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Dr. Oscar Valencia Magallón EDUCATION } PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: December 27, 1982 Place of birth: Guadalajara, Jalisco English: Speech 80%, Reading 90%, Writing 60% Greek and Latin: 40% Reading. Native Language Spanish Visa: valid Passport: valid Driving license: valid ABOUT ME My name is Oscar Valencia, I´m a young philosopher and psychotherapist. I teach Philosophy and Psychology in Mexico as a full time professor and do psychoterapy in private practice by more than 8 years. Since 2005 up to date I´ve teached philosophy at Training Institute Philosophical Intercongregational at Guadalajara (IFFIM), Mexico as a full-time professor specializing in Training of Philosophy, Philosophy of culture and Sistematic Philosophy. I've researched about new models of psychotherapy for migrants with Latin communities doing individual and familiar counselling in Oregon, USA.. Masters Masters in psychoanalytical psychotherapy in Asociación Psicoanalítica Jalisciense. (certiicated) Thesis: “El impacto psicológico de la experiencia migrante en hispanos del centro de Oregon, USA. Una mirada desde el psicoanálisis.” / Psychological impact experience of Hispanic migrants in Central Oregon, U.S.A. A psychoanalytic perspective. Bachelor’s Philosophy. Universidad Intercontinental. México, D.F. 2006 (certificated) EXPERIENCE Psychotherapist on a private consult (or office) in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, since 2007 up to date, with an average of 10 to 15 clients per week. As course intervention PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVE To facilitate therapeutic and educational processes through the use of the most efficient tools of psychotherapy, philosophy and psychology with the intention to reinforce human development and self – fulfillment in individuals. cell phone: 33 16 02 72 66 Doctorate Doctorate in Psychoanalysis with family and couples orientation at Universidad Intercontinental, in Mexico city (certificated) coordinator and group Student advisor in creating clinical intervention projects at the Marista University of Guadalajara. (Present) Student advisor in creating clinical intervention projects at the Marista University of Guadalajara. (Present) Psychoanalytic psychotherapy course teacher and trainer. Sahuayo, Michoacán, Mexico. (Present) Office: 36 31 09 34 E-mail: EXPERIENCE Psychoanalytic psychotherapy update course teacher and trainer (Present) Accompaniment of senior citizens under philosophical platform (Present) Trainer in Human Development with a therapeutic approach to individuals going through a migration situation in Bend, Oregon, U.S.A. December to January 2008-2009. Interventional Group Pshychotherapist directed towards human development. Bend and Madras Oregon, U.S.A. From December 2009 to date in Spring, Summer and/or Winter School for parents, Universidad Guadalajara Lamar y Colegio Tlaquepaque (2010-2011) As researcher Research in psychotherapy families in migration contexts (from 2008 to date) Manager of Project in Sistematic Philosophy in IFFIM (from 2007 to date) As a teacher A bachelor level in Psychology Universidad Marista of Guadalajara, professor of Psychological intervention methods, from 2011 to 2014 Universidad Marista of Guadalajara, professor of Clinical interview techniques from 2011 to 2014 Universidad Marista of Guadalajara, professor of Sociocultural Antropology, (20102012) Universidad Marista of Guadalajara, professor of Critical Thinking. (2009) UVM, professor of Genesis of research in psychology. (2007- 2009) UVM, professor of History of Psychology (2008-2009) UVM, professor of Critical Thinking (20072008) A bachelor level in Philosophy IFFIM, professor of Philosophy of Culture. (From 2006 to date) IFFIM, professor of Sistematic Philosophy (From 2008 to date) IFFIM, professor of Philosophical Anthropology II (From 2007 to date) IFFIM, professor of Study Methology in spanish. (2006-2007) ARTÍCLES AND OFICIAL MAGAZINES Article, “Hegel and Marx: Political Philosophy thought”. Avatares, Cuaderno de investigaciones en cultura y filosofía, revista de la Escuela de Filosofía de la Universidad Intercontinental. ISSN 16651103, año 8/num. 25/2005. Critical review, “India’s Philosofical experience: Raimon Panikkar”, Intersticios, Revista de investigación filosófica de la escuela de filosofía de la Universidad Intercontinental. ISSN 1405-4752, año 11/num. 24/2006. Analysis, “Mauricio Beuchot: Interculturalism and Human Rights”, Piezas, Revista de diálogo Filosófico del Instituto de Formación Filosófica Intercongregacional de México, año 4, num. 5, octubre 2007, ISSN 1870-7041 Artícle, “The image of philosophy in IFFIM”, Piezas, Revista de diálogo Filosófico del Instituto de Formación Filosófica Intercongregacional de México, año 6, num. 9, May 2010. Artícle, “Girard's theory of violence on the basis of culture”, Piezas, Revista de diálogo Filosófico del Instituto de Formación Filosófica Intercongregacional de México, año 7, num. 11, December, 2010. LECTURES PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS “Religion, Issues beyond the problem”, July, 2005. Conferencia de jornada previa a la XVIII Semana de Filosofía de la Universidad Intercontinental: “Politics and Intercultural Education.” Relator en el II Encuentro Multidiciplinario de Educación Intercultural. “Philosophy and Society of the Future”, foro de reflexión filosófica interdisciplinar, mesa de Filosofía de la Cultura, March 9 and 10, 2007 “Responsibility for Knowledge”, Círculo de conferencias, Fondo de Cultura Económica, en Guadalajara. November 19, 2009. “The ways of teaching philosophy at the IF”, ponente en el séptimo foro de filosofía en el IFFIM, March 11 and 12, 2010. Lecturer at 8th of Philosophy’s Congress of IFFIM, “IFFIM as a place of migration identities February 24 and 25, 2011. Lecturer at the 4th Social Analysis Congress, “Socioeconomic Reality of Mexican Migration”. March 16, 2011. I firmly believe in the benefits and possibilities of the human sciences to create better living conditions for families and society. I am a creative person, which goes beyond the books and generates my own thinking about the human condition that I have to intervene. I am a lover of culture and its various manifestations. I love to travel and enhance my life with new experiences that I encounter along the way. I have passion for human diversity, putting together technical resources of counselling with science, research about new models to improve mental health of neglected communities, and develop personal skills to be a better person that help to others.