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INDIVIDUAL PAPER AND INDIVIDUAL POSTER: ABSTRACT SUBMISSION FORM (C) XIIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology Submission Deadline: December 1, 2004 Please indicate what type of abstract you are submitting by putting an “X” on the appropriate line __ Individual Paper __x_ Individual Poster Max. 200 words. Font: Times New Roman, 12 points. Please send your abstract by e-mail or regular mail. Title of the individual Paper/ Poster:A STUDY ON LEXICAL AVAILABILITY OF PARKINSON PATIENTS Name(s): M. Pilar Fernández Fernández; Carmen Díaz Rodriguez; Sonia Address of Institution(s): EUFP-Lugo- Avda. Ramón Ferreiro, s/n. 27002 Lugo Tel:982285864 Fax: 982285864 Muras Matalobos. E-mail: AUTHORS: Pilar Fernández Fernández (Profesora Titular del Dpto de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela); Carmen Díaz Rodriguez (Profesora Titular del Dpto de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela); Sonia Muras Matalobos (Profesora Lectora del Dpto de Lingüística y Filología Inglesa. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela). ABSTRACT: Parkinson as a neurodegenerative sickness implies a gradual loss of the individual´s functions. This way the sickness progression can cause a deterioration of the cognitive and the linguistic dimentions of many of the patients, though the central problem is how patients show disfunctional signs in the neuromotor control. This study will center on the exploration of the linguistic dimention, and the reduction on the lexical availability by showing how the avance of the sickness affects on it . We considered the labor done on the semantic categories as one of most productive means to study the conceptual development. In this sense we evaluate the level of the lexical competence of the patients by means of the “dispolex” questionaire. This analisys will be done on a sample of 20 patients (10 in stage I of the sickness, and 10 in stage III of the sickness). The two groups of the patients belong to the same homogeneous sociodemographic variables. The detailed results will be proven by a comparative study of both groups, showing the loss of lexical competence in the group of patients in the third stage of the sickness. KEY WORDS: parkinson, lexical availability, linguistic development. SUBMITTED FORM: POSTER. CONFERENCE TOPIC: Language and communication development.