Download Guia n° 2 ,terceros medios ,Inglés - Liceo Industrial "Domingo Matte
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LICEO DOMINGO MATTE PEREZ GUIA DE TRABAJO ONLINE DE SUBSECTOR INGLÉS PARA EL NIVEL TERCERO MEDIO PROFESOR RESPONSABLE: Carlos Leiva, Lucía Castro, Exequiel Guzman, Bastian Quiroz NOMBRE DE LA UNIDAD 1: What happened? APRNDIZAJES ESPERADOS: Reconocer y utilizar el pasado simple y continuo INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES Leer atentamente la materia entregada, realizar los ejercicios adjuntos y luego reenviarlos para su posterior evaluación. Fecha de entrega guía numero 1 y 2 : Miércoles 28 de septiembre El no envió de las guías les otorgara la nota mínima, cualquier consulta me la envían al correo adjunto. Mail: PAST CONTINUOUS Se usa el pasado continuo (en inglés Past Continuous) para enfatizar que una actividad estaba en progreso durante un período de tiempo. En la estructura de la oración afirmativa, se usa el pasado del verbo BE (WAS/ WERE) y el verbo principal con la terminación ING de la siguiente forma: (+)Affirmative Sentence: Subject + WAS / WERE + VERB+ING + complement . For example: Little Ron was playing in his playpen yesterday afternoon. The children were playing in the playground yesterday afternoon. (-)Negative Sentence: Subject + WASN'T / WEREN'T + VERB+ING + complement . For example: Little Ron wasn't playing in his playpen yesterday afternoon. The children weren't playing in the playground yesterday afternoon. (?) yes/no questions: WAS/WERE + Subject + VERB+ING + complement For example: Was Little Ron playing in his playpen yesterday afternoon? was. Were the children playing in the playground yesterday afternoon? weren't. ?WH questions WH + WAS/WERE + Subject + VERB+ING + complement For example: What was little Ron playing yesterday afternoon? Where were the children playing yesterday afternoon? - Yes, he -No, they PAST SIMPLE Se usa el Pasado Simple (en inglés Simple Past) para hablar de eventos que iniciaron y se terminaron en el pasado. En la estructura de la oración afirmativa, los verbos principales se conjugan de forma directa. Los verbos regulares toman la terminación ED, mientras que los irregulares siguen su propia terminación. La estructura gramatical es de la siguiente forma: AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCE (+) SUBJECT + VERB (IN THE PAST TENSE) + COMPLEMENT For example: Regular Verb Little Ron played soccer last saturday. / Irregular Verb Little Ron broke my vase yesterday. Regular verbs Irregular Verbs Infinitive like play cook dance watch study listen to Infinitive be go read write have sing see Simple Past liked played cooked danced watched studied listened to Simple Past was, were went read wrote had sang saw NEGATIVE SENTENCE (-) SUBJECT + DID NOT (DIDN'T) + VERB INFINITIVE FORM + COMPLEMENT For example: Little Ron didn't play soccer last saturday. Little Ron did not break my vase yesterday. YES/ NO QUESTIONS (?) DID + SUBJECT + VERB INFINITIVE FORM + COMPLEMENT For example: Did Little Ron play soccer last saturday? Did Little Ron break my vase yesterday? Yes, he did. No, he didn't. WH- QUESTIONS (WH- ?) WH- + DID + SUBJECT + VERB INFINITIVE FORM + COMPLEMENT For example: What did Little Ron play last saturday? -He played soccer. Where did Little Ron play soccer last saturday? -He played soccer at the park. Simple Past Tense and Past Continuous Tense using When and While En algunos casos, se puede usar tanto el pasado simple como el pasado continuo en una oración, mediante el uso de "while" y "when". Por lo regular, while se usa junto con la oración en pasado continuo, y when se usa junto con la oración en pasado simple. For example: While I was talking to you yesterday, little Ron broke my favorite vase. I was talking to you yesterday, when little Ron broke my favorite vase. El pasado continuo se refiere a una acción que estaba en progreso, mientras el pasado simple se refiere a otra acción que interrumpió la acción previa. Note como se forman las oraciones negativas e interrogativas en estos ejemplos. -Did you see the new talk show on TV last night? -No, I didn't. I was working at that time. -Daddy, what were you doing when I called you yesterday? - I was working on my computer EXERCISES I. Change in Past Simple these verbs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Come: Live: Have: Answer: Become 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Keep: Cry: See: Stop: Drive: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Fly: Write: Study: Read: Go: II. Complete with Past Simple tense 1. My friends ________________ (not travel) to New York last summer. 2. __________ Clara _________ (wait) for the bus yesterday? 3. Students ______________ (study) for the English test last day. 4. Peter ________________ (finish) his work. 5. I ______________ (not live) in Brazil in 2005. 6. __________ my mother __________ (clean) my bedroom? 7. Thomas ______________ (not go) to the beach last summer. 8. Sara ______________ (break) a window yesterday. 9. We ______________ (talk) on the phone ten minutes. 10. The president ______________ (fly) to London last month. III. Complete with Past Continuous 1. I ________________ (drink) a milk at breakfast. 2. Peter _______________ (write) an e-mail to the headmaster. 3. The baby _________________ ( not cry) all night. 4. The child _______________ (not watch) TV. 5. Susan and Marie _________________ (play) volleyball yesterday. 6. The dog ______________ (not eat) its food. 7. ___________ the boy ____________ (play) pc games? 8. ___________ they _____________ (read) “The Lord of the Rings”? 9. Mary ______________ (run) in the competition. 10. The students _______________ (practice) sports yesterday evening. IV. Complete the sentences with Past Simple and Past Continuous 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. While I __________ (wash) the dishes, I __________ (break) a glass. I ___________ (drive) home when the accident __________ (happen) My mother ___________ (sleep) when the telephone ________ (ring) While Paul _______ (talk) on the phone, John ______ (open) the door. We _________ (walk) on the park when the dog _____ (bit) her.