ÇAĞ UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 2014-2015 FALL SEMESTER FLS 101 SPANISH I 10 8 6 4 2 0 8 4 0 0 NA FF 7 7 6 5 5 0 FD DD DC CC CB BB BA AA Code Course Title Credit ECTS FLS 101 3 SPANISH 1 3 (3-0-0) Prerequisites None Language of Instruction Mode of Delivery Face to face Spanish Type and Level of Course Second foreign language ( compulsory selective subject) / undergraduate Lecturers Name(s) Contacts Lecture Hours Office Hours Course Coordinator Öğr. Gör. JON GÓMEZ Thur 9.10 Thur. 14.30 - 16.30 12.10 Course Objective This is an introduction course to find the basics in written and spoken Spanish. This course aims to develop students' Spanish as a foreign language in general. More specifically, it aims to teach students Spanish language knowledge of grammar and vocabulary in interesting and up-to-date contexts, to improve students’ receptive (reading and listening) skills by the help of the texts and audio scripts from the text book and from the related sources, to enable students to produce the previously learned language in related situations both in the form of speaking and writing. Relationship Students who have completed the course successfully should be able to Net Effect Prog. Output 5 1 comprehend familiar topics when someone speaks very slowly 8 5 2 realize familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases 8 5 3 recognize questions about personal details 8 5 4 comprehend simple directions 8 5 5 write short simple notes 8 Course Description:The course includes exercises in the four basic language abilities (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) as well as on grammar and vocabulary topics. Since practicing is essential for the learning of a foreign language, repeating of topics and additional exercises are highly recommended. Course Contents:( Weekly Lecture Plan ) Weeks Topics Preparation 1 Saludos y presentaciones Workbook activities plenary conversation, listening, reading 2 El alfabeto español Workbook activities elicitation of grammar and vocabulary 3 Unas palabras nuevas y los artículos Workbook activities Listening, writing, speaking, determinados exercises, elicitation of grammar and vocabulary 4 Los artículos indeterminados Workbook activities Elicitation of grammar and vocabulary 5 Los pronombres personales Workbook activities Elicitation of grammar and vocabulary 6 El verbo SER Workbook activities Elicitation of grammar and vocabulary 7 Practicar el verbo Ser, profesiones y Workbook activities Elicitation nacionalidades Exercises 8 Hacer frases afirmativas y negativas y Workbook activities plenary conversation, preguntar con el verbo SER elicitation of grammar and vocabulary 9 Los artículos demostrativos y los números del Workbook activities individual & group activities, listening 1 al 10 10 Los pronombres demostrativos Workbook activities Elicitation of grammar, vocabulary and exercises 11 Los artículos posesivos y los pronombres Workbook activities Listening,writing, speaking,reading, posesivos exercises, elicitation of grammar and vocabulary 12 Los verbos regulares que terminan en -Ar, los Workbook activities Elicitation of grammar, vocabulary numeros del 10 al 20 and exercises 13 Los verbos que terminan en -Er Workbook activities Elicitation of grammar vocabulary, exercises, writing, role plays and games 14 Los verbos que terminan en -Ir y revisión de Workbook activities Elicitation of grammar vocabulary, los verbos regulares exercises, writing, role plays and games REFERENCES Textbook EDELSA – ESPANOL LENGUA EXTRANJERA NUEVO VEN – 1 ISBN 84-7711-832-9 Learnin g Outcom es of the Course Related links Recommended Reading Material Sharing Activities Midterm Exam Research Homework Effect of The Activities Effect of The Final Exam ESPANOL 2000, NIVEL INICIAL (LIBRO DEL ALUMNO), SGEL, MADRID, CUMBRE SGEL- ISBN 84-7143-511-X, SPANISH GRAMMER-HILL PUBLISHING COMPANY, ISBN 0-07-0554-37-4 Worksheets Number 1 1 1 ASSESSMENT METHODS Effect 30% 5% 5% 40% 60% Notes Contents Hours in Classroom Hours out Classroom Homeworks Research Midterm Exam Final Exam ECTS TABLE Number 14 8 1 1 1 1 Hours 3 3 1 2 10 11 Total Total / 30 ECTS Credit RECENT PERFORMANCE Total 42 24 1 2 10 11 90 =90/30= 3