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CURRICULUM VITAE DR. NATALIYA RESHETOVA Born: 07/11/1985 in Lviv, Ukraine Email:; Tel: 00 34 634 750 430 Postal Address: Calle Luis Briñas 17, 4B; Bilbao 48013, Vizcaya, España SCIENTIFIC LEADERSHIP POTENTIAL CURRENT POSITION FROM JANUARY 2016 Associate Researcher in Equipo Deusto de Valores Sociales, University of Deusto - Teaching in IR - Programme preparation of Statistical analysis (multiple regression analysis, analysis multilevel) RESEARCH PROJECTS Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, CSO2012-34684: Confianza y Desconfianza Social en Grupos Externos en la Sociedad Española Usando la Metodología del Factorial Survey. With Dr. Edurne Bartolome as a Principal Researcher in 2012 Bizkailab, 5755: Bizkaia Gobernantze Onerako- Gobernanza, participación, derechos y deberes. With Dr. Edurne Bartolome as a Principal Researcher in 2011 WORK EXPERIENCE FROM MAY 2015 TILL DECEMBER 2015 -Associate Researcher in International Research Project Office in the University of Deusto Projects H2020.Preparación de la propuesta para la Call GERI 3 - Project H2020 mapping - State of the Art for the call - Draft of the proposal - Timming/Shedule preparation for proposal Interdiciplinary Gender Platfom -translation for webpage -text preparation for a webpage FROM 2010-2014 IN THE SOCIAL VALUES INVESTIGATIONAL GROUP OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DEUSTO Analysis of data from de European Values Study (EVS), European Social Survey (ESS), World Values Survey (WVS) Work with statistical methods: Multiple Regression Analysis, Multilevel Analysis Data analysis with SPSS, R program Organization of relevant workshops, seminars TEACHING EXPERIENCE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF DEUSTO FROM 2010-2014 Subjects of the Statistical Methods for the Investigation for the foreign students of the International Master (in English) in the University of Deusto, Bilbao (Spain) Subjects of the Statistical Methods for the workers and professors of the University of Deusto (in Spanish) ) in the University of Deusto, Bilbao (Spain) Subjects of the Global History for the students of International Relations (in English) ) in the University of Deusto, Bilbao (Spain) Organization of different seminars, workshops for international students, University workers in the University of Deusto, Bilbao (Spain). INDIVIDUL GRANTS Awarded a scholarship for the period of three years from ERASMUS MUNDUS lot 6 for Belarus Moldova and Ukraine for Master Program and the possibility to continue a Doctorate Research In 2008 Awarded a Basque Government Scholarship for Doctorate Program for four years to carry a PhD Research. Highly Ranked Candidate, the 5th from 20, where the 1st is the best candidate. RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS CO-AUTHER OF THE CHAPTER OF THE BOOK Reshetova, Nataliya (2012): Cambio de valores en los inicios del siglo XXI en Euskadi y Navarra: Capítulo V. Postmaterialismo y apoyo político. Cambio de valores en los inicios del siglo XXI en Euskadi y Navarra, Univerdidad de Deusto, Bilbao, ISBN: 978-84-9830-339-1, pp. 137-160 PUBLISHED ARTICLES: Reshetova, Nataliya (2010): “Satisfacción con la democracia en Ucrania”, Revista Vasca de Sociología y Ciencia Política, Monográfico especial: Sociedad e Innovación en el siglo XXI, Bilbao, Febrero 2010, ISSN: 02147912, pp. 237-251 Reshetova, Nataliya (2010): “La influencia de la satisfacción con la economía en la satisfacción con la democracia en Ucrania en el periodo de transición”, Revista Vasca de Sociología y Ciencia Política Решетова, Наталія (2010): "Японія: Пріоритети зовнішньої політики" Вісник Львів випуск 27. C.62-66. PUBLISHED CONGRESS PAPERS: Reshetova, Nataliya (2011): “El efecto que produce el sistema de los partidos en la satisfacción con la democracia en Ucrania en el periodo de transición”, X Congreso Español de AECPA, Murcia Reshetova, Nataliya (2012): “La influencia de la satisfacción con la economía en la satisfacción con la democracia en Ucrania en el periodo de transición y de la crisis económica” I Congreso en Gobernanza y Asuntos Públicos, Madrid Reshetova, Nataliya (2012): “Territorial Dimension as an Indicator of Satisfaction with Democracy in Ukraine in the period of Transition”, IPSA 22 World Congress in Political Science, Madrid ORGANISATION OF SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS Organizer of a Workshop: ´Sustainable Peace: Old and New Approaches´ University of Deusto, (1-2 December 2011) in Bilbao, Spain Organizer of European Values Study 3rd workshop after fieldwork 2008, in the University of Deusto, Bilbao (18-22 October 2010) in Bilbao, Spain Organizar of 1 Encuentro Internacional de Conocimiento Joven “Glocalizando el Conocimiento”, (22-23 of October 2010) in Bilbao, Spain INVITED PRESENTATIONS IX Congreso Vasco (18-21 Agust 2012) in Bilbao (Spain) World Congress of Political Science (IPSA) (8-12 of July 2012) in Madrid (Spain) I Congreso en Gobernanza y Asuntos Públicos (INCCA) (5-7 of July) in Madrid (Spain) VI Congresso da APCP (1-3 of March 2012) in Lisbon (Portugal) X Congreso Español de Ciencia Política y de Administración “La política en la red”, (7-9 September till 2011) in Murcia (Spain) VIII Congreso Vasco de Sociología y Ciencia Política “Sociedad e Innovación en el Siglo XXI”, 10-12 of February 2010 in Bilbao (Spain) INTERNATIONAL ADVANCED SCHOOLS ECPR Summer School 2012: Multivariate Regression Analysis, , (27-12 of August 2012) in the University of Ljubljana EMAS Summer School in Research Methods: Regression Analysis Course (2229 of June 2012) in the University of Salamanca. EDEN Intensive Program (SPBuild IP): Peacebuilding: dilemmas and challenges (4-13 of November 2013) in University of Coimbra, CES (Portugal) EDEN Intensive Program: “Human Security, Peace and Stability: Special Focus on the Balkan Region” (12- 23 of July 2009) in Graz, Austria. AWARD Doctor Europeus: for having been as a Visiting Researcher to GESIS (Germany) and SciencesPo (Paris) during my PhD Research and haven written the Dissertation in English and Spanish language Awarded a “Cum Laude” with honor for the PhD Thesis on the Satisfaction with Democracy in Ukraine from 2005 till 2011 from the University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain Awarded a “Cum Laude” with honor for her Master Degree in International Relations, Diplomatic Service, Translation and Interpretation from the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine Awarded a “Cum Laude” with honor for her Bachelor Degree in International Relations from the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine TRANSECTORAL MOBILITY 2013 One month research visit to GESIS, EUROLAB in Köln (Germany) from the 24 of November till the 20 of December 2013 2013 Three month research visit in CERI, SciencesPo in Paris (France) from the 1 of February till the 31 of April 2013 SCIENTIFIC EXPERIENCE IN NON-ACADEMIC SECTOR Participant of European Student´s Forum: AEGEE-Paris, European integrity meeting in 2008, Paris, France Participant of European Student´s Forum: AEGEE-Lviv and AEGEE-Palermo Student Exchange in 2007, Palermo, Italia Participant 10-th German-Polish-Ukrainian Student Workshop in 2005, Lublin, Poland Participant of International Week in 2004, Budapest, Hungary Organizer of the Student Exchange within the European Student´s Forum of AEGEE-Lviv and AEGEE-Berlin in 2004, Berlin, Germany EDUCATION 2015 - Doctor in Philosophy in International Relations from the University of Deusto: Dissertation with Honor: Satisfaction with Democracy in Ukraine from 2005 till 2011 Master Degree in Public Policy and Development from the University of Deusto, Bilbao Spain (2009) Master Degree with honor in Political Science and Administration, from the Ivan Franko Lviv University (Ukraine) in 2007, officially recognized by the Ministry of Education in Spain in 2009 Master Degree in English Translation and Interpretation from Ivan Franko Lviv University (Ukraine) in 2007 LANGUAGES Advanced Proficiency: English, Spanish Native: Ukrainian, Russian