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October 2007 Joseph Henry VOGEL, PhD P.O. Box 9021833, San Juan, PR 00902-1833 telephone 1 (787) 725 4038; cel 1 787 525 2182 (preferred) or (not preferred) EXPERIENCE 2003-present University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras. Associate Professor of Economics. Graduate course assignment: economics of sustainable development, economics of natural resources. Undergraduate course assignment: principles, and history of economic thought, Honors College (Amazonia in the Arts: Ecocriticism versus the Economics of Deforestation). January 2005- January 2007, Director of Research Unit. 1994-2003 Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales [FLACSO] Quito, Ecuador, Professor. Graduate course assignment: environmental/ecological economics, intellectual property rights and the Convention on Biological Diversity, public finance, and seminar in behavioural microeconomics. Undergraduate course assignment: economics of biodiversity, at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador-Quito (Spring, 199698); economics of sustainable development, at the School for International TrainingQuito and University of Trent in Ecuador. 1999 Centro de Estudios Superiores Universitarios (CESU), Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Cochabamba, Bolivia, April, Invited Professor of graduate course, The Economics of Biodiversity. 1998 Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. April-June, Invited Professor of graduate course, The Economics of Biodiversity. 1997-98 Proyecto Modernización del Estado (MOSTA), financed by World Bank, preparation of environmental volume in text of same title, regarding environmental policy reform in Ecuador. 1990-94 Centre for International Research on Communication and Information Technologies (CIRCIT), Melbourne, Australia. Research Fellow-intellectual property and environmental economics. May-August 1990, May-June 1991, July 1992-May 1994. 1992-93 Deakin University, Geelong, Australia. Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, Faculty of Commerce. Appointment simultaneous with CIRCIT. Course assignment: second year macroeconomics, second year microeconomics, honours seminars in environmental economics and in macroeconomics. 1991-92 Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, Brazil. Fulbright Scholar-Research/Teaching Award. Departamento de Economia Rural. August-December appointment. Follow-up award May-July. Course assignment: graduate seminar, environmental economics. 1988-92 University of So. Mississippi, Department of Economics and International Business. Hattiesburg, MS. Assistant Professor. Course assignment: statistics, multinational business finance, managerial economics, and macroeconomics. 1980-88 Polyglott, Inc., Fanwood, NJ. Technical translator (Spanish/Portuguese/English). 1982-84 Rutgers University, Department of Economics, Instructor (faculty). New Brunswick, NJ. Course assignment: macroeconomics and managerial economics. 1979-82 Rutgers University, Department of Economics, Teaching Assistant-operations analysis, statistics, corporate finance, and microeconomics and Research Assistant-health economics, at the NJ Bureau of Economic Research. EDUCATION 1979-87 Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Ph.D.-economics. Fields of study: international economics, economic development, economic and biosocial anthropology. 1984-86 Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Visiting doctoral student invited by Prof. E.O. Wilson. Department of Evolutionary Biology. 1977-78 American Graduate School of International Management, Glendale, AZ. M.B.A. (Masters of Business Administration in International Management). 1974-77 Duke University, Durham, NC. B.A.- double major, chemistry and Spanish. PENDING PUBLICATIONS 1. The Museum of Bioprospecting, Intellectual Property, and the Public Domain: A Place, A Process, A Philosophy. Author of Preface, first chapter “The Bauplan”, second chapter “Looking the Gorgon in the Face,” and Appnendix. Editor of remaining 6 chapters. Anthology is one of three semi-finalists for the SAR Prize of the Latin American Studies Association Congress 2007. 2. Amazonia in the Arts: Ecocriticism versus the Economics of Deforestation. Camilo Gomides and Joseph Vogel. A ten chapter book (72,000 word) which forms the text for the course of the same title. Submitted to University of Arizona Press and favorably reviewed in Summer 2006, negotiation ongoing, expected 2007. 3. “Geopiracy as an Emerging Issue in Intellectual Property Rights: The Rationale for Leadership by Small States” for Small State Economies, with Janny Robles, Camilo Gomides, and Carlos Muñiz, Economy of Small States, edited by Ram J. Pillarisetti (US: Nova Science Series, 2008). 4. “Geopiratería, un issue emergente en Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual: El raciocinio de liderazgo por los Etados pequeños,” with Janny Robles, Camilo Gomides, and Carlos Muñiz, Baldo Kresalja, ed., The Andean Yearbook of Intellectual Rights , Nº 4.. 5. Preface and “A Proposal Based on “The Tragedy of the Commons: A Museum of Bioprospecting, Intellectual Property, and the Public Domain,” Chapter 6 in Barbara Hocking (ed) Reflections on Law and Biology, London: Ashgate, forthcoming 2007. 6. Invited Book Review of Finance for Development: Latin America in Comparative Perspective by Barbara Stallings with Rogerio Studard. Latin American Politics and Society, expected 2007. 7. “Collapse Tourism: Reflections Floating Face Down,” English translation of published Spanish version, Ecología Política, 2007. to be submitted to The New York Times Travel Section, February 2007. 8. “Nothing in Bioprospecting Makes Sense Except in the Light of Economics.” Book chapter. Toward Humane Technologies, Sense Publishers Series, forthcoming 2007. 9. “Ecocriticism as an Economic School of Thought: Woody Allen’s Match Point as Exemplary.” OMETECA Science and Humanities,, forthcoming, 2007. 10. “Reflecting Financial and other Incentives of TMOIFGR: The Biodiversity Cartel,” (30 pages) chapter in Manuel Ruíz (ed) A Moving Target: Tracking and Monitoring of the International Flow of Genetic Resources, IUCN-Environmental Law Center, Bonn, Germany. 2007 (also to be published in Spanish and French), forthcoming 2007. 2 PUBLICATIONS 1. “Una propuesta basada en ‘La tragedia de los comunes: Un museo de bioprospección, propiedad intellectual, y el dominio público.” Revista de Ciencias Sociales, número 16, 2007, 118-135. 2. “From the ‘Tragedy of the Commons’ to the ‘Tragedy of the Commonplace’ Analysis and Synthesis through the lens of Economic Theory.” Chapter Nine of McManis, Charles, Biodiversity & Law, (London: EARTHSCAN, 2007), pp 115-136. 3. “Turismo de Colapso: Reflexiones Flotando Boca Abajo,” Ecología Política, núm. 32, 2007. 4. “An Ecocritical Analysis of The Old Man who Read Love Stories by Luis Sepulveda” (second author) with Camilo Gomides, OMETECA Science and Humanities, vol X, 2006, 182-201. 5. “Sovereignty as a Trojan Horse: How the Convention on Biological Diversity Morphs Biopiracy into Biofraud.” in Barabara A Hocking (ed) Unfinished Constitutional Business? Rethinking Indigenous Self-Determination. Australia: Aboriginal Studies Press. 2005, 228-247 6. “Ecological Debt and the Existence Value of Biodiversity: The Evidence begins with the Diario of Columbus’ First Voyage to America, 1492-1493”, first author, Joseph Henry Vogel, second author, Camilo Gomides, OMETECA Science and Humanities,, 2005. 7. “Nada en bioprospección tiene sentido excepto a la luz de la economía” Revista Iberoamericana de Economía Ecológica Joseph Henry Vogel, REDIBEC, No. 1, October 2004. 8. “Markets or Metaphors? A Sustainable Livelihoods Approach to Watershed Management: Two Cases from Ecuador,” field work, analysis of survey data, and theoretical discussion, digital draft available in English (50 pages), a project funded by the International Institute of Environment and Development (IIED), London. Published in Spanish in 2004 as ¿Mercados o Metáforas? Un Enfoque de Evaluación basado en “Medios Sostenibles de Subsistencia”: Estudio de caso en el Ecuador. 9. Entrevista de Joseph Henry VOGEL, PhD por Angel I. Rivera, en la cadena Radio Universidad de Puerto Rico, Serie “Hilando Fino”: Propiedad Intelectual y Biodiversidad, 29/09/03, Duración 58’00. 10. Reseña de “Comentarios sobre Economía y desarrollo sostenible: matrimonio féliz o divorcio anunciado”, ICONOS, 2003. 11. The Biodiversity Cartel: Transforming Traditional Knowledge into Trade Secrets, editor and author of five of ten chapters, a collaborative project of The InterAmerican Development Bank/Consejo Nacional de Desarrollo, CARE, USAID, SANREM, and EcoCiencia, 194 pages in print with accompanying software. Quito, Ecuador, CARE, 2000. Freely available online in various languages, through links to 12. “The Convention on Biological Diversity and Equitable Benefit-sharing: an economic analysis”, pp. 530-531 in Darrell Addison Posey (ed.) Cultural and Spiritual Values of Biodiversity: A complementary contribution to the Global Biodiversity Assessment. Nairobi, Kenya, United Nations Environmental Programme, 1999. 13. "No abrir nuevas carreteras: una directriz práctica para aliviar la pérdida de biodiversidad en la Amazonía", Pages 443-461 in Tania Ricardi (ed.) La economía ecológica: una nueva mirada a la ecología humana. La Paz, Bolivia: CESU-UMSS/UNESCO, Plural Editores, 1999. Also available on-line, in both Spanish and English ("No New Highways: A Practical Policy to Alleviate Biodiversity Loss in the Amazon"), through links to 3 14. Base de la estrategia del Estado para el medio mediante, ("The Strategy of the Government for the Environment"), 382 pages, funded by the MOSTA, a World Bank project, in-house publication, 1998. 15. “Un Análisis Económico de la Convención sobre Diversidad Biológica y la Sugerencia para un Cartel”, (in Spanish) , proceedings from the IV Ajusco Forum (19-21 November 1997), UNEP, Mexico, 1998, 20pp. 16. Genes à Venda. Portuguese translation of Genes for Sale, Oxford University Press, with Camilo Gomides, 1998, 150 pp. 17. “Genes como pasivos contables y la privatización de riesgos biológicos”, (in Spanish) pp. 117-130, in Anamaría Varea, Biodiversidad, Bioprospección, y Bioseguirdad, Aby-Yala, Instituto de Estudios Ecologistas del Tercer Mundo, Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales, Proyecto FTTP-FAO, 1997 18. “Bioprospecting and the Justification for a Cartel”, Bulletin of the Working Group on Traditional Resource Rights, Winter 1997 No. 4, pp. 16-17. 19. “White Paper: The Successful Use of Economic Instruments to Foster the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity: Six Cases from Latin America and the Caribbean”. Available in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, discussion paper for the Summit of the Americas on Sustainable Development, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, 6-8 December 1996 (follow-up to the Summit of the Americas, Miami, USA 1994), 50 pp. Biopolicy Journal, volume 2, Paper 5 (PY97005), 1997. URL and archived with the British Library in hard copy, ISSN # 13632450. Available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese through 20. “La biodiversidad del Ecuador vale 20 millones de millones”, Gestión, no. 17, November 1995, pp. 32-35. 21. “The Market Alternative to the Valuation of Biodiversity: The Example of Ecuador”, Association of Systematics Collection Newsletter, vol. 23, no. 5, October 1995, pp. 66-70. 22. "Who Owns Biodiversity?", Medi Ambient, Technologia y Cultura núm. 12, July 1995 in Catalan, pp. 14-19, Spanish, pp. 75-77, and English, pp. 109-111 . 23. "Further Discussion of Genes for Sale", World Rainforest Report 29, September 1994, pp. 19, 25. 24. Genes for Sale. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994, pp 162. 25. "NAFTA and the Theory of Second Best", DIVERSITY, vol. 9 no. 4, 1993 & vol. 10, no. 1, 1994, pp. 79-80. 26. "Privatisation as a Conservation Policy: Vogel Replies to Revington", World Rainforest Report 27, February 1994, pp. 32-33. 27. "Biodiversity vs. Genetically Coded Functions: The Importance of Definitions in Conservation Policy", co-authored with Gordon Brent Ingram, Review of European Community and International Environmental Law, Transfer of Biotechnology and Genetic Resources, vol. 2, issue 2, 1993. 28. Invited contribution on entrepreneurship course description for the U.S.M. Managerial Economics 335 course. Entrepreneurship Education, The Entrepreneurial Study, Center of the John E. Anderson Graduate School of Management at U.C.L.A., 1993, p. 261. 29. "A Privatização como uma política de conservação". Capítulo 8, pp. 125-131 in Política Agrícola e Desenvolvimento, Editor Erly Cardoso Teixeira, UFV-FAPEMIG, 1992. 30. Privatisation as a Conservation Policy: A Market Solution to the Mass Extinction Crisis. Melbourne, Australia: CIRCIT, 1992, pp. 170. 4 31. "Uninvited Guests: A Thermodynamic Approach to Resource Allocation", Prometheus: The Journal of Issues in Technological Change, Innovation, Information Economics, Communication and Science Policy, vol. 9, no. 2, December 1991, pp. 332-345. 32. Book Review: "The Population Explosion by Paul R. and Anne H. Ehrlich". Prometheus: The Journal of Issues in Technological Change, Innovation, Information Economics, Communication and Science Policy, vol. 9, no. 1, June 1991, pp. 396-397. 33. Book Review: "Pollution and the Struggle for World Product by H. Jeffrey Leonard". Prometheus: The Journal of Issues in Technological Change, Innovation, Information Economics, Communication and Science Policy, vol. 9, no. 1, June 1991, pp. 167-168. 34. "Entrepreneurship, Evolution, and the Entropy Law". The Journal of Behavioral Economics vol. 18, issue no. 3, 1989, pp. 185-204. 35. "Evolution as an Entropy Driven Process: An Economic Model". Systems Research vol. 5, issue no. 4, 1988, pp. 299-312. PUBLICATIONS (proceedings/popular press) 1. “The Economic Justification for Ecocritical Certification of Big-Budget Movies (A Means to Finance a Center for Ecocriticism?)” Proceedings of the 2006 Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico March 15-18, 2006. 2. “From Biopiracy to Biofraud: The Standardization of Material Transfer Agreements,” in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish, one page editorial posted on, 10 December 2001, also available in OTHER ARTICLES, 3. “El Remate del Patrimonio Genético”, EL HOY (editorial page of leading Ecuadorian newspaper), p. 9a, 12 August 1999, also at /jueves/editju7.htm 4. “El uso exitoso de instrumentos económicos para fomentar el uso sostenible”, pp. 25-32, “Seminario-Taller de Biodiversidad Ponencias: La imposibilidad de un caso exitoso de bioprospección sin un cartel”, pp. 87-96 and “Comentarios”, pp.107-110 in Memorias: Seminario Taller: Biodiversidad y Desertización, CONUEP y Cooperación Española, 19-22 May 1997, Manta, Ecuador . 5. “La propiedad intelectual y la preservación de la biodiversidad”, 25 minute video in Spanish, sponsored by Secretaría Nacional de Asuntos Indígenas y Minorías Étnicas (SENAIN), Quito, Ecuador, televised in Ecuador on Channel 3, 9 October 1995. 6. “La propiedad intelectual y la preservación de la biodiversidad”, Memorias: La formación de recursos humanos frente a los desafíos de la globalización y el desarrollo agropecuario sostenible, Manta, Ecuador, Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación Para la Agricultura (IICA), June 1995, pp. 55-62. 7. "Retórica ecologista y realidad económica", Memorias: Simposio Nacional de Areas Protegidas del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador: Fundación Natura, 1995, pp. 111-12. 8. "La biodiversidad: ¿un negocio para quién?", interview by María Sol Yépez and Cornelio Delgado, El Comercio, 16 March 1995, p. B1. 9. "Reforming Campus Lecture Series", letter-to-editor, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 9 March 1994, B6. 10. Interview, "Australia in a position to lead genetic rights," Research, Deakin News, Issue No. 4, July 1993, p. 4. 5 11. "Privatisation as a Conservation Policy: A Market Solution to the Mass Extinction Crisis". Précis of book and feature article in CIRCIT Newsletter, Melbourne, Australia, April 1993, pp 9-10. 12. Interview, "Professor americano discute preservação ambiental na UFV", UFV Informa, 1 July 1992, p. 3. 13. "A Informação Natural Deve Ser Patenteada, Entrevista/Joseph Henry Vogel", feature interview by Fernando Lacerda, Ecology Section, Jornal do Brasil, 28 October 1991, p.3. 14. "The Intellectual Property of Natural and Artificial Information". CIRCIT Newsletter, Melbourne, Australia, June 1991, p. 7. 15. "Intellectual Property and Information Markets: Preliminaries to a New Conservation Policy". CIRCIT Newsletter, Melbourne Australia, May 1990, p. 6. SUPERVISION OF GRADUATE THESES 1. “Incertidumbres, Contratos, y Objecion Cultural en Territorios Indigenas: El Caso de los Huarorani” by Lucía Gallardo, director of Masters of Environmental Planning thesisAutonomous University of Barcelona, September 2006. 2. Joely B. Roman Oquendo “Disponibilidad de los dueños de terrenos en la zona karstica de San Sebastián, Quebradillas e Isabela a considerar la Ley de Servidumbre de conservación de Puerto Rico. Mayo 2006 3. "El insólito del Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio” by Aída Arteaga, director of Masters of Environmental Studies thesis-FLACSO, May 2002. 4. “Economía de recursos no renovables” by Rafael Burbano Rodriguez, director of Masters of Economics thesis-FLACSO, September 1996 5. “La Economía de etiquetación ecológica en el Ecuador” by Fabián Bernal, director of Masters of Economics Thesis-FLACSO, September 1996. 6. “Corrección de la contabilidad nacional por efectos ambientales según el método de Salah El Serafy-el caso del petroleo ecuatoriano” by Francisco Carvajal R., advisor of Masters of Economics thesis - FLACSO, December 1995. 7. “La economía ecológica y las formas de propiedad de manglar en la zona norte de Esmeraldas” by Mauricio Rosales, director of Masters of Economics thesis - FLACSO, October 1995. 8. “Los mecanismos de conversión de la deuda ecuatoriana a través del mercado secundario: 19871993” by Adela González, advisor of Masters of Economics thesis - FLACSO, October 1995. 9. “Impacto de los ingresos de la mujer en el consumo de ciertos bienes básicos en el hogar: 1994” by Lilia Jara, advisor of Masters of Economics thesis - FLACSO, October 1995. LECTURES AT CONFERENCES AND OTHER FORA 1. “Student Reception to Amazonia in the Arts: Ecocriticism versus the Economics of Deforestation”, Paper Session Amazonia in the University, Confluence, Seventh Biennial Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment, Wofford College, South Carolina, 15 June, 2007. 2. "A Proposal Based on the Tragedy of the Commons: A Museum of Bioprospecting, Intellectual Property Rights and the Public Domain", March 30, 2007 Riawuna Centre, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. 6 3. "A Proposal Based on the Tragedy of the Commons: A Museum of Bioprospecting, Intellectual Property Rights and the Public Domain", March 28, 2007 Queensland University of Technology, Law and Justices Studies Seminar. Queensland, Australia. 4. La Economía de la Biodiversidad. Thirty-six hour graduate course taught at the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Quito, Ecuador 2-19 January, 2007. 5. “El rol de ecocrítica en la bioética” Seminar “Bioética, Biodiversidad, y Desasrrollo” funded by the French Embassy of Peru, INDECOPI, CONCYTEC, and UNESCO. Lima, Peru, 13-14 December 2006. 6. “Una Propuesta Fundamentada en la ‘Tragedia de los Comunes’: Un Museo de Bioprospección, Propiedad Intelectual, y el Dominio Público.” Foro Social de Puerto Rico, 18 November 2006.. 7. “Ecocriticism as an Economic School of Thought: Woody Allen’s Match Point as Exemplary.” IX OMETECA Conference on the Humanities and the Sciences, 23 October 2006, held at the University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras. Organizers: Joseph Henry Vogel and Camilo Gomides. 8. “The Transaction Costs of the Biodiversity Cartel” 8th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversty, Curitiba, Brazil, 23 March 2006. 9. “The Economic Justification for Ecocritical Certification of Big-Budget Movies (A Means to Finance a Center for Ecocriticism?)” Panel Organizer for “Ecocriticism in Theory and in Practice in Latin America and the Caribbean,” LASA2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 16 March 2006. 10. “The Economics of Biodiversity” Andean Community, 2 Lima, Peru March 2006 11. “The Transaction Costs of the Biodiversity Cartel” 24 February, Workshop on ABS for the 8th COP to the CBD, Granada, Spain. 12. “The Economics of Biodiversity” Graduate Program in Biology, UPR 3 April 2006. 13. The Economics of ABS and Intellectual Property Rights, Graduate Program in Biology, UPR, 7 April 2006. 14. “Galapagos: A Laboratory in Evolution” Continuing Education, UPR 12 March 2006 15. “An Ecocritical Analysis of The Old Man who Read Love Stories by Luis Sepulveda” OMETECA Institute Conference on Literature and Science, 18 October 2005. Mexico City, Mexico. 16. “Una Propuesta Fundamentada en la ‘Tragedia de los Comunes’: Un Museo de Bioprospección, Propiedad Intelectual, y el Dominio Público.” Sponsored by the InterAmerican Development Bank and the Andean Community. Taller: Diseño de Proyectos de la Estrategia Regional de Biodiversidad. Lima Peru. 23 September 2005. 17. “El caso de Ayahuasca: una Nueva Estrategia Política y Jurídica” Taller Regional: Situación de la Biopiratería en Latinoamérica: Algunas Preguntas y Respuestas. Sponsored by the IUCN, Comunidad Andina, Instituto Humboldt, Bogotá, Colombia 1 September 2005. 18. “Bioprospección, propiedad intelectual y el dominio público: el rol de Puerto Rico en Gestión Internacional,” Asociación de Economistsas de Puerto Rico, Convención Anual, bajo el tema “La Pertinencia del Análisis Económico en las Decisiones de Política Pública.” 26 August 2005. 19. “Definiciones, Componentes y Necesidades del Desarrollo Sostenible”, Foro de Desarrollo Sostenible, COHEMIS, Universidad de Puerto Rico-Mayagüez, 30 March 2005 7 20. “Yasuní: Los fundamentos del análisis económico” Presentation with Dr. Sven Wunder of CIFOR, FLACSO, Quito, Ecuador 21 January 2005 21. “Amazonia en las artes: ecocrítica versus la economía de deforestación”, The Nature Conservancy, 17 January 2005. 22. “Nothing in Bioprospecting Makes Sense Except in the Light of Economics”. 8th Biennial Scientific Conference, International Society for Ecological Economics, Montreal, Canada, 12 July 2004. 23. Propiedad Intelectual y Bioprospección”, Lecture to Masters students, FLACSO, Quito, Ecuador, 13 May 2004. 24. “El Desarrollo Sostenible de la Cuenca Amazónica, ¿Cómo aplicamos la Economía de Biodiversidad?”, in the Conference “Seminário sobre os países membros da comunidade andina de naçoes” sponsored by the Brazilian Embassy, Quito, Ecuador, 11-13 May 2004. 25. “Conservación de Hábitat y la Economía” for División de Educación y Estudios Profesionales (DECEP) of University of Puerto Rico, 3 hour course, 9 May 2004 26. “Reflective Property Rights: Reconciling Indigenous and Industrial Institutions of Prosperity”, (remote participant) Indigenous Knowledge and Bioprospecting Conference, Sydney Australia, 24-27 April 2004 27. “La Deuda Ecológica y el Valor de Existencia: La Evidencia comienza en el Diario del primer viaje a las Américas por Cristóbal Colón, 1492-1493,” VII OMETECA Institute Conference, on letters and sciences, Pinamar, Argentina, 24-28 November 2003. 28. “Cuestiones relativas a la Propiedad Intelectual en el ámbito de los derechos sobre la Diversidad Biológica”, (in Spanish), Coloquio sobre Propiedad, Biodiversidad, y Mercado, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, 21 November 2003. 29. Sponsored participant and moderator at the international workshop: “Accessing Genetic Resources and Sharing the Benefits: Lessons from Implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity,” 29-31 October 2003, University of California, Davis, California. 30. “The Group of Like-Minded Biodiverse Countries: An Emerging Biodiversity Cartel”. Sponsored speaker at the Society of Environmental Journalists, 12 September 2003, New Orleans, LA. 31. Interviewed for Brazilian documentary, “Unknown Amazon: Narratives and Perspectives about the Exploration of the Amazon” Director, Darcyana Moreno, filmed at Western Illinois Univeristy, 25 July 2003. 32. Sponsored participant at the international workshop: “Rural Livelihoods, Forests, and Biodiversity” 19-23 May 2003, Bonn, Germany. 33. “El Cártel de Biodiversidad” (in Spanish), 16 April 2003, Ministry of the Environment, Quito, Ecuador.` 34. “Biodiversidad, Derechos de Propiedad y Biofraude,” (in Spanish), 12 April 2003,Congreso Iberoamericano sobre desarrollo y medioambiente, Quito, Ecuador. 35. “Comentarios sobre Economía y desarrollo sostenible: matrimonio féliz o divorcio anunciado”, 11 April 2003, (in Spanish), Congreso Iberoamericano sobre desarrollo y medioambiente, Quito, Ecuador. 36. “Mercados o Metáforas: Pagos por Servicios Ambientales, el caso de Pimampiro”, (in Spanish) 10 April 2003, Curso Avanzado sobre Desarrollo y Medioambiente en IberoAmerica, Quito, Ecuador. 8 37. “Through the lens of neoclassical economic theory: analysis and synthesis of the papers by Rodrigo Gámez, Barbara Schaal, Ana Sittenfeld, and Ursula Goodenough.” Conference on Biodiversity, Biotechnology and the Protection of Traditional Knowledge, co-sponsored by The Center for Interdisciplinary Studies and the Institute for Global Legal Studies, Washington University School of Law, 5 April 2003 St. Louis, Missouri. 38. “Sovereignty as a Trojan Horse: How the Convention on Biological Diversity Morphs Biopiracy into Biofraud”. Eighth Annual Tulane Environmental Conference, Tulane University, School of Law, 29 March 2003, New Orleans, LA. 39. “Sovereignty as a Trojan Horse: How the Convention on Biological Diversity Morphs Biopiracy into Biofraud”. 21 March, 2003. Department of Economics and Geography, Hofstra University, Uniondale, NY. 40. “The Economics of Biodiversity”, 22 January 2003, Introduction to Brazilian Studies, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA. 41. “Markets or Metaphors? A Sustainable Livelihoods Approach to Environmental Services”, 3 December 2002, USAID, Quito, Ecuador 42. “El Cártel de la Biodiversidad” (in Spanish), 27 November 2002, sponsored speaker at the Second meeting of the Alliance of Megabiodiverse Countries, Cuzco, Peru. 43. “Soberania como um Cavalo de Tróia: Como a Convenção sobre a Diversidade Biológica leva a Bioparataria a Metamorfosear-se em Biofraude” (in Portuguese), 18 November 2002, sponsored speaker at the workshop “Access to Biological and Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing”, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil. 44. “La Sociedad Civil no soporta duplicidad”, (in Spanish) 14 November, Encuentro de Matemática y Economía Aplicada, FLACSO, Quito, Ecuador. 45. “La Sociedad Civil no soporta duplicidad”, (in Spanish) 7 November, Congreso Iberoamericano de Economía Ecológica, Quito, Ecuador. 46. “The Economics of Biodiversity", 28 October-1 November 2002, 1 credit hour course (12 contact hours) School of International Training, Ecology Program, Quito, Ecuador. 47. “Civil Society View”, Intellectual Property and Biodiversity Workshop of the “Toward Civil Society Participation in the Americas Forum,” with recommendation incorporated into the Forum’s submission to the Ministers of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), 29-31 October 2002, Quito, Ecuador. 48. Roundtable Discussant in organized questions of access to phytogenetic resources, Congreso de Ecología 24 October 2002, University of San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador. 49. “The Biodiverstiy Cartel” 24 July 2002, Graduate School of Management, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. 50. “Royalties and Economic Realities”. Sponsored speaker in the conference “Bioprospecting and Biocommerce or Biopiracy and Biofraud?”, 18 July 2002, Faculty of Law, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia 51. “From Biopiracy to Biofraud”. Sponsored speaker at “Toward Humane Technologies” symposium, 14 July 2002. University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. 52. “De Biopirateria à Biofraude” (in Portuguese), 25 June 2002. Federal University of Viçosa, Brasil. 53. “Tópicos Especiais: A Economia da Biodiversidade”, graduate course in Agronomia-Produção Vegetal, (in Portuguese), 20 hours, 3-7 June 2002. 9 54. "The Economics of Biodiversity", 1–4 April, 2002, 1 credit hour course (12 contact hours and project supervision), School of International Training, Ecology Program, Quito, Ecuador. 55. “Bioprospección unilateral, bilateral, y multilateral---implicaciones para la floricultura”, (in Spanish) 12 April, 2002, Fundación Octaedro, Quito, Ecuador 56. “El Marco Teórico de Pagos por los Servicios Ambientales”, (in Spanish) 7-8 March, 2002, Congreso “Pagos por Servicios Ambientales”, CEDERENA, La Chota, Ecuador. 57. “Bioprospección, Biopiratería, y Biofraude” (in Spanish), 28 November 2001, United States Agency for International Development, Quito, Ecuador. 58. “Una propuesta para la reivindicación de conocimientos tradicionales asociados con la biodiversidad” (in Spanish), 13 November 2001, Universidad Estatal de Bolívar, Guaranda, Ecuador. 59. "Biodiversity Management", 22 October, 6-8 November 2001, 1 credit hour course (15 contact hours) September 2000, Trent University in Ecuador, Sangolqui, Ecuador. 60. "The Economics of Biodiversity", 23 – 26 October 2001, 1 credit hour course (12 contact hours and project supervision), School of International Training, Ecology Program, Quito, Ecuador. 61. “The Biodiversity Cartel”, public forum, “The Economics of Biodiversity”, 15 October 2001, Department of Anthropology, Adrian College, Adrian, Michigan. 62. “The Biodiversity Cartel”, 25 August 2001, Canadian Ecological Economics Society (CANSEE), McGill Univeristy, Montréal, Canada. 63. "The Economics of Biodiversity", 24 April 2001, Brazilian Studies Program, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA. 64. "Biopiratería, Biofraude, y Bioinjusticia" (in Spanish), 22 February 2001, Diálogo sobre Comercio, Propiedad Intelectual, y Recursos Biológicos y Genéticos en América Latina, sponsored by Asociación ANDES, Quaker United Nations Office Geneva, Naciones Unidas CEPAL, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, and Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental, Cuzco, Peru. 65. "El Cártel de Biodiversidad" (in Spanish), 21 February 2001, Centro Bartolomé de las Casas, Cuzco, Peru. 66. "O cartel da biodiversidade" (in Portuguese), 18 December 2000, Graduate Program in Environmental Policy, Universidade Federal Rural de Rio de Janeiro, Rio, Brazil. 67. Launching of website for "El Cártel de Biodiversidad" (in Spanish) 14 November 2000, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Quito, Ecuador. 68. "No abrir nuevas carreteras", 14 November, 2000, Fundación EcoCiencia, Quito, Ecuador. 69. Book Launching: El Cártel de la Biodiversidad: Transformación de Conocimientos Tradicionales en Secretos Comerciales. 25 October 2000, La Botánica en el Nuevo Milenio: III Congreso Ecuatoriano de Botánica, Quito, Ecuador. 70. "The Economics of Sustainable Development in Ecuador", 16-19 October 2000, 1 credit hour course (12 contact hours), School of International Training, Ecology Program, Quito, Ecuador. 71. "Environmental Policy in Ecuador", 19-21 September 2000, Trent University in Ecuador, Sangolqui, Ecuador. 10 72. "The Economics of Sustainable Development in Ecuador", 15-16, 28-29 March 2000, 1 credit hour course (12 contact hours), School of International Training, Ecology Program, Quito, Ecuador. 73. "Directrices Ambientales en el Ecuador", March 2000, ILDIS, a German non-governmental organization, 29, Quito, Ecuador 74. "The Economics of Sustainable Development in Ecuador", 20-21 October 1999, 1 credit hour course (12 contact hours), School of International Training, Ecology Program, San Rafael, Ecuador. 75. "Environmental Policy in Ecuador", 19 October 1999, Trent University in Ecuador, Sangolqui, Ecuador. 76. "Contratos Bilaterales de Bioprospección-Biopiratería", (in Spanish), Grupo Nacional de Trabajo sobre la Biodiversidad, Cancillería del Ecuador, 23 July 1999, Quito, Ecuador. 77. "Bioprospección-Biopiratería-Biofraude", (in Spanish), Latin American Workshop on Access to Genetic Resources, sponsored by the World Resource Institute, 27 May 1999, Cancún, Mexico. 78. "The Economics of Biodiversity", 21-22 October 1998, Centro de Convivencia Experimental, Quito, Ecuador. 79. ______, 19-20 October 1998, Trent University in Ecuador, Sangolquí, Ecuador. 80. "Valorización de la Biodiversidad", (in Spanish) 16 October 1998, Proyecto GEF (General Environmental Facility-World Bank)-INEFAN-ECOLAP-Biosfera, Quito, Ecuador. 81. "An Economic Analysis of the Convention on Biological Diversity: Access and Rents", 12 August, 1998, Economic Workshop of the Eighth International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. 82. Biodiversidad, bioprospección, y bioseguridad" (in Spanish), 10 June 1998, Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), Quito, Ecuador 83. “La economía de biodiversidad”, (in Spanish), 20 hour seminar series, 10 April-2 June, 1998, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. 84. "Biodiversidad, bioprospección, y bioseguridad" (in Spanish), Teleconference broadcast at the Universidad Autonónoma de Barcelona, Universidad de Madrid, and the Universidad de Valencia, 25 May 1998 85. Participation in the Global Forum to the IV Conference of the Parties on the Convention on Biological Diversity, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, May 1-3, 1998 and observer to the COPIV. 86. Invited participant to the Convention on Biological Diversity Workshop on the Ecosystem Approach, co-hosted by the Government of Malawi and the Government of the Netherlands, Lilongwe, Malawi, 26-28 January 1998. 87. Invited participant to discuss the background paper for the workshop “Towards Best Practices for Access to Genetic Resources”, co-sponsored by the DGXI, European Commission and the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, 14-17 January 1998, Codorba, Spain. 88. “Un análisis económico de la Conveción sobre Diversidad Biológica y la sugerencia de un cartel”, (in Spanish), 20 November 1997, IV Foro de Ajusco, UNEP-Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico. 89. “The Economics of Biological Diversity” and “Genes for Sale”, 31 October, 1997, Centro de Convivencia Experimental, Quito, Ecuador. 11 90. Lectures series on ecological economics at the University of Trent in Ecuador, 23 and 28 October, and 23 and 25 September, 1997, Sangolqui, Ecuador. 91. “El Uso Existoso de Instrumentos Económicos para Fomentar el Usos Sostenible de la Biodiversidad: Seis Casos de la América Latina y el Caribe”, (in Spanish), 29 July 1997, Escuela de Ingeniería Civil, Universidad Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador. 92. “Transformación de Conocimientos Tradicionales en Secretos Comerciales: Consentimiento Previo Informado y Bioprospección” (in Spanish), 15 July 1997, Maestría en Administración, Universidad Tecnológico Equiccionio, Quito, Ecuador. 93. _____. 3 July 1997, Jornadas Amazónicas (CEDIME), Puyo, Ecuador. 94. “The Biodiversity Cartel: Transforming Traditional Knowledge into Trade Secrets with Prior Informed Consent”, 25 June 1997, The InterAmerican Development Bank, Washington, D.C. 95. _____. 24 June 1997. The Nature Conservancy. Arlington, VA. 96. _____. 23 June 1997. The Biodiversity Support Program (BSP) of USAID. Washington, D.C. 97. “Non-rational Behavior and the Convention on Biological Diversity: An Economic Analysis”, 21 June 1997, Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE), Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia. 98. “The Successful Use of Economic Instruments to Foster the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity: Six Cases from Latin America and the Caribbean”, 16 June 1997.Department of Agricultural Economics, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. 99. “Transformación de Conocimientos Tradicionales en Secretos Comerciales: Consentimiento Previo Informado y Bioprospección” (in Spanish), 27 May 1997, First Latin American Congress on Parks and Other Protected Areas, Santa Marta, Colombia. 100.“Convenio de Biodiversidad-Propuesta Ley” and “Conocimientos Tradicionales y Secretos” (in Spanish), Seminario-Taller Nacional de Biodiversidad y Desertificación, 19-20 May 1997, Manta, Ecuador. 101.“El Uso Existoso de Instrumentos Económicos para Fomentar el Usos Sostenible de la Biodiversidad: Seis Casos de la América Latina y el Caribe”, (in Spanish), Keynote speaker for Earth Day conference, 22 April 1997, La Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador. 102.“The Economics of Biological Diversity” and “Genes for Sale”, 24-25 March, 1997, Centro de Convivencia Experimental, Quito, Ecuador. 103.Interviewed for Assignment Correspondent by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) with the shamans from the Secoya-Siona community in the Amazonian province of Succumbíos, Ecuador, 17-21 March 1997. Topic: intellectual property rights over traditional knowledge and the problem of biopiracy. Aired in May 1997 to an expected worldwide audience of 45 million viewers. 104.“El Raciocinio para Formar un Cartel sobre la Diversidad Biológica aprovechada en la Bioprospección”, (in Spanish), 18 March , 1997, Escuela de la Comunidad Secoya-Siona, San Pablo, Succumbíos, Ecuador. 105.__________.21 February 1997, Reunión Nacional Preparatoria Para El Primer Congreso Latinoamerciano de Parques Nacionales y Otras Areas Protegidas, Quito, Ecuador. 106.__________. 11 December 1996, La Universidad de Guayaquil, Guayaquil, Ecuador. 12 107.__________. 27 November 1996, Seminario Internacional sobre Salud de los Pueblos Indígenas, Parlamento Andino, Quito, Ecuador. 108.“Bioseguridad y patentes” (in Spanish). 26 November, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador-Quito, Quito, Ecuador 109.__________. 25 November, 1996, La Universidad Agraria del Ecuador, Guayaquil, Ecuador. 110.“El Raciocinio para un cartel sobre diversidad biológica aprovechada en la bioprospección”, 8 November 1996, NGO Workshop at the Third Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity. 111.“The Rationale for a Cartel over Biological Diversity in Bioprospecting”, (in English), 3 November 1996 Global Biodiversity Forum, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 112.“La Convención sobre Diversidad Biológica y el Acceso a Recursos Genéticos” (in Spanish), 10 August 1996, one hour interview with the Foundation EcoDesarrollo, in the radio program “Hombre-Sociedad y Medio Ambiente”, HCLM1 1.260kz, Quito, Ecuador. 113.“Medidas de mercado para asegurar la biotecnología” (in Spanish), 8 August 1996, at the roundtable “Biotecnología y bioseguridad”, Instituto de Estudios Ecologistas del Tercer Mundo, Quito, Ecuador. 114.“Una política factible para la propiedad intelectual de la estación experimental Centro Fátima” (in Spanish), 5 August 1996, at the Workshop “Estudio, capacitación y manejo integrado de la biodiversidad amazónica en los países Miembros del Convenio Andrés Bello, primera fase”, Puyo, Ecuador. 115. “La Transformación de Conocimientos Tradicionales a Secretos Comerciales” (in Spanish), 16 July 1996, in “Mesa Redonda sobre Propiedad Intelectual y la Biodiversidad”, La Universidad Andina, Quito, Ecuador. 116. “Estabilización razonable en los números de economistas ambientales egresados de la Universidad Católica” (in Spanish), 11 July 1996, Consejo de Universidades y Escuelas Politécnicas (CONUEP), Quito, Ecuador. 117. “La Transformación de Conocimientos Tradicionales a Secretos Comerciales” (in Spanish), 28 June 1996, in “Educación y su Convivencia Ecologica”, Dirección Provinicial de Educación Bilingüe de Napo, Tena, Ecuador. 118.__________. 22 June 1996, Alcadía, Tena, Ecuador. 119. “Propuestas Comunitarias de Ecodesarrollo” (in Spanish), 13 June 1996, in “Primeras Jornadas Nacionales de Universidades Para el Desarrollo Sustentable”, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador. 120. “The Transformation of Traditional Knowledge into Trade Secrets”, 19 May 1996, poster session in “Global Genetic Resources-Access, Ownership, and Intellectual Property Rights”, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Association of Systematics Collection, Beltsville, Maryland. 121. “La transformación del conocimiento tradicional en secretos comerciales”, (in Spanish), , 8 May 1996, Red de Instituciones Vinculadas a la Capacitación en Economía y Políticas Agrícolas en América Latina y el Caribe, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 122. “Valorización económica de la biodiversidad de la región amazónica ecuatoriana”, (in Spanish), 28 April 1996, in Taller “Derechos de los Pueblos Afectados por la Industria Petrolera”, Instituto Amazanga and Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales (ILDIS), Puyo, Ecuador. 13 123. “La transformación del conocimiento tradicional en secretos comerciales”, (in Spanish), 18 April 1996, in “Taller Sobre Salud Pública y Plantas Medicinales”, Universidad Estatal de Bolívar, Guaranda, Ecuador. 124. “Biodiversity and Intellectual Property Rights”, 2 April 1996, keynote speaker in the “Biotechnology, Biodiversity and Intellectual Property Rights Symposium” sponsored by International Agriculture, Institute of Ecology, and The Ethnoecology/ Biodiversity Laboratory of the Department of Anthropology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. 125. “The Transformation of Traditional Knowledge into Trade Secrets” in “Local-Global (Dis)articulations in Plant Genetic Resources Conservation”, 28 March 1996, Society for Applied Anthropology, Baltimore, MD. 126. “Genes as Liabilities: The Privatization of Biological Risks”, 21 March 1996, The School of International Training, Quito, Ecuador. 127. “Genes for Sale: Privatization as a Conservation Policy”, 14 March 1996, The School of International Training, Quito, Ecuador. 128. “The Transformation of Traditional Knowledge into Trade Secrets”, 14 March 1996, Instituto Ecuatoriano Forestal y Areas Naturales y de Vida Silvestre (INEFAN), Quito, Ecuador. 129.__________. 7 March 1996, Red de Instituciones Vinculadas a la Capacitación en Economía y Políticas Agrícolas en América Latina y el Caribe, Regional Meeting, Quito, Ecuador. 130.__________. 14 March 1996, Encuentro sobre el Manejo de Recursos Biológicos, SUBIREcoCiencia, Quito, Ecuador. 131. “Propiedad Intelectual y Pueblos Indígenas” (in Spanish) 28 February 1996, Secretaría Nacional de Asuntos Indígenas y Minorías Étnicas, Quito, Ecuador. 132. "La Fijación de Carbono y su Venta" (in Spanish), 29 January 1995, Envirnomental Economics Seminar, EcoCiencía, Quito, Ecuador. 133. "La transformación de conocimiento tradicional a secretos comerciales" (in Spanish), 18 January 1996, Envirnomental Economics Seminar, EcoCiencía, Quito, Ecuador. 134.____________. 16 January 1996, La Academia de Diplomacia, Quito Ecuador. 135. “A Market Alternative to the Valuation of Biodiversity: The Example of Ecuador”, and “The Privatization of Biological Risks”, 8 January 1996, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, California. 136. "La transformación de conocimiento tradicional a secretos comerciales" (in Spanish), December 1995, Colegio de Economistas, Quito, Ecuador. 18 137. "Bioseguridad: la introducción de especies no indígenas y el problema de los transgenes" (in Spanish) and of "¿Se debe vender los genes?", 27 October 1995, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador. 138. "¿Se debe vender los genes?" and "Bioseguridad: la introducción de especies no indígenas y el problema de los transgenes" (in Spanish), 25 October 1995, Universidad Estatal de Bolívar, Guaranda, Ecuador. 139. "Bioseguridad: la introducción de especies no indígenas y el problema de los transgenes" (in Spanish), 17 October 1995, The School of International Training, Quito, Ecuador. 140. "¿Se debe vender los genes?" (in Spanish), 10 October 1995, The School of International Training, 10 October 1995, Quito, Ecuador. 14 141. "Bioseguridad: la introducción de especies no indígenas y el problema de los transgenes" (in Spanish), 10 October 1995, Colegio de Economistas, Quito, Ecuador. 142. "¿Se debe vender los genes?" (in Spanish), 6 October 1995, Colegio de Economistas, Quito, Ecuador. 143. “Una alternativa del mercado a la valorización de la biodiversidad”, (in Spanish), 22 September 1995, Proyecto de Desarrollo Indígena de Pastaza, Samay, Ecuador. 144.__________. 19 September 1995, Centro de Planificación y Estudios Sociales (CEPLAES), Quito, Ecuador. 145. “The Market Alternative to the Valuation of Biodiversity”, 18 September 1995, “Proyecto de Protección de la Biodiversidad de las Americas: Legislación Nacional Sobre Acceso a los Recursos Genéticos y Compensación por su Aprovechamiento”, Estudio de Estructura y Administración del Estado, Quito, Ecuador. 146. "Observaciones sobre la propuesta Ley Nacional de Biodiversidad" (in Spanish), 1 September 1995, Secretaría Nacional de Asuntos Indígenas y Minorías Étnicas (SENAIN), Quito, Ecuador. 147. "Bioseguridad: la introducción de especies no indígenas y el problema de los transgenes" (in Spanish), 25 August 1995, Secretaría General de Planificación, Quito, Ecuador. 148.__________. 21 August 1995, Instituto Ecuatoriano Forestal y Areas Naturales y de Vida Silvestre (INEFAN), Quito, Ecuador. 149. "Biodiversidad y propiedad intelectual", (in Spanish), 18 August 1995, Secretaría General de Planificación, Quito, Ecuador. 150.Presentation "Should Genes be Sold? Capitalism as a Second Best Solution to the Mass Extinction Crisis", 14 July 1995, Ibnu Sutowo sponsored lecture, The Durrell Institue of Conservation and Ecology, University of Kent-Canterbury, United Kingdom. 151. "El capitalismo como una solución segunda mejor a la crisis de extinción en masa" (in Spanish), 26 June 1995, Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), symposium "La formación de recursos humanos frente a los desafíos de la globalización y el desarrollo agropecuario sostenible" Universidad Laica "Eloy Alfaro" de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador. 152.__________. 17 June 1995, Facultad de Ingeniería Agronómica de la Universidad Central, Quito, Ecuador. 153. "Bioseguridad: la introducción de especies no indígenas y el problema de los transgenes" (in Spanish), 17 May 1995, Comisión Asesora Ambiental, Quito, Ecuador. 154."Diálogo nacional sobre biodiversidad y desarrollo sostenible" (in Spanish), keynote speaker, 9-11 May, Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano, Quito, Ecuador. 155. "Genes as Liabilities: The Privatization of Biological Risk", 16 March 1995, La Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador. 156. "El sueño de contabilizar la biodiversidad ecuatoriana y una alternativa mas humilde: cuentas nacionales del uso del germoplasm en la biotecnologia del exterior" (in Spanish), 1 March 1995, Centro de Planificación y Estudios Sociales (CEPLAES), Quito, Ecuador. 157. "Bioseguridad: la introducción de especies no indígenas y el problema de los transgenes" (in Spanish), 25 January 1995, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Quito, Ecuador. 158. "Genesteading Rainforest Fragments in Ecuador", 11 January 1995, Center Agribiotechnology, Rutgers University, Cook College Campus, New Brunswick, NJ. 15 for 159.__________.7 January 1995, Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE), the American Economic Association meetings, Washington, D.C. 160.__________.4 January 1995, The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA. 161. "¿Se debe vender los genes?" (in Spanish), 7 December 1994, La Universidad de San Francisco, Quito, Ecuador. 162..__________ 12 October 1994, La Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador. 163. "Retórica ecologista y realidad económica" (in Spanish), 6 October 1994, Fundación Natura Conference on Protected Areas, Quito, Ecuador. 164. "¿Se debe vender los genes?" (in Spanish), 20 July 1994, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Quito Ecuador. 165. "Genes as Liabilities: The Privatization of Biological Risk", 29 April 1994, the North Central Regional Plant Introduction Station, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Ames, IA. 166. "Should Genes be Sold?", 28 April 1994, the North Central Regional Plant Introduction Station, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Ames, IA. 167.__________.26 April 1994, School of Library and Information Science, University of Indiana, Bloomington, IN. 168.__________.15 April 1994, "The Third Annual Shifting Paradigms in Science and the Environment Conference", The Graduate Student Association of The State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY. 169.__________.12 April 1994, Department of Biology, George Mason University, Fairfax Virginia in cooperation with The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR), Gaithersburg, MD. 170.__________.9 March 1994, Department of Economics, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. 171.__________.18 February 1994, Center for Agribiotechnology, Rutgers University, Cook College Campus, New Brunswick, NJ. 172.__________.3 November 1993, Department of International Studies, American Graduate School of International Management, Glendale, AZ. 173.__________.28 October 1993, Department of Botany, University of Texas, Austin, TX. 174.__________.21 October 1993, Department of Zoology, Auburn University, Auburn, AL. 175.__________.14 October 1993, Departments of Geography and of Zoology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. 176.__________.4 October 1993, Harrison Program on the Future Agenda, University of Maryland, College Park, MD. 177.__________.28 September 1993, People and Nature: Views for the 21st Century, University, Providence, RI. Brown 178.__________.27 September 1993, Intellectual Property Committee, University of Rhode Island, Wakefield, RI. 179.__________.24 September 1993, Conservation Biology Seminar Series, University of Massachusetts-Boston, MA. 16 180.__________.22 September 1993, Department of Biology, Williams College, Williamstown, MA. 181.__________.20 September 1993, Department of Wildlife and Resource Economics/Policy Department, University of Maine, Orono, ME. 182.__________.16 September 1993, Department of Philosophy and Department of Forestry, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH. 183.__________.10 September 1993, Department of Biology, Hobart and Smith College, Geneva, NY. 184.__________.31 August 1993, Department of Environmental Resource Management, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA. 185.__________.15 June 1993, The Society for Growing Australian Plants, Cairns Education Centre, Queensland, Australia. 186.__________.5 and 12 May 1993, Executive MBA symposium, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Australia. 187.__________.26 May 1993, The Australian Agricultural Economics Society¾Victorian Branch, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia. 188.__________.10 February 1993, King's College, University of London, seminar in the Master's Program in International Environmental Law, London, U.K. 189.__________. 8 December 1992, Department of Economics, University of Hawaii. 190.__________.17 November 1992, The AIC Conference on Biodiversity, Sydney, Australia. 191.__________. 9 July 1992, The East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. 192. "Privatisation as a Conservation Policy" in the "Optimisation of the Environment for Conservation and Development of Tropical Forests" symposium of Forestry'92 in The Earth Summit, RIO'92, 28 May 1992, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 193. "Privatização como uma política de conservação" (in Portuguese), O Congresso Internacional de Política Agrícola, 24 May 1992, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brazil. 194.__________.11 May 1992, The First Seminar on the Establishment of a State Park Serra do Brigadeiro, Carangola, MG, Brazil. 195.__________.18 October 1991, O Museo Goeldi, Belém, PA, Brazil. 196.Private consultation with the Gilberto Mestrinho, Governor of the State of Amazons, regarding "Privatisation as a Conservation Policy". 14 October 1991, Manaus, AM, Brazil. 197. "Privatização como uma política de conservação" (in Portuguese), 13 October 1991, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Amazônicas, Manaus, AM, Brazil. 198._________.11 October 1991, Universidade Federal de Cuiabá, Cuiabá, MS, Brazil. 199._________. 9 October 1991, Fundação Pró Natureza, Brasília, Brazil. 200._________.31 September 1991, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, SP, Brazil. 201. "Privatisation as a Conservation Policy" ,12 June 1991, The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York. 17 202._________.29 May 1991, "Biodiversity and Sustainable Development" Symposium of the XVII Pacific Science Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii. 203.Participation in the Advanced Austrian Seminar Workshop Series, 12-19 June 1989, FEE, Irvington, NY. Funded by the Institute of Humane Studies. 204. "Economics and Thermodynamics: Cross-fertilisation of Methods and Concepts", 2-7 July 1989, ISSS meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland. Travel funded by a grant from the Hayek Foundation. 205. "The Evolution of Dimorphic Risk Preferences", 29 October 1989, the Evolution and Human Behavior Meeting, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI. 206. "Entrepreneurship, Evolution, and the Entropy Law", 9 April 1988, The Evolution and Human Behavior Meeting, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 207.__________.16 June 1988, the annual meeting of the Society of the Advancement of Behavioral Economics, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA. UNIVERSITY GRANTS and PRIVATE CONSULTANCIES 1. The Implications oF the Conveniton on Biological Diversity for Infectious Diseases: The Case of Indonesia and Avian Flu. Australian Research Council, ($85K), 2008-2010. 2. ABS Project., The IUCN Environmental Law Centre. Commissioned book chapter “Reflecting Financial and other Incentives of TMOIFGR: The Biodiversity Cartel.” Bonn, Germany, 2006. 3. “Webplatforms for (1) The Museum of Bioprospecting, Intellectual Property Rights and the Public Domain and (2) The Center for Ecocriticism” 25K from FIPI of The University of Puerto Rico, 2006-2007. 4. “Amazonia in the Arts: Ecocriticism versus the Economics of Deforestation,” 50K from FIPI of The University of Puerto Rico, 2004-2006. 5. “Markets or Metaphors? A Sustainable Livelihoods Approach to the Management of Environmental Services: Three Cases from Ecuador”, Ecodecisión (project funded by International Institute of Environment and Development), February-September 2002, Quito, Ecuador. 6. “Analysis of the Final Draft of the National Regulation on Access to Genetic Resources of Ecuador---submitted for the review of Minister of the Environment”, Fundación Ecociencia. April 2001, Quito, Ecuador 7. "“Economic Analysis of the Draft Legislation on Biodiversity in Ecuador", International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 22-23 July 1999, Quito, Ecuador. 8. "Actividad 20, Proyecto GEF (General Environmental Facility-World Bank)-INEFAN-Biosfera", economic valuation of biodiversity. 8-16 October 1998, Quito, Ecuador 9. "Desarrollo de una Estrategia Nacional para la Protección y Manejo de la Vida Silvestre en Ecuador "(Seminar on the Development of a National Strategy for the Protection and Management of Wildlife in Ecuador) financed through the General Environmental Facility of the World Bank, Activity 20, local partner, INEFAN, 9-16 October 1998, Quito, Ecuador. 10. Proyecto de Modernización del Estado (MOSTA), financed through the World Bank. Analysis of published suggestions for environmental policy reform by the multilateral agencies and their applicability to Ecuador. October 1997-April 1998, Quito, Ecuador. 11. Consejo Nacional de Universidades y Escuelas Politécnicas (CONUEP). Consultant to the advisory board of higher education on the establishment of a Masters of Environmental Planning to be taught by a network of Ecuadorian universities. Consultancy, May 1997, Quito, Ecuador. 18 12. InterAmerican Commission on Biodiversity and Sustainable Development and The Biodiversity Support Program (USAID financed). Collection of data and visitation of sites throughout Latin America for the “White Paper: The Successful Use of Economic Instruments to Foster the Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity: Six Cases from Latin American and the Caribbean”. Distributed at the Summit of the Americas on Sustainable Development, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, 6-8 December 1996. Consultancy, August to December 1996, Latin America. 13. CARE-Ecuador and EcoCiencia, in cooperation with the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB), project director of pilot project “The transformation of indigenous knowledge into trade secrets”. Conceptualization of legal and organizational structure, supervision of one biologist-computer systems analyst, one attorney, and one anthropologist; preparation of grant proposal for submission to various multilateral agencies. Consultancy, March-September 1996, Quito, Ecuador. 14. InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB) project in cooperation with the Consejo Nacional de Desarrollo (CONADE). Elaboration of protocols for the brokerage of intellectual property rights over biodiversity, bioprospecting, and conservation of rainforest fragments; calculation of commercial value of biodiveristy in biotechnology for national income accounts, and instructor of in-house course “The Economics of Biodiversity”. Consultancy, June-September 1995, renewed October 1995-April 1996, renewed May-August 1996, renewed September 1996-February 1997, Quito, Ecaudor 15. Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano observer at the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 5-15 November 1996, Quito, Ecuador. 16. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) mission regarding proposal for conservation in situ in Ecuador, with Steven Brush and Raúl Castillo. Consultancy, 21-27 November 1994, Quito, Ecuador. 17. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) mission regarding regarding proposal for conservation in situ in Peru, with Guillermo González and Ricardo Sevilla. Consultancy, 20-27 July 1995, Lima, Peru. 18. The Nature Conservancy advisor to the official Ecuadorian delegation at the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, 6-18 November 1995, Jarkarta, Indonesia. 19. Red de Instituciones Vinculadas a la Capacitación en Economía y Políticas Agrícolas en América Latina y el Caribe, Long distance instructor over electronic mail of modules within the 4 week course “Economía Ecológica” (in Spanish and Portuguese), sponsored by FAO, Rome, Consultancy, 1-30 April 1996, cyberspace. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE . 1. Accredited book reviewer/referee for Oxford University Press, ecology titles, editor Kirk Jensen. 2. Accredited book reviewer/referee for Forum Empresarial. 3. Accredited book reviewer/referee for Revista de Ciencias Sociales 4. Member of the Board of Editors, REDIBEC, Red Iberoamericana de Economía Ecológica. 5. Member of the Board of Editors, Ecología Política. SKILLS Trilingual fluency in English, Spanish, and Portuguese (have taught and published in all three languages, and served as outside Examiner in Critical Languages at University of New Orleans, 19982002; Berlitz score 100/100 in Portuguese for Federal court interpreting), working knowledge of French (L'Alliance Française, niveau IV). Familiarity with personal computers and software packages. 19