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Research Fellow, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona
Office 20.174, Jaume I Building
(Since Dec 2015) Beatriu de Pinós Fellow at the Pompeu Fabra University (Spain)
(Jan-Nov 2015) Postdoctoral Researcher at the Human Rights Institute of the University of Deusto
(Jan 2013- Dec 2014) Visiting Researcher at Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias of
the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico)
(Oct-Nov 2007) Research Assistant at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (Norvay)
(2008-2012) PhD, Migration Studies, Sussex Centre for Migration Research, University of Sussex (UK)
(2008-2009) Postgraduate Diploma in Social Research Methods, Sussex Centre for Migration
Research, University of Sussex (UK)
(2006-2007) MA, Migration Studies (distinction), Sussex Centre for Migration Research,
University of Sussex (UK)
(2003-2005) MSc, Globalization, Development and International Cooperation (distinction),
Department of Economics, University of the Basque Country (Spain)
(2004-2007) BA, Anthropology (with honours), UNED, Spanish Open University (Spain)
(1999-2003) BA, Economics (with honours), University of the Basque Country (Spain)
 Beatriu de Pinós fellowship, cofunded by the European Comission through its People’s
Programme Marie Curie Actions (2015-2107)
 Postdoctoral grant by the Basque Country Government (2013-2015)
 Fieldwork grant by the Basque Country Government, New York University, US (2 months, 2010)
 Fieldwork grant by the Basque Country Government, University of Cuenca, Ecuador (9 months,
 Fully funded attendance by IMISCOE to 2009 Winter School in Paris (27-31 January, 2009))
 Doctoral grant by the Basque Country Government (2008-2012)
 Postgraduate grant by Fundación Caja Madrid (2006-2007)
 Séneca; one year of study in the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain (2002-2003)
 Erasmus; one year of study in the University of Kingston, UK (2001-2002)
2013 Consultancy for the Elaboration of a Feasibility Study of the Proposal to Establish an EULAC Migration Observatory, commissioned by the Foundation EU-LAC (with Kerstin
Schmidt-Verkerk). Results presented at the Meeting of the working group on Migration in
Relations between the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean, 28th March,
Hellenic Parliament, Athens (Greece)
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Peer-reviewed articles:
9 articles: 2 ISI; 3 SCOPUS; 1 LATINDEX; 2 CARHUS+
(2016) Transformative Looks. Practicing Citizenship through Photography. Journal of Social Science
Education 15(4): 14-21 (with Sónia Pereira and Concha Maiztegi)
2015 SCOPUS SJR: 0.126 - Q4 Education
(2016) ¿Es la Economía una Ciencia Social? Claves de Razón Práctica 244: 86-93 (with Martín Alonso
CIRC –Clasificación Integrada de Revistas Científicas 2012: Grupo B; CARHUS+ 2014: Grupo D
(2015) Ways of Staying Put in Ecuador. Social and Embodied experiences of mobility-immobility
interactions. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 41(14): 2274-2290
2015 JCR: 1.536 - Q1; 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.912; Ranking: 3/15 Ethnic Studies & 11/26
(2015) Migration, Migrants and Leisure: Meaningful Leisure? Leisure Studies 34(1): 1-4 (with Esther
Peperkamp and Nina Tiesler)
2015 JCR: 1.057 - Q3; 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.473; Ranking: 25/44 Hospitality, Leisure, Sport &
(2015) Are all dollars equal? The meanings behind migrants’ financial transfers. Migraciones
Internacionales 8(1): 39-63
2015 SCOPUS SJR: 0.185 - Q3 Demography – Q3 Geography, Planning and Development
(2014) From ‘mud houses’ to ‘wasted houses’. The impact of remittances on housing in rural highland
Ecuador. ReMHu-Revista interdisciplinaria de Mobilidade Humana Vol. 22(42): 263-280
Indexed in Latindex. Google Scholar Metrics: h5-Index 6; h5-Median 8
(2013) Migration, Development, Gender and the ‘Black Box’ of Remittances: Comparative Findings
from Albania and Ecuador. Journal of Comparative Migration Studies, Vol.1 (1): 69-96 (with
Russell King – main author - and Julie Vullnetari)
(2013) Linking Social and Financial Remittances in the Realms of Financial Know-How and Education
in rural Ecuador. Migration Letters. An International Journal of Migration Studies, Vol. 10 (1):
2013 SCOPUS SJR: 0.122 - Q4 Demography- Q4 Geography, Planning and Development
(2010) Eating Abroad, Remembering (at) Home. Anthropology of Food 7 (Migrations, pratiques
alimentaires et rapports sociaux)
CARHUS Plus+ 2010 (AGAUR) General o Multidisciplinar Valoración C; Google Scholar Metrics:
h5-Index 6; h5-Median 9
Peer-reviewed monograph:
(forthcoming) (In)movilidades en un Pueblo del Centro de México. Cuernavaca: CRIM-Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de México (Double peer-reviewed manuscript) [ISBN 978-607-02-8328-4]
SPI-Scholarly Publishers Indicators: ICEE 3.775. Ranking general 40/259
Edited book:
(forthcoming) Food parcels in International Migration. Intimate Connections. London: Palgrave
Macmillan (with Maria Abranches) [ISBN 978-3-319-40372-4]
SPI-Scholarly Publishers Indicators: ICEE 5.057. Ranking general 35/259
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Book chapters:
(forthcoming) “Sending, bringing, consuming and researching food parcels”. In D. Mata-Codesal and
M. Abranches (eds.) Food parcels in International Migration. Intimate Connections. London:
Palgrave Macmillan. [ISBN 978-3-319-40372-4]
SPI-Scholarly Publishers Indicators: ICEE 5.057. Ranking general 35/259
(2014) “Me hace sentir como si estuviera en Ecuador. Alimentación y sensaciones de hogar en los
inicios de la migración ecuatoriana en Santander”. In F. Xavier Medina (ed.) Alimentación y
Migraciones en Iberoamérica. Barcelona: Editorial UOC, pp. 137-153 [ISBN 978-84-9064-235-1]
SPI-Scholarly Publishers Indicators: ICEE 1.876. Ranking general 85/272
Book reviewed in 2015 by Martín Eynard in Gazeta de Antropología 31(1): recensión 02.
(2013) “Towards a Gender Sensitive Approach to Remittances in Ecuador”. In L. Oso and N. RibasMateos (eds.) The International Handbook on Gender, Migration and Transnationalism: Global
and Development Perspectives. Cheltenham, UK & Northampton MA, US: Edward Elgar
Publishing, pp. 361-375. [ISBN 978-1-78195-146-0]
SPI-Scholarly Publishers Indicators: ICEE 6.797. Ranking general 28/259
Book reviewed in 2013 by Caitlin Henry in Journal of Regional Science 54(5): 919-921; in 2014 by Carmen
Ghinea in Journal of Research on Gender Studies 4(1): 156-189; in 2015 by Shahamak Rezaei in European Planning
Studies; and by Sendy Alcidonis in International Migration Review 49(2): e11-e12.
(2013) Feasibility Study of the Proposal to Establish an EU-LAC Migration Observatory, Hamburg:
LAC-EU Foundation (with Kerstin Schmidt-Verkerk)
Working papers:
(2008) Rice & Coriander. Sensorial re-creations of Home through Food: Ecuadorians in a Northern
Spanish city. Sussex Centre for Migration Research Working Paper 50
(2011) Of Corridors and Dyads. Unpacking the Family Dynamics of Remittance Transfers to Albania
and Ecuador. Sussex Centre for Migration Research Working Paper 66 (with Russell King and
Julie Vullnetari)
Papers in conference proceedings with ISBN:
(2015) Mujeres Enraizadas y Penélopes que Esperan. Apuntes Exploratorios en Relación al Género y la
Inmovilidad. VIII Congreso sobre Migraciones Internacionales en España. Granada: Instituto de
Migraciones. ISBN 978-84-921390-4-0
(2014) Inmovilidad Transnacional. XIII Congreso de Antropología de la FAAEE (pp. S14/116–S14/125).
Tarragona: Universitat Rovira i Virgili. ISBN 978-84-697-0505-6
(2012) Discursos e Imágenes sobre las Remesas Ecuatorianas. La Doble Instrumentalización de los
Migrantes, XV Encuentro Latinoamericanistas Españoles (pp. 3983-3995). Madrid: Trama
Editorial. ISBN-e 978-84-92755-89-9
(2011) Memorias Sensoriales de Tiempos, Encuentros y Lugares. In Luis Diaz, Oscar Fernández and
Pedro Tomé (coord.), Lugares, Tiempos, Memorias. La Antropología Ibérica en el Siglo XXI (pp.
3137-3143). León: Universidad de León. (with Nuria Cano) ISBN 978-84-9773-583-4
(2011) Mi Cuerpo de Antropóloga Migrante. Los Sentidos y el Cuerpo en la Práctica Etnográfica. In
Luis Diaz, Oscar Fernández and Pedro Tomé (coord.), Lugares, Tiempos, Memorias. La
Antropología Ibérica en el Siglo XXI (pp.3173-3181). León: Universidad de León. ISBN 978-84-
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(2011) Banderas Estadounidenses en la Fiesta del Señor de los Milagros en Xarbán (Ecuador). La
Transnacionalización de un Ritual Rural Andino. In Luis Diaz, Oscar Fernández and Pedro Tomé
(coord.), Lugares, Tiempos, Memorias. La Antropología Ibérica en el Siglo XXI (pp.1865-1873).
León: Universidad de León. ISBN 978-84-9773-583-4
Book reviews:
(2014) Review of “First Migrants. Ancient Migration in Global Perspective” by Peter Bellwood. Social
Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale 22(4): 489-490
(2009) Review of "Expressing Identities in the Basque Arena” by Jeremy MacClancly. Journal of Ethnic
and Migration Studies 35(4): 707-709
2014 Guest editor for a special issue on Migrant Leisure of the journal Leisure Studies (with
Esther Pepperkam and Nina Clara Tiesler)
2010 (on-going) Referee for various journals: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies-JEMS,
International Migration, Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies,
Leisure Studies, Anthropology of Food, Investigaciones Feministas, Journal of
Comparative Migration Studies, Revista de AIBR, The Age of Human Rights Journal,
International Journal of Comparative Sociology
2010 (on-going) Editorial board of AIBR-Journal of Iberoamerican Anthropology
2012 (on-going) Scientific committee of the journal Investigium-Ire (Colombia)
(2016) Fotopaseos por el barrio, Seminario de Metodologías participativas: Hacer, expresar e
investigar, 10 Noviembre, Bilbao (España)
(2016) ¿Quiénes somos nosotros y qué es lo nuestro? Construcción del “nosotros” en el barrio de El
Carmel, Barcelona, Seminario Permanente GRECS-GRACU, 24 October, Barcelona (Spain)
(2016) ‘Huelen mal’. El olor como marca de subalteridad, 2nd AIBR International Conference of
Anthropology, 6-9 September, Barcelona (Spain)
(2016) Immobilizing women in rural Mexico, 14th EASA Biannual Conference, 20-23 July, Milan (Italy)
(2016) Participant observation in Migration Studies, 13th IMISCOE Annual Conference, 30 June-2 July,
Prague (Czech Republic)
(2016) ¿Es necesario desmigrantizar nuestras investigaciones? XIX Jornada Ankulegi-Basque
Anthropology Association, 17 March, Donosti-San Sebastián (Spain)
(2015) Mujeres enraizadas y penélopes que esperan. Género e inmovilidad, VIII Congreso sobre
Migraciones Internacionales en España, 16-18 September, Granada (Spain)
(2015) No todos los pasaportes mexicanos tienen el mismo valor. Nacionalidad, clase y etnicidad en
la asignación de derechos a la movilidad y la inmovilidad en México, 1st AIBR International
Conference of Anthropology, 7-10 July, Madrid (Spain)
(2015) Nuestros muertos. Símbolos y prácticas en torno a la muerte en contextos de migración, 1st
AIBR International Conference of Anthropology, 7-10 July, Madrid (Spain)
(2014) Transnational immobility, XIII Spanish Anthropology Conference, 2-5 September, Tarragona
(2014) Those who do not move. Immobility as a category of analysis, 13th EASA Biennial Conference,
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31 July-3 August, Tallinn (Estonia)
(2014) Ways of staying put. Spatial and temporal analysis of mobility-immobility interactions,
Postdoctoral Research Seminar, 12-13 February, Centro Regional de Investigaciones
Metodológicas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)
(2013) Inmovilidades humanas en México s.XXI. Algunos apuntes teóricos y metodológicos, 4th
Conference on Mobility and Social Changes, 27-28 June, Catalan Institute of Anthropology,
Barcelona (Spain). Invited presentation
(2012) Diseccionando las remesas financieras de la migración ecuatoriana, XV Conference of Spanish
Latinoamericanists, 29-30 November, University Complutense of Madrid (Spain).
(2012) Discursos e imágenes sobre las remesas ecuatorianas, XV Conference of Spanish
Latinoamericanists, 29-30 November, University Complutense of Madrid (Spain).
(2011) From migradollars to remittances. The importance of clarifying levels of analysis, CLACSCentre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Seminar Series, 19 October, University of
Manchester (UK). Invited presentation
(2011) Towards a gender sensitive approach to remittances in Ecuador, New Debates on Gender,
Migration and Development, 6 -8 October, Menorca (Spain)
(2011) Of corridors and dyads: unpacking the family dynamics of remittance transfers to Albania and
Ecuador, The Migration-Development Nexus Revisited, 8-10 June, University of Trento (Italy).
With Russell King and Julie Vullnetari
(2011) We need to enjoy ourselves, it can´t be just work. Festive gatherings as community-enacting
events of irregular Andean migrants in the US, People Make Places, Ways of Feeling the World
2011 SIEF-International Society for Ethnology and Folklore, 17-21 April 2011, Lisbon (Portugal)
(2011) ‘Contextualising’ food in migrancy. Three vignettes of Ecuadorian eating practices abroad,
Conference Why We Eat How We Eat: Food Choices, Nutrition and the Politics of Eating, 24
February 2011, SOAS-London (UK)
(2010) Gender impacts of international migration on non-migrant women in Highland Southern
Ecuador, 46th Annual Conference of the Society for Latin American Studies, 9-10 April 2010,
Bristol (UK)
(2009) From ‘mud houses’ to ‘wasted houses’. The impact of remittances on housing in rural Azuay
(highland Ecuador), 53º International Congress of Americanists, 19-24 July 2009, Mexico City
(2008) Social and material remittances in Southern Ecuador, Fifth Annual IMISCOE conference, 9-12
September, Bilbao (Spain). Poster presentation
(2007) Metonymic images of migration, XI Jornada Ankulegi-Basque Anthropology Association, 29-30
March, Donosti-San Sebastián (Spain)
(2016) Panel convenor at 2nd AIBR International Conference, Identidades corporalizadas. Los
sentidos en la Antropología, 6-9 September, Barcelona (with F. Xavier Medina)
(2015) Panel convenor at 1st AIBR International Conference, Derechos en/a la (in)movilidad, 7-10
July, Madrid
(2014) Panel convenor at 13th EASA Biennal Conference, P130 Food Parcels: Intimate Connexions in
Transnational Migration (with Maria Abranches)
(2011) Co-organizer and chair of panel Memorias Sensoriales de TIempos, Encuentros y
Lugares, at the Conference of the Spanish Anthropologists, 6-9 September, León (with
Nuria Cano)
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(2016) Participatory Methods in Migration Research (seminar). Human Rights Institute, University of
Deusto. Bilbao, October 2016.
(2016) 2nd AIBR International Conference of Anthropology (international conference). Network of
Iberoamerican Anthropologists. Barcelona, 6-9 September 2016. Scientific Board
(2015) Migrations, Humanitarian Crisis and Human Rights (workshop). Human Rights Institute,
University of Deusto. Bilbao, 9 December 2015. Scientific and organization board
(2015) Art and Participation, Photographic experiences (one-day participatory workshop). Sala
Rekalde and Ellacuría Foundation. Funded by Bilbao City Hall. Bilbao, 5 November 2015.
Organization Committee
(2014) 1st AIBR International Conference of Anthropology (international conference). Network of
Iberoamerican Anthropologists. Madrid, 7-10 July 2015. Scientific Board
(2007) Remittances and Transnational Livelihoods (PhD course and international conference).
Peace Research Institute Oslo. 31 October-3 November 2007. Assistant
(Since Oct 2015) Online lecturer (consultora), Anthropology of Food Globalization, MA in Food,
Society and International Food Governance, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
(Nov 2015) Migration and Diversity. Course delivered for the Association of Social Workers in
Cantabria (4 hours)
2016 MA thesis surpervisor for the master ‘Immigration Management’ of the Pompeu Fabra
University (Spain)
2015-2016 MA thesis supervisor for the master ‘MISOCO-Migration and Social Cohesion’ of
the University of Deusto (Spain)
2009-2010 MA thesis supervisor for the master ‘Gender Equality and Public Policies’ of the
University of Cantabria (Spain), 2009-2010: 'Árbitra no me ha llamado nadie. La Situación
de la Mujer en el Arbitraje de Fútbol de Cantabria'
(2014) Fieldwork for postdoctoral research in the State of Morelos, Mexico (2 months)
(2013) Pilot visit to the State of Morelos, Puebla and Mexico DF for research on immobilities (1
(2010) Follow-up for doctoral research in the State of New York (2 months)
(2009) Main fieldwork for doctoral research in Southern Highland Ecuador (9 months)
(2008) Pilot visit to Andean Ecuador for research on remittances (2 months)
(2006) Fieldwork on food practices of Ecuadorian migrants in Santander -Spain (1 month)
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(2015-2017) Diversity in urban spaces of peripheral neighbourhoods of Barcelona
(competitively funded individual research project)
(2015) Transformative looks. A photovoice project with migrant women (participatory project,
partially funded)
(2014) State-of-the-art and survey on migration observatories in Europe and Latin America
(competitively funded, main researcher, 50%)
(2013-2015) Immobilities in high-mobility environments (competitively funded individual
research project)
(2008-2011) Migrant transfers (competitively funded individual research project)
(2007) Eating practices of Ecuadorian migrants (individual research project)
2008 Surveyor in London for a transnational project led by Paolo Boccagni (University of
Trento) on Ecuadorian migrants' vote attitudes
2005-2006 Library assistant at the library of the Education school of the Basque Country
 IMISCOE PhD Winter School at INED-Institut National d'Études Démographiques (Jan 2009)
 Spanish equivalent to Postgraduate Certificate in Education-CAP (2005-2006)
 Languages: Spanish and English (fluent); French and Catalan (working knowledge)
 Specific training for distance teaching: Video creation for inclusive teaching (1 ECTS,
Catalonia Open University, Nov-Dec 2015)
 Research Software: Reference manager software (EndNote, Zotero, Google Scholar), CAQDAS
(NVIVO, QDA Miner Lite), Statistics package (SPSS), Databases (ISI WoK, JStore, EBSCO)
 EASA-European Association of Social Anthropologists
 AIBR-Asociación Iberoamericana de Antropología en Red
 IMISCOE-International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion
 CEISAL-Consejo Europeo de Investigaciones Sociales de América Latina/REDIAL-Red Europea de
Información y Documentación sobre América Latina,codesal,diana-4009.html
 RIMD-Red International de Migración y Desarrollo (Universidad de Zacatecas-México)
 ESOMI Red de Migración, Género y Desarrollo (Universidad de la Coruña-España)
 Migrantólogos (Instituto Mora-México)
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Spanish (native)
English (fluent)
Catalan (working knowledge)
French (very basic knowledge)
Personal research web and blog:
Google Scholar:
ORCID: 0000-0002-1438-7133
December 2016