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2017 Red OTRI Andalucía. Optimización de transistores de efecto campo orgánicos para electrónica plástica: A la búsqueda de componentes transparentes para nuevos dispositivos. (ORGANIC ELECTRONICS) Resumen: Develop high-performance, solution-processable, optically transparent organic semiconductor and dielectric materials. Establish/implement solution deposition/printing processes to achieve multilayer materials deposition with high resolution. Enable fully transparent, flexible, solution-processed organic TFTs and circuits. Enable transparent displays. Analyze the key parameters determining the TFT response. Objetivos: Develop high-performance, solution-processable, optically transparent organic semiconductor and dielectric materials. Establish/implement solution deposition/printing processes to achieve multilayer materials deposition with high resolution. Enable fully transparent, flexible, solution-processed organic TFTs and circuits. Enable transparent displays. Analyze the key parameters determining the TFT response. Objectivos contribución: Synthesize and/or optimise new high band-gap molecular and polymeric semiconductors based on rylene, oligothiophene and dicyanomethylene-containing cores. Functionalize high-purity single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) with semiconducting surfactants. Optimize formulations for solution deposition, focusing on spin-coating and ink-jet printing. Optimization of layer-by-layer self-assembled nanodielectrics (SANDs) to enhance transparency. Entregables: Imprint crosslinked polymeric dielectric materials on optically transparent substrates. Analysis of the electric properties of the above-mentioned materials in various field-effect transistor configurations using glass as supporting material. Theoretic and spectroscopical characterization of the semiconductor and dielectric materials. Impacto: The fabrication of organic-based invisible electronic and opto-electronic circuits will allow the development of new low-cost technologies for transparent electronics. Applications could include head-up displays for real-time analysis and processing of optical images and complex data streams. 1 Participante • University of Malaga Presupuesto: 237,284.00 Equipo de investigación Nombre: POLÍMEROS CONDUCTORES Y BIOPOLÍMEROS Email: PAIDI: FQM159 Web: Investigador principal: Juan Teodomiro LOPEZ NAVARRETE (Coordinador) Email: Teléfono: +34 952 13 - 2974, - 7215 Presupuesto del equipo: 237,284.00 Universidad: Universidad de Málaga Estado: published Contacto Solicitar más información de Optimización de transistores de efecto campo orgánicos para electrónica plástica: A la búsqueda de componentes transparentes para nuevos dispositivos.