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Write the plural of the follow nouns.
(Escribe el plural de los siguientes sustantivos)
a. glass: ___________
b. car: ___________
c. class: ___________
d. book: ___________
e. video: ___________
f. wife: ___________
g. bay: ___________
h. army: ___________
i. loaf: ___________
j. volcano: ___________
1. Write the plural form of the nouns. In case they dont have write “NO”.
(Escribe el plural de los siguientes sustantivos. En caso que no tenga forma plural
escribe “no”)
Person: _____________
Watch: _____________
life: _____________
street: _____________
work: _____________
wife: _____________
foot: _____________
crash: _____________
gold: _____________
key: _____________
imagination: _____________
money: _____________
child: _____________
sheriff: _____________
hero: _____________
tree: _____________
city: _____________
milk: _____________
piano: _____________
3. Write the nouns of the follow sentence using the words in the brackets.
(Escribe los sustantivos de las siguientes oraciones usando las palabras que se
encuentran en paréntesis)
a. There is a child in the street. (some)
________________________ in the street.
b. I bought a loaf of bread. (two)
I bought ________________________.
c. I saw a wolf at the zoo. (five)
I saw _____________ at the zoo.
d. There is a person at the door. (two)
________________________ at the door.
e. I went to a party last weekend. (two)
I went to ____________________ last weekend.
f. There is a church in my neighbourhood. (three)
______________________ in my neighbourhood.
g. There is a mouse under the bed. (some)
__________________________ under the bed.
h. The baby has a new tooth. (four)
The baby has __________________________.
i. There is a box under the Christmas tree. (five)
_________________________ under the Christmas tree.
j. There is a fresh tomato in the fridge. (some)
_________________________________ in the fridge.
Un verbo es una palabra o un grupo de palabras que expresa una acción o
un estado.
 Underline the verbs of the follow sentences.
(Subraya los verbos de las siguientes oraciones)
a. We had a nice lunch.
b. I think that he is right.
c. He drove for hours.
d. I have played volleyball.
Los verbos auxiliares son verbos que se usan con el verbo principal de la
oración para expresar la acción o el estado.
Underline the auxiliary verbs of the follow sentences.
(Subraya los verbos auxiliares de las siguientes oraciones)
a. They are jogging.
b. She was sitting.
c. We were waiting for hours.
d. Is she sleeping?
e. He didn't know the answer.
f. We have gone a long way.
g. Has she received any of my letters?
h. Do you smoke?
i. Will she help?
Un verbo compuesto = verbo auxiliar + verbo principal.
Ejemplos: was playing, has eaten, doesn't want.
Underline the compound verbs of the follow sentences.
(Subraya los verbos compuestos de las siguientes oraciones)
a. They were discussing their future.
b. He didn't tell us the truth.
c. I have finished my homework.
d. She will meet us there.
Los verbos estáticos son verbos que expresan un estado en vez de una acción.
be, seem, love, own, want, sound, have, know, understand.
(ser, parecer, amar, ser dueño de, querer, sonar, tener, saber, entender.)
 Underline the static verbs of the follow sentences.
(Subraya los verbos estáticos de las siguientes oraciones)
a. She is a great wife.
b. He seems rather strange.
c. He wanted to see you.
d. That sounds awesome!
e. We have enough things to do.
f. He wants to see you.
g. I know what to do.
h. They seem nice.
Los verbos dinámicos son el opuesto de los verbos estáticos. Expresan una
acción real.
Jump, swim, catch, write, call, sleep, hit, open, speak.
(Saltar, nadar, atrapar, escribir, llamar, dormir, pegar, abrir, hablar).
Underline the dinamic verbs of the follow sentences.
(Subraya los verbos dinamicos de las siguientes oraciones)
a. They swam to the other side.
b. She hit me on the head!
c. Open the window, please.
d. He is drinking water.
Un verbo frasal es un verbo que se combina con un adverbio o una
preposición. La combinación crea un nuevo significado.
Underline the phrasal verbs of the follow sentences.
(Subraya los verbos frasales de las siguientes oraciones)
a. She can run fast!
b. He looked into my eyes.
c. I ran into Joe yesterday.
d. He made a lot of noise.
e. Look up!
f. It never happened. He made the whole thing up!
g. Could you put this up stairs?
h. look up!
i. She is happy with her workplace.
j. I cannot put up with his behavior any more!
3.1. Underline the adverbs of the follow sentences.
(Subraya los adverbios de las siguientes oraciones)
I went home.
b. We met yesterday.
c. The turtle moves slowly.
d. Sometimes it stops responding.")
e. She is staying with us temporarily.")
f. Our team will surely win!")
g. She was very pleased.")
h. She runs quickly.
i. She is so beautiful.
j. She smokes very rarely.
k. Naturally, you don't have to come.
3.2. Write the follow adverbs in the correct form
(Escribe los siguientes adverbios en su forma correcta)
Example: a. Quick: Quickly (rápidamente)
b. Strange: __________ (extrañamente)
c. Dead: __________ (mortal)
d. Sudden: __________ (repentinamente)
e. Clever: __________ inteligentemente)
f. Brave: __________ (valientemente)
g. Real: __________ (realmente)
h. Happy: __________ felizmente)
i. True : __________ (verdaderamente)
3.3. Underline the grades of adverbs of the follow sentences.
(Subraya los Adverbios de grado de las siguientes oraciones)
a. He is very concerned with you.
b. You are totally right.
(We almost made it to the train.
3.4. Underline the modal adverbs of the follow sentences.
(Subraya los adverbios de modo de las siguientes oraciones)
a. He handled the situation well.
b. She listened secretly to their conversation.
c. The children ran happily to their father.
3.5. Underline the adverbs of place of the follow sentences.
(Subraya los adverbios de lugar de las siguientes oraciones)
a. We are here.
b. He went home.
c. We found him outside.
d. She looked up.
3.6. Underline the adverbs of time of the follow sentences.
(Subraya los adverbios de tiempo de las siguientes oraciones)
a. Let's talk now.
b. I will do it later.
c. He promised to write back soon.
d. What are you doing tomorrow?
e. We haven't met before.
3.7. Underline the adverbs of frequency of the follow sentences.
(Subraya los adverbios de frecuencia de las siguientes oraciones)
a. I always brush my teeth after a meal.
b. We often meet and chat.
c. He is usually here on time.
3.8. Underline the adverbs of duration of the follow sentences.
(Subraya los adverbios de duración de las siguientes oraciones)
a. He is working there temporarily.
b. We spoke briefly.
c. I will be forever grateful.
3.9. Underline the adverbs of probability of the follow sentences.
(Subraya los adverbios de probabilidad de las siguientes oraciones)
a. She will certainly forget about it.
b. Maybe we'll come after all.
c. It will probably not work.
d. Surely you are not serious!
3.10. Underline the comparative adverbs of the follow sentences.
(Subraya los adverbios comparativos de las siguientes oraciones)
a. Maggie works out more seriously than Donna.
b. She eats less than her friends.
c. You are better than this.
d. We couldn't go slower even if we wanted to.
e. Let's get closer.
3.11. Underline the superlative adverbs of the follow sentences.
(Subraya los adverbios de superlativos de las siguientes oraciones)
a. He knows best.
b. It was the most boring experience.
c. He shouted the loudest so he won.
d. He ran the slowest so he lost.
Underline the adjectives of each sentence.
(Subraya los adjetivos de cada oración)
a. The tall man
b. A happy child
c. The red ball
d. A glass table
e. A dark Street
f. A Spanish woman
g. A cold Winter
h. She looks tired
i. I feel good
j. It smells bad
k. You are beautiful
l. A small black book
m. A pretty Spanish woman
n. A large glass tabble
o. A wonderful old city
2. Choose the correct form of adjectives order in a sentence.
(Escoje el orden correcto de los adjetivos en las siguientes oraciones)
1. a. Juanita has beautiful blonde long hair.
b. Juanita has beautiful hair blonde long.
c. Juanita has beautiful long blonde hair.
2. a. Samir bought a shiny new black sofa in the sales.
b. Samir bought a new black shiny sofa in the sales.
c. Samir bought a black shiny new sofa in the sales.
3. a. My grandmother left me a valuable gold antique bracelet.
b. My grandmother left me a valuable antique gold bracelet.
c. My grandmother left me a antique valuable gold bracelet.
4. a. Justin Bieber is an American popular young singer.
b. Justin Bieber is a popular young American singer.
c. Justin Bieber is a young American popular singer.
1. Choose the correct form of the positive, comparative and superlative adjectives.
(Escoje la forma correcta del adjetivo positivo, comparativo y superlativo)
a) My mother is _______ than my father.
a. old
b. older
c. the oldest
d. the old
b) What is the______ movie you have ever seen?
a. funny
b. funnier
c. funniest
d. the funny
c) That movie was bad, but it wasn't the_____ I have ever seen.
a. baddest
b. worsest
c. worse
d. worst
d) Rachel's hair is not as _____ as Sarah's.
a. long
b. longer
c. the longest
d. more long
e) Yesterday's exam was _____ than the one last month.
a. difficult
b. difficulter
c. the difficultest
d. more difficult
c. the fastest
d. the faster
f) Peter is as ____ as Alex.
a. fast
b. faster
g) I think Mary is the _____ woman I have ever seen.
a. beautiful
b. most beautiful
c. the beautifulest
d. the beautifuler
h) Her room is only a little bit _____ than mine.
a. bigger
b. the bigger
c. big
d. the biggest
i) Michael's house is _____ from the train than Betty's.
a. far
b. the further
c. the farther
d. further
1. Complete the follow sentences using the verbs in brackets put them in the
correct form, Simple Present or Simple Past.
(Completa colocando el verbo entre paréntesis en Simple Present o Simple Past)
a. Everyday I (go) ________ to school.
b. Last year we (visit) __________ our grandchildren.
c. Jane often (cook) __________ a meal for her husband.
d. Yesterday, she (have) ________ lunch with her sister.
e. Last week, Rob (buy) _________ a new car.
f. I (send) __________ three letters yesterday.
g. We (invite) ___________ our family for dinner last night.
h. We always (invite) _________ our family for dinner on Sundays.
i. Jane usually (take) __________ the bus.
j. Yesterday, Jane (take) ___________ the train.
NOTA: Este taller debe ser diligenciado al correo
Fecha limite de entrega: 14/04/2017
Hora: 4:00 p.m.