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American Cancer Society, High Plains Division, Inc. 2011 Relay For Life Marketing/Communications Chair Guidebook Stay Well. Get Well. Find Cures. Fight Back. The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. As a global grassroots force of more than three million volunteers, we fight for every birthday threatened by every cancer in every community. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. Table of Contents Introduction Welcome Relay For Life Volunteers........................................................................ 3 Who is the American Cancer Society? .................................................................... 4 What is Relay For Life? ........................................................................................... 4 History of Luminaria Ceremony .............................................................................. 4 Chair and Committee Position Description .............................................................. 5 Who Do I Call? ......................................................................................................... 6 Resources and Information American Cancer Society Relay For Life National/Division Standards and Philosophies .............................................................................................................. 7 Web Site Policy and Procedures ............................................................................ 12 Advertising Policy .................................................................................................. 13 Media Interview Checklist ..................................................................................... 14 Relay For Life Talking Points ................................................................................ 16 Communicating During a Crisis ............................................................................. 17 Generating Local Media Coverage ......................................................................... 17 Relay For Life Feature Story Ideas ....................................................................... 18 Marketing/Communications Activities – Suggested Timeline .............................. 19 Get Out the Message: Ways to Effectively Communicate Your Message ........... 20 Community Publicity Planning Worksheet ............................................................ 21 Pre-Relay Marketing Strategies.............................................................................. 22 Tools New Release Table of Contents ........................................................................... 24 News Releases ................................................................................................... 25-85 Calendar Listings and Media Alerts Table of Contents ................................... 88 Calendar Listings and Media Alerts .................................................................. 89-94 Letters Table of Contents .................................................................................... 95 Letters ............................................................................................................. 96-109 PSAs, Facts, & Points of Pride for Emcee/Disc Jockey Table of Contents ... 110 PSAs, Facts, & Points of Pride for Emcee/Disc Jockey................................ 111-121 Other Documents Table of Contents ................................................................ 122 Other Documents ........................................................................................... 123-130 Spanish Materials (NEW) ........................................................................... 132-176 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Dear Relay For Life Volunteer, Welcome to Relay For Life – the national signature activity of the American Cancer Society! This guidebook serves as a tool to help you plan and promote your Relay For Life event, but the most important tool is your heart. Relay For Life is personal; we are all involved because we have been touched by cancer or know how great the risks are. Your Relay For Life will develop a heart of its own if you truly believe in this event and its significance to the lives of the people in your community. On behalf of the High Plains Division of the American Cancer Society, thank you for volunteering as a leader in your community and for all the time you spend giving to others. You join thousands of volunteers around the country who devote countless hours each year to help Relay For Life continue to be successful and grow. You are appreciated more than you know. Relay For Life Business Unit American Cancer Society, High Plains Division Inc. American Cancer Society Relay For Life Who is the American Cancer Society? The most experienced cancer control organization in the world The only cancer fighting organization operating on a community, statewide, and national level Raised more than $3.2 Billion for cancer research since 1946 The largest private nonprofit source of funding for scientists studying cancer Funded 44 Nobel Laureates Funds 25 percent of all new investigator’s research on cancer $120 million invested in peer reviewed cancer research each year More than 2 million VOLUNTEERS nationwide More than 1 million calls per year for information to 1-800-227-2345, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year What is Relay For Life? Relay For Life is the nationwide signature activity for the American Cancer Society. In May 1985, Gordon Klatt M.D. took the first step of his 24-hour marathon around a Tacoma, Wash., track and raised $27,000 for the American Cancer Society. The following year 340 supporters joined Dr. Klatt in this overnight event and Relay For Life was born. Relay For Life is not just a fundraiser; it is a unique activity that offers an opportunity to take up the fight. It is about empowering individuals to fight back against a disease that has taken so much from them. The Relay For Life provides our best opportunity for expanding fundraising, cancer education, advocacy, and volunteerism in communities throughout the nation. History of Luminaria Ceremony In 1987, Seattle was preparing for their first Relay For Life. They had arranged for lights but discovered at about noon on the day of the event that, for some reason, the lights weren't going to work. As you can imagine, the committee was fit to be tied! One of the members suggested lining the track with luminaria bags to enable the participants to see the track as they walked or ran. The committee immediately purchased what they needed to implement the “luminaria light” idea. When they lit the candles in the bags that night, it changed the atmosphere at the track. The soft lighting was conducive to talking about why everyone was there — to fight cancer and honor those who had survived and those who had lost the battle. The next year, the Relay For Life of Tacoma committee (who had heard about what a beautiful experience the candles had produced) and a few other Relay committees included a luminaria ceremony, honoring cancer survivors and remembering those who had lost the battle. Everyone who took part in the luminaria ceremony was deeply touched. The ceremony grew in popularity and eventually became part of Relay For Life events across the country. American Cancer Society Relay For Life Role and Purpose of Marketing/Communications Chair and Communications Committee Marketing/Communications Chair Job Description The primary role of the Marketing/Communications Chair is to work closely with the Relay For Life committee to develop and implement a strategy that promotes awareness and participation in Relay and American Cancer Society programs and services. In addition, the Chair will develop and lead a Marketing Communications Subcommittee to assist with messaging and message delivery. Relay Marketing/Communications Subcommittee Responsibilities To present a unified message about Relay For Life. This message should support your specific Relay in conjunction with all other Relays in your shared market – to the greatest benefit of the American Cancer Society. To raise awareness, knowledge, and use of the American Cancer Society’s programs and services by featuring cancer survivors and sharing their experiences. To raise awareness, knowledge, participation in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life including a diverse reflection of the community’s population (age, gender, ethnicity, etc.) To assist other Relay subcommittees with their marketing efforts – such as recruiting teams, survivors, and corporate sponsors. Help identify alternative media such as homeowners’ association newsletters, clubs and organizations, church newsletters and other means of reaching members of the community. To work with regional communications director to reach shared media and other information outlets. Steps to Building A Marketing/Communications Subcommittee Step 1 - Relay chair identifies a person as Chair of the Relay Marketing/Communications subcommittee. Step 2 – Marketing/Communications Chair recruits members for subcommittee to help reach targeted markets. Step 3 – Meet with Relay committee members such as team development, event chair, luminaria, and survivorship chairs to determine their needs for promoting a successful event. Plan should include a year-round focus to educate the community on Society programs and services, as well as about Relay For Life. Plan may include seasonal focuses such as: breast cancer awareness in October, colon cancer awareness in March, etc. Step 4 – Submit plan to chair and staff partner for review and approval. Step 5 – Implement plan. Step 6 – Monitor and collect newspaper and television coverage. Determine what worked for future use. (Consider developing a scrapbook or historian.) Step 7 – Summarize and evaluate efforts and end results to assist in planning for the next year. American Cancer Society Relay For Life Who Do I Call? Relay For Life Committee Contact List Title Name Event Chair Event Co-Chair American Cancer Society Staff Partner American Cancer Society Relay For Life Telephone Numbers Email Address American Cancer Society Relay For Life National and High Plains Division Standards and Philosophies To be considered a Relay For Life event, all events must be or include the following: 1. Overnight event from the Opening Ceremony to the Closing Ceremony. Relay was originally created as a 24-hour event because cancer never sleeps. Cancer patients battle the disease 24 hours a day. “Overnight” is defined as sunset to sunrise at a minimum. Relay For Life events fewer than 24 hours in length must still be overnight. 2. Tobacco-free. A tobacco-free environment does not mean banning smokers/chewers from Relay. Rather we encourage their participation and discourage their use of tobacco during Relay. 3. Alcohol-free. Relay is a family event and most often takes place on school property. 4. Opening and Closing Ceremony. Relay begins with an Opening Ceremony, which clearly emphasizes that Relay is an American Cancer Society activity. The Opening Ceremony includes an opening lap by cancer survivors that sets the tone for the entire activity. The Closing Ceremony provides a wonderful opportunity for cancer survivors and their caregivers to walk the track and to celebrate the success of the Relay as well as a time for team fundraising recognition. 5. Luminaria Ceremony. The Luminaria Ceremony is often called the Ceremony of Hope. It is a time for participants to remember those we have lost to cancer, to support those who currently have cancer, and to honor those who have fought cancer in the past. By lining the walking path with luminaria bags, this ceremony provides an opportunity for people to work through grief and to find hope. 6. Survivorship Activities. Honoring cancer survivors is an essential part of Relay. Survivors kick off Relay by walking the very first lap, as a symbol of their courage and in celebration of their survivorship. Each event should focus on appropriately honoring survivors at Relay. Information about survivors should be captured at the event, while respecting and maintaining their privacy and wishes. Data collected about survivors allows the Society to engage them in Relay and in other year-round Society activities and events. We recommend that events also recognize caregivers in some appropriate manner during the event. 7. Mission Delivery Activities. Relay For Life is one of the most powerful vehicles we have to help us achieve our mission. We need to think of Relay as a year-round event that culminates in an overnight celebration. Being involved in these activities all year long provides a wonderful opportunity to educate the community about the American Cancer Society’s services and programs, recruit organizations and volunteers to get involved in educational programs, as well as promote lifestyle choices that may reduce the risk of getting cancer. 8. Fundraising Standards. Team registration/commitment fee: Teams that pay a commitment fee are more likely to follow through on their participation and fundraising. Each participant will raise a minimum of $100 to be eligible to receive the Relay For Life event T-shirt. Almost every Relay For Life event in the country is at the minimum. It is recommended that events not meeting this current standard move towards it. Current event T-shirts will not be sold. Since participants are required to raise funds to receive a T-shirt, it is not fair to participants to sell the current event T-shirts. Fundraising goals: We recommend that luminaria sales not count toward team fundraising totals. Luminaria money must be tracked separately from team funds to be considered for national Relay For Life awards. Corporate event sponsorship and underwriting dollars do not count towards team fundraising goals. American Cancer Society Relay For Life 9. Relay For Life Graphic Standards. Consistency of the Relay logo across the country will lead to greater recognition of the event. (see Text Standards) 10. T-shirts Provided. The High Plains Division will provide T-shirts for your event at a set price for participants, survivors, and committee members. This is based on being able to make a group purchase shirts for the entire state at a much cheaper rate. Unless the T-shirts are provided by a local vendor at no charge, you are required to use the Division vendor to imprint the backs and sleeves of your shirts. 11. We have a maximum expense ratio of seven percent. The monies raised by Relay are intended to fund the fight against cancer, not pay for event costs. It should always be a priority to minimize expenses. 12. Annual Event. Relay For Life is an annual event. Communities across the state should offer Relay each year as an opportunity for everyone to participate in the fight against cancer. Cancer survivors should be given the opportunity to be recognized in the survivors’ lap each year. 13. Relay Chairs and Committee Chairs may serve a maximum of two years in any one position. It is so important for each community Relay to not become stagnant. Bringing new leadership to each event will keep the event fresh and growing for many years. Relay chairs and committee chairs may remain on the committee for more than two years; however, they must rotate positions and may not serve more than two years in any one position. Relay For Life Philosophies 1. We are Volunteer Driven and Staff Supported. It is the belief and steadfast desire of the High Plains Division that all Relays be volunteer driven. While staff plays an integral role in providing resources and support, we continue to uphold the grassroots philosophy of volunteer ownership within the respective Relay communities. We continue to work together, both staff and volunteers, in a true partnership based on our common desire to fight cancer and promote the spirit of Relay For Life. 2. We are Inclusive and Community-Based. It is necessary to the success of Relay that every event be community-based. Relays should not be planned according to American Cancer Society boundaries, but rather where communities exist. Relay committees and teams should invite, include, and involve their entire community’s demographics. This is regardless of ethnicity, gender, age, physical ability, communication styles, sexual orientation, economic status, education, and culture. 3. We Ensure All Relays Take Place In a Safe and Healthy Environment. We strive to provide a safe and healthy environment for the communities and our participants by hosting the event in a safe location, and providing First Aid and security in some form. All activities taking place during Relay should be safe for all concerned, especially children. Allowing pets, rollerblading, and bicycle riding on site is discouraged. 4. We Believe in Multiple Sites. In order to reach all communities and as many people as possible with our cancer control programs, we encourage multiple Relay sites. Relay is a wonderful gift that should be offered to all communities. Expanding to multiple sites will ensure the continued growth of Relay and help us conquer cancer. Examples of this can be seen in the development of university/college campus events in communities where another Relay For Life already exists. American Cancer Society Relay For Life TEXT STANDARDS Name of the event: American Cancer Society Relay For Life Short: Relay For Life Plural: Relays Rules: Always capitalize the “F” in Relay For Life. Stylistic manuals support the capitalization of brand or trade names. It is not uncommon in advertising and journalistic writing to capitalize certain key words for emphasis. The marketing benefit of capitalizing the “F” is a stronger presentation of the event name. Use American Cancer Society as often as possible when referring to Relay For Life. Luminaria(s) as in Luminaria Ceremony: A luminaria is a paper sack filled with an inch or so of sand supporting a lighted candle and is a southwestern tradition. DO NOT use “luminary” or “luminarias.” Corporate Sponsorship/Local Identification: Rules: A corporate sponsor’s name should appear after the event name. “The American Cancer Society Relay For Life presented by XYZ Company.” “The American Cancer Society Relay For Life sponsored by XYZ Company.” A community’s name should appear AFTER the event name. “The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Jefferson Township.” A corporate sponsor’s name should never appear before American Cancer Society Relay For Life. DO NOT use “XYZ Company’s Relay For Life.” DO NOT use “XYZ Company's American Cancer Society Relay For Life.” DO NOT use “XYZ Company presents the American Cancer Society Relay For Life.” A community’s name should never appear before American Cancer Society Relay For Life. DO NOT use “Jefferson's Relay For Life.” DO NOT use “Jefferson Township’s American Cancer Society Relay For Life.” DO NOT use “Jefferson County presents the American Cancer Society Relay For Life.” American Cancer Society Relay For Life Branding Guidelines The American Cancer Society brand is one of the most valuable assets we have for accomplishing our mission. A consistent, strong brand helps us engage people in a relationship with the Society, so we can empower them with the information and support they need. That is why the American Cancer Society has made great efforts to protect and use this asset most effectively. Our brand identifies our organization, both symbolically and literally. Our logos are registered trademarks. As such, we request you call your local public relations staff and adhere to the guidelines below for logo usage. This is a sample image of the current American Cancer Society Relay For Life logo: SAMPLE Discard any old logos and replace them with the most recent Relay For Life logo. To obtain an electronic copy of the Relay For Life signature logo, please visit to download the correct logo. If you need further assistance, please call your local regional director of communications or Tekia Thompson, director of communications – Relay For Life at (816) 218-7141. National branding guidelines state that our logo(s) MAY NOT be manipulated in any way. The sword and the words “American Cancer Society” should always be white. NO other type treatment, color schemes, distortions, or alterations may be made to the logo. NO element of the logo can be removed. The logo may not be copied or placed on colored paper. Thank you. American Cancer Society Relay For Life HOW TO USE THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY’S ACSBRAND.ORG TO PROMOTE RELAY FOR LIFE Here are step by step instructions on how use the Web site. 1. Log on to 2. Click sign me up and fill out the registration form, choosing a password and including your email address. Our Division is High Plains. 3. You will then be a registered user of the database. 4. The database is divided into several parts: Branding guidelines (instructions and guidelines) Downloadable assets (logos, templates, photos and fonts) Showcase Relay For Life (you can find this under downloadable assets) 5. At the top you’ll see seven libraries. Click logos or images and this will take you to an overview. 6. On the right, you will see a listing of categories under the search box. Click Relay For Life. You’ll see subcategories underneath this title. Choose category applicable to your use. 7. Once you’ve chosen your image, you’ll notice a down arrow and a cart icon. The down arrow automatically downloads your photo. The cart is an option for you if you want several images to download at once. 8. If you utilize the cart icon, choose all photos then click the My Cart link on the right. 9. At the bottom of the page you’ll see My Cart. Choose the Asset category and this will show you what you have available in your cart. 10. Check all images then click download files. Save to your desired location. 11. Please remember that there are many other useful materials on this Web site, particularly photos (such as luminaries, survivors, teams, etc.) 12. Please note that none of our logos are to be reproduced on colored paper. 13. The ACS corporate logo and Relay For Life logos can only be reproduced in the colors that are available on this database. For a step by step view, see the Brandwizard toolkit located in the back of this guidebook. Also feel free to contact or email your local regional director of communications with additional questions. American Cancer Society Relay For Life Web Site Policy The American Cancer Society appreciates the very generous offers of individuals and organizations to build and/or maintain Web sites for Society events. However, the Society invites these people to join in the fight against cancer by sponsoring events, volunteering, or making direct contributions instead. After extensive research, the Society’s Web site,, was redesigned and contains in-depth information on the various aspects of cancer, as well as on upcoming events. Plus, there will continue to be, additions and upgrades to the site, making it a one-stop source of current information. While volunteer enthusiasm for Web-based marketing is appreciated, the Society does not allow these sites because: 1. It is vitally important for the Society to maintain a consistent look and feel across the country. This consistency helps the Society establish a strong identity for the organization and its events through its name and logo. 2. The Society is unable to regulate the information and links on volunteer-created sites, thus jeopardizing its status as a nonprofit organization. 3. The IRS has implemented governmental regulations for all nonprofit Web sites. If these regulations are not followed, again the Society could lose its nonprofit status 4. Volunteer-created sites divert the volunteer’s time and energy from other activities, for which the support and training they received is more useful and effective. 5. Volunteer-created sites have not proven themselves to increase the event’s income or turnout. Much of the information on volunteer-created sites is a duplicate of the more in-depth information available on, where specific local event information is posted. Besides the other issues involved, this process makes more sense because browsers searching for an upcoming Relay For Life event would, most likely, visit first. Posting Event Information on Through Your Local Staff Partner Take advantage of promoting your event through the American Cancer Society's Calendar of Events (COE) database. By following the steps described below, your event’s information will be located on and through the National Cancer Information Center, maximizing your ability to reach the public. The most important step is to contact your local Relay For Life staff partner and let them know you would like your event information posted to the COE. Make sure that you list all event details, location, registration contact information, day of event contact (cell phone) and activities. This allows the public and media to access your event information via and through 1-800-2272345 day or night. For events utilizing Convio’s Relay For Life Online option, the Convio event URL will need to be added to the local COE entry to give the public easy access to registration and online giving opportunities. This can be coordinated through the Relay For Life Business Unit and the COE staff partner located within the High Plains Division call center. For more information regarding event posting, contact your local Relay For Life staff partner. American Cancer Society Relay For Life Advertising and Relay For Life Publicizing events through the media offers a great way to improve the visibility and image of fundraising events such as Relay For Life. How can committees secure publicity for their events? There are many sources of free (donated) publicity. Television and radio stations normally have public service policies providing free publicity for events such as Relay For Life. To secure free public service announcements (PSA) on your local radio or television station, work with your regional director of communications to request a meeting with your station’s public service manager. Ask them to produce the script (sample scripts are included in this kit) and to schedule PSA spots prior to your Relay For Life event. Many stations will also mention your local information on their community calendars. Newspapers normally have public service policies. Work with your regional director of communications to contact the editor, advertising department, or community relations department (depending on the newspaper) and ask them to run the enclosed ads for free. If your local media does not offer PSAs, you can usually find a corporate sponsor who will underwrite this advertising for you if you display their company logo. Most media outlets will partner with major events a couple of times a year by entering into an inkind sponsorship agreement with charities — they promote your event at a certain level and involve their staff in return for being recognized as the official media sponsor of the event. A sample media sponsorship proposal is included for your use. Please work with your regional director of communications before pursuing a media sponsorship. Media outlets are usually willing to feature human-interest stories about participants or interview those involved in the event. A quality human-interest story in the local paper is often better publicity for an event than paid advertising. See the page in this kit entitled “Relay For Life Feature Story Ideas” for examples of human-interest stories that reporters have covered in Relay For Life communities in the past. A good relationship with your local media is critical to your success in building the image of your event. For tips on developing a relationship with your media or ideas for securing free publicity for your event, contact your regional director of communications, or Tekia Thompson at (816) 218-7141 or American Cancer Society Relay For Life Media Interview Checklist Please contact your local regional director of communications if you are appearing on T.V., radio, or in a print publication. Who makes a good spokesperson? Always obtain permission from a potential spokesperson before you suggest a time to a reporter or producer. City officials or community leaders – people that bring the community together. Local celebrities – got a big name in your community that will be at your event? They can help deliver the message of the community coming together on the important issue of fighting cancer. Survivors and/or loved ones of cancer patients – every story is compelling and reminds viewers and readers the value of Relay For Life. Local American Cancer Society staff and volunteers – use the media to spread the word about local programs. Researchers – what progress is being made in cancer research? Local businesspeople who have gotten involved in Relay For Life – why is it important for the business community to get involved? SPECIAL TYPES OF INTERVIEWS Background Sessions: Begin to make your story or point of view as groundwork. Update the reporter when your situation changes. Phone Sessions: Be prepared – or postpone the interview until you can prepare. Have your points in front of you as you talk to the reporter. PREPARE FOR THE INTERVIEW Know your story – be clear about the message you want to give. Use figures – make sure the statistics you quote enhance your story and are not confusing. Use quotable language – use “mental bumper stickers” – short, to the point, and memorable. Determine key points – reduce your story to three key messages or points. Anticipate – prepare for the questions that may come up, especially the tough ones. Rehearse – rehearse with someone who is not directly involved in your situation. GIVE THE INTERVIEW Beware of “off the record” – anything you say can and will be used, whether recorded or not. Turn negative into positive – use positive language even if the question is negative. Avoid buzzwords/jargon– use language the reporter and your audience will understand. Take control – let your interest, enthusiasm, and perspective shape the interview. Relax – Smile and thank the reporter when finished. American Cancer Society Relay For Life INTERVIEWER AND QUESTION TYPES Machine-gunner – shoots a barrage of negative questions. Answer by focusing on the first question, usually the least negative, and shape a positive story line. Interrupter – interrupts your story. Take control by finishing what you are saying. Paraphrase – make sure you agree with how your story is paraphrased. Restate in your own words. Dart thrower – a technique of negativity. Frame your responses in the most positive light; don’t repeat the reporter’s negative words. Giving Broadcast Interviews A summary checklist before the interview Television: Ask if the interview will air live or be taped for later delivery. State your key points first, and then fill in the details. Work on making your statement 15-20 seconds long. Keep it very simple. Ask that a fumble be re-taped. Dress appropriately. Concentrate and be yourself. Gesture. Never look straight into the camera. Radio: Ask if the interview will air live or be taped for later airing. If it’s a call-in show, take advantage of listeners’ questions to insert your key points. Be concise, to the point, and repeat your message points. Keep the interview lively by varying the rate and pitch of your voice. Dress Guidelines: Colors: There are few limitations to what colors you can wear. However, solid-color clothing (vs. wild patterns) is the best option, but NO white shirts or blouses. Wear something tasteful that flatters you and conveys the image you want to project. Glasses: If you wear glasses, wear them for the interview. Do not wear sunglasses, even if the interview is outside. Women: Attaching a microphone to fragile fabrics is often a problem – either the microphone won’t hold or it bunches the clothing and looks unkempt. Wear heavier fabrics, a jacket, or clothing with a lapel to which the microphone can easily attach. Also, do not wear clunky, noisy jewelry, such as multiple bracelets or dangling earrings or necklaces. Men: Television accentuates the beard; if you interview is late in the day, shave just before your appearance. Also, check the length of your socks – make sure that bare legs don’t show when you sit down. Source: Johnston Wells American Cancer Society Relay For Life American Cancer Society Relay For Life Media Talking Points The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is a life-changing event that brings together more than 3.5 million people every year to celebrate the lives of those who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and empower individuals and communities to fight back against a disease that takes so much. Relay For Life is a unique team event designed to raise awareness about cancer and raise funds to support the Society’s vital mission of eliminating cancer by helping people stay well, by helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back. Relay For Life is a community-driven, overnight event. It is a great way for the community to work together in the fight against cancer. Teams of people, including local businesses, friends, families, hospitals, religious organizations, and clubs, gather at community sites and take turns walking laps. One of the wonderful pieces of the Relay For Life program is the survivors’ lap that kicks off the event. Each cancer survivor is introduced and all survivors complete the first lap around the track before being joined by the other participants. It’s a really nice way for us to keep in mind why we participate in Relay For Life. After nightfall, one of the main highlights of Relay For Life is the luminaria ceremony. Hundreds/thousands of luminaria candles dedicated to loved ones line the track and are left burning throughout the night to remind participants of the incredible importance of their contributions. Every dollar we raise goes toward fighting cancer. Contributions to the Relay For Life help the American Cancer Society fight cancer by helping people stay well, by helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back. The American Cancer Society funds more than $120 million of cancer research a year. More than two-thirds of all cancer deaths are preventable and we teach people every day how to adopt healthy lifestyles and get regular checkups. The American Cancer Society’s advocacy initiative strives to influence public policies at all levels. We work to educate policymakers about cancer and how it affects the individuals and families they represent. This is the bread and butter of our work – the programs and services we offer people who have been diagnosed with cancer. Programs like Look Good…Feel Betterand Road to RecoverySM are staples. Cancer survivors and their families can also call the Society at 1800-227-2345, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Trained cancer information specialists will help them with information and referrals and direct them to resources in their community. Our Web site,, is one of the public’s most trusted sources of cancer information. No other organization does this. American Cancer Society Relay For Life Communicating During a Crisis: When Stuff Hits the Fan Please contact your local regional director of communications prior to handling any crisis communication before, during, or following a Relay event. Take responsibility...that is not the same as accepting blame! People want you to accept responsibility or connection to the situation. Recruit/suggest third parties to speak to the media on your behalf, or as experts. It’s important to have other organizations/individuals say the things you want to, but can’t say yourself. Treat the media as conduits, not enemies. If you hide from media, you will not have the decided advantage gained by dealing forthrightly and strategically with them yourself. Demonstrate concern and care. If the crisis has affected people directly, or is concerned with deeply held beliefs, rational arguments alone without sympathetic concern and credible empathy will potentially turn people off. The way to get past the emotionalism of the moment is to empathize with people who have been affected. Take the first 24 hours very, very seriously. Your initial response in the media must be quick and strategic. Its tone and content will frame the public’s perception of the organization and how the crisis was managed. If the early media exposure is not managed well, the good that might be done by later activities may not repair the initial reputation damage. Generating Local Media Coverage Through Feature Stories One way to generate news media coverage is to encourage reporters to write about something special, unique, or exciting about your Relay. Types of Coverage News Story – stories that readers need to know about right away. Feature Story – stories that run one day just as well as they would the next. PSA or Public Service Announcement – a short message that offers the audience information and/or guidance on an issue of concern. Calendar Listing – the who, what, when, and where of your Relay for newspaper, local radio, or cable TV calendars. Tips for Selling the Story Invite media to go with a longtime volunteer as he or she walks around the track. Invite media/civic personalities to join in with volunteers, individuals, clubs, or organizations who are fundraising for Relay. Look for Special TV and Radio Programming Opportunities Work with your regional director of communications on radio or TV coverage. Since most broadcast media are shared by multiple Relays, they are coordinating that publicity. Thank the News Media Send a thank-you note to any media contacts who worked with you on a story. Be sure to let them know how their story helped to raise awareness about the fight against cancer. American Cancer Society Relay For Life Relay For Life Feature Story Ideas The media are always looking for great human-interest stories. Here are a few ideas you can suggest to your local newspaper or television station to generate pre-publicity for your event. Recognize the top fundraiser from last year’s Relay For Life and tell how he/she is raising money this year. Create a challenge among local businesses to raise the most money or recruit the most participants. Highlight a participant who was involved for the first time during last year’s Relay For Life and ask him/her to share why he/she decided to participate again. Recognize your youngest survivor or volunteer. Recognize the survivor in your community who has been cancer-free the longest. Recognize a participant who plans to walk or run all night. Recognize a family who has several cancer survivors or share the story of generational survivors — a mother and daughter who are both survivors. Recognize a business that is participating because several of their employees are cancer survivors. Recognize local businesses that sponsor Relay or donate to the event. Have the mayor declare an official “Relay For Life Day.” Involve the local fire or police department and highlight their involvement. Recognize any unique teams — a team of all kids, a team captained by a local celebrity, etc. Recognize a prominent community resident who is participating. Provide a photo opportunity at your kick-off meeting. Hold a pie-eating contest, have a sexiest legs contest (for men!), break a Guinness world record, or create any wacky visual that will make a good photo. Recognize someone who shaves his/her head or a man who shaves his beard for the Relay. Invite residents from the local nursing home to visit the Relay. Show how different parts of the community all come together to make this a great event. Recognize your honorary chair. Choose someone who is a survivor, celebrity, researcher, or someone who has benefited from the American Cancer Society’s programs. Combine your Relay For Life story with a story on skin cancer and the importance of protecting your skin when participating in summer events. Ask your local weatherman to forecast the weather for Relay For Life. Share the history of the luminaria ceremony. Recognize a participant who raises money in a wacky way such as the kid who put pink flamingos in residents’ front yards and asked them to make a donation for him to remove them. Share the story of a survivor who benefited from a research breakthrough funded by the American Cancer Society such as Tamoxifen, the use of Gleevec for chronic myeloid leukemia, the Pap test crusade, or PSA test. Highlight a participant who walked in the community’s first Relay For Life event and has participated every year. Feature a local team with an interesting theme or who has raised the most money. Feature a local participant who has organized an online Relay team that is generating support from around the country. Suggested Relay For Life Marketing/Communications Timeline Remember…Timing is everything! What When Who Beginning of Relay season pitching begins, highlighting your Relay and promoting additional Relays and overall message to major media outlets Identify community media outlets to pitch Six months in advance Regional Director of Communications (RDC) Four to six months in advance Volunteers/unit staff RDC to lend assistance as needed* Send out volunteer/survivor recruitment press release if needed Send out calendar listings to community newspapers, newsletters, and local TV/radio Three to five months before event One month before event (average lead time is 3 weeks) Six to seven months before event One to two months before event Volunteers/RDC One week before event Volunteers/RDC Day before event One to two months before event Volunteers/RDC Volunteers/RDC One to two months before event Volunteers One to two days after event Volunteers/RDC Send out recruitment press release to company newsletters Send out press release with local story angles to community newspapers/broadcast outlets Send out media advisory about local Relay and follow up with community media Contact local paper Designate representative to handle any media at event. Identify possible spokespeople and photo opportunities prior to event. Prepare speaking points. Designate someone to take pictures at event to send to media with captions - the day of, and after, the event. DO NOT FORGET PHOTO RELEASES! Send letters to editor (signed by event chair, lead volunteer, or cancer survivor) to local media American Cancer Society Relay For Life Volunteers/RDC Volunteers Volunteers/RDC G.O.T.M. (Get Out the Message) The Effectiveness of the Different Ways of Communicating the Relay Message Method Ways of Communicating Message Effectiveness Face to Face Pins, logo shirts, bags, cups, hats visors, clothing – great way to communicate your support of Relay and encourage others to follow suit Most effective in team recruiting, soliciting sponsors, and generating local awareness 1:1 Bumper stickers, telephone contacts, giveaways, brochures, and slogans (engages interested individuals or piques their interest) Can provide your personal story about getting involved in Relay – recruiting others to your cause 1 : 10 Coffee, club gatherings, senior centers, youth groups, Mom’s groups Committee members can target groups in their own lives and communities to communicate the Relay message 1 : 100 Church bulletins, school bulletins, clubs, Rotary, Kiwanis, church choirs, professional organizations, preschools Effective in reaching specific target audiences with general Relay message, recognizing key volunteers 1 : 1000 College paper, banks, hospitals, church bulletins, fitness centers, YMCAs Most effective in recruiting cancer survivors and general participants, creating general awareness, selling luminaria 1 : 10,000 Community/neighborhood newspapers, ethnic newspapers, local cable, community bulletin boards, shopping centers Validates participants and sponsors, reveals community support for Relay, showcases the Society and how we are part of the community 1 : 100,000 Newspapers – daily and other major publications, radio, cable TV (PSA placement) Effective for general awareness, cannot replace team recruitment efforts for individual Relay locations 1: 1,000,000 Television, network stations, Web sites (work with metro area Society offices to coordinate) Effective in global awareness of Relay and the American Cancer Society – least effective in recruiting sponsors, teams, or individuals American Cancer Society Relay For Life COMMUNITY PUBLICITY PLANNING WORKSHEET Identify your primary external marketing plan. Describe your plan and the tasks necessary to implement and evaluate. Goals (Specific / Measurable / Timeline) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. List of tools available from your Division / National Home Office Warehouse 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 List of potential Community Marketing Advocates (media, corporate sponsors, teams, etc.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Pre-Relay Marketing Strategies Work with Relay Committee to ensure that the most critical target groups receive appropriate information about Relay For Life and how to get involved. Work with the event committee to determine which groups should be approached for sponsorship, teams, survivor involvement, or other purposes. These groups may include: o past participating teams/survivors o schools/teachers/employees/students/parents o churches and other faith-based organizations o civic organizations o businesses (employees and clients) o health organizations (employees and patients) Educate volunteers and participants about Relay, and empower them to educate and recruit within their own business and social circles. Tell the ACS Story by identifying a group of volunteers, especially survivors and caregivers, who are willing to share their personal story about how they have been touched by the American Cancer Society and by Relay For Life. Train them to become a resource to speak with various groups in the community and with the media. Select resources to ensure that Relay messages reach targeted audiences within workplaces, schools, health care, and faith-based/community service organizations. Integrate an organized year-round campaign to promote your event as well as to recruit volunteers for the American Cancer Society’s ongoing programs and services. Become aware of branding standards and help educate your committee about the importance of proper logo usage. Use nationally produced items such as signs, banners, billboards, movie theater slides, etc. to increase visibility of both the updated logo/brand for the Society and Relay For Life. Build relationships with those in the community who can promote the Society and Relay’s efforts: meet with or invite to functions – media professionals, Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, church leaders, politicians, health care professionals, ethnic organizations, youth, senior citizens, etc. Work with your regional communications director to coordinate a media approach to reach all outlets such as print, radio, television, and community Web sites. Provide information and motivational tools that help elevate team captains and participants into advocates for the Society. Please coordinate with other Relays in your shared market when timing and placing messages through the following tools: Business, church, and school newsletters and Web sites Radio and television station Web sites Television and radio Public Service Announcements and feature stories Print ads in local newspapers (available on CD-ROM) Billboards Bill stuffers Nationally and locally produced Relay, posters, fliers, buttons, stickers, banners, etc. Letters to the editor Cable and radio interview shows Team Captain meetings Sponsor Breakfast to invite new/old sponsors and educate (work with event chair) Monthly Division newsletter to participants, survivors, corporate sponsors — Online Newsletters available in some markets Personal presentations to businesses, service clubs, faith-based organizations, schools, etc. American Cancer Society Relay For Life Present messages that: Tell the ACS Story – telling how the Society helps the community fight cancer through research, education, advocacy, and service. Formally recognize teams and individuals that recruit other teams or other survivors Encourage youth to participate Recruit survivors year-round to become involved in Relay and Society programs and services Announce kickoffs, Relay rallies, and Team Captain meetings as a way for people to “try” Relay For Life Follow-up / follow through for teams and corporate sponsors – ensuring they will be at Relay Encourage teams to personally invite prospective participants to learn more by attending this year’s event – “Meet me at Relay.” “Walk with me at Relay.” “Visit me at my tent site.” Build a bandwagon effect – “Everyone will be at Relay, you should be too.” Promote an emotionally touching event, focusing on ceremonies Ensure branded event utilizing Relay For Life banners, signs, balloons, etc. Provide appropriate visibility and recognition for corporate sponsors Template and Sample Press Materials The following templates may be detached from this kit and edited for use for your Relay For Life. Use the templates as a guide – you are not required to use every template. Feel free to ask questions. Please remember to print the materials on Society or Relay letterhead. Please Note: Your regional communications director will coordinate publicity with outlets serving Relays in a metro area. From your staff person, you may obtain/order: Relay For Life (National Code 7543.26). PSAs will have the 1-800# and as the tag line – space for a local tag is not provided. Also available in Spanish. Code 7543.71. o (Available in ¾ inch and Beta format. Also available on ½ inch and can be used for meetings and presentations.) Relay For Life print ad slicks for publications and American Cancer Society logo sheets. Relay For Life billboards (cost of billboard varies with location, layout, and paper details). Any non-English materials ( including Spanish, Korean, and Chinese) Division/Area Directors of Communications: Tekia Thompson – High Plains Division Kym McGee – Market Based Communication for Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, Hawaii Greg Cameron – Market Based Communication for Texas and Oklahoma Regional Directors of Communications: April Dzubic– Eastern Missouri Region Carole Bullock – North Texas Region Ashley Hill – Southern Missouri Region Maria Ruiz – West Texas Region Tess Egan – South Texas Region Caitlin Faddis – Kansas City/Northern Missouri Region Jill Sittenaur – Northern Kansas Region Sara Smith – Oklahoma Region Dana Kemp – Southern Kansas Region Jennifer Walker – Gulf Coast Region Justine Hall – Central Texas Region Mike Lefler – Nebraska Region Milton Hirata – Hawaii/Pacific American Cancer Society Relay For Life News Releases Announcing Relay release .............................................................................25 Community Release .......................................................................................27 Anniversary Release ......................................................................................29 25th Anniversary Release ...............................................................................30 University Release .........................................................................................32 First Year Release ..........................................................................................33 Committee Meeting release ...........................................................................34 Seeking Teams Release..................................................................................35 Team Registration Release ............................................................................37 Corporate Breakfast Release ..........................................................................38 Sponsor Recruitment Release ........................................................................40 Sponsors Needed Release ..............................................................................41 College/University Release ............................................................................42 First Year or Annual Youth Release ..............................................................43 School Honored Youth Release .....................................................................44 County and Community Youth Release ........................................................45 Taking the Fight Online Release....................................................................47 Helping Fight Cancer Online Release............................................................49 Survivors’ Lap Release ..................................................................................50 Survivors’ Lap Release ..................................................................................51 “DAY OF” Release ........................................................................................52 Survivor Reception/Dinner Release ...............................................................54 Survivor Reception/Dinner Release #2 ..........................................................55 Overnight Release # 1 ....................................................................................56 Overnight Release #2 .....................................................................................58 Luminaria Ceremony Release ........................................................................60 Honorary Chair Announcement Release .......................................................61 Task Force Announcement Release ...............................................................62 Volunteer Honored for Dedication Release ...................................................63 Queen of Relay Release .................................................................................64 Make a Resolution to get Involved Release ...................................................65 Wrap-up Release ............................................................................................66 Wrap-up Release #2 .......................................................................................68 Relay Check Presentation Release .................................................................70 ACS Recognizes Event ..................................................................................71 Programs to Residents Release ......................................................................72 Service Release ..............................................................................................74 Education Release ..........................................................................................76 Hope for Communities Release .....................................................................77 Quality of Life Release ..................................................................................79 Research Release ...........................................................................................81 Researcher Relay Speaker Release ................................................................82 Advocacy Release ..........................................................................................84 Governor Proclaims Release ..........................................................................85 General ACS Release .....................................................................................87 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Announcing Relay release - print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) Residents Set to Fight Back Against Cancer in (MONTH) at Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) (CITY, State) — (CITY’s) walkers will go around the clock to fight cancer during the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY). This celebration of life brings the numerous groups and individuals concerned about cancer together in an effort to fight back. Teams of will gather at (LOCATION) overnight to join the fight against cancer from (TIME) on (DATE) until (TIME) on (DATE). The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is a life-changing event that brings together more than 3.5 million people every year to celebrate the lives of those who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and empower individuals and communities to fight back against a disease that takes so much. Relay For Life opens as cancer survivors (anyone who has ever been diagnosed with cancer) and caregivers walk or use a wheelchair to complete the first lap. This is an emotional time that sets the stage of the importance of each participant’s contribution. A festive atmosphere develops around the track. As walkers make new friends and spend time with old ones, the Relay heats up and the camp-out begins. An atmosphere of camaraderie is created with team members entertaining each other: eating, playing games and, of course, walking for a great cause. Highlighting the evening is the luminaria ceremony that takes place after dark to honor cancer survivors and to remember those lost. Luminaria line the track and are left burning throughout the night to remind participants of the importance of their efforts. “Relay For Life is as much an awareness raiser about the progress against cancer as it is a fundraiser,” said (NAME), event chair. “Many of the participants will be people who have dealt with cancer themselves. Their involvement is proof of the progress that has been made in improving cancer survival rates and the quality of life following cancer treatment.” “The funds raised will enable us to continue our investment in the fight against cancer by helping people stay well, by helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back,” said (NAME). -more- American Cancer Society Relay For Life American Cancer Society Announces Relay For Life page 2 “Due to the generosity of corporate sponsors like (LIST CORPORATE SPONSORS ALPHABETICALLY), the money raised by participants comes back to our community by directly benefiting all of the American Cancer Society’s lifesaving programs.” Information about how to form a team or become involved in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life is available at or by calling the local Society office at (LOCAL PHONE NUMBER). For more information about cancer, call the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour help-line at 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Community Release - print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) (COMMUNITY) Families and Friends Fight Back Against Cancer in Overnight Event (CITY, State) — Walkers (and joggers) will go around the clock in the battle against cancer during the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY), now in its (XX) year. Teams of (COMMUNITY) residents will gather at (LOCATION) on (DATE) at (TIME) for an overnight relay against cancer. Relay For Life is a family-oriented team event where participants can walk relay-style around the track and take part in fun activities off the track. Teams can include coworkers, club members, family and friends who have gathered donations prior to the event. (ADD LOCAL INFORMATION ABOUT SITE, REGISTRATION, ENTERTAINMENT, PRIZES, AND OTHER IMPORTANT DETAILS). “The American Cancer Society Relay For Life offers a opportunity for survivors, current cancer patients, friends, family, anyone really, to come together in the fight against cancer,” said (SPOKESPERSON). “Many of the participants are cancer survivors who serve as reminders that our community is not immune to this disease and we can actually help our friends, families and neighbors who have been touched by cancer.” All are invited to attend the luminaria ceremony, which takes place after sundown. To honor the community’s cancer survivors and caregivers while remembering those lost to the disease, participants circle the track lined with glowing luminaria (candle lanterns) while the names of survivors and those lost to the disease are read aloud. Luminaria may be purchased for $(AMOUNT) by calling (PHONE NUMBER). Funds raised at Relay For Life will enable the American Cancer Society to support local services and resources for cancer patients and their families. Funds also support critical cancer research and community education programs designed to teach people how to reduce their risk of developing cancer. -more- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Overnight Event Page 2 Relay For Life events take place in more than (NUMBER) communities throughout (STATE), raising $(AMOUNT) million for the fight against cancer. To locate a Relay For Life event and find out how you can get involved visit, call 1-800-227-2345, available 24-hours a day, seven days a week, or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Anniversary Release - print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) (COMMUNITY) Celebrates More Birthdays and (NUMBER) Anniversary of Relay For Life $(DOLLAR AMOUNT) Raised in (#) years for American Cancer Society Research and Programs (CITY or COUNTY, State) — (COMMUNITY) residents will gather at (LOCATION) ON (DATE) at (TIME) to celebrate the (NUMBER) anniversary of the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY). Over the course of (NUMBER) years, the Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) has raised a total of $(DOLLAR AMOUNT) to help in the fight against cancer, while involving more than (NUMBER) participants walking a combined (NUMBER) miles. (INSERT AN INSPIRATIONAL HUMAN INTEREST STORY SUCH AS SOMEONE WHO WALKED THE FIRST YEAR AND IS STILL WALKING, TWO OR THREE GENERATIONS OF WALKERS WHOSE LIVES HAVE BEEN TOUCHED BY CANCER, OR A SPECIAL TEAM OR SOMEONE WHO PARTICIPATED IN THE FIRST WALK IN HONOR OF SOMEONE ELSE AND NOW HAS CANCER HIM OR HERSELF.) “I feel honored to be a part of this uplifting event,” said (PERSON PROFILED ABOVE). “I have made a personal commitment both to create awareness about the progress against cancer and help raise the funds necessary to continue the fight against the disease.” (THIS STATEMENT CAN ALSO BE PERSONALIZED TO INCLUDE REFERENCES TO THE REASONS THE PERSON IS WALKING.) Relay For Life is a fun-filled overnight event that mobilizes communities throughout the country to celebrate survivors (anyone who has ever been diagnosed with cancer), remember loved ones and raise money for the fight against cancer. The American Cancer Society Relay For Life first started in May 1985, when Dr. Gordy Klatt took the first step of this 24-hour walk around the track in Tacoma, Wash., raising $27,000 to support the American Cancer Society. For more information on how you can get involved in Relay visit or call 1-800-227-2345. The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample 25th Anniversary Release - print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) Largest Fundraising Activity Celebrates 25 Years of Hope American Cancer Society Relay For Life Continues Cancer Fighting Mission (LOCATION) – (DATE) – In May of 2009, the American Cancer Society Relay For Life will reach the milestone of 25 years of community presence and action in the fight against cancer. Communities across the country are starting their celebrations now in honor of this tremendous achievement. Since 1985, the American Cancer Society Relay For Life has grown from one man – Dr. Gordy Klatt, who walked, jogged, and ran around a track for 24 hours raising money for his local American Cancer Society unit – to a movement to eliminate cancer that now takes place in 5,000 communities in the United States and in 20 other countries around the world. More than 3.5 million people participate in the life-changing event, which has raised a total of more than $3 billion to fund the American Cancer Society’s mission. “As we approach our 25th year of Relay, we can both reflect on and look forward to all the ways we can celebrate, remember, and fight back through Relay and because of Relay,” said (VOLUNTEER OR STAFF). “For 25 years Relay has given cancer survivors, cancer patients, caregivers, family, friends, and entire communities a place where their voices can be heard in the fight against cancer.” (INSERT AN INSPIRATIONAL HUMAN INTEREST STORY SUCH AS SOMEONE WHO WALKED THE FIRST YEAR AND IS STILL WALKING, TWO OR THREE GENERATIONS OF WALKERS WHOSE LIVES HAVE BEEN TOUCHED BY CANCER, OR A SPECIAL TEAM OR SOMEONE WHO PARTICIPATED IN THE FIRST WALK IN HONOR OF SOMEONE ELSE AND NOW HAS CANCER HIM OR HERSELF.) The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) takes place at (TIME) on (DATE) at (LOCATION). To participate, call your American Cancer Society at (PHONE NUMBER). Information about Relay For Life is available 24 hours a day by visiting -more- American Cancer Society Relay For Life 25 Years of Hope page 2 For information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour help line at 1800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Relay University Release - print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) (NUMBER) Counties Come Together, Ready to Fight Back! Workshop prepares participants for upcoming American Cancer Society Relay For Life Season (CITY, State) On (DATE), volunteers from (NUMBER) different counties will arrive in (CITY, STATE) to attend the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life University at (LOCATION). The university is an all day workshop designed to educate volunteers about the American Cancer Society’s mission and its annual signature event, Relay For Life. More than (NUMBER) volunteers will attend this year’s Relay University. These dedicated individuals will take a leadership role as they learn the recruitment and fundraising techniques needed to facilitate a successful Relay For Life event. Volunteers will have the opportunity to (LIST ACTIVITIES AT RELAY U HERE i.e., walk through the American Cancer Society’s virtual office, shop at the Relay Store and attend two of the five breakout sessions). Breakout sessions are designed to assist volunteers in planning and managing a Relay For Life event in their county. Breakout session topics include: (ENTER NAMES OF SESSIONS OR OTHER ACTIVITIES). Relay For Life is the signature overnight event of the American Cancer Society. Money raised from the event goes to aid in the fight against cancer. Relayers come together to celebrate the lives of those who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and empower communities to fight back against a disease that takes too much from too many. To learn more about the American Cancer Society Relay For Life event visit To learn more about the American Cancer Society’s research, prevention, advocacy, patient services, and early detection programs, call 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample First Year Release - print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) Fight Back Against Cancer and Celebrate More Birthdays Volunteer For the Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) (CITY, State) — The local American Cancer Society office of (CITY/COUNTY) is looking for volunteers and teams for the inaugural Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY). They are hosting a meeting at (TIME) on (DATE) at (LOCATION) to share with residents the importance of Relay For Life in the fight against cancer. Relay For Life is a fun-filled, overnight event that mobilizes communities throughout the country to celebrate survivors, remember loved ones and raise money for the fight against cancer. “Relay For Life raises awareness about the progress against cancer while also raising funds to fight the disease,” said (NAME), (TITLE) for the American Cancer Society. “Individuals who are willing to give their time and energy to this exciting event, as a volunteer or participant, have made a commitment to fight back against cancer and let the community know that cancer can be beat.” Teams of eight to 15 members gather with tents and sleeping bags to participate in Relay For Life, the largest fundraising walk in the nation. Relay For Life unites friends, families, businesses, hospitals, schools, and churches ... people from all walks of life. Teams seek sponsorships prior to the Relay, all with the goal of supporting a cure for cancer. Volunteers are needed to organize and recruit teams, seek community support, coordinate logistics, find refreshments and prizes, plan entertainment and lend their support in any way. If you would like to reserve a seat for the informational meeting on (DATE), volunteer on the Relay For Life committee or serve as a team captain, contact (NAME) at (PHONE NUMBER). For more information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour help line at 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Committee Meeting release – print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) Relay For Life of (TOWN/COUNTY NAME) Committee to Host Meeting on (DATE) (CITY, State) — The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (TOWN/COUNTY NAME) committee is hosting a meeting on (MONTH and DAY) at (TIME) at the (LOCATION) to share with residents the importance of Relay For Life in the fight against cancer. Relay For Life is the signature event of the American Cancer Society. It is a fun-filled, overnight event that mobilizes communities throughout the country to celebrate survivors, remember loved ones, and empower others to fight back against a disease that takes too much. “The American Cancer Society Relay For Life raises awareness about the progress against cancer while also raising funds to fight the disease,” said (NAME), (TITLE) for the American Cancer Society. “Individuals who are willing to give their time and energy to this exciting event, as a volunteer or participant, have made a commitment to fight back against cancer and let the community know that cancer can be beat.” Teams of eight to 15 members gather with tents and sleeping bags to participate in the largest fundraising walk in the nation. Relay For Life unites friends, families, businesses, hospitals, schools and churches ... people from all walks of life. Teams seek sponsorship prior to the Relay, all with the goal of supporting a cure for cancer. Volunteers are needed to organize and recruit teams, seek community support, coordinate logistics, find refreshments and prizes, plan entertainment and lend their support in any way. For more information on the (MONTH and DAY) meeting, or if you would like to volunteer on the Relay For Life committee, please contact (NAME) at (PHONE NUMBER). For more information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour help line at 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Seeking Teams Release - print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) A Sleepover for a Cause: American Cancer Society Seeking Additional Teams for Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) (CITY, State) — The American Cancer Society is seeking teams for the Relay For Life of (CITY/COUNTY). An informational meeting will take place at (TIME) on (DATE) at (LOCATION) to share with community members the importance of Relay For Life and its impact on the fight against cancer. Relay For Life is the American Cancer Society’s national signature, overnight fundraising activity. Teams of eight to 15 members gather with tents and sleeping bags to participate in the largest fundraising walk in the nation. Relay For Life unites friends, families, businesses, hospitals, schools and churches… people from all walks of life. Teams seek sponsorship prior to the Relay, all with the goal of supporting a cure for cancer. Teams are encouraged to sign up early for the (NUMBER) annual (or first) American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (CITY/COMMUNITY) to take place (DATE) at (LOCATION) in (CITY/TOWN). “By organizing early, teams have more time to raise money for the American Cancer Society,” said (NAME, TITLE), for the American Cancer Society. Relay For Life is a fun-filled, overnight event that mobilizes communities throughout the country to celebrate survivors, remember loved ones, and empower others to fight back against a disease that takes too much. “The event raises awareness about the progress against cancer while also raising funds to fight the disease,” said (NAME). “Individuals who are willing to give their time and energy to this exciting community event, as a volunteer or as a participant, have made a commitment to fight back against cancer.” Team captains have a critical role in the Relay. A (CAPTAIN’S UNIVERSITY or NAME OF MEETING) meeting is planned to jump start enthusiasm and to help get teams on the right track. -more- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Teams Needed for Relay For Life page 2 Team captain duties include: Recruit eight to 15 team members at work, church, community clubs, civic organizations, family, friends or neighbors. Attend Relay captain team meetings. Secure team commitment fee of $10 per team member from sponsor or team members. (The fee helps cover the costs of printing registration materials and other event overhead costs.) Fill out paperwork completely. Set a fundraising goal for the team and for individual members. Encourage and plan team fundraising events. Host team meetings. Recognize team successes and promote team spirit. Encourage team members to turn in money by deadline. Account for all team money. Encourage team members to sell luminaria and to write names or decorate the bags for the event. Attend bank night to turn in the team’s money. Develop a team theme for the team’s campsite at the Relay. For more information on the Relay For Life or to register a team, contact (NAME) at (PHONE NUMBER) or email (him/her) at (ADDRESS). You can also visit to connect with other Relayers in your community and across the nation. To learn more about the American Cancer Society’s research, prevention, advocacy, patient services, and early detection programs, call 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Team Registration Release – print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) Don’t Be Left Off the Track Register Your American Cancer Society Relay For Life Team Today (CITY, State) — The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) is just around the corner. Register your team today by calling the American Cancer Society at (PHONE NUMBER). Relay For Life is a fun-filled, overnight event that mobilizes communities throughout the country to celebrate survivors, remember loved ones lost, and raise money for the fight against cancer. Survivors and current cancer patients, caregivers, families, businesses, civic organizations, and the public are invited to take part in this exciting, team event. Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) takes place from (TIME) on (DATE) until (TIME) on (DATE) at (LOCATION). The American Cancer Society Relay For Life unites friends, families, businesses, hospitals, schools and churches…people from all walks of life. Teams seek sponsorship prior to the Relay, all with the goal of supporting a cure for cancer. “Relay For Life brings the progress against cancer to the forefront,” said (NAME), event chair. “Many participants are our family, friends, and neighbors who have been cured of cancer themselves. Their involvement is proof of the progress that has been made not just in cancer cure rates, but also in the quality of life following cancer treatment.” “The funds raised enable us to continue our investment in the fight against cancer through research, education, advocacy and services to patients,” said (NAME). “Due to the generosity of corporate sponsors like (SPONSOR NAMES), the money raised by participants goes directly to the American Cancer Society’s lifesaving programs.” Information about how to form a team or become involved in Relay For Life is available by calling (PHONE NUMBER) or visiting For more information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour help line at 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Corporate Breakfast Release – print on ACS letterhead Contact: NAME, PHONE NUMBER (DATE) Breakfast Benefits American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) Executives come together in fight against cancer (CITY, State) — On (DATE), (NAME(S), TITLE(S) and COMPANY NAME(S), and (NAME), owner of (COMPANY NAME), will host a Corporate Breakfast for the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (CITY) at (LOCATION). By hosting this Corporate Breakfast, these (NUMBER of EXECUTIVES) are inviting all (CITY) business executives to join them to learn more about the corporate involvement opportunities available with the Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY). In (YEAR), more than (NUBMER) (CITY) residents participated on Relay teams, and more than (NUMBER) survivors and caregivers walked the opening lap. In order to celebrate and honor these local cancer survivors and participants, businesses donated money and/or goods in exchange for recognition at the event. Businesses are again needed to help continue the fight. “We would like to encourage local businesses to assist us in the fight against cancer by sponsoring the Relay,” said (NAME), (TITLE) for the American Cancer Society. “Relay For Life is as much an awareness raiser about the progress against cancer as it is a fundraiser. Businesses willing to give their time and energy to this exciting event, as a sponsor or participant, are making a commitment to fight back against this disease and let the community know that they care.” Relay For Life is the signature, overnight event of the American Cancer Society. As the largest fundraising walk in the nation, Relay mobilizes communities throughout the country to celebrate survivors, remember loved ones and raise money for the fight against cancer. The (YEAR) American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) will take place on (DATES) at (LOCATION). -more- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Corporate Breakfast for Relay For Life page 2 If you would like to learn how your business could become involved in Relay For Life join (COMPANY NAME), (COMPANY NAME) and (COMPANY NAME) at the Corporate Breakfast, on (DATE) at (TIME), at (LOCATION), (ADDRESS). To R.S.V.P. for the breakfast call (NAME) at (PHONE NUMBER) or email (EMAIL ADDRESS). To learn more about Relay For Life and connect with Relayers in your community and around the world visit For more information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour help line at 1-800-ACS- 2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Sponsor recruitment Release – print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) Local Companies Needed to Create More Birthdays! American Cancer Society Relay For Life Seeking Sponsors (CITY, State) — The American Cancer Society urges local companies to take up the fight against cancer in their communities by becoming sponsors of the American Cancer Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY). Cancer touches the lives of everyone, and involvement in this event is a great way to demonstrate that a company cares. Sponsorships can be tailored to a company’s ability to give. Relay For Life continues its growth across the nation and around the world. Thousands of people will participate this year in (NUMBER) Relay For Life events across (STATE) and more than 5,000 events total across the country. Relay For Life is a fun-filled, overnight event designed to celebrate survivorship (anyone who has ever been diagnosed with cancer), remember loved ones lost, and raise money to support the American Cancer Society’s mission of eliminating cancer as a major health threat. During the event, teams of people gather at schools, fairgrounds, or parks and take turns walking laps. Each team tries to keep at least one team member on the track at all times. Relay For Life is also a fundraiser. Each team member is asked to raise money before the event. Teams solicit donations; have garage sales, host car washes, and more. (NEED TO RELATE THIS BACK TO SPONSOR SINCE THAT IS WHAT RELEASE IS ABOUT) If you would like to become a corporate sponsor or find out how to build a team for the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY), call (LOCAL NUMBER) or visit For more information about cancer, call 1-800-227-2345, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Sponsors Needed Release - print on ACS letterhead Contact: NAME, PHONE NUMBER (DATE) Deadline for Relay For Life Sponsors Approaches (CITY, State) — The sponsor deadline for the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) is approaching. Relay For Life is a fun-filled, overnight event that mobilizes communities throughout the country to celebrate survivors, remember loved ones and raise money for the fight against cancer. The Relay For Life of (CITY/COUNTY) takes place from (TIME) on (DATE) until (TIME) on (DATE) at (LOCATION). Corporate sponsors can donate money or goods (such as food) for the participants, or even contribute money in exchange for recognition at the event. “We would like to encourage local businesses to support us in the fight against cancer by sponsoring the Relay,” said (NAME), (TITLE). “Their sponsorship ultimately helps our community by funding the Society programs and services vital to our citizens. The deadline for all sponsors is (DATE).” If you would like to be a corporate sponsor of the Relay For Life, please contact (NAME) at (PHONE NUMBER). To learn more about Relay For Life and connect with Relayers in your community and around the world, visit For more information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour help line at 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample College/University Release print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) SHO US UR HOPE (Show Us Your Hope)! Join the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY NAME) (CITY, State) — The American Cancer Society is seeking dedicated volunteers and teams for the Relay For Life of (COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY). They are hosting a meeting at (TIME) on (DATE) at (LOCATION) to share with students the importance of Relay For Life’s impact on their lives in the fight against cancer. Relay For Life is a fun-filled, overnight event that mobilizes communities throughout the country to celebrate survivors, remember loved ones and raise money for the fight against cancer. “Relay For Life is a great way for (UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE NAME) students to get involved in their community in a fun event and help save the lives of those facing cancer,” said (NAME), (TITLE) for the American Cancer Society. “Students, who are willing to give their time and energy to this exciting event, as a volunteer or participant, are taking responsibility and making a commitment to the fight against cancer and they’re letting the community know that cancer can be beat.” Relay For Life unites people from all walks of life at the largest fundraising walk in the nation. Teams seek sponsorship prior to the Relay, all with the goal of supporting a cure for cancer. Students are needed to organize and recruit teams, seek community support, coordinate logistics, find refreshments and prizes, plan entertainment and lend their support in any way. If you would like to reserve your place for the informational meeting on (DATE), volunteer on the Relay For Life of (UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE) committee, or serve as a team captain, contact (NAME) at (PHONE NUMBER). For more information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour help line at 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample First Year or annual Youth Release print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) American Cancer Society Relay For Life Impacts All Ages Youth Relay event planned for (COMMUNITY (CITY, State) — More than (NUMBER) area (GRADE) students are participating in the (NUMBER) annual Youth Relay For Life of (CITY). The American Cancer Society Youth Relay is (DAY), (DATE) from (TIME) to (DAY), (DATE) at (TIME) at the (LOCATION). Youth Relays give young adults the opportunity to be involved in the battle against cancer and lets them see through their own eyes why cancer research is so important. By fighting alongside other young adults committed to the cause, Youth Relays effectively stimulate the next generation to address local issues and concerns, including cancer prevention and detection, through collaborative efforts. According to (YEAR) Cancer Facts & Figures publication, mortality rates from childhood cancers have declined by approximately (NUMBER) percent since (YEAR). Progress in the development of effective new treatments for children with cancer has been particularly significant during the past three decades. As of (MONTH, YEAR), the Society has (NUMBER) grants in effect, totaling more than $(AMOUNT) million, related to childhood cancer. While much progress has been made, more work needs to be done in order to continue seeking new advancements in the treatment of childhood cancers. Relay For Life is one way you can help raise money to assist in those efforts. The Youth Relay For Life of (CITY) will be chaperoned. For more information about the event, contact (NAME) at the American Cancer Society, (PHONE NUMBER). For more information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour help line at 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample School Honored Youth Release – print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) American Cancer Society Honors (NAME) School Students raise the most funds per team for Youth Relay For Life (CITY, State) — (NAME) School was honored (DATE OR DAY) by the American Cancer Society for raising the most money per team member for (SCHOOL’S) (NUMBER) annual Youth Relay For Life event. The event was (DATE) from (TIME) to (DATE) at (TIME) at the (LOCATION) in (CITY). The (NAME) team of (NUMBER) students raised an average of $(AMOUNT) each to win the award. The students were awarded (LIST AWARD-EXAMPLE…treated to a pizza party), courtesy of (NAME OF COMPANY) in (CITY). (NUMBER) area (MIDDLE/HIGH) schools participated in the Youth Relay For Life including (LIST SCHOOLS THAT PARTICIPATED). Relay For Life, the largest fundraising walk in the nation, mobilizes communities throughout the country to celebrate survivors, remember loved ones lost and empowers others to fight back against a disease that takes too much. This year’s Youth Relay in (CITY) brought middle school-aged students together as they raised money for the event in a variety of ways. Childhood cancers are rare. According to the American Cancer Society Cancer Facts & Figures (YEAR) publication, mortality rates from childhood cancers have declined by approximately (NUMBER) percent since (YEAR). Progress in the development of effective new treatments for children with cancer has been particularly significant during the past three decades. As of (MONTH, YEAR), the Society has (NUMBER) grants in effect, totaling more than $(AMOUNT) million, related to childhood cancer. While much progress has been made, more work needs to be done in order to continue seeking new advancements in the treatment of childhood cancers. Relay For Life is one way you can help raise money to assist in those efforts. For more information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour help line at 1-800227-2345 or visit their Web site at The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample County and Youth Release print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) American Cancer Society Relay For Life Working to Create a World with More Birthdays! Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) and the Youth Relay in (CITY) Coming Soon (CITY, State) — Tighten those shoelaces; it’s Relay time again! The (NUMBER) annual American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (NAME) is on (DATE), from (TIME), at (LOCATION). This “celebration of life and hope” brings the community together in a unified effort to fight cancer and symbolizes the battle cancer patients face after they are diagnosed with the disease. Relay For Life is a fun-filled, overnight event that mobilizes communities to celebrate survivors and remember loved ones. Teams of eight to 15 members gather to participate and raise funds for the American Cancer Society’s programs and services. Participants come to celebrate the lives of those who’ve battled and won, remember those lost to cancer, and empower others to fight back against a disease that takes too much. “Cancer does not stop at nighttime, so we’re not going to stop at nighttime either,” said (NAME), Relay For Life of (NAME) chair. “We hope the community will join us in this fight.” To volunteer or register your team for this event, call (NAME) at (PHONE NUMBER). Cancer does not discriminate – it affects everyone. Like adults, youths want to fight back against the disease that has attacked a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, sibling, friend or even themselves. That’s why the American Cancer Society is also hosting a Youth Relay For Life of (NAME) on (DATE), from (TIME), at (LOCATION). Youth Relays give young adults the opportunity to be involved in the battle against cancer and lets them see through their own eyes why cancer research is so important. By fighting alongside other young adults committed to the cause, Youth Relays effectively stimulate our next generation to address local issues and concerns, including cancer prevention and detection, through collaborative efforts. Information about how to form a team or become involved in the Youth Relay For Life of (NAME) is available by calling (NAME) at (PHONE NUMBER). -more- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Gearing Up for the American Cancer Society Relay For Life page 2 For more information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour help line at 1-800-227-2345 or visit To learn more about Relay For Life, visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Taking the Fight Online Release print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) Fight Back With the Click of a Mouse (COMMUNITY) Residents take cancer fight to the Internet (CITY, State) – (CITY/COUNTY) is ready to Relay – online. The annual American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) has an interactive Web site that highlights specific information about the event and cancer-related topics. Relay online is also an easy and fun way to accept team registrations and collect credit card donations. This year’s American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (CITY/COUNTY NAME) is (TIME/DATE/PLACE). Relay For Life is the Society’s signature fundraising event. Teams of eight to 15 people camp out for overnight, each taking a turn walking laps around a track, socializing and participating in planned activities. Teams can be made up of family, friends, coworkers or community groups. Relays around the nation have taken the fight against cancer online, and have seen increases in both participation and dollars raised. General cancer awareness is also a goal of Relay For Life by providing lifesaving cancer information throughout the event and online. “Relaying online is an easy way to spread the word about Relay For Life and ask for support. Part of my registration included a personal Web page that I dedicated to telling my personal cancer story,” said (PARTICIPANT NAME, TITLE). Once individuals form or join a team, they can share their personal reason for Relaying, and send out emails to friends and family asking for support of the cause through participation or a monetary donation. Top fundraising teams, individual fundraisers and sponsors are highlighted on the front page of the Web site. Teams can even keep track of their total donations raised from the site. The Web site address is (Web site address). “Of the millions of ways that the Internet is used today, from social networking to online purchasing, raising money and awareness to fight a disease that affects almost all of us is the best one that I’ve come across. We are thrilled to be Relaying online in our community. -more- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Taking the Fight Against Cancer Online page 2 This Web site will make a huge impact in the way that we fight cancer,” said (COMMITTEE CHAIR NAME / POSITION). Relay has been bringing cancer survivors and anyone touched by the disease together since 1985. The first Relay For Life was in Tacoma, Wash., when its founder, Dr. Gordy Klatt, decided to run for 24 hours at his local high school’s track with the idea that cancer never sleeps. That year, Dr. Klatt raised about $27,000 for the American Cancer Society and invited teams of friends and families to join him in the future. Today, more than 4,300 communities across America host their own Relay For Life and the event has raised more than $1.8 billion for the fight against cancer. As the most successful not-for-profit event in America, Relay For Life provides a platform for raising cancer awareness and connecting communities to the programs and services of the American Cancer Society. For more information about online giving or the Relay For Life visit or call your local American Cancer Society office at (LOCAL NUMBER). For more information on cancer call 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Helping Fight Cancer Online Release print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) Save a Check and Donate Online! American Cancer Society Relay For Life raises money through event Web site (CITY, State) — The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (CITY)’s Web site is now available. People interested in giving to the fight against cancer are encouraged to visit (WEB SITE ADDRESS) to make a donation to the local event. More than (NUMBER) teams at the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (CITY) are registering at this online Web site to seek community support. “This is an easy way for everyone to join the fight against cancer,” said (NAME), (TITLE). “Cancer has touched so many lives in our community. We want to find a cure and stop the anguish this disease can cause.” When visiting the site, donors can make a general donation or support a specific team or individual. The process is quick and easy. Relay For Life is the signature event of the American Cancer Society. It is a fun-filled, overnight event that mobilizes communities throughout the country to celebrate survivors, remember loved ones and empower others to fight back against a disease that takes too much. If you are interested in forming a team at this year’s event, join us at the kick-off event on (DATE) at (TIME) at the (LOCATION). Society volunteers and staff will show you how to make a difference in (CITY) by forming a team at the Relay For Life. The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (CITY) begins at (TIME) on (DAY), (DATE) and lasts until (TIME) on (DAY), (DATE). For more information about online giving or the Relay For Life visit or call your local American Cancer Society office at (LOCAL NUMBER). For more information on cancer call 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Survivors’ Lap Release - print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) American Cancer Society is Helping People Stay Well Relay For Life Event Celebrates More Birthdays with Opening Survivors’ Lap (CITY, State) — The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (CITY) celebrates the lives of hundreds of local residents who have survived cancer, while offering the hope of finding a cure. To honor the incredible strength and courage of cancer survivors, all area survivors are invited to unite in a “Survivors’ Lap,” followed by a survivor reception, at the Relay For Life event in (CITY) at the (LOCATION) on (DAY), (DATE). The survivors’ lap takes place directly after the opening ceremony at (TIME). The Relay For Life event in (CITY/COMMUNITY), (DATES), is an overnight community event bringing together teams of families, friends, churches, neighborhoods, and businesses – all with the same goal of curing cancer. Teams of walkers keep a continuous presence on the track throughout the night, walking in shifts to raise funds for the American Cancer Society. Dollars raised through Relay For Life help support the American Cancer Society’s mission of eliminating cancer by helping people stay well, helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back. Programs include Reach to Recovery ® that provides one-on-one support for breast cancer patients; and (LIST OTHER SERVICES IN COMMUNITY). Relay For Life also helps maintain the American Cancer Society’s toll-free 24-hour cancer information line, 1-800-227-2345, and Web site, This year’s Relay For Life event in (CITY) is sponsored by (XXX) and (XXX). To find out how to get involved in Relay For Life or to volunteer visit or call your local office at (LOCAL NUMBER). You can also email (NAME) at (EMAIL ADDRESS). Relay For Life is a handicapped-accessible event. The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Survivors’ Lap Release - print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) Survivors Walk For Every Birthday Threatened by Cancer American Cancer Society Relay For Life Opening Lap Honors Survivors and Caregivers (CITY, State) — In a nation where more than one million people will be diagnosed with cancer this year, (COMMUNITY) residents are invited to take a stand and fight back while celebrating life at the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY). The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is a unique fundraising event where teams of participants take turns walking or running the track overnight in an effort to fight cancer. Teams camp out, eat and play games. This year’s Relay For Life will be held at (LOCATION) on (DATE). The message of the event is cancer can be conquered. This theme of hope is illustrated as the ceremony begins with a cancer survivors’ lap at (TIME). This emotional lap honors the courage of all who have defeated cancer. The survivors are introduced, and participants walk, run or use a wheelchair during the opening lap — unified in victory and in hope. The atmosphere of Relay For Life is one of camaraderie and celebration, providing an opportunity for cancer survivors and caregivers to pass the torch of hope on to those still battling cancer or those that might be touched by cancer in the future. If you are a cancer survivor and would like to take part in the Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY), please call your American Cancer Society at (PHONE NUMBER). All survivors receive a free commemorative Relay For Life T-shirt. For more information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour help line at 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample “DAY OF” Release - print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) American Cancer Society Relay For Life in (COMMUNITY) “Survivors’ Lap” Puts Face on Fight Against Cancer (CITY or COUNTY, State) — The (#) annual American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY), set to begin at (TIME and DATE) through (TIME and DATE) at (LOCATION), is a celebration of cancer survivorship and a fun way to raise the vital funds needed to help find a cure for cancer. The event will celebrate the lives of hundreds of local residents who have survived cancer, while offering the hope of finding a cure. Some (NUMBER) walkers are hoping to raise $(AMOUNT) to benefit the American Cancer Society. “The event will begin with a survivors’ lap where hundreds of cancer survivors and their caregivers will take a victory lap around the track. The involvement of local cancer survivors is proof of the progress that has been made in improving cancer survival rates and the quality of life following cancer treatment,” said (NAME), (TITLE), for the American Cancer Society. A candlelight ceremony also takes place to honor cancer survivors and remember those who lost the fight against this disease. The candle lighting will begin at (TIME and DATE), and luminaria bags for the ceremony can be purchased at the event. Relay For Life is an overnight community event bringing together teams of families, friends, churches, neighborhoods, and businesses – all with the same goal of conquering cancer. Teams of walkers keep a continuous presence on the track throughout the night, walking in shifts to raise funds for the American Cancer Society. A full agenda of entertainment is planned, including music, team fundraising activities, fun theme laps and contests all night long (CUSTOMIZE). Relay For Life is a handicappedaccessible event. Funds raised during Relay For Life help support the American Cancer Society’s mission of eliminating cancer by helping people stay well, by helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back -more- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Survivors’ Lap Celebrates page 2 Helping you stay well. Finding cancer early can mean the difference between life and death. The Society helps you take steps to prevent cancer or detect it at its earliest and provide the most up-to-date information about how to reduce your cancer risk by heathly lifestyle choices. Contact 1-800-227-22345 or for more information. Helping you get well. Having cancer is hard. Finding help shouldn’t be. The Society is in your corner, around the clock to guide you through your cancer experience. The Society can help patients and their families make informed decisions about care, find moral support from others who have been there and offer practical solutions to daily challenges. Finding cures. The Society funds and conducts groundbreaking research that helps scientists understand cancer’s causes, determine how best to prevent it, and discover new ways to cure it. The Society is the largest private funder of cancer research. Fighting Back. Cancer is not just a health issue, but a political issue. The Society advocates for people to have access to critical cancer screenings and follow-up treatment – regardless of income. Some examples include: increasing government funding for cancer research, establishing smoke-free policies, and improving access to affordable, quality healthcare. In (YEAR), more than three million people participated and more than (NUMBER) cancer survivors walked the opening laps. Relay For Life, the American Cancer Society’s largest signature and the most successful national fundraiser, is evolving into a worldwide movement to end cancer. So far, Relay For Life events have raised $351 million at more than 5,000 sites throughout the United States and takes place in 20 other countries. For more information about the American Cancer Society, call 1-800-227-2345, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Survivor Reception/Dinner Release – print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) American Cancer Society Celebrates Strength of Survivors Cancer Survivors invited to attend Survivors’ Reception (CITY, State) — The American Cancer Society would like to extend an invitation to cancer survivors and their guest to a celebration reception. On (DAY, AND DATE OF MONTH), the American Cancer Society is hosting the (NUMBER) annual Relay For Life of (CITY/AREA) Cancer Survivors’ Reception. The reception will take place at (LOCATION AND ADDRESS). (EXPLAIN A LITTLE BIT HERE ABOUT THE RECEPTION…WILL THERE BE FOOD, OR ACTIVITIES? EXAMPLE: (NAME) Restaurant will generously be offering a complimentary meal to each cancer survivor and his or her guest. Attendees will enjoy (LIST OTHER ITEMS), complete with all of the trimmings. The Survivors’ Reception is a kick-off event hosted before the American Cancer Society Relay For Life, the organization’s signature activity. Relay offers everyone in a community the opportunity to fight back against cancer. “We are very excited about this year’s Cancer Survivors’ Reception,” said (INSERT NAME, AND TITLE). “We are looking forward to paying tribute to the tremendous personal journey that cancer survivors have been on. Every survivor is invited, whether they were diagnosed yesterday or 30 years ago.” For the newly diagnosed, Relay offers an opportunity to meet someone who has survived the same type of cancer. For those in treatment, Relay provides an opportunity to share with others. For the longterm survivor, Relay brings a communities’ recognition of the struggle and closure to a trying time in their life. “At Relay, and at the Survivors’ Reception, everyone understands the challenges that cancer survivors have overcome and there is peace of mind knowing that together we can face the challenges ahead,” said (NAME).Space at the Survivors’ Reception is limited to (NUMBER) survivors and reservations are required by (DATE). For more information, or to make a reservation, please call (PHONE NUMBER). For more information about the American Cancer Society call 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Survivor Reception/Dinner Release #2 – print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) American Cancer Society Honors Cancer Survivors with Celebration or (BDAY THEMED) Dinner in (CITY/COUNTY) (CITY, STATE) The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of ( CITY/COUNTY) encourages cancer survivors and their caregivers to attend a celebration of life and hope on (DATE). The (NUMBER) American Cancer Society Survivors’ Celebration Reception will take place at (LOCATION) and will kick off the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (CITY/COUNTY). The event commemorates the lives of hundreds of (STATE/COUNTY/CITY) residents who have survived cancer, while offering the hope of finding a cure. (RESTAURANT) will offer a complimentary meal to each cancer survivor and his or her guest. Survivors in attendance will also enjoy (EXPLAIN IF THERE ARE GIFTS, ENTERTAINMNET, ETC). “The Cancer Survivors’ Reception is a great opportunity for the community to come together and celebrate life and hope while honoring the personal journey of cancer survivors,” said (NAME AND TITLE). “Every survivor is invited whether they were diagnosed today, yesterday, or 10 years ago.” Relay For Life is an overnight community event bringing together teams of families, friends, churches, neighborhoods, and businesses – all with the same goal of curing cancer. Space at the Survivors’ Celebration Reception is limited to (NUMBER) survivors and their guests. Reservations are required by (DATE). For more information about the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COUNTY/CITY) or cancer, please contact your American Cancer Society at 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Overnight Release - print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) Relay For Life Reflects Fight Back Attitude of Cancer Patients (CITY, State) — The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) is just around the corner. Register your team today by calling (PHONE NUMBER). This “celebration of life” brings the community together in a unified effort to fight cancer and symbolizes the fight patients face after they are diagnosed with the disease. Relay For Life is an overnight, team effort to raise funds for the American Cancer Society’s programs and services. “Cancer does not stop when the sun goes down,” said (NAME), Relay For Life chair. “So we’re not going to stop at either. We hope the community will join us in this overnight fight.” Relay For Life starts at dusk and ends in the morning hours of the following day. The light and darkness of the day and night parallel the physical effects, emotions and mental state of cancer patients while undergoing treatment. The Relay begins when the sun is setting. This symbolizes the time that people are diagnosed with cancer. The day is getting darker, and this represents the cancer patients’ state of mind as they endure the emotions of facing this deadly disease. As the evening goes on, it gets colder and darker, just as the emotions of cancer patients do. Between 1 a.m. and 2 a.m. represents the time when cancer patients start treatment. They become exhausted, some sick, not wanting to go on, and possibly wanting to give up. Participants in Relay feel much the same way while walking during these hours. They cannot stop or give up; just as cancer patients cannot stop or give up. The sun rising represents the end of treatment for cancer patients. They see the light at the end of the tunnel and know that life will go on. The morning light brings on a new day, full of life and excitement. Participants feel the brightness of the morning and know that the end of the Relay is close at hand. -more- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Relay For Life Symbolizes the Fight of a Cancer Patient page 2 When participants leave the Relay, they can think of cancer patients leaving their last treatment. Just as participants are exhausted and weak, so are individuals after treatment. The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) takes place from (TIME) on (DATE) until (TIME) on (DATE) at (LOCATION). Information about how to form a team or become involved is available from the American Cancer Society at (PHONE NUMBER). For more information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour help line at 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Overnight Release #2 - print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) Largest Cancer Fighting Event Goes All Night Long! American Cancer Society Relay For Life Symbolizes the Fight of a Cancer Patient (CITY, State) — (CITY’s) walkers will go around the clock to fight cancer during the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (CITY). This “celebration of life” brings the community together in a unified effort to fight cancer and symbolizes the fight patients face after they are diagnosed with the disease. Enthusiastic teams will gather at (LOCATION) for an overnight Relay to join the fight against cancer from (TIME) on (DATE) until (TIME) on (DATE). Relay For Life is a life-changing event that brings together more than 3.5 million people every year to celebrate the lives of those who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and empower individuals and communities to fight back against a disease that takes so much. Relay For Life opens as cancer survivors (anyone who has ever been diagnosed with cancer) walk or use a wheelchair to complete the first lap. This is an emotional time that sets the stage of the importance of each participant’s contribution. A festive atmosphere develops around the track. As walkers make new friends and spend time with old ones, the Relay heats up and the camp-out begins. An atmosphere of camaraderie is created with team members entertaining each other: eating, playing games and, of course, walking for a great cause. Highlighting the evening is the luminaria ceremony taking place after dark to honor cancer survivors and to remember those we have lost. Luminaria line the track and are left burning throughout the night to remind participants of the importance of their efforts. “Relay For Life is as much an awareness raiser about the progress against cancer as it is a fundraiser,” said (NAME), event chair. “Many of the participants will be people who have dealt with cancer themselves. Their involvement is proof of the progress that has been made in improving cancer survival rates and the quality of life following cancer treatment.” -more- American Cancer Society Relay For Life American Cancer Society Announces Relay For Life page 2 “The funds raised will enable us to continue our investment in the fight against cancer through educational programs, research, advocacy, and services to patients,” said (NAME). “Due to the generosity of corporate sponsors like (LIST CORPORATE SPONSORS ALPHABETICALLY), the money raised by participants comes directly back to our community in the form of American Cancer Society lifesaving programs.” Information about how to form a team or become involved in Relay For Life is available from the American Cancer Society by visiting or by calling your local office at (LOCAL PHONE NUMBER). For more information about cancer, call the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour help-line at 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Luminaria Ceremony Release print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) Lights Shine in Honor of Cancer Survivors and in Remembrance of Those Lost (CITY, State) — A special luminaria ceremony during the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) remembers those lost to cancer and honors those who have battled and won. The luminaria candle lighting to represent these individuals is on (DATE) at (TIME) at (LOCATION). Anyone desiring to purchase a luminaria may do so by contacting (NAME) at (PHONE NUMBER). Each luminaria candle is $(DOLLAR AMOUNT). “It will be beautiful when all the bags with candles are illuminated around the track,” said (NAME), luminaria chair. “We hope to sell enough to light the entire area.” Relay For Life is a fun-filled, overnight event. Teams of eight to 15 members gather with tents and sleeping bags to participate in the largest fundraising walk in the nation. Relay For Life unites friends, families, businesses, hospitals, schools and churches ... people from all walks of life. Teams seek sponsorship prior to the Relay, all with the goal of supporting a cure for cancer. (COMMUNITY) cancer survivors will kick off the Relay For Life on (DATE) at (TIME) with the official survivors’ lap; then the rest of the participants will join the fun. Information about purchasing a luminaria, forming a team or walking in the survivors’ lap is available by calling (PHONE NUMBER). For information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society’s 24hour help line at 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Honorary Chair Announcement Release print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) (NAME) Named Honorary Chair of the American Cancer Society Relay For Life (CITY, State) — The American Cancer Society has selected (NAME) to serve as honorary chair of this year’s Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY). (INCLUDE A PARAGRAPH OF BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION ON CHAIR AND WHY HE/SHE WAS CHOSEN.) Relay For Life is the American Cancer Society’s national signature event and is as much an awareness raiser as a fundraiser. This family-oriented team event brings participants from all parts of the community together in a “celebration of life.” Businesses, civic clubs, churches, friends and families take turns walking and running in relay fashion while they also celebrate the critical role the American Cancer Society plays in the fight against cancer. “The vital research and programs of the American Cancer Society are leading the way to eliminating cancer as a major health problem,” said (HONORARY CHAIR). “I’m proud to participate in Relay For Life. More funds raised translates into more research and more lifesaving programs.” Others serving on the Relay For Life committee include: (LIST OTHER COMMITTEE MEMBERS). The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) takes place at (TIME) on (DATE) at (LOCATION). To participate, call your American Cancer Society at (PHONE NUMBER). For information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour help line at 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Task Force Announcement Release print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) (NAME) to Serve on the American Cancer Society’s (YEAR) Relay For Life Task Force (CITY, State) — The American Cancer Society has selected (NAME), a Society volunteer to serve on this year’s Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) task force. (INCLUDE BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION AND WHY HE/SHE WAS CHOSEN.) Relay For Life is the American Cancer Society’s national signature event and is as much an awareness raiser as a fundraiser. This family-oriented team event brings participants from all parts of the community together in a “celebration of life.” Businesses, civic clubs, churches, friends and families take turns walking and running in relay fashion while they also celebrate the critical role the American Cancer Society plays in the fight against cancer. Relay For Life represents the hope that those lost to cancer will never be forgotten, that those who face cancer will be supported and that one day cancer will be eliminated. “The vital research and programs of the American Cancer Society are leading the way to eliminating cancer as a major health problem,” said (VOLUNTEER PERSON ON TASK FORCE). “I’m proud to participate in Relay For Life. More funds raised in our community translates into more research and more life-saving programs for cancer patients and their families.” Those serving on the Relay For Life task force include: (LIST OTHER COMMITTEE MEMBERS).The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) takes place at (LOCATION) on (DATE). To participate, call your American Cancer Society at (PHONE NUMBER). For information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour help line at 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Volunteer Honored for Dedication Release print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) (CITY) Volunteer Recognized for Dedication in the Fight Against Cancer (NUMBER) Year American Cancer Society Volunteer (CITY, State) — The American Cancer Society is honoring (NAME) for (HIS/HER) long time dedication to the fight against cancer. (NAME) has been a volunteer with the Society for more than (LENGTH OF TIME). (LIST VOLUNTEER’S SOCIETY ACTIVITIES AND OTHER ACCOMPLISHMENTS.) (INSERT A QUOTE FROM THE VOLUNTEER ABOUT HIS/HER TIME VOLUNTEERING AND WHAT IT MEANT TO HIM/HER). “The American Cancer Society could not operate without the valuable contributions of volunteers like (NAME),” said (NAME), (TITLE), for the American Cancer Society. “As the nation’s largest voluntary health organization, we depend upon volunteers to carry our patient support programs and services directly into the community. Volunteers are also critical in raising money the American Cancer Society uses to fund research, advocacy, education, programs and services.” “(VOLUNTEER’S NAME) has been very active in Relay For Life along with (his/her) (OTHER ACS VOLUNTEERING HERE i.e., patient service duties),” said (INSERT NAME, TITLE) for the American Cancer Society. “(HE/SHE) is a dedicated volunteer and supports (HIS/HER) community in the fight against cancer. (VOLUNTEER’S NAME) is not only a superior volunteer but also a friend to all.” (VOLUNTEER’S NAME) will receive a certificate for (HIS/HER) accomplishments and contributions to the American Cancer Society. For information about American Cancer Society programs and services in the (TOWN) area, or to volunteer, call (PHONE NUMBER). You can also visit the American Cancer Society Web site at The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Queen of Relay Release - print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) (COMMUNITY) Men Fight Cancer Wearing Tiaras and Sashes Queen of Relay Contest Big Draw for American Cancer Society (CITY, State) — The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (CITY/COUNTY) will host a Queen of Relay contest the evening of (DATE) at (LOCATION). Interested individuals need to reserve their spot in this competition by (DATE). “The Queen of Relay contest is a fun way to raise money for the fight against cancer,” said (NAME), (TITLE). “Men in the community participate in queen events that include an evening gown and a talent competition. The winner is chosen by a panel of judges.” Relay For Life is a fun-filled, overnight event for the American Cancer Society that mobilizes communities throughout the country to celebrate survivors, remember loved ones and raise money for the fight against cancer. Survivors and current cancer patients, their families, businesses, civic organizations and the public are invited to form teams to take part in this exciting team event. Relay For Life takes place from (TIME) on (DATE) until (TIME) on (DATE) at (LOCATION). Information about the Queen of Relay contest or to form a team for the Relay is available by calling (NAME) at (PHONE NUMBER). For more information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour help line at 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Make a Resolution to get Involved Release print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) Hit the Track and Fight Back for Every Birthday Threatened by Cancer (CITY, State) — When cancer strikes, it seldom takes a day off. As you take some time off to enjoy the holidays with your family, think about joining the battle against cancer with the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (NAME). Volunteer spots are still open for this exciting event scheduled for (DATE). Interested individuals will receive training about the Relay For Life at the local Relay University on (DATE) at the (LOCATION) in (CITY). It is not too late for you to join in the fight. For more information or to get involved, call (NAME) at (PHONE NUMBER) or (NAME) at (PHONE NUMBER). The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is a fun-filled, overnight event that mobilizes communities throughout the country to celebrate survivors, remember loved ones, and raise money for the fight against cancer. Survivors and cancer patients, caregivers, their families, businesses, civic organizations and the public are invited to form teams to take part in this exciting team event. Teams seek sponsorship prior to the Relay, all with the goal of supporting a cure for cancer. Volunteers are needed to organize and recruit teams, seek community support, coordinate logistics, find refreshments and prizes, plan entertainment and lend their support in any way. To volunteer, form a team, or participate, call your local American Cancer Society at (PHONE NUMBER). For more information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour help line at 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Wrap-up Release - print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) American Cancer Society Relay For Life Exceeds $(AMOUNT) Goal in Tough Economy (CITY, State) — Residents of (COMMUNITY) made a giant step toward a cure for cancer on (DATE) when they walked throughout the night during the American Cancer Society Relay For Life. More than (NUMBER) teams and (NUMBER) people came together during this year’s Relay to raise in excess of $(DOLLAR AMOUNT). Money raised during Relay For Life helps fund the American Cancer Society’s mission of eliminating cancer by helping people stay well, helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back. The Society is the largest nonprofit supporter of new cancer research and the largest voluntary health organization fighting cancer in our country and around the world. “We appreciate all the support we received from each of the teams, as well as from our sponsors,” said (NAME), event chair. “We are especially grateful to the many volunteers and their families for all of their hard work to make this event happen.” (NAME) team was the top fundraising team at the event, raising $(DOLLAR AMOUNT). The top individual was (NAME) from the (NAME) team who raised $(DOLLAR AMOUNT). Relay For Life is a family-oriented event where participants enjoy the camaraderie while also raising funds to support the activities of the American Cancer Society. Participants campout and, when they are not taking their turn walking or running, they take part in fun activities and enjoy local entertainment. Relay For Life also raises awareness about cancer by honoring cancer survivors. The Relay began at (TIME) at (LOCATION), when (NUMBER) cancer survivors and caregivers kicked off the event by walking the first lap. A luminaria ceremony at (TIME) illuminated the entire track as participants lit luminaria candles in memory of those who’ve lost the battle to cancer and in support for those still fighting the disease. -more- American Cancer Society Relay For Life American Cancer Society Relay For Life page 2 At the closing ceremony, corporate sponsors received recognition for their contributions. Sponsors for this year’s event included: (LIST CORPORATE SPONSORS). For more information about Relay For Life and how to become involved visit or call your local office at (LOCAL NUMBER). To learn more about cancer call the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour help line at 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Wrap-up Release #2 -print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) (NUMBER) Of (COMMUNITY) Residents + $(AMOUNT) Raised = (NUMBER) of Lives Saved (CITY/COMMUNITY, State) — This weekend’s (NUMBER) annual American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) raised approximately $(AMOUNT) to support the mission of the Society, after (NUMBER) volunteers walked a combined total of approximately (NUMBER) miles at (RELAY SITE). “(COMMUNITY) residents really demonstrated their spirit and inspired hope this weekend,” said (NAME), volunteer chair for the (YEAR) American Cancer Society Relay For Life. “Many cancer survivors showed up to participate as well. It was very touching and emotional for all of us.” The top individual fundraiser was (NAME) who brought in $(AMOUNT); (HIS/HER) team, (TEAM NAME), raised $(AMOUNT), more than any other team. More than (NUMBER) people participated – split into (NUMBER) teams. The teams represented area businesses, churches and organizations (LOCALIZE IF OTHER AFFLIATES WERE INVOLVED). (NAME OF VOLUNTEER CHAIR) said that money raised in the (YEAR) Relay For Life will be used to speed up the search for new weapons to fight cancer. “In order to expand our patient services in (CITY) and research new ways to treat patients, we’ve got to channel more public attention and money into this problem,” (CHAIR NAME) said. “It’s critical that we come together during Relay to help the American Cancer Society achieve its mission of saving lives by helping people stay well, by helping people get well, by finding cures and by fighting back." (VOLUNTEER NAME), who ran as part of the (TEAM NAME) team, said (SHE/HE) was inspired to participate by a friend who is a (TYPE OF CANCER) cancer survivor. “Relay is an opportunity for cancer survivors to show their enthusiasm for life while we also remember those loved ones lost to the disease. We’re all involved for the same reason – to fight against cancer.” (NAME) said. American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) was made possible by (LIST OF SPONSORS ALPHABETICALLY). -more- American Cancer Society Relay For Life American Cancer Society Relay For Life page 2 For more information about Relay For Life and how to become involved, visit To learn more about cancer call the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour help line at 1-800-227-2345 or visit the Web site at The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Relay Check Presentation Release print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) Receives a $(AMOUNT) Donation from (SPONSOR NAME) (City, STATE) — On (DATE), the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) will be accepting a $(AMOUNT) check from (SPONSOR NAME). (COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE) will host the check presentation, at (TIME) at the (LOCATION). (INCLUDE PARAGRAPH ON COMPANY AND THEIR PARTNERSHIP WITH LOCAL RELAY FOR LIFE EVENT). “We are very proud of our employees,” said (NAME), spokesperson for (SPONSOR NAME). “Everyone worked extremely hard to make this happen, and this donation is proof that their work paid off. (SPONSOR NAME) is proud to support this cause.” Relay For Life is a fun-filled, overnight event that mobilizes communities throughout the country to celebrate survivors, remember loved ones, and raise money for the fight against cancer. Teams of eight to 15 members gather with tents and sleeping bags to participate in the largest fundraising walk in the nation. “The funds raised through our Relay For Life events enable us to continue our investment in the fight against cancer by helping people stay well, helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back,” said (NAME), spokesperson for the American Cancer Society. “Due to the generosity of (SPONSOR NAME) and its employees, the money raised goes directly to the American Cancer Society’s lifesaving programs.” For information about the American Cancer Society or Relay For Life, call the 1-800227-2345 or visit the Web site The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample ACS Recognizes Event - print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) Local Relay For Life Community Awarded Top National Honors (CITY, State) — The American Cancer Society is proud to announce that the Relay For Life of (TOWN/COUNTY) ranked (NUMBER) out of (TOTAL NUMBER) for their population size nationally in money raised per capita. The rankings were based on Relay For Life events across the nation with populations ranging from (POPULATION SIZES). “We are very proud of our volunteers in (TOWN/COUNTY),” said (NAME), (TITLE) for the American Cancer Society. “Everyone worked extremely hard to make this Relay For Life event successful, and these high national rankings are proof that their work paid off.” Relay For Life is a fun-filled, overnight event that mobilizes communities throughout the country to celebrate survivors, remember loved ones and empowers others to fight back against cancer. Teams of eight to 15 members gather with tents and sleeping bags to participate in the largest fundraising walk in the nation. “The funds raised through our Relay For Life events enable us to continue our investment in the fight against cancer by helping people stay well, helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back,” added (NAME). “Due to the generosity of our volunteers and donors, the money raised by Relay For Life participants goes directly to the American Cancer Society’s lifesaving programs.” Information about how to form a team or become involved in Relay For Life is available at (PHONE NUMBER). You can also connect with other Relayers worldwide by visiting For more information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society at 1-800227-2345 or visit the Web site The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Programs to Residents Release print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) Relay For Life Brings American Cancer Society Programs to (COUNTY/COMMUNITY) Residents (CITY, State) — It brings men, women and children together for an overnight gathering of celebration and remembrance. It raises funds for the fight against cancer; a disease that will affect one in two American men and one in three American women in their lifetime, accounting for more than (NUMBER) cases this year. It celebrates life, remembers those lost and empowers others to fight back. What is it? It’s the American Cancer Society Relay For Life, and it’s happening soon in your community. The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is one important way to make a difference in the fight against cancer. This year, nearly three million Relay participants in 4,200 local communities across the country will raise millions of dollars to fuel the American Cancer Society’s mission of eliminating cancer helping people get well, helping people stay well, by finding cures, and by fighting back. So what happens when you support American Cancer Society Relay For Life? Here are just a few examples: Helping you stay well. Finding cancer early can mean the difference between life and death. The Society helps you take steps to prevent cancer or detect it at its earliest and provide the most up-to-date information about how to reduce your cancer risk by healthy lifestyle choices. Contact 1-800-227-22345 or for more information. Helping you get well. Having cancer is hard. Finding help shouldn’t be. The Society is in your corner, around the clock to guide you through your cancer experience. The Society can help patients and their families make informed decisions about care, find moral support from others who have been there and offer practical solutions to daily challenges. Finding cures. The Society funds and conducts groundbreaking research that helps scientists understand cancer’s causes, determine how best to prevent it, and discover new ways to cure it. The Society is the largest private funder of cancer research. -more- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Relay Brings Society Programs to Residents Page 2 Fighting Back. Cancer is not just a health issue, but a political issue. The Society advocates for people to have access to critical cancer screenings and follow-up treatment – regardless of income. Some examples include: increasing government funding for cancer research, establishing smoke-free policies, and improving access to affordable, quality healthcare. Last year, (NUMBER) people got help by phone via the Society’s 800-ACS-2345 number, and (NUMBER) people used the American Cancer Society’s Web site each month. “The American Cancer Society spends the funds raised through Relay For Life on cancer-fighting efforts that benefit everyone in the community,” said (NAME AND TITLE). This year, the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) will take place on (DATE) at (LOCATION). For more information, call 1-800-227-2345 or feel free to visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Service Release - print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) Having Cancer is Hard. Finding Help Shouldn’t Be American Cancer Society Relay For Life Helps Cancer Patients (CITY, State) — In the fight against cancer, the American Cancer Society places great importance on cancer patient services — hoping to ease cancer’s impact on people’s lives. The fact that people are surviving cancer today more than ever before — more than 60 percent live at least five years — reinforces the need to help people get back into life’s mainstream. “Your American Cancer Society provides the most up-to-date information about cancer and guidance to local community resources,” says (NAME, TITLE). “Programs, services and materials to cancer patients and their families are available at no direct cost through public contributions.” The American Cancer Society helps people with cancer and their families in every (STATE) community through a toll free number that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. By calling 1-800-227-2345, a cancer information specialist can offer assistance. Resources can also be found on the American Cancer Society’s Web site at With a click of the mouse, patients and caregivers can log onto the Cancer Survivors NetworkTM and seek support. The site offers discussion groups, personal stories, communication with others via email and resources such as suggested books, articles and Web sites. The Society offers several tangible services such as, comfort pillows, wigs, nutritional supplements and other items. Temporary housing at the Hope Lodge® is available in some cities for cancer patients who must travel for treatment. Volunteer drivers transport patients through the Road to RecoverySM program. Volunteers who have experienced cancer visit patients and their families to support them in adjusting to their diagnosis. The Reach to Recovery® program is for breast cancer patients, and the Man to Man® visitation program is a program created for prostate cancer patients. Support groups take place in hospitals, churches and other facilities that help cancer patients and their families. These include: I Can Cope®, and Look Good…Feel Better®. The American Cancer Society also offers a bereavement support group in some communities called Life After Loss. -more- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Society Services Offered to Community Page 2 The American Cancer Society accomplishes these programs with volunteer support. Some programs may not be available in every area. The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is a unique community event that celebrates survivorship and raises money for cancer-fighting programs. Teams of eight to 15 people camp out overnight at a local high school, park or fairground and take turns walking around a track or path. The event begins with a survivors’ lap, in which cancer survivors take a victory lap around the track. Later, a luminaria ceremony takes place to honor cancer survivors and remember those who lost the battle to cancer. The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) is on (DATE). To learn how to participate in Relay visit or call (LOCAL NUMBER). If you or a member of your family is in need of Society services, or if you want to volunteer or need more information about cancer, please call the American Cancer Society at 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Education Release -print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) How the American Cancer Society Relay For Life Educates Communities about Cancer (CITY, State) — The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) is a unique community event that celebrates survivorship and raises money for cancer-fighting programs. Some of these include: National Call Center (1-800-227-2345) Trained cancer information specialists are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to answer questions about cancer, link callers with resources in their communities and provide information on local events. American Cancer Society Web Site ( This user-friendly Web site includes a cancer resource center containing in-depth information on every major cancer type. Answers are provided to questions about the nature of cancer, causes and risk factors, the latest strategies for prevention and early detection, new diagnostic techniques and the latest treatment options. Selected content is available in Spanish and Asian languages. American Cancer Society’s Research Program The American Cancer Society is the largest source of nonprofit cancer research funds in the United States and has invested approximately $3 billion in research nationally since 1946. Thanks to American Cancer Society research, we can now teach adults and children how to protect themselves from the devastating effects of cancer. The Society has supported the work of 38 researchers who have gone on to receive the Nobel Prize. Advocacy Thousands of American Cancer Society volunteers serve as grassroots advocates. Working with staff at the local, state and federal levels, these advocates educate legislators and other public officials on the policies that can further the fight against cancer. Public Awareness Campaigns These campaigns promote and increase utilization of the American Cancer Society’s early detection guidelines for colon, breast and lung cancers. By teaching individuals to follow early detection guidelines, the American Cancer Society helps more people detect their cancers at the earliest, most treatable stage. **The American Cancer Society accomplishes these programs with volunteer support. Some programs may not be available in every area. The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) is on (DATE). To learn how to participate, call (PHONE NUMBER). The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Hope for Communities Release print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) American Cancer Society Relay For Life is Creating More Birthdays in Local Communities (CITY, State) — The American Cancer Society is the leading nonprofit organization fighting cancer in our country and the only community-based, volunteer cancer organization. The American Cancer Society allocates donor dollars wisely in order to create more birthdays in (COMMUNITY) by helping people stay well, helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back Helping you stay well. Finding cancer early can mean the difference between life and death. The Society helps you take steps to prevent cancer or detect it at its earliest and provide the most up-to-date information about how to reduce your cancer risk by healthy lifestyle choices. Contact 1-800-227-22345 or for more information. Helping you get well. Having cancer is hard. Finding help shouldn’t be. The Society is in your corner, around the clock to guide you through your cancer experience. The Society can help patients and their families make informed decisions about care, find moral support from others who have been there and offer practical solutions to daily challenges. Finding cures. The Society funds and conducts groundbreaking research that helps scientists understand cancer’s causes, determine how best to prevent it, and discover new ways to cure it. The Society is the largest private funder of cancer research. Fighting Back. Cancer is not just a health issue, but a political issue. The Society advocates for people to have access to critical cancer screenings and follow-up treatment – regardless of income. Some examples include: increasing government funding for cancer research, establishing smoke-free policies, and improving access to affordable, quality healthcare. -more- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Relay For Life Offers Programs and Services to Community Page 2 To continue this fight, the American Cancer Society needs you. Through the support of local volunteers and donors, they can continue to offer hope, progress and answers to your community and others across our nation. Right now, the American Cancer Society is planning the Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY), a team event to fight cancer. Make the pledge to fight back by participating on the planning committee or by forming a team. To learn more, call the American Cancer Society at (PHONE NUMBER) or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Quality of Life Release - print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) American Cancer Society Improves Quality of Life for Cancer Patients and Families (CITY, State) — Having cancer is hard. Finding help shouldn’t be. A cancer diagnosis is lifechanging. Suddenly, transportation to and from treatments and an empathetic peer who understands the many challenges of cancer are of the utmost importance. The American Cancer Society is committed to improving the quality of life for cancer patients and their families, and empowering patients to make informed decisions about their health and treatment options through patient support programs and services. Comprehensive cancer information is crucially important for everyone touched by cancer. Last year more than (NUMBER) (DIVISION NAME, or STATE) residents contacted 1800-227-2345 (1.800.227.2345), the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour toll-free help line, and thousands more visited for round-the-clock cancer information. Day or night, the American Cancer Society is ready to answer your questions and provide patients and families with much needed support. The American Cancer Society believes that patients should not have to face a cancer diagnosis alone. More than (NUMBER) women diagnosed with breast cancer in (DIVISION or STATE) last year were visited by trained Reach to Recoverybreast cancer survivors for one-toone support sessions, and more than (NUMBER) women participated in a Look Good…Feel Better session to cope with physical changes resulting from chemotherapy or radiation. The Society’s Man to Manprogram offered men with prostate cancer the opportunity to share their concerns and experiences with other men, while hundreds of (STATE/COMMUNITY (ex. Nebraskans) addressed cancer’s physical, emotional and financial challenges through a series of I Can Cope educational workshops (ADD ADDITONAL INFO. AS NEEDED). -more- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Society Improves Quality of Life Page 2 For many patients, access to successful treatment is dependent upon reliable and affordable transportation and housing. The Society’s Road to RecoverySM program transported more than (NUMBER) patients throughout (STATE/DIVISON) to life-saving treatments last year. Two High Plains Division Hope Lodges provided a temporary home to more than (NUMBER) cancer patients and their families while undergoing treatment. Funds raised at the American Cancer Society Relay For Life help ensure that these patients support programs and services are readily available to cancer patients and their families 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To learn more about the many support programs and services offered by the American Cancer Society call 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Research Release -print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sheds Light on Cancer Fighting Research (CITY, State) — Do you know a child who survived leukemia? Do you have a mother, sister or aunt whose breast cancer was found early thanks to a mammogram? Do you have a friend or coworker who quit smoking to decrease their risk of lung cancer? Each of these individuals benefited from the American Cancer Society’s research program. Every day scientists supported by the American Cancer Society work to find breakthroughs that will take us one step closer to a cure. The Society has long recognized that research holds many answers to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. As the largest source of nonprofit cancer research funds in the United States, the American Cancer Society devotes more than $120 million each year to research. Currently in the High Plains Division, (NUMBER) researchers are receiving Society research grants that total $(AMOUNT). Since 1946, the Society has invested approximately $3.2 billion in research. The investment has paid rich dividends: the five-year survival rate has almost tripled since 1946, and diagnosis and mortality rates have declined each year since 1990. Investigators and healthcare professionals in universities, research institutes and hospitals throughout the country receive grants from the American Cancer Society. Of the more than 1,400 applications received in (YEAR), only (## PERCENT) were funded. If the Society had more money available for research funding, nearly 200 more outstanding applications considered outstanding could be funded. You can help fund more of these applications by participating in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life, a team event to fight cancer. More funding means more cancer breakthroughs and more lives being saved. To learn more, call your local American Cancer Society at (PHONE NUMBER). For more information on cancer, call 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. . ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Researcher Relay Speaker Release print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) Cancer Researcher Ignites Hope at American Cancer Society Relay For Life (CITY, State) — Dr. (NAME), an American Cancer Society research grantee from (INSTITUTION), will speak during the Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) on (DATE) to update the community on the progress of cancer research and to encourage them to fight back. (NAME) will explain the research that (HIS/HER) team is currently studying. (BRIEF EXPLANATION OF THEIR RESEARCH). Since it first began in 1946, the Society’s research program has played a role in many of the key breakthroughs in cancer. Each day scientists supported by the Society work together to find these breakthroughs that will take us one step closer to a cure for cancer and a world with more birthdays. The American Cancer Society has long recognized that research holds the ultimate answers to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. As the largest source of nongovernmental cancer research funds in the United States, the American Cancer Society devotes more than $120 million each year to research. This has added up to approximately $3.2 billion dedicated to cancer research over the years. The investment has paid rich dividends. In 1946, only one in four cancer patients were alive five years after diagnosis; today, 64 percent live longer than five years. In (STATE), Society-funded researchers from major institutions throughout the state are adding to the field of knowledge in the fight against cancer. The High Plains Division of the American Cancer Society provides start-up funds to (STATE) investigators who propose the most promising and innovative projects. Nationally, the American Cancer Society has funded the research of 42 scientists who have gone on to win the Nobel Prize for their efforts. -more- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Local Researcher to Speak at Relay For Life page 2 The continuation of these funds depends upon the success of events such as the American Cancer Society Relay For Life. This event is an overnight experience that brings together teams from local businesses, schools, churches and families for fun, food, music, entertainment and a night under the stars, while team members take turns walking on a track. Relay For Life begins with the survivors’ lap and a reception to celebrate life. This year’s event is the (NUMBER) annual Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) and expects to raise $(AMOUNT) for the American Cancer Society’s programs and services. For more information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society at 1-800-227-2345, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Advocacy Release - print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) American Cancer Society Relay For Life Creates More Birthdays Through Advocacy Fight Back Efforts (CITY, State) — Lawmakers on the federal, state and local level help determine the fate of cancer research, prevention and control. That is why, in recent years, the American Cancer Society has made advocacy a national priority. For decades, our nation’s lawmakers have made critical decisions that affect cancer patients and their families. The American Cancer Society is committed to working with volunteers to keep them informed about legislation that could help save lives and create more birthdays. The Society’s High Plains Division has recruited thousands of grassroots volunteers who help communicate concerns with their elected officials. “The U.S. government is the nation’s leading funding source for cancer research, yet the commitment is far less than 1 percent of the nation’s budget,” said (NAME), (TITLE), American Cancer Society, High Plains Division. “We want to see increases in funding for cancer research and programs so that we can improve our chances of finding a cure. The only way those changes can occur is through aggressive grassroots political action.” The Society focuses on several legislative issues that could help us decrease cancer incidence across the country. These issues include: research funding; patient protection legislation; screening, detection and treatment services; tobacco control; children’s health; access to quality cancer care; and prevention and awareness programs. “If the efforts of the American Cancer Society to change public policy are successful, we will improve the lives of many Americans. The legislative fight against cancer is a fight we need to win,” added (NAME). You can help in accomplishing this mission by joining the American Cancer Society’s Cancer Action Network (ACSCAN) or by participating in Relay For Life, a team event to fight cancer. To learn how or for more information on cancer, call the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour help line at 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Governor Proclaims Release print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) (STATE) Becomes Official American Cancer Society Relay For Life State (CITY, State) On (DATE) at (TIME), Governor (NAME) will present American Cancer Society volunteer (NAME) with a proclamation declaring (STATE) as an official Relay For Life state. Relay For Life, the American Cancer Society’s signature event, is a unique fundraising event that allows participants from all walks of life, including cancer patients and cancer survivors, to unify in an effort to fight this terrible disease. Walkers and runners go around the clock in the battle against cancer during the Relay For Life event. This “celebration of life and hope” brings numerous groups and individuals, who are concerned about cancer, together in an effort to fight back. Highlighting the evening is the luminaria ceremony, which takes place after dark to honor cancer survivors and to remember those who have lost the battle against cancer. The luminaria candles line the track and are left burning throughout the night to remind participants of the incredible importance of their contributions. (INSERT INFORMATION ABOUT VOLUNTEER OR INDIVIDUAL RECEIVING THE PROCLAMATION. INCLUDE INVOLVEMENT WITH THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY AND HOW THEY FEEL ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION, ETC.) (INSERT INFO. ABOUT HOW AND WHO CONTACTED THE GOVERNOR ABOUT THIS STATE BECOMING A RELAY FOR LIFE STATE, OR ANY OTHER INFO. PERTAINING TO THE PROCLAMATION.) The American Cancer Society Relay For Life reminds us that progress has been made in the fight against cancer and that everyone who participates is making a difference. The funds raised through Relay events will enable the American Cancer Society to continue investing in the fight against cancer by helping people stay well, helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back throughout communities in (STATE). -more- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Governor Proclaims State as Relay State page 2 In (STATE), the Society raises hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight cancer. The Society is determined to ultimately eliminate cancer as a major health threat. While striving to reach this goal, the American Cancer Society always keeps an immediate goal in sight — to save more lives. In (YEAR) alone, over (NUMBER OF PEOPLE) will be diagnosed with cancer. The American Cancer Society’s investment in saving lives has paid rich dividends: in 1946, only one in four cancer patients survived five years after diagnosis; today approximately 64 percent live longer than five years. The real strength of the Society lies in its volunteers, who translate policy into reality. Motivated by personal experiences and concern for others, they accomplish the mission of the American Cancer Society. To learn more about Relay For Life visit To the most up-to-date information on cancer call 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample General ACS Release - print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) American Cancer Society Committed to Creating A World with More Birthdays (CITY, State) — The American Cancer Society is determined to eliminate cancer as a major health threat. While striving to reach this goal, the Society works daily to save more lives until a cure is found. The immediate goal of saving more lives must be accomplished largely through public education on the prevention and early detection of cancer; education of the medical community on the latest advances in diagnosis and treatment of cancer; and advocacy at the local, state and federal levels for cancer-related legislation. The ultimate goal of total cancer control can be reached through research. Scientists supported by the American Cancer Society are continuing to make breakthroughs that can increase the number of lives saved. Since 1946, the year the Society awarded its first research grants; approximately $3.2 billion has been invested in research. The investment has paid rich dividends. In 1946, only one in four cancer patients were alive five years after diagnosis; today 65 percent live longer than five years. The real strength of the American Cancer Society lies in its volunteers, who translate policy into reality. Motivated by personal experiences and concern for others, they accomplish the mission of the organization. You can join us in accomplishing this mission by participating in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life, a team event to fight cancer. To lean how, call the American Cancer Society at 1-800-227-2345, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or visit You can connect with Relayers worldwide by visiting The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Calendar Listings and Media Alerts Fact Sheet .......................................................................................................89 Calendar Listing .............................................................................................90 Kickoff Media Alert .......................................................................................91 Media Alert ....................................................................................................92 Photo/Broadcast Advisory .............................................................................93 Luminaria Media Alert ..................................................................................94 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Fact Sheet - print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) (YEAR) American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) What: The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) is a fun-filled, overnight event that mobilizes communities throughout the country to celebrate survivors, remember loved ones and raise money for the fight against cancer. Teams of eight to 15 members gather with tents and sleeping bags to participate in the largest fundraising walk in the nation. When: (DAY, MONTH, and YEAR) (TIME) Relay For Life begins with a cancer survivors’ and caregivers’ lap (TIME) Luminaria ceremony (TIME) Closing ceremony Where: (EVENT LOCATION - include landmarks or brief directions if appropriate.) Why: In an average year in (COUNTY), approximately (NUMBER) residents learn from their physicians that they have cancer, and (NUMBER) (COUNTY) residents will succumb to the disease. This year, the American Cancer Society estimates that cancer will cause almost one of every four deaths, making it the second leading cause of death in the United States. Funds from Relay For Life support the American Cancer Society’s lifesaving mission of saving lives and creating more birthdays by helping people stay well, helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back. How: To register a team, purchase a luminaria or participate as a cancer survivor, call (PHONE NUMBER) or visit the event Web site at (WEB SITE). You can connect with other Relayers in your community and around the world by visiting The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Calendar Listing – print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) **Photo Opportunities** Calendar Listings Cancer Survivor/Caregiver Recognition and Luminaria Ceremony The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) is (DATE). Two activities open to the public include the cancer survivors’ and caregivers’ lap and the luminaria ceremony. All activities will be held at (LOCATION). For more information on Relay For Life or these activities, call (PHONE NUMBER) or visit the event Web site at (WEB SITE). (DATE, TIME p.m.) — Cancer Survivor/Caregiver Recognition. Cancer survivors and their caregivers from the (COMMUNITY/COUNTY) area are invited to walk the first lap of the American Cancer Society Relay For Life to celebrate their victory over cancer. The event and survivors’ lap is at (LOCATION). Each cancer survivor receives a free T-shirt to wear while walking the track. There is no cost to participate. Cancer survivors need to call the American Cancer Society at (PHONE NUMBER) to register and request their T-shirt size. Families are welcome to attend. (DATE, TIME p.m.) — Luminaria Ceremony. The American Cancer Society hosts its Relay For Life luminaria lighting ceremony to recognize those touched by cancer in (COMMUNITY/COUNTY) at (LOCATION). Individuals or companies can make contributions in memory of those who have lost their fight with cancer and in honor of those who have survived. Each will be recognized by a lighted luminaria candle. Contributions can be made by calling (LOCAL PHONE NUMBER). ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Kick off Media Alert - print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) (CITY) Residents Invited to Kick off the American Cancer Society Relay For Life WHO: (CITY/COUNTY NAME) residents are invited to kick off the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (CITY). This community celebration is open to anyone who wants to learn more about Relay For Life and how to get involved. Relay For Life is a community event that honors cancer survivors, current cancer patients and caregivers. Relay also pays tribute to those who have lost their battle with cancer. The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (CITY) is (DATES) at (LOCATION). WHAT: The Relay For Life kick-off rally is an opportunity for all (CITY) residents to come together to kick off the Relay For Life of (CITY) and learn more about the event and how to get involved. Anyone is welcome! The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is an overnight community celebration where individuals and teams camp-out, barbecue, dance and take turns walking around a track relay-style to raise funds to fight cancer. At nightfall, participants will light hundreds of luminaria around the track in a moving ceremony to honor cancer survivors, as well as friends and family members lost to the disease. WHEN: Kick-off Event – (DATE AND TIME) WHERE: (LOCATION) HOW: To RSVP call (PHONE NUMBER) or visit the event Web site at (WEB SITE). For more information about the American Cancer Society, call 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Media Alert - print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) American Cancer Society (YEAR) Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) What: American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) ─ A Team Event to Fight Cancer When: (DAY, MONTH, and YEAR) (TIME) Relay For Life begins with a cancer survivors’ and caregivers’ lap (TIME) Luminaria ceremony (TIME) Closing ceremony Where: (EVENT LOCATION - include landmarks or brief directions if appropriate) Who: American Cancer Society, (LIST CORPORATE SPONSORS AND KEY COMMITTEE MEMBERS) Why: Relay For Life is a fun way to join with others in the community in the fight against cancer and to raise funds to support the American Cancer Society’s mission of saving lives and create more birthdays by helping people stay well, by helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back. It is a way to celebrate the lives being saved from cancer and to remember those lost. How: Teams form and raise money prior to the event, then come together to camp out overnight and enjoy the activities and celebrate life. To register a team, purchase a luminaria or participate as a cancer survivor, call (PHONE NUMBER), or visit the event Web site (WEB SITE). The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Photo/Broadcast Media Alert – print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) (COMMUNITY) Residents Light Luminaria and Walk All Night at American Cancer Society Relay For Life Event Local event is one of (NUMBER) Relay For Life events planned throughout (STATE). What: The (#) annual American Cancer Society Relay For Life in (COMMUNITY). Approximately (NUMBER) walkers from (COMMUNITY) and surrounding towns will light more than (NUMBER) luminaria and are expected to raise more than (DOLLAR AMOUNT) to support the American Cancer Society’s efforts in creating more birthdays by helping people stay well, helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back. Teams will keep at least one member moving around the track throughout the entire night. When: (TIME and DATE) – (TIME and DATE) Where: (LOCATION - include landmarks or brief directions if appropriate.) Highlights: Opening Ceremony – (TIME and DATE) Welcoming walkers and kicking off the Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY). Cancer Survivors’ and Caregivers’ Lap – (TIME and DATE) Honoring all cancer survivors and recognizing the efforts of caregivers’ as they walk the first lap around the track together. For more information call (PHONE NUMBER) or visit the event Web site at (WEB SITE). The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Luminaria Media Alert - print on ACS letterhead For “day of” coverage – emailed or faxed to local media one week in advance. **Photo Opportunities** Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER) (DATE) Candles Glow in Honor of Survivors and Those Lost to Cancer at American Cancer Society Relay For Life Event Community is invited to attend luminaria ceremony in honor of a loved one WHAT A luminaria ceremony for cancer survivors (anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer) and in memory of those lost to the disease will take place at Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY). Bags containing lit candles will be placed around (LOCATION)’s track, while participants walk or jog a lap by the light of hundreds of candles. Relay For Life is an overnight event increasing cancer awareness while raising muchneeded funds for the American Cancer Society’s programs and services for the local community. Teams composed of as many as 15 people from local companies, clubs, neighborhoods and families raise funds prior to the event. At the Relay, team members take turns walking around the track, relay-style. Participants camp-out and enjoy music, entertainment and food while building team spirit to help in the fight against cancer. WHEN (DATES AND TIMES) WHERE (LOCATION – school or site name, address and cross street if available, CITY). WHO All (COMMUNITY) residents are invited to attend. WHY Relay For Life empowers the community to take part in the fight against cancer while honoring survivors and remembering friends and loved ones lost to the disease. HOW Luminaria may be purchased for $(AMOUNT) at (LOCATION). Call (LOCAL PHONE) for more information about the Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) luminaria ceremony or about Relay For Life or visit For more information call (PHONE NUMBER) or visit the event Web site at (WEB SITE). The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Letters to Editor/Volunteer/Etc. Letter to the Editor .........................................................................................94 OP-ED piece ..................................................................................................96 Pre-event Letter to the Editor .........................................................................97 Pre-event Letter to the Editor with Volunteer Request ..................................98 Post-event Letter to the Editor .......................................................................99 Meeting Notice Letter ....................................................................................100 Where Money Goes Letter to the Editor ........................................................101 Letter for Sponsor Request ............................................................................102 Letter to the Editor Thanking Sponsors .........................................................103 PSA Pitch Letter ............................................................................................104 Letter Thanking Volunteer from Relay Chair ................................................105 Religion at Relay............................................................................................106 Letter- Noise at Relay ....................................................................................107 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Letter to the Editor – print on ACS or RFL letterhead Please note: reprinted with permission of the Suburban Journal – Aug. 14, 2005. Make this letter your own by localizing it as appropriate. (DATE) (EDITOR NAME) (NAME OF NEWSPAPER) (ADDRESS) (CITY, STATE, ZIP) To the Editor: Anyone who has spent a night participating in an American Cancer Society Relay For Life knows how tiring – yet fulfilling – the event can be. The idea is simple. You get about 8-15 of your friends and/or coworkers together on a Friday night. You raise money or take donations from people who can’t participate. Then you walk – for at least 12 hours straight. To simplify things, the rule is that at least one person from each team agrees to walk at all times. Easy right? The events always begin with one lap with most of the participants standing on the sidelines. Why? Because this first lap is reserved to honor cancer patients, cancer survivors and often caregivers. Groups camp out near the walking area and spend the hours talking, playing games, taking turns walking the track and encouraging one another. The festivities grow a little subdued with the lighting of memorial candles in honor of cancer survivors and victims that line the walking area. The lights at the events usually are dimmed, and names of those honored with the candles are read somberly. Sometime after dawn, the tents are taken down, the candles are blown out, and everyone goes their separate ways knowing they spent the night raising money for a good cause. And, thankfully, the number of people taking the opportunity to participate and raise money for cancer research and programs to help cancer patients is growing in (COMMUNITY). More than (NUMBER) people participated in the (CITY, AREA, or NAMES County) Relays this summer. Even more impressive is the amount of money the Relay events raised this year. The Relay For Life of (NAME) brought in $(AMOUNT), while (NAME) raised $(AMOUNT) and (NAME), in only its (NUMBER) year, raised $(AMOUNT). That comes to a total of $(AMOUNT), up by an amazing $(AMOUNT) from the county’s (PREVIOUS YEAR) total of $(AMOUNT). This confirms that (COMMUNITY) remains a very generous place. When it comes to giving to worthwhile causes, there seems to be few limits. American Cancer Society Relay For Life But the success of the Relay For Life events also has a deeper meaning. Sadly, at some level or at some point in everyone’s life, we all have or will deal with cancer. If we are not individually diagnosed with the disease, we all can name a coworker, friend, sibling, an aunt or uncle, or even a parent who had cancer. Cancer knows no race, economic background or geography. It can affect us all. Many of the volunteers and participants at the Relay events are there for someone else, either in their memory or to personally support someone’s fight with the disease. Few events combine laughter and fun so closely with pain and tears. So to all those who have walked or generously given money to walkers, we offer congratulations on personally making a difference in the fight against cancer. To those of you who have not participated in the past, take a chance, take a stand and fight back against a disease that takes too much. Sincerely, (NAME), American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) Chair/Volunteer (CONTACT INFO.) Reprinted with permission of the Suburban Journal – Aug. 14, 2005. American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample OP-ED piece - print on ACS letterhead To be signed by one or two executives from companies sponsoring Relay For Life, then submitted to the page editor. (DATE) Dear Editor: Why are (NAME OF COMPANIES) donating more than $(DOLLAR AMOUNT) and services to help sponsor the American Cancer Society Relay For Life on (DATE)? Each of our businesses has felt the agonizing effects of cancer. We have lost colleagues, employees and customers to the disease. One out of (NUMBER) deaths in the United States is directly related to cancer. We have watched helplessly as our loved ones and coworkers have cared for a family member or business partner whose life has been wrenched apart after a cancer diagnosis. The diagnosis may be personal, but the impact is universal. Sponsoring the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) is one way our companies can respond positively to the impact we have felt from cancer. Many other local businesses feel the same way, turning out with teams, company banners and generous donations for the overnight event at (LOCATION). Relay For Life gives us the opportunity to celebrate the lives of those who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against the disease. Our commitment to the Relay is inspired by much more than selflessness or a sense of community spirit. The value of each dollar we put into the event is multiplied many times by the hundreds of volunteer hours and the extraordinary fundraising efforts put forth by other businesses and individuals. The success of this event ensures that community programs and services for cancer patients and their families can be delivered. This work saves us all money, the National Center for Health Statistics estimates that cancer costs Americans more than $107 billion annually in health care costs and in lost productivity. Cancer strikes at all levels — from the young to the elderly. Our support enables the American Cancer Society to save lives and create a world with less cancer and more birthdays by helping people stay well, by helping people get well, by finding cures and fighting back. To date, more than (NUMBER) local businesses and organizations have registered a team for the Relay For Life. Is your business among them? If not, there is still time to recruit a team, raise contributions and join us for this all-out community effort against cancer. Make the Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) part of your business. Call (PHONE NUMBER) to register. Sincerely, (NAME), American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) Chair/Volunteer (CONTACT INFO.) American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Pre-event Letter to the Editor - print ACS letterhead (DATE) (EDITOR) (NAME OF PAPER) (ADDRESS) (CITY, STATE, ZIP) Dear Editor: The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is fast approaching. This event provides us with the funding needed to do cutting-edge research; educate students, health care professionals and the public on the prevention and early detection of cancer; advocate for public policies that further the fight against cancer; and provide services for patients and families in our community. This year’s event is slated for (DATE) at (LOCATION). Now is the time for individuals, corporations, small businesses and community groups to commit to fighting back and sign up for the Relay event. The Relay For Life is the perfect site for a company picnic or family gathering, all while supporting a great cause. Approximately (###) people were diagnosed with cancer in the US in (YEAR). We want to change that. We hope (COMMUNITY) will join as we walk through the night to celebrate those who have battled and won, remember those we have lost and fight back against a disease that takes too much. To learn how to form a team, call (PHONE NUMBER) or visit Sincerely, (NAME), American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) Chair/Volunteer (CONTACT INFO.) American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Pre-event Letter to the Editor with Volunteer Request- print on ACS letterhead (DATE) (EDITOR NAME) (NAME OF NEWSPAPER) (ADDRESS) (CITY, STATE, ZIP) To the Editor: The American Cancer Society has been an active member of (COMMUNITY) for many years offering a number of patient and family services, cancer support groups, tobacco control programs, lifesaving educational tools and research. The Society continues its mission thanks to the help of generous volunteers and dedicated staff. The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is a community event in every sense of the word. It is a chance for the community to come together for one common cause. Being a part of Relay For Life means I’m a part of a national grassroots movement to fight cancer. Being a Relay For Life volunteer means I’m making life better for cancer survivors, patients, and their families. But we are faced with a critical shortage of volunteer leaders. With the challenges of our economy and day-to-day demands, time has become a premium and many people are finding it more difficult to participate in community service. It is because of the volunteers who preceded us, however, that certain types of cancer are now highly treatable or even curable. With more help, we will continue to win the fight. The American Cancer Society needs your help now. Plans are under way for the (NUMBER) annual fundraiser Relay For Life, hosted at (LOCATION) on (DATE), to fight for every birthday, threatened by every cancer, in every community, including our own. Now is the time for individuals, families, organizations, schools, religious groups, corporations and small businesses to build a team and join our fight to reduce the burden of cancer across America. Relay For Life can be the site of a company picnic or family gathering while supporting a great cause. To sign up to participate or learn how you can volunteer in other ways, call 1-800-227-2345, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or visit Sincerely, (NAME) American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) Chair/Volunteer (CONTACT INFO.) American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Post-event Letter to the Editor print on ACS letterhead (DATE) EDITOR NAME OF PAPER ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP To Editor: As chair of this year’s American Cancer Society Relay For Life committee, I would like to thank residents of (COMMUNITY) for their generosity and support. (NUMBER) teams participated in this year’s event, raising more than $(AMOUNT) to further the American Cancer Society’s mission of eliminating cancer by helping people stay well, helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back. The outstanding support received proves that the people of (COMMUNITY) are truly committed to the fight against cancer. I want to applaud the (NUMBER) survivors and caregivers that participated in the opening lap and the survivor recognition. They are the reason we continue the fight because each year there can be more and more people living wonderful lives following a diagnosis of cancer and celebrating more birthdays. A special thanks goes to the many Relay For Life volunteers who worked to make this event a success. The Relay For Life committee did an outstanding job of putting the event together. Committee members included (LIST COMMITTEE MEMBERS). We also appreciate the generosity of this year’s corporate sponsors. Relay For Life would not be possible without them. Our corporate sponsors included (LIST CORPORATE SPONSORS). Again, thank you for supporting the American Cancer Society, and remember it’s not too early to become involved in Relay For Life for next year. Together we will celebrate the lives of those who’ve battled and won, remember those we’ve lost, and fight back against a disease that takes too much. Sincerely, (NAME), American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) Chair/Volunteer (CONTACT INFO.) American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Meeting Notice Letter - print on ACS letterhead (DATE) Dear American Cancer Society Volunteer: The American Cancer Society would cordially like to invite you to a Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) meeting. Relay For Life is the American Cancer Society’s signature activity. It offers everyone in a community an opportunity to participate in the fight against cancer. For the last (NUMBER) years, the communities of (TOWN OR CITY NAMES) have come together to take a stand against this deadly disease. As a united front, you have raised more than $(AMOUNT) to further the American Cancer Society’s mission of eliminating cancer by helping people stay well, helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back. It is clear that you and your neighbors are passionate about finding a cure for cancer. The power of Relay is that it allows a community to celebrate the lives of those who’ve battled and won, remember those we’ve lost, and fight back against a disease that takes too much. This year, more than 5,000 communities across the United States and 20 other countries will experience this power firsthand. We sincerely hope you will join us in continuing this power in (STATE, COUNTY, OR CITY). There are many elements that join together in making the American Cancer Society Relay For Life spiritfilled, powerful and successful. Some of these standards include a triumphant survivors’ and caregivers’ lap, a moving luminaria ceremony, fun-filled overnight activities and dedicated volunteers like you. We hope you will join us on (DATE OF MEETING) so that we can get the planning of the (YEAR) American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (CITY/COUNTY) off and running. The American Cancer Society is committed to helping you make this year’s event exciting and successful. Relay For Life brings together more than three million people from all walks of life – friends, family, and coworkers – all with the common goal of eliminating cancer. No matter who you are, there is a place for you at Relay. Please join us on (DATE) to find out how you can help in the fight against cancer. American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (CITY/COUNTY) (DAY, MONTH DAY, YEAR) (TIME) (LOCATION NAME) (ADDRESS) If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to meeting with you on (DATE)! Sincerely, (NAME), American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) Chair/Volunteer (CONTACT INFO.) American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Where Money Goes Letter to the Editor print on ACS letterhead DATE ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP Dear Editor: In response to the (DATE) letter to the editor titled (INSERT TITLE HERE IN QUOTE MARKS), I would like to clarify how the $(AMOUNT) raised through Relay benefits everyone in our community and in (STATE). Since 1946, the year the American Cancer Society awarded its first research grants they’ve invested more than $3.2 billion in cancer research. Scientists funded by the program have made great advancements, such as dramatically increasing the cure rate for childhood leukemia, discovering genes for inherited forms of breast and colon cancer, showing that Tamoxifen reduces the risk of breast cancer in high-risk women, and proving the safety and effectiveness of mammograms. The mammogram and Pap smear are the gold standard in early detection tests for women due to the work of Society educational campaigns. The American Cancer Society spends more money on cancer research than any other non-profit organization, non-government funder of cancer research. The American Cancer Society is currently investing more than $(AMOUNT) to (NUMBER) cancer researchers in (STATE). (LIST LOCAL INSTITUTION). In addition to their research program, the American Cancer Society assists the people of this community by helping people stay well, helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back. They work to educate adults and children on the prevention and early detection of cancer while also advocating at the local, state and federal levels for cancer-related legislation. (OPTIONAL: LIST LOCAL PATIENT SERVICES OR ADVOCACY EFFORTS). In addition to their ongoing support programs for cancer patients and their families, the American Cancer Society is available any time, day or night, through a 24hour help line. Those in need of information can call 1-800-227-2345 and talk with a cancer information specialist, not a recording, about their cancer questions and concerns. Thanks to the assistance of many wonderful volunteers, the money that is raised in this community comes back to the community through research advancements, educational materials, advocacy accomplishments, and direct patient services. The Society meets all standards set for charitable organizations by the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance. You can review the report at As the largest nonprofit health organization in the United States, the American Cancer Society is committed to continuing to help those facing cancer and save lives in (STATE). We appreciate the support that residents have generously provided, and we hope that everyone will continue to support us in our quest to eliminate this disease. Sincerely, (NAME), American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) Chair/Volunteer (CONTACT INFO.) American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Letter for Sponsor Requestprint on ACS or RFL letterhead (DATE) (CONTACT NAME) (COMPANY NAME) (ADDRESS) (CITY, STATE, ZIP) Dear (NAME), An estimated (AMOUNT) new cases of cancer will occur in (STATE) in (YEAR). It is likely that many of your employees and constituents will experience cancer in their lifetime, perhaps even today. The American Cancer Society is gearing up for the (YEAR) Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) to take place on (DATE) at (LOCATION). The American Cancer Society is requesting (COMPANY NAME) join this year’s Relay efforts as an event sponsor. This partnership will increase awareness about the early detection and prevention of cancer and assist in raising much needed funds to further the American Cancer Society’s mission of eliminating cancer by helping people stay well, helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back in our community. The power of Relay allows a community to grieve for those lost to cancer and to celebrate the lives of those who have survived. The American Cancer Society strives to make every cancer patient a cancer survivor and by partnering with the American Cancer Society for the Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY), you will be doing your part to ensure that lives are being saved and helping create a world with more birthdays. Included you will find a proposal requesting (COMPANY) as an event sponsor for the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY). I will follow up with you by (DATE) to ensure that you have received the information and to answer any additional questions. Should you have any questions prior to this date, please feel free to contact me at (CONTACT INFORMATION). Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to working with you. Sincerely, (NAME), American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) Chair/Volunteer (CONTACT INFO.) American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Letter to the Editor Thanking Sponsors print on ACS or RFL letterhead (DATE) (EDITOR NAME) (NAME OF NEWSPAPER) (ADDRESS) (CITY, STATE, ZIP) To the Editor: The final numbers are in! The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) was a great success, and we couldn’t have done it without (SPONSOR(S) NAME)! It was awesome to see the (NUMBER) cancer survivors’ and caregivers’ parade out onto the track for the inaugural lap. A total of (NUMBER) walkers participated in the event and raised (AMOUNT)! Amazing! The Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) committee wishes to express our sincere thanks to (SPONSOR(S) NAME) for their time, hard work and dedication they put into making this event a success. Their efforts paid off and assisted in raising the bar on an already successful event! (SPONSOR(S) NAME) efforts as sponsor provided education to the community resulting in support for life-saving research and nationwide initiatives. (SPONSOR(S) NAME) went beyond the call of duty. None of this would be possible without the enthusiasm, commitment and talent of generous supporters like them! The American Cancer Society is our country’s oldest and largest non-profit cancer organization, founded in 1913, with more than two million volunteers nationwide. To date, the Society has funded 44 Nobel Prize laureates, the highest accolade of scientific achievement. Additionally, the American Cancer Society is the only organization to offer a call center where callers can reach a trained cancer information specialist 24 hours a day, seven days a week, toll free at 1-800-227-2345. Check out the Web site to learn more about the life-affirming research, education, advocacy and services at As the largest nonprofit health organization in the United States, the American Cancer Society is committed to continuing to help patients and save lives in (STATE). We appreciate the support that residents and businesses have generously provided, and we hope that everyone will continue to support the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) in our quest to eliminate this disease. Sincerely, (NAME), American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) Chair/Volunteer (CONTACT INFO.) American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample PSA Pitch Letter - print on ACS letterhead (DATE) (NAME) (NAME OF NEWSPAPER) (ADDRESS) (CITY, STATE, ZIP) Dear Public Service Coordinator, Enclosed please find public service announcements promoting the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY), an event to fight cancer. Relay For Life raises community awareness and funds to further the American Cancer Society’s mission of eliminating cancer by helping people stay well, helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back. Volunteers in more than (#) communities throughout (STATE) are organizing Relay For Life events to salute cancer survivors and to remember loved ones who have lost their fight against cancer. Here in [COMMUNITY] we need to raise awareness about Relay For Life to recruit teams and raise much needed funds. Relay brings together friends, families, businesses, hospitals, schools, faith-based groups . . . people from all walks of life – all aimed at furthering the American Cancer Society’s efforts to create a world with more birthdays. We’d appreciate your help in getting the word out about Relay For Life and hope that you can include the attached information. Please call me at [PHONE] if you have any questions. Thank you. Regards, Staff/Volunteer American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Letter – Volunteer Thank you from Chair Print on ACS letterhead DATE (NAME) (ADDRESS) (CITY, STATE, ZIP) Dear (NAME): On behalf of the volunteers of the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY/COUNTY), and especially on behalf of cancer patients and their loved ones, thank you for your commitment and hard work on the Relay For Life event of (COMMUNITY/COUNTY). Your support of our efforts in the battle against cancer is truly appreciated! This year we will celebrate HOPE! Since 1913, the American Cancer Society has made it its mission to save lives through expanding research, providing greater access to cancer information, passing legislation to protect public health and provide access to health care, and offering programs and services to cancer patients and their families. Relay has grown from a fundraising event into a means of rallying communities to fight cancer on all fronts. The American Cancer Society funds the most innovative, groundbreaking research so future generations never hear the words, “You have cancer.” We dedicate more money to cancer research than any other private, not-for-profit, non-government source of cancer research in the United States. Our research program has resulted in saving millions of lives. We’ve provided funding for breakthroughs such as Tamoxifen, bone marrow transplants, and molecular therapies that have given new hope to those touched by cancer. We will continue to invest in the most promising programs until we achieve our ultimate goal — the elimination of cancer. We are at work in communities all across the country providing programs aimed at reducing the risk of cancer, detecting cancer as early as possible, ensuring proper treatment, and empowering people facing cancer to cope and maintain the highest possible quality of life. We provide a multitude of programs that are making a difference in people’s lives. Your continued support will help us achieve our ambitious goals of preventing almost five million additional deaths from cancer, avoiding six million new cancer diagnoses, and measurably improving the quality of life for those with the disease. Thanks to you, the American Cancer Society empowers people to conquer cancer in their own lives. By helping people stay well, helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back, we address the cancer problem from every angle. We are grateful to have dedicated hard-working people like you as our volunteers. On behalf of millions of Relayers everywhere, thank you for providing the gift of Relay, the gift of Hope. Sincerely, NAME American Cancer Society Relay For Life Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY/COUNTY) Chair Sample Letter - Religion at Relay print on ACS letterhead (DATE) Dear (Community Member/Participant Name) The American Cancer Society is an all-inclusive organization – just as cancer doesn’t discriminate, neither do we. Our mission to eliminate cancer as a major health problem is universal and we rely heavily on our volunteers to help us carry out this mission. Millions of volunteers are involved in organizing our Relay For Life events across the country. While we do encourage certain elements of the Relay to be consistent, including the survivors’ celebration, educational messages shared, and fundraising practices taking place, we do allow local volunteers the flexibility to tailor the program speakers, emcees, and entertainment based on what is appropriate for that community. It is not our intention, or the intention of the Relay For Life committee, to alienate anyone during Relay. We have notified the Relay For Life committee in your community of your expressed concern(s) and apologize if any local activities or remarks caused you to feel anything less than what the spirit of Relay tries to convey – a spirit of Hope. We thank you for your feedback and hope you will continue to support Relay For Life and the lifesaving work of your American Cancer Society. Sincerely, (NAME), American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) Chair/Volunteer American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Letter- Noise at Relay print on ACS or RFL letterhead (DATE) (NAME) (ADDRESS) (CITY, STATE, ZIP) Dear Neighbor, We are contacting you to inform you of an upcoming event that will take place in your neighborhood. The members of the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (CITY/STATE) planning committee are proud to announce that we will be hosting the (NUMBER) annual American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) at (LOCATION OR FIELD NAME). The event will begin the evening of (DATE) and last until the morning of (DATE). The Relay is a 12-hour, overnight, continuous walk to help raise money to further the American Cancer Society’s mission of eliminating cancer by helping people stay well, helping people get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back. The event will include (LIST ENTERTAINMENT OR DISC JOCKEY, GAMES, PROGRAMS, ETC. THERE WILL BE GAMES AND ACTIVITIES THROUGHOUT THE NIGHT, INCLUDING ATHLETIC CONTESTS, CREATIVE PROJECTS, CARNIVAL-TYPE GAMES, AND PRIZES. ALSO, A SOCIETY GROUP WILL PROVIDE CANCER EDUCATION THROUGH BROCHURES AND INTERACTIVE ACTIVITIES RELATED TO CANCER EDUCATION AND ADVOCACY EFFORTS). Relay activities kick off at (TIME) with the opening ceremony and the first lap around the track being led by cancer survivors—who are our honored guests. At (TIME), dinner will be served to survivors. If you are a cancer survivor, we invite you to take place in this uplifting event. If you are interested, please contact (NAME AND PHONE NUMBER OR EMAIL ADDRESS). We anticipate approximately (NUMBER) participants and guests on the field for Relay. During the Relay, at least one person from each team will be circling the track, commemorating the road to recovery that a cancer survivor must face. At (TIME), closing ceremonies will take place. We hope this event does not cause any inconvenience for you or your family. We extend a heartfelt invitation to you and your family to participate in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COUNTY). If you have any questions or would like to be involved in the fight against cancer, please contact (ENTER NAME AND CONTACT INFORMATION). Sincerely, The Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) Committee American Cancer Society Relay For Life Public Service Announcements/ Facts for Emcee or Disc Jockey/Society Points of Pride Public Service Announcement/Live Read Scripts .........................................111 Public Service Announcement Locally Based Scripts #2 ..............................114 Survivor Reception Public Service Announcement Script ............................117 Emcee and Disc Jockey Cancer Facts ............................................................118 American Cancer Society POINTS OF PRIDE .............................................120 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Public Service Announcement/Live Read Scripts print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER, EMAIL) Start Date: Immediately End Date: Day before event :10 sec. CELEBRATE MORE BIRTHDAYS! JOIN THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE. VISIT RELAYFORLIFE.ORG OR DIAL 800-227-2345 FOR MORE INFORMATION. # :10 sec. CELEBRATE ALL NIGHT LONG. FORM A TEAM AND JOIN THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE ON (DATE). CALL (PHONE NUMBER) FOR MORE INFORMATION. # :15 sec. HELP SAVE LIVES AND CELEBRATE MORE BIRTHDAYS. FORM A TEAM AND JOIN THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE. CALL 1-800-227-2345. IT’S A TEAM EVENT FOR ALL AGES. DIAL 1-800-227-2345. OR VISIT RELAYFORLIFE.ORG TO LEARN MORE. # THE JOURNEY TO A WORLD WITH MORE BIRTHDAYS BEGINS AT RELAY FOR LIFE. WHERE MILLIONS UNITE TO CELEBRATE, REMEMBER AND FIGHT BACK. WE’RE THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, THE OFFICIAL SPONSOR OF BIRTHDAYS. VISIT US AT RELAYFORLIFE.ORG. # IF YOU ARE A CANCER SURVIVOR, YOU ARE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN A SPECIAL CEREMONY IN YOUR HONOR DURING THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE ON (MONTH, DAY). CALL 1-800-227-2345 FOR MORE INFORMATION. # REMEMBER OR HONOR YOUR LOVED ONE WITH A CONTRIBUTION DURING THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY’S LUMINARIA CEREMONY DURING THEIR RELAY FOR LIFE ON (DAY, MONTH, AND DATE) AT (LOCATION). CONTACT YOUR LOCAL AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY FOR MORE INFORMATION. # :20 sec. A WORLD WITH LESS CANCER IS A WORLD WITH MORE BIRTHDAYS. GRAB YOUR FRIENDS AND FORM A TEAM AND JOIN THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE. CALL 1-800-227-2345 OR VISIT RELAYFORLIFE.ORG FOR MORE INFORMATION. # American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Public Service Announcement/Live Read Scripts - page 2 STILL USING YOUR TOES FOR COMPLICATED MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS? WHY NOT USE THEM TO FIGHT BACK AGAINST CANCER? JOIN THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE. IT’S AN OVERNIGHT, TEAM EVENT FOR ALL AGES. TO SIGN UP FOR THE RELAY, CALL 1-800-227-2345 OR VISIT RELAYFORLIFE.ORG. # STAY UP ALL NIGHT. EAT A LOT OF GOODIES. HAVE FUN! AND FIGHT BACK AGAINST CANCER. FORM A TEAM AND JOIN THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE ON (DAY, MONTH, AND DATE). CALL THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY AT 1-800-227-2345 FOR MORE INFORMATION. # :30 sec. CREATING A WORLD WITH LESS CANCER TAKES A TEAM EFFORT. IT TAKES SURVIVORS AND CAREGIVERS, AND REGULAR FOLKS LIKE YOU AND ME WHO ALL UNITE AT RELAY FOR LIFE. THIS YEAR, NEARLY FOUR MILLION PEOPLE NATIONWIDE WILL COME TOGETHER TO CELEBRATE, REMEMBER AND FIGHT BACK. WE’RE THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, THE OFFICIAL SPONSOR OF BIRTHDAYS. VISIT US AT RELAYFORLIFE.ORG.# BY PARTICITPATING IN THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE, EACH LAP BRINGS US CLOSER TO A WORLD WITH MORE BIRTHDAYS. TO SIGN UP, CALL YOUR LOCAL AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY OFFICE AT (PHONE NUMBER). THAT NUMBER AGAIN IS (PHONE NUMBER). COME SHOW US YOUR HOPE (CITY)! # IMAGINE A WORLD WITH MORE BIRTHDAYS. AT THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE, YOU CAN CELEBRATE THOSE SURVIVORS – AND HONOR THE MEMORY OF FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES. WE INVITE THE WHOLE COMMUNITY TO COME OUT FOR THE CELEBRATION. GET YOUR TEAM TOGETHER FOR THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 1-800-227-2345 OR VISIT RELAYFORLIFE.ORG. # MORE PEOPLE ARE SURVIVING CANCER. IF YOU ARE A SURVIVOR, WE INVITE YOU TO TAKE PART IN THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE AT (LOCATION) ON (DATE, TIME). IT’S YOUR CHANCE TO INSPRIRE OTHERS AND HONOR THE MEMORY OF FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES. JOIN US IN SHARING HOPE…AND SIGN UP FOR THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 1-800227-2345. # American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Public Service Announcement/Live Read Scripts page 3 LACE UP YOUR ATHLETIC SHOES AND HELP SUPPORT THE FIGHT AGAINST CANCER DURING THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE ON (DATE) AT (LOCATION). TEAMS OF EIGHT TO 15 PARTICIPANTS WILL TAKE TURNS WALKING OR RUNNING THE TRACK DURING THE EVENT. RECRUIT A TEAM FROM YOUR COMPANY, ORGANIZATION, OR NEIGHBORHOOD AND JOIN THE EXCITEMENT OF RAISING MONEY TO FIGHT CANCER AND SAVE LIVES. ENTERTAINMENT, GAMES, GREAT PRIZES, AND TEAM BUILDING EXPERIENCES ARE ALL A PART OF THE FUN. CALL THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY AT (PHONE NUMBER) TO REGISTER YOUR TEAM. # HERE AT THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, WE’RE SAVING LIVES BY HELPING PEOPLE STAY WELL, HELPING PEOPLE GET WELL, BY FINDING CURES AND BY FIGHTING BACK. HELP US BY PARTICIPATING IN RELAY FOR LIFE. JOIN THOUSANDS OF OTHERS AS WE WALK THROUGH THE NIGHT TO RAISE MONEY AND PROGRAMS AND SERVICS FOR CANCER PATIENTS AND THEIR FAMILIES. TO JOIN, CALL THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY AT (PHONE NUMBER) OR VISIT RELAYFORLIFE.ORG. # American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Public Service Announcement Locally Based Scripts #2 - print on ACS letterhead Contact: (NAME, PHONE NUMBER, EMAIL) Start Date: Immediately End Date: Day before event American Cancer Society Relay For Life Public Service Announcements ** For each PSA, the local number can be substituted. :10 sec. THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE OF (COMMUNITY) FUNDS PROGRAMS LIKE FREE TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE) TO HELP (COMMUNITY) CANCER PATIENTS AND FAMILIES. DIAL 1-800-227-2345 FOR MORE INFORMATION. # :15 sec. HI, I’M (FIRST NAME), A CANCER SURVIVOR, JOIN ME AT THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE OF (COMMUNITY) TO FIGHT BACK AGAINST CANCER AND HELP CREATE A WORLD WITH MORE BIRTHDAYS. DIAL 1-800-227-2345. # YOUR INVOLVEMENT CAN SAVE A LIFE. HELP (COMMUNITY) RESIDENTS CONTINUE TO BENEFIT FROM (BREAST CANCER SUPPORT) BY JOINING THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE OF (COMMUNITY). DIAL (LOCAL NUMBER). # :30 sec. REMEMBER WHEN YOU WANTED TO STAY UP ALL NIGHT FOR THE FUN OF IT? WELL, NOW YOU CAN, AND FIGHT BACK AGAINST CANCER. JOIN THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE OF (COMMUNITY). HELP RAISE MONEY FOR THE FIGHT AGAINST CANCER AND LOCAL PROGRAMS LIKE (ON-LINE SUPPORT SERVICES) WHILE HAVING FUN. CALL 1-800-ACS-TO LEARN HOW YOU CAN CELEBRATE, REMEMBER, AND FIGHT BACK WITH RELAY FOR LIFE! # IF YOU LIKE HAVING A FUN TIME WITH FRIENDS, YOU’VE GOT TO JOIN THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE OF (COMMUNITY)! IT’S AN OVER-NIGHT, ACTIONPACKED, TEAM EVENT TO FIGHT CANCER. RELAY HELPS TO FUND LOCAL PROGRAMS LIKE (LOGDGING ASSISTANCE AND EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS) IN OUR COMMUNITY. CALL (LOCAL PHONE NUMBER). THAT NUMBER AGAIN IS (LOCAL PHONE NUMBER). COME JOIN THE FUN AND SHOW US YOUR HOPE! # American Cancer Society Relay For Life Relay For Life Public Service Locally Based Scripts - #2 page 2 HI, I’M (FIRST NAME) AND I’M A CANCER SURVIVOR. MORE PEOPLE THAN EVER BEFORE ARE SURVIVING CANCER DUE TO THE EFFORTS OF AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY VOLUNTEERS. JOIN ME AND (COMMUNITY) RESIDENTS IN PAYING TRIBUTE TO THOSE SURVIVORS AND HONOR THE MEMORY OF FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES. I INVITE YOU TO JOIN THE CELEBRATION OF LIFE AT THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE OF (COMMUNITY). THE RELAY FOR LIFE PROVIDES PROGRAMS LIKE (EX: PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT AND PATIENT NAVIGATOR) IN OUR LOCAL COMMUNITY. DIAL 1-800-227-2345 OR VISIT RELAYFORLIFE.ORG. # THANKS TO THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE OF (COMMUNITY), I DIDN’T HAVE TO FIGHT CANCER ALONE. MY NAME IS (NAME) AND I’M A CANCER SURVIVOR. RELAY FOR LIFE HELPS THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY BY PROVIDING LOCAL PROGRAM AND SERVICES. FOR HELP, CALL (LOCAL NUMBER) AND JOIN ME IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CANCER ON (MONTH, DAY), AT THE RELAY FOR LIFE OF (COMMUNITY). # BECAUSE OF THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE OF (COMMUNITY), YOU DON’T HAVE TO FIGHT CANCER ALONE. WE SAVE LIVE BY HELPING PEOPLE STAY WELL. RELAY FOR LIFE HELPS PROVIDE LOCAL PROGRAMS AND SERVICES IN (COMMUNITY). NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE, WE’RE HERE TO HELP! JUST CALL (LOCAL NUMBER) AND FIGHT AGAINST CANCER ON (MONTH, DAY) AT THE RELAY FOR LIFE OF (COMMUNITY). # :60 sec. HI, I’M (FIRST NAME) AND I’M A CANCER SURVIVOR. MORE PEOPLE THAN EVER BEFORE ARE SURVIVING CANCER DUE TO THE EFFORTS OF AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY VOLUNTEERS. JOIN ME AND (COMMUNITY) RESIDENTS IN PAYING TRIBUTE TO THOSE SURVIVORS AND HONOR THE MEMORY OF FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES. I INVITE YOU TO JOIN THE CELEBRATION OF LIFE AT THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE OF (COMMUNITY). THE RELAY FOR LIFE PROVIDES PROGRAMS IN OUR COMMUNITY LIKE (SOCIETY PROGRAM WITH DESCRIPTION - EX. ROAD TO RECOVERY, AN AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY SERVICE PROGRAM THAT PROVIDES TRANSPORTATION FOR CANCER PATIENTS TO THEIR TREATMENTS AND HOME AGAIN, AND LOOK GOOD…FEEL BETTER, A FREE, SERVICE THAT TEACHES FEMALE CANCER PATIENTS BEAUTY TECHNIQUES TO HELP RESTORE THEIR APPEARANCE AND SELF-IMAGE DURING CHEMOTHERAPY AND RADIATION TREATMENTS.) AT RELAY, EACH STEP GETS US CLOSER TO A WORLD WITH MORE BIRTHDAYS. YOUR INVOLVEMENT IN THE RELAY FOR LIFE OF (COMMUNITY) CAN SAVE A LIFE. DIAL 1-800-227-2345 OR VISIT RELAYFORLIFE.ORG. # American Cancer Society Relay For Life Relay For Life Public Service Locally Based Scripts - # page 3 LACE UP YOUR ATHLETIC SHOES AND HELP FIGHT BACK AGAINST CANCER DURING THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE OF (COMMUNITY), ON (DAY, MONTH, DATE, AT LOCATION). TEAMS OF EIGHT TO 15 PARTICIPANTS WILL WALK THE TRACK OVERNIGHT. RECRUIT A TEAM FROM YOUR COMPANY, ORGANIZATION, OR NEIGHBORHOOD AND JOIN THE EXCITEMENT OR RAISING MONEY TO FIGHT CANCER AND CREATE A WORLD WITH MORE BIRTHDAYS. ENTERTAINMENT, GAMES, GREAT PRIZES, AND TEAM-BUILDING EXPERIENCES ARE ADDED BONUSES. THE RELAY FOR LIFE OF (COMMUNITY) PROVIDES FUNDS FOR PROGRAMS AND SERVICES IN OUR COMMUNITY LIKE (SOCIETY PROGRAM WITH DESCRIPTION - EX. ROAD TO RECOVERY, AN AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY SERVICE PROGRAM THAT PROVIDES TRANSPORTATION FOR CANCER PATIENTS TO THEIR TREATMENTS AND HOME AGAIN, AND LOOK GOOD…FEEL BETTER, A FREE, SERVICE THAT TEACHES FEMALE CANCER PATIENTS BEAUTY TECHNIQUES TO HELP RESTORE THEIR APPEARANCE AND SELF-IMAGE DURING CHEMOTHERAPY AND RADIATION TREATMENTS.) CALL THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY AT (LOCAL NUMBER) TO REGISTER YOUR TEAM. # American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Survivor Reception Public Service Announcement Scripts - print on ACS letterhead Start date: [DATE] Kill date: [DATE] For more information, contact: [NAME, PHONE NUMBER] Cancer Survivors’ Reception Radio/TV PSAs :10 Radio ELEVEN MILLION AMERICANS ARE CANCER SURVIVORS. COME CELEBRATE LIFE WITH US ON (DATE) AT THE CANCER SURVIVORS’ RECEPTION. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL (LOCAL OFFICE PHONE NUMBER). :30 Radio COME CELEBRATE A WORLD WITH MORE BIRTHDAYS AND HONOR CANCER SURVIVORS. THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE OF (CITY/COUNTY) WILL HOST A SURVIVORS’ RECEPTION ON (DATE). OUR LOCAL RELAY CELEBRATION WILL TAKE PLACE AT (LOCATION) AT (TIME). FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY AT (LOCAL OFFICE PHONE NUMBER). :60 Radio TODAY, 11 MILLION AMERICANS ARE CANCER SURVIVORS...THANKS TO ADVANCES IN EARLY DETECTION, TREATMENT, AND RESEARCH. ON (DATE), RELAY FOR LIFE OF (COUNTY/CITY) WILL HONOR CANCER SURVIVORS DURING THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY CANCER SURVIVORS’ RECEPTION! JOIN US AT (LOCATION), BEGINNING AT (TIME). WE’LL HAVE FOOD AND FUN FOR EVERYONE! COME CELEBRATE LIFE AND THE HOPE FOR A CURE. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL YOUR AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY AT (LOCAL OFFICE PHONE NUMBER). THAT’S (LOCAL OFFICE PHONE NUMBER). THIS MESSAGE IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Emcee and Disc Jockey Cancer Facts – Stage Announcements Lung Cancer Lung cancer remains the number one cancer killer of men and women. An estimated (NUMBER) will die from the disease in (YEAR). Smoking and the use of tobacco products are responsible for more than 85 percent of those lung cancers. What is the number one thing people can do to reduce their risk of developing lung cancer? QUIT SMOKING! Smoking is the most preventable cause of death in our society and is responsible for about 30 percent of all cancers. Most alarming is the recent trend of youth between 18- to 24-year-olds being the fastest growing group of smokers. So if you smoke, stop. If you are around someone who smokes, ask them to put it out, if not for their health, then for yours. And if you know a young person who smokes, tell them it doesn’t make them look as cool as they think. For more information lung or tobacco-related cancers, local smoking cessation resources, or the Society’s Great American Smokeout!®, please call the American Cancer Society at 1-800-227-2345 or visit Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among men, particularly among African American men. Age and race both play a role in increasing risk of developing the disease. About one in six men will develop prostate cancer in his lifetime. This year in (STATE) alone, more than (NUMBER) men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and nearly (NUMBER) will die from the disease. If caught early enough, the survival rate is almost 100 percent. The American Cancer Society recommends that men talk with their doctors about beginning annual prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing and digital rectal exams (DRE) beginning at age 50. Men at highrisk such as African American men or those with a family history of the disease should begin testing at age 45. For information about local prostate cancer education and support services like the Man to Man® program, please call 1-800-227-2345 or visit Breast Cancer Breast cancer is the most common cancer among (STATE) women. This year more than (NUMBER) women in the state will learn that they have breast cancer and more than (NUMBER) will die from the disease. Age and family history play a significant role in assessing risk of developing the disease. To reduce your risk, the American Cancer Society recommends maintaining a healthy weight, adopting a healthy diet, and exercising regularly. Women between the ages of 20-39 should know how their breasts normally feel and get a clinical breast exam by a doctor or nurse every three years. Women 40 and over should know how their breasts normally feel, have an annual clinical breast exam followed by an annual mammogram. The American Cancer Society has programs like Reach to Recovery®, a peer-to-peer support program and Look Good…Feel Better®, a service to help women build self-esteem while undergoing treatment. These programs are designed to support women affected by breast cancer and their families so that no one is left to fight the battle alone. American Cancer Society Relay For Life Relay For Life Stage Announcements continued page 2 Colon Cancer Colon and rectal cancers are the third most commonly diagnosed cancers among (STATE) men and women. More than (NUMBER) will be diagnosed this year with colorectal cancer and an estimated (NUMBER) will die. This disease often will not show symptoms until it is in an advanced stage. The good news is that this is the most preventable form of cancer through regular screening. The American Cancer Society recommends that men and women, beginning at age 50, choose one of the following screening programs: Colonoscopy every ten years; or Annual fecal occult blood test (FOBT) or fecal immunochemical test (FIT) and flexible sigmoidoscopy every five years; or Double-contrast barium enema every five years; or Flexible sigmoidoscopy every five years; or A yearly fecal occult blood test. Although this method is not preferred, it is still acceptable. Men and women with a family history of colorectal cancer or polyps, a personal history of inflammatory bowel disease, or those with a high fat, low fiber diet or sedentary lifestyle, should talk to their doctors about beginning a screening program before age 50. Live Right, Exercise, Live Longer! Most of us know the main benefits of eating healthy and exercising regularly — we look better and we feel better. But did you know that eating a low-fat, high-fiber diet, and getting at least 30 minutes of exercise a day can help you live longer? Studies show that obesity, poor diet, and lack of exercise are responsible for about 35 percent of all cancer deaths. So if you knew there was something you could do to reduce your risk of developing cancer, wouldn’t you do it? Well, here’s how: The American Cancer Society recommends that you eat five or more servings a day of fruits and vegetables; eat breads, cereals, grain products, rice, pasta or beans each day; and choose low-fat, highfiber foods. It is also important to limit your consumption of meats, especially high-fat meats and alcohol consumption. It is also recommended that you get at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day which can be as easy as working in the garden or taking a walk. More information about living healthy can be found at or by calling 1-800-227-2345. The American Cancer Society accomplishes these programs with volunteer support. Some programs may not be available in every area. Please contact your local Relay For Life staff partner for details. American Cancer Society Relay For Life American Cancer Society POINTS OF PRIDE: Funds Raised at Relay Help Save Lives! American Cancer Society research, no matter where it is carried out, benefits all people in all communities. The American Cancer Society is the largest nonprofit, nongovernmental funder of cancer research in the United States, with approximately $3.2 billion dollars invested in cancer research since 1946 The Society spends $120 million each year on cancer research Forty-four Society researchers have gone on to win the Nobel Prize, the highest accolade of scientific achievement During the past 60 years, more than 20,000 grants have been supported American Cancer Society-funded research includes: Brian Druker, who showed Gleevec® could battle a deadly cancer by precisely targeting leukemia cells Donnall Thomas who developed the Bone Marrow Transplant Mary Claire King discovered the breast cancer gene, and worked to target women at risk. Cure for childhood leukemia with combination chemotherapy Identification of smoking as cause of lung cancer Use of Tamoxifen® to reduce risk of second or first breast cancer Development of monoclonal antibodies to treat breast cancer (Herceptin®) and lymphoma (Rituxan®) Cancer never sleeps and neither do we. The American Cancer Society provides the following programs to educate the community to save lives: The American Cancer Society’s toll-free number is a resource for lifesaving cancer information and services through 1-800-227-2345, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Millions of visitors click on each year to access clinical trial information, the latest updates and news on cancer, listings of local programs and services, and information in languages such as Spanish and Chinese Youth and adult education programs teach people in our communities how to reduce their cancer risk The Great American Smokeout® is the third Thursday in November (Smoking rates have dropped 21 percent) Quitline®, a confidential, free telephone counseling service, is available at 1-800-2272345, to help tobacco users kick the habit American Cancer Society Relay For Life Because lawmakers on a federal, state, and local level determine the fate of cancer research, prevention, and control, the American Cancer Society has made advocacy a National priority leading to: Reduced deaths and illnesses by helping to pass smoke-free indoor air laws to protect employees and the public from secondhand tobacco smoke Increased federal and state funding to allow low-income women access to breast and cervical cancer screenings Assured coverage of colon cancer screenings by state-regulated health insurance plans Ensured that all people covered under Medicare receive access to clinical trials Restricted youth access to tobacco and created state-funded tobacco prevention and cessation programs Doubled the funding for the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute to increase cancer research Created the American Cancer Society Cancer Action NetworkSM to increase advocacy efforts on behalf of people touched by cancer Supported funding for state cancer registries In the fight against cancer, the American Cancer Society places great importance on cancer patient services – hoping to ease cancer’s impact on people’s lives. Direct services to many communities include: Lodging at Hope Lodge® for out-of-town cancer patients undergoing treatment Look Good… Feel Better® sessions for women, to help them cope with the physical side effects of treatment Summer camp experience for children with cancer One-on-one visitation to women diagnosed with breast cancer through Reach to Recovery® volunteers Transportation for patients to life-saving treatments through Road to RecoverySM Cancer Survivors NetworkTM online support found at Support groups Other programs and services offered (vary from community to community) American Cancer Society Relay For Life Table of Contents Other Documents Media Sponsorship Proposal..........................................................................123 Proclamation ..................................................................................................126 Consent to Take Photos of Individuals or Groups At American Cancer Society Events .................................................128 Standard Individual Photo Consent and Release Form..................................129 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Sample Media Sponsorship Proposal print on ACS or RFL letterhead (YEAR) Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) Media Sponsorship Proposal Prepared for: TYPE PUBLICATION/MEDIA OUTLET Date: The American Cancer Society’s Mission The American Cancer Society combines an unyielding passion with nearly a century of experience to save lives and end suffering from cancer. We save lives by helping people stay well by preventing cancer or detecting it early; helping people get well by being there for them during and after a cancer diagnosis; by finding cures through investment in groundbreaking discovery; and by fighting back by rallying lawmakers to pass laws to defeat cancer and by rallying communities worldwide to join the fight. . How We Accomplish Our Mission Helping you stay well. Finding cancer early can mean the difference between life and death. The Society helps you take steps to prevent cancer or detect it at its earliest and provide the most up-to-date information about how to reduce your cancer risk by healthy lifestyle choices. Contact 1-800-227-22345 or for more information. Helping you get well. Having cancer is hard. Finding help shouldn’t be. The Society is in your corner, around the clock to guide you through your cancer experience. The Society can help patients and their families make informed decisions about care, find moral support from others who have been there and offer practical solutions to daily challenges. Finding cures. The Society funds and conducts groundbreaking research that helps scientists understand cancer’s causes, determine how best to prevent it, and discover new ways to cure it. The Society is the largest private funder of cancer research. Fighting Back. Cancer is not just a health issue, but a political issue. The Society advocates for people to have access to critical cancer screenings and follow-up treatment – regardless of income. Some examples include: increasing government funding for cancer research, establishing smoke-free policies, and improving access to affordable, quality healthcare. American Cancer Society Relay For Life Advantages of Working with the American Cancer Society Taking powerful action against the nation’s leading health concern According to a 2004 Roper survey, cancer is the nation’s most important health problem, both nationally and personally, and rightfully so. This year, more than 1.3 million people in the United States will find out they have cancer, and an estimated 570,000 Americans will die of the disease. By becoming a sponsor of an American Cancer Society program or event, you are helping to find a cure for cancer and reduce the burden this disease has on our community. People will see and know your company as an organization committed to the well being of your customers and your employees. Joining forces with a trusted brand The American Cancer Society is one of the most recognized names in the country, boasting 96 percent name recognition. Association with the American Cancer Society is a competitive advantage for your company, generating a more positive corporate image, improved customer loyalty and increased sales potential. Gaining valuable community visibility The community will know that you are associated with the American Cancer Society. In the days and weeks prior to the event and at the event, you will be recognized as a sponsor as outlined in our sponsorship agreement. Event Overview Event name: American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) Date, time, and location: FILL IN Description of the event: The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is the nationwide signature activity for the American Cancer Society. In May 1985, Gordon Klatt took the first step of his 24-hour marathon around a Tacoma, WA track and raised $27,000 for the American Cancer Society. The following year 340 supporters joined Dr. Klatt in this overnight event and Relay For Life was born. Relay For Life is not just a fund raiser; it is a unique activity that offers an opportunity to take up the fight. It is about empowering individuals to fight back against a disease that has taken so much from them. Never in mankind’s history has an event so quickly galvanized people to fight back against this dreaded disease. Relay For Life provides our best opportunity for expanding fund raising, cancer control, advocacy, and volunteerism in communities throughout the nation. How many people are expected to attend? (AMOUNT) How much money does the event raise for the American Cancer Society $(AMOUNT) American Cancer Society Relay For Life Relay For Life Sponsor Commitments Donate a total value of $(AMOUNT) through in-kind advertising Will run NUMBER of PSAs beginning twelve weeks prior to the event. Schedule to be developed with American Cancer Society representative. The American Cancer Society will may provide PSAs and/or B-roll footage. Provide American Cancer Society with tear sheets for PSAs Include the event in community calendar listings beginning three months prior to the event Field at least one team for Relay For Life event in (COUNTY) Provide a live remote the day of the event (if radio sponsor) Relay For Life Sponsor Benefits Opportunity for PUBLICATION/MEDIA OUTLET to collaborate with the American Society, the largest voluntary health organization in the world Opportunity for PUBLICATION/MEDIA OUTLET to collaborate with the American Cancer Society Relay For Life, the largest fundraising event in the nation Logo displayed as a sponsor of American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) on approx. (AMOUNT) participant T-shirts Recognition during American Cancer Society Relay For Life team captain meetings Verbal recognition during opening and closing ceremonies at the American Cancer Society Relay For Life Recognition in promotional materials (LIST LOCAL MATERIALS HERE) Opportunity to participate on American Cancer Society Relay For Life planning committee Complimentary team registration, a ($AMOUNT) value Choice of tent location at American Cancer Society Relay For Life Opportunity to display up to two corporate banners (provided by the company) in the event area for a minimum of 12 hours Opportunity to include your logo on public service announcements appearing in PUBLICATION/MEDIA OUTLET Opportunity to distribute PUBLICATION/MEDIA OUTLET at event site Opportunity to distribute PUBLICATION/MEDIA OUTLET promotional items at the event Opportunity to provide give-away items for on-site contests and other Relay For Life meetings American Cancer Society will provide PUBLICATION/MEDIA OUTLET with compelling cancerrelated story ideas American Cancer Society Relay For Life media sponsorships are category exclusive. Through sponsorship of Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY), the American Cancer Society can offer your organization the opportunity to position itself in the community as a leading partner with us in the fight against cancer. Not only are you investing in our efforts to save lives, you are investing in the development of your company’s image in our community. American Cancer Society Relay For Life (YEAR) American Cancer Society and (PUBLICATION/MEDIA OUTLET) Corporate Sponsorship Agreement Form The American Cancer Society and PUBLICATION/MEDIA OUTLET have joined together in a partnership for the (YEAR) PUBLICATION/MEDIA OUTLET. PUBLICATION/MEDIA OUTLET has agreed to donate a total of ($AMOUNT) in in-kind advertising to the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY). Both parties agree to fulfill the terms listed in the proposal. Authorized Signature of the American Cancer Society Authorized Signature of _____________________________________ ____________________________________ Date Date American Cancer Society Relay For Life PUBLICATION/MEDIA OUTLET Sample Proclamation - print on ACS letterhead (To be signed by local government officials.) American Cancer Society Relay For Life Proclamation for (COMMUNITY/COUNTY) WHEREAS, Relay For Life is the signature activity of the American Cancer Society and honors cancer survivors (anyone ever diagnosed with cancer) and remembers those lost to the disease; and WHEREAS, money raised during the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) helps support research, education, advocacy, and patient services; and WHEREAS, Relay For Life helps fund more than $100 million in cancer research each year; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that I, (NAME), (TITLE) of (COMMUNITY), do hereby proclaim (DATES) as, "RELAY FOR LIFE DAYS (OR WEEK)" in (COMMUNITY) and encourage citizens to participate in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of (COMMUNITY) at the (LOCATION) on (DATE). American Cancer Society Relay For Life Consent to Take Photos of Individuals or Groups at American Cancer Society Events The American Cancer Society recommends that consent forms be collected when taking photos of individuals or groups at American Cancer Society events/activities. This is especially important if we plan to use the photos again in publications, online activities, presentations, promotions, etc. We have also created a sign that can be posted at registration tables and in strategic locations at Society events or activities. We recommend posting several copies for attendees to see. A photo consent form and sign are included on the following two pages. American Cancer Society Relay For Life STANDARD INDIVIDUAL PHOTO CONSENT AND RELEASE FORM I hereby irrevocably grant to American Cancer Society Inc., its legal representatives or assigns and those acting under its permission and upon its authority, or those for whom American Cancer Society Inc. is acting, the absolute right and permission to record my likeness and/or voice on film or digital recording device, testimonial (written words), tape or videotape, to edit or change or alter such recording(s) at its sole discretion and to copyright and/or use such recording (s) in which I may be included in whole or in part or composite or distorted in character or form, or reproductions thereof in color or otherwise for art, advertising, trade or any other lawful purpose whatsoever in any media throughout the world, in perpetuity. It is also my understanding that I will receive no compensation for my likeness or testimonial. I hereby waive any right that I may have to inspect and/or approve the finished product or the advertising copy that may be used in connection therewith or the use to which it may be applied. I hereby release, discharge and agree to save harmless the American Cancer Society Inc., and its employees or agents, legal representatives or assigns, and all persons acting under its permission or upon its authority or for whom its is acting, from any liability by virtue of any blurring distortion, alteration optical illusion of use in composite form, whether intentional or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in the making of such recording (s) or in any processing tending towards the completion of the finished product. I hereby warrant that I am of full age and have every right to contract in my own name in the above regard. I state FURTHER that I have read the above AUTHORIZATION and release prior to its execution, and that I am fully familiar with the contents thereof. ( ) Adult -18 or older ( ) Youth - Signature from parent or guardian mandatory* NAME (Please print): ____________________________________________________ HOME ADDRESS:_______________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP:_______________________________________________________ AREA CODE & PHONE #: ________________________________________________ EMAIL:________________________________________________________________ *SIGNATURE (Adult, Parent or Guardian only):________________________________ WITNESS:____________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OF PHOTO OR SETTING ___________________________________ American Cancer Society Relay For Life IMPORTANT: This American Cancer Society activity is being photographed or recorded for future use by the Society. By remaining at this activity, you grant the American Cancer Society permission to use or reproduce your image or likeness without the right of inspection or compensation. EVENT NAME: American Cancer Society Relay For Life DATE: Table of Contents Spanish Documents Relay For Life Announcement.......................................................................132 First Year Relay Release ................................................................................134 Team Registration Release ............................................................................136 Sponsor Recruitment Release ........................................................................138 Volunteers Needed Release ...........................................................................139 10th Anniversary News Release .....................................................................141 Society Recognizes Event Release ................................................................143 Committee Meeting Release ..........................................................................145 Community Release .......................................................................................147 Honorary Chair Release .................................................................................149 Luminaria Ceremony Release ........................................................................151 Survivors’ Lap Release ..................................................................................153 Researcher at Relay Release ..........................................................................155 Relay Supports Research Release ..................................................................157 Advocacy Release ..........................................................................................159 Wrap-up Release ............................................................................................161 General Society Release ................................................................................163 Calendar Listing .............................................................................................165 Kick-off Media Alert .....................................................................................167 Photo Opportunity Alert ................................................................................168 Op-ed Piece to Editor .....................................................................................169 Pre-Event Letter to the Editor for Volunteer Request ...................................171 Pre-Event Letter to the Editor ........................................................................173 Post-Event Letter ...........................................................................................174 PSA Pitch Letter ............................................................................................175 PSA Scripts ....................................................................................................176 Relay Proclamation ........................................................................................178 American Cancer Society Relay For Life RELAY FOR LIFE ANNOUNCEMENT SAMPLE NEWS RELEASE SI DESEA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNÍQUESE CON: Nombre Apellido Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Teléfono: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Correo electrónico: La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer anuncia el evento Relevo por la Vida (Ciudad, Estado) – (Fecha) – Los caminantes de (CIUDAD) caminarán toda la noche para combatir el cáncer durante el evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (American Cancer Society). Esta celebración de la vida une a numerosos grupos y personas preocupados por el cáncer en un esfuerzo común para contraatacar esta enfermedad. Equipos de entusiastas ciudadanos se reunirán en (LUGAR) para participar en un relevo que dura toda la noche, desde las (HORA) de (FECHA) hasta las (HORAS) de (FECHA) en el que se celebra a todas aquellas personas que han padecido cáncer, se recuerda a los seres queridos que fallecieron por su causa, y faculta a todos a luchar contra la enfermedad. Relevo por la Vida es un evento único de recaudación de fondos que permite que los participantes de todos los senderos de la vida, incluyendo pacientes, personal médico de apoyo, corporaciones, organizaciones cívicas, grupos basados en la fe y voluntarios de la comunidad, se unan en la lucha contra el cáncer. El evento nos recuerda el progreso logrado en la lucha contra el cáncer, y que todos aquellos que participan están haciendo una diferencia. El evento se inicia cuando los sobrevivientes del cáncer (cualquiera que alguna vez haya sido diagnosticado con esta enfermedad) dan la primera vuelta. Este emotivo momento crea el marco de la importancia de la contribución de cada participante. Siempre se desarrolla una atmósfera festiva alrededor de la pista de los eventos Relevo por la Vida. Los participantes establecen nuevas amistades y pasan tiempo con los viejos amigos, y así se inicia la celebración del evento y la noche al aire libre. Los miembros del equipo se unen para celebrar, hacer barbacoa, participar en juegos y caminar en la pista por una gran causa. A partir de 2008 se realizará la nueva Ceremonia de "Contraataque", en la que un líder de la comunidad inspira a los participantes del Relevo con su propio compromiso de luchar tangiblemente contra el cáncer, y los reta para que hagan una promesa personal de emprender una acción (por ejemplo, dejar de fumar, comer más saludablemente, hacer ejercicio regularmente, etc.). -Continúa- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Pagina 2 Un punto destacado de la tarde es la Ceremonia de Luminarias, que se realiza al anochecer para honrar a los sobrevivientes del cáncer y recordar a aquellos que han perdido la lucha con esta enfermedad. Cientos [miles] de luminarias (bolsas llenas de arena y una vela encendida) bordean la pista, y se dejan quemando durante toda la noche para recordar a los participantes la importancia increíble de sus contribuciones. “Relevo por la Vida es un evento que además de recaudar fondos, eleva la concienciación sobre el progreso contra el cáncer”, dijo (NOMBRE), presidente del evento. “Muchos de los participantes son personas que han padecido cáncer. Su participación demuestra el progreso logrado en la reducción de las tasas de fallecimiento y en el mejoramiento de la calidad de la vida después del tratamiento del cáncer. “Los fondos que se recaudan nos permiten continuar invirtiendo en la lucha contra el cáncer mediante programas de educación, investigación, defensa y servicios a los pacientes”, dijo (NOMBRE). “Gracias a la generosidad de patrocinadores corporativos como (LISTE A LOS PATROCINADORES CORPORATIVOS), los fondos que recaudan los participantes se usan directamente para financiar los programas de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer, que salvan vidas.” Puede encontrar información sobre cómo formar un equipo o participar en el Relevo por la Vida en la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer llamando al teléfono (NÚMERO DE TELÉFONO DE LA LOCALIDAD) o al 1-800-227-2345 o en la Web en La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer se dedica, mediante la investigación, educación, defensa de su causa y prestación de servicios, a prevenir el cáncer, salvar vidas y reducir el sufrimiento causado por el cáncer a fin de eliminarlo como uno de los principales problemas de salud. Fundada en 1913 y con oficinas nacionales en Atlanta, la Sociedad tiene 13 divisiones regionales y oficinas locales en 3,400 comunidades, que cuentan con la ayuda de millones de voluntarios en todo Estados Unidos. Si desea más información, llame a: 1-800-227-2345 o visite ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life FIRST YEAR SAMPLE NEWS RELEASE SI DESEA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNÍQUESE CON: Nombre Apellido Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Teléfono: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Correo electrónico: La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer busca voluntarios y equipos para el evento Relevo por la Vida de (COMUNIDAD) (Ciudad, Estado) – (Fecha) – La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (American Cancer Society) busca voluntarios y equipos para el primer evento Relevo por la Vida de (COMUNIDAD). Los organizadores están realizando una reunión a las (HORA) el (FECHA) en (LUGAR) para compartir con los residentes la importancia del evento en la lucha contra el cáncer. El evento Relevo por la Vida es un evento divertido que dura toda la noche y que moviliza a las comunidades de todo el país para celebrar a los sobrevivientes (cualquier persona que haya sido diagnosticada con cáncer), recordar a los seres queridos que hemos perdido, comprometerse a la lucha mediante cambios saludables en el estilo de vida y recaudar fondos para combatir el cáncer. “Relevo por la Vida es un evento que además de recaudar fondos, eleva la concienciación sobre el progreso contra el cáncer”, dijo (NOMBRE), (TÍTULO) de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. “Las personas que están dispuestas a dar su tiempo y energía en este emocionante evento, como voluntarios o como participantes, han hecho un compromiso para luchar contra esta enfermedad y hacer saber a la comunidad que es posible vencer el cáncer.” Equipos de ocho a 15 personas se reúnen con tiendas de acampar y bolsas de dormir para participar en el mayor evento popular de recaudación de fondos del país. Relevo por la Vida une a los amigos, familias, empresas, hospitales, escuelas, grupos basados en la fe… a personas de todo tipo. Antes del relevo los equipos buscan patrocinadores, todo con la meta de eliminar el cáncer. Se necesitan voluntarios para organizar y reclutar equipos, buscar apoyo de la comunidad, coordinar la logística, encontrar refrigerios y premios, planear entretenimiento, y prestar su apoyo en cualquier manera. -Continúa- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Pagina 2 Si desea confirmar su asistencia a la reunión informal el (FECHA), participar como voluntario en el comité del evento, o servir como capitán de equipo, comuníquese con (NOMBRE) al (TELÉFONO), o visite La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer se dedica, mediante la investigación, educación, defensa de su causa y prestación de servicios, a prevenir el cáncer, salvar vidas y reducir el sufrimiento causado por el cáncer a fin de eliminarlo como uno de los principales problemas de salud. Fundada en 1913 y con oficinas nacionales en Atlanta, la Sociedad tiene 13 divisiones regionales y oficinas locales en 3,400 comunidades, que cuentan con la ayuda de millones de voluntarios en todo Estados Unidos. Si desea más información, llame a: 1-800-227-2345 o visite ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life TEAM REGISTRATION SAMPLE NEWS RELEASE SI DESEA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNÍQUESE CON: Nombre Apellido Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Teléfono: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Correo electrónico: Inscriba hoy mismo a su equipo en el evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (Ciudad, Estado) – (Fecha) – Ya se acerca el evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (American Cancer Society) de (COMUNIDAD). Inscriba hoy mismo a su equipo llamando a la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer al teléfono (NÚMERO DE TELÉFONO DE LA LOCALIDAD). Esta “celebración de la vida”, une a la comunidad de (CONDADO) en un esfuerzo común para luchar contra el cáncer. Se invita a sobrevivientes del cáncer, pacientes con cáncer, aquellos que han perdido a un ser querido por causa de esta enfermedad, familias, empresas, organizaciones cívicas y al público a participar en este emocionante evento de equipos. El evento Relevo por la Vida se llevará a cabo desde las (HORA) del (FECHA) hasta las (HORA) del (FECHA) en (LUGAR). El evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer es un evento orientado a la familia en el que los participantes disfrutan la camaradería de un equipo a la vez que recaudan fondos para eliminar el cáncer. Los participantes acampan en el sitio del evento, y cuando no es su turno de caminar, participan en actividades divertidas y disfrutan el entretenimiento del lugar. El evento ayuda a las comunidades a celebrar a aquellos que se han enfrentado al cáncer, a recordar a los seres queridos que fallecieron por su causa y a luchar contra la enfermedad. Los equipos de compañías, iglesias, organizaciones, hospitales y escuelas recaudan donativos, y pueden ganar premios individuales y de equipo por sus esfuerzos. “Relevo por la vida pone a la delantera el progreso contra el cáncer”, dijo (NOMBRE), presidente del evento. “Muchos de los participantes son nuestros familiares, amigos y vecinos que se han enfrentado al cáncer. Su participación demuestra el progreso, que no sólo ha reducido las tasas de fallecimiento, sino que también ha mejorado la calidad de la vida después del tratamiento del cáncer. -ContinúaAmerican Cancer Society Relay For Life Pagina 2 “Los fondos que se recaudan nos permiten continuar invirtiendo en la lucha contra el cáncer mediante la investigación, educación, defensa y servicios a los pacientes”, dijo (NOMBRE). “Gracias a la generosidad de patrocinadores corporativos como (NOMBRE DE LOS PATROCINADORES), los fondos que recaudan los participantes se usan directamente para financiar los programas de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer, que salvan vidas.” Puede encontrar información sobre cómo formar un equipo o participar en el Relevo por la Vida en la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer llamando al teléfono (NÚMERO DE TELÉFONO DE LA LOCALIDAD) o en la Web en La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer se dedica, mediante la investigación, educación, defensa de su causa y prestación de servicios, a prevenir el cáncer, salvar vidas y reducir el sufrimiento causado por el cáncer a fin de eliminarlo como uno de los principales problemas de salud. Fundada en 1913 y con oficinas nacionales en Atlanta, la Sociedad tiene 13 divisiones regionales y oficinas locales en 3,400 comunidades, que cuentan con la ayuda de millones de voluntarios en todo Estados Unidos. Si desea más información, llame al teléfono 1-800-227-2345 o visite ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life SPONSOR RECRUITMENT RELEASE SI DESEA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNÍQUESE CON: Nombre Apellido Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Teléfono: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Correo electrónico: Se necesitan compañías de la localidad para luchar contra el cáncer El evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer busca patrocinadores en la localidad (Ciudad, Estado) – (Fecha) – La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (American Cancer Society) urge a las compañías locales a luchar contra el cáncer en su comunidad patrocinando el evento Relevo por la Vida. El cáncer afecta a todos, y la participación en este evento es una excelente manera de demostrar que esto interesa a una compañía. Los patrocinios se pueden adaptar a la habilidad que tiene la compañía para dar. El evento Relevo por la Vida está creciendo en todo el país – [XX miles] personas participarán este año en (número) eventos Relevo por la Vida en todo (ESTADO). Estos eventos se realizarán en más de 4,900 comunidades de todo el país. Relevo por la Vida es un evento divertido que dura toda la noche y que tiene como objetivo celebrar a los sobrevivientes (cualquiera que alguna vez haya sido diagnosticado con cáncer) y recaudar fondos para la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. Durante el evento, equipos de personas se reúnen en escuelas, áreas de ferias, o parques y toman turnos dando vueltas. Cada equipo trata de que en todo momento uno de sus miembros se encuentre en la pista. El evento ayuda a las comunidades a celebrar la vida de aquellos que se han enfrentado al cáncer, a recordar a los seres queridos que fallecieron por su causa y a luchar contra la enfermedad. Si desea ser patrocinador corporativo o enterarse cómo puede formar un equipo para el evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer de su comunidad, llame al 1800-227-2345 o visite La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer se dedica, mediante la investigación, educación, defensa de su causa y prestación de servicios, a prevenir el cáncer, salvar vidas y reducir el sufrimiento causado por el cáncer a fin de eliminarlo como uno de los principales problemas de salud. Fundada en 1913 y con oficinas nacionales en Atlanta, la Sociedad tiene 13 divisiones regionales y oficinas locales en 3,400 comunidades, que cuentan con la ayuda de millones de voluntarios en todo Estados Unidos. Si desea más información, llame al teléfono 1-800-227-2345 o visite ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life VOLUNTEERS NEEDED SAMPLE NEWS RELEASE SI DESEA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNÍQUESE CON: Nombre Apellido Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Teléfono: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Correo electrónico: Se necesitan voluntarios para el evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (Ciudad, Estado) – (Fecha) – Caminantes, sobrevivientes del cáncer (cualquiera que alguna vez haya sido diagnosticado con cáncer), líderes de la comunidad, capitanes de equipo y buenos trabajadores son todo lo que se necesita para que el evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (American Cancer Society) se haga realidad en (CIUDAD). La primera reunión del comité de voluntarios del evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer se llevará a cabo el (FECHA, HORA Y LUGAR) para comenzar a planificar el evento cuyo objetivo es recaudar fondos y elevar la concienciación sobre la lucha contra el cáncer en (COMUNIDAD/REGIÓN). El evento Relevo por la Vida es un evento único de recaudación de fondos que permite a los participantes de todos los senderos de la vida, inclusive pacientes, personal médico de apoyo, corporaciones, organizaciones cívicas, iglesias y voluntarios de la comunidad, se unan en la lucha contra el cáncer. Relevo por la Vida es un evento de equipos en el que los participantes caminan alrededor de una pista en la modalidad de relevos durante toda la noche con el fin de celebrar a aquellos que alguna vez han padecido cáncer, recordar a los que perdieron la vida por su causa y luchar contra una enfermedad que nos roba demasiado. Los equipos de entusiastas de la lucha contra el cáncer se reunirán en (LUGAR, FECHA) para mostrar su apoyo y dedicación. Se necesitan voluntarios en (NOMBRE DE LA COMUNIDAD) para comenzar a planear este evento. “Relevo por la Vida es un evento que además de recaudar fondos, eleva la concienciación sobre el progreso contra el cáncer”, dijo (NOMBRE), (TÍTULO DEL PORTAVOZ). “Las personas que están dispuestas a dar su tiempo y energía en este emocionante evento, como voluntarios o como participantes, han hecho un compromiso para luchar contra esta enfermedad y hacer saber a la comunidad que es posible vencer el cáncer.” -Continúa- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Pagina 2 Se necesitan voluntarios para organizar y reclutar equipos, buscar apoyo de la comunidad, respaldar, coordinar la logística, encontrar refrigerios y premios, planear entretenimiento, y prestar su apoyo en cualquier manera. Si desea participar en el evento Relevo por la Vida de (COMUNIDAD) como voluntario o miembro de un equipo, llame a la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer al (NÚMERO TELEFÓNICO DE LA LOCALIDAD) o visite La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer se dedica, mediante la investigación, educación, defensa de su causa y prestación de servicios, a prevenir el cáncer, salvar vidas y reducir el sufrimiento causado por el cáncer a fin de eliminarlo como uno de los principales problemas de salud. Fundada en 1913 y con oficinas nacionales en Atlanta, la Sociedad tiene 13 divisiones regionales y oficinas locales en 3,400 comunidades, que cuentan con la ayuda de millones de voluntarios en todo Estados Unidos. Si desea más información, llame a: 1-800-227-2345 o visite ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life 10th ANNIVERSARY SAMPLE NEWS RELEASE SI DESEA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNÍQUESE CON: Nombre Apellido Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Teléfono: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Correo electrónico: (COMUNIDAD) celebra el décimo aniversario del evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Se han recaudado (CANTIDAD EN DÓLARES) en diez años para las investigaciones y programas de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (Ciudad, Estado) – (Fecha) – Los residentes de (COMUNIDAD) se reunirán en (LUGAR) el (FECHA) a las (HORA) para celebrar el décimo aniversario del evento Relevo por la Vida (Relay For Life) de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (American Cancer Society) de (COMUNIDAD). En el curso de diez años, el evento Relevo por la Vida de (COMUNIDAD) ha recaudado un total de $(CANTIDAD EN DÓLARES) para investigaciones sobre el cáncer y educación, defensa y servicios a los pacientes, y en él participan más de (NÚMERO) personas que caminan (NÚMERO) de millas combinadas. {Inserte una historia inspiradora de interés humano, como por ejemplo: alguien que haya caminado el primer año y que aún siga caminando, dos o tres generaciones de caminantes cuya vida haya sido afectada por el cáncer, un equipo especial o alguien que participó en la primera caminata en honor a otra persona y que ahora padece cáncer él mismo.} “Me siento honrado de participar en este edificante evento”, dijo (PERSONA INDICADA ARRIBA). “He hecho el compromiso personal tanto de crear concienciación sobre el progreso de la lucha contra el cáncer como de ayudar a recaudar los fondos necesarios para continuar esta lucha.” (Esta declaración también se puede personalizar para incluir referencias a las razones por las cuales la persona participa en la caminata.) Relevo por la Vida es un evento divertido que dura toda la noche y que moviliza a las comunidades de todo el país para celebrar a los sobrevivientes (cualquier persona que alguna vez haya sido diagnosticada con cáncer), recordar a los seres queridos que hemos perdido, luchar contra la enfermedad que nos roba tanto, y recaudar fondos para la lucha contra el cáncer. El primer evento Relevo por la Vida comenzó en mayo de 1985, cuando el doctor Gordy Klatt dio el primer paso de su caminata de 24 horas alrededor de una pista en Tacoma, Washington, recaudando $27,000 para apoyar a la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. -ContinúaAmerican Cancer Society Relay For Life Pagina 2 Si desea más información, visite La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer se dedica, mediante la investigación, educación, defensa de su causa y prestación de servicios, a prevenir el cáncer, salvar vidas y reducir el sufrimiento causado por el cáncer a fin de eliminarlo como uno de los principales problemas de salud. Fundada en 1913 y con oficinas nacionales en Atlanta, la Sociedad tiene 13 divisiones regionales y oficinas locales en 3,400 comunidades, que cuentan con la ayuda de millones de voluntarios en todo Estados Unidos. Si desea más información, llame a: 1-800-227-2345 o visite # # # American Cancer Society Relay For Life ACS RECOGNIZES EVENT SAMPLE NEWS RELEASE SI DESEA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNÍQUESE CON: Nombre Apellido Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Teléfono: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Correo electrónico: La sociedad Americana del Cáncer reconoce el evento Relevo por la Vida de la localidad (Ciudad, Estado) – (Fecha) – La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (American Cancer Society) se enorgullece de anunciar que el evento Relevo por la Vida (Relay For Life) de (NOMBRE DE LA CIUDAD/CONDADO) fue clasificado como el número (NÚMERO) de un total de (NÚMERO DEL TOTAL) en recaudación de fondos por cápita a nivel nacional tomando en cuenta el tamaño de la población. La clasificación se basó en eventos Relevo por la Vida de todo el país, con poblaciones que varían entre (INTERVALO DE TAMAÑO). “Nos sentimos orgullosos de nuestros voluntarios de (NOMBRE DE LA CIUDAD/CONDADO)”, dijo (NOMBRE), (TÍTULO) de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. “Todos trabajaron muy arduamente para que este evento Relevo por la Vida tuviera éxito, y estas altas clasificaciones nacionales son la prueba de que su trabajo valió la pena.” Relevo por la Vida es un evento divertido que dura toda la noche y que moviliza a las comunidades de todo el país para celebrar a los sobrevivientes, recordar a los seres queridos, comprometerse a la lucha mediante cambios saludables en el estilo de vida y recaudar fondos para combatir el cáncer. Equipos de ocho a 15 personas se reúnen con tiendas de acampar y bolsas de dormir para participar en el mayor evento popular de recaudación de fondos del país. “Los fondos que se recaudan en estos eventos nos permiten continuar invirtiendo en la lucha contra el cáncer mediante la investigación, educación, defensa y servicios para los pacientes. “Gracias a la generosidad de nuestros voluntarios y donantes, el dinero que recaudan los participantes de Relevo por la Vida van directamente a las investigaciones y programas de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer que salvan vidas.” Puede encontrar información sobre cómo formar un equipo o participar en el Relevo por la Vida en la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer, teléfono (NÚMERO DE TELÉFONO) o en la Web en -Continúa- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Pagina 2 La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer se dedica, mediante la investigación, educación, defensa de su causa y prestación de servicios, a prevenir el cáncer, salvar vidas y reducir el sufrimiento causado por el cáncer a fin de eliminarlo como uno de los principales problemas de salud. Fundada en 1913 y con oficinas nacionales en Atlanta, la Sociedad tiene 13 divisiones regionales y oficinas locales en 3,400 comunidades, que cuentan con la ayuda de millones de voluntarios en todo Estados Unidos. Si desea más información, llame a: 1-800-227-2345 o visite ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life COMMITTEE MEETING SAMPLE NEWS RELEASE SI DESEA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNÍQUESE CON: Nombre Apellido Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Teléfono: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Correo electrónico: El comité del evento Relevo por la Vida de (NOMBRE DE LA CIUDAD/CONDADO) se reunirá el (FECHA) (Ciudad, Estado) – (Fecha) – El comité del evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (American Cancer Society) de (NOMBRE DE LA CIUDAD/CONDADO) se reunirá el (DÍA y MES) a las (HORA) en (LUGAR) con el fin de hablar con los residentes sobre la importancia del evento Relevo por la Vida para salvar vidas del cáncer. Relevo por la Vida es el evento distintivo de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. Es un evento divertido que dura toda la noche y que moviliza a las comunidades de todo el país para celebrar a los sobrevivientes (cualquier persona que haya sido diagnosticada con cáncer), recordar a los seres queridos, comprometerse a la lucha mediante cambios saludables en el estilo de vida y recaudar fondos para combatir el cáncer. “Relevo por la Vida es un evento que además de recaudar fondos, eleva la concienciación sobre el progreso contra el cáncer”, dijo (NOMBRE), (TÍTULO) de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. “Las personas que están dispuestas a dar su tiempo y energía en este emocionante evento, como voluntarios o como participantes, han hecho un compromiso para luchar contra esta enfermedad y hacer saber a la comunidad que es posible vencer el cáncer.” Equipos de ocho a 15 personas se reúnen con tiendas de acampar y bolsas de dormir para participar en el mayor evento popular de recaudación de fondos del país. El Relevo por la Vida une amigos, familias, empresas, hospitales, escuelas y comunidades. Antes del relevo los equipos buscan patrocinadores, todo con la meta de eliminar el cáncer. Se necesitan voluntarios para organizar y reclutar equipos, buscar apoyo de la comunidad, coordinar la logística, encontrar refrigerios y premios, planear entretenimiento, y prestar su apoyo en cualquier manera. -Continúa- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Pagina 2 Si desea más información sobre el evento Relevo por la vida, visite Si desea información sobre la reunión del (DÍA y MES), o participar como voluntario en el comité del evento Relevo por la Vida, por favor comuníquese con (NOMBRE) al teléfono (NÚMERO DE TELÉFONO). La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer se dedica, mediante la investigación, educación, defensa de su causa y prestación de servicios, a prevenir el cáncer, salvar vidas y reducir el sufrimiento causado por el cáncer a fin de eliminarlo como uno de los principales problemas de salud. Fundada en 1913 y con oficinas nacionales en Atlanta, la Sociedad tiene 13 divisiones regionales y oficinas locales en 3,400 comunidades, que cuentan con la ayuda de millones de voluntarios en todo Estados Unidos. Si desea más información, llame a: 1-800-227-2345 o visite ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life COMMUNITY SAMPLE NEWS RELEASE SI DESEA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNÍQUESE CON: Nombre Apellido Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Teléfono: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Correo electrónico: Las familias y amigos de (COMUNIDAD) usan corazones y pies para combatir el cáncer (Ciudad, Estado) – (Fecha) – En el XX año del evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (American Cancer Society) de (COMUNIDAD), los participantes caminarán toda la noche para combatir el cáncer. Los equipos de residentes de (COMUNIDAD) se reunirán en (LUGAR) el (FECHA) a las (HORA) para participar en una caminata de relevos contra el cáncer que dura toda la noche. Relevo por la Vida es un evento de equipos orientado a la familia en el que los participantes caminan en relevos alrededor de una pista y realizan actividades divertidas fuera de la pista. Los equipos pueden incluir compañeros de trabajo, miembros de clubes, familiares y amigos, y recaudan donativos antes del evento. (AÑADA INFORMACIÓN LOCAL SOBRE EL SITIO, INSCRIPCIÓN, ENTRETENIMIENTO Y PREMIOS Y OTROS DETALLES IMPORTANTES.) “El evento Relevo por la Vida es una oportunidad única para que nuestra comunidad se una a fin de celebrar a las personas que han luchado contra el cáncer, recordar a los que perdieron la lucha, y luchar contra la enfermedad”, dijo (PORTAVOZ). “Muchos de los participantes son sobrevivientes del cáncer (cualquier persona que alguna vez haya sido diagnosticada con cáncer), lo que sirve como recordatorio que nuestra comunidad no es inmune a la enfermedad y que realmente podemos ayudar a nuestros amigos, familias y vecinos que han sido afectados por el cáncer”, añadió (PORTAVOZ). También se invita al público a asistir a la Ceremonia de Luminarias, que se llevará acabo después del anochecer. Para honrar a los sobrevivientes del cáncer de la comunidad y recordar aquellos que perdieron la vida a causa de esta enfermedad, los sobrevivientes rodearán la pista bordeada de resplandecientes luminarias, mientras se lee en voz alta los nombres de los sobrevivientes y de aquellos que fallecieron. Las luminarias cuestan (CANTIDAD) y se pueden comprar llamando al teléfono (NÚMERO DE TELÉFONO). -Continúa- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Pagina 2 Los fondos que se recauden en el Relevo por la Vida permitirán que la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer apoye los servicios y los recursos de la localidad para los pacientes de cáncer y su familia. Los fondos también apoyan programas de investigación sobre el cáncer y de educación de la comunidad diseñados para enseñar a las personas a reducir su riesgo de desarrollar cáncer. Los eventos Relevo por la Vida se realizarán en más de (#) de comunidades de todo (ESTADO), recaudando $___ millones para la lucha contra el cáncer. Para encontrar un evento Relevo por la Vida y enterarse cómo puede participar, llame al teléfono 1-800-227-2345 o visite La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer se dedica, mediante la investigación, educación, defensa de su causa y prestación de servicios, a prevenir el cáncer, salvar vidas y reducir el sufrimiento causado por el cáncer a fin de eliminarlo como uno de los principales problemas de salud. Fundada en 1913 y con oficinas nacionales en Atlanta, la Sociedad tiene 13 divisiones regionales y oficinas locales en 3,400 comunidades, que cuentan con la ayuda de millones de voluntarios en todo Estados Unidos. Si desea más información, llame a: 1-800-227-2345 o visite ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life HONORARY CHAIR ANNOUNCMENT SAMPLE NEWS RELEASE SI DESEA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNÍQUESE CON: Nombre Apellido Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Teléfono: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Correo electrónico: (NOMBRE) prestará servicio como presidente(a) honorario(a) del evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (Ciudad, Estado) – (Fecha) – La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (American Cancer Society) ha seleccionado a (NOMBRE) para que este año ocupe la posición de presidente honorario del evento Relevo por la Vida de (COMUNIDAD). INCLUYA UN PÁRRAFO CON INFORMACIÓN BIOGRÁFICA DEL(DE LA) PRESIDENTE(A) Y LA RAZÓN POR LA CUAL LO(A) SELECCIONARON. El Relevo por la Vida, el evento nacional distintivo de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer, celebra la vida de aquellos que han luchado contra el cáncer, recuerda a los que fallecieron por su causa y faculta a las personas a luchar contra la enfermedad. Este evento de equipo, orientado a la familia, reúne a participantes de todas las áreas de la comunidad en una “celebración de la vida”. Empresas, clubes cívicos, iglesias, amigos y familias toman turnos para caminar en la modalidad de relevos, a la vez que celebran el papel crítico que la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer desempeña en la lucha contra el cáncer. “Los programas e investigaciones vitales de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer están encabezando el camino hacia la eliminación del cáncer como un problema importante de salud”, dijo el(la) PRESIDENTE(A) HONORARIO(A). “Me siento orgulloso(a) de participar en el evento Relevo por la Vida. Cuantos más fondos se recauden más vidas se salvarán.” Otras personas que pertenecen al comité del evento Relevo por la vida incluyen: LISTE A LOS DEMÁS MIEMBROS DEL COMITÉ. El evento Relevo por la Vida de (COMUNIDAD) se lleva a cabo en (LUGAR) el (FECHA). Si desea participar, llame a la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer de su localidad al teléfono (NÚMERO DE LA LOCALIDAD). Si desea más información comuníquese a la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer al teléfono 1-800-227-2345 o visite -Continúa- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Pagina 2 La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer se dedica, mediante la investigación, educación, defensa de su causa y prestación de servicios, a prevenir el cáncer, salvar vidas y reducir el sufrimiento causado por el cáncer a fin de eliminarlo como uno de los principales problemas de salud. Fundada en 1913 y con oficinas nacionales en Atlanta, la Sociedad tiene 13 divisiones regionales y oficinas locales en 3,400 comunidades, que cuentan con la ayuda de millones de voluntarios en todo Estados Unidos. Si desea más información, llame a: 1-800-227-2345 o visite ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life LUMINARIA CEREMONY SAMPLE NEWS RELEASE SI DESEA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNÍQUESE CON: Nombre Apellido Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Teléfono: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Correo electrónico: Ceremonia para honrar a los sobrevivientes del cáncer y recordar a los que perdieron la lucha (Ciudad, Estado) – (Fecha) – Una ceremonia especial de luminarias celebrada durante el evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (American Cancer Society) de (COMUNIDAD) recuerda a aquellos que fallecieron a causa del cáncer y honra a los que sobrevivieron. Las luminarias se encenderán en (LUGAR) el (FECHA) a las (HORA) para representar a esas personas. Si desea hacer una donación con una luminaria, puede hacerlo comunicándose con (NOMBRE) al teléfono (NÚMERO DE TELÉFONO). Cada luminaria cuesta $(CANTIDAD EN DÓLARES). “Es hermoso cuando todas las bolsas con velas se iluminan alrededor de la pista”, dijo (NOMBRE), presidente voluntario de la ceremonia de luminarias. “La Ceremonia de Luminarias es una emotiva manera de recordar a los seres queridos que perdimos a causa del cáncer.” El Relevo por la Vida es un evento lleno de diversión que dura toda la noche. Equipos de ocho a 15 miembros se reúnen con tiendas y bolsas de dormir para participar en el evento de recaudación de fondos más grande del país y celebrar la vida de las personas que han padecido cáncer, recordar a los que perdieron la vida a causa de esta enfermedad y luchar contra una enfermedad que nos roba tanto. Relevo por la Vida une a los amigos, familias, empresas, hospitales, escuelas, iglesias… a personas de todo tipo. Antes del relevo los equipos buscan patrocinadores, todo con la meta de eliminar el cáncer. Los sobrevivientes del cáncer (cualquier persona que alguna vez haya sido diagnosticada con cáncer) de (COMUNIDAD) inaugurarán el Relevo por la Vida el (FECHA) a las (HORA) con la vuelta oficial de los sobrevivientes, y luego el resto de los participantes se unirá a la diversión. -Continúa- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Pagina 2 A partir de 2008 se realizará la nueva Ceremonia de "Contraataque", en la que un líder de la comunidad inspirará a los participantes del Relevo con su propio compromiso de luchar tangiblemente contra el cáncer, y los retará para que hagan una promesa personal de emprender una acción (por ejemplo, dejar de fumar, comer más saludablemente, hacer ejercicio regularmente, etc.). Puede solicitar información sobre las donaciones de luminarias, la formación de equipos o la participación en la vuelta de los sobrevivientes llamando al teléfono (NÚMERO DE TELÉFONO) o en la Web en La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer se dedica, mediante la investigación, educación, defensa de su causa y prestación de servicios, a prevenir el cáncer, salvar vidas y reducir el sufrimiento causado por el cáncer a fin de eliminarlo como uno de los principales problemas de salud. Fundada en 1913 y con oficinas nacionales en Atlanta, la Sociedad tiene 13 divisiones regionales y oficinas locales en 3,400 comunidades, que cuentan con la ayuda de millones de voluntarios en todo Estados Unidos. Si desea más información, llame a: 1-800-227-2345 o visite ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life SURVIVORS LAP SAMPLE NEWS RELEASE SI DESEA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNÍQUESE CON: Nombre Apellido Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Teléfono: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Correo electrónico: El evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer se inicia con la Vuelta de la Esperanza (Ciudad, Estado) – (Fecha) – En un país en el que este año más de un millón de personas serán diagnosticadas con cáncer, se invita a (COMUNIDAD) a celebrar la vida. Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer es un evento único de recaudación de fondos en el que equipos de participantes toman turnos para caminar por la pista durante la noche en un esfuerzo por ganar la lucha contra el cáncer. El evento de este año se llevará a cabo en (LUGAR) el (FECHA). En más de 4,900 eventos Relevo por la Vida de todo el país, las comunidades celebran la vida de las personas que se han enfrentado al cáncer, recuerdan a los seres queridos que han fallecido por su causa, y se comprometen a luchar contra la enfermedad. El Relevo por la Vida se inicia con una conmovedora vuelta de los sobrevivientes a las (HORA). Esta emotiva vuelta honra el valor de todos aquellos que han vencido al cáncer. Los sobrevivientes del cáncer (todos aquellos que alguna vez han sido diagnosticados con esta enfermedad) se unen para la vuelta de inauguración, unidos en la victoria y la esperanza. La atmósfera del evento Relevo por la Vida es de camaradería y celebración, y proporciona una oportunidad a los sobrevivientes del cáncer y a sus cuidadores de pasar la antorcha de la esperanza a aquellos que aún luchan contra el cáncer o a aquellos que en el futuro pueden ser afectados por esta enfermedad. Si usted es sobreviviente del cáncer o cuida a un paciente con cáncer, y desea participar en el Relevo por la Vida de (COMUNIDAD), por favor llame a la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer de su localidad al teléfono (NÚMERO DE TELÉFONO) o visite Todos los sobrevivientes recibirán una camiseta gratis del evento. -Continúa- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Pagina 2 La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer se dedica, mediante la investigación, educación, defensa de su causa y prestación de servicios, a prevenir el cáncer, salvar vidas y reducir el sufrimiento causado por el cáncer a fin de eliminarlo como uno de los principales problemas de salud. Fundada en 1913 y con oficinas nacionales en Atlanta, la Sociedad tiene 13 divisiones regionales y oficinas locales en 3,400 comunidades, que cuentan con la ayuda de millones de voluntarios en todo Estados Unidos. Si desea más información, llame a: 1-800-227-2345 o visite ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life RESEARCHER AND RELAY SPEAKER SAMPLE NEWS RELEASE SI DESEA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNÍQUESE CON: Nombre Apellido Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Teléfono: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Correo electrónico: Un investigador de la localidad hablará en el evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (Ciudad, Estado) – (Fecha) – (NOMBRE y TÍTULO) de (INSTITUTO), receptor de una subvención de investigación de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (American Cancer Society), hablará durante el evento Relevo por la Vida de (COMUNIDAD) el (FECHA) con el fin de actualizar a la comunidad sobre el progreso de las investigaciones sobre el cáncer. (NOMBRE) explicará la investigación que su equipo está llevando a cabo, (EXPLICACIÓN BREVE DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN). Desde su inicio en 1946, el programa de investigaciones de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer ha desempeñado un papel en muchos descubrimientos relacionados con el cáncer. ¿Conoce a algún niño que haya sobrevivido a la leucemia? ¿Su madre, hermana o tía fue diagnosticada con cáncer del seno en sus etapas tempranas gracias a un mamograma? ¿Alguno de sus amigos o compañeros de trabajo ha dejado de fumar para reducir su riesgo de padecer cáncer del pulmón? Cada una de estas personas se ha beneficiado del programa de investigaciones de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. Cada día, los científicos que reciben apoyo de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer colaboran para descubrir soluciones que nos acercan más a la cura del cáncer. Durante mucho tiempo la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer ha reconocido que las investigaciones tienen la respuesta definitiva a la prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer. Como la fuente de financiamiento no gubernamental de investigaciones sobre el cáncer más grande de Estados Unidos, la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer actualmente tiene subvenciones en curso con un valor de más de $442 millones. Esto se añade a los más de $3.2 miles de millones que se han dedicado a la investigación del cáncer en el transcurso de los años. Las inversiones han pagado grandes dividendos: en 1946, sólo uno de cada cuatro pacientes sobrevivían cinco años después del diagnóstico; en la actualidad, 66 por ciento vive más de cinco años. -Continúa- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Pagina 2 En (ESTADO), investigadores de instituciones importantes de todo el estado financiados por la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer están aumentando los conocimientos en la lucha contra el cáncer. La (DIVISIÓN) de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer proporciona fondos iniciales a los investigadores de (ESTADO) que proponen los proyectos más promisorios e innovadores. En todo el país, la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer ha financiado las investigaciones de 42 científicos que han ganado el Premio Nobel por sus esfuerzos. La continuación de este financiamiento depende del éxito de eventos tales como el Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. El evento es una experiencia que dura toda la noche y que une equipos de compañías locales, escuelas, grupos basados en la fe y familias para divertirse, comer, escuchar música, disfrutar el entretenimiento y pasar una noche bajo las estrellas, mientras los miembros del equipo toman turnos para caminar por la pista. Los equipos del evento Relevo por la Vida se reúnen para celebrar la vida de las personas que han padecido cáncer, recordar a aquellos que perdieron la lucha, y luchar contra la enfermedad, que nos roba tanto. El evento se inicia con la vuelta de los sobrevivientes y una recepción para celebrar la vida. El evento de este año es el (NÚMERO DE AÑOS) Relevo por la Vida anual de (COMUNIDAD) y en él se espera recaudar (META) para la investigación, educación, defensa y servicios a los pacientes de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. Si desea más información sobre el evento Relevo por la Vida, visite La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer se dedica, mediante la investigación, educación, defensa de su causa y prestación de servicios, a prevenir el cáncer, salvar vidas y reducir el sufrimiento causado por el cáncer a fin de eliminarlo como uno de los principales problemas de salud. Fundada en 1913 y con oficinas nacionales en Atlanta, la Sociedad tiene 13 divisiones regionales y oficinas locales en 3,400 comunidades, que cuentan con la ayuda de millones de voluntarios en todo Estados Unidos. Si desea más información, llame a: 1-800-227-2345) o visite ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life RESEARCH SAMPLE NEWS RELEASE SI DESEA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNÍQUESE CON: Nombre Apellido Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Teléfono: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Correo electrónico: El evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer salva vidas gracias a las investigaciones del cáncer (Ciudad, Estado) – (Fecha) – ¿Conoce a algún niño que haya sobrevivido a la leucemia? ¿Su madre, hermana o tía fue diagnosticada con cáncer del seno en sus etapas tempranas gracias a un mamograma? ¿Alguno de sus amigos o compañeros de trabajo ha dejado de fumar para reducir su riesgo de padecer cáncer del pulmón? Cada una de estas personas se ha beneficiado del programa de investigaciones de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. Cada día, los científicos que reciben apoyo de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer trabajan para descubrir soluciones que nos acercan más a la cura del cáncer. Durante mucho tiempo la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer ha reconocido que las investigaciones tienen la respuesta definitiva a la prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer. Como la fuente de financiamiento sin fines de lucro de investigaciones sobre el cáncer más grande de Estados Unidos, la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer actualmente tiene subvenciones de investigación en curso con un valor de más de $442 millones. Desde 1946, la Sociedad ha invertido más de $3.2 miles de millones en investigaciones. Estas inversiones han pagado grandes dividendos: en 1946, sólo uno de cada cuatro pacientes sobrevivían cinco años después del diagnóstico; en la actualidad, 66 por ciento vive más de cinco años. Investigadores y profesionales médicos de universidades, institutos de investigación y hospitales del país han recibido subvenciones de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. De las más de 1,300 solicitudes nuevas que se reciben cada año, sólo un 11 por ciento se pueden financiar. Usted puede ayudar a que se financien más investigaciones participando en el Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer, un evento de equipos que celebra la vida de las personas que han tenido cáncer, recuerda a aquellos que perdieron la vida por su causa y lucha contra una enfermedad que nos roba demasiado. Más financiamiento significa más descubrimientos sobre el cáncer y más vidas salvadas. -Continúa- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Pagina 2 Si desea más información, llame a la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer al teléfono (NÚMERO DE TELÉFONO), o visite La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer se dedica, mediante la investigación, educación, defensa de su causa y prestación de servicios, a prevenir el cáncer, salvar vidas y reducir el sufrimiento causado por el cáncer a fin de eliminarlo como uno de los principales problemas de salud. Fundada en 1913 y con oficinas nacionales en Atlanta, la Sociedad tiene 13 divisiones regionales y oficinas locales en 3,400 comunidades, que cuentan con la ayuda de millones de voluntarios en todo Estados Unidos. Si desea más información, llame a: 1-800-227-2345 o visite ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life SAMPLE ADVOCACY RELEASE SI DESEA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNÍQUESE CON: Nombre Apellido Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Teléfono: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Correo electrónico: El evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer financia esfuerzos de defensa (Ciudad, Estado) – (Fecha) – Los legisladores federales, estatales y locales ayudan a determinar el destino de la investigación, prevención y control del cáncer. Por esta razón, en años recientes la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (American Cancer Society) ha convertido las actividades de defensa en una prioridad nacional. Durante décadas, los legisladores del país han tomado decisiones críticas que afectan a los pacientes de cáncer y a su familia. La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer está comprometida a trabajar con sus voluntarios para mantener a los legisladores informados sobre leyes que pudieran ayudar a salvar vidas. La (DIVISIÓN) de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer ha reclutado a miles de voluntarios de la comunidad que ayudan a comunicar las inquietudes a sus funcionarios electos. “El gobierno de Estados Unidos es la principal fuente de financiamiento de las investigaciones sobre el cáncer en el país, pero su compromiso es mucho menor que el uno por ciento del presupuesto del país”, dijo (NOMBRE), del Departamento de Relaciones con el Gobierno de la (DIVISIÓN) de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. “Queremos ver aumentos en el financiamiento de las investigaciones y programas relacionados con el cáncer a fin de poder mejorar nuestras probabilidades de encontrar una cura. La única manera en que pueden ocurrir estos cambios es mediante acciones políticas populares agresivas.” La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer se concentra en varios asuntos legislativos que nos pudieran ayudar a reducir la incidencia del cáncer en todo el país. Estos asuntos incluyen: financiamiento de investigaciones, leyes para proteger a los pacientes; servicios de exploración, detección y tratamiento; control del tabaco; salud de los niños; acceso a una atención de calidad para el cáncer; y programas de prevención y concienciación. -Continúa- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Pagina 2 “Si los esfuerzos de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer para cambiar las políticas públicas tienen éxito, mejoraremos la vida de muchos estadounidenses. La lucha legislativa contra el cáncer es una lucha que necesitamos ganar”, añadió (NOMBRE). Usted puede ayudar a lograr esta misión uniéndose a la red popular de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer o participando en el Relevo por la Vida, un evento en el que equipos de personas se reúnen a fin de celebrar la vida de aquellos que han padecido cáncer, recordar los que perdieron la vida, y luchar contra una enfermedad que nos roba tanto. Si desea más información comuníquese a la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer al teléfono 1-800-227-2345 o visite La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer se dedica, mediante la investigación, educación, defensa de su causa y prestación de servicios, a prevenir el cáncer, salvar vidas y reducir el sufrimiento causado por el cáncer a fin de eliminarlo como uno de los principales problemas de salud. Fundada en 1913 y con oficinas nacionales en Atlanta, la Sociedad tiene 13 divisiones regionales y oficinas locales en 3,400 comunidades, que cuentan con la ayuda de millones de voluntarios en todo Estados Unidos. Si desea más información, llame a: 1-800-227-2345 o visite ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life WRAP-UP NEWS RELEASE SAMPLE SI DESEA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNÍQUESE CON: Nombre Apellido Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Teléfono: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Correo electrónico: Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer: __________ millas, $__________ (Nombre de la comunidad) – Fecha – El (#) evento anual Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (American Cancer Society) que se realizó este fin de semana recaudó $_________ para las investigaciones sobre el cáncer y servicios a los pacientes de (COMUNIDAD), dejando (NÚMERO) voluntarios agotados después de haber caminado un total combinado de (NÚMERO) millas en (ÁREA DEL RELEVO). “Los residentes de (NOMBRE DE LA COMUNIDAD) realmente mostraron su espíritu este fin de semana”, dijo (NOMBRE), presidente voluntario del evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer de 200X. “Muchos sobrevivientes del cáncer (cualquiera que alguna vez haya sido diagnosticado con cáncer) también concurrieron para participar. Fue muy conmovedor y emotivo para todos nosotros.” La persona que recaudó más fondos fue (NOMBRE), con un total de $_____ en donativos; su compañía, (NOMBRE DE LA COMPAÑÍA) recaudó $_____, más que ningún otro equipo. Participaron más de (NÚMERO) personas, divididas en (NÚMERO) equipos. Los equipos representaron empresas, clubes y organizaciones del área. (NOMBRE DEL PRESIDENTE VOLUNTARIO) dijo que los fondos que se recaudaron en el Relevo por la Vida de 200X se usarán con el fin de acelerar la búsqueda de nuevas armas para combatir el cáncer. “Pronto, el cáncer se convertirá en el asesino número uno de Estados Unidos conforme envejezcan los miembros de la generación baby boomers”, dijo (NOMBRE DEL PRESIDENTE). “Para ampliar nuestros servicios a los pacientes en (CIUDAD) e investigar nuevas maneras de tratar a los pacientes, tenemos que canalizar más la atención pública y los fondos hacia este problema.” -Continúa- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Pagina 2 (NOMBRE DEL VOLUNTARIO), que corrió representando a (NOMBRE DE LA COMPAÑÍA) dijo que un amigo que es sobreviviente de cáncer de (TIPO DE CÁNCER) lo inspiró a participar. “Muestra cómo las personas pueden vivir plenamente en lugar de compadecerse”, dijo (NOMBRE). El evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer de (COMUNIDAD) fue posible gracias al patrocinio de (LISTA DE PATROCINADORES). Si desea más información sobre el evento Relevo por la vida, visite La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer se dedica, mediante la investigación, educación, defensa de su causa y prestación de servicios, a prevenir el cáncer, salvar vidas y reducir el sufrimiento causado por el cáncer a fin de eliminarlo como uno de los principales problemas de salud. Fundada en 1913 y con oficinas nacionales en Atlanta, la Sociedad tiene 13 divisiones regionales y oficinas locales en 3,400 comunidades, que cuentan con la ayuda de millones de voluntarios en todo Estados Unidos. Si desea más información, llame a: 1-800-227-2345 o visite ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life GENERAL AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY NEWS RELEASE SI DESEA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNÍQUESE CON: Nombre Apellido Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Teléfono: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Correo electrónico: La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer trabaja para salvar vidas (Ciudad, Estado) – (Fecha) – La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (American Cancer Society) está determinada a eliminar definitivamente el cáncer como una amenaza importante a la salud. En su esfuerzo por lograr esta meta, la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer trabaja diariamente para salvar más vidas mientras se encuentra una cura. La meta inmediata de salvar más vidas debe lograrse principalmente mediante la educación del público sobre la prevención y la detección temprana del cáncer, la educación de la comunidad médica sobre los últimos avances en el diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer, y los esfuerzos de defensa en los ámbitos local, estatal y federal en relación con legislación que favorezca la lucha contra el cáncer. La meta definitiva del control total del cáncer se puede lograr a través de la investigación. Los científicos apoyados con los fondos de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer continúan haciendo descubrimientos que pueden aumentar el número de vidas que se salvan. Desde 1946, el año en que la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer otorgó sus primeras subvenciones para investigación, hemos invertido más de $3.2 miles de millones con este fin. Las inversiones han pagado grandes dividendos: en 1946, sólo uno de cada cuatro pacientes sobrevivían cinco años después del diagnóstico; en la actualidad, 66 por ciento vive más de cinco años. La fuerza real de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer reside en sus voluntarios, quienes convierten las políticas en realidad. Motivados por sus experiencias personales y su preocupación por otros, logran la misión de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. Usted puede unirse a nuestros esfuerzos para lograr esta misión participando en el Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer, un evento de equipos para combatir el cáncer en el que las personas se reúnen a fin de celebrar la vida de aquellos que han padecido cáncer, recordar los que perdieron la vida, y luchar contra una enfermedad que nos roba tanto. Si desea enterarse cómo hacerlo, comuníquese a la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer al teléfono 1-800227-2345 o visite -Continúa- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Pagina 2 La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer se dedica, mediante la investigación, educación, defensa de su causa y prestación de servicios, a prevenir el cáncer, salvar vidas y reducir el sufrimiento causado por el cáncer a fin de eliminarlo como uno de los principales problemas de salud. Fundada en 1913 y con oficinas nacionales en Atlanta, la Sociedad tiene 13 divisiones regionales y oficinas locales en 3,400 comunidades, que cuentan con la ayuda de millones de voluntarios en todo Estados Unidos. Si desea más información, llame a: 1-800-227-2345 o visite ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life CALENDAR LISTING SAMPLE SI DESEA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNÍQUESE CON: Nombre Apellido Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Teléfono: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Correo electrónico: Reconocimiento de los sobrevivientes del cáncer en el evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Ceremonias de luminarias y de “contraataque” (Ciudad, Estado) – (Fecha) – El evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (American Cancer Society) es una celebración de la comunidad que dura toda la noche y en la que grupos de amigos, familias, vecinos y compañeros de trabajo forman equipos para caminar o correr alrededor de una pista, elevar espíritus, concienciación y fondos para combatir el cáncer a través de investigación, educación, defensa y de servicios a los pacientes y las familias de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. Si desea más información, comuníquese a la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer al teléfono 800-227-2345 o visite Los participantes del evento Relevo por la Vida se reúnen para celebrar la vida de las personas que han padecido cáncer, recordar a aquellos que perdieron la lucha, y luchar contra la enfermedad, que nos roba tanto. Los sobrevivientes del cáncer (cualquier persona que alguna vez haya sido diagnosticada con cáncer) de (COMUNIDAD) están invitados a caminar en la primera vuelta del evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer para celebrar su victoria. El evento y la vuelta de los sobrevivientes se realizarán en (LUGAR). Cada sobreviviente del cáncer recibirá un(a) (camiseta, listón gratis) para que lo(a) use durante la caminata por la pista. La participación es gratuita. Los sobrevivientes del cáncer pueden llamar a la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (NÚMERO TELEFÓNICO DE LA LOCALIDAD) para inscribirse (y solicitar la camiseta de la talla adecuada). Se alienta a las familias a participar. La ceremonia de luminarias del Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer recuerda a las personas que perdieron la lucha contra el cáncer y honra a los sobrevivientes del cáncer en (COMUNIDAD/CONDADO). Las personas o las compañías pueden hacer contribuciones y encender una luminaria en el evento. -Continúa- American Cancer Society Relay For Life Pagina 2 Cada luminaria dedicada será exhibida en el evento Relevo por la Vida que se celebrará en (LUGAR). Se pueden hacer contribuciones a la ceremonia de luminarias llamado a la (OFICINA DE LA UNIDAD) de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer al (NÚMERO DE TELÉFONO DE LA LOCALIDAD). A partir de 2008 se realizará la nueva Ceremonia de "Contraataque", en la que un líder de la comunidad inspirará a los participantes del Relevo con su propio compromiso de luchar tangiblemente contra el cáncer, y los retará para que hagan una promesa personal de emprender una acción (por ejemplo, dejar de fumar, comer más saludablemente, hacer ejercicio regularmente, etc.). El evento Relevo por la Vida se celebrará en las comunidades de (lugar/región) de la manera siguiente: [liste todas las fechas en el mercado publicitario/región y las fechas siguientes] [formatear como Fecha en [lugar, ciudad/comunidad] (horas de inicio y de terminación)] Si desea más información sobre el evento Relevo por la Vida o hacer una promesa para contraatacar, visite La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer se dedica, mediante la investigación, educación, defensa de su causa y prestación de servicios, a prevenir el cáncer, salvar vidas y reducir el sufrimiento causado por el cáncer a fin de eliminarlo como uno de los principales problemas de salud. Fundada en 1913 y con oficinas nacionales en Atlanta, la Sociedad tiene 13 divisiones regionales y oficinas locales en 3,400 comunidades, que cuentan con la ayuda de millones de voluntarios en todo Estados Unidos. Si desea más información, llame a: 1-800-227-2345 o visite ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life KICKOFF SAMPLE ALERT SI DESEA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNÍQUESE CON: Nombre Apellido Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Teléfono: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Correo electrónico: Los sobrevivientes del cáncer se unen para apoyar a la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer QUIÉN - La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (American Cancer Society) invita a las personas que desean honrar a los sobrevivientes del cáncer (cualquier persona que alguna vez haya sido diagnosticada con cáncer) y a sus cuidadores, o rendir tributo a los que perdieron la lucha contra el cáncer a que participen en su evento Relevo por la Vida programado para el (FECHA/HORA) en (CIUDAD/CONDADO). En 1985, el evento Relevo por la Vida comenzó cuando un hombre caminó y corrió alrededor de una pista por 24 horas y recaudó $27,000. Este año, el evento se llevará a cabo en más de 4,900 comunidades. QUÉ - En la reunión de inauguración del evento Relevo por la Vida, familias, cuidadores, sobrevivientes del cáncer, escuelas, compañías, etc., se unen para iniciar las actividades de este evento anual. El evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer es una celebración de la comunidad que dura toda la noche en la que las personas y los equipos acampan, hacen barbacoa, bailan y toman turnos para caminar alrededor de una pista en la modalidad de relevos para recaudar fondos y celebrar la vida de aquellos que han padecido cáncer, recordar a los que fallecieron por su causa, y luchar contra una enfermedad que nos roba tanto. Al anochecer, los participantes encienden cientos [miles] de luminarias alrededor de la pista en una conmovedora ceremonia en la que honran a los sobrevivientes del cáncer y a los amigos y familiares que perdieron debido a la enfermedad. El evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer representa la esperanza de que aquellos que perdieron la lucha contra el cáncer nunca sean olvidados, de que aquellos que se enfrentan al cáncer reciban apoyo, y que un día el cáncer sea eliminado. CUÁNDO - (día, fecha y hora) DÓNDE - (lugar, dirección, ciudad, estado) CÓMO - Si desea participar en el evento Relevo por la Vida de su comunidad, llame al teléfono 1-800-227-2345 o visite ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life PHOTO OPPORTUNITY SAMPLE ALERT SI DESEA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNÍQUESE CON: Nombre Apellido Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Teléfono: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Correo electrónico: PHOTO OPPORTUNITY: Los sobrevivientes del cáncer y aquellos que perdieron la lucha son honrados en el Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Se invita a la comunidad a asistir a la Ceremonia de Luminarias en honor o a la memoria de un ser querido QUÉ - Una Ceremonia de Luminarias para los sobrevivientes del cáncer (cualquier persona que haya sido diagnosticada con cáncer) y a la memoria de aquellos que perdieron la lucha contra esta enfermedad, que se celebrará en el evento Relevo por la Vida de (COMUNIDAD). Cientos [miles] de bolsas llenas de arena y velas encendidas se colocarán alrededor de la pista de (LUGAR) para iluminar el camino de los sobrevivientes del cáncer y de los participantes del evento. [Incluya aquí los detalles específicos sobre la ceremonia de luminarias de su comunidad.] Relevo por la Vida es un evento que dura toda la noche y cuyo objetivo es aumentar la concienciación sobre el cáncer y recaudar los tan necesarios fondos para los servicios y programas de la localidad, esfuerzos de defensa, educación de la comunidad e investigación sobre el cáncer de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. Los equipos consistentes en ocho a 15 personas de compañías, clubes, vecindarios y familias de la localidad recaudan fondos antes del evento. En el evento, los miembros del equipo toman turnos para caminar alrededor de una pista en la modalidad de relevos con el fin de celebrar a aquellos que alguna vez han padecido cáncer, recordar a los que perdieron la vida por su causa y luchar contra una enfermedad que nos roba demasiado. Los participantes pasan la noche al aire libre y disfrutan música, entretenimiento y comida a la vez que desarrollan un espíritu de equipo para ayudar en la lucha contra el cáncer. CUÁNDO y DÓNDE - (FECHAS Y HORAS) (LUGAR - nombre de la escuela o sitio, dirección y calle transversal si está disponible, ciudad) QUIÉN - (UNIDAD DE LA LOCALIDAD) de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer y cientos de miembros de la comunidad local. POR QUÉ - El evento Relevo por la vida celebra a aquellos que han padecido cáncer, recuerda a los seres queridos que perdieron la vida por su causa y faculta a las personas a luchar contra la enfermedad. CÓMO - Se pueden hacer donaciones para luminarias por $(CANTIDAD) en (LUGAR). Llame al teléfono (TELÉFONO DE LA LOCALIDAD) o visite para solicitar más información sobre la Ceremonia de Luminarias o el evento Relevo por la Vida de (COMUNIDAD). ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life OP-ED PIECE SAMPLE Para que lo firmen uno o dos ejecutivos de las compañías que patrocinan el evento Relevo por la Vida, y luego se presente al editor de la página editorial. (FECHA) ¿Por qué (NOMBRE DE LAS COMPAÑÍAS) donan más de $(CANTIDAD EN DÓLARES) en dinero y servicios para patrocinar el evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (American Cancer Society) el (FECHA)? Cada una de nuestras empresas ha sentido los efectos agonizantes del cáncer. Hemos perdido colegas, empleados y clientes por causa de esta enfermedad. En Estados Unidos, uno de cada cuatro fallecimientos se relaciona directamente con el cáncer. Hemos observado con frustración cómo nuestros seres queridos y compañeros de trabajo cuidan a un familiar o socio comercial cuya vida se ha visto trastornada después de un diagnóstico de cáncer. El diagnóstico puede ser personal, pero el impacto es universal. El patrocinio del evento Relevo por la vida es una manera en que nuestras compañías pueden responder positivamente al impacto del cáncer. Aparentemente muchas otras empresas de la localidad sienten lo mismo, presentándose con equipos, pancartas de la compañía y generosas donaciones para el evento de (LUGAR) que dura toda la noche. El evento Relevo por la Vida nos recuerda lo eficaz que puede ser nuestra comunidad cuando nos unimos por una meta común, y en el caso del Relevo, para celebrar la vida de aquellos que tienen cáncer, recordar a los que perdieron la vida por su causa y luchar contra una enfermedad que nos roba tanto. Nuestro compromiso por el Relevo se inspira en algo más que generosidad o un sentimiento de espíritu comunitario. El valor de cada dólar que gastamos en el evento se multiplica muchas veces con los cientos de horas de los voluntarios y los extraordinarios esfuerzos de recaudación de fondos de otras empresas y personas. El éxito de este evento asegura la realización de investigaciones básicas sobre el cáncer, programas de educación, esfuerzos de defensa y servicios para los pacientes de cáncer y su familia. Este trabajo nos ahorra dinero a todos. El Centro Nacional de Estadísticas de Salud (National Center for Health Statistics) calcula que el cáncer cuesta a los estadounidenses más de $107 miles de millones anuales en costos de atención médica y pérdida de productividad. El cáncer ataca a todas las personas, desde infantes hasta ancianos. American Cancer Society Relay For Life Los mensajes de prevención mejorados y esfuerzos más intensos de investigación pueden salvar vidas y ahorrar dinero. El apoyo al evento Relevo por la Vida es una inversión prudente. Hasta la fecha, más de (NÚMERO) de empresas y organizaciones de la localidad han inscrito a un equipo para el evento Relevo por la Vida. ¿Es su compañía una de ellas? Si no, aún es tiempo para formar un equipo, recaudar contribuciones y unirse a este esfuerzo comunitario que se celebra cada año para luchar contra el cáncer. Haga que el evento Relevo por la Vida sea parte de su empresa. Llame al teléfono (NÚMERO DE TELÉFONO) o visite para inscribirse. (FIRMA) American Cancer Society Relay For Life PRE-EVENT LETTER TO THE EDITOR WITH VOLUNTEER REQUEST FECHA NOMBRE DEL EDITOR PERIÓDICO DIRECCIÓN CSZ Al Editor: La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer ha sido miembro activo de (COMUNIDAD) durante muchos años, ofreciendo servicios y apoyo a las personas que luchan contra el cáncer, e información sobre el cáncer a la comunidad, que puede salvar vidas. Continuamos nuestra misión de eliminar el cáncer gracias a la ayuda de voluntarios generosos y un personal dedicado. El evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer es un evento de la comunidad en todo el sentido de la palabra. Es una oportunidad para que la comunidad se reúna a fin de celebrar a aquellos que se han enfrentado al cáncer, recordar a los que perdieron la lucha y facultar a todos para que luchen contra esta enfermedad. La participación en el evento Relevo por la Vida significa formar parte de un movimiento popular nacional para eliminar el cáncer. Ser voluntario del evento Relevo por la Vida significa mejorar la vida de los sobrevivientes del cáncer, los pacientes y su familia. Pero nos enfrentamos con una escasez crítica de líderes voluntarios. Con los retos que imponen nuestras demandas cotidianas, el tiempo es valioso, y cada vez es más difícil para las personas participar en el servicio a la comunidad. Sin embargo, gracias a estos voluntarios que nos han precedido, ahora ciertos tipos de cáncer son altamente tratables o hasta curables. Con más ayuda, podremos continuar nuestros esfuerzos para ganar la guerra. La Sociedad Americana del Cáncer necesita su ayuda ahora. Se están preparando planes para el (xx) evento anual de recaudación de fondos Relevo por la Vida, que se va a celebrar en (LUGAR) el (FECHA), con el objetivo de apoyar investigaciones avanzadas sobre el cáncer, ayudar a proporcionar transportación gratuita a los hospitales, ayudarle a evitar fumar, publicar mensajes que salvan vidas, y desarrollar una nueva generación de armas para luchar contra el cáncer. American Cancer Society Relay For Life Ahora es el momento para que las personas, familias, organizaciones, escuelas, grupos religiosos, corporaciones y compañías pequeñas formen un equipo y se unan a nuestra lucha para reducir la carga que el cáncer impone en todo Estados Unidos. El evento Relevo por la Vida puede ser el lugar donde se lleve a cabo un día de campo de la compañía o una reunión familiar, a la vez que se apoya una gran causa. Si desea inscribirse para participar o enterarse cómo puede ayudar como voluntario en otros servicios para los pacientes, llame al teléfono 1-800-227-2345 o visite Atentamente: Presidente del evento Relevo por la Vida Información de contacto American Cancer Society Relay For Life PRE-EVENT LETTER TO THE EDITOR SAMPLE Estimado Editor: Durante muchos años, la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (American Cancer Society) ha sido un grupo muy activo en (CONDADO), con voluntarios dedicados que participan en programas de servicio a los pacientes, grupos de apoyo a la lucha contra el cáncer, al control de tabaco, al financiamiento para investigaciones y al servicio a los pacientes. Nos enfrentamos con una escasez crítica de recursos humanos. Es posible que otros grupos de la comunidad también tengan este problema. El tiempo es valioso, y muchas personas se están retirando del voluntariado en la comunidad. La (OFICINA LOCAL) de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer necesita su ayuda ahora. Se están desarrollando planes para promover el evento anual de recaudación de fondos Relevo por la Vida para (MES), que nos proporciona fondos para apoyar avanzadas investigaciones sobre el cáncer en (LISTE LOS LUGARES DE LA LOCALIDAD EN LOS QUE LA SOCIEDAD ESTÉ FINANCIANDO INVESTIGACIONES), proporcionar transporte gratuito a las instalaciones de tratamiento del cáncer, prestar pelucas a los pacientes con cáncer, publicar literatura sobre prevención y detección del cáncer y sobre el tabaco que pueden salvar vidas, y desarrollar una nueva generación de armas para luchar contra el cáncer. Ahora es el momento para que las personas, los grupos de la comunidad, las corporaciones y las empresas pequeñas se comprometan mediante la participación de sus equipos. El relevo por la vida puede ser el lugar donde se lleve a cabo un día de campo de la compañía o una reunión familiar, a la vez que se apoya una gran causa. Acompáñenos en este evento para celebrar a aquellos que han luchado contra el cáncer, recordar los que fallecieron por su causa, y luchar contra esta enfermedad. Si desea inscribirse para participar o enterarse cómo puede ayudar como voluntario, llame al teléfono 1-800-227-2345 o visite NOMBRE POSICIÓN COMO VOLUNTARIO CONDADO SOCIEDAD AMERICANA DEL CÁNCER American Cancer Society Relay For Life POST EVENT LETTER TO THE EDITOR SAMPLE FECHA EDITOR NOMBRE DEL PERIÓDICO DIRECCIÓN CIUDAD, ESTADO, CÓDIGO POSTAL Al Editor: Como presidente del comité del evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (American Cancer Society) de este año, me gustaría agradecer a (COMUNIDAD) por su generosidad y apoyo. (NÚMERO) equipos participaron en el evento de este año recaudando más de $##,### para los programas de investigación, educación, defensa y servicio de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. Esta excepcional muestra de apoyo prueba que las personas de (COMUNIDAD) están verdaderamente comprometidas en la lucha contra el cáncer. Nos sentimos honrados con la participación de (NÚMERO) de sobrevivientes que caminaron en la Vuelta de la Victoria, con la cual se inició oficialmente el evento de este año. Estos sobrevivientes son la razón por la cual continuamos la lucha. Su participación inspira esperanza a aquellos que actualmente luchan contra el cáncer. Nuestro agradecimiento especial a los numerosos voluntarios del evento Relevo por la Vida, que trabajaron para que este evento tuviera éxito, celebrando la vida de aquellos que han padecido cáncer, recordando a los que perdieron la vida por su causa, y luchando contra una enfermedad que nos roba demasiado. El comité del evento Relevo por la Vida desempeñó un trabajo excepcional organizando el evento. Los miembros del comité son (LISTE LOS MIEMBROS DEL COMITÉ). También agradecemos la generosidad de los patrocinadores corporativos de este año. El evento Relevo por la Vida no sería posible sin su ayuda. Nuestros patrocinadores corporativos son (LISTE A LOS PATROCINADORES CORPORATIVOS). Usted puede participar en el evento Relevo por la Vida en cualquier momento. Visite o llame al teléfono 1-800-227-2345 para solicitar más información. Atentamente: NOMBRE Presidente del evento Relevo por la Vida de 200X American Cancer Society Relay For Life PSA SAMPLE PITCH LETTER SI DESEA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNÍQUESE CON: Nombre Apellido Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Teléfono: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Correo electrónico: Estimado Coordinador de Servicios Públicos: Adjuntos a esta carta encontrará anuncios de servicio público referentes al Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (American Cancer Society), un evento de la comunidad para luchar contra el cáncer. El evento Relevo por la Vida eleva la concienciación de la comunidad y recauda fondos para los servicios a los pacientes, investigación, defensa y educación de la comunidad de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. Voluntarios de más de (#) comunidades de todo (ESTADO) están organizando los eventos Relevo por la Vida para saludar a los sobrevivientes del cáncer (cualquiera que alguna vez haya sido diagnosticado con cáncer), recordar a los seres queridos que perdieron la lucha por su causa, y luchar contra una enfermedad que nos roba demasiado. Aquí en (COMUNIDAD) necesitamos generar concienciación sobre el evento Relevo por la Vida para reclutar equipos y recaudar los tan necesarios fondos. Cada equipo, consistente en tantas como 15 personas, camina toda la noche en la modalidad de relevos. Es un evento familiar divertido que permite que cada miembro de la comunidad luche contra una enfermedad que nos roba demasiado. Agradeceríamos su ayuda en la diseminación de la palabra sobre el evento Relevo por la Vida, y esperamos que pueda incluir la información adjunta. Por favor llámeme al teléfono (TELÉFONO) si tiene alguna pregunta. Muchas gracias. Saludos. Personal/Voluntario American Cancer Society Relay For Life LIVE READ SAMPLE PSAs Fecha de inicio: inmediatamente Fecha de terminación: un día antes del evento SI DESEA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNÍQUESE CON: Nombre Apellido Sociedad Americana del Cáncer Teléfono: (XXX) XXX-XXXX Correo electrónico: Public Service Announcement Samples :10 sec Use sus pies… y su corazón. Únase al Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. Ahora, use sus dedos, marque 1-800-227-2345 y pida más información. :15 sec Use sus pies… y su corazón. Forme un equipo y únase al Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. Es un evento para todas las edades que dura toda la noche. Ahora, use sus dedos y marque 1-800-227-2345, o visite ¿Alguna vez ha sentido que da vueltas todo el día sin una buena razón? Ahora puede dar vueltas toda la noche por una buena causa. Únase al Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. Llame al 1-800-227-2345 y pida más información o visítenos en Si es sobreviviente del cáncer, se le invita a participar en una ceremonia especial en su honor durante el Relevo por la vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer el (DÍA, MES). Llame al 1800-227-2345 y pida más información. Recuerde u honre a su ser querido con una contribución durante la Ceremonia de Luminarias de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer que se celebra en el evento Relevo por la Vida el (DÍA, MES, FECHA) en (LUGAR). Llame a la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer al 1-800-227-2345 y pida más información. :20 sec ¿Ya se cansó de dar vueltas todo el día sin una buena razón? Ahora puede dar vueltas toda la noche por una buena causa. Forme un equipo y únase al Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. Llame al 1-800-227-2345 y pida más información. ¿Usa los dedos de los pies para resolver problemas matemáticos complicados? Úselos para algo que realmente cuenta. Únase al Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. Es un evento de equipos para todas las edades. Para inscribirse en el Relevo, llame al 1-800-227-2345 o visite la Web en Camine en círculos. Manténgase despierto toda la noche. ¡Diviértase! Y todo por una buena causa. Forme un equipo y únase al Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer el (DÍA, MES, FECHA). Llame a la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer al 1-800-227-2345 y pida más información. American Cancer Society Relay For Life :30 sec ¿Recuerda cuando no dormía toda la noche sólo por diversión? Bien, ahora puede hacerlo, y además por una buena causa. Forme un equipo y únase al Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. Ayude a recaudar fondos para la lucha contra el cáncer y además diviértase. Llame al 1-800-227-2345 y pida más información. Le prometemos que nadie le gritará para que se vaya a dormir. Si le gusta caminar o divertirse con amigos, tiene que participar en el evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer de este año. Es un evento lleno de acción, que dura toda la noche, para luchar contra el cáncer. Para inscribirse, llame a la oficina de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer de su localidad al 1-800-227-2345. Repetimos, 1-800-227-2345. ¡Únase a la diversión! Más personas que nunca sobreviven al cáncer. Si es un sobreviviente, le invitamos a que participe en el Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. Ésta es su oportunidad para inspirar a otros y honrar la memoria de amigos y seres queridos. Únase a esta celebración de la vida… únase al Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. Llame al 1-800227-2345 y pida más información. Más personas que nunca sobreviven al cáncer. Al participar en el Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer, puede rendir tributo a los sobrevivientes y honrar la memoria de amigos y seres queridos. Invitamos a toda la comunidad a que participe en esta celebración de la vida. Forme un equipo y únase al Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer. Pida más información llamando al 1-800-227-2345 o visite Amárrese los tenis y apoye la lucha contra el cáncer durante el Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer que se celebrará el (DÍA, MES, FECHA) en (LUGAR). Equipos de 10 a 15 participantes tomarán turnos caminando por la pista durante el evento. Reclute un equipo en su compañía, organización o vecindario, y únase a la emoción de recaudar fondos para combatir el cáncer y salvar vidas. Entretenimiento, juegos, grandes premios y la experiencia de formar un equipo, todo forma parte de la diversión. Llame a la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer al 1-800227-2345 para registrar a su equipo. ### American Cancer Society Relay For Life EJEMPLO DE PROCLAMACIÓN DEL EVENTO RELEVO POR LA VIDA Proclamación del evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer de (COMUNIDAD) CONSIDERANDO QUE, el evento Relevo por la Vida es la actividad distintiva de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer (American Cancer Society) en la que se celebra a los sobrevivientes del cáncer (cualquiera que alguna vez haya sido diagnosticado con cáncer) y a los cuidadores, recuerda a aquellos que perdieron la lucha contra la enfermedad, y faculta a las personas y a las comunidades a luchar contra el cáncer, y CONSIDERANDO QUE, los fondos que se recaudan durante el evento Relevo por la Vida de la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer de (COMUNIDAD) ayudan a apoyar las investigaciones, la educación, la defensa y los servicios a los pacientes; y CONSIDERANDO QUE, el evento Relevo por la Vida ayuda a financiar investigaciones del cáncer con más de $100 millones cada año; POR TANTO, RESUÉLVASE, que yo, (NOMBRE), (TÍTULO) de (NOMBRE DE LA COMUNIDAD), por medio de la presente proclamo (FECHAS) como: “DÍAS DEL EVENTO RELEVO POR LA VIDA” en (COMUNIDAD) y aliento a los ciudadanos a que participen en el evento Relevo por la Vida de (COMUNIDAD) en (LUGAR) el (FECHA). American Cancer Society Relay For Life