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Running head: IMPLICIT ASSOCIATIONS IN GENDER STEREOTYPING What automatic associations prevail? Congruency and reverse priming effects on implicit gender stereotyping1 ¿Qué asociaciones automáticas prevalecen? Efectos de priming de congruencia e inverso en estereotipia de género implícita M. Rosario Castillo-Mayéna* and Beatriz Montes-Bergesb a Ph. D. in Psychology. Centro de Psicología Humanista (Córdoba, Spain). b Ph. D. in Psychology. Universidad de Jaén (Jaén, Spain). * Corresponding author: Centro de Psicología Humanista. C/ Yeso, 2, 14002, Córdoba, Spain. Tel.: +34 647643278. E-mail address: AUTHOR´S NOTE This manuscript derives from the doctoral dissertation of the first author, which was supervised by the second author. 1 Acknowledgments: The authors wish to thank Ms. Hyatt Masry for the English revision of the manuscript.