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CURRICULUM VITAE OF ROXANA KREIMER - OCTOBER 2016 E-mail: Phone: (54) (11) (4784-0333) Address: Olazábal 1327 PB "C" - (C1428DGE) Ciudad de Buenos Aires - Argentina Centro de Filosofía Práctica y Experimental (Center for Practical and Experimental Philosophy) http:// EDUCATION 2001-2004 Ph.D. Social Sciences. University of Buenos Aires Thesis: "Cars, Violence and Risk in Contemporary Cities". 1996-2000 Bachelor´s Degree in Philosophy. University of Buenos Aires.Magna Cum Laudae. Thesis: "Equality and Merit: a Modern Aporia". Average Calification: 9.90. Presidency of the Nation´s Award for the highest average of all the Faculties of Philosophy of Argentina (1999). BOOKS Kreimer, R. (2016), La vuelta al mundo con filosofía. Reflexiones filosóficas sobre ciencia y vida cotidiana. (Around the World with Philosophy. Philosophical Reflections on Science and Everyday Life), Ediciones B., Buenos Aires. 1 Kreimer, R. (2010), Desigualdad y violencia social. Análisis y propuestas según la evidencia científica (Inequality and Social Violence. Analysis and Proposals Based on Scientific Evidence), Anarres, Buenos Aires. Kreimer, R. (2009), El sentido de la vida (The Meaning of Life), Longseller, Buenos Aires. Kreimer, R. (2006), La tiranía del automóvil. Los costos humanos del desarrollo tecnológico (The Tyranny of Cars. Human Costs of Technological Development), Anarres, Buenos Aires. Kreimer, R. (2005), Filosofía para la vida cotidiana (Philosophy for Everyday Life, reedition of Artes del buen vivir, Arts of Good Living), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. Kreimer, R. (2005), Falacias del amor. ¿Por qué anudamos amor y sufrimiento? (Love Fallacies. Why do we link love and suffering?), Paidós, Buenos Aires. Kreimer, R. (2005), Artes del buen vivir. Filosofía para la vida (Arts of Good Living. Philosophy for Life), Paidós, Buenos Aires. First book of Applied Philosophy originally written in Spanish. Kreimer, R. (2002, reedition 2012) Artes del buen vivir. Filosofía para la vida cotidiana (Arts of Good Living. Philosophy for Life), Anarres, Buenos Aires. Kreimer, R. (2001) Historia del Mérito (The History of Merit), Anarres, Buenos Aires. 2 CHAPTERS IN EDITED BOOKS Kreimer, R. (2015) "Sex, dating and love: differences between men and women enlightened by Philosophical Counseling", Women in Philosophical Counseling: The Anima of Thought in Action. P.Raabe & L. di Paula (Eds), Lexington Books, New York. Kreimer, R. (2007) "Prácticas filosóficas para cambiar la persona y la sociedad" ("Philosophical Practice to change the person and society"), Arte de vivir, arte de pensar. Iniciación al Asesoramiento Filosófico. (Art of Living, Art of Thinking. Iniciation to Philosophical Counseling), M. Cavallé & J. D. Machado Eds.), Desclée, Bilbao, Spain. Kreimer, R. (2000), "Nietzsche, autor de ´Funes el memorioso´ (Nietzsche, author of Funes the Memorious), Jorge Luis Borges, Intervenciones sobre pensamiento y literatura (Jorge Luis Borges, Interventions on Thought and Literature), W. Rowe & C. Canaparo & A.Louis (Eds.), Paidós, Buenos Aires. Kreimer.R (1999), "Igualdad y mérito: una aporía moderna" ("Equality and merit: a modern aporia"), Premio Presidencia de la Nación, Foro Interdisciplinario de Estudiantes Excelentes, (Presidency of the Nation´s Award, Excellent Students Interdisciplinary Forum), Presidency of the Argentine Nation, Buenos Aires. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS 2016 Kreimer, R. (September, 2016), The Impact of Authority Figures in our Beliefs, Experimental Studies on the "Author Bias”, Conference, U.S. 3 Buffalo Annual Experimental Philosophy Kreimer, R. (August, 2016), "Practical and Experimental Philosophy: Is There a Necessary Interaction?", and " Influence of Gender and Wit in Deception and Moral Judgment ", Practical Philosophy and Science: Bridges, Debates and Cross Contributions, 2nd Philosophy Workshop, Postgraduate, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina. Kreimer, R. (Julio, 2016), The Impact of Authority Figures in our Ideas of Justice, 16th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Justice Research, University of Kent, Canterbury, England. Kreimer, R. (Julio, 2016), Charlie Hebdo and the Limits of Humor, First International Conference of the International Association for the Philosophy of Humor, Trinity College, Dublin. . Kreimer, R. (Junio, 2016) Gender asymmetries in hostile humor, 28th International Society for Humor Studies Conference, Trinity College, Dublin. 2015 •Kreimer, R., (September, 2015), The Impact of Prestigious Figures in our Beliefs. Experimental studies on the "Author´s Bias", First Latin American Conference on Scientific Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Buenos Aires. • Kreimer, R. (September, 2015), Organizer (co-chair) of the First Latin American Conference on Scientific Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Buenos Aires. • Kreimer, R., (August, 2015), Inflences of Wit and Gender on Deception and Moral Judgment International Conference on Deceptive Behavior, Cambridge University (U.K.) 2014 4 Kreimer, R., (August, 2014), (A) Thought´s vices, (B) On rationality, 13th International Conference on Philosophical Practice. Philosophical Practice as a Profession and a New Paradigm in Philosophy, University of Belgrade. In Youtube: Thought´s Vices-Vicios del pensamiento (Roxana Kreimer en la Universidad de Belgrado). Subt sp/eng: Kreimer, R., (August, 2014), Racionalidad, On Rationality (Roxana Kreimer, Gerardo Primero, Lydia Amir, University of Belgrade). Kreimer, R., (November, 2014), Filosofía aplicada y filosofía científica (Philosophical Practice and Scientific Philosophy), I Jornadas Nacionales de Filosofía del Departamento de Filosofía de la FFyL-UBA (I National Conference of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy FFyL, Buenos Aires University), Buenos Aires. 2013 Kreimer, R. (September, 2013), La tiranía del automóvil (The tyranny of cars), Sustainablility Week, organized by ProBici together with the city of Godoy Cruz and the Ministry of Environment and other Associations of Cyclists, Mendoza, Argentina. In Youtube: "La tiranía del automóvil. Roxana Kreimer en Mendoza". Kreimer, R. (August 2013), "Tolerance", Philosophy in pubs. Crown Hotel. Organized by Paul Doran and the group of Philosophy in Pubs, Liverpool, United Kingdom. In Youtube: La tolerancia-Tolerance (Roxana Kreimer in Philosophy in Pubs, Liverpool). Kreimer, R. (June, 2013), Propuestas para la reforma de la Carrera de Filosofía, (Proposals to reform the career of philosophy), Cuarto Encuentro Numancia para la 5 reforma de la Carrera de Filosofía, Buenos Aires University. In Youtube: Para reformar la Carrera de Filosofía, por Roxana Kreimer 2012 Kreimer, R., (July, 2012), Philosophical Practice and Scientific Research, The 11th International Conference on Philosophical Practice and the 4th International Conference on Humanities Therapy, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea. In Youtube: Happiness and Philosophical Practice, Felicidad y Práctica Filosófica (Roxana Kreimer in Korea) In Youtube: Happiness and Philosophical Practice, Felicidad y Práctica Filosófica (Roxana Kreimer in Korea) 2011 Kreimer, R., (September, 2011), Master Class, The tyranny of cars, Congress Towards Car Free Cities, World Carfree Network Conference. Guadalajara, Mexico. In Youtube (fragment): La tiranía del automóvil (conf de Roxana Kreimer en Guadalajara) Kreimer, R. (December, 2011), Mater Class, The tyranny of cars, Tel Aviv University, Israel. In Youtube: The Tyranny Of Cars, part 1, La tiranía del automóvil (Univ. Tel Aviv), Roxana Kreimer. The Tyranny Of Cars, part 2, La tiranía del automóvil (Univ. Tel Aviv), Roxana Kreimer. The Tyranny Of Cars, part 3, La tiranía del automóvil (Univ. Tel Aviv), Roxana Kreimer. 6 2010 Kreimer, R. (August, 2010), Philosophical counselors: some of their common mistakes, Master Class, 10th International Conference on Philosophical Practice. Experience in Philosophical Practice, Leusden, The Netherlands. 2009 Kreimer, R. (July, 2009), La inseguridad, análisis y aportes para la resolución del problema, basados en la evidencia científica (Social violence: how to solve the problem: an analysis based on scientific evidence), Jornadas sobre Aspectos sociales relacionados con la delincuencia (Social aspects related to crime), Senado de la Nación Argentina (Senate of Argentina). In Youtube: La inseguridad, análisis y aportes para la resolución del problema. Exposición realizada en el Senado de la Nación el 11 de junio del 2009. Dra. Roxana Kreimer (Lic. Filosofía y Dra Ciencias Sociales UBA). Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Kreimer, R. (March, 2009), Inseguridad y América Latina: análisis y propuestas (Social violence in Latin America: analysis and proposals), Master Class, Universidad de Nayarit, Tepic, Mexico. In Youtube: "Inseguridad: análisis y propuestas" (Roxana Kreimer en La Universidad de Nayarit, México). 2005 Kreimer, R. (April, 2005), Optimismo y pesimismo (Optimism and pessimism), Vino Filosófico (Philosophical Wine), organized by the group ETOR, Sevilla, Spain. 7 2004 Kreimer, R. (April, 2004), Práctica profesional de la consultoría y los cafés filosóficos (Professional Practice of Philosophical Counseling and Philosophical Cafes) , Master Class in the opening of the I Congreso Iberoamericano y de habla hispana para el asesoramiento y la orientación filosófica (I Iberoamerican Conference of Applied Philosophy), University of Sevilla, Spain. 2003 Kreimer, R. (August, 2003), Filosofía aplicada (Applied philosophy), Décimas Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza de la Filosofía (X Conference on the Teaching of Philosophy), Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2000 Kreimer, R. (September, 2000), El automóvil en el ethos moderno: violencia y riesgo en la urbe contemporánea (The car in the .odern Ethos: Violence and Risk in the Contemporary City), I Congreso Iberoamericano de Filosofía de la Ciencia y de la Tecnología (I Iberoamerican Congress of Philosophy of Science and Technology), Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, Mexico. 1999 Kreimer, R. (October, 1999), Genealogía del examen (Genealogy of exams), III Jornadas Michel Foucault (III Conference Michael Foucault), Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina. 8 Kreimer, R. (September, 1999), "Borges and the self", Borges Centenary Conference, King´s College. 1998 Kreimer, R., (November, 1998), La Filosofía aplicada y la problemática de género, (Applied philosophy and gender studies"), XII Encuentro Regional de Mujeres del Sudeste de la Pcia de Buenos Aires, Tandil, Argentina. Kreimer, R., (October, 1998), Nietzsche, autor de Funes el memorioso (Nietzsche, author of Funes the Memorious, the story of Borges"), Nietzsche Conference, Cultural Crossovers, University of Buenos Aires. 1997 Kreimer, R. (October, 1997), La utopía en el pensamiento moderno (Utopia in modern thought"), IX National Congress of Philosophy,La Plata, Argentina. Kreimer, R. (June, 1997), Historia y crítica del sistema de exámenes (History and criticism of the exam´s system), Faculty of Social Sciences, Buenos Aires University. Kreimer, R. (August, 1997), Amor y revolución: tras los discursos de emancipación sexual de los ´60, (Love and revolution: after the speeches of sexual emancipation of the 60´s"), Conference on Perseverance of Political Philosophy, Social Sciences Faculty, Buenos Aires University. AWARDS AND RESEARCH GRANTS 2012: Award for the work on "Urban Sustainability", Instituto de Políticas para el Transporte y el Desarrollo.(Institute for Transportation and Development). 9 2009: Acknowledgement for the contribution to contemporary philosophy, Autonomous University of Nayarit, Humanities and Social Sciences, Mexico. 2001-2004: PhD Grant CONICET, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de la Argentina (National Council of Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina). 1997-2001: Etica y vida urbana contemporánea: transformaciones, desplazamientos y nuevos sentidos de los conceptos éticos, (Ethics and contemporary urban life transformations, movements and new meanings of ethical concepts), PIP Nº 4575 CONICET, Resol 1163/96, directed by Ricardo Maliandi and María Cristina Reigadas. 2000: Presidency of the Nation´s Grant for the highest average of all the Faculties of Philosophy of Argentina. 1990: Goethe Institut & Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut of Berlin. Fellowship of two months in Berlin and in four cities of Germany. INVITED SEMINARS 2006 Course of Philosophical Counseling, Bachelor of Philosophy in the UCES (Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales), Buenos Aires. First seminar in the world of Philosophical Counseling in a Philosophy Faculty. 2005 10 Course on Philosophical Practices, Centro del Profesorado de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain. Training course on Philosophical Counseling ond open course "Conversational styles of men and women", Asociación Española para la Práctica y el Asesoramiento Filosóficos (ASEPRAF) Madrid, Spain. 2003 Course on Theories about love, Universidad de Jujuy, Argentina. TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2002-2015: Philosophy Cafe. Roxana Kreimer carried out four Philosophy Cafés per weekend with one hour of theoretical exposition and one of debate on topics that link philosophy and science. Thousands of people asisted in these years to the Philosophy Cafe that has the most highest ammount of atendants in the world. 2004: Literature and philosophy, Centro Cultural Ricardo Rojas, Buenos Aires University. 1999-2003: Social Philosophy, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires. 2002: "Love theories" and "Philosophical Practice" Asociación de Investigaciones Eticas, Buenos Aires. ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS Kreimer, R. (2014) Philosophical practice and scientific research: controversies and proposals, from the ICPP Conference 2014, Serbia, 11 Kreimer, R. (2012), "Philosophical Practice and Scientific Research", The Multiplicity of Therapeutic Practice in Philosophy and Humanities (Vol II), Humanities Institute Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea, 383-392. Kreimer, R., Primero, G. (2011), Argentinian Perspectives on the Tenth ICPP, Philosophical Practice, New York, 6.1: 744-8. Kreimer, R. (2009), Violencia social e inequidad (Social violence and inequality), Observatorio Social. Kreimer, R. (1998), Las cuatro muertes de Diógenes el Perro (The four deaths of Diogenes "the dog"), Entre Historia y Orientación Filosófica, Volumen I, Sevilla University. Kreimer,R. (1999), El automóvil como emblema de la subjetividad moderna, (The car as a symbol of modern subjectivity), Cuadernos de Etica, 63-70. Kreimer,R. (1998), Borges y el yo (Borges and the self), Perspectivas Nietzcheanas, Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires (EUDEBA), 209-222. Kreimer,R. (1998), Etica de la empresa (Business ethics), Dialéktica, 21-24. Kreimer, R. (1998), Dante y Borges: nacimiento y crítica del sujeto moderno (Dante and Borges: Birth and critique of the modern subject), Academia. edu BOOKS AND VIDEOS ABOUT THE WORK OF ROXANA KREIMER Puigferrat, J. (2008), El pez que vivía fuera del agua. Cómo la filosofía práctica puede ayudar a encaminar nuestra vida (The Fish that Lived out of the Water. How can Practical 12 Philosophy help us to guide our life), "The Philosophical Cafe of Roxana Kreimer", 192200, Océano, Madrid. Barrientos Rastrojo, J., (2004) Introducción al asesoramiento y a la orientación filosófica (Introduction to Philosophical Practice and Philosophical Counseling), (about) Roxana Kreimer, 131-148, Ediciones X-XI, Sevilla, Spain. Video TALK ABOUT PHILOSOPHY: TOLERANCE, made in Liverpool, 2013. Now in youtube: Hablemos de filosofía: la tolerancia (Philosophy in Pubs-Liverpool). Agora Project (2015), video Roxana Kreimer - Philosophical Practice and Science. ORGANIZATION OF CONFERENCES 2016 14th International Conference for Philosophical Practice (ICPP), Network Philopraxis, August 2016, Bern, Switzerland. 2015 1er Encuentro Latinoamericano de Filosofía Científica (1st Latinoamerican Conference of Scientific Philosphy), co-chair, September 2015, Philosophy Faculty, Buenos Aires University. 13 DISSEMINATION OF PHILOSOPHY 2007 Daily Philosophy column in the television program "Dejámelo pensar" (Let me think it), Canal 7 (State Channel) 2000-2015 Philosophy columns in the opinion page of the newspapers Clarín and La Nación, among other media. 2000-2015: Philosophy columns in Campo Grupal (monthly) 3 Youtube channels: 1990-1993: Fuera de moda (Out of fashion), Philosophy Program, Radio Municipal de Buenos Aires. Three whole books and academic articles. Four pages of Facebook for dissemination of philosophy: Filosofía Científica & Filosofía Experimental/Scientific Philosophy & Experimental Philosophy (spanish and english), Café Filosófico de Roxana Kreimer, Roxana Kreimer, Roxana Kreimer Dos 14 LANGUAGES English: Northlands school (elementary school), Lenguas Vivas (high school; english, main language). Three levels of the language lab in Buenos Aires University. French: Alliance Française, six years. Three levels of the language lab in Buenos Aires University. Portuguese: Lenguas Vivas (high school, three levels) OTHER For her research on inequality and social violence, and her active participation in the media about this issue, she was convoked by the Minister of Security Julio Alak to provide ideas in addressing this topic. Her collaboration was outside the framework of political parties and, as manifested by Alak, probably influenced President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner to issue a decree of the "Asignación Universal por hijo" (Universal Child Allowance), that let millions of children to leave extreme poverty. (See the book Cristina Fernandez. The real story, chapter "The intellectual influence," Laura Di Marco, Sudamericana, 2014, 233-236). 15