ACTIVIDADES DE APOYO PARA LA SUPERACION DE LAS EVALUACIONES FINALES Nombre: Profesor: ELKIN MOLINA Porcentaje: Grado: 4° Fecha: Nota: 3. Complete the name of the SEASONS with the missing letter of the alphabet Match. A. S-____ - ____ - M - ____ - R B. A-____ - T - U - ____ C. ____ - I - N - ____ - E – R D. ____ - P - R - I - ____ - ____ 1. The books are between 2. The computer is 3. The letters are computer. 4. The newspaper is a. the books and the mouse. b. on the couch. c. next to the to the comic book. El alfabeto en Ingles es igual al del Español en su escritura, sin embargo tiene una pronunciación diferente de cada una de las letras. 1. Numbers Write the number in letters A. 13: __________________________ B. 3 : __________________________ C. 7: __________________________ D. 8: __________________________ E. 18: __________________________ F. 10: __________________________ G. 5: __________________________ H. 15: __________________________ I. 20: __________________________ J. 12: __________________________ 2. El número aparece en letras, escríbelo en números. A. B. C. D. E. One: ________________________ Nine: ________________________ Fourteen: _______________________ Twelve: ________________________ Six: ________________________ 4. Spell = Deletrea W-A-S-H-I-N-G-T-O-N ______________________________ B-A-C-K-P-A-C-K ______________________________ B-L-U-E ______________________________ B-R-O-W-N ______________________________ T-H-I-R-T-E-E-N ______________________________ T-W-E-N-T-Y ______________________________ 5. Complete the missing days of the week. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. MONDAY ______________________________ WEDNESDAY ______________________________ ______________________________ SATURDAY ______________________________ 6. Months of the year = Meses del año Complete A. JANUARY B. ______________________________ C. ______________________________ D. ______________________________ E. MAY F. ______________________________ G. JULY H. ______________________________ I. SEPTEMBER J. OCTOBER K. NOVEMBER L. ______________________________