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SYLLABUS Academic year: 2013/14 Subject identification and characteristics Code Spanish denomination English denomination Degree College Semester Module Subject matter 501619 7,5 ECTS Credits 501668 Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales: Didáctica Geografía Didactics of Social Sciences: Geography BA in Primary Education College of Education 4 Type Compulsory Didactic – disciplinary Social Sciences Teaching and Learning Faculty Name Office E-mail BA.- Francisco España Fuentes 2.12 (Grupos 2, 3 y 4) 10 BA.- Encarnación Masot Martínez 2.07 (G 1 ) CC.- Ana Mº Hernández Carretero (Grupos 1 y 2) CC.- Juan José Rodríguez Jiménez (Grupo 3) Knowledge area Department Teacher Coordinator 2.2-I Website Didactics of Social Sciences Didactics of Social Sciences, Language and Literature Francisco España Fuentes Basic and general competences CB1 - That students demonstrate knowledge and understanding in a field of study that builds upon general Secondary Education, and is typically at a level that, whilst supported by advanced textbooks, includes some aspects from the avant-garde of their field of study CB2 - That students can professionally apply their knowledge and understanding to their work or vocation and have competences typically demonstrated through devising and sustaining arguments and solving problems within their field of study CB3 - That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to inform judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues. CB4 - That students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences. CB5 - Que los estudiantes hayan desarrollado aquellas habilidades de aprendizaje necesarias para emprender estudios posteriores con un alto grado de autonomía CG1 - To be familiar with the interdisciplinary nature of Primary Education curricular areas, the assessment criteria and the body of didactic knowledge required for teaching and learning processes. CG2 – To design, plan and evaluate teaching and learning processes, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and staff at a school. CG4 - To design and regulating learning spaces in diverse contexts that respect gender equality and human rights, and that satisfy the values of citizen training CG8 - To maintain a critical and autonomous relationship with respect to knowledge, values, and public and private social institutions. CG9 - To value individual and collective responsibility in achieving a sustainable future. CG10 - To reflect on classroom practices to innovate and improve teaching. Acquiring habits and skills for cooperative and autonomous learning and promoting these values in students. CG11 – To know and apply information and communication technologies in the classroom. Selectively distinguish audiovisual information that contributes to learning, civic formation and cultural richness. Specific competences CE31 – To understand the basic principles of Social Sciences CE32 – To know the Social Sciences curriculum CE33 – To integrate historical and geographical studies from an instructive and cultural perspective CE34 – To promote citizens’ democratic education and critical thinking Fomentar la educación democrática de la ciudadanía y la práctica del pensamiento social crítico. CE35 – To appreciate the relevance of public and private institutions for the peaceful coexistence of people CE36 – To know about religious facts throughout history and their influence on culture CE37 - To develop and evaluate curriculum content through appropriate teaching resources and promote the students’ acquisition of competences related to Social Sciences Transversal competences CT1 – To be able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences. CT1.1 - To publicly present ideas, problems and solutions in a logically structured way, both orally and in writing, at a C1 level of Spanish, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. CT1.3 - To use ICT as an essential tool for intellectual work, information, learning and communication. CT1.4 - To manage and use social and interpersonal skills in the relationships with others and work cooperatively in multidisciplinary groups. CT2 - To be able to apply the necessary learning skills to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy. CT2.2 - To efficiently use a variety of resources, techniques and learning strategies to ensure autonomous, continuous and responsible lifelong learning CT2.3 - To update knowledge in the socio-educational field through research and to be able to analyze future trends CT2.4 - To maintain an innovative and creative attitude in the practice of their profession. CT3 - To acquire and demonstrate an ethical commitment as a professional, enhancing the idea of integral education, critical and responsible attitudes and ensuring effective equality of women and men, equal opportunities, universal accessibility for people with disabilities and the values of a culture of peace and democracy CT3.1 - To understand the evolving nature and plurality of current societies and develop attitudes of respect, tolerance and solidarity towards different social and cultural groups. CT3.2 – To understand and practice the values of democratic societies such as tolerance, solidarity, justice, non-violence, freedom, responsibility and equality, and in general, use value systems like the Declaration of the Rights of Man. CT3.3 - To be conscious of the right to equal treatment and opportunities for women and men, implementing and promoting measures to eliminate obstacles to the full and effective equality between them CT3.4 - To be aware of disabled people’s right to equal opportunities and implement measures to prevent or compensate for these people’s disadvantages to fully participate in the political, economic, cultural and social life CT3.5 - To promote and encourage the values of a culture of peace CT3.6 - To think critically and logically about the need to eliminate all forms of discrimination, direct or indirect, in particular racial, against women or derived from sexual orientation or disability Themes and contents Brief description of content Geography and teaching in Primary School Education. Geography curriculum. Learning and building geographic concepts. The educational value of Geography. Teaching strategies, methodology, materials and resources. Treatment and difficulties. Landscapes: from theory to teaching practice. Landscapes and physical space: the relationship between humanity and its environment, difficulties and teaching strategies. Human activities and cultural landscapes: perceptions, conceptions and teaching resources. Using new technologies. Evaluation and design of Geography teaching resources and materials Subject units Unit 1: Teaching Geographic Science in Primary School Contents: Didactics of Geography: the evolution of geographic thought. Knowledge of the natural, social and cultural environment. The educational value of Geography: aims and objectives. Unit 2: Contents of Geography in Primary School: landscapes and physical environment Contents: The Earth, stage of human life. Analysis of the elements of the physical environment. Man's relationship with the physical environment. The great "Natural" landscapes. Compilation of physical environment contents: issues and challenges of the teaching process. Introduction to observation, quantification, description and classification techniques applied to the study of the Physical Environment. Unit 3: Representation of geographic space Contents: Development of spatial concepts in children. Spatial representations: models, plans and maps. Teaching mapping skills. The use of cartographic material in the classroom. New technologies in the process of teaching how to think about the space. Unit 4: Contents of Geography in Primary School: space as a human creation, cultural landscapes Contents: The occupation of space by mankind: evolution and dynamics. Current population: evolution, distribution and structure. Economic space: manufacturing sectors, spatial division, globalization, unequal development. Inhabited space: evolution and trends. The urban space: evolution and problems. Learning and teaching resources for the study of the humanized landscape. Unit 5: Strategies for teaching and learning Geography Contents: Evolution of spatial concepts learning processes in Primary School. Interactive methods and methodological innovation for space teaching and learning. Materials, resources and methodological guidance. Geography learning difficulties. Training activities Student working hours per unit Attendance Monitoring Autonomous Unit Total LG SL ST PS 1 21 4 2 15 2 33 8 3 22 3 34 10 2 22 4 34 9 3 22 5 26 5 5 16 2 36 15 97 Global evaluation LG: Large group (100 students). SL: Seminar/Laboratory (hospital internship = 7 students; laboratory or field internship = 15; language laboratory or ICT room internship = 30, problem classrooms, seminars or case studies = 40). ST: Scheduled Tutorial (teacher monitoring, ECTS tutorials). PS: Personal study, individual or team projects and readings from bibliography Evaluation system - Training activities for the presentation of skills and procedures obtained from individual work by the student will be assessed through a written test (70% of total score). This test will assess students’ knowledge and expertise. - Training activities carried out and submitted by the student during the development of the course (attendance to seminars and individual or collaborative activities and projects) will be subject to continuous assessment and unrecoverable both in ordinary and extraordinary calls. This evaluation, according to the competences related to each training activity, will consider the attendance to classes and seminars, submission of written documents (practices, essays, reports or presentation summaries) and oral presentations (30% of total score). In any case, it is necessary to obtain at least 50% of the written test grade to pass the subject Grading system: • The current grading system will be applied each time, now, the one in the RD 1125/2003, article 5. • The results obtained by the student in each of the subjects of the curriculum will be graded according to a numerical scale from 0 to 10, with one decimal, which may be added the corresponding qualitative rating: 0 4.9 : D grade, 5.0 to 6.9: C grade, 7.0 to 8.9: B grade, 9.0 to 10: A grade. The mention “with distinction” may be awarded to students who have achieved a score equal to or above 9.0. Its number will not exceed 5% of the students enrolled in a course in the corresponding academic year, unless the number of students enrolled is less than 20, in which case there would only be one mention. Assessment criteria: 1.- Clarity, rigour and accuracy in the conceptual and procedural matters related to Geography 2.- Accuracy and creativity with respect to knowledge and application of one’s own teaching methodologies of Geography in Primary School. 3.- Command of the geographical location principle present in all thematic blocks. 4.- Scientific rigour, effort and creativity in presentations, papers, written tests or interventions. 5.- Good command of written and oral expression 6.- Attendance Bibliography and other resources Basic bibliography: ABELLAN, A.; FERNÁNDEZ MAYORALAS, G.; RODRIGUEZ, V. y ROJO, F. (1991): La población del Mundo. Editorial Síntesis. AGUILERA ARILLA. Mª JOSE Y OTRAS/O.( 1999) Geografía General I y II( Gª Fisica y Humana). Ed. UNED.. AGUILERA ARILLA. Mª JOSE y OTRAS/O.( 1999) Ejercicios prácticos de Gª Fisica. Ed. UNED AZCÁRATE LUXÁN, B. Y OTROS (2009) Grandes espacios geográficos. UNED. Madrid.Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación, BOE 4 de mayo. AA.VV., (2003). Introducción a la Geografía. Ed. Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces. Madrid. AA.VV., (2011).Didáctica del Conocimiento del Medio Social y Cultural en la Educación Primaria”.Sintexis.Madrid. BALE, J. (1989).Didáctica de la Geografía en la Escuela Primaria. Morata. Madrid. BAILEY, P. (1983): Didáctica de la Geografía. Cincel. Madrid. BENEJAM, P. Y OTROS (2002). Las Ciencias Sociales: Concepciones y procedimientos. Graó. Barcelona. CALAF MASACHS, R Y OTROS (1997).Aprender a enseñar Geografía. Oikos-Tau. Barcelona. COMES SOLÉ, P.; LABARIAS VICENTE, R. Y DE LA CRUZ MONTERO, E.: Los croquis. Íber, Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia [Versión electrónica]. Núm. 13, 1997. DELGADO, C. y ALBACETE, C. (1996).Conocimiento del medio social y cultural. ICE. Universidad de Murcia FRIERA SUAREZ, Florencio (1995).Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales. Ed. de la Torre. Madrid. GARCÍA RUIZ, A. L (2003).El conocimiento del medio y su enseñanza práctica en la formación del profesorado de educación primaria. Natívola. Granada. GARCÍA RUIZ, C. et al. (2005). Enseñar Ciencias Sociales en una sociedad multicultural. Una mirada desde el Mediterráneo. Nativola. Granada GARCÍA RUIZ, A. L Y JIMÉNEZ LOPEZ, J. A. (2006) Los principios científicosdidácticos: Nuevo modelo para la enseñanza de la Geografía y de la Historia. EUG. Granada. GALINDO, RAMIREZ Y RODRIGUEZ.El conocimiento del medio en la educación Primaria. Koine. Toledo. GEORGE PIERRE.( 1974) Geografía Urbana. Ed. Ariel Colección La geografía y sus problemas. HERNÀNDEZ, F.X.Y CARDONA, G. ( 2011): Cartografía y concepto de espacio. Aula de didáctica. Íber Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia, núm. 67, enero 2011. HERNÁNDEZ CARDONA, F.X. (2007): Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, geografía e historia. Editorial Graó. Barcelona. JOAN PAGÉS(1994). La didáctica de las ciencias sociales, el currículum y la formación del profesorado. Signos, Teoría y Práctica de la Educación. Año 5 – núm. 13- Octubrediciembre. LICERAS RUIZ, A.(2000).Tratamiento de las dificultades de aprendizaje en CienciasSociales.GEU. Granada. LICERAS RUIZ, A. (2003).Observar e interpretar el paisaje. Estrategias didácticas. GEU. Granada. MOLINERO HERNANDO, F. (2006): La evolución de la agricultura en España: tradición, modernización y perspectivas. En Norba, revista de Geografía. Nº. XI. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Extremadura. PUYOL Rafael/ ESTEBANEZ, José / MENDEZ, Ricardo (1992). Geografía Humana. Ed Cátedra PRATS, JOAQUIN ( Coord.).(2011) Didáctica de la geografía y la historia. Grao. Barcelona. REQUES VELASCO, P. (2011). El Factor D. Los nuevos retos demográficos de la España actual. Ed. Cinco Días. REVISTA IBER: Migraciones y exilios. Nº. 62. RODRÍGUEZ LESTEGÁS, F.( 2002): Concebir la Geografía Escolar desde una Nueva Perspectiva: una Disciplina al servicio de la Cultura Escolar. Boletín de la A.G.E. N.º 33 –. SOUTO GONZALEZ, X.M. (1998).Didáctica de la geografía. Ed. del Serbal. Barcelona. - Geografía y Ciudadanía. Espacio Público Educativo y Geografía Escolar: Los Retos para una Formación Ciudadana. TREPAT C.A. y COMES, P. (2002): El tiempo y el espacio en la didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales. Ed. Graó. Barcelona. TURIEL y otros (1989): El mundo social en la mente infantil. Alianza. Madrid. SÁNCHEZ BARRICARTE, J. J (2008): El crecimiento de la población mundial. Implicaciones socioeconómicas, ecológicas y éticas. Tirant lo Blanch. Valencia. VILARRASA y COLOMBO (1988): Mediodía. Ejercicios de Exploración y representación del espacio. Grao. Barcelona. VARIOS (1997).Problemas eco-geográficos y didáctica del medio. NauLLibres, Valencia. Webgraphy: Office hours Scheduled tutorials: Free access tutorials: Recommendations