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4.1.1 Simple Past Verb Tense
In Text 1 below, the subjects are highlighted in yellow and the verbs in green. Look at
the activities suggested in 4.1
Ernest Rutherford
Ernest Rutherford was born on August 30, 1871, at Spring Grove, N.Z. He was
a New Zealand-born British physicist.
After studies at Canterbury College, he moved to Britain to attend Cambridge
University, where he worked with J.J. Thomson at the Cavendish Laboratory.
He would later teach at McGill University in Montreal (1898-1907) and the
Victoria University of Manchester (1907-19) before becoming (HE BECAME)
chair of the Cavendish Laboratory (from 1919). At the laboratory in the years
1895-97, he discovered and (HE) named two types of radioactivity, alpha
decay and beta decay. He later identified the alpha particle as a helium atom
and (HE) used it in postulating the existence of the atomic nucleus.
With Frederick
Soddy, he
of radioactivity (1902). In 1919 he became the first person to disintegrate an
element artificially, and in 1920 he hypothesized the existence of the neutron.
His work contributed greatly to understanding the disintegration and
transmutation of radioactive elements and (HIS WORK) became fundamental
to much of 20th-century physics. In 1908 he was awarded the Nobel Prize. He
was knighted in 1914 and (HE WAS) ennobled in 1931.
Element 104, rutherfordium, was named in his honour. Rutherford died on
October 19, 1937, in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England.
Adapted from:
Actividad 4.1 Pair Work
1. Which is/are the most frequent subject/s in biographical recounts (¿Cuál/es
es/son el o los sujetos más frecuentes en los relatos biográficos?)
2. In which tense are most of the verbs? (¿En qué tiempo está la mayoría de los
verbos?) ...............................................
3. Which is the most frequent form of the verbs used? (¿Cuál es la forma del verbo
más usada para conjugar dicho tiempo de verbo?)
a) El Relato Biográfico generalmente utiliza como sujetos el nombre específico de la persona
involucrada en la biografía o el pronombre personal que lo reemplaza.
b) Por tratarse generalmente del relato de hechos pasados o bien por tratarse del relato de
la vida de una persona que ya no existe, los verbos que se utilizan en el Relato Biográfico
están en tiempo Pasado Simple (Sujeto + Preterit). Puede haber verbos en Presente
Simple (Sujeto + Forma Simple o Infinitivo) , y también en Presente Perfecto (have/has +
Participio Pasado) cuando se relacionan hechos del pasado con la actualidad, sobre todo
en los párrafos finales.
Past Simple Tense
c) La forma afirmativa del Pasado Simple es:
Sujeto + Preterit
Ejemplo 1:
discovered two types of radioactivity
(Verbo Regular)
Ejemplo 2: In 1919,he
became the first person to disintegrate ... (Verbo Irregular)
WHO discovered two types of radioactivity?
Muchos verbos en inglés tienen su forma Preterit terminada en -ed (Verbos Regulares).
Sin embargo, hay muchos verbos cuyo Preterit no termina en -ed (Verbos Irregulares)
Forma Interrogativa:
DID + Sujeto + Infinitivo?
1) Did
discover two types of radioactivity? Yes, he did/ No, he didn't
2) Did
become the first person to disintegrate...?
Forma Negativa:
Sujeto + did not (didn't) + Infinitivo
1) He did not discover three types of radioactivity
2) He did not become the first person to disintegrate...?
d) El relato biográfico utiliza muchos verbos de acción en los que el Actor (Sujeto) es el
personaje a quien se le dedica la biografía.
e) Un verbo que aparece también con frecuencia es el pasado de BE: Ser-Estar, en sus
forma Singular y Plural (was – were)
f) Si "was"-"were" están seguidos de un Participio Pasado, ambos verbos
forman un verbo Pasivo (Ver Apunte: Voz Pasiva).
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