Download Muslims - Universidad de Zaragoza
from A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LITERARY THEORY, CRITICISM AND PHILOLOGY by José Ángel GARCÍA LANDA (University of Zaragoza, Spain) MUSLIMS Galán, Javier, and José Manuel Abad Liñán. "Los europeos son tan favorables a cerrar fronteras a los musulmanes como los estadounidenses." El País 13 Feb. 2017.* global/1486646277_924426.html 2017 Adelkhah, Fariba. "Refundación de la familia y afirmación del individuo en los países musulmanes." Revista de Occidente 188 (January 1997): 71-93.* Ahmed, Shahnaz. "In the Forefront of the Struggle." (Muslim Women). Manushi 3 (October-November 1983). Arjana, Sophia Rose. Muslims in the Western Imagination. Oxford UP, 2015. Beck, Lois, and Nikki Keddie, eds. Women in the Muslim World. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1979. Bennassar, Bartolomé. "Los europeos frente a los musulmanes del Magreb (inventario de diferencias)." Revista de Occidente 140 (1993): 78-87. Bosch Villaruvias, Marta. "'You may never have a perfect fit, but you see far more than most ever do': The Power of In-betweenness in Arab American Feminism and Literature." In aedeanXXXIII, Cádiz 12-14 Nov. 2009. Ed. R. Galán et al. CD-ROM. Cádiz: Servicio de Publicaciones, U de Cádiz, 2010.* Cábez Añaños, Ana. "After the 2015 Paris Attacks: British Muslims Seen by the British Written Media." TFG Dpto. de Filología Inglesa y Alemana, U de Zaragoza, 2016. Caseau, Cornelia. "The Austrian Model of Muslim Integration and Its Limits." In Defining and Re-Defining Diaspora: From Theory to Reality. Ed. Marianne David and Javier Muñoz-Basols. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2011. 185-202.* Cembrero, Ignacio. La España de Alá: Cinco siglos después de la Reconquista, los musulmanes han vuelto. Son dos millones. Madrid: La Esfera de los Libros, 2016. Collelmir Morales, Dolors. "Treacherous 'Saracens' and Integrated Muslims: The Islamic Outlaw in Robin Hood's Band and the ReImagining of English Identity, 1800 to the Present." Miscelánea 40 (2009): 43-52.* "La Cour Européenne des Droits de l'Homme valide l'interdit du voile intégral en France." 20 Minutes 1 Jan. 2014.* 2016 Daoud, Kamel. "The Sexual Misery of the Arab World." New York Times 14 Feb. 2016.* 2016 Eltahawy, Mona. "Why Do They Hate Us? The Real War on Women Is In the Middle East." Foreign Policy 23 April 2012.* 2015 _____. Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2015. Espada, Arcadi. "La respuesta de la comunidad moral." El Mundo (El Mundo por dentro) 17 Nov. 2015.* 11/17/la-respuesta-de-la-comunidad-moral.html 2015 Figueras, Amanda. "¿Quieren los musulmanes la 'sharia' en todo el mundo? El Mundo 1 May 2013.* 49275.html 2013 Forster, E. M. "The Mosque." 1920. In Forster, Abinger Harvest. London: Arnold, 1940. 263-65.* González Palencia, A. "Cervantes y los moriscos." Boletín de la Real Academia Española 27 (1948): 107-22. Goodwin, Matthew, Thomas Raines, and David Cutts. "What Do Europeans Think About Muslim Immigration?" Chatham House 7 Feb. 2017.* 2017 Huntington, Samuel P. The Clash of Civilizations. 1996. _____. El choque de civilizaciones. Barcelona: Paidós, 1997. Rpt. (Surcos), 2005. Kahf, Mohja. Western Representations of the Muslim Woman: From Termagant to Odalisque. Austin: U of Texas P, 1999. Khan, Saeed A. "Location Nowhere: Alienation, Nihilism and Radicalism among British Pakistani Muslim Youth." In Defining and Re-Defining Diaspora: From Theory to Reality. Ed. Marianne David and Javier Muñoz-Basols. Oxford: InterDisciplinary Press, 2011. 75-84.* Marco, José María, "Contra el velo." El 11 Jan. 2016.* (On Mona Eltahawy). 2015 Martínez, Ángel. "Toda Europa aprueba un veto migratorio antimusulmán… excepto España." El Confidencial 8 Feb. 2017.* 2017 Modood, Tariq. "British Asian Muslims and the Rushdie Affair." Political Quarterly 61.2 (Oxford, 1990): 143-60. _____. "Muslims, Race, and Equality in Britain: Some Post-Rushdie Affair Reflections." Third Text 11 (Summer 1990): 127-34. Molares, Manuel. "Burka liberador." Crónicas Bárbaras 5 March 2013.* -liberador.html 2013 Muñoz, Carmen. "Los musulmanes en España piden a Europa 'mil veces perdón por los actos de unos terroristas'." ABC 21 Nov. 2015.* 2015 Sneed, Tierney. "Trump Calls for Total Ban on Muslims Entering the U.S.." TPM Livewire 7 Dec. 2015.* 2017 Syed, Anwar H. "Revitalizing the Muslim Community." Race and Class 28.3 (1987): 41-54. Tietze, Nikola. L'Islam: Un mode de construction subjective dans la modernité. Des formes de religiosité musulmane chez des jeunes hommes dans des quartiers défavorisés en France et en Allemagne. Paris: EHESS, 2002. Touraine, Alain. Un nouveau paradigme. Paris: Fayard, 2005. _____. Un nuevo paradigma para comprender el mundo de hoy. Trans. Augstín López Tobajas and María Tabuyo. (Paidós Estado y Sociedad, 135). Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Mexico: Paidós, 2005.* (Primera parte: Cuando hablábamos de nosotros en términos sociales; Segunda parte: Ahora que hablamos de nosotros en términos culturales). (9/11, Modernity, globalization, capitalism, European union, society, political theory, individualism, subject, rights, citizenship, multiculturalism, Islam, women, communities, development). Audio Arjana, Sophia Rose. "Muslims in the Western Imaginagion." Interview by Elliott Bazzano. New Books in History 10 March 2015.* 2015 Vidal, César. "Los musulmanes reconquistan España." La Voz 14 Nov. 2016.* 2016 Blogs Maryam Namazie 2008 Internet resources Musulmanes, españoles y judíos en los textos pre-modernos en lengua inglesa: la construcción del otro. [Muslims, Spaniards, and Jews in Early Modern English Texts: The Construction of the Other] Research project website, Universidad de Jaén. 2011 Journals El 2015 The Muslim Magazine (Islamabad) 18 Nov. 1983. The Muslim World: A Journal Devoted to the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations. Ed. Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi and Jane Smith Oxford: Blackwell / Hartford Seminary. Quarterly. Founded 1911. Vol. 94 (2004). 2004 Literature Akhtar, Ayad. Disgraced. Prod. 2012, in NY 2014. (Pulitzer Prize for Drama). _____. American Dervish. Novel. _____. The Who & the What. Drama. Prod. New York, 2014. _____. The Invisible Hand. Drama. Prod. New York, 2014. Caute, David. Fatima's Scarf. Novel. Totterdown Books, c. 1998. Hamid, Moshin. The Reluctant Fundamentalist. Novel. London: Penguin. Trevane, Jacky. (Ps.). Fatwa: Living with a Death Threat. Memoir. London, Sydney, Auckland: Hodder and Stoughton, 2004.* Video "Richard Dawkins vs. Islam." YouTube (Atheism VS Religion) 21 Sept. 2014.* 2015 See also Islam; Islamists; Moors; Muslim criticism; Arabs; Saracens.