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INTRODUCTION TO SPANISH STUDENT NAME: MS. ANDERSON UNIT 8 – BODY PARTS BENCHMARK 10 MARCH 1-8 UNIT 8 FLASHCARDS DUE: TUES. MARCH 1 UNIT 8 EXAM: Student-Friendly Learning Target Statements Knowledge Targets “What I need to know!” I can identify/translate the following Spanish terms about body parts: La cabeza El cabello La cara La frente Los ojos Las cejas Las pestañas La nariz La boca Los labios La lengua Los dientes La mejilla La oreja El cuello El hombro El brazo El músculo El corazón El codo La muñeca La mano* Los dedos La uña El pecho El estómago La espalda Los pompas La pierna La rodilla El tobillo El pie/ los pies Los dedos del pie I know the meaning of the verb “doler”. I know the meaning of the cuántos(as) and yo tengo Reasoning Targets “What I can do with what I know.” I can determine when to use me duele or me duelen. I can determine the gender of nouns and corresponding adjectives. Skill Targets “What I can demonstrate.” I I I I I Product Targets “What I can make to show my learning.” can can can can can ask someone what hurts. tell someone what body part(s) hurt(s) using the verb “doler”. describe body parts using adjectives identify and label body parts in Spanish. demonstrate mastery of body parts and doler in the form of a quiz. TUES. MARCH 8 INTRODUCTION TO SPANISH MS. ANDERSON STUDENT NAME: