus IVA) H) Other services According to the valid tariff provisions and implementing rules. Any service, maneuvering, change or suspension not referred in above paragraphs, will be charged, programmed and performed according to the provisions of the corresponding registered tariffs at the Ports and Merchant Marine General Coordination. Note: Tariff subject to change, for more detailed information please contact