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Filloy E, Puig L, Rojano T. 2011. Intertextuality in Algebra. Empirical evidence concerning the solution of word problems and of linear equations systems. Proceedings of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Figueras O, Filloy E, Ojeda AM, Rojano T, Zubieta G. 2011. Matemáticas 1. Libro de texto. Figueras O, Filloy E, Ojeda AM, Rojano T, Zubieta G. 2011. Matemáticas 2. Libro de texto. Figueras O, Filloy E, Ojeda AM, Rojano T, Zubieta G. 2011. Matemáticas 3. Libro de texto. Filloy E, Rojano T, Puig L. 2010. Of the Arithmetic-Algebraic Nature of Word Problems and of Solution Strategies. North American Chapter of the International Group for the Pscyhology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA XXXII). VI:234-242. Filloy E, Rojano T, Solares A. 2010. Problems Dealing With Unknown Quantities and Two Different Levels of Representing Unknowns. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. 41(1):55-80. Rojano T, Filloy E, Solares A. 2008. Cognitive Tendencies and Generating Meaning in the Acquisition of Algebraic Substitution and Comparision Methods. In Figueras, O & Sepúlveda, A. (Eds). Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the 32nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, and the XX North American Chapter. Morelia, Michoacán, México: PME.. Filloy E, Rojano T, Puig L. 2008. Educational Algebra. A Theoretical and Empirical Approach. Filloy E, Puig L, Rojano T. 2008. El estudio teórico-local del desarrollo de competencias algebraicas. Enseñanza de las Ciencias. 24(5):327-342. Filloy E, Rojano T. 2007. Sentido (lógico) Numérico y Resolución de Problemas Aritmético-Algebraicos. Investigaciones en Educación Matemática: Pensamiento Numérico. (E. Castro y J.L. Lupiáñez, Eds.) . :303-324. Filloy E, Rojano T, Solares A. 2004. Dicdactic Cuts and Sense Generation In Algebra and Geometry. Psychology of Mathematics Education, Australia. Filloy E, Rojano T. 2004. Preálgebra y Resolución de Ecuaciones. Filloy E, Rojano T. 2004. Resolución de Problemas Aritmético.Algebraico. Filloy E, Hitt F, C.Imaz, Rivera A, Rojano T, Ursini S. 2003. Matemática Educativa: Aspectos de la investigación actual.. Filloy E, Rojano T, Solares A. 2003. Two Meanings of the "Equal" Sign and Senses of Comparison and Substitution Methods. Psychology of Mathematics Education, USA 4, 223-2310.. Filloy E, Rojano T, Solares A. 2002. Cognitive tendencies and the interaction between semantics and algebraic syntax in the production of syntactic errors. Psychology of Mathematics Education, Inglaterra. 4 129-136.. Filloy E, Rojano T. 2001. Álgebra. :1044. Filloy E, Rojano T, Rubio G. 2001. Propositions Concerning the Resolution of Arithmetical-Algebraic problems. Perspectives on School Algebra. :218-222. Filloy E, Rojano T. 1999. Procesos de abstracción en el aprendizaje del álgebra. Aspectos Teóricos del Álgebra Educativa. :79-110. Filloy E, Rojano T. 1999. Tendencias cognitivas y procesos de abstracción en el aprendizaje del álgebra y la geometría. Aspectos Teóricos del Álgebra Educativa. Filloy E, Rojano T. 1989. Cursos para profesores basados en investigaciones recientes sobre didáctica del álgebra. Primer Simposio Internacional sobre Investigación en Educación Matemática. 3 Filloy E, Rojano T. 1989. Solving Equations: The transition from Arithetic to Algebra. For the Learning of Mathematics, 9 (2), 12-25.. Filloy E, Rojano T. 1989. Solving Equations: The transition from Arithetic to Algebra.. For the Learning of Mathematics. 9(2):19-25. Filloy E, Rojano T. 1988. Procesos de abstracción en el aprendizaje del Algebra. Cuadernos de Investigación. 2(4) Filloy E, Rojano T. 1985. Operating the unknown and models of teaching (a clinical study with 12-13 year olds with a high proficiency in pre-algebra). North American Chapter of the International Psychology of Mathematics Education,. 2:75-79. Rojano T, Filloy E. 1984. From an arithmetical to an algebraic thought (A clinical study with 12-13 year olds). North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education1. 1:51-56. Filloy E, Rojano T. 1984. La aparición del lenguaje aritmético-algebraico. L' Educazione Matematica, Italia, V: 278-306..