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Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Centro Concertado C/ Beata Piedad de la Cruz,12- Alcantarilla 30820 (Murcia) Tfno:968894617 Fax<.968806329 Salesianas del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús CONTENIDOS MÍNIMOS REFERENTES A EL ÀREA DE INGLÉS PARA EL CURSO 1ºE.S.O. - To Be: affirmative, negative and questions - Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives. - Questions words. - Interrogative pronouns - Comparative adjectives - There is / There are / - Can and Must - Have got - Present Simple: affirmative, negative and questions.Short answer. - Present Continuous:affirmative,negative and questions - Countable and uncountable nouns. Some, any, much, many and a lot of. - Past simple:regular and irregular verbs:affirmative, negative and questions. - Past simple verb to be. - Be going to.affirmative, negative and questions. - Present continuous for future arrangements. - Imperatives Se aconseja realizar las actividades del cuadernillo “Holiday English” Oxford, 1ºE.S.O. para la práctica de dichos contenidos mínimos.