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Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 CURRICULUM VITAE DATE: May, 28th, 2014 Name: Date of birth: Place of Birth: Nationality: Miguel Ángel Jiménez-Clavero December, 8th, 1964 Madrid, Spain. Spanish. Academic degrees Bsc in Biology, Complutense University, Madrid, 1987 PhD in Biology, Complutense University, Madrid, 1994 Expertise Animal Virology. Viral Zooonoses. Vector-borne Viral Infections. Languages Spanish (mother language). English (good command of English, both spoken and written). Present position Present position: Department: Organisation: Address: Phone: Fax: e-mail: Head of Service, P3 Coordination (since November, 14th, 2006). Center for Research in Animal Health –CISA- National Institute of Agriculture and Food Research and Technology –INIA- Ctra Algete- El Casar s/n, 28130, Valdeolmos (Madrid) Spain +34 91 620 23 00 +34 91 620 22 47 Description of the current work Coordination of diagnostic and research work on animal and zoonotic viruses causing diseases of relevance for animal/public health, at CISA, the main high level biosecurity (BSL3, P3 and P4-OIE) laboratory facility in Spain. Focal point of the RELAB (National Network of Biosecurity Alerts) at INIA. Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 Scientific interests: Emerging and transboundary infectious diseases affecting livestock and wildlife. Viral pathogens of animals including zoonosis. Arthropod-borne viral diseases (arbovirosis). Scientific fields (UNESCO codes): Virology (2420); Arbovirus (2420.01); Animal virology (2420.91); Veterinary virology (3109.11). Keywords: Animal virology; Animal Health; Arboviral Diseases; Biocontainment; Biosafety; Biosecurity, BSL-3; Communicable Disease Control; Diagnostics; ELISA; Emerging Infectious Diseases; Flavivirus;; Infectious Disease Diagnostics; Metagenomics; Molecular Virology; Next Generation Sequencing , Nucleic acid analysis; Real-time PCR; Serologic Tests; Serology; Swine Vesicular Disease; Teschovirus; Vaccination; Vaccines; Veterinary Virology; Vectors & Vector-Borne Diseases (VVBD); Viral Ecology and Epidemiology; Viral Immunology; Virology; Virus; West Nile Virus; West Nile fever; Zoonoses. Past positions SEPTEMBER, 2003-NOVEMBER, 2006. Institution: Central Veterinary Laboratory, Algete, Madrid, Spain. Position: Head of the Department of Emerging Diseases. Description: In charge of the diagnostic, surveillance and development of diagnostic tools of six major animal health diseases: West Nile fever/encephalitis, bluetongue, swine vesicular disease, classical swine fever, foot-and-mouth disease, and avian influenza in the National Reference Laboratory. SEPTEMBER, 2000-AUGUST, 2003. Institution: Department of Biotechnology, INIA, Madrid, Spain. Position: Contract researcher. Description: R&D. Analysis of animal enteric viruses in the environment. Development of methods for species discrimination of animal contamination based upon viral species-specificity. AUGUST, 1998-AUGUST, 2000. Institution: Center for Research in Animal Health (CISA), INIA, Valdeolmos, Madrid, Spain. Position: Contract researcher. Description: R&D. Evaluation of different vaccine strategies against foot and mouth disease (recombinant live viruses, peptides, mixotopes). SEPTEMBER, 1995-JULY, 1998. Institution: Center for Research in Animal Health (CISA), INIA, Valdeolmos, Madrid, Spain. Position: Postdoctoral fellow. Description: R&D. Molecular cloning, expression and testing of swine vesicular disease virus genes for diagnostic purposes. Antigenic mapping of swine vesicular disease virus. MAY, 1994 - SEPTEMBER, 1995 Institution: Schering-Plough Spain-Hospital La Paz, Madrid, Spain. Position: Postdoctoral fellow. Description: R&D. Assessment of the effects of interferon α treatment on the immune response in patients chronically infected with hepatitis C virus. JANUARY, 1989 - APRIL, 1994. Institution: Hospital La Paz, Madrid, Spain. Position: Postgraduate fellow. Description: R&D. Studies on factor J, a new inhibitor of the complement system in humans. Comment: PhD thesis. JANUARY - DECEMBER, 1988. Institution: Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Madrid, Spain. Position: volunteer assistant. Description: R&D. Purification and characterization of a kidney growth factor present in rat serum. Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero R & D projects -Grants CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 Participation in 30 competitive research projects (9 international and 21 national). International Title: MEDILABSECURE - Establishment of networks of human and animal virology laboratories and of medical entomology. Funding agency: EU (DG DEVCO, CBRN Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence Initiative, CoE Project 037 Ct Nº IFS/2013/330 961). Participant entities: Institut Pasteur de Paris (IPP), France; Institut de la Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD), Montpellier, France; Istituto Superiore di Sanitá (ISS), Rome, Italy; Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), Spain Duration: 1-1-2014 to 31-12-2017. Principal researcher: Kathleen Victoir (IPP) Number of participant researchers: 8 Title: European West Nile R&D collaborative project (EuroWestNile). Funding agency: EU (FP7- HEALTH 2010.2.3.3-3 261391 Collaborative Research Project). Participant entities: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) Spain; Veterinaermedizinische Universitaet Wien, Austria; Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments (AFSSA), France ; Institut Pasteur de Paris (IPP), France; Central Virology Laboratory (CVL), Israel ; Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell’Emilia Romagna (IZSLER), Italy; Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), Italy; Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM), Italy; Central Research Institute of Epidemiology (CRIE), Russia; Institut Pasteur de Dakar (IPD), Senegal; Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), Spain; Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Spain; VIRCELL, Spain; INGENASA, Spain. Duration: 1-1-2011 to 31-12-2013. Principal researcher: Antonio Tenorio (ISCIII) Number of participant researchers: 40 Title: International Network for Capacity Building for the Control of Emerging Viral Vector Borne Zoonotic Diseases (ARBOZOONET) Funding agency: EU (FP7 Coordinating and Support Action) Participant entities: CISA-INIA and 24 more institutions. Duration: 1-04-2008 to 31-03-2010. Principal researcher: Michelle Bouloy Number of participant researchers: > 50. Title: Coopération hispano-tunisienne en épidémiologie et diagnostic de fièvre catarrhale du mouton et d'autres maladies émergentes ayant un impact majeur sur la santé animale dans les pays méditerranéens. Funding agency: Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) (A/024684/09). Participant entities: CISA-INIA, Institut de la Récherche Veterinaire de Tunisie (IRVT) Duration: 1-12-2009 to 31-12-2010. Principal researcher: Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero (CISA-INIA). Number of participant researchers: 15 Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 Title: Coopération hispano-tunisienne en épidémiologie et diagnostic de fièvre catarrhale du mouton et d'autres maladies liées cliniquement d'intérêt pour la santé animale. Funding agency: Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) (B/019501/08). Participant entities: CISA-INIA, Institut de la Récherche Veterinaire de Tunisie (IRVT) Duration: 1-12-2008 to 31-12-2009. Principal researcher: Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero. Number of participant researchers: 7 Title: EDEN Emerging Infectious Diseases in a Changing European Environment Funding agency: EU FP7 (GOCE-CT-2003-010284)) Participant entities: 48 centros de 30 países de la UE y no-UE. LCV. Duration: 1-1-2005 to 31-12-2009. Principal researcher: Stephane de la Rocque. Number of participant researchers: Over 200. Title: Genetic vaccination of pigs against diseases: evaluation of combined injection of DNA plasmids coding for cytokines and protective viral antigens. Funding agency: European Commission FP4 (FAIR CT96-1317) Participant entities: INRA, Jouy-en-Josas, France, CNEVA - E.P.A, Ploufragan, France, RhoneMerieux, Lyon, France, U. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden, IAH, Pirbright, UK, INIA, Madrid, Spain. Duration: 1.1.98 to 31-12-2000. Principal researcher: Javier Domínguez Juncal Number of participant researchers: 9 Title: Induction of Early Protection against Foot-and-Mouth disease. Funding agency: European Commission FP4 (FAIR CT97-3665) Participant entities: Bundesforschungsanstalt für Viruskrankheiten der Tiere, Tübingen, Germany, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, ID-DLO, Lelystad, The Nederlands, IAH, Pirbright, UK, QUB, CBM, Madrid, Spain, INIA, Madrid, Spain. Duration: 1-1-98 to 31-8-01. Principal researcher: Victoria Ley Vega de Seoane - Francisco Sobrino Castelló Number of participant researchers: 11 Title: Improved Diagnosis of Swine Vesicular Disease. Funding agency: European Commission FP4 (FAIR CT96-1545) Participant entities: ID-DLO, Lelystad, The Netherlands, IAH, Pirbright, UK, QUB, Belfast, Northern Ireland, IZSLE, Brescia, Italy, CBM, Madrid, Spain, INIA, Madrid, Spain. Duration: 1-1-97 to 31-7-00. Principal researcher: Victoria Ley Vega de Seoane Number of participant researchers: 8 Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero National CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 Title: Estudio de la virulencia del virus Bagaza, un nuevo flavivirus en España, y desarrollo de métodos para su diagnóstico. Funding agency: Plan Nacional de I+D (AGL2011-13634-E) Participant entities: CISA-INIA, Laboratorio Central de Veterinaria-Algete. Estación Biológica de Doñana-CSIC. Duration: 15-12-2011 to 14-06-2013. Principal researcher: Miguel Angel Jiménez Clavero Number of participant researchers: 4 Title: Avances en el diagnóstico y la caracterización de enfermedades víricas emergentes de rumiantes de riesgo para España: Peste de pequeños rumiantes y Orbivirosis. Funding agency: INIA (Subprograma Recursos y Tecnologías Agrarias) Participant entities: CISA-INIA, Duration: 1-12-2011 to 31-11-2014. Principal researcher: Jovita Fernández Pinero Number of participant researchers: 2 Title: Análisis de la infección por virus del Nilo Occidental en aves silvestres. Funding agency: INIA (FAU2008-00002-00-00). Participant entities: CISA-INIA, Estación Biológica de Doñana, CSIC. Duration: desde: 1-12-2009 hasta: 31-11-2011. Principal researcher: Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero. Number of participant researchers: 5 Title: Diseño y desarrollo de ensayos basados en anticuerpos monoclonales y antígenos recombinantes para el diagnóstico serológico del virus del Nilo Occidental. Funding agency: Comunidad de Madrid (BIOTECNOLOG 04-AEC0810-000029/2008). Participant entities: INGENASA, CISA-INIA. Duration: 1-1-2009 to 31-12-2010. Principal researcher: Carmen Vela (INGENASA). Number of participant researchers: 5 Title: Importancia de la fiebre del Nilo Occidental (West Nile virus) para la producción de aves cinegéticas en Castilla-La Mancha. Funding agency: Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de Castilla-La Mancha (PAC08-0296-7771). Participant entities: CISA-INIA, IREC-CSIC. Duration: 1-1-2008 to 31-12-2010. Principal researcher: Úrsula Höfle Hansen Number of participant researchers: 6 Title: Estudios epidemiológicos y moleculares sobre virus entéricos porcinos en España: aplicaciones al diagnóstico del virus de la enfermedad vesicular del cerdo. Funding agency: Plan Nacional de I+D (AGL2007-61859) Participant entities: CISA-INIA, Laboratorio Central de Veterinaria-Algete. Duration: 1-12-2007 to 31-11-2010. Principal researcher: Miguel Angel Jiménez Clavero Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero Number of participant researchers: 4 CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 Title: Virus West Nile: Genotipos y virulencia. Funding agency: Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS PI071309). Participant entities: CISA-INIA, Depto. Biotecnología-INIA, CNM-ISCIII. Duration: 1-12-2007 to 31-11-2010. Principal researcher: Miguel Angel Jiménez Clavero Number of participant researchers: 5 Title: Potenciación de los métodos de lucha contra la PPA y el diagnóstico de enfermedades exóticas. Funding agency: INIA (OT01-002). Participant entities: CISA-INIA Duration: 2001 to 2008Principal researcher: Maria Luisa Arias Number of participant researchers: 7 Title: Desarrollo de métodos de diagnóstico diferenciales para la distinción de animales vacunados e infectados por virus de la lengua azul. Funding agency: Programa PROFIT (MEC), CIT-010000-2005-81. Participant entities: INGENASA, Laboratorio Central de Veterinaria-Algete. Duration: 1-1-2005 to 31-12-2006. Principal researcher: Carmen Vela Number of participant researchers: 6 Title: La gripe aviar en las aves acuáticas de Doñana. Funding agency: CSIC (Proyecto intramural-2006) Participant entities: Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC), Laboratorio Central de VeterinariaAlgete. Duration: 1-10-2006 to 30-9-2007. Principal researcher: Ramón Soriguer Number of participant researchers: 2 Title: Estudio de una irrupción de viruela aviar y de prevalencia de West Nile en la Laguna del Gobierno, Lantejuela, Sevilla. Funding agency: Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca, Junta de Andalucía (C03-05931). Participant entities: Estación Biológica de Doñana-CSIC, Laboratorio Central de VeterinariaAlgete. Duration: 1-10-2003 to 31-9-2006. Principal researcher: Ramon Soriguer Number of participant researchers: 2 Title: West Nile y otras arbovirosis en los humedales españoles. Funding agency: FIS (PI041490). Participant entities: CSIC, LCV Duration: 1-1-2003 to 31-12-2006. Principal researcher: Ramón Soriguer Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero Number of participant researchers: 2 CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 Title: Identificación de factores de riesgo y caracterización de arbovirosis y robovirosis en España. Red EVITAR Subproyecto Humedales. Funding agency: FIS (G03/059) Participant entities: EBD-CSIC, LCV , Centro Nacional de Microbiología, ISCIII. Duration, 1-1-2003 to 31-12-2007. Principal researcher: Ramon Soriguer Number of participant researchers: 6 Title: Contaminación ambiental por virus entéricos animales, derivada de resíduos de explotaciones ganaderas de la Comunidad de Madrid Funding agency: Comunidad de Madrid (07M0023/2002), Programa de ayudas para la realización de proyectos de investigación en tecnologías medioambientales, de los materiales, y procesos quimicos y biotecnología. Participant entities: INIA, Madrid, España. Duration,: 1-1-2003 to 31-12-2004. Principal researcher: Victoria Ley Vega de Seoane Number of participant researchers: 4 Title: Detección de enterovirus animales en muestras ambientales Funding agency: MCYT, Acción Recursos y Tecnologías Agrarias (RTA02-035) Participant entities: INIA, Madrid, España. Duration: 1-1-2002 to 31-12-2004. Principal researcher: Victoria Ley Vega de Seoane Number of participant researchers: 4 Title: Determinación de la contaminación medioambiental por enterovirus animales derivada de residuos de explotaciones ganaderas de la Comunidad de Madrid Funding agency: Comunidad de Madrid (07M/0003/2001) Participant entities: INIA, Madrid, España. Duration: 1-1-2002 to 31-12-2002. Principal researcher: Victoria Ley Vega de Seoane Number of participant researchers: 4 Title: Aplicaciones biotecnológicas para el control y prevención de la EVC. Funding agency: CICYT (BIO 99-0833-c02-02) Participant entities: INIA, Madrid, España. Duration: 1-1-2000 to 31-12-2002. Principal researcher:: Victoria Ley Vega de Seoane Number of participant researchers: 4 Title: Respuesta inmune celular frente a picornavirus que afectan al ganado porcino y su aplicación al diseño de vacunas. Desarrollo de un método de diagnóstico del virus de la enfermedad vesicular del cerdo. Funding agency: CICYT (Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología) (Bio 96 0400/C0202). Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 Participant entities: CBM-CSIC y CISA-INIA, Madrid, España. Duration: 1-7-96 to: 1-7-99. Principal researcher: Victoria Ley Vega de Seoane Number of participant researchers: 4 Title: Estudios sobre el mecanismo de lesión hepatocelular en hepatitis crónica por virus de la hepatitis C (VHC) y determinación y correlación de la respuesta inmune celular en sangre periférica en esta patología. Funding agency: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia y Schering-Plough España Participant entities: Unidad de Inmunología y Servicio de Digestivo, Hospital La Paz, INSALUD y Schering-Plough España Duratio,: 1-5-94 to 31-8-95. Principal researcher: Pedro Anchía Bustío Number of participant researchers: 6 Title: Determinación del punto isoeléctrico de las formas circulantes de factor J, su contenido en azúcares y células implicadas en su expresión y regulación. Funding agency: Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS), Ministerio de Sanidad (FISss 90/0312) Participant entities: Unidad de Inmunología, Hospital La Paz, INSALUD Duration: 1-1-93 to: 31-12-93. Principal researcher: Margarita López Trascasa Number of participant researchers: 3 Title: Factor J: un nuevo inhibidor del primer componente del sistema del complemento. Estudio de las células responsables de su síntesis y valoración en condiciones normales y patológicas Funding agency: Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS), Ministerio de Sanidad. (FISss 90/0132). Participant entities: Unidad de Inmunología, Hospital La Paz, INSALUD Duration: 1-1-90 to 31-12-92. Principal researcher: Margarita López Trascasa Number of participant researchers: 3 Contracted services and agreements of relevance with private or public entities Title: Contract between INIA and the “Féderation Nationale des Chasseurs de France”, for the development of activities proposed in the project entitled: “Pathogenicité potentielle des flavivirus circulant en Europe chez l’avifaune cynegetique”(REF: FNC-PSN-PR1-2013). Participant entities: FNC (Féderation Nationale des Chasseurs de France, Issy Les Molinaux, France) and the National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA) (Madrid). Duration: 1-7-2014 to 31-12-2016. Reseacher in Charge: Miguel Ángel Jiménez-Clavero. Number of participant researchers: 2 Project cost: 90.000 €. Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 Title: Contract between INIA and INGENASA, for the development of activities proposed in the project entitled: “Design and development of monoclonal antibody and recombinant antigen-based assays for the serologic diagnosis of West Nile virus” (REF: 04-AEC0810000029/2008) funded by call for grants for technological innovation in Biotechnology by the Community of Madrid (2008-2009) Participant entities: INGENASA Inmunología y Genetica Aplicada , S. A. and the National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA) (Madrid). Duration: 1-1-2010 to 31-7-2010. Reseacher in Charge: Miguel Ángel Jiménez-Clavero. Number of participant researchers: 4 Project cost: 46.000 €. Title: Studies on the efficacy of a bivalent vaccine against bluetongue serotypes 1 and 8. Participant entities: CZ-Veterinaria, S.A. (Pontevedra, Spain) and INIA (Madrid) Duration: 10-9-2009 to 31-10-2009. Reseacher in Charge: Miguel Ángel Jiménez-Clavero. Number of participant researchers: 4 Project cost: 167.000 €. Title: Cooperation Agreement between the Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs (MARM), and the National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA) for conducting R & D in animal health. Participant entities: Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs (MARM), and the National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA) (Madrid). Duration: 12-1-2008 to 31-12-2011. Reseacher in Charge: Marisa Arias Neira and Miguel Ángel Jiménez-Clavero. Number of participant researchers: 8 Project cost: 7.778.841 € (external: 2.510.176 €). Title: Studies on the efficacy of vaccines against bluetongue (Ref. INIA: CON 07-065). Participant entities: CZ-Veterinaria, S.A. (Pontevedra, Spain) and INIA (Madrid). Duration: 1-1-2008 to 31-12-08. Reseacher in Charge: Miguel Ángel Jiménez-Clavero. Number of participant researchers: 4 Project cost: 117.000 €. Title: Technical assistance for the diagnosis and culture of viruses of interest in defense (Ref. INIA: NBQ2007). Participant entities: Fábrica Nacional de La Marañosa (Madrid) of the Spanish Ministry of Defense and INIA (Madrid). Duration: 1-1-2008 to 31-12-08. Reseacher in Charge: Miguel Ángel Jiménez-Clavero & Alejandro Brun Torres. Number of participant researchers: 5 Project cost: 40.000 €. Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 Scientific publications Summary and statistics: - 79 publications, total (in peer-reviewed journals: 63; book chapters: 4; other: 12). 63 publications listed in SCI. (30 in the last 5 years). H-index: 20 (Scopus), 24 (Google scholar). Total citations: 1038 (Scopus); 1455 (Google scholar). Citations in the last 5 years: 747 (Scopus); 958 (Google Scholar). Average citations per SCI article (Scopus): 16.47 Total impact points (ISI JCR 2012): 206.10 Average impact points per SCI article (Scopus): 3.27 Journal Publications (peer reviewed) (NOTE: where available, SCI Impact factor of each publication, based on ISI JCR 2012, is indicated). 2014 Jovita Fernández-Pinero, Irit Davidson, Maia Elizalde, Shimon Perk, Yevgeny Khinich, Miguel Á. Jimenez-Clavero. Bagaza virus and Israel turkey meningoencephalomyelitis virus are a single virus species. Journal of General Virology. 2014; 95:883-887; doi: 10.1099/vir.0.061465-0. SCI Impact factor: 3.127. Elisa Pérez-Ramírez, Francisco Llorente, Miguel Á. Jiménez-Clavero. Experimental Infections of Wild Birds with West Nile Virus. Viruses 2014; 6(2), 752-781; doi:10.3390/v6020752. SCI Impact factor: 2.509. Javier Del Amo J, Francisco Llorente, Jordi Figuerola, Ramón Soriguer, Ana Moreno, Paolo Cordioli, Herbert Weissenböck, Miguel Á. Jimenez-Clavero. Experimental infection of house sparrows (Passer domesticus) with West Nile virus isolates of Euro-Mediterranean and North American origins. Veterinary Research. 2014; 9;45:33; doi: 10.1186/1297-9716-45-33. SCI Impact factor: 3.43. 2013 Francisco Llorente, Elisa Pérez-Ramírez, Jovita Fernández-Pinero, Ramón Soriguer, Jordi Figuerola, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero: Flaviviruses in Game Birds, Southern Spain, 2011– 2012. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2013; 19(6):1023-1025. SCI Impact factor: 5.993. Cécile Beck, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Agnès Leblond, Benoît Durand, Norbert Nowotny, Isabelle Leparc-Goffart, Stéphan Zientara, Elsa Jourdain, Sylvie Lecollinet: Flaviviruses in europe: complex circulation patterns and their consequences for the diagnosis and control of west nile disease. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2013; 10(11):6049-6083. SCI Impact factor: 1.998. Javier Del Amo, Elena Sotelo, Jovita Fernández-Pinero, Carmina Gallardo, Francisco Llorente, Montserrat Agüero, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero: A novel quantitative multiplex real-time RT-PCR for the simultaneous detection and differentiation of West Nile virus lineages 1 and 2, and of Usutu virus. Journal of Virological Methods. 2013; 89(2):321-327. SCI Impact factor: 1.900. Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 Cristina Cano-Gómez, María Ana García-Casado, Ramón Soriguer, Ferran Palero, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero: Teschoviruses and sapeloviruses in faecal samples from wild boar in Spain. Veterinary Microbiology. 2013; 165(1-2):115-122. SCI Impact factor: 3.127. 2012 Dolores Buitrago, Ana Rocha, Cristina Tena-Tomás, Marta Vigo, Montserrat Agüero, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero: Real-time fluorogenic reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assay for the specific detection of Bagaza virus. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 2012; 24(5):959-963. SCI Impact factor: 1.181. Ruth C Galindo, Caterina Falconi, Jorge Ramón López-Olvera, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Paloma Fernández-Pacheco, Jovita Fernández-Pinero, José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno, Christian Gortázar, José de la Fuente: Global gene expression analysis in skin biopsies of European red deer experimentally infected with bluetongue virus serotypes 1 and 8. Veterinary Microbiology. 2012; 161(1-2):26-35. SCI Impact factor: 3.127. Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero: Animal viral diseases and global change: bluetongue and West Nile fever as paradigms. Frontiers in Genetics. 2012; 3:105 (doi: 10.3389/fgene.2012.00105-3). SCI Impact factor not available. 2011 Cristina Cano-Gómez, Ferran Palero, María Dolores Buitrago, María Ana García-Casado, Jovita Fernández-Pinero, Paloma Fernández-Pacheco, Montserrat Agüero, Concepción Gómez-Tejedor, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero: Analyzing the genetic diversity of teschoviruses in Spanish pig populations using complete VP1 sequences. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 2011; 11(8):2144-2150. SCI Impact factor: 2.768. Mehdi El-Harrak, Raquel Martín-Folgar, Francisco Llorente, Paloma Fernández-Pacheco, Alejandro Brun, Jordi Figuerola, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero: Rift Valley and West Nile virus antibodies in camels, North Africa. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2011; 17(12):23722374. SCI Impact factor: 5.993. Elena Sotelo, Jovita Fernández-Pinero, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero: [West Nile fever/encephalitis: re-emergence in Europe and the situation in Spain]. Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica. 2011; 30(2):75-83. SCI Impact factor: 1.478. Cristina Cano-Gómez, Dolores Buitrago, Jovita Fernández-Pinero, Paloma FernándezPacheco, Carmen Mansilla, Montserrat Agüero, Miguel Angel Jiménez-Clavero: Evaluation of a fluorogenic real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction method for the specific detection of all known serotypes of porcine teschoviruses. Journal of Virological Methods. 2011; 176(1-2):131-134. SCI Impact factor: 1.900. Montserrat Agüero, Jovita Fernández-Pinero, Dolores Buitrago, Azucena Sánchez, Maia Elizalde, Elena San Miguel, Ruben Villalba, Francisco Llorente, Miguel Á JiménezClavero: Bagaza virus in partridges and pheasants, Spain, 2010. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2011; 17(8):1498-1501. SCI Impact factor: 5.993. Elena Sotelo, Jovita Fernández-Pinero, Francisco Llorente, Ana Vázquez, Ana Moreno, Montserrat Agüero, Paolo Cordioli, Antonio Tenorio, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero: Phylogenetic relationships of Western Mediterranean West Nile virus strains (1996-2010) using Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 full-length genome sequences: single or multiple introductions? Journal of General Virology. 2011; 92(Pt 11):2512-2522. SCI Impact factor: 3.127. Guillermo López, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Ana Vázquez, Ramón Soriguer, Concha Gómez-Tejedor, Antonio Tenorio, Jordi Figuerola: Incidence of West Nile virus in birds arriving in wildlife rehabilitation centers in southern Spain. Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. 2011; 11(3):285-290. SCI Impact factor: 2.277. Elena Sotelo, Francisco Llorente, Belen Rebollo, Ana Camuñas, Angel Venteo, Carmina Gallardo, Alison Lubisi, María José Rodríguez, Antonio J Sanz, Jordi Figuerola, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero: Development and evaluation of a new epitope-blocking ELISA for universal detection of antibodies to West Nile virus. Journal of Virological Methods. 2011; 174(1-2):35-41. SCI Impact factor: 1.900 Elena Sotelo, Ana Valeria Gutiérrez-Guzmán, Javier Del Amo, Francisco Llorente, Mehdi ElHarrak, Elisa Pérez-Ramírez, Juan Manuel Blanco, Úrsula Höfle, Miguel Á JiménezClavero: Pathogenicity of two recent Western Mediterranean West Nile virus isolates in a wild bird species indigenous to Southern Europe: the red-legged partridge. Veterinary Research. 2011; 42(1):11. SCI Impact factor: 3.426. Mercedes Pérez Ruiz, Sara Sanbonmatsu Gámez, Miguel Á Jiménez Clavero: Infección por virus West Nile. Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica. 2011; 29(Supl 5):2126. SCI Impact factor: 1.478. Ana Vázquez, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Leticia Franco, Oliver Donoso-Mantke, Vittorio Sambri, Mztthias Niedrig, Hervé Zeller, Antonio Tenorio: Usutu virus: potential risk of human disease in Europe. Euro Surveillance. 2011; 16(31). SCI Impact factor: 5.491. 2010 Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero: Influenza, gripe, «gripe española», «gripe porcina» y otras controversias en la denominación de los virus: El lado «políticamente incorrecto» de la virologíaInfluenza, flu, “Spanish flu”, “swine flu” and other controversies in the naming of viruses: The “politically incorrect” side of virology. Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica. 2010; 28(9):662–663. SCI Impact factor: 1.478. Laura Gangoso, Juan Manuel Grande, Francisco Llorente, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Jesús M Pérez, Jordi Figuerola: Prevalence of neutralizing antibodies to West Nile virus in Eleonora's Falcons in the Canary Islands. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 2010; 46(4):1321-1324. SCI Impact factor: 1.271. Jorge Ramón López-Olvera, Caterina Falconi, Paloma Férnandez-Pacheco, Jovita FernándezPinero, Miguel Angel Sánchez, Agustín Palma, Irene Herruzo, Joaquín Vicente, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Marisa Arias, José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno, Christian Gortázar: Experimental infection of European red deer (Cervus elaphus) with bluetongue virus serotypes 1 and 8. Veterinary Microbiology. 2010; 145(1-2):148-152. SCI Impact factor: 3.127. Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Francisco Llorente, Elena Sotelo, Ramón Soriguer, Concepción Gómez-Tejedor, Jordi Figuerola: West Nile virus serosurveillance in horses in Doñana, Spain, 2005 to 2008. Veterinary Record. 2010; 167(10):379-380. SCI Impact factor: 1.803. Dolores Buitrago, Cristina Cano-Gómez, Montserrat Agüero, Paloma Fernandez-Pacheco, Concepción Gómez-Tejedor, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero: A survey of porcine Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 picornaviruses and adenoviruses in fecal samples in Spain. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 2010; 22(5):763-766. SCI Impact factor: 1.181. Olivier Kwiatek, Djénéba Keita, Patricia Gil, Jovita Fernández-Pinero, Miguel Á Jiménez Clavero, Emmanuel Albina, Genevieve Libeau: Quantitative one-step real-time RT-PCR for the fast detection of the four genotypes of PPRV. Journal of Virological Methods. 2010; 165(2):168-177. SCI Impact factor: 1.900. 2009 Jordi Figuerola, Riad E Baouab, Ramon Soriguer, Ouafaa Fassi-Fihri, Francisco Llorente, Miguel Á Jímenez-Clavero: West Nile virus antibodies in wild birds, Morocco, 2008. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2009; 15(10):1651-1653. SCI Impact factor: 5.993. Elena Sotelo, Jovita Fernandez-Pinero, Francisco Llorente, Montserrat Agüero, Ursula Hoefle, Juan M Blanco, Miguel A Jiménez-Clavero: Characterization of West Nile virus isolates from Spain: new insights into the distinct West Nile virus eco-epidemiology in the Western Mediterranean. Virology. 2009; 395(2):289-297. SCI Impact factor: 3.367. Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero: [West nile or Nilo Occidental]. Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica. 2009; 27(5):308. SCI Impact factor: 1.478. 2008 Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Elena Sotelo, Jovita Fernandez-Pinero, Francisco Llorente, Juan Manuel Blanco, Julia Rodriguez-Ramos, Elisa Perez-Ramirez, Ursula Höfle: West Nile virus in golden eagles, Spain, 2007. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2008; 14(9):1489-1491. SCI Impact factor: 5.993. Paloma Fernández-Pacheco, Jovita Fernández-Pinero, Montserrat Agüero, Miguel Á JiménezClavero: Bluetongue virus serotype 1 in wild mouflons in Spain. Veterinary Record. 2008; 162(20):659-660. SCI Impact factor: 1.803. Montserrat Agüero, Concepción Gómez-Tejedor, María Ángeles Cubillo, Consuelo Rubio, Esther Romero, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero: Real-time fluorogenic reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assay for detection of African horse sickness virus.. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 2008; 20(3):325-328. SCI Impact factor: 1.181. Ursula Höfle, Juan M Blanco, Elena Crespo, Victoria Naranjo, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Azucena Sanchez, José de la Fuente, Christian Gortazar: West Nile virus in the endangered Spanish imperial eagle. Veterinary Microbiology. 2008; 129(1-2):171-178. SCI Impact factor: 3.127. Guillermo López, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Cencepción Gómez-Tejedor, Ramón Soriguer, Jordi Figuerola: Prevalence of West Nile virus neutralizing antibodies in Spain is related to the behavior of migratory birds. Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. 2008; 8(5):615-621. SCI Impact factor: 2.277. Jordi Figuerola, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Guillermo López, Consuelo Rubio, Ramón Soriguer, Concepción Gómez-Tejedor, Antonio Tenorio: Size matters: West Nile Virus neutralizing antibodies in resident and migratory birds in Spain. Veterinary Microbiology. 2008; 132(1-2):39-46. SCI Impact factor: 3.127. Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero 2007 CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 Jordi Figuerola, Ramon Soriguer, Gema Rojo, Concepción Gómez Tejedor, Miguel Á JimenezClavero: Seroconversion in wild birds and local circulation of West Nile virus, Spain. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2007; 13(12):1915-1917. SCI Impact factor: 5.993. Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Concepción Gómez Tejedor, Gema Rojo, Ramón Soriguer, Jordi Figuerola: Serosurvey of West Nile virus in equids and bovids in Spain. Veterinary Record. 2007; 161(6):212. SCI Impact factor: 1.803. Jordi Figuerola, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Gema Rojo, Concepción Gómez-Tejedor, Ramón Soriguer: Prevalence of West Nile virus neutralizing antibodies in colonial aquatic birds in southern Spain. Avian Pathology. 2007; 36(3):209-212. SCI Impact factor: 1.729. Montserrat Agüero, Azucena Sánchez, Elena San Miguel, Concepción Gómez-Tejedor, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero: A real-time TaqMan RT-PCR method for neuraminidase type 1 (N1) gene detection of H5N1 Eurasian strains of avian influenza virus. Avian Diseases. 2007; 51(1 Suppl):378-381. SCI Impact factor: 1.734. Montserrat Agüero, Elena San Miguel, Azucena Sánchez, Concepción Gómez-Tejedor, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero: A fully automated procedure for the high-throughput detection of avian influenza virus by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Avian Diseases. 2007; 51(1 Suppl):235-241. SCI Impact factor: 1.734. 2006 Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Montserrat Agüero, Gema Rojo, Concepción Gómez-Tejedor: A new fluorogenic real-time RT-PCR assay for detection of lineage 1 and lineage 2 West Nile viruses.. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 2006; 18(5):459-462. SCI Impact factor: 1.181. Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Montserrat Agüero, Elena San Miguel, Tomás Mayoral, Maria Cruz López, María José Ruano, Esther Romero, Federica Monaco, Andrea Polci, Giovanni Savini, Concepción Gómez-Tejedor: High throughput detection of bluetongue virus by a new real-time fluorogenic reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction: application on clinical samples from current Mediterranean outbreaks.. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 2006; 18(1):7-17. SCI Impact factor: 1.181. Lissette López, Ángel Venteo, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Juan Carrasco, María Cano, Elena Soria, Concepción Gómez-Tejedor, Antonio Sanz, Carmen Vela, Paloma Rueda: Evaluation of the baculovirus and E.coli -expressed non-structural (NS) proteins of bluetongue virus (BTV) as antigen in an indirect or competition ELISA to differentiate infected from vaccinated animals. Microbial Cell Factories. 2006; 5: 59. SCI Impact factor: 3.306. 2005 Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Estela Escribano-Romero, Carmen Mansilla, Nuria Gómez, Laura Córdoba, Neftal Roblas, Fernando Ponz, Victoria Ley, Juan-Carlos Sáiz: Survey of bovine enterovirus in biological and environmental samples by a highly sensitive real-time reverse transcription-PCR. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2005; 71(7):3536-3543. SCI Impact factor: 3.678- Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Estela Escribano-Romero, Victoria Ley, O Brad Spiller: More recent swine vesicular disease virus isolates retain binding to coxsackie-adenovirus receptor, but have Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 lost the ability to bind human decay-accelerating factor (CD55). Journal of General Virology. 2005; 86(Pt 5):1369-1377. SCI Impact factor: 3.127. Eliandre de Oliveira, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, José Ignacio Núñez, Francisco Sobrino, David Andreu: Analysis of the immune response against mixotope peptide libraries from a main antigenic site of foot-and-mouth disease virus. Vaccine. 2005; 23(20):2647-2657. SCI Impact factor: 3.492. Before 2005 Estela Escribano-Romero, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Paula Gomes, Juan Antonio GarcíaRanea, Victoria Ley: Heparan sulphate mediates swine vesicular disease virus attachment to the host cell. Journal of General Virology. 2004; 85(Pt 3):653-663. SCI Impact factor: 3.127. Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Carlos Fernández, José Antonio Ortiz, Javier Pro, Gregoria Carbonell, José Vicente Tarazona, Neftalí Roblas, Victoria Ley: Teschoviruses as indicators of porcine fecal contamination of surface water. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2003; 69(10):6311-6315. SCI Impact factor: 3.678. Núria Verdaguer, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Ignacio Fita, Victoria Ley: Structure of swine vesicular disease virus: mapping of changes occurring during adaptation of human coxsackie B5 virus to infect swine.. Journal of Virology. 2003; 77(18):9780-9789. SCI Impact factor: 5.075. Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Victoria Ley, Ignacio Fita, Núria Verdaguer: Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of swine vesicular disease virus (SVDV). Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography. 2003; 59(Pt 3):541-543. SCI Impact factor: 14.103. Francisco Sobrino, Esther Blanco, José I. Núñez, Miguel Á. Jiménez-Clavero, Victoria Ley: Cellular Immune response to foot and mouth disease virus. Modern Aspects of Immunobiology. 2002 2: 166-168. SCI Impact factor not available. Margarita Sáiz, José I Núñez, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Eric Baranowski, Francisco Sobrino: Foot-and-mouth disease virus: biology and prospects for disease control. Microbes and Infection. 2002; 4(11):1183-1192. SCI Impact factor: 2.920. Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Estela Escribano-Romero, Alastair J Douglas, Victoria Ley: The Nterminal region of the VP1 protein of swine vesicular disease virus contains a neutralization site that arises upon cell attachment and is involved in viral entry. Journal of Virology. 2001; 75(2):1044-1047. SCI Impact factor: 5.075. Francisco Sobrino, Margarita Sáiz, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, José I Núñez, María F Rosas, Eric Baranowski, Victoria Ley: Foot-and-mouth disease virus: a long known virus, but a current threat. Veterinary Research. 2001; 32(1):1-30. SCI Impact factor: 3.426. Estela Escribano-Romero, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Victoria Ley: Swine vesicular disease virus. Pathology of the disease and molecular characteristics of the virion. Animal Health Research Reviews. 2001; 1(2):119-126. SCI Impact factor not available. Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Alastair Douglas, Theresa Lavery, Juan A Garcia-Ranea, Victoria Ley: Immune recognition of swine vesicular disease virus structural proteins: novel antigenic regions that are not exposed in the capsid. Virology. 2000; 270(1):76-83. SCI Impact factor: 3.367. Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 Arantza Sanz-Parra, Miguel Á Jimenez-Clavero, M Mercedes García-Briones, Esther Blanco, Francisco Sobrino, Victoria Ley: Recombinant viruses expressing the foot-and-mouth disease virus capsid precursor polypeptide (P1) induce cellular but not humoral antiviral immunity and partial protection in pigs. Virology. 1999; 259(1):129-134. SCI Impact factor: 3.367. Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Estela Escribano-Romero, José M Sánchez-Vizcaíno, Victoria Ley: Molecular cloning, expression and immunological analysis of the capsid precursor polypeptide (P1) from swine vesicular disease virus. Virus Research. 1998; 57(2):163-170. SCI Impact factor: 2.745- Carolina González-Rubio, Rosario González-Muñiz, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Gumersindo Fontán, Margarita López-Trascasa: Factor J, an inhibitor of the classical and alternative complement pathway, does not inhibit esterolysis by factor D. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 1996; 1295(2):174-178. SCI Impact factor: 3.733. Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Carolina González-Rubio, Susana Larrucea, Carlos Gamallo, Gumersindo Fontán, Margarita López-Trascasa: Cell surface molecules related to factor J in human lymphoid cells and cell lines. Journal of Immunology. 1995; 155(4):2143-2150. SCI Impact factor: 5.520. Carolina González-Rubio, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Gumersindo Fontán, Margarita LópezTrascasa: The inhibitory effect of factor J on the alternative complement pathway. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1994; 269(42):26017-26024. SCI Impact factor: 4.651. Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Carolina González-Rubio, Gumersindo Fontán, Margarita LópezTrascasa: Factor J, a human inhibitor of complement C1, is a cationic, highly glycosylated protein. Immunology Letters.1994; 42(3):185-190. SCI Impact factor: 2.337. Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Carolina González-Rubio, Gumersindo Fontán, Margarita LópezTrascasa: Factor J, an inhibitor of the complement classical pathway: the quantitation by an ELISA inhibition assay in normal human serum. Clinical Biochemistry. 1994; 27(3):169-176. SCI Impact factor: 2.450. Pedro Esbrit, Adolfo García-Ocaña, Rafael García-Cañero, Fernando Manzano, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero: Biological properties of a renotropic protein present in plasma of uninephrectomized rats. Renal Physiology and Biochemistry. 1991; 14(6):224-235. SCI Impact factor: 1.596. Fernando Manzano, Pedro Esbrit, Adolfo García-Ocaña, Rafael García-Cañero, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero: Partial purification and characterisation of a renal growth factor from plasma of uninephrectomised rats. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 1989; 4(5):334-338. SCI Impact factor: 3.371. Book Chapters C. Cano-Gómez, P. Fernández-Pacheco, M. Á. Jiménez-Clavero: Swine Vesicular Disease Virus. In: D. Liu (Ed.). Manual of Security Sensitive Microbes and Toxins. 2014; pp 727-736. CRC Press, Boca Ratón, FL. Azucena Sánchez, Montserrat Agüero, Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Concepción GómezTejedor: Influenza aviar. Diagnóstico de laboratorio. In: B. Sanz Pérez (Ed.). Monografías de la Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia (Monografia XXI). 2006; pp 77-103; Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia-Instituto de España. Madrid. Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 Miguel Á Jiménez-Clavero, Victoria Ley, Nuria Gómez, Juan-Carlos Sáiz: Detection of Enteroviruses In: Catherine C. Adley (Ed.) Methods in Biotechnology, Food-Borne Pathogens: Methods and Protocols. 2005; pp. 153-169; Humana Press, Totowa, NJ. E. Oliveira, M.Á. Jimenez-Clavero, J.I. Nunez, F. Sobrino, E. Giralt, D. Andreu: Evaluation of Immune Response Elicited by Peptide Libraries Against Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus. In: J. Martínez and J.A. Fehrentz (Eds.), Peptides-American Symposium 2001; pp.897-898. EDK, Paris. Scientific publications, non-peer-reviewed M.Á. Jiménez-Clavero: Virus Schmallenberg: un virus emergente en Europa. Virología 2012; 15:910. A. Tenorio, A. Vázquez, M.P. Sánchez-Seco, M.Á. Jiménez-Clavero: Virus West Nile en Europa. Enfermedades Emergentes. 2007; 9:83-86. J. Figuerola, R. Soriguer, M.Á. Jiménez-Clavero, A. Tenorio, S. Ruiz: Enfermedades infecciosas emergentes: ¿una nueva amenaza para la biodiversidad? La Garcilla 2006; 127: 12-17. M.Á. Jiménez-Clavero, G. López, F. Vidal, A. Vázquez, J. Figuerola, C. Aranda, S. Ruiz, R. Escosa, M. Masiá, E. Marqués: Prevalence of neutralizing antibodies to West Nile virus in wild birds from wetland areas in Southern and Eastern Spain. Emirates Medical Journal 2005; 23:25. M.Á. Jiménez-Clavero: Comentario a la Bibliografía Internacional: “A. Buckley et al Evidencia Serológica de infección por virus West Nile, Usutu y Sindbis en aves del Reino Unido”. Virología 2004; 10:39-41. M.Á. Jiménez-Clavero, M. P. Sánchez-Seco Fariñas: El virus del Nilo Occidental (virus West Nile): Epidemiología, prevención y control. Profesión Veterinaria: Revista del Colegio Oficial de Veterinarios de Madrid. 2004; 15(60):64-69. M.Á. Jiménez-Clavero, V. Ley: Falsos positivos en pruebas serológicas de virus de la enfermedad vesicular del cerdo: reacción cruzada con Mycoplasma. Investigación agraria-Producción y sanidad animales. 2000; 15(3):191-198. M.Á. Jiménez Clavero: Nuevas estrategias en el desarrollo de vacunas frente a picornavirus. Pediatrika, 1999; 19: 17-24. V. Ley, E Escribano-Romero, M. Á. Jiménez-Clavero: La enfermedad vesicular del cerdo: bases moleculares e inmunológicas y diagnóstico de la enfermedad (Revisión). Investigación agrariaProducción y sanidad animales. 2000; 15(3):109-124. M.Á. Jiménez Clavero: Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos: introducción a la PCR. BIO: Revista del Colegio Oficial de Biólogos. 1998; 14: 2-5. M.Á. Jiménez Clavero: Procesamiento de muestras biológicas para análisis por PCR. BIO: Revista del Colegio Oficial de Biólogos. 1997; 11:10-13. V. Ley, J. Dopazo, J.I. Núñez, M.Á. Jiménez Clavero, F. Sobrino: La enfermedad vesicular del cerdo y el virus que la produce. Mundo Ganadero, 1997; 85: 42-45. Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero Online publications CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 ProMED-mail. Encephalitis - Greece (11): (Central Macedonia), West Nile virus, Comment. ProMED-mail 2010; 26 Aug: 20100826.3022. <>. Accessed 27 Aug 2010. Deposition of scientific data in public resources Genbank: 154 entries, all corresponding to new annotated nucleotide sequences from different viruses and viral isolates (WNV, BAGV, BTV, BEV, PTV. SVDV). PDB (Protein Data Bank): 1 three-dimensional structure, corresponding to the capsid of SVDV, solved by X-ray diffraction (Ref: 1MTQ). Contributions to congresses, meetings and symposiums Summary One-hundred and fourteen communications to 50 scientific congresses, meetings and symposiums (35 international), in the fields of animal health, virology, immunology, vaccines, diagnostics, emerging diseases and environment. Some relevant contributions in the last year M.Á. Jiménez Clavero: “Epidemiology of WN in the Mediterranean region: towards better diagnostics and surveillance” Keynote lecture 1, Workshop 17 “Vector-borne viral infections” of the 5th European Virology Congress, Lyon (France), September, 11-14, 2013. M.Á. Jiménez Clavero, F. Llorente, E. Pérez-Ramírez, M.A. García Casado, R. Soriguer, J. Figuerola: “Experimental infection of red-legged partridges with bagaza virus, a new avian flavivirus emerging in Europe” Oral presentation, Parallel session 4 “Miscellaneous” of the 16th International Symposium of the World Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, Berlin (Germany), June, 5-8, 2013. M.Á. Jiménez-Clavero, F. Llorente, E. Pérez-Ramírez, J. Del Amo, J. Fernández-Pinero, M. Elizalde, J. Figuerola, R. Soriguer: “Emerging flaviviruses in Spain: studies and perspectives”. Oral presentation in Session 1, “Epidemiology, Ecology & Modelling for prevention and prediction” of the Joint Conference on Emerging and Re-emerging Epidemics Affecting Global Health 2012, Orvieto (Italy) September, 19-22, 2012. M.Á. Jiménez-Clavero, J. del Amo, F. Llorente, E. Pérez-Ramírez, N. Nowotny, R. Soriguer, J. Figuerola: “Experimental infection of house sparrows (Passer domesticus) with two different West Nile virus strains: NY99 (Lineage 1) and Austria/2008 (Lineage 2)”. Oral presentation in Session Emerging Viruses II” of the ”IX International Congress of Veterinary Virology “One World, One Health, One Virology” Madrid, September, 4 - 7 2012. Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero Supervised Theses and Dissertations CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 Cristina Cano Gómez: “Estudios epidemiológicos y moleculares sobre virus entéricos porcinos en España: aplicaciones al diagnóstico del virus de la enfermedad vesicular del cerdo”. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. March, 15th 2013 Elena Sotelo Girón: “Aportaciones al diagnóstico y caracterización molecular del virus West Nile (Nilo Occidental): primeros aislados españoles”. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. September, 10th, 2010. NOTE: Appointed Evaluation Committee Member of three PhD theses in the area of animal virology, 2005 (1), 2008 (2). Patents Inventors: Ley, V.; Jiménez Clavero, M.A Title: Method to identify environmental contamination by detecting enteric viruses Application number: 200200394 Institution: INIA Priority date: 2002-02-19 Country: Spain Extended to: USA (Appl. Nº 200200394); EU (EPO Appl. Nº 03380032.7). Reviewer for scientific journals Emerg Infect Dis (2007). J Vet Diagn Invest (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011). J Virol Methods (2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013). Vector-Borne Zooonotic Dis (2009, 2010, 2011). Rev Sci Tech Off Int Epizoot (2010). BMC Microbiol (2011). Vet Microbiol (2011, 2012). Zoonoses Public Health (2011). Euro Surveill (2013). Analytical Biochemistry (2013). Rev Esp Salud Pública (2013). Vaccine (2009). Epidemiol Infect (2012). Clin Microbiol Infect (2012) Infec Genet Evol (2011, 2012). PLOS One (2013). Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero Sci Total Environm (2013). CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 Reviewer/Expert funding organizations ANEP (Spanish National Agency for Evaluation and Prospective): Expert reviewing project proposals to the National Programmes of R&D funding (2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012). FONCYT (Argentinian Fund for Scientific and Technological Research): Expert reviewing project proposals to the National Programmes of R&D funding (2007). ANR (French National Agency for Research): Expert reviewing project proposals to the National Programmes of R&D funding in 2013. EU- FP7: Expert reviewing project proposals for the ERA-Net “Animal Health and Welfare - ANIHWA 2nd call for research funding (2014). Expert for external consultation ECDC (European Center for Diseases Control and Prevention) Expert consultation on risk assessment and outbreak mapping tools for West Nile virus infection in Europe Stockholm, 24–25 November 2011. Lecturer in international courses - Episouth Plus Training: West Nile and Biosafety II in the lab. Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, 24-28 June 2013. - Workshop on Bluetongue (Agenda 44065), Kiev, Ukraine, June, 4-5, 2011. European Commission-TAIEX. - XX Curso Internacional de Enfermedades Exóticas Animales, November, 2011. Center for Research in Animal Health, Valdeolmos, Madrid. - XIX Curso Internacional de Enfermedades Exóticas Animales, November, 2010. Center for Research in Animal Health, Valdeolmos, Madrid. - XVIII Curso Internacional de Enfermedades Exóticas Animales, November, 2009. Center for Research in Animal Health, Valdeolmos, Madrid. - International Master on Global Change. 2008-09. Universidad Internacional MenéndezPelayo, Majorca. - XVII Curso Internacional de Enfermedades Exóticas Animales, November, 2008. Center for Research in Animal Health, Valdeolmos, Madrid. - Modelos y tecnologías para la prevención y control de las enfermedades de importancia en sanidad animal, April, 2008, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional, La Antigua, Guatemala. - XVI Curso Internacional de Enfermedades Exóticas Animales, November, 2007. Center for Research in Animal Health, Valdeolmos, Madrid. Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 - XI Curso Internacional de Enfermedades Exóticas Animales, November, 2002. Centro de Investigación en Sanidad Animal, Valdeolmos, Madrid. - Training in ELISA techniques and cell culture technology for the diagnosis of vesicular diseases, February, 1999. Center for Research in Animal Health, Valdeolmos, Madrid. - Training in enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) techniques, cell culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology for the diagnosis of vesicular diseases, November-December, 1998. Center for Research in Animal Health, Valdeolmos, Madrid. Other lectures /courses -- Title: “Complexity and evolution of the viral world”. November, 14th , 2013. Keynote Lecture at AVEDILA Symposium, Madrid, Spain. - Title: “The Center for Animal Health Research in Valdeolmos: A high security facility suitable for biological alerts”. Master in management of crisis and emerging threats in a globalized world, Universidad San Pablo (CEU), 5th April 2013, Valdeolmos, Spain. - Title: “From uncertainty to evidence: 2003-2010: Eight Years of Research on West Nile virus in Spain”. November, 24th, 2010. Official Veterinarians College of Madrid. - Title: “Climate change and animal viral diseases”. May, 22nd, 2008. Royal Academy of Pharmacy, Madrid, Spain. - Title: “Diagnosis of classical swine fever”, November, 2006, Update course on diagnostic of animal diseases, November, 2006, Animal Health Laboratory of the Junta de Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain. Popular science Blog In January 2012, created a blog entitled "Virus emergentes y cambio global” (Emerging Viruses and Global Change)", in Spanish, hosted on the web plaform "madri + d" ( dedicated to emerging viruses and diseases in a context of global change. To date 44 posts published. The blog receives around 50 visits per day from all over the world. Articles M.Á. Jiménez Clavero: “Erradicación de la polio: ¿más lejos?” Diario Médico 27-3-2013, p. 2. Interviews “Los virus emergentes” Interview to M. Á. Jiménez-Clavero, in “A hombros de Gigantes!” Radio Nacional de España, 21-7 2012. Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 Talks M.Á. Jiménez-Clavero “¿Qué son los virus emergentes? Sus actuales orígenes y el alarmismo social”. In Tertulia de last tres tertulias, Ateneo de Madrid. 25-5-2013. Awards IX “Madri+d” award on Scientific Communication (2013). Fellowships International July 1st 1996 to August 31st 1996: EMBO European Molecular Biology Organization Short Term Fellowship (postdoctoral), to work at the Veterinary Sciences Division, Queens University of Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland – Funded by: EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization). National October, 1st 1995-August 31st 1998: INIA Post-doctoral fellowship, to work at CISA (Center for Research in Animal Health) in EU-funded Research projects of the 4th Framework Programme (FAIR) – Funded by: INIA (National Institute for Agriculture and Food Research and Technology), of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture. May 1st 1994-April 30th 1995: Post-doctoral fellowship for exchange between Industry and Public Research Organisms to perform collaborative research between Industry and Public Research Organisms– Funded by: Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. January 1st 1990 to December 31st 1993: FIS pre-doctoral fellowship for training in health research, to perform the research work for a doctoral thesis to obtain the PhD degree in Health Sciences. Spanish fund for Health Research (Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, FIS), Spanish Ministry of Health. September 1982- July 1987: INAPE fellowship, covering University expenses (fees and books) during the 5 years period of the “Licenciatura en Ciencias Biologicas” program – Funded by the Institute for Student Assistance and Promotion, Spanish Ministry of Education and Seince. Miguel Ángel Jiménez Clavero CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 Specialized courses and professional accreditations BSL 3-4 training school. Göttingen University, Göttingen, Germany, 2014. Accreditation for Animal Experimentation (Grade “C”: Design of experimental preocedures) by the National Committee for Ethics and Animal Welfare, 2006. Vaccine specialist degree from the University College of Public Health. Autonomous University of Madrid, 1998. Memberships in Professional Societies Member of the Spanish Society for Virology.