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vocabulario de villancicos
página 52
la paz = peace
las estrellas = stars
el corazón = heart
la luz = light
los voces = voices
nacer = to be born
la tumba = the drum
(different context: the tomb)
el pandero = tambourine
la sonaja = rattle (on tambourine, etc.)
la paja = hay or straw (what camels eat)
el pito = whistle
el tamboril = small drum
los cascabeles = (jingle) bells
el bosque = trees
llorar = to cry
marchar = to walk, march
el rey = king
la tierra = earth
morder = to bite
oscura = dark
los gitanos = gypsies
un clavel = carnation
alumbrar = to turn on the light
el portal = portal, entryway