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Unidade Maracanã Departamento de Engenharia de Controle e Automação Industrial Practice of Laboratory 01 Robotic: V-REP Robotic simulator Introduction 1. The robot simulator V-REP, with integrated development environment, is based on distributed control architecture: each object/model can be individually controlled via an embedded script, a plugin, a ROS node, a remote API client, or a custom solution. This makes V-REP very versatile and ideal for multi-robot applications. Controllers can be written in C/C++, Python, Java, Lua, Matlab, Octave or Urbi. [1] Goals 2. Study the basics of V-REP Robotic simulator program to simulate a Robot arm. 3. Components and equipment’s Pleased read this blog: Program languje used in robotic 4. Procedure Task1:, use this metodology for designing Following are just a few of V-REP's applications: Simulation of factory automation systems Remote monitoring Hardware control Fast prototyping and verification Safety monitoring Fast algorithm development Robotics related education Product presentation Tutorial: BubbleRob tutorial ROS tutorial Building a clean model tutorial Line following BubbleRob tutorial Inverse kinematics tutorial Importing and preparing rigid bodies tutorial Hexapod tutorial External controller tutorial Plugin tutorial Robot language interpreter integration tutorial Conveyor belt / caterpillar tutorial Recommended topics Various contributions and external resources around V-REP V-REP forums list of task para todos tema em amarello e verde 1 2 Aula1 - Noções básicas do V-REP - YouTube Aula 02- Introduction to V-REP (robot arm) | Robots en la UPV 3 3 Aula2 - Programando em C++ e Python no V-REP usando RemoteAPI 4 04: Python Robot Simulation with V-Rep | V-rep Tutorial 5 Arduino + compass+ PSD sensor +V-REP simulation 6 01: Line-Following Robot | V-Rep Tutorial – YouTube 7 02: Simple Visual Servoing | V-Rep Tutorial – YouTube 8 V-REP Tutorial 06 - creacion de articulaciones.wmv 9 V-Rep Tutorial 08 - Programacion de un robot.wmv 10 Simulação Robótica - Seguidor de Paredes e Linhas V 5. Report Report the development of the practice, diagrams, simulation, analysis, conclusions and references.