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INTERNATIONAL WORKING GROUP ON FRUIT TREE VIRUSES DETECTION OF VIRUS AND VIRUS-LIKE DISEASBS OF FRUIT TREES Laboratory Assays,Bioassaysand Indicators Revised by Wilhelm Jelkmann FederalBiological ResearchCentre for Agriculture and Forestry Institute for Plant Protection in Fruit Crops Str. l0l Schwabenheimer D-69221 Dossenheim Germany INTRODUCTORY NOTES The tablesof laboratoryassays,bioassays,and indicatorhostswere lastpresentedin Actallorticulturae550:473-493.200l.AsaresultofthediscussionsoftheFruitTreeVirus Working Groupduringthe businessmeetingsof the 1994Rome,the 1991Bethesda,andthe 2000 CanterburySymposia,only few modif,rcationswere made to the lists of woody and herbaceousindicators since the publication in Acta Horticulturae 309: 407-418,1992. Changesdecidedatthe l99l BethesdaSyrnposiumandpublishedin Acta I lorticulturae,172: andwoody indicators, 1 59-783,I 998, includeda differentlayoutofthe approvedherbaceous and updatednomenclatureand knowledgeaboutthe causalagentsofdiseases.As therehad beenrapid progressin the developmentof polymerasechainreaction(PCR) basedassaysin the 1990's,it wasdecidedin 1997to compilea new list of laboratoryassays.Eachlist fbr the individual pomeand stonefruit speciescontainedthe previouslyapprovedELISA testsand, in addition,nucleicacid basedtests.Due to the constantdevelopmentin methodologyand often the existenceof different probes,primersand protocols,it rvasattemptedto list only key references.It was not feasible for the Fruit Tree Virus Working Group to compil.e detailed protocols.The nucleic acid basedassayspreviously suggestedare mostly well adaptedfor equippedlaboratories,however, in many cases,validation of 1l.retests on a broáderrangeof isolateswas required.This situationhad not fundamentallychangedat the 2000 Canterburyand the 2003 ValenciaSyrnposia.Therefore,the list of molecularassays was only updatedin somecasesand expandedwl-reretestsfor additional andtheir ref-erences available. diseases hadbecome viroidsandphytoplasma viruses, Sorne detailed comments on the potential of the PCR tests are listed under technical notes. TECHNICALNOTES Molecular and SerologicalAssays that Have Been Applied to Temperate Fruit Trees reference seetheappropriate Are Listed-Fordetails Abbreviations - Enzyme linked immunosorbentassay= ELI_S4,rgYelsetranscription: IC-RT-PCR, reverse polymerasechain reáction : RT-PCR, immunoc.apture-RT-PCR chain reaction- enzymelinked irnmunosorbentassay: RT-PCRiranscription-polymerase ELISA. amountof virusesandviroids PCRAssays Need Validation - PCR assaysfor an increasin_g have been validatedfor many isolatesof each pathogen.However,PCR assays.forotlier selectedpathogenswere conductedonly or1one or a few isolatesof a given pathogen.A Proc. XIX'" lS on Fruit Tree Virus Diseases Ed. G. Llácer Acta Hort ó57, ISHS 2004 broaderrangeof isolatesof some pathogensneed to be assessedbefore the tests can be recommendédfor cerlification or'quarintine pulposes.In addition to the selectionof referencespresented,the newest literature available should be sought for improvementsin methodologyand reliabilit-v. HerbaceousIndicators - The widely usedsusceptibleherbaceousindicatorsareCucumis satitt¿tsand Chenooodiumquinoa. Thev can be infected with viruses of the ilqrviras and nepot,irus genera but not átt tl-te viruies of these groups or all strains can infect these indicators,Furthermore,successand reliability of transmissiondependon the: origin of the inoculum, type of tissuesampled.season!compositionof extractionbuffer, etc., consult: N é m e t hM , . (1986). Woody Indicators - In general,testson woody indicatorsarestill consideredto be the most reliableonesto usefor establishingthe healthofindividual plants(e.g.nuclearstockplants). No indication is siven on the suoerioritvof individual test plantswhere more than one is available.Eflecti-veness with factorssuchas virus slrainand is likely to vary-considerably environmentalconditions. indexing Abbreviafiotts- Number of replicates(rep.),temperatureconditionsfor greenhouse ("C), durationof the test (in days: d, weeks: w, years: y, crops= c). MOLECULAR ASSAYS FOR VIRUSES. VIROIDS. AND PHYTOPLASMAS OF TEMPERATE FRUIT TREBS VIRUSES Pathogen Name Arnericanplum line patternvirus Apple chlorottc leafspot virus Acronym APLPV Molecular Assay Reference RT-PCR Scott and Zimmerman.2001 ACLSV IC-RI-PCR RT.PCR Candresse et al., 1995 Nemchninoe v t al.,1995 Kinardetal.,1996 RT-PCR Menzel et al.,2AO2 RT-PCR Kinard et al., 1996 (multiplex) Apple stern grooving vlrus ASGV MacKenzie et al.,l99l Marinho et al., 1998 IC-R'T-PCR RT-PCR.ELISA RT-PCR lmultiolex) Apple stempitting ASPV IU-KI-PUK VITUS RT-PCR RT-PCR (multiplex) Crossley et al.,1998 Danielset al.,1998 James, 1999 Menzelet al.-2002 andKeirn-Kon rad,1997 Jelkmann Schwarzand Jelkmann,1998 Nemchinovet al., 1998 M a l i n o w s k i e ta l . , 1 9 9 8 Menzel eta1.,2002 Apple mosaicvirus ApMV Arabis mosaicvirus ArMV KI-PUK RT-PCR.ELISA RT-PCR (multiplex) RT-PCR Little cherryvirus-l LChV-I KI -PUK Little cherryvirus-2 LChV-2 RT-PCR Rott and Jelkmann,2001a Cherry green ring CGRMV mottlevirus RT-PCR Zhanget al., 1998 Rott and Jelkmann,2001a Cherryleafrollvirus CLRV RT-PCR Rowhani et al., 1995 Cherry mottle leaf virus CMLV RT-PCR Rowhani,et al., 1995 Candresse et al., 1998b Saadeet al.,2000 Menzel ef a1..2002 MacKenzieel al.,1991 Nassuthet al.. 2000 Roft and Jella-narrn.2001a Vitushkina et al.,1991 Cherrynecroticrusty CNRMV mottlevirus RT-PCR Jameset al.,1999 JamesandUpton, 1999 Rott and Jelkmann.2001b Cherryraspleafvirus CRLV RT-PCR J a m e se t a l . , 2 0 0 1 Cherry virus A CVA R1'-PCR Jamesand Jelkmann, 1998 Eastwell and Bernardy, 1998 Peach mosaic virus PMV RT-PCR JamesandUptor-r,1999 PPV PPV-D or PPV-M PPV-C IU-KI-PUK Strainspecific- RTPCR Strainspecific- RTPCR Plum pox virus Prunedwarf virus PDV RT-PCR Wetzelef a1.,1992 Candresse et al., 1998a NemchinovandHadidi. 1998 Parakhet al.. 1995 Rowhaniet al., 1998 RT.PCR.ELISA RT-PCR(multiolex) Saadeet al.. 2000 Prunusnecrotic ringspotvirus I omato nngspot virus PNRSV I'oRSV Spiegelef a1.,7996 MacKenzieet al., 1997 et al., 1998b RT-PCR-ELISA Candresse Rowhaniet al.. 1998 Strainspecific- RT- Hammondet al., 1998 PCR Saade etal.,2000 RT.PCR RT-PCR (multiplex) IC-RT-PCR (nested) Helguera et al., 200 I RT.PCR Griesbach,1995 Rowhani et al., 1998 RT-PCR-ELISA VIROIDS Apple scarskin viroid ASSVd (DAVd) Hop stunt vlrolcl HSVd Peach latent mosaic viroid PLIUVd Apple dimplefruit viroid ADFVd Pearblistercanker viroid PBCVd Hybridization Hurtt et a1..1996 Desvigneset al., 1999 RT-PCR Shamlouland Hadidi, 1999 Faggioli and Ragozzino,2002 Di Serioeta1.,2002 RT-PCR (multiolex) RT-PCR Hadidiet al.,1992 Hybridization Astruc et al., 1996 et al., 1995 Romero-Durban et al.. 1998 Cañizares Amari et al.,2001 Shamloulet al., 1995 RT-PCR Hybridization Ambros et al., 1995 Loreti et al.. 1995 Hybridization Di Serioet al., 1996,2001 RT-PCR Faggioliand Ragozzino,2002 Di Serioeta1..2002 RT-PCR lmultinlex) Hybndlzatlon RT-PCR Ambroset al.,1995 Loretiet a1.,1995 2002 FassioliandRasozzino. PHYTOPLASMAS Apple proliferation ph.vtoplasma AP PCR Peardecline phytoplasma PD PCR ESFY PCR Europeanstonefruit yellorvs phytoplasma 578 Loreru et al., 1995 Smarlet al.,1996 Carraroet al., 1998 Lorenzet al., 1995 Smartet a1..1996 Carraroet al., 1998 Davieset al.. 1998 Smartet al.,1996 Carraroet al., 1998 et al.. 1998 Jarausch Woodv Indicators Malusplatycarpa Maluspumilo -VirginaCrab -R 127407 A -Spy227 -Kola.Radiant Malus micromalus -GMAL273 J rep 20'c 8w ACLSV"scalvbark 26"C 2 4 w ASPV, ASGV (cut back at 12 w, keep for 12morew) 3 rep 22"C 4 w ACLSV 3 rep 22-25'C 1 2 w ASPV,ACLSV 3 rep 26'C 8 w ASPV 3 rep 3 reo 22-26' C 1 2 w ACLSV. ASGV cyclonrq oblongq -C 711.Pis\,va Plt'otiq veitcllii (IVP)* * IVP: in vitro 4 reo 22"C 3 rep 22"C 5w ACLSV 1 0 w ACLSV. ASPV FIELD INDEXING 44.platvcar¡ta 3 rep Py'onia wílchii 3 rep 2y 3 rep 3 rep 3y M. pumila -VirginiaCrab -Spy227 -R 121407 A -Lord Lambourne -Gravensteiner -Stayman -GoldenDelicious ? ren 5 rep 3 rep 3 rep 3 rep 3y 2c ACLSV, scalybar( Platycarpa dwarf ASPV ASPV,ASGV ASPV ACLSV mosaic(2y),rubberywood (3y), flat limb (3y),chatfruit (3c) flat limb Staymanblotch ApMV (2y),proliferation(useroot graftingor side-grafting and 5 rep. [zvl); -Red Delicious (Red clones 3 rep e.e. Starkrimson) 580 3c horseshoewound, leafpucker,star crack,roughskin,ring spot,russet ring, greencrinkle,flat apple (CRLV[3c]) ASSVd(DAVd), ADFVd VIRUS AND VIRUS-LIKE DISEASESOF PEAR L.ABORATORYASSAYS Asent / Disease ACLSV / pear ring pattern mosalc MolecularAssav SeroloeicalAssaY ELISA IC-RT-PCR RT-PCR RT-PCR(multiplex) RT.PCR ELISA ASGV/ pearstemgroovlrlg IC.RT-PCR IC-RT-PCR RT-PCR RT-PCR(rnultiplex) ASPV/pearveinyellows RT-PCR Hvbridization RT-PCR Hvbridization PCR ASSVd PBCVd Pear decline phytoplasma IPD) GREENHOASE INDEXING Herbaceousindicators N icotiana occidenlal is 3J B Chenopodiutnquinoa 3 rep 20"c 3 rep 20'c 2 8 d A C L S V , A S P V ( v e i ny e l l o w s ' ) 2 1 d ACLSV Woodyindicators P. veitchii P. veitchii(IYP) Pyrus contmunis -NouveauPoiteau 3 rep 22'C 8 w quincesootyring spot,veinyellows 1 0 w (ASPV).ACLSV 3 rep 22"C l0w -Julesd'Airolles 3 rep 22"C 3 rep 26"C 8 w 3 reo 26"C 10w ASPV.ASGV 4 reo 22"C 12w PBCVd 4 rep 4 ren ACLSV 5w 22"C 6 PBCVd 22"C 1 2 - 1 w Malus nticromaltts -GMAL273 M. puntila -Virsinia Crab C. oblonga -C 7/l Piewa P)trus corumunis -Fieud 37 üw Dear rulq paflern nlosalc (nClSV i,u"inyellowslASPV). quincesootyring sPot ASPV ÁSCV 4 u'k thencut backand4 rv more 58r FIELD INDEXING I'. yeiÍcltii 3 rep ) v P. con'nnunis -BeurreHardy 3 rep -BeurreBosc -Williams(Barlett) 3 rep 3 rep -Doyenne du Comice -D. du Comice* -A 20 3 rep 5 rep 3 rep -Julesd' Airolles 3 rep ring mosaic(ACLSV), bark necrosis, bud drop,bark split, stonypit 3 c stonypit, freckle pit, corky pit 3 v bark split, rough bark, blister bark (PBCVd), bark split, bud drop 3 y peardeclinephytoplasma i v ACLSV, vein yellows(ASPV),blister cankerviroid (PBCVd) 2 v vein yellows(ASPV) quincesootyring spot,quinceyellow blotch.quincestunt.ACLSV velnyellows(ASPV),barknecrosis, pearstemgrooving(ASGV),quince sootvrinsspot 3y C. oblonga -C l/l Piswa M. pttntila -Lord Lambourne 5 rep -Virsinia Crab 3 rep *Preferabll'on lly'¿¡sussuriettsisor 3 y applerubberyrvood 2 v ASPV.ASGV rootstoc VIRUS AND VIRUS-LIKE DISEASESOF CHERRY I}IBORATORY ASSAYS Agent / Disease ACLSV SerolosicalAssav MolecularAssav ELISA IC-RT-PCR RT-PCR RT-PCR RT.PCR.ELISA RT-PCR Hvbridization RT-PCR ApMV ELISA ArMV ELISA L C h V - 1 ,L C h V - 2 CGRMV RT-PCR CIRV ELISA CLRV ELISA RT-PCR CMLV ELISA RT-PCR CNRMV CRLV 582 RT-PCR ELISA RT.PCR CVA MLRSV ELISA PetAMV ELISA PPV ELISA PDV ELISA PNRSV ELISA RpRSV ELISA SLRSV ELISA TRSV ELISA TBRV ELISA ToRSV ELISA RT-PCR IC-RT-PCR PPV-CspecificPCR RT.PCR RT-PCR-ELISA RT.PCR RT-PCR-ELISA StrainspecificRT-PCR RT-PCR Hybridization GREENHOUSE INDEXING IlerbaceousIndicators C. quinoa 5 rep 20"c 20d ACLSV PNnSV. genusNeprrvi'¿rs, C. sativus 3 rep 20"c 20d PNRSV,PDV N. occidentalis 3 rep 20"c 28d CTLV 5 rep 20-25"C 8 w PNRSV,PDV, ACLSV,EuroPean Woodv Indicators Prunuspersica -Seedlings GF 305 (or Elberta) Pntrutstonxentoso -1R473 x IR474 hYbrid or 3 rep selfed (Cut backafter 6 w and monitorfor another6 w) Prunus serrulala -Shirofugen raspleaf,CLRV, EolarasPleaf(: stempittins= ToRSV),SLRSV, monléteaf(Cl¿LV),CLRV, MLRSV 22'C 1 2 w PNRSV,PDV, EolarasPleaf (ToRSV),ACLSV,greenling mottle(CGRMV) 5 buds 22-26"C 8 w PNRSV.PDV,CGRMV 583 frunLs llybild -Shiro plum 3 reo l8'c 6 w peachwart P. atittnt -Bins 3 reo l8"c 8 w CMLV. CRMV. CTLV. CRLV P. aviunt -Sam 3 rep 18"C 8w f. serrulota Kwanzan 3 ren I 8"C 8 w CGRMV CNRMV FIELD INDEXING I'.,terrulata -Shirofugen 6 w - l y PNRSV, PDV, Shirofugenstunt (bud into l y-old trees) 2y sreenrins mottle (CGRMV) 5 buds -Kwanzan Prttntts aviunt -Bing 1 rcn ? ren 3y -Sanr 3 rep 3 v -CanindexI 3 rep 3y Prunus persica - S e e d l i n s sG F 3 0 5 J rep -lv + Do notdouble-bud onto 'oots ArMV andCLRVwillprobably astneyarehyperse nsitive not move from the inoculum bud to the indicator. 584 Europeanraspleaf,Hrmgarianrasp leaf,CRLV*, rustymottle,SLRSV, ArMV, twisted leaf, short stem, black canker, detrimentalcanker, cherrymottle leaf (CML\), rosette, spur cherry European rusty mottle, necrotic rusty mottle,black canker,detrimental canker, rusty spot, little (LCD) cherrydisease LCD VIRUS AND VIRUS-LIKE DISEASESOF PEACH L,,IBORATORYASSAYS Asent/ Disease APLPV Serolosical Assav Molecular Assavs ELISA RT-PCR ACLSV ELISA ApMV ELISA IC.RT.PCR RT.PCR RT-PCR RT-PCR-ELISA Ir,uropeanstone tiuit yellows phytoolasma HSVd PCR PLIVIVd RT-PCR Hybridization RT.PCR Hybridization PPV ELISA PDV ELISA PNRSV ELISA SLRSV trLISA TBRV ELISA ToRSV ELISA RT-PCR IC-RT-PCR PPV-D or PPV-M specificPCR RT-PCR RT.PCR-ELISA RT-PCR RT-PCR-ELISA IC-RT-PCR (nested) RT.PCR Hybridization GREENHOUSE INDEXING HerbaceousIndicators C. quinoa 5 rep 20"c 20d C. salivus 3 rep 20'c 2 0 d PNRSV,PDV PNRSV"ACLSV, perrusNeror'¡j¿¡s 585 Woody Indicators lP.persica cF 305 l-Seedinss 5 rep 20"c | (or Elberla) 5 rep 20"c P. tomentosa -IR473 x IR474 hybrid 3 rep P. serrulata -Shirofugen -Shirotugen(lVP) Prtnnts hybrid -Shiro olum P. serrulala -Kwanzan P. qviutn -Bins 22"C 5 buds 22-26.C 22"C or chips 3 rep 8 w I PNRSV,PDV, ACLSV, PPV. IApMV 1 2 w lyellowbudmosaic(ToRSV), lstempitting(ToRSV),willow leaf rosette.enation.asteroid spot,calico,purpleinosaic, mottle,yellow mottle,blotch,oil blotch,mule'sear,apricot chlorotic leaf roll phytoplasma, seedlingchlorosis,starmosaic, mosaic,yellows,rosette, PLMVd (crossprotectiontest), yellow mosaic,MLRSV, stocky prune,SLRSV,PYLR, Americanplum line pattern virus, Europeanstonefruit vellows. 1 2 w PNRSV,PDV, ACLSV, PPV, yellow bud mosaic(ToRSV), stempitting (ToRSV) 4 w PNRSV,PDV 1 5 w green ring mottle (CGRI\4V), mottleleaf (CMLV) 3 ren l8'c 6w neachwart 3 rep I 8'C 8w CGRMV 3 reo l8"c 8w CMLV 4y as in the sreensamediseases houseand:phonypeach,X peachwart diseasephytoplasma, FIELD INDEXING P. persica -Seedlings GF 305 (or Elberla) 3 rep P. seryulala -Shirofugen -Kwanzan . QVtUtll Sam 586 5 buds 3 rep rep 6 w - l y PNRSV,PDV greenring mottle 2y necrotic rusty mottle v Prunus armeniaca -Tilton ) v 3 rep apricotring pox (possiblYcherrY twistedleaO VIRUS AND VIRUS-LIKE DISEASESOF PLUM ASSAYS LABONATORY Asent i Disease APLPV SerologicalAssays ELISA ACLSV ELISA ApMV ELISA Europeanstone fruit Yellows nhvtoolasma Molecular Assavs RT-PCR IC-RT-PCR RT-PCR RT.PCR RT-PCR-ELISA PCR RT.PCR HSVd IJybridization MLRSV ELISA PPV ELISA PDV ELISA PNRSV ELISA ToRSV ELISA IC.RT-PCR RT.PCR PPV-D or PPV-M sPecificPCR RT-PCR RT-PCR-ELISA RT-PCR RT.PCR-ELISA RT.PCR Hvbridization GREENHOUSE INDEXING Herbaceousindicators C. quinoa 5 rep 20"c 2 0 d PNRSV,ACLSV,genusNepouirtrs, C. salívus 3 rep 20"c 2 0 d PNRSV,PDV, APMV N. benthamiana 3 rep 20"c 2 8 d PPV 587 Woody indicators P. persica -SeedlingsGF 305 5 rep 20"c Ew P. lomentosa -IR473 xlP.474 hybrid 3 rep 22"C 1 2 w PNRSV,PDV, ACLSV, barksplit (ACLSV), pseudopox(ACLSV), stemnittins IToRSV).PPV PNRSV,PDY, ACLSV, PPV, SLRSV,pseudopox(ACLSV), Europeanplum line pattern, ApMV, Americanplum line patterr (APLPV),ToRSV,MLRSV, Europeanstonefruit yellows phl4oplasma P. setttlqta -Shirofugen Prunushybrid -Shiroplum 5 buds 22-26"C 4 w 3 rep I 8'C 6w PNRSV.PDV neach wart TIELD INDEXING P. set'rulato -Shirofugen -Kr,vanzan 5 buds 3 rep Prunushybrid -Shiroplum 3 reo 2y APLPV -1 ren ,"y 2y 2v Europeanplum line pattern,ApMV bark solit. ACLSV ) v apricotchloroticleafroll ohvtoolasma 6 w - 1y PNRSV,PDV 2 v sreenrins mottle P. dontesticq -Ersinger -Pruned'Ente707 P. persictt - S e e d l i n gG s F 305 3 reo 3 rep VIRUS AND VIRUS-LIKE DISEASES OF APRICOT ASSAYS LABORATORY Asent / Disease ACLSV ApMV Serological Assay ELISA E,LISA European stone fruit yellows ohl'toolasma PPV BLISA PDV ELISA PNRSV ELISA 588 MolecularAssav IC-RT-PCR RT-PCR RT-PCR RT-PCR-ELISA PCR IC-RT-PCR RT.PCR PPV-D or PPV-M specificPCR RT-PCR. RT.PCR-ELISA RT-PCR RT-PCR.ELISA GREENHOUSE INDEXING HerbaceousIndicators: Not Reliable Woody Indicators P. persica -Seedlings GF 305 (or Elberta) 5 rep 5 rep 200c 8 w PNRSV,PDV, ACLSV,PPV,SLRSV 1 2 w MLRSV, ApMV, mosaic,ring pox, puckerleaf,chloroticleaf mottle, asteroidspot,Europeanstonefruit vellowsohvtoolasma P. tomentosa -IR473 x IR474 hybrid 3 rep 22"C 12w PNRSV,PDV, ACLSV,PPV,CTLV (apricotring pox) (26'C) 4w PNRSV.PDV 4w CTL.V (aplicot ring pox) P. senulata -Shirofueen P. armeniaca -Tilton 20"c 5 buds 22-26'C 3 rep 26'C FIELD INDEXING P. serrutlata -Shirofugen -Kwanzan 5 buds 3 rep P. armeniaca -Tilton -Moorpark 3 rep 3 rep 3y 3y -Luizet or Priana 3 rep ) v -Wenatchee 3 ren 3y apncot rmg pox moorpark moftle, chlorotic leaf mottle, stone pitting European stone fruit yellows phytoplasma aDrlcot rrllg Dox P. persica -Seedlinss GF 305 3 rep ¿\ Europeanstone fruit yellows phytoplasma 6 w - l y PNRSV,PDV sreenrins mottle 2v OF ALMOND VIRUSAND VIRUS.LIKE,DISEASES LABORATORY,4SSITS Agent/ Disease Assay Serological ACLSV ELISA ApMV ELISA PPV ELISA PDV ELISA Assav Molecular IC.RT-PCR RT-PCR RT-PCR RT-PCR-ELISA IC-RT.PCR RT-PCR PCR PPV-D or PPV-M specif-tc RT-PCR RT-PCR-ELISA 589 RT- PCR RT-PCR.ELISA GREENHOUSE INDEXING Herbaceous Indicators C. qtinoa 5 rep 20'c 20d genusNepovlrzsACLSV ('. sotit'us 3 rep 20'c 20d PNRSV, ApMV, PDV 5 rep 20"c 20'c 8w 12w PNRSV,PDV, ACLSV, SLRSV,PPV, yellowbud mosaic(ToRSV),stem pitting (ToRSV),mosaic,bud failure (mule'sear) 3 rep 22"C 12w PNRSV,PDV, ToRSV,stempitting (ToRSV),yellow budmosaic(ToRSV), ACLSV. PPV 4w PNRSV.PDV Woody Indicators P. persica -SeedlingG s F 305 P. lontentosa -1R473x IR474 hybrid P..serrulata -Shirofugen 5 ren 5 buds aa 26"C FIELD IND&YING f. serrulata Shirofusen 5 6 w - l v PNRSV.PDV VIRUSAND VIRUS-LIKEDISBASES OF WALNUT LABORATORYASSAYS Agent / Disease serolosrcal Assav CLRV ELISA MolecularAssay RT-PCR GREENHOUSE INDEXING ('. quinoo 590 5 rep 20"c 20d CLRV FIELD INDEXING 3 oronto.r onio.Lhindsii inoculum áck line (CLRV) batchesjust above union, VIRUS AND VIRUS-LIKE DISEASESOF CHESTNUT GREENHOT]SE INDEXING Hybrid Maraval Ca74 IIVP) 12w mosalc REMARKS usedas indicators to detect In general, chenopodium quinoa andL'ucumis salivttscallbe trees: fruit in the"followingvirúses . CRLV' CIRV'C-LE^Y, quínou:ACLSV,A|G-Y,-IoRSV,TRSY,,,4rlVfV' Chenopoclium -"iB{ü;ffiR-SV, rBSV' and PNRSV' Siirsü-,-tt'l-ñsv,TMV, TNV,PetAMV, Cucumissativus:PNRSV,PDV,CLRV,SLRSV,CRLV'TRSV'ToRSV'RpRSV'and TMV. ¡ c.M. Fauquet,D'E'L' Bishop' For classificationof virusessee:M.H.V. Van Regenmortel, M'A'*Mayo' u.r. Ésii S.ü.1.t""", J' Mañiloff, E.B.Carstenr, 4J;,Mt9:::-t]lS-1; Report oJ the Internatronat F;ñgb ;A ir.n. wi"t rér. virus Taxonomy Seventh San Francisco,New York, Boston, nrittt, San_Díego, Contmitteeo, fo*iiiiy-i¡ 2000' Press, iondon, Sydney,Tokyo:Academic inducevisible o Indexingof PNRSV andPDV on P. serrularaShirofugen:severestrains to contiuue recommended is ii Nevertheless, weeks. u tvnical symtoms *itilin detectionof the for in su'rmer) ]#**",iái,, iiiii r,lii".Jirg tpring i* treesinoculáted stunt' mild strainsandfor Shirofugen ¡ ElbeúacaureplaceGF 305 when GF 305 seedsarenot available' sametree' . Useof Bing graftedonto F 1211allowsindexingon two indicatorswith the by bioloeicalindexingin peach . Mild strainsof peachlatentmosaicviroid canbe detected J.C., Acta ,"orái"-in¿"cing_ítrai'.1De1v^ig¡.es by cross protectionagainsta severe p'fr'iop"tnbfogi"u Á"uí.;iue ScientiarunHungaricae15: I 83- I 90, I 980)' 59i