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EN ESPAÑOL, ¿POR QUÉ NO? Delivering the Curriculum through Spanish Liverpool, 30th November 2012 María Antonia Justo Planning a CLIL lesson * Objective of the lesson. The content objective determines the language objective. * Key vocabulary and sentence patterns. * Resources that will make the tasks both comprehensible and attractive. * How will the class be organized during the lesson? * Is this lesson developing thinking skills? • How the teachers work together influences both planning and implementation. • Co-operation with the MFL teacher. Delivering P.E through Spanish Follow the P.E Curriculum. Set the aim. Plan the lesson according to: warm up - main activity - cool down. Place the children into different groups (according to colours, animals ...) This allows you to organise group activities very quickly. Delivering P.E through Spanish Clear vocabulary and simple instructions. Show how to do it: teacher , teacher-child/ren, child/renchild/ren, the whole group. Practise the same activity several times with slight differences to reinforce listening comprehension. Ask children to repeat the instructions. Have fun! CLIL : Maths Follow the Numeracy Curriculum. Set the aim. Teaching procedures and strategies based on “learning by doing”. Manipulative activities, using a range of materials to reinforce the same aim. Ludic approach. Clear vocabulary and short instructions (using visual help: pictures, mime... if it is necessary). Co-operation with MFL teacher and/or the class teacher. Let the children talk “Maths” Delivering Maths through Spanish Different approaches: A.- Revising a content already developed by the subject teacher. B.- Choosing a mini maths project to work on. C.- Introducing CLIL through a “cross-curricular topic”. Delivering Maths through Spanish A.- Revising a content already developed by the subject teacher 2D shapes/3D shapes • Manipulative materials. • We can reinforce 2D and 3D vocabulary easily by asking children questions like: - What shape is your pencil case/ ball…? - How many sides does the white board have? - Which one is a sphere: this ball or this box? Delivering Maths through Spanish A.- Revising a content already developed by the subject teacher Handling data : Bar chart Class survey: What´s your favourite subject? Delivering Maths through Spanish B.- Choosing a mini maths project to work on. Shape and space: Finding shapes around us Delivering Maths through Spanish B.- Choosing a mini maths project to work on. Solve problems involving money (euros) carrying out appropriate calculations Delivering Maths through Spanish B.- Choosing a mini maths project to work on. World time differences Londres: 12:00 Atenas: 14:00 (+2h) Madrid: 13:00 (+1h) San Francisco: 4:00 (-8h) Delivering Maths through Spanish C.- Introducing Maths CLIL through a cross-curricular topic. Earth and Space: The planets ¿Cuál es el planeta más grande? ¿Cuál es el planeta más pequeño? ¿Qué planeta está más cerca del sol? ¿Qué planeta está más lejos del sol? El segundo planeta es …….. Mercurio Venus El tercer planeta es …….. La Tierra El primer planeta es…….. El cuarto planeta es …….. Marte El quinto planeta es .….. Júpiter El sexto planeta es…….. Saturno El séptimo planeta es…….. Urano El octavo planeta es…….. Neptuno El noveno planeta es…….. Plutón? Delivering Maths through Spanish C.- Introducing Maths CLIL through a cross-curricular topic. Be Healthy PAN Ingredientes: 250g de harina 1 x 5ml cuchara de sal 7g de levadura 1 x 5ml cuchara de azúcar 150ml agua templada Delivering Maths through Spanish Cross-curricular activity: Maths & Spanish & Drama Title: “Probabilidad en español, ¿por qué no?” Aim: Use the language associated with probability to create a short performance in Spanish . Cast: St. Cuthbert´s: Inalegwu & Miriam St. Sebastian´s: Toni & Kellam