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Department of Anthropology Box 1921 128 Hope St. Brown University Providence, Rhode Island 02912 USA Tel: 401.863.3251/7732 Fax: 401.863.7588 MATTHEW GUTMANN PROFESSOR OF ANTHROPOLOGY BROWN UNIVERSITY EDUCATION 1997 1995 1991 1975 M.P.H. Ph.D. M.A. A.B. School of Public Health, Univ of California, Berkeley Cultural Anthropology, Univ of California, Berkeley Cultural Anthropology, Univ of California, Berkeley Oriental Languages, Univ of California, Berkeley (High Honors) Univ of Chicago (1972-73, no degree) Antioch College (1971-72, no degree) ACADEMIC POSITIONS (Brown University) 20152015 20132009-13 2009-10 20072003-07 2000-03 1997-03 Director, Brown International Advanced Research Institutes (BIARI) Interim Director, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Faculty Fellow, Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs Vice President for International Affairs Director, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Professor of Anthropology Associate Professor of Anthropology Stanley J. Bernstein Asst. Professor of the Social Sciences Assistant Professor of Anthropology SELECTED FELLOWSHIPS, GRANTS, AWARDS, AND HONORS 2016 2015-16 2015201320132013 2008 2007-08 2007 2006-08 2005 2004 2001-07 Visiting Professor, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon, Thailand Virginia B. Toulmin Foundation, co-principal investigator Visiting Professor, Nanjing University Investigador Visitante, Centro de Estudios Sociológicos, Colegio de México Visiting Professor, Shanghai Theatre Academy (上海戏剧学院客座教授) Investigador Visitante, Departamento de Antropología, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana–Iztapalapa Eileen Basker Memorial Prize for Studies in Gender and Health, Society for Medical Anthropology, for Fixing Men. American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship Fulbright-García Robles Scholar (Mexico) Compton Foundation, co-principal investigator Profesor Visitante, Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao, Spain Professeur Invité, Faculté des Sciences Economiques et Sociales, Université de Lille I, France Profesor Visitante, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social Pacífico Sur (Oaxaca, Mexico) Revised 5 November 2015 CV - Gutmann - 2 2001-02 2001-02 1996-97 1995-96 1993-95 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93 Profesor Visitante, Centro Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia Oaxaca (Mexico) National Endowment for the Humanities University Faculty Fellowship National Institutes of Health Postdoctoral Training Grant, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Prevention Research Center/School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley Postdoctoral Visiting Research Fellowship, Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego National Institute of Mental Health National Research Service Award Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Training Grant Wenner-Gren Predissertation Grant National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant Investigador Visitante, Centro de Estudios Sociológicos and Programa Interdisciplinario de Estudios de la Mujer, El Colegio de México; and Research Associate, Departamento de Antropología, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana–Iztapalapa (Mexico) PUBLICATIONS – BOOKS AUTHORED OR CO-AUTHORED n.d. Citizens of the World: Global Affinities. In preparation. n.d. Men are Animals. In preparation 2010 Breaking Ranks: Iraq Veterans Speak Out Against the War. With Catherine Lutz. Berkeley: University of California Press. 2007 Fixing Men: Sex, Birth Control, and AIDS in Mexico. Berkeley: University of California Press. Winner of 2008 Eileen Basker Memorial Prize for Studies in Gender and Health. Spanish edition: Por mis pistolas: Sexo, anticoncepción y SIDA en México. Lucía Rayas, trans. Siglo XXI, 2016. In press. 2002 The Romance of Democracy: Compliant Defiance in Contemporary Mexico. Berkeley: University of California Press. Spanish edition with new “Epilogue”: El romance de la democracia: Rebeldía sumisa en el México contemporáneo. Nora Allende, trans. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2009. Chinese edition: «民主的浪漫:当代墨西哥民众的无声抗议». Phoenix Library, Frontiers of Political Science series. Zheng Feijia, Li Sheng, and Ma Huijuan, trans. Jiangsu, China: Jiangsu People’s Publishing House. 2016. In production. 2000 Mainstreaming Men into Gender and Development: Debates, Reflections, and Experiences. Co-author with Sylvia Chant. Oxford: Oxfam. 1996 The Meanings of Macho: Being a Man in Mexico City. Berkeley: University of California Press. Tenth Anniversary Edition with new “Preface.” Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. xv-xxviii, 2006. CV - Gutmann - 3 Spanish edition: Ser hombre de verdad en la ciudad de México: Ni macho ni mandilón. Nair Anaya Ferreira, trans. Mexico City: Programa Interdisciplinario de Estudios de la Mujer and Programa Salud Reproductiva y Sociedad, El Colegio de México, 2000. Portuguese edition: Os significados das masculinidades em uma Colonia Popular na Cidade do México. Luiza Aragon Ovalle, trans. Universidad Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2016. In production. PUBLICATIONS – BOOKS EDITED OR CO-EDITED 2016-22 Global Square book series. With Jeffrey Lesser. University of California Press. Nine volumes are projected, 2016-2022. 2016 Global Latin America. With Jeffrey Lesser. Global Square book series. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. In production. 2003 Changing Men and Masculinities in Latin America. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. 2nd printing. 2003 Perspectives on Las Américas: A Reader in Culture, History and Representation. With Félix V. Matos Rodríguez, Lynn Stephen, and Patricia Zavella. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers. PUBLICATIONS – REPORTS 2009 “Report on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse among UN Peacekeepers: Haiti, Kosovo, and Lebanon.” Prepared for the Compton Foundation and the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations. With Catherine Lutz and Keith Brown. 2007 “Violations Against Freedoms of Inquiry and Expression in Oaxaca de Juárez: Report by the Fact-Finding Delegation of the Latin American Studies Association on the Impact of the 2006 Social Conflict.” Pittsburgh, PA: Latin American Studies Association. With Marysa Navarro, Orlandina de Oliveira, and Teresa Valdés. Spanish version of the main body of the Report published in Cuadernos del Sur (Oaxaca) 11(24/25):155-71, 2007. Spanish version of the main body of the Report published in Desacatos (Mexico City) 26:151-66, 2008. 1999 “‘Men-Streaming’ Gender? Questioning New Currents in Gender and Development Policy.” Report for the World Bank, Directions in Development Series. With Sylvia Chant. CV - Gutmann - 4 PUBLICATIONS – SPECIAL ISSUES OF JOURNALS EDITED 2007 2002 “Sexuality and Reproductive Health in Mexico.” Guest editor with Héctor Carrillo and Katherine E. Bliss of special issue of Sexuality Research and Social Policy 4(3). “Anthropología de las masculinidades.” Guest editor with Federico Besserer of special issue of Alteridades (Mexico) 23. 2001 “Men and Masculinities in Latin America.” Guest editor of special issue of Men & Masculinities 3(3). 1992 “Culture, Identity, and Empire in the Americas, 1492-1992.” Co-editor with Rebecca Dobkins of special issue of Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, Nos. 75-76. PUBLICATIONS – ESSAYS 2016 “Chasing Che: Introduction to Global Latin America.” With Jeffrey Lesser. Matthew Gutmann and Jeffrey Lesser, eds. University of California Press. In preparation. 2016 “The Empire of Choice and the Emergence of Military Dissent.” In Ethnographies of U.S. Empire. John Collins and Carole McGranahan, eds. Durham: Duke University Press (with Catherine Lutz). In press. 2015 «旧的和新的男子气概:在上海当文求爱武» (“Old and New Masculinities: When Wen [文] Woos Wu [武] in Shanghai”). E-演(Shanghai Theatre Academy). In press. 2014 “Alternative Cultures of Masculinity: An Anthropological Approach.” In Alternative Masculinities for a Changing World. José María ArmengolCarrera and Angels Carabi, eds. Pp. 51-62. London: Palgrave-MacMillan. 2014 «直觉墨西哥城:男子气概之谜与痛苦手势» (“Intuiting Mexico City: Manly Riddles and Gestures of Affliction”). TDR: The Drama Review, Performance Studies/China 5:209-20. 2014 “Problem of Gender and Citations Raised Again in New Research Study.” With Virginia R. Dominguez and Catherine Lutz. Anthropology News 55(3-4):29-30. 2013 “O machismo.” Antropolítica: Revista Contemporânea de Antropologia (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil). 34:95-120. 2012 “Disidencias en la figuración de la guerra: Entrevista a Matthew Gutmann.” Versión: Estudios de Comunicación y Política (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico City) 29:1-7. 2011 “Beyond Resistance: Raising Utopias from the Dead in Mexico City and Oaxaca.” In New Approaches to Resistance in Brazil and Mexico. John Gledhill and Patience Schell, eds. Pp. 305-24. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. CV - Gutmann - 5 2010 “New Labyrinths of Solitude: Lonesome Mexican Migrant Men and AIDS.” In The International Handbook on Gender and Poverty: Concepts, Research, Policy. Pp. 321-26. Sylvia Chant, ed. London: Edward Elgar. 2009 “The Missing Gamete? Ten Common Mistakes or Lies about Men’s Sexual Destiny.” In Reconceiving the Second Sex: Men, Masculinity, and Reproduction. Marcia Inhorn, Tine Tjørnhøj-Thomsen, Helene Goldberg, and Maruska La Cour Mosegaard, eds. Pp. 21-44. Oxford: Berghahn Books. Revised version: “O fetiche totêmico da sexualidade masculina: Oito erros comuns.” Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais 24:5-20. 2009. Revised version: “El fetiche de la sexualidad masculina: ocho errores comunes.” In Masculinidades en el México contemporáneo, Oscar M. Hernández Hernández, Arcádio A. García Cantú, and Koryna I. Contreras Ocegueda, Eds. Pp. 29-46. Plaza y Valdés Editores: Madrid. 2011. Revised version: “Men’s Sexual Health and Destiny.” In Gender and Health Handbook. Jasmine Gideon, ed. London: Edward Elgar. 2016. In press. 2009 “Epílogo” for Spanish edition of El romance de la democracia: Las políticas populares en el México contemporáneo. Nora Ludmila Arraras Peiretti, trans. Pp. 391-405. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica. 2009 “Planning Men out of Family Planning: A Case Study from Mexico.” Sexualidad, Salud y Sociedad (Rio de Janeiro) 1:104-24. Revised version: In Reproduction, Globalization, and the State, Carole H. Browner and Carolyn F. Sargent, eds. Pp. 53-67. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011. Revised version: “Planificar la exclusion de los hombres de la planificación familiar: Un estudio de caso en México.” EG, Revista Interdisciplinaria de Estudios de Género (Mexico) 1(1):54-75. 2015. 2009 “Becoming Monsters in Iraq.” With Catherine Lutz. Anthropology Now 1(1):1220. 2008 “Cultural Bias and ‘No-scalpel Vasectomies’: Lessons Learned by a Brown Anthropologist in Mexico.” Medicine and Health Rhode Island 91(12):369-71. 2008 “SMA Notes from the Field: The Health of War Studies.” Anthropology News December, pp. 56-57. 2008 “Eyewitness Accounts of the Occupations.” Op-ed with Catherine Lutz. Providence Journal, 22 March, p. F2. 2008 “Academic Freedoms Under Assault in Oaxaca: The LASA Delegation Report.” LASA Forum 39(1):6-8. 2008 “Kast Ordulari: Kuzey ve Güney Amerika’da Zorunlu Askerlik, Vicdani Red ve Demokratik Yurttaşlik” (Caste Armies: Military Conscription, Conscientious Objection, and Democratic Citizenship in the Americas). Çarklardaki Kum: CV - Gutmann - 6 Vicdani Red, Düşünsel Kaynaklar ve Deneyimler (Sand in the Cogs: Conscientious Objection, Theory and Experience). Özgür Heval Çinar and Coşkun Üsterci, eds. Pp. 165-84. Istanbul: İletişim. English version, “Military Conscription, Conscientious Objection and Democratic Citizenship in the Americas,” in Conscientious Objection: Resisting Militarized Society. Özgür Heval Çinar and Coşkun Üsterci, eds. Pp. 131-44. London: Zed. 2008. 2007 Entries on “Anthropology,” “Cultural Formations, LatinAmerica” (with Mara Viveros), “Machismo (and Macho),” and “Mexican Masculinities.” International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities. Michael Flood, Judith K. Gardiner, Bob Pease, and Keith Pringle, eds. Pp. 17-21; 107-10; 372; 438-40. London: Routledge. 2007 “Hacia el dominio del cuerpo varonil: Los impulsos sexuales y la salud reproductiva masculina.” In Sucede que me canso de ser hombre: Relatos y experiencias sobre hombres y masculinidades en México. Ana Amuchástegui and Ivonne Szasz, eds. Pp. 411-31. Mexico City: El Colegio de México. 2006 “El género de la política popular en el México contemporáneo.” In Debates sobre masculinidades: Poder, desarrollo, políticas públicas y ciudadanía. Gloria Careaga and Salvador Cruz Sierra, eds. Pp. 429-47. Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 2006 “Mexico: Fathers and Children” and “Mexico: Urges and Affairs.” In Men of the Global South: A Reader. Adam Jones, ed. Pp. 28-32, 47-50. London: Zed Press. (Excerpted from chapters 3 and 5, The Meanings of Macho, 1996.) 2006 “Preface” for Tenth Anniversary Edition of The Meanings of Macho: Being a Man in Mexico City. Pp. xv-xxviii. Berkeley: University of California Press. 2006 “Padres de Verdad: Fatherhood in Mexico City.” Sidebar in Families with Futures: A Survey of Family Studies for the Twenty-first Century. Meg W. Karraker and Janet R. Grochowski. Pp. 291-92. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum. 2005 “La ‘falocedad’ de continuos: Salud reproductiva entre adolescentes en Oaxaca de Juárez.” Estudios Sociales (Hermosillo, Mexico) 26:117-43. 2005 “Men Who Abandon their Families: Households As Border Zones in Mexico City.” Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe (Tel Aviv) 16(1):133-46. 2005 “Scoring Men: Vasectomies and the Totemic Illusion of Male Sexuality in Oaxaca.” Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 29(1):79-101. Revised version: “Scoring Men: Vasectomies, Gender Relations and Male Sexuality in Oaxaca.” In The Gender, Culture and Power Reader. Dorothy Hodgson, ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2015. 2005 “Masculinities in Latin America.” With Mara Viveros Vigoya. In Handbook of Studies on Men and Masculinities. Michael Kimmel, R.W. Connell, and Jeff Hearn, eds. Pp. 114-28. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. CV - Gutmann - 7 Spanish version: “Masculinidades en América Latina.” Tratado de psicología social: Perspectivas socioculturales. Miguel Ángel Aguilar and Anne Reid, eds. Pp. 120-39. Barcelona: Anthropos. 2007. 2005 Entry on “Machismo.” New Dictionary of the History of Ideas. With Gloria González-López. Maryanne Cline Horowitz, ed. Pp. 1328-30. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. Spanish version in Estudios sobre la Violencia Masculina, Roberto Garda Salas and Fernando Huerta Rojas, eds. Pp. 15-20. Mexico City: Indesol, 2007. 2004 “Hombres carnales: Las políticas somáticas de la salud reproductiva masculina.” Maguaré (Bogotá) 18:221-40. 2004 “Dystopian Travels in Gringolandia: Engendering Ethnicity among Mexican Migrants to the United States.” Ethnicities 4(4):477-500. Portuguese version: “Quando se cruzam fronteiras diaspóricas e identidades distópicas.” Revista de Antropologia 51(1):155-76, 2008. 2004 Entry on “Machismo.” In Encyclopedia on Men and Masculinities. Michael Kimmel and Amy Aronson, eds. Pp. 478-80. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio Press. 2003 “Iniciación sexual y salud reproductiva entre adolescentes en Oaxaca de Juárez, México.” In Varones adolescentes: Género, identidades y sexualidades en América Latina. José Olavarría, ed. Pp. 153-64. Santiago: Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. Reprinted in Revista Mirada Antropológica (Puebla, Mexico) 3:90-104, 2005. 2003 “Discarding Manly Dichotomies in Latin America.” Introduction to Changing Men and Masculinities in Latin America. Matthew C. Gutmann, ed. Pp. 1-26. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. 2003 “Introduction: Understanding the Américas: Insights from Latina/o and Latin American Studies.” With Lynn Stephen, Patricia Zavella, and Félix V. Matos Rodríguez. In Perspectives on Las Américas: A Reader in Culture, History and Representation. Matthew C. Gutmann, Félix V. Matos Rodríguez, LynnStephen, and Patricia Zavella, eds. Pp. 1-30. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers. 2002 “Presentación: Antropología de las masculinidades.” Alteridades (Mexico City). With Federico Besserer 23:3-4. 2002 “La politique populaire a-t-elle un genre? Un exemple mexicain.” Valérie Liégeois, trans. Cahiers des Ameriques Latines (Paris) 39:109-26. 2002 “Las mujeres y la negociación de la masculinidad.” Nueva Antropología (Mexico City) 61:99-116. 2002 “Masculinidades en América Latina, más allá de los estereotipos: Diálogo con Mathew C. Guttman” [sic] Iconos [FLACSO Ecuador] 14:118-24. 2002 “‘Men-streaming’ Gender? Questions for Gender and Development Policy CV - Gutmann - 8 in the 21st Century.” With Sylvia Chant. Progress in Development Studies 2(4):269-82. Excerpted version in Anthropology of Development and Globalization: From Classical Political Economy to Contemporary Neoliberalism. Marc Edelman and Angelique Haugerud, eds. Pp. 240-49. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 2005. 2002 “En busca de la identidad perdida: Machismo y masculinidad.” Letra S, supplement to La Jornada (Mexico City), 5 September, pp. 6-7. With Michael S. Kimmel. 2002 “Abstinence, Antibiotics, and Estar Jurado: The Manners of Drinking in Working Class Mexico City.” In Contemporary Cultures and Societies of Latin America: A Reader in the Social Anthropology of Middle and South America. Dwight B. Heath, ed. 3rd ed. Pp. 294-302. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press. (Revised version of chapter 7, The Meanings of Macho, 1996.) 2001 “Cambio contextualizado: Las masculinidades contemporáneas en Chile, Colombia y el Perú.” Introduction to Hombres e identidades de género: Investigaciones desde América Latina. Mara Viveros, Norma Fuller, and José Olavarría. Pp. 15-33. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia. 2001 “Mexican Machos and Hombres: Challenging Gender Relations.” ReVista: The Harvard Review of Latin America. Fall, pp. 35-39. 2001 “The Vicissitudes of Men and Masculinities in Latin America.” Men & Masculinities 3(3):235-36. 2000 “Las viejas chingonas, la democracia y la cultura política populare en México.” In Crossroads of History: Experience, Memory, Orality. Vol. 3, Pp. 1137-40. Istanbul: International Oral History Association/Boğaziçi University. 2000 “Male Discretion and Sexual Indiscretions in Working Class Mexico City.” In Gender Through the Prism of Difference. 2nd ed. [and 3rd ed., 2005] Maxine Baca Zinn, Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo, Michael A. Messner, eds. Pp. 171-87. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. (Reprinted from chapter 5, The Meanings of Macho, 1996.) 2000 “A (Short) Cultural History of Mexican Machos and Hombres.” In Gender Matters: Rereading Michelle Z. Rosaldo. Alejandro Lugo and Bill Maurer, eds. Pp. 160-84. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Reprinted as “Mexican Machos and Hombres” in Across Borders: Diverse Perspectives on Mexico. Jessica Perkins and Karen Campbell, eds. Pp. 135-56. Toronto: ISCMexico, 2007. 1999 “Desafiando a los padres mexicanos: El hogar como zona fronteriza en la ciudad de México.” Anales del Museo Nacional de Antropología (Madrid) 6:83-103. 1999 “Padres de poca madre: El machismo y la paternidad.” Special issue on “El Padre: Cambios y Retos.” Cuadernos: Familia, Cultura y Sociedad (Medellín) 3-4:13-36. (Partial translation of chapters 3 and 5, Ser hombre de verdad en la ciudad de México, 1999.) CV - Gutmann - 9 1999 “A manera de conclusión: Solteras y hombres, cambio e historia.” In Divergencias del modelo tradicional: Hogares de jefatura femenina en América Latina. Mercedes González de la Rocha, ed. Pp. 163-72. Mexico City: Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en la Antropología Social. 1999 “Jorge Negrete y Lo Mexicano.” Musok-Tapunakuy (Diálogo Social) (Lima) Nº 8/9, pp. 4-7. 1999 “Haciendo cambios en las relaciones de género en la colonia Santo Domingo, ciudad de México.” Musok-Tapunakuy (Diálogo Social) (Lima) Nº 6/7, pp. 4-7. 1999 “Viajes no utópicos en Gringolandia: Los migrantes mexicanos como pioneros de cambios culturales globales.” In Fronteras Fragmentadas. Gail Mummert, ed. Pp. 573-84. Zamora: El Colegio de Michoacán. English version: “Dystopian Travels in Gringolandia: Mexican Migrants and the Subversion of Gender Categories.” Working Paper #00-02-A. Center for Migration & Development, Princeton University, 2000. 1999 “Do we need ‘masculinist’ (manly?) defenses of feminist archaeology?” Commentary on “Who’s come a long way baby? Masculinist approaches to a gendered archaeology,” by Bruce Knapp. Archaeological Dialogues (Leiden) 5(2):112-15. 1999 “Ethnicity, Alcohol, and Acculturation.” Social Science & Medicine 48(2):173-84. Revised Spanish version: “Etnicidad, alcohol y aculturación.” Alteridades (Mexico City) 23:19-34, 2002. 1998 “Mamitis and the Traumas of Development in a Colonia Popular of Mexico City.” In Small Wars: The Cultural Politics of Childhood. Nancy Scheper-Hughes and Carolyn Sargent, eds. Pp. 130-48. Berkeley: University of California Press. Spanish version: “Mamitis y los traumas del desarrollo en una colonia popular de la ciudad de México.” In Paternidades en América Latina. Norma Fuller, ed. María Elena García, trans. Pp. 333-59. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú Fondo Editorial, 2000. Revised English version in Gendered Modernities: Ethnographic Perspectives, Dorothy L. Hodgson, ed. Pp. 149-72. New York: Palgrave, 2001. 1998 “El machismo.” Masculinidades y equidad de género en América Latina. Teresa Valdés and José Olavarría, eds. Pp. 238-57. Santiago: Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. (Partial translation, with additional material, of chapter 9, Ser hombre de verdad en la ciudad de México, 1999.) 1998 “Los machos que no tienen ni madre: La paternidad y la masculinidad en la ciudad de México.” Pastora Rodríguez Aviñoá, trans. La Ventana (Guadalajara) 7:120-165. (Translation of chapter 3, Ser hombre de verdad en la ciudad de México, 1999.) 1998 “For Whom the Taco Bells Toll: Popular Responses to NAFTA South of the Border.” Critique of Anthropology 18(3):297-315. CV - Gutmann - 10 Spanish version: “Por quién doblan las campanas de Taco Bell: Respuestas populares al TLC al sur de la frontera.” Alteridades (Mexico City) 10:109-22, 2000. English version reprinted in Perspectives on Las Américas: A Reader in Culture, History and Representation. Matthew C. Gutmann, Félix V. Matos Rodríguez, Lynn Stephen, and Patricia Zavella, eds. Pp. 404-17. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 2003. English version reprinted in Talking About People: Readings in Cultural Anthropology. William Haviland, Robert Gordon, Luis Vivanco, eds. 4th ed. Pp. 170-80. McGraw-Hill, 2006. 1997 Entry on “Gender: 1910-96.” In Encyclopedia of Mexico: History, Society, and Culture. Michael S. Werner, ed. With Susie Porter. Vol. 1, pp. 575-80. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers. 1997 Entry on “Masculinity.” In The Dictionary of Anthropology. Thomas J. Barfield, ed. Pp. 310-11. Malden, MA: Blackwell. 1997 “The Ethnographic (G)Ambit: Women and the Negotiation of Masculinity in Mexico City.” American Ethnologist 24(4):833-55. Partial Spanish version: “Las fronteras corporales de género: Las mujeres en la negociación de la masculinidad.” In Cuerpo, diferencias y desigualdades. Mara Viveros and Gloria Garay, eds. Pp. 105-123. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 1999. Partial Spanish version: “El (g)ámbito etnográfico: Las mujeres en la negociación de la masculinidad.” In Discurso, sociedad y lenguaje: Una anamorfosis en el nuevo milenio. Bob Hodge, Rose Lema, and Hans Saettele, eds. Pp. 174-195. Munich: Lincom Studies in Pragmatics., 2002. 1997 “The Cultural Genealogy of Machismo: Mexico and the United States, Cowboys and Racism.” Horizontes Antropológicos (Porto Alegre) 5:105-39. (Reprinted, with additional material, from chapter 9, The Meanings of Macho, 1996.) 1997 “Los verdaderos machos mexicanos nacen para morir.” Masculinidad/es: Poder y Crisis, Teresa Valdés and José Olavarría, eds. Santiago: Ediciones de las Mujeres, ISIS Internacional 24:153-68. (Translation of chapter 1, Ser hombre de verdad en la ciudad de México, 1999.) 1997 “Trafficking in Men: The Anthropology of Masculinity.” Annual Review of Anthropology 26:385-409. Spanish version: “Traficando con hombres: La antropología de la masculinidad.” Patricia Prieto, trans. La Ventana (Guadalajara) 8:47-99, 1998. Revised Spanish version, Horizontes Antropológicos (Porto Alegre) 10:245-86, 1999. CV - Gutmann - 11 Spanish version in Ética: Masculinidades y feminidades. Patricia Prieto, trans. Angela Inés Robledo and YolandaPuyana, eds. Pp. 177-227. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2000. 1997 “Seed of the Nation: Men’s Sex and Potency in Mexico.” In The Gender/Sexuality Reader: Culture, History, Political Economy. Roger N. Lancaster and Micaela di Leonardo, eds. Pp. 194-206. New York: Routledge. 1996 “Reflexiones sobre los aportes y dilemas de etnografías recientes acerca de la masculinidad.” Acta Sociológica (Mexico City) 16:71-83. 1995 “Los hijos de Lewis: La sensibilidad antropológica y el caso de los pobres machos.” Alteridades (Mexico City) 4(7):9-19 (dated 1994). 1993 “Los hombres cambiantes, los machos impenitentes y las relaciones de género en México en los noventa.” Estudios Sociológicos (Mexico City) Vol. XI, No. 33, pp. 725-40. English version: “The Meanings of Macho: Changing Mexican Male Identities.” masculinities 2(1):21-33, 1994. English version reprinted in Situated Lives: Gender and Culture in Everyday Life. Louise Lamphere, Helena Ragoné, and Patricia Zavella, eds. Pp. 223-234. New York: Routledge, 1997. English version reprinted in Perspectives: Race and Ethnicity. Amber Ault, ed. Pp. 99-106. Madison, WI: Coursewise Publishing, Inc, 1999. 1993 “Rejoinder.” (Response to James C. Scott’s reply to my paper “Rituals of Resistance.”) Latin American Perspectives 20(2):95-96. 1993 “Rituals of Resistance: A Critique of the Theory of Everyday Forms of Resistance.” Latin American Perspectives 20(2):74-92. Reprinted in Development: Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences. Stuart Colbridge, ed. Vol. 4. Pp. 501-17. London: Routledge, 2000. 1993 “Culturas primordiales y creatividad en los orígines de lo mexicano.” La Jornada Semanal (Mexico City) No.186, 3 January, pp. 30-38. 1992 “Cross-Cultural Conceits: Science in China and the West.” Science as Culture (London) No. 15, 3(2):208-239. 1992 “Primordial Cultures and Creativity in the Origins of Lo Mexicano.” In Culture, Identity, and Empire in the Americas, 1492-1992, Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, Nos. 75-76, pp. 48-62. 1992 “Preface.” In Culture, Identity, and Empire in the Americas, 1492-1992, Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, Nos. 75-76, p. iii. With Rebecca Dobkins. 1992 “Conflicting Representations: Contrasting Stephen’s Zapotec Women and ‘Mayordomia’ to Asch’s Insiders and Outsiders.” Visual Anthropology Review 8(1):132-35. CV - Gutmann - 12 PUBLICATIONS – REVIEWS 2015 Review of Global Fatherhood. Marcia C. Inhorn, Wendy Chavkin, and JoséAlberto Navarro, eds. Global Public Health 10(7):895-96. 2013 Review of Masculinity and Sexuality in Modern Mexico. Víctor M. MacíasGonzález and Anne Rubenstein, eds. Journal of Latin American Studies 45:83637. 2009 Review of Performing English with a Postcolonial Accent: Ethnographic Narratives from Mexico, by Angles Clemente and Michael J. Higgins. Journal of Latin American Anthropology 14(1)233-34. 2008 Review of Will to Live: AIDS Therapies and the Politics of Survival, by Joao Biehl. American Ethnologist 35(3). 2007 Review of film, “Muxes: Authentic, Intrepid Seekers of Danger,” by Alejandra Islas. American Anthropologist 109(4):750-01. 2005 Review of Why Do Men Barbecue?: Recipes for Cultural Psychology, by Richard A. Schweder. American Anthropologist 107(1):166-67. 2004 Review of Mexican Masculinities, by Robert McKee Irwin. American Historical Review 109(4):1276-77. 2004 Review of Genders in Production: Making Workers in Mexico’s Global Factories, by Leslie Salzinger. Journal of Latin American Studies 36(3):625-26. 2004 Review of Feminist Futures: Re-imagining Women, Culture and Development. Kum-Kum Bhavnani, John Foran, and Priya Kurian, eds. American Journal of Sociology 109(6):1514-16. 2003 Review of Gender’s Place: Feminist Antropologies of Latin America, edited by Rosario Montoya, Lessie Jo Frazier, and Janise Hurtig. The Americas 60(2):27576. Spanish version, “Para ubicar el género.” Debate feminista (Mexico) 14:357-59, 2003. 2003 Review The Night is Young: Sexuality in Mexico in the Time of AIDS, by Héctor Carrillo. Journal of Latin American Studies 35(4):788-80. 2003 Review of G-Strings and Sympathy: Strip Club Regulars and Male Desire, by Katherine Frank. Journal of Anthropological Research 59:421-23. 2003 Review of The Other Side of the Popular: Neoliberalism and Subalternity in Latin America, by Gareth Williams. The Americas 60(1):145-47. 2003 Review of Making Sense of Men’s Magazines, by Peter Jackson, Nick Stevenson, and Kate Brooks. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 28(1):12526. CV - Gutmann - 13 2002 Review of Cultural Diversity in the United States: A Critical Reader, edited by Ida Susser and Thomas C. Patterson. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 8(2):404-05. 2002 Review of Women’s Movements in International Perspective: Latin America and Beyond, by Maxine Molyneux. Journal of Latin American Studies 34(2):475-77. 2000 Review of What It Means to Be a Man: Reflections on Puerto Rican Masculinity, by Rafael L. Ramírez. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 6(3):545. 2000 Review of Refried Elvis: The Rise of the Mexican Counterculture, by Eric Zolov. Social History 25(3):395-96. 2000 “Home and Habitus in Latin America.” Review essay of Lila’s House: Male Prostitution in Latin America, by Jacobo Schifter, and Mema’s House, Mexico City: On Transvestites, Queens, and Machos, by Annick Prieur. Gay & Lesbian Quarterly 6(1):125-28. 1999 Review of The Cassowary’s Revenge: The Life and Death of Masculinity in a New Guinea Society, by Donald Tuzin. American Ethnologist 26(3):777-78. 1999 Review of Tradition Matters: Modern Gaúcho Identity in Brazil, by Ruben Oliven. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 6(1):175-78. 1997 Review of Unlocking the Iron Cage: The Men’s Movement, Gender Politics, and American Culture, by Michael Schwalbe. Gender and Society 11(2):261-63. 1997 “The Dawn of Hombres-de-Verdad Studies.” Review essay of Hombres y Machos: Masculinity and Latino Culture, by Alfredo Mirandé. Latino Review of Books 3(1-2):42-43. 1996 Review of The Reformation of Machismo: Evangelical Conversion and Gender in Colombia, by Elizabeth E. Brusco. American Ethnologist 23(4):930-31. 1995 Review of Messages Men Hear: Constructing Masculinities, by Ian M. Harris. American Ethnologist 22(4):1063-64. 1995 Review of Patriarchy on the Line: Labor, Gender, and Ideology in the Mexican Maquila Industry, by Susan Tiano. American Ethnologist 22(4):1029-30. 1994 Review of Life is Hard: Machismo, Danger, and the Intimacy of Power in Nicaragua, by Roger N. Lancaster. masculinities 2(2):87-88. 1993 “Mexicanos Pobres.” Review of Dancing with the Devil: Society and Cultural Poetics in Mexican-American South Texas, by José Limón. La Jornada Semanal (Mexico City) No. 299, 5 March, pp. 10-11. 1993 “La revolución de los machos.” Review of Life is Hard: Machismo, Danger, and the Intimacy of Power in Nicaragua, by Roger N. Lancaster. La Jornada Semanal (Mexico City) No. 204, 9 May, p. 11. 1993 “Antropología del amor y la muerte.” Review of Death Without Weeping: The Violence of Everyday Life in Brazil, by Nancy Scheper-Hughes. La Jornada Semanal (Mexico City) No. 211, 27 June, pp. 12-13. CV - Gutmann - 14 1992 Review of Guerrillas and Revolution in Latin America: A Comparative Study of Insurgents and Regimes since 1956, by Timothy P. Wickham-Crowley. Social Forces 71(2):533-534. 1992 Review of The Mexican Urban Household: Organizing for Self-Defense, by Henry A. Selby, Arthur D. Murphy, and Stephen A. Lorenzen. Latin American Anthropology Review 4(1):30. PUBLICATIONS – PHOTOGRAPHY, TRANSLATIONS, CD-ROM RECORDINGS 2016 “Looking at the Past and the Future Without Fear: An Interview with Ricardo Lagos.” In Global Latin America, Matthew Gutmann and Jeffrey Lesser, eds. Berkeley: University of California Press. In production. 2012 “La violencia no es natural.” Interview, Letra S, supplement to La Jornada, 5 January. 2012 «致辞» (invited opening remarks), “Winter Institute: Performing Shanghai.” Shanghai Theatre Academy; 5 January. 2008 Letter, Wilson Quarterley 32(4):6. 2008 Photograph. ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America, Winter. P. 25. 2005 Photographs. ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America, Spring/Summer. Pp. 46, 48. 2002 Photographs. ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America, Winter. Pp. 9, 11. 2001 Photographs. Gendered Modernities: Ethnographic Perspectives, Dorothy L. Hodgson, ed. Pp. 155, 160, 167. New York: Palgrave. 2001 Photographs. ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America, Fall. Pp. 6, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39. 2001 Translation of “Contemporary Latin American Perspectives on Masculinity,” by Mara Viveros Vigoya. With María Elena García. Men & Masculinities 3(3):23760. Revised version reprinted in Changing Men and Masculinities in Latin America. Matthew C. Gutmann, ed. Pp. 27-57. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. 2000 “Fuera de control: Sobre categorías y desigualdades de género, raza y clase.” On CD-ROM from Simpósio International: “O desafio da diferença articulando gênero, raça e classe.” Bahia, Brazil. 2000 Photographs. Mesolore: Exploring Mesoamerican Culture, Liza Bakewell and Byron Hamann, eds. CD-ROM Project. 2000 Discussant, “Engendered Pasts and Present or Politically Correct Ones?” Mesolore: Exploring Mesoamerican Culture, Liza Bakewell and Byron Hamann, eds. CD-ROM Project. CV - Gutmann - 15 1999 Photographs. In Fronteras Fragmentadas: Género, familia e identidades en la migración mexicana al norte. Gail Mummert, ed. Pp. 419, 557. El Colegio de Michoacán. 1997 “The Photograph of José Enríquez.” In Seeing Anthropology: Cultural Anthropology through Film. Karl G. Heider, ed. P. 142. [and subsequent editions, pp. 298-99] Allyn and Bacon. COURSES TAUGHT Advanced Anthropological Theory; Anthropology of Masculinity; Comparative Gender Systems; Contemporary Anthropological Theory; Cultural Issues in Latin America; Culture and Health; Cultures of Mexico; Ethnicity, Race, and Nationality; Ethnicity, Race, and Gender in the Americas; Ethnography; Freshman Seminar on Greater Mexico; Gender and Health; Introduction to Cultural Anthropology; Peoples and Cultures of the Americas; History of Ethnological Theory; Principles of Cultural Anthropology; Senior Seminar in Ethnic Studies; Senior Seminar in Latin American Studies DOCTORAL THESES Bryan Moorefield (2017), Josh McLeod (2015); Paula Dias (2015); Andrea Maldonado (2014); Kendra Fehrer (2014); Sebastián Ignacio Madrid Peralta (University of Sydney, 2013); Yağmur Nuhrat (2013); Jennifer Ashley (2011); Kathleen Millar (2013); Rebecca Galemba (2009); Angela McMillan Howell (2007); Elena Castañeda Jiménez (Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, Mexico City, 2005); Erick Castellanos (2004); Josue Ramírez (2002); Hillary Crane (2001); María Elena García (2001); Nelson Minello Martini (Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, Guadalajara, 2001). FIELD EXPERIENCE China: primarily Shanghai; Mexico: primarily Mexico City and Oaxaca; United States: community organizing in Oakland, Chicago, and Houston. LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY Chinese (普通话): recovering good spoken and reading; French: reading, some spoken; Portuguese: reading, some spoken; Spanish: excellent. PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Academia Mexicana de Estudios de Género de los Hombres, American Anthropological Association, American Ethnological Society, Association for Asian Studies, Association for Feminist Anthropology, Association of Latina and Latino Anthropologists, Latin American Studies Association, Society for East Asian Anthropology, Society for Latin American Anthropology, Society for Medical Anthropology OTHER EDITORIAL AND EVALUATION ACTIVITIES 2015201520142014, 2015 2014 Member, Editorial Board, Theatre Arts (Shanghai Theatre Academy) Consejo Asesor, Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares (Spain) Member, Comité Editorial, EG, Revista Interdisciplinaria de Estudios de Género (Mexico) Member, U.S. Student Fulbright National Screening Committee Presidente, Thesis Evaluation Committee, Colegio de la Frontera Norte (Mexico) CV - Gutmann - 16 201220112011 20102009 2008 20072004 2004 2003-10 2003-04 2001-10 2001-09 19991998199819981994-95 1994- Comité Científico, Revista de Nuevas Tendencias en Antropología (Spain) International Editorial Council, Vibrant: Virtual Brazilian Anthropology National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship Review Panel Editorial Board, Medical Anthropology: Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness Member, selection committee for Eileen Basker Memorial Prize for Studies in Gender and Health Chair, selection committee for Joseph T. Criscenti Prize for Best Article, New England Council of Latin American Studies Editorial Board, Culture, Society, and Masculinities Chair, Best Book Prize, New England Council of Latin American Studies Advisory Board, Dictionary of Anthropology (Blackwell Publishing) Comité Editorial, Maguaré (Colombia) Consultant Editor, International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities Editorial Board, International Journal of Men’s Health Editorial Advisory Board, Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power Advisory Board, Haworth Hispanic/Latino Press Editorial Board, Critique of Anthropology Advisory Editor, Men & Masculinities Grant reviewer, Economic and Social Research Council (Britain), Fulbright Senior Specialists Program, MacArthur Foundation, National Science Foundation, SSRC, Wenner-Gren Foundation. Associate Editor, masculinities Manuscript/proposal reviewer: Addiction, American Anthropologist, American Ethnologist, Anthropological Theory, Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies/Revue canadienne des études latino-américaines et caraïbes, Caribbean Studies, Centro: Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Critique of Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, Desacatos, Ethnography, Ethnohistory, Ethnos, Gay & Lesbian Quarterly, Human Organization, Identities, Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Journal of Latin American Anthropology, Latin American Research Review, Medical Anthropology, Medical Anthropology Quarterly, Men & Masculinities, Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos, Revista Antropológica, Sexuality Research and Social Policy, Social Science & Medicine; Allyn & Bacon, Berg, Blackwell, California, El Colegio de México, Duke, Prentice Hall. OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (unless noted, at Brown University) 20152015 20132011-12 2010 2009-10 2010 2009-13 2009-13 2009-13 2009-13 2009-13 20092008-11 Foreign Collaborator, CNPq Research Group on “Saberes, Práticas e Territórios,” Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Member, Program Committee, 2015 International Conference on Men Strategic Advisor, Shanghai Theatre Academy (上海戏剧学院战略顾问) Member, Knowledge Advisory Group, World Economic Forum Program Committee, 109th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association Nominations Committee, Latin American Studies Association Co-chair, Committee on Responses to Haitian Earthquake Member, Ivy+ International Affairs Officers Chair, International Affairs Advisory Board Member, Senior Dean’s committee Member, President’s Cabinet Member, President’s Executive Committee Member, Executive Committee, Global Health Initiative Member, Executive Board, Society for Medical Anthropology CV - Gutmann - 17 2008 2008-09 2007 2006-09 2006-08 2007 2006-07 20052005 2005-08 2005 2004-06 2004 2003-07 2003-05 2003-04 2002-2005 2002-2005 2002-2013 2001-03 2000-02 2000-03 2000-01 2000, 2004 19981998-99 1998-99 1998 1997-2002 1997- Member, Advisory Board, Latino Male Forum Chair, Search Committee, Louise Lamphere Visiting Assistant Professor of Gender Studies Chair, Latin American Studies Association Fact-finding Delegation to Oaxaca, Mexico Member, Rethinking Histories of Resistance in Mexico and Brazil Project Member, International Advisory Committee, III Coloquio Internaconal de Estudios sobre Varones y Masculinidades, Medellín, Colombia (2008) Search Committee, Cogut Postdoctoral Fellow in East Asian Studies Search Committee, Anthropology Associate Faculty, Gender Studies Member, International Advisory Committee, II Coloquio Internacional de Estudios sobre Varones y Masculinidades, I Congreso Nacional de la Academia Mexicana de Estudios del Género de los Hombres: “Violencia: ¿El juego del hombre?” Guadalajara, Mexico Fulbright Fellowship Selection Committee Facultad Afiliada, Doctorado Europeo en “Migraciones y Conflictos en la Sociedad Global,” Universidad de Deusto, Spain Organizer, Working Group on Anthropology and Population Speakers Series Observer for the Carter Center in Venezuelan Repasos Referendum Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Anthropology Executive Committee, New England Council of Latin American Studies Co-Chair, Gender and Feminist Studies Section, Latin American Studies Association Faculty Associate, Population Studies and Training Center Independent Concentration Committee Faculty Associate, Watson Institute for International Studies Search Committees, Anthropology and Ethnic Studies Rhode Island Committee for the Humanities Speakers Bureau University Lecturerships Committee Executive Committee of the Watson Institute for International Studies Consultant, Ford Foundation, Brazil Colaborador, M.A. program, Especialización en Estudios de la Mujer, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana–Xochimilco Consultant, World Bank Co-organizer, lecture series on “Anthropological Perspectives on Engendered Nations,” Dept. of Anthropology Program Committee, Co-Chair Gender and Sexuality Section, 21st International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Chicago Faculty Committee, Ethnic Studies Executive Committee, Center for Latin American Studies CONFERENCE PAPERS, COMMENTARIES, PUBLIC ADDRESSES, PANELS (recent years) 2016: Shanghai Theatre Academy; DePauw University; University of British Columbia; Nanjing University; Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon (Bangkok). 2015: Chinese University of Hong Kong; American Anthropological Association (Denver); Foundation for Psychocultural Research and University of California Los Angeles; Nanjing University; 1st International Seminar on the Culture of Violence against Women (São Paulo); Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre); Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro; Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro; Universidade Federal Fluminense (Rio de CV - Gutmann - 18 Janeiro); Colegio de México; Maestría de Estudios Interdisciplinarios de Género/Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez; Fudan University (Shanghai); Shanghai Theatre Academy; Nanjing University; University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. 2014: American Anthropological Association (Washington. DC); Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana–Iztapalapa (Mexico City); Università di Bologna (two lectures); University of Wollongong (Australia); Shanghai Theatre Academy; Performance Studies International Conference (Shanghai); Latin American Studies Association (Chicago); University of California Los Angeles; University of California, Irvine; City University of New York Graduate Center; Brown Club of Orange County. 2013: American Anthropological Association (Chicago); Chicago Humanities Festival; Shanghai Theatre Academy (four lectures); Nanjing University (two lectures); Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana–Iztapalapa (Mexico City); Colegio de México (two lectures); UC Berkeley. 2012: University of Witwatersrand (Johannesburg); University of Cape Town; Shanghai Theatre Academy. 2011: Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Mexico City); Wenner-Gren Conference “Ethnographies of Empire” (New York City); Archivo General de la Nación (Mexico City). 2010: American Anthropological Association (New Orleans); Nanjing University; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre); Rutgers University; Chennai Anti-Retroviral Therapy Symposium 2010.