Download Lord I Believe In You - Truth Tabernacle of Praise
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Lord I Believe In You (Tommy Walker) arr. Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir (SOLO) Verse 1 Though I can't see Your holy face And Your throne in heaven above It seems so far away And Though I can't touch, can't touch Your nail-scarred hands I have a deep unspeakable joy that makes my faith to stand Chorus 1 (1st time SOLO) Lord I believe in You, I'll always believe in You Though I can't see You with my eyes, Deep in my heart Your presence I find Lord I believe in You And I'll keep my trust in You Let this whole world say what they may No one can take this joy away Lord I believe (ooooo) [1st x] (ooooo) (ahhhh) (ahhhh) (SOLO) Verse 2 Enviado del cielo Eres Aquel escogido por Dios Eres el único y cierto Camino hasta Su corazón Moriste en la cruz Resucitaste y hoy vives en mí Venciste el pecado y la muerte Y ahora soy libre al fin Chorus 2 (choir – oooo / ahhhh) Cristo yo creo en Tí (oooooo) Yo siempre creeré en Tí (oooooo) Aunque no pueda verte Señor (ahhhh) Eres real en mi corazón (ahhhh) Cristo yo creo en Tí (oooooo) Yo siempre creere en Tí (oooooo) Aunque se niegue el mundo a creer (ahhhh) No dejaré mi gozo perder (ahhhh) (Lord I believe) Chorus 1 (choir) – SOLO ad-libs Repeat Chorus 1 (choir) I believe, I believe V2 English translation Born from above You are God's only chosen One You're the One and only true way Way to the Father's heart You died for all sin Then You rose and now live again Conqu'ring death and the grave CCLI Song No. 1782003 © 1996 Doulos Publishing (Admin. by Maranatha! Music) Tommy Walker For use solely with the SongSelect Terms of Use. All rights Reserved. CCLI License No. 2626675 So that I might live